The Exeter Times, 1888-4-19, Page 3LATEST BY OABLE. ± ' England. more Democratic than America - The Satteuberg Incident -Dr. Meek- ensie at Last Ap106ffiated. LONDON, April 18. -gr. Joeepti Chiunber lain, replying to a letter addressed to him by a geotleman who questioned hire on the subjeot of American institutions, asp thet no intelligent American weuld challenge the fact that the power a the democracy in Great Britian is now more direct than it ie in America. Practically the suffrage here is nearly as wide as it is in America, but the °hooka upen the American democracy ex- ceed anythiug hi existence here. The Par- liament of England is all.powerful and is direetly influenced by popular opinion. The House of1ords is powerless upon any great 4\ question. , u America,on the other hand, there are many co-ordinate authorities. If the people should require some great con- stitutional change, a more lengthy and diffi- cult process would be necessary to aocom- plish it in America than here. BISMARCK MAY NOT UPROSE IT. A recent issue of the .?J'ational 'Zeitung saya that the betrothal of Princess Victoria, ef Germany, with Prince Alexander of Batten - berg is postponed, but that circumstances • may arise under which Prince Biennia& will no longerloppose the union. An official note -sent, as sometimes now happens, through Vienna -says that in consequence of a memorandum laid before the Emperor by Prince Bismarck eetting forth the difficulties which, trout a political point of view, stand in the way of a matrimonial alliance between Prinoe Alexander ofBattenberg and Princess Victoria, ie has been arranged that the affair shall be postponed until the political objections now raised shall cease to operate. The establishment of aettled other in But. garia and the removeof all possibility of Alexander raising the rallying cry will de- prive the marriage of all political importance. BR. MACKENZIE APPRECTATED. Dr. Mackenzie is gradually having justice done to his akin and ability, though the more this is shown the more a certain por- tion of the people twee him. Of late he has been oheered repeatedly by the Berlin crowds, and has been dined by the Berlin surgeons. Could he guarantee the Emperor five yeiti•s of life, much of the present excite - mem would cease, and there would be an end to the irritating occurrences which tend to keep alive an increased discontent with the new order of affairs. The truth is the people miss the constant watchfulness of the old Kaiser and feel all the more bitterly the changes brought &bent by the changes of administration, because with the new ruler has come at first a tight- ening of the governmental coils of red tape. The tEtiquette of Lovers' Parting. The social etiquette that regulates the time when a young man shalt tear himself away from his very best girl is not so rigid in the rural districts as in the city. When the clock hands swing around toward ten and the pretty maiden by his side reminds him of the feet, the city swain goes home. Not §14 the youth in the rural distriot. Toward eleven o'clock his Janie sap: - "You know what time it is, Ned Bangs ?" "Course I do," he replied smartly. "Well, I guess you had better put out for home." "What's the rush ? " " I'd say 6 rush ' if I were you when it's -.soma midnight." "1 don't care if it's most daylight." "Well, I do, and you shan't stay here one second after midnight" "Bet you a cookie I do." " No, you shan't. I'll call pa, see if I don,t, e "Oh, yes, you will." "You'll see." "I'll risk it." "Oh, you're perfectly. horrid 1 Now you get your hat and clear out." "Oh, pshaw l you'd be mad if I did." "You wretch! You've got to go right away for saying that." "You don't say so." "1 do, too; and 1 -1 -if you dare kiss me again." He dares. "Oh, oh, oh! You're the meanest fellow, I've a notion to box your ears." "Box away." "When are you going home?" " When I get ready." " Palll start you if he comes "Ho won't come in." "Don't be too euro of that. If ma ;sees the light she'll scold." "Let's put it out ! " "No you shan't 1 You'd better put your- self out:" "See if I