Clinton News-Record, 1980-03-13, Page 13GUARANTEED
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verseas pen pals meet...
*from page 12
on their highways alone
each year,
When asked about their,
pass'exlger service
Richard said their rail
service could be summed
up in one word
decaying 1 They also
reiterated that it is very
costly to fly, and noted,
that; one could fly' to
Australia more
reasoziably than to
Dunedin on South Island.
The , government there
has ' its finger on
everything in Nev
Zealand and has helped to
make its ,inhabitants.
become very disen-
chanted. If you are
farming, you. are able to
.obtain a loan to. expand.
and purchase 0 com-
modities, but if you wish
to go into farming there
are • no loans available,
However, if you .can'
manage to purchase
some land (a reasonable
amount) than the'
government will assist
you, even to the point of
forgiving the balance of
your loan after you have
paid off for a certain,
number of years.
Cost of living is
,basically the ,same as
Canada. It costs less. in
New Zealand,.- but the
wages are less.`A ten acre
plot of land with a fairly
decent four bedroorn
house sells for $30,00Q.
Heating costs are
minimal. There is very,
Round about the village
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Burt, Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Kitchener, spent the Pollock• and Jane of
weekend at their honle'on plensall Visited Sunday
William St, with his mother, Mrs.
Mrs. Peggy Morley, Milton Pollock, Goshen
Cincinatti, _Ohio, is Line.
spending a few days at Congratulations are
her residence in the extended to Mr. and Mrs.
village. • Russell Grainger on the
Mr. and Mrs. Ron arrival of their 14th
Diemert, Brian and grandchild, a son for Mr.
Karen of St. Marys were and Mrs. James
weekend guests of his Grainger, Blugwater
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Highway south.
Floyd Diemert and Rick . Easter arrived early at
and Mt% Wayne Dielrnart . the Nip `N Tuck Variety
at the Albion Hotel. for Dennis Thompson°
Mr. Bill Aberhart, who was the lucky winner
Sarnia was at his cottage of a giant size chocolate
on Bayfield Terrace Easter bunny. His ticket
during the weekend. was drawn by Norman
Sorry to hear that Ken Walker. Because Easter
Scotchmer is is yet a few weeks away,
Alexandra Marine and they have decided to hold
General Hospital, another draw on an
Goderich. We do hope his Easter bunny.
staff will be a -share -one; ' Mr-. and M-rs. Ralph --
Mrs .
-a-lph-=Mrs. Gordon Stewart, Gosse, Toronto visited
RR2 Ripley," visited on • Sunday and part of
Saturday with her Monday with their son.
brother-in-law, sister and and family, Mr. and Mrs.
nephew, Mr. and Mrs. E. Paul 'Gosse, Glen and
Walter Erickson and Brian and their house
Andrew. guests, Mr.' and Mrs.
Mrs. Myrtle Pease and Richard Cullen, Tresna
Irvin, London were at and Chauncey • of
their village residence for Swanson, .West Auckland,
the weekend. New Zealand. The senior
Miss Julie Roberts, Gross's had left Toronto
Hamilton spent the for Bayfield on Saturday
weekend with her but encountered.- a
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cal terrible storm and were
Roberts of Goderich forced to spend Saturday
Township. night and part of Sunday
in Kitchener, They
Misses Luanne and reported that ac -
Lydia Erickson were the commodations were very
weekend guests of Miss scarce in Kitchener as
Linda Hawke, Stanley the OPP were asking
Township. • motorists to stay off the
Congratulations tp Mr.. ,roads: They had bad
and Mrs. Gregg `Arm- travelling even on Sun -
strong of the Goshen Line day as far as Seaforth
on the birth of their son where thankfully they
last week. said weather " conditions
Bayfield Lioness Climb=
The Bayfield Lioness
meeting was brought to
order at 7` . p.m: on,
Monday, March 3 by
president Judy Huntley.
A bum trip- to Toronto is -
planned for March 26.
