The Exeter Times, 1888-4-19, Page 5DISTAICT DOINGS.
Oceurrauces of the Past week Through-
• out the areeehborhood la a Concise
The Spring Assizes open at Goderich
on the 3001 inst., John King, Q. 0. of
Berlin will conduct the crown business.
EXeiee returns for March show a total
revenue from this source of $479,149,
against $539,467 for the same •month
last year.
According to the auditors report; the
total receipts of the township of Full-
arton for 1887 were $19,301.93, and
the expenditufe8 019.034.4; 'leaving a
balabce on hand of $07.51.
Eveiest's Cough Syrup ia the best
in Otte country. --Duncan Pursell, For-
est One.
Rev. A. •McGillivray, who for the
past seventeen years and a half has
labored with Godench Grelic mission
station, has tenclred his resignation to
the Presbytery, The station is now
One Patrick Gallagher, of Goderich,
charged by Inspector Cavan with run-
ning an illicit still, was tried before
Mayor Seager and Horton J. Ps; on
Monday of last week, and was found
guilty, he as sentenced to pay a fine
of $100 and serve a month in jail,
Stratford is going to have street
railway. It will be St Marys turn
next. -St.Marys Journal. St.Marys
Will have the advantage of other places
in the matter of street railway. The
car can be started at one end and will
run to the other without the aid of
either horses or electricity. It is
convenient in some instances to have
mountainous hills.
Everest's Extract of Wild Black-
berry never fails to cure for diarrohea,
dysentry, &o, --the statements of scores
who have tried it. 25 cts. a bottle,
for sale by all druggists.
The other day a young son of Mr.
Fletcher McCartney, of the Maitland,
Goderich Fownship, met with a very
painful and serious accident. Thb
child is about two years ot age, and
was playing beside a glass door, when
the wind forcibly closed it; breaking
the glass, a piece of which cut one eye
almost entirely out, and injured the
Spring! Spring! Spring!
Boils! Boils! Boils!
The best Blood Purifier and Tonic is
Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters. The
People's Remedy. Large bottles 50os.
4`sfacrosse club, the Hurons of God-
erih reorganized and elected
the following officers for the ensuing
year: Honorary president, Robert
Porter, M.P. honorary vtce-president,
J.T. GarroW; president, R.S. Williams;
vice-president, George Drummond;
•seecretary, J. Reid; treasurer, J. A.
atson; captain, J. MacMahon.
Dr. John Campbell, of Seaforth,
•while at Chicago the other day, on his
way to British Columbia, was garrotted
• by three men, named Anderson. Mines
• and Considine; and robbed of his
pocketbook, containing $65 in money,
which was subsequently found in Con -
‘ss, sieine's pocket. The crooks are well-
known to the Detroit police, and have
been held for examination.
Near Kincardine on Monday ev-
ening last. William MeMenemy died
after a few hour's illness. On the pre-
ceding Friday be was pruning apple
trees, and while standing on:a limb it
broke. Be did not fall, but sustained
a severe wrench which caused internal
injuries and ultiniately death. • De-
ceased was an old settler, and had
lived on his homestead on the South
Line for over 30 years.
The Bruce Herald says :- The Rev.
Mr. Stonehouse, the Methodist minis-
ter near London, who recentlytumped
his bail and skipped to the land of the
free, formerly resided in this neigh-
borhood. He was a noted horse trader
and an eloquentlipreacher. A resident
of Eden Groove once 'istureped" him
for a trade on Sunday. It was a sore
temptation; but as there were several
people within hearing the Rev. gentle-
man was reluctantly compelled to de-
On Saturday roorning last at 2 a. m.
the fine brick residence of John Mur -
kook, of Auburn, was completely des-
troyed by fire. The flames originated
where the furnace pipe came in con-
tact with the roof. The family of Rev
Thomas Gee, who occupied a part of
the house, first discovered the fire and
gave the alarm', Their effects being
principally on the upper flat, a large
part of the clothing, furniture and all
his fine library were destroyed. The
house was insured for $500. Mr. Mur -
dock's loss over and above the insur-
ance is fully $1000. FAT.