do." "You'll sit here with the oat, then. I shan't keep you company." "Pooh 1 A team of horses couldn't drag you away." "Oh, you horrid, horrid thing 1" But it is Midnight before he goes all the same and he heen't had to sit with the cat, either. Serenity. There are persons possessed ot such ad- mirable serenity and self-possession that nothing can disturb them. ov •much. What- ever may be the cause they are indifferent to things that shock or grieve or anger other pecple. An old lady was rescued by a fireman from the fourth story of a burning building. She did not scream, nor struggle, nor resist when he dragged her from her bed, pulled • her through a window, and earned her down a ladder to the street below. • When be at last put her in safety on the sidewalk she gathered her olothes about her and said, calmly.; "Much obleeged ; and if you could just run bacilrif now, and get my duds, Fa thank you ki y." Whe told tbat her "duds," nor nothing else, &mild be recovered from the building, which was now wrapped in flames, she cool- ly quoted the old aaying, "Well, them as hag must loae,' an' my duds wa'n't wuth much nohow." His Own Diagnoais. • Mother -And do you really feel so very bad, Bobby Bobby -Yes, ma. I ain't quite sick enough to need any medieine, but I'm a little bit too sick to go to school. - Don't do it. Do not wait, if suffering from pain, but go at mem to the nearest drug store and buy a sample bottle of Poison's NERVILINE, the great porn Mite, Ielever fails to give immediate relief. Nervi - line is endorsed by medical Men everywhere. Don't wait a single hour without trying Nerviline. The best inedichie lie the world to keep in the house in an emergency. Ten and 25 ciente a bottle. THE LIALE-KILN CLUE When the meeting opened Brother Gard - 11114.1.10418 Of ThOM RUBIO ever WIllitteel ner aunoenced that Prof. Conflict Johnson, eraeeetee, oat lean to crush Hint. 01.90hunbut, S-09 Was An the ante -room and , waito ing address the club en the object LIVenroer, MIX.eet, Pee, April 0.-011 of The "liothinguees of Something, and Tiectiday, below here on Thine Creek, a jam the Something ssf Nothingneefau The Pro. of loge occuered on the bank, and. the gree, feeeor Weis noted all over the South as a pile could not be nbarted dewit the hill to the philosopher, and this lecture Would be a °reek, The loge were in such a situation Prectical demonstration of philosopy. The that to find and remoee the leg that was the gentleman had been in the city three days, key to the jam was a task of more than the guest of Gieeadem Jones, and had not Usual risk. The five men worked at the an yet offered oomoure or a hair.renewer from the outer edger, nearly alt day in vain. ror sale. This wp,e pretty faheproof that he At last three men, William Jacques, aged Was the 'philosopher he claimed to be, and 30, his Younger brother, John, and a ;nen named Ryane vOlunteered to go out on , the' logs, find the key log end remove it. As they neared the centre of the great pile William Jacques, who was ahead, cried out to his brother and Ryan to go back, ae he offuttahts ltouspt otf hae rrar ftonaonog,leantdo tshoorarepevisau: wa gearweateedhaeorgeotrhfentrroomubolveintegasft;, athnadtththaefrfet vas ss o look of deep intelligence in his eyes as he neealess.to risk three live. The two men cast them around the room. refueed te leave him, and he got them to go exe GaTS TO wonte. The Profeesor loosened. hie neek-tie, pushed up his sleeves, took a gulp of the purest drinking water furnished yane'' IBENEATH AN AVALANCHE 01' LOU IEawi The great iragediae, Forrest, had a Seeret Rorreat'a Secret. which everybody ought to learn and profit by. Said he, " owe all my eucoess to the feet that everything I have undertaken I have done thoreughly, never negleet 4, trifles," That'a the point --don't negeent " trifles. 