The buses will leave
Bayfield at 8 a.m. on
Wednesday morning and
return around 8 p.m. the
same evening. Please
-sign. up if you are in-
terested. The tickets are
$10 per person and all
members are welcome to
bring a friend. Please
hurry to make your
reservations as there are
a limited number of seats
Bayfield Lioness are
holding a dance at the
Bayfield Community
Centre on March 22 and
dancing is from 9 p.m. to
1 a.m. Music will be
supplied by Jim Dewan
and tickets are available
from any Lioness
member, so hurry and
get, your ticket soon.
Tickets are $6 per couple
and they guarantee an
enjoyable evening.
Easter bungles are
being sold by the Lioness
members in Bayfield.
The bunnies are being
Kippen WI
By Rena Caldwell
Kippen East Women's
Institute will meet in the
Sunday School of St.
Andrew's Church Kippen
on March 19, 1980 at 8:30
p.m. Mrs. Mike Connolly
will be in charge of lunch.
Mrs. Steve Pine and
Sheri Lynn Brampton
are visiting with Mrs. Ed
Mrs. - tom Burke,
WFoxeter and Mrs.
Margaret Barnard,
Hensall are the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Mellis.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex
McMurtrie have returned
from a holiday in Mexico.
Mrs. Vivian Cooper and,
Mrs. W.L. Mellis at-
tended World's Day of
Prayer at Cavan
Presbyterian Church,
bought from Ed Kincade
of London. •who runs a
handicap workshop. This
workshop is sponsored by
Lions 'International and
employs only people with.3
handicaps who otherwise
would not be able to find
work. The bunnies are
made by these people.
After the dinner and
business meeting a Dutch
Auction was held and
everyone present
thoroughly enjoyed
The executive meeting
will be held March 17 at
the Bayfield Municipal
Building starting at 8
p.m. All members are
urged to attend. The
Easter bu nies will be
distributed at this
changed for the better
Mr, and Mrs. Bob
Parker of Dorchester and
Mrs, Bill Parker with her
daughter Jennifer were
guests...nL Mr- Bill Parker___is- ayes_.A -first tri to—Any y • ure skates including
on SundaCanada,
C a n a d a, however square dancing as partners Shannon
Dr. and Mrs. Rpb Richard had been to and Jim Crawford demonstrate with Debbie Leigh
Vancouver, B.C. when he
was an Officer in the
Royal New Zealand. Navy
Catering Service.
Retired from the Navy,
the couple operated a
general store for a year
Address the Bayfield where they said they
Garden Club. sold everything from
very little central
heating, open fireplaces
are used if warmth is
required. "Mostly,' Kay
said, "if it gets cooler, we
just put on another
jumper (pullover
sweater)." They, ar fved
in Bayfield in running
shoes and no winter
clothing. A trip to
Ooderich • to purchase
winter boots was a
necessity. They .find our
homes very warm,
almost unbearably hot.
Their school
classrooms are all built
facing the sun with plenty
of windows which all open
wide to let the warmth of
the sun and wind in. Their
bathrooms and utility
room are built •on the
back, or as the Cullen's
explained "oh the cold
side of the building". This
1 1 1 • 1
Smith and Ingrid Stryker during the Ice Carnival
Preszcator put on by the Clinton Figure Skating Clue last
Fridav night. (photo by Vern Sawyer)
Hunter and Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne Bamford en-
tertained Mr. and Mrs.
William Girling of
London at dinner at the
Little Inn on Monday. Mr.
Girling was in Bayfield to
Again we hang up pen
and paper in favor of a
new correspondent for
the Bayfield Bugle. Bud
Sturgeon -will . be taking
over the reins from here
on and is anxious that the
contributors. contact him
and arrange for per
"pins to petro". The
couple are now in the
process of purchasing a
600 acre parcel of land
and expect the deal to be
completed when they
- return home.
They would dearly love
to emigrate to Canada,
`sonars, news items,
pictures or coverage of
any kind. He is en-
thusiastic and has the
time to do justice to our
page. Thanks to all of you
for your weekly conn
tributions and please
continue to extend Bud
the same courtesy. YOU
COLUMN. Bud can be
reached at 565-2852.