Are you not going to use a blood
purifier this Spring? If so, remember
that Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters is
one of the best known. Large bottles
50 cents.
The charge preferred by Constable
Bawden; of Lucan, against Constable
Butler (colored), of the same place,
came before Judge Elliot and a bench
of magistrates Saturday. The charges
were that Butler frequented a disorder
ly house and had taken a revolver
train a man and kept it. Butler was
'htnorably acquittedand an order
• directed to be placed on the books
tbatin future persons making charges
against constables should pay the
costs In case of failure. Squire Pat-
rick complained that no costs were
paid wits eases in Scott Act cases when
the charges were not sustained. The
Judge said this was a matter within
the discretion of the Police Magistrate
ahri they could do nothing.
Ludes/oar, April 14, -The 10.30 train
Friday night ran into a team and rig
at the "Grange crossing" about three
miles from here, ennobling the "Wagon
tb pieces end killing both hones, the
Whole outfit being Worth about $400,
The train backed up and a search
Made, but the driver could not be
foutici, There is a Mystery about how
the eocident happened. The owner is
John McIseed, of Huron, arid the stip.
positioe is that ott aecount of the dark,
ness the team get away front hint by
sts some means and he lost hia way, as he
titrned tip next morning about six.
miles Wm the Sent or the accident.
He cab give tie tiOcotint hew lt happen_
The Manitoba Grain 13100kade.
Mr. James Parkip, the well-known
"drummer" for Jas. Turner dr Co , whole-
sale gropers, of Hamilton,ihas just return-
ed from an extended trip n the Northwest
in the interests of his firm. He reports
business generally quiet, as is to be ex -
melted at this Beeson of the squirt but all
look forward to a geed spring and summer
trade. Mr. Parkyn, who has had twenty-
three years' experience in the trade, says
it is marvellous the way Canadian Paeifio
railway has handled so much of last
season's grain crop considering all the
difficulties the company have had to con-
tend with. The great cease of the delay
in getting oars through is the unusually
heavy snow falls this winter north of Lake
Superior. For some 900 miles along the
railway the snow is fron2 four to six feet
deep on the level and the oldest inhabi-
tants' declare that they have not seen the
like for twelve years. Another cause of
complaint is the failure of the grain dealers.
to provide storage at the 'various stations
where they purchase so as to take proper
care of the grain as it is brought to market
At one station alone, where there are no
elevators, the Canadian Pacific railway has
this winter provided ears for nearly 750,000
bushels of grain. In the early days of the
Grand Trunk Mr. Parkyn states that
there was one winter when the grain
dealers frotn St. Marys to Sarnia were two
months without oars. Mr. Parkyn hits
the mark when he states the trouble is
that Providence sent a larger crop than
either the farmer, grain -dealer or Canadian
Pacific railway expected or were prepared
it -ewe -4
To remedy tux evil the cause must be
removed. It is by opening the °logged
avenueB of the system and thus removing
the impure and poisonous and worn out
matter which is the cause of disease that
B.B.B. is so uniformly successful in over-
coming all diseases of the stomach, liver,
kidney and blood.
Henry Hume, Esq., one of the Dominion
Arbitrators, has been promoted to the
office of Referee of the Exchequer Court of
Canada, one of the highest courts in the
Croup is a disease which strikes quickly
and severely. To be prepared for this
dangerous disease a bottle of Hagyard's
Yellow Oil should be kept in the house, it is
a prompt end sure remedy.
W. C. Edwards ex -M. P., will be tne Grit
candidate in Russell.
The four cardinal points of health are
the stomach, the liver, the kidneys and
blood, any failure of their action brings
diseaee and derangement to the whole
system. Regulate their condition with
Burdock Blood Bitters to secure perfect
The new quadruple press of the New
York World prints the largest number of
papers per hour yet attained in printing
press manufacture, nearly 70,000.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills are suited to every
age. They are mild and pleasant in action,
thorough and searching in effect, and, being
sugar.00ated, are easy to take, These pills
never fail to give satisfaction.
The Marine Department has been notified
of the accidental destruction by fire on the
10th ult., of the lighthouse on Swamp Island
Lake Winnipeg.
