The Exeter Times, 1888-4-12, Page 7Sow P0DIAso,-Ons pint of milk, one- 110I_TSEHOLD„ half cup a sugar, one-half cup of corn.- $ rATISTICS, ,...."..,*•,•••••••••••,,•••••••••,^.-. starch ; let come to a boil, and stir in three Baenee Avees, iu the Argeotioe Reptilelie, 8e1feiteliansie in ChiUrea, beaten eggs. 13cil till thick 0.13d c.w4Y la now the largest city. in Seidl,' America, 000L the census of 1887 givnig it a, pr ?ulation of ConoANvT DALBS.-GratisV eoeoesittt ene 43,1,000, The population of the entire coui. mix with milk enough to Make e. yeste, try has mereased 175 per cent. La 0 last whie e of three egga, sugar to sweeten. 20 years, while that of the United Ste e in 1VIake into balls and loalce on buttered tine, ee, eam • a f t• e perm Q Blue hes inereased onlY Many kind parents, in thie age of aotivity and hurry, nem unmindful, while nrgiog their children from one teals or occupation to another, how badelibly the spirit of rush end hurry (unfortunati, ly too claaracterietio of Canadian) ie being impreseed upon the young mind. " Hurry 1' says the mother, ambitious to crowd meny duties into short home/. quick, 13easle V' "1 can't wait 1" " Whet in the %voted are you doing?' She is 0, niduetrioue (nether, with the best intention§ elveays planning for home interest. Yet the children naturally are of nervous temperemee 13 and far from the sort whose ambition rectuires constant goading. It would be wise to assign a ehort task, allowing eiiineient time for Re thorough raothiallPh unconeciouely so trained her perforenevle, yet the excitable, mistaken children that the very thought of work or 'study meoeis restless haste. " Haste makes waste." No adage is truer or karoed at a cost of harder lessons or more tirecl nerves. Inetead of teaching a child to be in constant dread of the imp - tient "be quick:" the little one may, if the parent will diegipline hitnself to be quiet and patient, be taught in the firet place, to rely upon himself by listening attentively to what father, Blether, or teacher says to hint; while in the second place, a happy, hopeful way of planning the day's tasks, asouredlY leaves the child free temporarily:to develop, In a natural and agreeable manner, his pow- ers of accomplishment. Firet, insist kindly but with firmness that your child listen while you speak to him. Then in giving him directions do not go into detaile unnecessarily. Leave him somewhat of freedom. Be definite; see to it that he under- stands you, try to be reasonable in giving him sufficient time to acesoinplish as he ought (not as wine other child may be able to do) whatever you assign; and wait patiently to see the result, One means of assisting' children to pay attention to your words is to return the courtesy. , "Children must be seen and not heard" say yoa? With wisdom only ean this rule be applied. The children must indeed be taught to love and honor. Never was the fifth com- mandmene more needed than now; but evoke loving obedience by love and patient discipline. Do not permit a child th talk t and fresh vegetables ; here the e eer too Alert e 1)1J4PLING.-One pint of flour, one 70 per cent. I tableepoonful of lard, two teaepoons of bak,1 The quantity of spirits ceneurned Soot- • land shows a steady decrease, aatd to be ue ter the growth of temperanoe sentiment. During the last three years Eogland and Ireland rutve not shown any marked total. ;meg either towards increase or decrease, England coneuming in 1887, 15,046,000 gal- lons and Ireland nearly 5,000,00 gallona. On the other band bootle,nd has progressed in the direction of abstention, the figures being in 1885, over 6,250,000 gallonit, 1886, 5,100,000 gallons, and in )887 5,9B5,- 088. For a population of 3;990,000, how- ing powder, milk enough to make a r oug . Boll out, place on sliced. v.pplee, fold up and boil io a pudding bag, TAPIOCA Punintece-Soak for foul, hours one oup of tapioaa in one quart of milia; add yolks of theett eggs, one cup of auger, pinch of salt ; bake, and when ready to serve pour over the top the whites cif the eggs beaten to a froth. .... „ . . ..,.. in MOUNTAIN PljDDING.