Please call him.
Gary and Edna Hulley
of Paris, Ontario spent
the weekend at their most
westerly residence on
Howard Street.
Greg and Emily
Nielson were at th•e
doctor's cottage -on
Sunday 'and enjoyed a _,,,,(every country has some
cross country ski trifi.":,upf-
type of bureaucracy and
but in 1974 Richard ap-
proached the Consulate in
New Zealand and
inquired about the
possibility. A question-
naire was immediately
presented to him and he
was ordered to fill it out
on the spot. Even though
he is bilingual., he does
not speak French, which
made the consulate
representative very
indignant . and made
Richard to feel like a
"second-class citizen".
There were citizen".
ridiculous restrictions
that both Richard and
Kay agreed were cer-
tainly geared to keeping
people out of Canada.
However they said they
held no grudge against
the. Canadian citizens
-the scenic Bayfield River
George and Nellie
Klumper visited with
relatives in Windsor over
the weekend.
Spring is just around
the corner says Harry
Israel who is back in the
village preparing the Red
Pump for the upcoming
We hear that Mary Ann
Rathwell is back. home
again and recuperating.
The Bayfield Babes say
get well soon. ,
Blaine and Leisa
Stephenson recently
returned from a trip to
Detroit where they took
in a Red Wings' hockey
game. The_ Hereford
reports that it was well
worth. it just tosee the
new Joe Louis Arena.
Judy Gi1d;ori of the
River House Apartments
spent the weekend
visiting with her sister,
Laurie, in London.
For a Last Fling
at Winter Wear
See our
complete stock
of winter jackets,
and coats!
Special Group of
aN►pbcll s
Men I4ar
, certain types to enforce
it) as they found
Canadians to be ' very
hospitable, warm and
friendly from the minute
they- entered Canada at
Niagara Falls. They have
gone tobogganing and
curling which they had
never experienced
before. Richard said- he
had watched curling on
TV and thought it a little
ridiculous seeing men
sweeping the ice with
brooms, but admitted
after he learned' the wrist
action "it ' was really
great fun".
While here, the
children are attending
Brucefield Centennial
School and hopefully will
learn something of
Canada and Canadian
children from ours to
take home with them as
well as leaving some
interesting impressions
of New Zealand with our
youngsters. _
Eleanor Bradnock, editor
The Auburn and
District Lions Club held
their meeting last
Wednesday evening
The financial
statement was given by
Lion Jim. Schneider. -Ie
reported that -a donation
of $10.00 had been
received from Wilfred
Tickets arenow
available from any
Auburn and District
Lions Club member for
the July 26 Bali Tour-
nament Draw. There are
three prizes and the
proceed& are for the
community park.
Any donations to the
May 10 rummage sale
will be greatly ap-
preciated - contact Lion
Doug Chamney.
In other business
details of the July
baseball tournament and
Lion Bud Chamney's
campaign for `the
chairman were
Auburn -Community
Memorial Hall was filled
to see -Auburn As It Was"
slide presentation last
Sunday afternoon.
The president of the
Auburn Women's
Institute, Mrs. Eleanor
Bradnock, presided and
while the guests were
gathering Mrs. Kenneth
McDougall played
several old time minit'ers
on the piano..
The narrators for the
slide presentation were
Mrs. Tom Haggitt,
curator of the Auburn
Tweedsmuir History
book committee, Mrs.
Torn Jardin, Mrs.
Frances Clark and Mrs.
Eleanor Bradnock and
projectionist, Mrs. Oliver
The slide pictures went
back to the early days
when the first settler
Eneas Elkin came and
built a home for himself
and his family. There
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were also many school
pictures and much in-
terest was shown when
several recognized
themselves from by -gone
Mrs. Donald Haines led
a lively sing -song with
Mrs.. Kenneth McDou'atl
at the piano. Following
the program of pictures,
coffee, tea and cookies
were served by Mrs.
FrankF_...:_.Ra,i.thby, . Mrs.
