The Exeter Times, 1888-4-12, Page 5DISTRICT DOINQS. ,--- Peourrances of the Vast week Through- init the Neighborhood a Concise rosin. Mrs. Henry Peapock, of Blanshard, has a flock of young gosling. The ;aleph) syrup, boom is at ite height. 'the prize ranges from $1 to $L25 per gallon. Everest's Liver Regulator worked Wonders on ine and made me feel like a nevv,rnan.—Levi EL Slipper, Forest Ont. A depth of 238 feet was reached last week in drilling the test well for the waterworks at the harbor at Goderich btlt the increased flow of writer was not alitih as Was desired. Mr. Andrew Knox, a the 8th con of Blanshard, sold four head of fine cattle to MeeJohn Willie, of Exeter, which weighed astral/A(30a hundred pounds eaoltNor which he received a hand - /Wine Spring! Spring! Spring! Boils! Boils! Boils! The best Blood Purifier and Tonic is Dr. "' Carson'sStomach Bitters. The People's Remedy. Large bottles 50 ots. Messrs. C. 5; G Snell, of Exeter, have sold their 50 acre farm, on the 2nd con of Stephen, to Messrs. John and Credick Stanlake; for $4,300. Are you not going to use a blood purifier this Spring? If so, remember that Dr. Carson's Stornech Bitters is one of the best, known. Large bottles 50 cents. .A„ cow belonging to Mr. Win. Ennui. ton, of Blanshard, gave birth to a calf, a few days ago, which weighed 148 pounds, when dropped. Both cow and calf haye since died. I hld a bad cold on my lungs for two years; everytbing I tried failed me until I got Everest's Cough Syrup, and it cured me.—Mrs.D. A. Fraser, Park- hill, Ont. Ashfield, Bruce, County, claims a bigger giant than he of Kincardine. Roderick McKenzie is 19 years old, but is 7 feet 9 inches in height, weighs 245 lbs., and measures 45 inches round the ohest. I actually believe that Everest's Cough Syrup saved my life.—James Kirkpatrick, Merchant. Forest, Ont. Including the town hall, echools and church properties in Clinton the asses - or estimates that the propertiesexempt from taxation there are worth about $75,600. Word has been received of the • death in Chicago of Mr, Wm. Stephen- • son, brother of Mrs. J. E. Harding, ot Stratford and Mrs. Dr. .Elarrison of Winnipeg. He has been in Chicago foresotue years in the newspaper busi- nets. 'The fairs hereabouts are as follows : Granton, Friday, April 13. Hibbert at Staffa, April 13. Luoan, Tuesday, April 17. Stratford, Tuesday, A pri117, St. Marys, Wednesday, April 18th. irkton, 'Thursday April 19. Parkhill iday, April 20. Mr. James Pickard, of Exeter, sold ` to Snell Bros.; butchers, of this place, his 100 acre farm in the 4th con., of township of Hay for a handsome sure. At the municipaleleetions held in McGillivray the other day W L. Corbet was chosen Deputy -Reeve and Mr. W. Ritchie, councillor, by majorities of 84 and 72 respectively. The chancery suit of John Eedy, of Lacan, vs. Irwin to cancel a contract made while the plaintiff claimed he was intoxicated, was deoided at Lon- • don in favor of Eecly. He bought a stallion from Irwin for $850 and paid • dovrn $103. The judgment was with- out costs and the $100 was ordered to be paid backto the plaintiff. Mr. Alexander Gardiner has pin% chased the 25 sores on the 13th con- cession of McKillop, formerly owned by the late Mrs. McMillan, paying for it the sum of $1,150. This farm ad- joins Mr. Gardiner's present property and he now has a farm of oyer two hundred acres. Mr. O'Hagan, M. A., has resigned his posion in the Mallen High School and will leave about the first or My to study law. The relations between him aud the board are understood to te somewhat strained. At a meeting of the Winghtun Fish and Game Protective Association on Monday evening, it was unanimously decided to carry out the law in regard to fishing out of season, and notice has been given to farmers and others hav- ing a stream running through their property. to strictly enforce the la. The Currie Bros., of Parkhill accept the challenge of the Cruther Bros., of Belmont, to saw a maple log feo :et 18 inches to 36 inches in citameter for a stake of $250, and have deposited $25 with Charles Andrews, of Parkhill, as a guarantee of geed faith. One of the happy events of the season was the marriage of Mr. John McCallum, of Blanshard, to Miss Mag- gie Barr, of Fullerton, by the Rev. Mr. Turnbull, of St. Marys, lastweek. In tn the evening after the ceremony a