-Vae pine of MUM, a pinch of salt, two eggs, three-fourths of a cu of flour; bake one•half honr. Sauce, ever, it will be seen tha.t Scotland N till one teblespoonful of corn starch wet with cold water, butter and sugar to taste and mixes hers pretty strong. i one pint of milk ; boil until thick. - The exports of clover Seed from. the BREAD PUDDING - One cup each of sugar and owlet one-half cup of butter, two teaspoons of baking powder, two oups of flour • bake and serve with hard sauce Pio Cutrer.-One cop of lard, one cup of flour, a pint% of salt, two teaspoons of bak- ine powder. Mix all togethex, handling as little as possible ; lay on ice in a cold place for several hours before induce IV Little ViSitor. BY MRS. A. 21. manitioTT. One summer, while living in Colorado, I frequently had the most charming little vis- itor you ever ea.w. You could never -gum what it was, so I will tell you ; it was a lit- tle deer. It belonged to a lady living near us. She had bought it from some Mexicans who had brought it in from the mountains a few ranee distant. It wee a light brown color, with white spots on ita side and had soh soft hair and silky ears aud 'the most beautiful eyes I ever saw. 'At firet it was very shy, but in a few days it grew tame, gat accustomed to its new home, and as we lived near, Dead there was no fence between the houses, it soon got in the way of coming to see no. It would come into the latch. en where I would be preparing dinner, and putting its nose in my hand, beg in its pretty way for a bit of bread or cake. It was very fond of vegetables, especielly sab- bage, and would often go through the whole house in searoli of its favorite vegetable, frequently going to the front part of the building, where my husband kept a store containing all sorts of groceries, provisiona United States for the five months ended! December 31, 1887, were 8,878,000 pounds, against 8 233,000 pounds in 1880, 575 000 in 1885, 14,947,000 pounds in 1884, 15,340,C00 pounds in 1883 and 13,142,000 pounds in 1882 and 18,478,QCO pounds in 1881 for the correspoodieg periods Denmarle, Holland, Belgium, the United Kingdom and Canada were principal buyers. The crop of 1887 in the distriets of severe &oath, in Wisconsin and northwestern Illinois. was deficient. There was p. fair yield out a the orop in 1887 in Ohio, Indiana and Michigan. h when there are several guests or gene at home (unless :there were strangers older persons forced to withhold conversa- tion in order to listen at length to the boy or girl who may be too forward. That is unnecessary and usually far from beneficial to the little ones who learn by listening to well-chosen conversation. Be conchae in addressing your child and oareftelein your requirements. Spfak with moderation grammatically, politely, and you will be repaid by the effect upon. the young tnembers of your family. . The reduction of the national debt of the United States goes on apace. The decrease in its net amount last February was over 87,750,000, against about $1,500,000 in the same month last year, and about $2,700,000 in -February, 1880. In ehe eight months of the ourrerit fiscal year the debt has been de creased by nearly $77,000,000, regains about $58,000,000 in the corresponding peri odlast year, and $53,000,000 the year before As the decrease of debt is very nearly measure of the surplus revenue, it woul seem that even the passage of the tariff re duction bill as framed will not altogethe do away with the =plus. It is estimate that, at the preseet rate of decrease, th debt will be reduced during the present fis cal year by about $145,000,000. As th tariff bill makes a reduction of only abou 855,001,000, there will still be a very tid surplus. in, when he was very shy), and wouldhelp himself ,to anything he wanted, sometimes going behind the counters, where he would hunt among the different sacks of dried fruit for currants, for which he seemed to have an especial fondness, more than once eating his fill of them, until my husband said "Dicky" (that was his name), must do better than that, or stay out of the store. Once during an illMOS that kept tee con- fined to my bed several clays. Dicky would When you ask your child