HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-03-13, Page 21• by a ndrei Davjdson 1" ll, it's just about that time again when summer holidays are fast ap- proaching- and you need ; some cash, The only, way to get this much needed funding is to either rob a bank or get a summer job• The -latter ?�s much safer. Before you:go out on the street to prey on poor defenseless . employees, there are a couple of things to do, Firstly, get a Social . Insurance card. These cards are very important to the job S hunter. If you need to get one go to your nearest Canada employment Centre. Take along two pieces of id tits . do such as your birth cer- tifxeate, baptisrnai certificate, driver's license or library card. As •.Long as it has` 'your name on it is ` all that matters. Second,, evaluate yourself. Since getting a job fs essentially Selling - yourself, you should have some idea -whether the merchandise is worth the risk.. When you are doing, this, take into account such aspects as age and other experience, ' per- sona lit y , er-sona.lity, health, education and see if these are advantages or. disadvantages . in getting a job. The employers will also evaluate ,you to see C' nting for students whether you will be an asset. Also, don't un- derestimate yourself. Every little job. that you've done in. the past,- frosts babysitting to mowing the lawn counts. Now, based on the evaluation of yourself make a list of jobs that you would like to de and see i there are any openings. To find out where the jobs are you can go through many channels. - Using connections is one of the many forms Qf locating work. Go to your relatives,' friends and neighbours and see if there are any jobs of the kind you were after, open. Ask their per-. central, huron chronicle 'r�a••r Michelle Corbett, editor) secondary school news Fund raising campaign Mission to use their names on the application forms when you decide, , Employment agencies. are =Other :.useful .tool of the job hunters. It is their job to find you a job. Canada mployment Centres are' examples of such agencies. You .can also find them in the Yellow Pages under Employment Agencies. Previous employers may also be' able to give you a lead on an opening or .offer- you the job, you had before. Your guidance or placement counsellor may be able to give a lead on some available -jobs. This is always a good place to get tips on job The old standby of the most ardent worker is the want ads, Read all of them. Who knows what you'll find. Answer them as quickly as possible. When you have found the job you are after send a letter with a resume attached to the employer. If you want to make sure by Susan McKay $2,000. This money will be the ticket with your name the prospective employer On March 3 the sixth full Student Council meeting was held. There was • a rather heated discussion pertaining to the Student Council's new fund-raising proposal. The -campaign once again is to be the selling of chocolate bars, these chocolate bars, however, will cost $2 each. The ,campaign will probably begin in two to three weeks time audit is predicted that ap- proximately 12,000: Chocolate bars will be sold. CHSS. will reeive 50 percent of 'all proceeds and will not have to cover any expenses. If a student sells a dozen chocolate bars he will receive a silver dollar. The Student Council will be given a cheque at the beginning of the campaign for used for the lottery that on it is drawn you win remembers the letter, goes along with the $1,000 as does the pur- write on colored or chocolate bar campaign. chaser of the bar. If a Patterned writing paper. In order to enter the student buys and sells a Keep it within.reason lottery the student must chocolate bar to himself though. sign his name and the he will win $2,000. Going to see the • nafne df the purchaser on It is hoped that all prospective ernployer -the---ticket—tonna---on-- the- stude-n-ts_ will _par-ticipate� will-._alssa-_have._.a-bigger chocolate bar wrapper. If in this campaign. impact than just a letter. . By making personal contact you are likely to be remembered during interviews or given leads on other j obs. If . you don't get an Carter or Gloria Work- answer, be persistent. man placed in the top Remind the employer -two. that you .applied earlier.. + + There may nflt be any openings so be patient. If Be prepared for a the employer gets the barrage of tests after the idea that you really want A arch—break: A eport 'the job he may just give it to you. Some of the . biggest tools to help you get a job are application letters and resumes. To make it easier to get out as many resumes as possible.use a This week at CHSS Hopes for an early March break fizzled. Wednesday.. when students returned to school after a one day holiday. The normal short March break will run from March 14 to March 24. The Oddfellows Public _Speaking Competition was held March 7. Unfortunately, neither of - our representatives, Judy card requiring at least three major marks will be issued. April 18 based . on the work from February 15 to April 3. This is the shortest of the four terms. A Wingham girl, Nima Patel won a trip to the United Nations in New York as a result of winning the Huronic Rebekahs and Oddfellows Public Speaking contest in Clinton Friday night, March 7. Left to right are Jean Henderson Of Brucefield, Rebeicah's district deputy president; Nima Patel; Rick Kloss of Seaforth District, runner-up; and Wilf Caslick of Wingham, district deputy grand master. (Photo by Vern Sawyer) copying Machine,. Thi will save a lot of time an wear and tear en your hands. Always -type you application- letters an resumes. This will rnak them easier to read. you can't type ,ge someone to type it' fo you, Your application lett and resume are your f irs. contact with a possibl employer so take the tim to ' do them properly There are probably som books in the library t help you. The guidance office will also'have some information. The final step in getting a job is the interview. Try to get as many interviews scheduled as you can. --After-the"firm few, "In- terviews terviews