Btoostruires, Carleton Co., N. B.,
May 7th, 1887.
I wish to inform you that I have been a
sufferer from catarrh for a long time and
have continually tried so called remedies
and oatarrh cures, bat all to no purpose.
At laet I heard of Nasal Balm and was
induced to try that. To ray astonishment
I founcl relief from first application, and
now after two weeks use feel myself perfect-
ly and thoroeghly cured.
Yours 'Truly,
General Merchant.
Oscar McDonell, editor of Le Canadian,
of Ottawa, has been asked to run as French
Conservative candidate in Russell at the
corning election there.
of your health. Ilse pure articles in ore.
paring your food. Imperial Cream Tartar
Baking Powder contains no smpurities or
adulterants. All grocers sell it.
The Exeoutiye Committee of the Book-
sellers Association will petition the Govern-
ment to remove the recently imposed ob-
noions duties on English magazines con-
taining faehion plates.
A. perfectly sound body and a mind un-
impaired are possible only with nure blood.
Leading medicine authorities indorse Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, as the best blood purifying
medicine in existence. It vastly increases
the working and productive powers of both
band and brain.
Rev. F.P. Rayne], s, T., of Montreal, died
very suddenly Friday forenoon. He said
his mass at six o'clock in the morning.
Mr. G. H. Vought, of Peterboro, Ont.,
says that his friends can testify to his being
cured of indigestion, constipation and tor-
pid liver by using two and a half bottles of
B.B.B. "It moms to act like magic, and
I heartily recommend it" are the closing
words of his letter.
The traffic returns of the G. T. R. do.
for hist week have decreased $28,244. Last
year they amounted to 3358,435 ; for Kane
periori this yettr, 340,191.
qrs. John Neelands, writing from the
Methodist Parsonage, Adelaide, Ont., says,
"I have used Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam
for years in our family. For heavy colds,
sore throats, and distressing coughs no
other medicine so soon relieves."
Mr. Wm. McLeod, at the last meet-
ing of Linen Council, was appointed
tax collector for 3888, ftt a salary of $25.
There is no doubt that Hagyard's Yellow
Oil is the hest remedy for sprain, bruises,
sore throat. colds, rheumatism, croup and
all aches, pains, lameness and sorenees.
It is need externally and internally, and
should always be kept in the house.
Mr. P.A. Harding has sold lot 34,
con 2, McGillivray, to Mr, Robe Leach
of the same township, for $6,500.
Chronic Coughs and Colds
And ell Diseases of the Threat and Longs
can be cured by the Me of Scott's Emelsion
.as it containe tbe healing virtees of Cod
Liver Oil and Hypophosphites in their
fullest form, See what W, S. Muer, M. D.
L. R, 0. P. etc., Truro, N. S., awe "After
threli years' experience I eonsider Scott's
Etnnlsion oneof the very best in the market.
'Very excellent ii Throat affections," Put
tip in 50e aria $t size,
Mrs. jamesJa,rrot, of Hills Green
is setiously ill from inflaternetion. In
this place and surroundings children
in a number f femilies are laid up by
rneaalca, Sabbol in No. 3, Ray, is still
elosed, and the attandande in No, 7,
Stanley, IS sernewhat lette than Usttal,
Mrs. Bissett and Miss Welsh beg to in-
form the public: that they are opening out
business, and can be foutel on the corner
of William and Gidley streets.
Dressenaking done in all the Latest
Lessons on Fancy Work giveu,-Stamping
a specialty. Orders promptly attend-
ed to. A call solicited.
The Proprietor Of the
Dominion Laboratory!
Begs to announce to hiS numerous friends
and patrons that he has just put in full
-line of -
Staple es Fancy Stationery, Accounts Books
and all kinds of School Requisites, Leter
and Note Paper, Poole Cap Paper,
Account Paper, Colored Tissues
Gilt Papers, Drawing Pap-
er, Pens and Pencils,
And also a full line of all the newest and
most popular
All of which will be sold at the Lowes re -
numerative rates.
lororal Store
Mr, T. DEARING has removed to his new
stand, one door north of Dr. Lutz's
Drug Store, opposite the
Central Hotel,
Where he will be found as sual, offering
In Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots as Shoes,
Glassware, &c., &c.