a queation, come every day at about the same time, and train him to answer that and not quite it stamp on the door step with his fore foot, different one. until some one would open the door for him, This indeed, few of us older children are when he would ctome in, and coming straight apt; to 'do habitually, How frequently one to my bed, lay his howl in my hand. I grew *fats with difficulty in getting direct an very much th attached to him, but as e „ .21veire to questions juiini i stly put, receiving in- weather grew cooler, he often wandered iitead, wandering, evasive rePliee, uninten- away from home, andwould be gone two or tionally but carelessly given. k three days, and finally, much to the grief of Emerson says ; "L man is relieved and ihis mistress, disappeared altogether. She gay et hen he has put his heart into his work, thought he had been atolen, but I think it and done his best. was only hia wild nature asserting itgelf, or SO with the children, give them time to he had fallen in company with other deer, ---.., do their best. . Ipreferring their society to ours. One day . ele With careful guiding, they may be taught , during the follewing summer, while at sup - „. to be selftelitent, and as happy in their 'per, in a room (teeming off from the store work as in their play time. - Household BUggeStions. Clean piano keys with it soft rag dipped 1 l , . in alcohol. iwa walked out into the kitchen and coolly pick- ed up a small loaf of bread that I had just move white spots. Hold a hot shovel over furniture to re' I brought from thebaker's, and walked out at the back door. When I had recovered from Salt dissolved in. alcohol will 'remove ray astonishment sufficiently to think, I I went to the door to look ie. r lune, but he was grease spots from cloth. ,nowhere to be seen, nor did we ever see him Egg stains on silver can be taken off with 'again He . had grown wonderfully, but I , table salt and a. wet rag. No one doubts that the amount of gold i the civilized countries of the world h largely increased in. recent years. M. Soe beer names £107,600,000 as the increa from 1877 to 1885. It is absolutely cartel that the reserves of gold in the principal re' and'60, 'k 0 and iid banks of Europe and the United S bates have 'aceordine to steamer and accommodation. Inter. in recent years largely increased, and not mediate, $30; Round trip taste, $80. Steerage, $20: diminished. Prof. Laughlin estimates this to secure births, apply to H. E. MURRAY, Genera. ' Round trip tickets, $10. For further partionlars and increase to have been from 495,400,000 in Manager, 1 Ortetom House Square, Montreal, or to the 1870-80 to £167,200,000 in 1885. In 1871. , Loma Acents In the different TOWDO and Cities. 74 ther'e was, according to the . same 1 IIE BOITER INSPECTION and imam authority, " LI in gold for every £3 60 ance Company el Canada_, of the banks of the civilized world ;1 Consulting Engineers and Solicitors of patents. in 1885 there was il of gold for G. TonoliTo• 0. ROBB Chief Engineer. A. Freasun •Seo'y-Treas. every £2 40 ; the total note eirettletion r . increasing during the Banat* . trm.e to IIIEIDAlt NEMSERY STOCK -PLANT - extent of 92,800,000, or 29 per cent." In the CC"D ING SPRING, 1888 -The proprietors of the 1870-71 the gold reserve amounted to 28 per Toro nto Nurseriee-establielesd 1857 --Will have for cent. of all the specie reserves ; in 1880 the' seili,'AZ viziAraleanrtf estenelbrso, trorr ntfanag istdrnndanmai gold bore a larger ratio to a larger issue of sizes, which will be sZld chew, as. a portion of our paper, 41 per cent. of the total note circlet -1i grounds must be cleared and sold. Send for priced, ation, and 71 per cent. of the speeie reeerves. deserniptive catalogue GEO. LESLIE & SON, nee " This " as Prof. Laughlin remarks, 'is e. Quee , St E. Toronto, -very significant showing. What it means,listi " t liberal terms at the HALTON specialty -Pumas in large t beyoncta shadow of doubt, is that the supply ' el& rim supply. Dealers billed out on of gold is se abundant that the character' NURSERIES Burlington, Ont. and safety. of the note circulation has been i H. H. *RD & SoN, Proprietors. TREES. improved in a signal manner." - - rego eau Gitka WORM Red and Yellow Globe Ordons. vela -tem lee -mate, " Yes, it pays," esld a big, fab phesician, ritle a earn° which is known throughout the Dedioal world, "1 have a practice worth , (0,000 a year' 0 Women?' "Yes, you've ;uessed ix firat time. Taey pay $1.0 every bete they come into ray t film. When one ;eta on my list I tell you she stays 1" and et.. II-- laughed long end loud, ThiS i4 enekery-gilt-edged, genteel qeackery-to coop aufferine woman paying tribute yeer n end yeer cat, aud aeitig them no good, „ Dr. Piereee Favorite Prescription cares the peculiar wealtneeses and ("lemma of woineu. It does not lie to thorn not rob them. A South Carolina widow has been lending money at fortyeseven per cent, interest, CINOALIV34 Rem Utterer)/ restores grey and faded hair to its natnral color and prevents falling out. A. le. 02. ...v.,..s.wmvpm... nATENTS itreeured, Patent Attorneys, and experte. r Est'd 1867. lOonaltril Elliatour at Co., Toronto. ,„etown, oni. KNITTINGIVma' MACHINES e'er eale-illustretive desoriptive oat PATENTS eines! free. li, ohamherlin, Toronto ,1 00D AGENTS WANTED over the entire Do- V,T MiZi014. Address, GEO, D. FERIllii, r 67 Church Stmt. Toronto. MERCHANTS .. BUTCHERS 1 AND TDADEDs GENEDAiat,N. We want A aeon BAN in your locality to pick up 10.01.31C4FaMMEXIATO 1 for us, Cash furnished, on satisfactory guaranty, Adcires a S. PAGE, Hyde Park Vermont, U.S. kWORK yrs! ALL 1530a ree. P.O.VICKEITY, Auguste, Maine. 1 IVIO N Ey TO LOAN on Farms. Lowest Rates. No delay, Clorrespondence solicited. 21 W. b. BETElill, Financial A gt., 1 BatOlighed 1860, 72 King-st. E., Toronto. GANGER zsgir;,ixgrtirtnifEe:rli , cure, no pay, Send stamp for hlet W L SMITH 21 D 124 Queen 12 Toronto pamp . . • .. • •• . .* • , The Patent "mends" Baeholaer will last alife-thne, and costs only 'Iliete. Sold l \ by agents. Some territory still open Sam - _pie (free by express) on receipt of price. Ad- ) dress u. W. ALLEN & 00., 67 Yonge St, Tzronto. ' el rellteele Ilusiness College, Guelph, Ont. 0 lx The Faculty has been strengthened, the mem- t ises enlarged and new appliances added. The Bust - nese Department affords one of the best courses ola- ' tainable, while the Shorthand Department has accomplislvd results unequalled in the history of a shorthand, Ladies admitted to all advantageeoffered by the Institution. Students enter at any time. Cir- .° °Mars mailed free. Ill, MAGOORMICK, Prineipal. e I ill ANADA SHIPPING CO. -Beaver Line of Steamship?: sailing weekly between Montrsal - - _ _ ,........ ..*•,..-*. ar...„*....* +. TAvarrtnnl atria eitery ompound For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. C:tremctalocnhs2'onfdtLhiev eRriDdniseeyass. es, end c411 URE$ Nervens Prostration, Nervous Head- ache,Neuralgia, NervousWeakness, A NERVE TONIC. Gnonaz COUTON.STAaronp.. Coen., fasee: " For two gears I was a susrerer from nervolla uo. bility, and thank God and the discoverer of the valuable remedy that PAINDIS CZLEBY coamouen aurae rne. 11 it valuable remedy. Long may it live. Let any one write to me for advice: AN ALTERATIVE, ALONZO Ammer, WPWCOP, VT.ISZYSt " "I believe Penises Ceersee Coemorerra eared my life. My trouble seemed to be an internal humor. Before I used it I was carered with an eruption from 'head to heel.n The eruption is rapidly heeling, and I am. dye hundred per cent. better every way." A LAXATIVE. 0.0. BEAN, Witarn InvEn jUNCITION/ VZ. says: For two years past I have been a great sufferer from kidney and uvertroubles, attended with dys. Persia and. constipation, Before I began to take ORLDItY COMPOUND it seemed as though eserifiliing ailed me, Now Tem. my notlibto ails me, A DIURETIC. EkEOliGZ ADDOTT, Sroms Crrr, Iowa, slays: 'I have been using Pawn's CULNIIX COMPOMD and it has done me more gond for kidneys and lame back than any other medicine I have ever taken. Flundredo of testimonials have been receivedfrOM Person's vuo have used this remedy with remarkable benefit, Send for circular. - Price SI.00,, Sold by Druggiete. WELLS, RICH A R DSON & CO., PrOprIet0111 Montreal, Clue. Colonists' Trains. in, and adjoining