Donald Cartwright, Mrs..
Donald Haines and Mrs.
Kenneth McDougall.
This is an ongoing
project and. anyone with
pictures- to add to this
collection is asked to loan
them to Mr' ()liver
Anderson. Many thanks
are extended to William
Anderson andMrs. Oliver
Anderson for their work
preparing this presen-
tation of slides.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
Robertson of Meaford
spent last weekend with
her mother, Mrs. Elva
Straughan and her sister,
Mrs. Tom Jardin and Mr.
Mr. and Ivirs. Donald
Haines visited her
brother Arnold Rathbun
who is ill in a Guelph
Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Lawlor visited last
Tuesdaywith their son,
Mr. Jim Lawlor, Mrs.
Lawlor and Andrea at
Mrs. Tom Jardin
returned home last
Friday after spending ,a
few days with her
daughter Mrs. Bonnie
Armour and grand-
daughter Julie who had
fallen and broken her
Ten tables were in play
last week at the weekly
euchre party held in
Auburn Community
Memorial Hall. Winners
were: novelty, Mrs.
Hildebrand and first
great granddaughter for
Mrs. Elleda Wightman of
The -. Auburn Hor-
t' cultu re
or-ticuiture Society
Gordon Powell, - high-- Execuiive meeting was
held last Monday af-
ternoon at the home of the
president, Mrs. Ross
The v secretary, Mrs.
Tom Haggitt, read the
minutes and the financial
statement was given by
the treasurer, Mrs.
Elearior Bradnock. A
letter was read about the
District 8 annual meeting
to be held at Chesley on
April 26.
After discussion it was
decided to hold the next
meeting on May 13 when
the District President,
Mrs. Maisie Bray, will be
the guest speaker. This is
also the auctionsale for
ttte r ship; bulli -T_ and seed
lady, Mrs. Adeline Allen;
low lady, Mrs. Jim
Gloushe"r; high man, Ray
Hanna; low man, Paul
_ Winner of the Auburn
and District Lions Club
Lottery last week was
• Pat Jones with No. 244.
Everyone is invited to
attend a bridal shower for
Mis§ Sandra McClinchey
at Westfield Church on
Mar. 18 at 8 p.m. Please
bring lunch.
Congratulations to Mr.
and Mrs. Eldo
Hildebrand . of Waterloo
on the birth of their
daughter, Martina
Johanna on February 29,.
First grandchild for Mr.
and Mrs. John
Dog bylaw
The March meeting of
the Auburn Trustee
Board was held in the
Town Hall last Saturday
.ev et1l.n. g: , , Chairman
Warner Andrews was in
It was announced that
the ,Dog By-law No. 11,
issued in 1177 will be
unchanged. The war on
dogs running loose is still
on and it is hoped that the
residents of Auburn will.
keep their dogs tied up
It was announced that
there . has been a 'new
.street light placed on the
corner of Turnberry and
Goderich street. Library
room repairs and Town
•Hall renovations were
also discussed but no
word concerning the
- Wi-ntarib gr-ant..,has_bean..
received yet.
There is a strong
connectipn between
accessories and styles.
Bulky shoulders, shorter
skirts demand different
shapes and sizes than
past' seasons'- fashion
looks did.
Heads are smaller, hair
is kept -close -to the--faee
during the day and -:is held
back with a bow, clip or
comb for a more
dramatic look for
evenings. Velvet and silk
ribbons compete for
attention. Hair pieces are
back; they are better and
bolder than ever before.
Chignons, braids, are a
must in - everyone's.
wardrobe. Alrhost always
synthetic, thrpse ac-
cessories don't pretend to
be anything other than
what they.are.
Sunglasses are big this
season: tucked into a
belt, a buttonhole, a
pocket, they help to ac-
centuate shapes and
colors. Silk scarves,
leather belts are more
popular than ever. Note
the appearance of hats,
veils, turbans in stores.
Even wigs are ,predicted
to make a dramatic come
back next Fail..
formerly Edith Anne
Hair Fashions
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