large number of invited guests gather- ed at the residence of the bride's fath- er, and enjoyed themselves by trippmg the light fantastic, singing and music. Instrumental musio was furnished by Messrs. Anderson, Cameron and Wiles and vocal music by Mr." Murray, of Anderson, and Mr. Munn, ot Exeter. •4/large number of useful presents 'neve received by the bride. . r Mrs. Samuel Robb of Stratford,:died on Saturday, aged 78, from an attack of congestion of the lungs. Deceased • was a tlative of Tyrone county, Ireland where Slid was born in May 1816. In 1830 she married, and with hee late husband emigrated to Canada and settled in the township of Downie in 1834. Her parents also settlechn this sectiOrt and were among the first pioneers in Downie. Her husband was regestrar of the north riding of Perth for thirteen years previous to hie death, which occurred Jan. 25th, 1884. She was the toothet of nine children, Flriclay morning th e body of a rnan named Miller was found on the Michi- gan Central. track it few relies west of Welland out to pieee8. • He lived in the woods, and is not known to have any relatiVes in this neighborhood. AMMOMIATED BREAD. Ammoniated balling powders—that is, baking jowdere in which carbonate ef ammonia is used as an ingredient, and which exhale an odor of ammonia Wien heated -are °hissed by many enainent physicians and sanitarians as superior to all °there. Professor Hassell, of Loudou, who is recognised as highest authority on the sebjeet of food hygene, counnends in the strongest terms the use of carbonate of ammonia as a leavening osenit, stating its great edvantage to be in its eerfeot volatil- ity, which permits it to he, by the het of baking, entirely thrown into leavening gas whereby the bread is raised. Thi) experi- ment with heat would seem to indicate the superior not the inferior, value of such baking v,owder. The little heat that is impaired to it when held over a gas jet: lamp or stove, sufficee to resolve the carbonate of ammonie into leavening gee and throw it off. The first heat of baking, therefore, will effectually develop all the gas thor- oughly leaven the loaf and. dissipate the gas producing ingredients of a powder of this kind i and this is the highest test of a perfect baking powder. Where other alkalies alone are used they are not infre- quently retained, unresolved, through the whole process of baking, and remain an unwholesome ingredient in the finished broad. The carbonate of ammonia cannot be used as a substitute for cream of tartar. -- T. Weekly Tribune. The Canada club, of London, entertains Lord Stanley of Preston on May 2nd, prior to his departure for Canada.' If you have cold, cough, bronchitis, or any form of throat or lung disease, do not uegleet it. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, if promptly taken, will speedily relieve and cure all ailments of this character, Catarrh, when chronic, becomes very offensive. It is impossible to be otherwise healthy, and at the same time, afflicted with catarrh. This disagreeable disease, in its most obstinatt and dangerous forms, can be cured by the ase of Ayeret Sarsap- &dila, • Capt. D,H. Lyon, manager and proprietor of the C. P. B. and R. W. & 0. R. oar ferry Brookville, says: I used Nasal Balm for a prolonged case of cold in the head. Two applications effected a complete and thor- ough cure ;in less than 21 hours. I would not take $100 for my bottle of Nasal Balm if I could not replace it. Have you ever tried Iinperial Cream Tartar Baking Powder? Do so; it is the purest and. best, always reliable. THANKFUL. Some time ago being very greatly troubled with ()Otis •and coughing, I went to the drug store and got Haggard's Pectoral Balsam. In a short time I was well. I have found it a euro cure and am thankful that I used it, and now would not be with- out it. B.A. Schaefer, Berlin, Out. Mr. Parnell has summoned his support- ers to be present in Parliament on Wednes- day next, so as to vote for the Farm Labor- ers' Relief Bill. PREVAILING. SICIeNESS. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sore Throat, Inflammations and Congeetiong are most prevalent at this season of the year. •Hag - yard' s Yellow Oil is the best external and internal remedy for all those and other troubles. A Calcutta despatch says ;-41. severe tornado has • done great damage in the native quarter of Deoca. Nineteen persons are reported killed. The Europeau quarter escaped. MAII1NG SURE. There are many people who adopt health and diet rules when attacked by disease of the stomach, liver or bowels, this is quite right, but those who add to this treatment the use of B.B.B. according, to directions, • make sure of being quickly and easily cured. •A FAMILY FRIEND. Dear Sirs, --We have used Hagyard's Yellow Oil for sore throat and colds, and always can depend on it to cure. We also use it for sore shoulders on our horses. Mrs. Wm. Hughey, Wilberforce, Ont. A SAD PROSPECT. How many weary broken down invalids there are to whom life is burdensome and whose prospect is sad indeed. • The nervous debility and general weakness of those afflicted with lingering disease is best rem- edied by the invigorating and restoring properties of B.B.B. Sir Edward Guinness has declined to stand for the Parliamentary seat for St. Stephen's Green, Dublin, made vacant by the death of Edmund Dwyer Gray. Chronic Coughs and Colds Ind all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs can be cured by the use of Scott's Emulsion as it contains the healing virtues of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophospbites in their fullest form. See what W. S. Muer, M. D. L. R. C. P. etc., Truro, N. S., aays. "After three years' experience I consider Soott's Emulsion one of the very best in the market. Very excellent in Throat affections." Put up in 500. and $1 size. A Gibraltar despatch says :—The United States steamer Enterprise, under premp- tory orders has sailed for Tangier. The flagship Lancaster has arrived here. HOW TO SAVE MONEY. , Always buy the best because it is the cheapest in the end, and not only is Bur- dock Blood Bitters the best medicine known for ell chronic diseases of the Stomach, Eklueys, Liver aud Blood, but 11 16 really the cheapest as it needs less to cure and °mei more euicely than any other remedy. BORN. Hewsees.--In Hay, on the fith inst., the wife of Thos. Hawkins, of a daughter. Usborne, on the 6t1 inst., the wife of W. Miners, Jr. of a daughter. MARRIED. aRANCHFIELD Russeklale, on the 4th inst., at the residenee of the bride's father, by the Rev. Jas. Caswell, Mr. W.J. Gratehfieltl, of Fullerton, to bliss Sarah Jane Walker. VOBINSON--ALWAY.—At the residence of the bride's father, on the 2711.1 ult , by the Rev. S. Sellery, B. D., Mr. William Robinsou to Mies Addie, second daughter of Mr. Jas. Alway, both of [Moan, Ross—SabantatC—At the residence of the bride's mother, ou the 28t1t lift, by Rev. David A. Moir. Joseph Ross, of FullaitoD, to Sarah Jane, daughter of the late,,Wm. Sandsburn, of Blanshard, Out, 0-444-41 "IPECTORIA" for colds, " PEC TORIA" for coughs. "1?ECTORIA" for the Lungs. PEOTORIA" for Bronchial tubes. "PECTORIA" the best, the safest, the cheapest. OPECYVORIA" the great 25 cent Cough Remedy. • At a sale in the townehip of Bien - Shard the Other day, horses brought as high AS $230 eatth, cattle Train $49, to $60 each, sheep from $20 to $25 per pair, , Dress -Making! s fire, Bissett and Miss Welsh beg to in- form the publie that they are opening out basinese end can be found on the corner of William aud Gidley streets. Dressenekieg &me in all the Latest • Styles. LEssons on Fancy Work given.—Stampiug a speoialty. Orders promptly attend- ed to. A eall solicited. SOMETRIIIGIEW! The Proprietor of the Dominion Laboratory! Begs to announce to hi S numerons friends and patrons that he has just lint in full —line of -- Staple & Fancy Stationery, Accounts Books and all kinds of School Requisites,' Leter and Note Paper, Fools Cap Paper, Account Paper, Colored Tissues Gilt Papers, Drawing Pap- er, Pens and Pencils, And also a full line of all the newest and • most popular WORKS — OF — FICTION, All of which will be sold at the Lowes re- namerritive rates. J. W. BROWNING, Prop MONTREAL 5croral :11 liore REMOVED. Mr, T. DEARING has removed to his new stand, one door north of Dr. Lutz's Drug Store, opposite the Central Hotel, Where he .will be found as sual, offering Bargain8: In Dry Goods, Groceries, I3oots & Shoes, Glassware, &c., dm. In order to clear out the bulk of general stock. He sells for cAsa only, itaid no book ac- counts kept.. Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. Give him a 'call and see for yourself- Rementber the Spot. • T DE1.6.MI110 THE KEY TO HEALTH 'Unlocks &lithe clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carry.. ing off gro,d.ually without weakening the system, all the irnpurittes and foul humors of the secretions; at the same time Correcting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dys- pepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn„ Constipation, Dryness of the Skin., Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaundice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of the Heart, Nervousness, and. Gen.. oral Debility; all these and many other similar Complaints yield to the happy influence of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. • Ineelntr*: 4 0o1),„ Prom-14nm Toronto - Dr. CHASE Hag a world-wide reputation as a physician and author. LI is Afandrake Dandelion Liver Cure is a triumph of medical skill, curing all diseases of the Xindey and Liver, SIMPTOMS OF •sr;,4 „J -L,„ LAI I, c"" Din breast lig XXI lichee and pains in the back; a dull pain or weight in the bladder or base of the abaom en ; scald- ing urine often obstructed frognent desire to urinate. especially at bight, among aged persons; het, dry skin, pale complexion red aud white deposits, drop dizziness, sour stomach, constipation, piles, liver Sical sWelliusa, &a. SYMPTOMS OV • vain undo, th. Liver Complaint shoulder bladeS, janndice, sallow complexion, a wear3, tired feeling, no life or energy, hoad ache, dySpep. indige Stion, spots, pimples &o. HOW CURED : 'Italic1 rake an d Dandelion ar e nature's liver cures, and whet.. combined with eineey rem. eiliefe, as in Dr. Chase's rAvor (3 e, wit. 1 most positively cure all Ifidney-liver troubles. It acts like a charm, stiniulating the clogged liver, strongthenmg the kidneYs an 11 nviget, filing tile whole body. Sold by all AoOICrO 11± one dollar. with receipt book, Which alone is worth the money. Tr; A 55 55 Dr. ChaSe's Pills Mr° th c only Eidney-Liver. Pills made ; they Lact gently yet effectually, lVfay iver be taken during apy employ - Pills111 en t. They cure kidney -liver troublog, liettdache, bilionstIOSS ooStiven0Sa 86(5. One Pill a dose. Sold by all dealers, Pricoe; (melte. E13111SNS0N & COas Bradford, Ont., IVIAnfs. V(0 4:44 ese III I IA 4 SU Mt. his vicinity. implement. axcs KEY HARROW! _A.1•TID s ID A R McManus, foreman of the Gale Sulkey Harrow .Manufacturing Coe has returned and commenced operations in Read the following selection of the many testimonials received from persons in this vicinity who have purchased the All pronounce it a grand success, and say they wonld not be without one. seessieess Gale Sulkey Harrow Co., Windsor, Ont. DEAR SIRS,—I bought one of your combined harrows and. have worked it on sod and wheat stubble. I think it is the best implement I ever used and just what every •farmer needs. ' Yours Respectfally, Joseph Sholdice, Brinsley. Gale Harrow Co., Windsor, Ont. GIINTS. —1 wish to state that the corn - billed harrow bought from your agent .has pleased me in every respect, 1 have seen it work in all places where recommended, and think it is just what we need to pre- pare the ground' for crops and for killing Canada thistle's. It has no equal. Wish- ing you success I main yours truly, Simon Campbell Gale Harrow Co., 'Windsor, Out. DEAR SIRS.—I bought one of your Harrows and Seeders and have worked it int,11 places where it was recommended to work and can truthfully say that it does the work better'and with less labor than any implement ever introduced to this neighborhood. There are a dozen or more of my neieehbors who have them and they all think they are just the thing, Yours Truly, Jos Foster Exeter Ont. GaleHarrow Co., Windsor, Ont. , • Grasmomr.--This is to certify that the combined Harrow purchased from your agenthas given entire satisfaction, and I consider it the best implement of the kind ever introduced m this neighborhood I prepared my potato ground for wheat QAW GUMMING, --The Under - KJ signed would inform the Daigle that he is prepared to gum saws on the snertest notice, aud in a first-class manner, guaranteeing not to damage the plate. Saws gummed at a low price, at the factory. it mile south of Exeter. 