ehe kitchen -the doors being open clear theough-a large deer stepped into the storo, and coming on through the room where ve were, without, • however, paying much attention to us, When dress silk becomes wet, pat it be- tween the hands to dry quickly. am sure it was Dicky. Endorsing a Cheque. AGENTS I AGENTS: The importance of Ontario's dairying in- Magnificent Parallel] Bible teresta was well brought out in the course e Canada,' Gough's -.Platform Echoes,” Dorchester's OUR AGENTS Withrovv's Popular "History of of a debate in the Ontario Legislature last I "Liquor Problem," Sam P. Jones' "Living Words," cheese factories, 'with 43,0Cflepatrons and l ciouff '''Muclgehrt }Petiole and Heaven," etc., Popm MAKE MONEY week. In 1887 there were in Ontario 800 , 'The Cottle Phyeician," 270,t00 cows, yielding 650,000,000 pounde of i m'a."11'8's• lar Boowks 1 Liberal Terms I Write for circulars, terms Milk, which was naade into 66,500,000 lbs. late., to WILLIAM. fames, Publieher Toronto. -- of cheese, bringing in the market $7,000,000. FOR THE Canada supplied Great Britain with 66,000,- 000 lbs of cheese, as against 1,43,000,000 llas. , e of clime, sent from all other countries. Brick Machine TEIEI CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Will run Settlers' Trains to all points *in NIANITOBA To restore the polish on opals blurred and scratched by weer, rub with oxide of tin or 11 11:"NSMS.N,N.la 111111111 BAKING FMK 1 Assoeer ref Pueiterem;e:eneet. e't..,"e`ecietf:41°e'x'''r°4.Cre. ARC THt STRONOCSLPURES:r A0P 4zST. 6 }.1very Wandler and P4111011T/41.1) !JAVA OWL, Worth its Weig*,t in Gold. $ Duple by mail 30e. CO., Toronto, Oureer-eseellel rat:a a cpi Eh: :4cetlllitw: provedl I : i:nall:re:te abscte: you it safe, made in thet best manner,with Corm, blimtionLock, and. weE finished th every re - sprat, for 540, on de- livery at your stationt. RSeInDldBfA"LL°i,r°11571a7r.01* St., 2. 0. 'Box 940., liontreal Q Cook's Gem BAD POWDER Why do you use those Expensive American and Canadian Baking Powders when you een get as good, and wholesome et one half the price? Prove it by try- ing the Cook's Gem. Manufactured by ELLIS & KEIGHLEY - TorOnta 1, THE NORTH-WEST, British Colnnabia and the Pacific Coast, Leaving Toronto, N. ik N. -W. Station, Brock Street TUESDAY FEBT 28Tli 5 and every Tueeday thereafter duringl.arch and Apri, A colonist sleeper will be attached to these trains. Make early application to agent for ',Ahab ears and berths you will require. 3gfe et cars supplied for colonists? movables. No Customs delay or expense. No quarantine. No transfers. Per further infOrMA/ time see agent, or WIjtS COLONIZATION AGENT, 110 King St. West, Toronto. That's taking the lead, new er :Second hand, apply to putty -powder in a piece of chamois skin, . wet ; then wash the opal with a soft brush AtEN. DWG. Ne son el and water. With a little care this may be done without taking it from the setting. THE MARTIN rick Leather chair seats may be revived bY Many women otherwise intelligent r ' rubbing them with wellebeaten white of singularly lacking in business capacity, sande Shooking Accident, - MACHINE, with new improvements is away egg. when, as often occurs, they are thrown on So read the headlinee of many a newspaper ahead of any and every White and pale shades. of paint may beitheir oven resources, they do not know how eolumn, and we peruse with palpitating in. Machine in America. lilanufactmed only by beautifully' cleaned by usiiig whiting in the to conduct the most ordinary business terest the details of the catastrophy, and are I H. MARTIN & 00., 00 Mary St , Hamilton, Ont. water. I transaction. The woman mentioned in the deeply impressed by the sacrifice of human . It is said that cranberries put in a, water i following incident, narrated by an exehaaigre, lives involved. Yet thousands of men and 0 HINIQUTS FIFTY YEARS tight keg and sunk under water will keep was evidently lacking in business training. women are falling victim every year to that 1 lungs), and they and their friends are sags. gee plas.0Arts, and :Iv ebnotoetra ethers, tem,. there could be . no greater mistake. No Tt