1)on't neglect that hacking cough, those night -sweats, that feeble and cepa- does appetite, and the other spriptotnel trill- ing in themselves, but awful en their signili- canoe. They herald the approach of con- suraption. You are in danger, but you can be saved. Dr, Pierce 'a Golden Medical Dia- cov.ery will reatore you to health and vigor, as It has thousapds of others. For all soro. futons diseases, end coneumption is one of •them, it is a eovereien remedy. • A large copper medal, minted in King George's time, and evidently worn by Kane British soldier in the Revolution, was ploughed up recently in a field near Mon- roe, N. C. Your Friend Oommitted Suicide, You never suseeoted it, pone of his friends dreamed of it, he did not know it himself, Do iyeoiist ertetmacetiloybeevrhhatis hsealdfoidw, notiovmeprtishxelloensei Do you recollect how he ueed to comp/ain of headaches and constipation? I'm getting quite bilious," he said to you one day, "'but .1 guess it'll pass off. I haven't done any.. thing for it, beoause I don't believe in ' dosing." Soon after that you heard of his death. It was very sudden, and every one Was greably surprised. If he had taken Dr. Pierce's Pleasitnt Purgative Pellets he would be alive and well to -day. Don't follow his example, The "Pellets " are easy to take mild in their action, and always sure. • Emperor FrederiOk Wishes to bestow a deooration, probably the Star of Hohenzol- lern, on Dr. Mackenzie, We acoidentally overheard the follewing dialogue on the street yesterday. jogs. Smith, why don't you stop that disgusting hawking and spitting? Smith. flow can I? You know I am a martyr to catarrh: •• T. Do as I did? I had the disease in its worst form but I am well now. S. What did you do for it? • I used Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. It curei me and it will cure you. S. I've heard of it, and by Jove I'll try ib. .T. Do sp. You'll find it at all the drug stores in town. the President hoped all members present would pay strict attention to the leeturer. The .Professor made a favorable iinpres. don as l'oe entered the hall. He was a small, sawed-off man; with ears standing above the log on which he steed, saying they could aid him better from that pOillt. It Was plain afterward that he got them there onter to save them from the fate that was almost certain to follow the starting of the one log that held the hundreds ot othera in the land, and began: in cheek. One log was lifted up, another "My frens, look across de room at dab , one shifted a few inches to one side, and the stove -pipe hole in de chimbly. Dat hole sr trap a nothingness. You can't carry it away; eivas eprung. The Slippery, peeled logs rushed away under the feet of the three men. you caret handle it ; you can't pledge it to The two who were above the dao.ger line managed to reach a place of safety by the well-known agility of the log driver in leap- ing from log to lose William Jacques kept for a moment on his feet, and with dexterous leaps made his way along with the moving, crashing, thun- dering mass of logs,down towards the creek, to reaoh which meant safety to him. The de pawn broker; do police can't arrest it. An yit dat hole war' made to take in six inches of stovepipe, and carry off de melte of a big coal stove. Widout dis nethingness the somethingnets of combustion, heat an' comfort could not prevail. See [Applause end cries df hear 1 hear!) "L• turn my breeches pocket wrong side out," continued the Professor, as he suited the notion to the word. "What do you see? men who were watching him gave a shout as Nothingness. An' yet, if I didn't have this he was almost to tile edge el the water, th noingneas whar would I put my some. ? In odder words, but fur die pocket whar' would I put de money neoes- with the myriad logs crashing behind him, for it looked as if he had got beyond the • danger. At that moment a log was hurled sary fur my existence? At present it ar' an upward, and it came down just behind the empty somethingness holdin' a powerful lot lumberman and caught' him in the rebound. of nothingnees, but de nothingness is highly necessary to further immethingaess. See ?" [Great applause during whit& Shindig atkins swallowed the brass overcoat but- ton he was holdine in his mouth to cure pal- pitation of the heart.] "Heat' is a paper bag," said the Profes- sor, as he htld