you'll feel more confident and it will seem a lot easier. Another good practice is to confirm the time, location and name of the person conducting the interview. • To give you something to talk about during your interview and to show you are interested, learn some basic ' facts about the business to which you are applying. Neatness is also im- portant. It is usually a first impression that makes up the employer's mind. He is more likely to --hire-a--neat-looking; -ureal dressed person than someone who looks like he crawled out of the nearest gutter. Some other important things .to remember are to expect to fill out an application form, address your interviewer by name, be. prepared for the unexpected, talk - to your interviewer, be enthusaistic (within reason) and ---thank the - interviewer with a short letter for seeing you. Let's say that you got the job you were after. Now you have to keep it. To help you meet this challenge here are a few helpful tips. First'of all make sure you haven't bitten off more than' you can chewy You have a certain responsibility to complete specific tasks and are expected to fullfil this responsibility. To help you do this—be on time all the time. If you are late the business is thrown out of whack, also be there every day. If you can't cope with the job j assigned see the per- sonnel officer. If you • s can't come to work for d some valid reason, let ur Someone know as sQori as r possible. ' id Initiative and attitude _ e are what make .good If employees. Always be t willing to lend a helping ✓ hand in another depar- tment, take night school. er courses to improve your t skills, be prepared to e work overtime and don't e' -be ,afraid to make suggestions. These signs e of .initiative may show o. your ' employer there's more' to you than meets the eye, Always be positive about' your work. If you have an off day or your superiors are giving you a hard time, try to prove -she situa'"tion an discuss it with your supervisor. 11 you need any more information on job hunting and available employment op- portunities, check out the guidance office or the Dressed for a number called Baby Face, these young skaters.performed just Canada Manpower one of the dozens of numbers during the Clinton Figure Skating Club's ice show last Friday night that attracted over 1,000 people. (photo by Vern Sawyer) Badminton underway ********************�" * The badminton season is now underway at CHSS. The team has been practising for several weeks. The final team has not quite been -'established yet because there is excellent com- petition. The team will be rrl - r. ;ncr in 1 fes 14. TV 12 LISTINGS tournaments including one at Walkerton in * preparation for the final, * major Huron -Perth ; * competition which will be held in early April. The * team coached by Mr. * Clynick looks forward to a good year in bad- *. minton. Mondays - Lions TV Bingo 7:30..9 p.m. Wednesdays- Beginning at 7 p.m. 1- "Storytime" with, CarolineCass , 2- "Surprise!" with Ronnie Varga . 3- "I'll Be Seeing You"'with Stan Profit *. Thursdays- Beginning at 7 p.m. 1 - "Simply: Sports" with Dick Eisler * 2 - "What's Happening" with Fred * * Salter * * 3,- Regular monthly shows consisting * of: * Week 1: "Foxy'$ Friends'" * ,GeneTal Electric built ins from Hot Point- built ins (aTl colours) from Hot Paint Mobil? Dishwashers from $33995 $1499.3. -.. $36995 Most colours in stock - over 35 dishwashers in stock. „ Also ..some good buys on end of line, or discontinued stoves - fridges - washers - dryers, all priced to clear. We always have over 200 appliances on our floor. Come in ,and look' around. We do our own sericite. DRYSDALE MAJOR APPLIANCE CENTRE The Place to buy appliances Closed Mondays Hensall, Ontario J 262-2728 ▪ Week 11 "EasyListening" stenin %�' arr with Grant------* lison. Week )11 - "TV 12 SPECIAL" * * • Week IV - "The Best of Friends" with .. * * Warren & Eleanor Robinson * Sundays 2 p.m. willbe slated for any religious * • programs * • Monday through Fridays listen between 4:30 - 6 * *, p.m. for musk & chat with students from Central Huron, Secondary School on Channel 12 on your TV * dial. • ..\•.\•• ••-t••0•-1•.-\.• .•••••••-••v...••V..•.^..•• v.•. v.•r_•. v.•• v.•• r•• •. V.. •.;\••\•. rV.•• v.. •v ... ..1..•' ...,V..r,....s1...-.i..•.-...•••••...-•% Natiye dies... • from page 17 in 1929 and he attained the rank of full professor in 1938. Professor Shaw retired in 1964.. He never married, but he is survived by nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held, March 4, at the Rand Funeral Home in 'Hanover, with the Rev. Gary Mitchener of St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Hanover., of- ficiating. His remains will be cremated. 4 • Clinton 11!, 4-H club meet' The • fourth meeting of the Knotty Ladies, Clinton 3 4-1.1 club, was held -on Wednesday, March 5 at Mrs. P. Sandercock's. Kathy read the minutes of the third meeting and roll call was to describe how the furnishings in your robm reflect its use. Ten members answered the roll call. Mrs. L. Murch discussed the furnishings and their arrangements and the five points on design, harthony etc. Mrs. P. Sandercock discussed the arrangement of the bedroom furniture and' how to Work a floor plan and the symbols used on a floor plan. Each girl was handed a piece of paper to work out a floor plan of their own room and have it done -by the next meeting on Wednesday, March 12. MARCH MMEk &LQaE 04 in A0 bBlloa s. beach has more sea gulls and pelicans than people. Goy' Tennis Dining Swimming Sailing - Fishing Oceanfront Hotel Apartments Indian River Plantation Resort 385 ME. Plantation Road Hutchinson Island, Stuart, Florida 33494 (45 miles north of Palm Beach) Call Collect (305)13051 '225•37IH) Complete Hotel Services "ELDER ENTERPRISES SALES gt SERVICE ‘DIAL 262-6142 HENSALL ONT." There's a lot of you, And- a lot you can do, With the Red Cross. ANNUAL CAMPAIGN FOR FUNDS • { Door to Dopy Canvass • MARCH ist TO 3ist friendsforlife The Canadian Red Cross Society Co-ordinated by Roy and Paul Wheeler 482.9415 1 mile Vyest and 1 Mlle South of Hensall YAMAHA 4