aD173).05414, .R1N• G.46011, Towner°, WILLARD TRACI •-•RPORMICT, TORONTO. fied to believe the malady incurable. Now, Y. TI, earthly power, of counie, can restore a lung that- is entirely wasted, but Dr. Pierce's el Es „ci,...,„,othgthied_dini and Golden Medical Discovery will rapidly and ROD OUT $1.00 ria zs. , She entered a bank in order to get a cheque t 'In disease consumption (sorofula of the in the churchof Rome, 10th edition, cheaper in erica, . to ed, so she went to the receiving teller'i 1 i sound all winter. Mix stove poll& with soft soap and coffee I cash window and thrust it in. The teller shoved to give a bright luster, and avoid the dust To extract ink from wood, scour with sand ,, Next it back : winter 1 I can't wait till next , " Nexe winder," said he. from polishing. wet with water and ammonia. Then rinse winter le exclaimed the lady. with strong ealeratus water. 1 " 1 said next winder," shouted the clerk ; Bundy arrest e ray g t, f d one. Illustrated Catologue Free To polish niekel-plated goads after becorn- " w•iond•caw, winder: tether winder." • • 1 ns le; your? pAi_E-R FOP 1 E LE., E3 ROS aCOS.! R I -a- X.1.._.1LE A Q-1 N G MEIRC,HA NTS • CATKLOG1JP 1;1 MUG FRE E. A t7=t.tr..R.E.,'S',5 'ST E E LE' 13.RS Eal 'TO.Pteeleirleee,ONTe CONEOICS CARRIAGE TOPS collections will suit eveu taken in time. o no , , , until you have tried this wonderful remedy WEBSTER BROS., FLORISTS, liamiLeou. Mr. Cleveland was, four yeam ago in the he finds himself like many other Amerioant ing black and not worn, lure rouge or whit- " Oh, yes; but this as the receiving win- ing on a rag with it little oil. dow, isn't it ?" To give a good oak color to a pine floor 1 "yes, but you can't get any money here' wash in a solution of one pound of copperas ' "But I'm going to receive it, ain't I?" dissolved in one gallon of strong lye. "Not here you ain't . go to the other ' e 1 winder, lady; he'll fix you, Mildew can be retne ved by soaking 7 The lady as still uncertain, but she went butter -milk, or putting lemon juice and emit and shoved in her check. The polite official upon it, and exposing it to the hot sun. flutist it back. "It's not endorsed, madam," hands of his friends. He was elected. Now citizens in the hands of his wife. i A perfeet specific -Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. One good effect of the lAizzard ha New Take a bucket of fresh water into your said he. York was that the English sparrows were covered. It will absorb all poisonous gases "Is your name Tucker ?" killed in great numbers. 1.1nheppily in ' Boston they came out of the storm as lively bedroom every night and let it rema,in un- "Not endorsed ? What does that mean ?" To darken light mahogany and cheery. sell Wewhat ff it is?" as over. bichromate of potash dissolved in water is "Is this Your name' here, on the face of 400f1 No More. " Ye$, It ye" . Watson's cough drops are the best in the world for the throat and chest, for the voice excellent, and gives it the appearance of the cheek.?". ageP.aint stains that are dry and old may be "Web, then, you must endorse it." removed from cotton or woolen geode with j "That's what you said before. What do..ou moan glo Ohl0C0fOICO. First cover the spot with olive 3, "You must write your name across the , oil or butter. back of it." Cooking Reoipes. "Bub my name's on it already." "On the front. That ain't enough; it , IBM' Sour —Boil imust be . .—Bol one small beef bone n se " r oes the back three quarts of Water. When it has boiled i "Oh, well, gi' me it." She took it and r three homes add two onions, two turnips, carefully wrote her name upside down woes few potatoes chopped fine, two tablespoon- the bottom of the check and Winded it in. fuls each of barley and rice; season Wahl "You endorsed it wroug, madam.' salt and pepper. Boil one hour longer. 1 "HOW did I know how you Wanted it? • t) Sago CREAM. -Yolks of three egga, one.1Why n y unequalled, See that the letters R. & T. W are stamped on each drop. el among its books one containing tile Lord's . - prayer in 814 different dialects. It.was.com- Allan Line Royal. mail Steamships piled by A. Amer, and published in Vienna Sailing &trite; evaitet froth Portland every Thursday in 1844. Second • nand Bicycles and 'Tricycles. Send for List. New Catalogue ready in April. 