one up to view. "Look in- side an' what do you find? Emptiness. lb He fell, and in a second a hundred logs piled up on the apot, and hundreds of others shot and rolled and tumbled on over them to the creek. The instant the rush of logs was over, Jacques's fellow -workmen hurried to remove the pito beneath which they expeoted to find their companion crushed out of all human semblance. For two hours they worked and is a somethingneas fell of nothingness: •le then were amazed to hear a groan from be - we had a million of dis somethingness we neath. At last they found Jacques on the would starve on de nothingness of it. An' ground with a log across his legs. A big log yit, when Elder Toots goes to the grocerythat lay near the edge of the water had been an' orders ten pounds of white sugar defrozen to the ground so solidly that it caught grocer makes tese of this Werry nothingness the ends of two others as they came down to Iniog about a somethinguees. De empti- in the rush and held them two feet clear of nees is driven out an' becomes a fullness, an' the ground. With those two logs' Jacques do Elder goes home wid a bag .of sugar un. had evidently gone down, and had fallen be - der his arm. I don't mean to Insinuate dat tween them, with the end of one of them Elder Toots has eber been financielly able to across his legs. Thetwo logs had sereed to purchase ten hull pounds of any sort of sugar keep the great pile clear of his body, and fin illustrashun ! See?" at one time, but I simply supposed a ce.se I had saved him from being brushed:. Both legs were broken, and the flesh torn off them [Vociferous applause from all except the , to the bone. His jaw was broken and two Elder, wile save that if he was fifty yearsribs fraotnred. He was taken out uncon- younger he'd lick the Professor before he , seisms. As soon as he was restored his first left town.] .. I words were: . . • "We look into a bax•'1 on a dark night. I "Is John all right ?" meaning his brother. We see de nothingness of something and de Jacques' recovery is doubtful. . somethingness of nothing. De nothingness was created to hold forty-two gallons of cider • He Had to Explain, or sometbinoness. Are go an' bore a hole in de ground. °It ar' a nothingness. Nobody kin take it away. Put a gate -post in dat hole an' de nothingness becomes a somethingness to Once. See? ' [Long continued applause, during which Pickles Smith lost three suspender buttons by an unexpected careen to starboard.] "As a. furder illastrashun, take dis room when empty. All ar' nothingness. De near Saturday night meetin' comes around an' de nothinguess becomes a somethingness P. D. Q. De meetin' adjourns in due time Four generations live in a house in Cen- an de somethingvess resolves itself into tral .Fel le, It. I. There are a mother, nothingness with promptness an' dispatch. daughter, daughter's daughter, and ,datigh- But, my hearers, I do nut intend to take up ter's daughter's daughter. s de valuable time of de meeting. My objeck all. eleure for Drunkenness. was to prove to you dat riches do not eon- The opium habit, depsomania, the morphine habit stitute happiness, and dat de Standard Od nervous prostration caused by the use of tobacco, Company does not run dis kentry." waketulnears mental depression, softening of the brain, ,,to., premature old are, loss of vitality caused (Ories of " Go on 1" from all parts of the by over esertion of the brain and loss of natural hall, and during the confusion someone hit , strength, from any eaue.e wliatever. Men -young, Trustee Pullback in the left eye with a pa. old or mirlcae aged -who are broken down from any of the above osuses, or any °awe notmentaaned above tato.] • send 3 our address and10 cents in stamps for Lubon's "De Pyramids of Egypt ar' anoder illus. Treatise, in book form, of Dieeases of iron, Hooks trashun," continued the orator, as he wiped 13..9 1 and M secure from observation. Address . his brow with the back of his hand and v.nl,trsecorreic.