HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-03-13, Page 12A 12 CLINTON NE RT $-RECQRP, THURSDAY, ", MARCH‘13 j
Corrin from a sub-tropicalparadise to a sub -arctic catch on
Coming p The visiting family are left to right,
climate took a little getting used to, but it didn't Richard, Chauncey, Tresna, and Kay. (photo by
take long for the Cullen family of New Zealand to Milvena Erickson)
by Gwen Pemberton and Bud Sturgeon
A young public school
girl ,in Port Arthur,
Ontario sent her name
and address to the New
Zealand Women's Weekly
Magazine , with the
request, for a pen pal:
Among the 40 -odd replhes
she received, was a lettei
from an 11 -year-old girl
in Swanson, New
Zealand. This started a
correspondence that has:
lasted 21 years.-- a .r,
Last week; Kay from
New Zealand and Norma
front Port Arthur (now of
Bayfield). "met 'face ' to
face for the first tirne. By
corresponding with one
another, they have gone
through their childhood,
teenage years; court-
ships, `marriage and
child -raising years. Both-
othhave two children, Kay a
girl and a hoy and Norma
two .boys. Richard and
Kay Cullen, 11 -,year-old
Tresna and 81/2 -year-old
Chauncey arrived
Tuesday from °West •
eet face to face
Auckland, New, Zealand
to pay a visit to Paul and
Norma •Losse, Glen and
Their journey started
by plane from Auckland
to Iiawaii"to Los Angeles,
"California; a time of; 19
-hours. They spent four
days in Los Angeles,
rented a car and,drove to
Bayfield via Arizona,
Texas, Tennessee, North
Carolina and New York
where , they entered
Canada at Niagara Falls.
eners set for spring
William Girling, presentation ac -
president of the London companied with a
Horticulutral Society was musical background -
guest speaker at the Antonio Vivaldi's Four
Bayfield Garden Club Seasons - was a lovely
meeting on March 10. His harbinger of the reality of
'°e t 5eri"ence —tfiespring sbon'fa be wit
mercial artist and us.
Garden club members
will surely be inspired to
carry out their project of
covering 'Glass Hill' with
wild flowers! There were
about 75 varieties
depicted on the screen - a
real challenge to the
Garden Club!
The speaker was in-
troduced by Lorne
photographer, combined
with his love of nature
has resulted in a superb
collection of slides built
around his hobby, wild
Mr. Girling's
photographs showed
many plants from their
first thrust through the
earth, then their
blooming period and
finally their seed pod
stage. Members ap-
preciated his `skill and
patience in collecting and
arranging the slides, as
well -as his knowledgeable
commentary, Tne
astern Girls uiinanother game
Wednesday night saw a
full slate of rec league
broomball games ,at, the
In the opener the
Eastern Girls picked up
another victory by means
of a 5-0 score over the
Western Squad. Handling
the goal scoring for the
winners were Nora West
With three goals and
Joyce Mclllwain with two
The men's game was a
see -saw battle with the
the West jumping into a 2-
0 lead on goals by Andy
"Stickman" Sturgeon
and Jack Bender only to
have the East roar back
to an eventual 5-3 victory
paced •by Kevin Shields,
Woody Whetstone and
Ron Feder.
Wednesday night the
S.H.H.L. Zurich
Buckeyes rolled into
Parkhill and defeated the
Hometown Merchants by
an 11-1 score to take a 2-0
stranglehold in their best
of five quarter -final
playoff. series. Bayfield's
big No. 4, John Graham,
was injured in the game
but managed to notch two
goals and a couple of
assists. Defensive par-
tner Tim West also
picked up two assists in
the game.. ,
.On Friday night the
Buckeyes wrapped up the
series in three straight
games by crunching
Parkhill 11-4 at the Zurich
Arena. Marvin
"Millimetre" Merner
celebrated his birthday
by scoring one of the
Buckeye goals and `Tim
West added another
assist. Zurich will now
meet either Centralia or
Grand Bendin the
Intermediate . C semi-
finals. Check Pat
Graham's.store for game
time and location.
On Saturday afternoon
a good sized crowd was at
the local arena to watch a
game between the
Bayfield Bunch and the
Zurich Bantam team.