're IneanlesTIII, MONTREAL. Ighaley,Royoe Ca SAU SAGE CASINOS. EST ESITORTED ENGL/SE SHEEP% also enna IT ga Casings Quality guaranteed In Iota to suit purchasers. Write for prices. The public library of San Francisco has as. Park lav Son. 203 Yonge Street, Torouto. The Cheapest place in Canada for BAND DISTRDEBTS New and second-hand. B'ave all the latest improvements, and are unequellett Inc durability, style and convenience. The leading• carriage builders sell them. ASK FOR THEM mel BUY NO OTHER Agents for BES SON " anti "HIG HAM" BA.ND 011011EST/tA. Musio EVERYTHING IRTES RUSH) LINE. Send for Catalogue '‘Uncle Saut"wilionGlve Farm, 4•80 ACRES FREE, Along a thousand miles of new rail- way, Naps, Books, showing eoun- try's resources and advantages. Letters from settlers who are thriving beyond their *expec- 1 atone. Send postal card with your addrese to .1. Witte I580e,4Paliner House Bloeli,Torento or O. H. WARREN, Gen% Pass. AO, St, Paul, Ilion. ' and flolifax even Saturday to Liverpral, and in sum, Whenever your Stomaish Or Bowele get MO of Of Imer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpord,calling der, causing Bilioueness. Dyspepsia, at IfidfgeOt100 Ot LOOdOOderry to land /mile and passengers for and their attendant evil, take at once a dose of Dr. Scotland and Ireland I also from Baltimore, Via Nall- Oaraon'e Stomach Bitter& Best family medicine. fax and St. John's, IL F., tO Liverpool fortnightly ill Drugglets, 60 cents. ' during summer monthg. The steam' s of the Ghia - The mushrooms of Califoreia grow Worthy ' Kow lime sail dutitie winter to and from Halifax, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia ; and dueng sum - of that remarkable State. One was rent' mer behkeen Olvegow and Montreal wedy .. Glee. is . a gow and Besten weekly, and Olavgow and Philadel• atarrh cold in the Head, Day Fever, etc. can postai:YOU be cured. A new method. Medicine Guar- anteed. to cure. No eure, no pay. If you have tried other remedies that failed to cure, you will not be disappointed in this. For full particulars adclreas M. V. LUBON, 47 Wellingtomst. E., Toronto, °an. Send lle„ in stamps for Book " Treatise on Dis. eases of Man." INSTANT RELIEF pi and tencentsia. FINAL CURE Send your address. °a stamps forBook. " Treatise`on Diseases of Man." Address M. V. LIMON, Wellington-st. E., Toronto Ont. half cup of sago, one quart of milk • boil " thOlIght I did; here, write it across ly cooked at Santa Bar ara Tflahi taloWly one-half hour; sWeeten to ;wins ; the top so's," end the teller painfully showed eight inches in diameter. It eeld to phi** fertnIchtly, When cold ardel the Whitee of the eggs, beaten her, and. with much grtideing she eemPlied. delicious . l'or freight, passage or ethOr inform/IF/On itlOPIY to to a froth. I The teller thereapon ettshed. her cheque with Peep) who are subject to bad breath, foul ocate I ffngefehxuni` Saal111:314.ra'84°°°°::Slalati°1'16tnr.:,;1171.c1Ciet1Witamrd. ThC1°C'oP.1 the o and tried remedy. Mt vour teuegist. tongue, cr eve, disorder of the- Sttetatch, CDR at oriel ten & C'o., St, john, N. B.; Allen & Co., 01 ; aTtil OtrO-110.1f 01.1pS of mil.lr three Oggs one 441 ain't gobse 'to taleee therie " odd, be relleted 1161311* Dr• ORreedl'O Stotonert tittere I.ove th Alden, New YOrIc ; a. Boruller, Toronto ; $ I Aliens Rae & GO, Quebec • Wm Brookie l'hiladel. OF119 - One and. etc half cups of flour one twe '1°11°" - GP me bine. The teller sighed and gave her two one - dollar bills, which elms took, picked up her I hie ;'11. Alie, leetieth, Tioten, leontreal. • butter) two teaspoone of baking eowder ; Two hundred and fifty immigrants arriv- P . . . IVIoLeet'ets Coolans.