(47(Wellington street oast Toronta, oat. gulped down some more weter. " At. fust -u years old, and has just taken her firstMrs. Sarah P. Bartlett, of Hope, Me., is sight dey ar' nothingness. You pause an, u spoonful of medicine. She has decided not ax yerself what dey are good fer? Presently . along comes a newsboy an' pints out de fact , to me a centenarian. tongee•e,ltr.whare sub ony dieorder of the Stomach, com at ono o lect to bat! breath, foul mate dat de great heaps ot stone break de raw ! Fe E'i winds of spring off lots of truck -patches, an' t be relieved by using Dr. Carson's Slionmeii Bitters you at once diskiver de somethingness. I the old and tried remedy. Ask your Druzglet. But it would be idle fur me to purceed fur- 1 Ten cents an acre was all a farm of 954 der. My sole objick was to convince you as acres brought recently in Greene county, Ala„ when sold under mortgage. Hon I Comm OURS cures in one minute, Thankinl you fur your dessicated attenshun John Bunyan, Daniel Defoe and Sir Isaac to my disrupted address, an' truttin' dat de Watts all lie in Bunhill Fields cemetery, seeds I have eown may fall upon sporifio London. • ground, I will now bid you good deevning." Whenever your Stomach or Bowels get out ot es der, causing Biliouenees. Dyspepsia, or Indigestion' [Cries of "go ort 1" and "come back I" with adntheir attendant evils, take at once a dose of Dr. much applause, during which the Professor Demme Stomach Bittere. Rest family medicine. made good his escape and a couple of lamp All Druicitioto• 60 ooltn• chimneys were knocked overboard and To harden plaster of Paris, mix it with broken,] alum -water. A CHARTER wANTED. • CINGALSEM HAM REAMS= restores grey and faded DEAR Sin -The following persons whose hair to its natural color and prevents falling out. names are attached are anxious to form of • A. P. 293. organize a braze& club at Pooeum Trot Dal- las County Ala. Bill" Limkum, Jud Lim- ' kum, Bob Eptraim, Will Eptraim Frank KNITTING Cream= Bros., MACHINES Georgetown, Ont. Jeems, Jesse Jeemsa Bill Shallowloot and Jim Cummings. I am told that seven mem leers constitute a club. I WORK FOR ALL $80a week and expenses paid. Valuable outfit and particulars free. P.O.YIEBERT. Augusta, Maine. If you will send Giveadam Jones down hereto organize the club and start the ball TANCE oRpANTA, ckprnpur s_cgoot___A GRAND CHto acquire a thorough knowledge oi a rolling, we will send him a round-trip garment cutting in all its branches. Now's the time to enter. Good cutters in great demand, big wages. ticket, and will have his shoes half -soled be - Terme on application. s. CORRIGAN, Toronto. fore he goes baok. We evill altio send him the first watermelon that ripens on the vine 11 A N A DIA N BUSINESS UNIVERSITY in June, We also ,promise when possums JPub1io Library Buildings,Toronto. Students from , British Columbia, Celifornia, Kansas, Illinois and are ripe, and the peresimon and yams are quite' a number of other States and Provinees, now sweet in the fall, to send him an invitation • in Attendance. Write for Descriptive Circulars. to our annual 'possum supper. We will THOR.8ENG_OrVG , CHAS, 21. BROOKS, ., guarantee him a jolly time while here. I P osidiLt. Seo'y & Manager. s Lotus know lf we can obtain a charter, and hen we may expect an instructor, so . ROOur $1.00 a and all other bedding and Wind"' Plants that we may be ready for business, SES eolleotfone will suit every P.S.-Sinoe writing the above a man call- ' one. Illustrated Catologue Free ing himself Jay ,Hoo, was arrested for va- , WEBSTER BROS., Fnorasms, HAMILTON. grancy. On his person was found among other articles of no value, the eye of Oleo, CHARLES ROBINSON 84 CO patria's Needle. Is this an ancient relic be- : - r_. ., TORONTO, 9 2 longing to Paradise Hall? If so it is hete ' 2 CHIMER ST Ate having., during march, a epeoial (leering Sale Of s to your orders, and can be shipped to you by eepreas C.O.D.• . New and Second Hand, to make Mora for new sea - BICYCLES and TRICYCLES nbjeot . Yours muchly, son's arrivals. Send for greatly reduced Seaman. 1,1. ALK ALONG JOHNSON. 