In order to clear out the
bulk of general stock.
He sells for CASH only, and no book ac-
counts kopt. Butter and Eggs taken
as Cash. Give him a call and
see for yourself -
Remember the Spot.
rwnt.I II,
And every species of disease arising
from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS,
WILBRN & O tetors,JUC
Has s world-wide reputation as 8 physician
and author. t lie Mandrake Dandelion Liver
Cure is a triumph of medical skill, curing
all diseases °Mit, Kindey and Liver,
Kidney Oomplaint, Di sbregg ng
aches and
pains in the book t a dull pain or weight in
the bladder or base of the abdoman; scald-
ing urine often obstructed; fregnent desire
to urinate, especially at night, among aged
persoue ; hot, dry skin, pale complexion red
and white deposits, drop dizziness, sour
stomach, constipation, piles, liver steal
swellings, ito.
. .
') shoulder blades,
Liver ()omplaint Pain nnaar th°
jaundice, sallow complexion, a weary , tired
feeling, no life or euerey,head ache, dyspep.
sia, incligolition, spots, pimples &c.
Van d r ake and Dandelion ttr e it a bur eet ve
cures, and whet. combined with kidney rem -
die, asin Dr.Ohase's LiVer (lure, will moSt
positively eilre n11 kidney -liver troubles. Tt
8,068 like 8, charm, stimeleting the clogged
liver, A trengthoning the kid noys san ±1 n vigor -
[Mug the whOlo body, Sold by all dealers at
one dollar. with receipt u ook, which alone is
worth tbe Money.
Vs; sts, Clbettes Pills ere the only
J-3.13-4".,), Rialtos:P.1d ver Pills mule ; they
Liver bttOoto triftintetillIY during natutlyal loym4ttty
. p1ioy.
PSlic matt. They cure kidney-livee
I'LL° tr Oubles, headache, bitumen oos
oostivonose &a. One Pill n dose. Sold by ell
dottier s, Price 85 eente,
Pi IflDIYIA.NSON 8,5 0(„liy
Bradford Ont, 11/1.tnis.
1\1" ID 12)
Mr, A It McManus, foreman of the Gate Sulkey Harrow Manufacturing Co., has returned and commenced operations in
his vicinity. Read the following selection of the many testimonials received from persons in this vicinity who have purchased the
implement. All pronounce it a. grand success, and say they would not be without one.
Gale Sulkey Harrow Co., Windsor, Ont.
DEAR $1BS.-I bought one of your
combined harrows and have worked it on
sod i,na wheat stubble. I think it is the
beat imPlement I ever used and just what
every farmer needs.
Yours Respectfully,
Joseph Sholdice, Briesley.
Gale Harrow Co., Windsoi, Ont.
GENTS. -I wish to state thathe com-
bined harrow bought from your agent has
pleased me in every respect, 1 have seen
it work in all places where recommended,
and think it is just what we need to pre-
pare the ground for crops and for killing
Canada thistles. It has no equal. Wish-
ing you success lemain yours truly,
Simon Campbel
Gale Harrow Co., Windsor, Ont.
DEAR SIRS. -I bought one of your
Harrows and Seeders and, have worked it
in all places where it was recommended to
work and can truthfully say that it
does the work better and with less labor
than any implement ever introduced to
this neighborhood. There are a dozen or
more of my neighbors who have them and
they all thiuk they are just the thing.
Yours Truly,
Jos Foster, Exeter Ont.
GaleHar row Co., Windsor, Ont.
GexT name -This is to certify that
the combined Harrow purchased from
your agent has given entire satisfaction,
and I con skier it the best implement of the
kind ever introduced in this neighborhood
I prepared my potato ground for wheat
without ploughing, and I can say that
the machine does all your agent claims
for it, and can cheerfully recommend it
to my farmer friends as the best.
Yours truly,
Jas Halls, Usborne.
Gale Harrow Co., Windsor, Out.