-Two cup of faugrue Patasol and departed. teaepoori of auger, one-quarter of fi, cup of ed irt Winnipeg That Week. Clotee Omaa cures la ono inintiter DYEING AND CLEANING - addle of lard, water and Inolailres, oncehalf Imitation toChia has been made by the Kingston` it • Co. R Pakker & two teaspoons of ground ginger, one cup ------ A oonteant for a large shipment of cotton dough i roll out, cut in any .destred shape, tery. This may account for the number of e . . Works awl Head °Medi t teaspoon of Balt, flour to make e light Is sometimes called the sincere form of fiat- Cotton Company. and bake in a hot oven, imitations of the original and only poratave (1.'" teaanahiP.. Pillifiengers ' - ' r% r" '759 Tu 763 YONGm ST. DRLIOATE OAKE.-One cup of sugar) tine- oorn oure—l'utnam's Painlees Corn Lee- Via New 'Zork should take theta° railway) .i. 209 onge Street ). half cup of utter;bstir te it oream ; add traotor. All fetch fail tO possess equal merit, 1 as it is not only the shortest and beet lbiei oity OiriCCO: 808 411000 St Wed% T0110131'0. one.harcup each �f corn etarch and milk,lso when purchasing get the genuine "I'ut- but lands people 01000 to the piers of the 225 Qtneen lit thugs1 one oup of flonr, two teaspoons of baking wan's." Safe, sure and painlees. All dreg- tleading etearnship 60Inthillitle, is bnying 160 cothomt, Street, priumbra, Ont. powder and our egge. giste. tickets, ink for the Brie, 4 Johr, Street North,,,,, ,, ,,,, „ ,,liaiellton, oto, bake in stem pens. Nervous Debility. TIE covery of the greatest dia. present age for Rano- GATING TIM 1109/11LA, espomuizoem.Buctos Liana AND RLDNEt COMM/WM. A peit eat Blood Purifier A iew in Hamilton who have been bona ilted by its 11130 Mrs. 31. ••eenen ler Robert St., cured at Erysipelas of 2 years standing;Robert Ooi nell, 24 South St, daughter cured , Epileptio Fits after 6 years' suffering eno e 55 a nut st., cured of weal:nee and Lung Trouble ; John Wood, 95 Cathcart at. cured of Liver Complaint and Biliousness, used onl O fitty.eent bottles; Mrs. Beal, 6 Augusta St. troubled for years with Nervous Prostration, tw small bottles gave her great relief. Sold at 50o. &51.05 1'. 11.kLLEY & CO., Proprietors. mismossifflimammoommemor BREADMAKER'S YEAST ALWAYS AHEAD! BRR A.D made with this. Yeast took first prizes at 142t, 'Thwashiy and County Fairs roe Ontario an x887, at such place% as lilesherton,Markharii,WRit: by,etc. Over lo,000ladics have sent us letters and postal cards DR. GRAY'S Spec:1110 has been used for the pas to say that it is superior to 1 fifteen years with great success, in the treatment of yeast ever used by them. Nervous Debility, and an diseases arising from me makes the lightest, whitest. wises, over-worked brain, loss of vitality, ringing in sweetest and most wholesonter e ea , p pit ti n eta For sale by all druggists. bread, buns, rolls and bur.* Price $1. per box, ot 0 boxes for 5E4 or will be sen y wheateakes.Directionsinettelas ' mall on receipt of price. Pamphlet on applies:Men. linkage with fen tnstructIOfl THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto. TAKE NO OTHER. PRICE 6 CENTS., A PERFECT FOOD 1 t. hp FOR INVALIDS AND CONVALESCENTS ment in small bulk, that 050 be relished and bray digested by the The great want that is felt for a food that contains arena toutittle- v 1e `IN *. , most delicate invalids, is fully supplied by .10111NSTON"el FIEllio ..T.--- BEEF, which Is acknowledged by the most eminent medical and' ;$ scientific authorities to be the Mast Perfect Form of Concentrated ; 014112TONS FLUID StEF rood. 3± 10 popularly known as the Great Strengte Giver, ----..----.--,-------------------,--.—....— Capital and tdJb.dS TIONV over $3,004.1t0450.' READ OFFICE, - 15 TOROST,, TORONTO. A. Ilome Compaoy, Established October 1S/1. To this Date. °Went. 81, 1887, there hoS been returned t To the heirs oi Polley holders orr(death,cleims).. CO TO the hldes of Matued EndoWnient . ..... „ • .. .. . , 03 o Poliephokiers on Surrender Of Policies , , • - „. • ..... KOH 00 To Policyholders for Cash profits (including those' allotated ancl:being'ylaid; . . 432,544 02 Toholders of Annuity ••• . , . , ..... • ....... • 16,007 84 Loaned to Polloy-lablders en the 010011191 Of theiiPOliefes • .... 82,264 08 $1,306,174 47 rolicies in Force oirer 10,006* A 'mount over 815,t 410,41t PILESIDtliT—Ilon. Sin W. P. lievano K.C.M)0. VICt-PROMENTS—WILLIAM tiLLIOTT, PAC& V.,owAstn, Ileormi, ESQ. J. K. MACDONALD, 1flalio441otg Wieder.. PAWS ttesitsfeitahle titer 8 Von sod Isdeleiol 1 •