1 Marion PRIOR LIST. Specialty -PLUMS in large f Investigation, with a recnieet to report as i-rui 't supply. Derriere billed out on The subject was referred to the.Commitbie TS 0 liberal terns at the HALTON soon as passible, and in caae . of a faeorable e NURSERIES on . , report it &Mier will be granted the Selma R. R. Rim) a stet; Proprietors. re Club to wcieltio the 28th; or POSSUM degree. Also can offer a few canated and 'Yellow Globe wow. Members of any degree between the 21st and 8th are entitled to half fare on railroads mgr.. 4,400E0 PU LIPJLea RuZi.ja.....;1 fi BTR Ali 2 and to freet admission to circuses and lectUrea . VII IRO 11,110elle- ARGERS, bore eo fee on miseionagy work. ' The hour bishig lat6, all perlithable bind- Meant Poser, Per hoar. AM Send toe Oatelogne. o Rock Driliff-Ilahd, Horse or nen Was depoeited in the loe box and the , Laidlaw Mantiblettiting CO. Meeting, adjottened. i tame" Owe Johnny -"Pa, what is a female orank ?" Father-" Go ask your mother, my son." [Father is busy explaining the next mo- ment that he meant no reflections.) -- Ocean Steamship Passengers Via New York should take theErie railway, as it is not only the shortest and best line, but lands people close to the piers of the leading 8 -township companies. In buying tickets. ask tor the Erie. a body dat bein' discouraged nebber incour- ages anybody, an' dat Jay Gould. must obey de laws as well as de poce an humble citizen. BEWOMEMEESELIZOME. MONE'TO LOAN on Farms. Lowest Rates. No delay. Correspondence solicited. YEW. D. BUTLER, Financial AO., B8tabli,uhed 1860. 12 King.st. E., Toronto. BICYCLE FOR SALE. (Rover Pattern) "Premier," NEARLY NEW. Bassein. • Apply Tarim office. RUBBER STAMPS)8:11 cils, and Burning Brands, Sto, Send for Catalogue. BARBER BROS. CO., E,22 KlngSt. (in rear) Toronto. TO SELL OR RENT. PHCENIX WOOLEN MILLS, NEWMARKET Stone and Brick Building steam acid water power. Very easy terms. Goalocation for custom work. Apply to E. JACKSON, • Newmarket. WILL SHARPEN the Knife WITHOUT REMOVING IT FRQ11 THE MACHINE. No farmer should send his machine into the field without one. Sample by mail, 30o. CLEDIENT at Co., Toronto. • ITU/MINA FILES. Smrsome-Moisture : intense itching and stinging; most at night ; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcer- ate, very sore. • SwaYmes OINTERNT stops the itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and 10 many oases removes the tumours. It is equally effi- cacious in curing all skin diseases. DR. SWAVNE & SON, Proprietors, Philadelphia. SWAMI% Onneentyr oan be obtained of druggists. Sent by mail for 60 ciente. FOR THE rick achine That's takiog the lead, new or Hasid hand, apply to ALEX. DOIG, 61 Nelson St., Toronto. tarr Cold in the Head, Bay Fever, etc., can positively be cured. A new method. Medicine Guar- anteed to mire. No cure, no pay. If you have tried ether remedies that failed to cure, you will not be disaepointed in ,his. For fall partieulars address M. V: LUBON, 47 Wellington -et. E., Toronto, Oan. SendlOc. in etamps for Book " Treater) on Dia. ewes of Man." CAN 411" $11$PPINE, 410. --Beaver Line Of SIeR,InbbinS, alhiz weekly between Montreal and Liverpool. fe41004 tickete, Montreal to Liveromd, $40, $50 and $09. Return tickets, $80, 200 and 8110 :wordier to steamer and agegerroodatlea, Inter- mediate, ; Nount trip tickets, $00. Steerage, 220; Round hip tioltete, 84e, For turibtr particalars and to secure births, apply to 01. B, MURRAY, Geoem. Slanagee, 1 Custom Douse Square, Doetreal, or te the Loral Aeente in 1 he different Towne tied Cities. For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. Bicycles 1 a 24.3 Second • Hand Bicycles and Tricycle/I. Send :or List. New Cataloglie ready in April. ZION'PREAL. uRRs Nervous nrostrationgeervous Head- ache,Neuralgia,NervotaVVeakness, Stomach and Liver Diseases, and all affections of the Kidneys. A NERVTONIC. GEORGE W. BOUTON, Srsarrorrn, CONN.. MYR: P "For two years I waa a sufferer from nervous de. bility, and thank God and the discoverer of the valuable remedy that Panix's Calmar Couromen cured me., 16 ie a valuable remedy. Long may it / Iva, Let 507 0110 write to me for advie.e.n AN ALTERATIVE, Aeoszo ABnOTT, WINDSOII, VT., Sari: "I believe ?atm% CELERY COMPOUND saved my life. My trouble seemed to be an internal humor. Before I used it I wage° wed with an eruption from " head to heels, The eruption is rapidly healing, and I am Live hundred per cent. better every ways" LAXATIVR. A. O. BEAN, WHITE RIVES JUNCTION, VT., Myst For two years past I hove been a great sufferer from kidney and liver troubles, attended with dys- pepsia and constipation. Before I began to take CELERY' COMPOUND it seemed as though everything ailed rue. Now I can say nothing ails me. A DIURETIC. GEORGE ABBOTT, storm erre, REM. says: "I have been using PAINS'S (Mum COMPOUND and it has done me more goodfor kidneys and lame back than any other medicine I have ever taken. Hundreds of testimonials have been received from persons who have used this remedy with remarkable benefit. Sendfor circular. Price 81.00. Sold by Druggists. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietors Montreal, Que. Whaloyilloyoe & go . 283 ExoliorollenStir, Toronto. The Cheapest ;place in Canada or BAND INSTRUMENTS New and second-hand, Agents for " EESSON " and D'48LHOIIGO.01111A387BAN13:. Mus Iepriring0:4ttiastrumeo;poiy Send for Catalogue Ile INSTANT RELIEF FINAL CURE. Send your address le and ten cents In stamps for I3ook Treatise on Diseases of Man." Address M. V. LIMON, 47 Wellington-st. E., Toronto, Ont. SESIISNIW.V.B1Fivr. ISSUS'esiiresss RENNIE'S Seed Catalogue, containing descrip- tions and prices of all the best varieties of VEGETABLE AND FLOWER SEEDS now ready and will be mailed free to all who apply by letter. laf Send for it. WM. RENNIE, - - TORONTO. ONTARIO. HE greatest db. covery of tho. present age for Mom EATING Tan Bowmat awnOunmetatz %ow tavnie AND Kamm COMPLAINTS. A per feat Blood Purifier A few in Hamilton who have been bane filled by its use 31. Keenan, 192 Robert St., cured of Erysipelas of 2 years standing; Robert Co,- - aell, 24 South St. daughter oared Epileptic Fits after years' euffering Jennie Birrell, 55 Walnut st., cured of wealmes and Lures Trouble ; john Wood, 95 Cathcart SO. oured of Liver Complaint and Biliousness, used onl ilftpeont bottles; Mrs. J.. Beal, 6 Augusta St. troubled for years with Nervous Prostration, tw small bottles gave her great relief. Sold at 60o. Er 61.00 F. F. DALLEY dr CO., Proprietors. 5• Johnstoll's Fluid Beef Is not merely a stimulant, but it contains all the life- giviug elements of meat that nourish ) E3RAIN5BONE8.: MUSCLE -57 56 - THE GREAT STRENGTH GIVER. There AM many IMITATIONS Of rless MACHINE Oft, but none equal it in lubricating properties. FA/M- ims, Mem mas, etc, find none equal to the GESIMNIt Peerless made by SAMUEL ROGERS 8i CO., TORONTO. Sald by dealers everywhere. THE ONTARIO MUTUAL LIFE. Financial Report for the Year Ending 31st December, 1887. NET ASSETS, December 31st, 1886 Less Balance of Profit and Loes Account INCOME: Premiums Less re -assurance Interest a • • • • EXPENDITURES: Paid to Policy -holders, for Death Claims under 48 Policies Matured Endowments, under 4 Policies Purchased Policies Surplus Returned Premiums 8789,491 80 3,901 64 8794,690 18 $304,842 73 8,180 86 8301,661 87 51,262 07 8882,926 660,166 00 3,160 00 • 15,395 62 34,849 17 596 68 $114,147 47 GENERAL EXPENSES: • Commissions and Superintendent's Salary $12,565 68 Medical Examinations ... • 7,600 00 SALARIES: President and Directors' Fees and Mileage $2,376 47 Manager, Secretary and Assistants 9,091 58 Auditors 227 20 • 611,635 20 OTHER EXPENSES: Including Postage, Printing, Taxes, eto $11,685 81 8187,488 64 $60,185 88 61,147,614,10 Allan Lino Royal Nail SteamBhips Total Net Assets, Deo. 81st, 1887 COMPRISING TES FOLLOWING Isveartnnere Sailing during winter from Portland every Tbureday Municipal Debentures, Cost and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpor 1, and in sum- Mortgages (Cash Valuation, 81,805,231 CO) mer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool.aming Loans on Policies (Reeerves at Credit, $192,473 67). ... . ... at Londonderry to land smile and passengers fos Liens $124,606 31) Scotland and ereiand aleo from 13althnore, Hal. Company's Office dfauxritagndsuSratn. 