DEAR SIRS. -The Sulkey Harrow and
Seeder bought from your agent is just
whet we want. • I have used it to harrow
cultivate, and seed and can truthfully say
that it does the work better, easier and
with less labor than any instrument I
ever saw. I will also say that I have a
good drill, but think that broadcasting as
done by the Gale is the way to sow grain
to get the best results. I have worked. 10
aces of wheat stubble with the cultivator
without ploughing and it did the work to
perfection. Wm Rowteliffe, Stephen.
CAWGUMMING.-The Under -1 •
is prepared to gum. saws on tho shortest notice,
and in a first-class manner, guaranteeing not to MI
kJ signed would inform the nubile that he re you L.00 ing
damage the plate. Saws gummed ata lowprice,
at the factory, -1 mile south of Exeter.
Liver Complaint,
Sick Headache,
Kidney Troubles,
Skin Diseases
-and all -
Impurities of the
Blood from what-
ever cause arising
Female weakness
&General debility
Purely Vegetable, Highly Concentrated,
Pleasant and effectual to use.
Doctor Hod.der's Compound.
Take no other, Sold everywhere. Price
75 cents per bottle.
DR. 110 DDER'S
Gough Lung Cure
Sold Everywhere. Price, 25 cents and, 50
cents per bottle. Proprietors and Manf'rs,
the Union Medicine Company,
Toronto Canada.
rarmors, Attain!
The undersigned would respectfully infor
he community that they have leasecttho above
mills for a term of years ; and will be pleased
to have a call from all. The mill has recently
been improved, by the addition of 110W mach-
inery. It is the intention of ti -e subscribers to
add a set of rolls as soon as possible; and all
combined, the
Woodham Grist Mill
Will be second to bona in the West.
Gristing and Chopping Done
• Promptly.
Fresh oatmeal constantly on hand for sale or
exchanged for oats.
Merchant Tailor,
Has removed to premises one door
north of Browning's drug store, where
there will be found it
wen _isoeweed t,uok
—ALSO ---
Scotch , English,
Irish, French and
Canadian Goods.'
• Mede up on the
Grrat nate of Clevcialtd.
(hitting SOhool
The cheapest spot in town for
Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Paints, Oils and Glass, dec., &c., if you are, is .1 call at
We are now offering the balanoe of our stook of Axes,
Cross:cut saws, Lamps and Tubular Lanterns, at cost for
30 2DA:Y-B 01•TT_I-Y"
We would call your attention to a few of our specialties :-
A Handsome Brass Library Lamp,
A Large Glass Stand Lamp, new design
A Good Tubular Lantern
A Good Axe and Handle
An A 1 Manure leerk
And everything at Rock Bottom Prices for Cash.
$2 50
$1 00
$0 50
81 00
iio 80
A full stock of the following lines always on hand -.-Barb wire, Plain Galvanized, An-
calent and Viled wire, and Buckthorn Fencing,
---- --
Having purchased our supply of Binder Twine early we are now in a position to supply
at the lowest possible price.
A full stoce of tinware of all kinds always in stook. Eavetroughing and roofing a spec-
ialty. Agents for the B & B. Menthe Shingle Roofing. for priees. Agents for the
celebrated Raymond Sewiug Machine.
0' 4 c5C• •
e,C; 7e*b'. cSC:
cseS ess 4;,ese, N
%ss c., '00 eo 4e, \ .c. 4z, , dc• 0 ,cs. ,,, ,••,. ,,,
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.,0 0
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es> se, 8s,
,4 4° els) 'tGe.
cp.,. 65, 'bP
4•• •\)\
4S" NO'
Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 78, New Oxford Streo'c,
late 533, Oxford Street, London.
VT Purchasers should look to the Label oa the Boxes and
If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious.
SPRING 1888.
-A- ID 1 S
Now that House -Cleaning time is near, we invite your in-
spection to our BIG- stock of Carpets, Curtains, and those
Fancy Window Blinds, (kc.
When buying, Wall Paper don.'t forget that the old
Established carries the Biggest Stock and Latest Am-
erican Patterns.
Lots of Fancy Ceiling Papers wit
• Corners to match,
Window Blinds WaltmPaper
a2i6 tyio3s