2-m T. REAMAN. —CURES— Liver Coinplaint, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Kidney Troubles, Rheumatism without ploughing, and I can say that the machine does all your agent claims for it, and can cheerfully recommend it to my farmer friends as the best. Yours truly, Jas Halls, Usborne, Gale Harrow Co., Windsor, Ont. DEAR SfRS,—The Sulkey Harrow and Seeder bought from your agent is just what we want. I have used it to harrow cultivate, and seed and can truthfully say that it does the work better,easier and with l ess labur than any instrument I ever saw. I will also say that I have a good drill, but think that broadcasting as done by the Gale is the way to sow grain to get the best results. I have worked 10 aces of wheat stubble with the cultivator without ploughing and it did the work to perfection. Wm Rowtoliffe, Stephen. (Are En You mr•emamaill=C Looking !The cheapest spot in town. for Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Paints, Oils and Glass, &c., &c., if you are, just call at BISSETT BIROS. Skin Diseases —and all . We are now offering the balance of our stock of Axes, Impurities of the Blood from what- Cross -cut saws, Lamps and Tubular Lanterns, at cost for ever cause arising Female weakness &General debility Purely Vegetable. Highly Concentrated, Pleasant and effectual to use. ' --ASK FOR— Doctor Hodder's Compound. Take no other. Sold everywhere. Price 75 cents per bottle. DR. HODDER'S Cough Lung eve Sold Everywhere. Price, '25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Proprietors and Manf'rs, the Union Medicine Company, Toronto Canada. rarmors, Ationtion1 Ilk•KizzRzAra MILL WOOD LIAM. The undersigned would respectfully infer he coin munitl that they havo leasedt he above mills for a tertb of years ; an d will be pleased to have a call from all. The mill has recently been improved, by the addition of new mach- inery. It is the in tontion of tic subscribers to add a set of rolls a8 soon as possible; and all combined, the Woodham Grist Mill • Will be second to none in the —x--x-- Gristing and Chopping Done Promptly. 5 Fresh oatmeal constantly on hand for sale or exchanged for oats. SATiSFACTION GUARANTEED. ger A TRIAL SOLICITED. J. & A. ivicNEVIN, J. SN4ELL Merchant TaiIoi Has removed to premises one door north of Browning's drug store, whare there will be found a VT 11 As reritd Stook OF SPRING TWEEDS FOR SUITINGS &C. —ALSO— Scotch, English, Irish, French and Canadian Goods. Made up on the SHORTEST NOTICE .---AND AT— — CONSISTENTLY IOW PEWEES ! A. (ALL WILL CONVINGIL j. SZTPILL, Graduate ilk Cleveland Clitting SC11001 30 DAYS 01\1-1_1-5E" We would call your attention to a few of our specialties :— A Handsome Brass Library Lamp, A Ltirge Glass Stand Lamp, new design A Good. Tubular Lantern - A Good Axe and Handle Ana 1 Manure leak And everything at Bock Bottom Prices for Oasb. $2 50 $1 00 $0 50 q1 00 VO 80 A full stock of the following linos always on hand..—Barb wire, Plain Galvanized, An.- calent and Viled wire, and Buckthorn Fencing. Having purchased our supply of Binder Twino early we are now in apposition to supply at the lowest possible price. A full stoce of tinware of aal 'kinds always in stock. Eavetrongbing and roofing a spec- ialty. Agents for the B & B Meta.lic Shingle Roofing. At -k for priees. Agents for the celebrated Ras.mond Setvieg IVIactnne. BISSETT BROS., Exeter. 4 cs<,. ••„;,. e'?1' • rz'-'N 6 e, •„e, • -No rs, .sCv s esv” • fi°0 Os. • ,,,c)" 0 0% e * C5c • Ca e$ \tic` • ss' ,e4z) e.0 ecez, . 'eg'" (5C‘' fi'c• 2,,c> eceo re& eez" .eeb- •;-C* 6 tpc" (p •ie•go s., ° o'S .14 gb. e,e,4' 17° e55) Ze • "...* e 0 - •0\s, „iscs' \,•A \-P a.••••••••••,,,13. 4 44 CP' ,-a• oo ;gr _it, 0 lz" cs.91* ;\'' S. 4,S) e' {,0 • . „lb • e• `t4v e Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 78., New Oxford Street, 0 A, $et .e,,, 'c'° • • late OS, Oxford Street, Lennon. so- Purchasers should look to the Label oa the Boxes and Pots If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. SPRING 1888. SPRING Carpets. 1111.0. cog*Nowri.m.U.Drin.r. Curtains. Now that House -Cleaning time is near, we invite your in- spection to our BIG stock of Carpets, Curtains, and those _Pawky Window Blinds, &C • When buying Wall Paper don't forget that the Old Established. carries thc Biggest Stock and Latest Am- erican Patterns Lots of FanCyCeiling.Papers with • Corners to match, Virindour Blinds Wall -Paper '- wiesremixisvivirorematorroyeecencenrnwrnm,Oirranvirennesniarevarugunr gavots JAMES PICKARD, Exeter.