1Jeorhinn'oe,ntNh.cr.., ThtoeLattveearpmeoors1 offortthnelasigGhtly. Agents, and other Ledger Balances Molson's Bank, Current Account gow lines sail dining winter to and from Halifax, Csanadian Bank of Commerce Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and during sum- O5811 MI hand mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly- Glas- gow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadel- phia fortnightly. For freight, passage or other Information apply to A. Schumacher a Co., Baltimore; S. Cunard a 00., name ; Shea & Co., St John's, Nfld,, Wm. Theism. son & Co., St. John, N. B.; Allen Co., CI ; Love & Alden, New York; 51. Sandier, Toronto; Aliens, Rae & Co., Quebec- Wm. Brookie, Philadel- phia ; H. A. Allen, Portland, 73osten, Montreal. Colonists' Trains. Timm CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Will run Settlers' Trains to all pointe in MANITOBA THE NORTH-WEST, British Columbia and the Pacific Coast, Leaving Toronto, 27. & N. -W. Station, Brook Street at 9 p.m., TUESDAY FEB'! 20T11, and every Tueedny thereafter during March and Apri, A colonist sleeper will be attached to these trains. Make early applicatien to agent for what ears and berth* yeti will require. 88 -feet cars supplied fbr 001001188' mevables. No Customs delay or expense. No quarantine,. No trintsfere. For further inferma. Mon see agent, or write COLONIZATION AGENT, 110 king litt West, Tor01110. ADDITIONAL Amara. Short date Notes, secured by Polioies in force Premiums due and in course of transmission Deferred half -yearly and quarterly premiums on existing policies Interest due on Mortgages " accrued on Mortgages and Debentures, not due " true on Policy Loans " accrued on Policy Loans and Liens, not due , ... . . Market value of Debentures over cost • Llens on deferred Surplus Policies (Reserve at Credit 810,606 67) $ 4,1380 88 24,909 27 2,064 84 6,602 31 $ 39,107 26 8,296 65 4,050 01 8129,417 91 $131,237 85 668,487 22 87,306 40 48,000 57 8,794 68 5,705 68 4,220 75 7,711 41 526 10 $82,003 94 4,329 87 41,680 10 8980,080 44 8960,080 442 Total Astleis, Deo. 81st, 1887 81,099.448 27 LIABILITIES. Reserve computed on Ma ft per cent. Institute Table. ...... 31,012 083 00 Lees valire of re -assured policies • 7,328 26 -$1,004,705 84 Claims under 7 Policies awaiting 0101112 papers 14,600 00 " a 1 " resisted 1,000 02 Premiums paid in advance 8,003 99 Interest " " 776 76 Collection fee on deferred and other premiums and notes 7,790 40 $1,031,782 78 Surplus, Dem 3let, 1887 • 557,665 49 We beg to report that we have carefully examined the books and accounts of the Company for the year ending Met Deeember, 1887, and 1hat we end the same correct. WO have also examined the Mertgages, Debentures and other Seourities held by the Company, and we heuretbyceyrtlF. 3. a fythjtAteox heisare, clohrrLofton,rshown as above. NRM. SCULLY', s. WATMILOO,, Feb. 16th, 1888. 3. The hotness of Tun ONTARM MUTUAL tem for the year 1887 has been in every way satisfactory, show- ing in all its essential features a continuatien of the steady ptogrese Which has gene on from the Inception of the company in 1870 up to the present time, Oompared with the two preceding years, the follovrIng Home in laet year's account show Up to good advantage t The Anneal Diltetbit ot the Coritplatty wn1 be bad at Ill Reid fl1C3, Ititteritoo, 4111111 110y isne, Viss. L. BOWMAN, 11.1,., It* 111111101111, ' Eterildelais Ittiergee. esseetino. 1895 1888 1887 Kumber of Policies issued Amount " " , „ , Total Number of Policies in force Premium Income• Total Assurance in force Numbet Of Death Claims paid Amount or Death Claims paid Endowm ents paid ..... ............ ....... . . . • 1,356 81,807,960 6 881 3240,414 68,259,861 46 Vane $1,000 3,017 $2,505,760 7.488 $9$2,77784',75"43 41 684 260 $$,000 2,181 82 716 041 Of 814$44:80861,0008" 48 • 6100,t 3.501156 The Anneal Diltetbit ot the Coritplatty wn1 be bad at Ill Reid fl1C3, Ititteritoo, 4111111 110y isne, Viss. L. BOWMAN, 11.1,., It* 111111101111, ' Eterildelais Ittiergee. esseetino.