Zurich led 3-1 early but
coach Bud Robinson got
the Bunch going to score
four unanswered goals
for a 5-3 victory over the
Zurich team. As near a"s
we can find out the Bunch
seems to be the Bayfield
By Bud Sturgeon
hat do you do when you live in a shoe, your
gue's tied and you feel like a heel? You either move
to a boot or in this case, since I'm the new
correspondent, for Bayfield, I'll write an introductory
Not really knowing what to write about I wandered
down Howard Street to see my old pal the Moleman at,
the Mile High Bar. After spending all day un-
derground he can usually. see things pretty clear for a
while when he comes up at night. The topic of things
changing came up and he began to grumble as he
rooted about. "To think we're just pups but look
what's happened to Bayfield in the last 20 years or.so."
Do you remember the movies at Pioneer Park? One
year they showed Von'Ryaris'Express and Journey to
the Centre sof the Earth. The screen is gone now,
probably fell over the cliff.
We used to be able to buy comic books at Utters.
Variety for 10 -cents but then they went to 12 cents or
what about the Crystal Palace, the Tuesday C ,d
Mert's old green truck?
What about dances at the Pav and "Lawr' Ind
the Arabians"? Saturday morning you could c...lect
beer bottles on the beach with a gunny sack and Gash
them in for two cents each. Now they're .five cents
each and we don't have to look so far.
What ever happened to Eric's BBQ --chickens? You
could play mini golf or feed Flowers' rabbits next door
while you waited.
It went on for hours but when all was saia ana aone 1
bid goodnight to the Moleman and thought to myself as
I trudged .home, there doesn't seem to be as much
snow as there was when I was a kid. But then again I
guess I was shorter.
If, you have .a scoop, an amusing .story about
Ba$'field past or present or wish to make a profound
statement get on the blower and let us know. I'm
reserving this spot for you and there' isn't much
reading on a blank page.
-Bullets main farm team,
In the "You should
have been there depar-
tment" we feature the
last hockey story of the
week in the lampoon
game Saturday night.
Breakaway -Nora threw
the ball past goaltender
Larouche to score a
disputed goal and give
the Mice a 15-14 victory
over the Good -Guys: Fast
skating forward Helen
"The Hammer" Latimer
who had scored seconds
earlier to tie the game for
the Good Guys is
protesting to league of-
Two .Bayfield rinks
competed in the Vanastra
Curling'Club Ladies Open
Bonspiel on Saturday.
The Alice Brandon rink
with Ma Mc,Ilwain, Barb
Telford and Wynn
Graham placed third
edging out the Matty,
Francis rink with "Big
Mac" Mcllwain, Barb
Sturgeon and Crystal
Huffman by %-point in
the early draw.
In conjunction with the
opening of the major
league training camps in
Florida, the Bayfield
Babes, of the Bluewater
Ladies Slo-Pitch League,
held their season's first
organizational meeting.
Last year's MVP, Joyce
Mcllwain was elected as
team captain and Nora
West will serve as
alternate and secretary -
treasurer. -Another six
weeks and they'll be back
on the diamonds.
UCW hold service
Christian Women of
Thailand called their`
sisters and brothers
throughout the worid to
"celebrate the freedom
we have in Jesus Christ".
The occasion was the
World Day of Prayer
observed on March 7 this
In Canada a program
prepared by the Women's
Inter -Church Council was
followed at St. Andrew's
United Church in which
womenof several
denominations shared.
The speaker was Mrs.
Leslie Shiels of Bayfield
Baptist Church.
Referring often to
Biblical texts she
ins scholarship
Five McMaster un-
dergraduates, including a
Bayfield girl, have been
awarded , Travel
Scholarships to be used
during the summer of
1980 for visits to other
countries and, in the case
of two of the awards, to
the province of Quebec.
Awarded by_ the
University through funds
provided by private
benefactors, the chief
purpose of this type of
scholarship is to enable
students to travel during
the summer before their
final university year.
The Joan Jackson
Dunbar Travel
Scholarship of $2,500 was
won by Lorraine M. York,
of John St., -Bayfield. In
Year III of Honours
English, Miss York will
be travelling to Britain,
where she will tour by bus
through Wales and
Scotland, and will also
visit France.
Baptist news
Pastor Shill's messages
were taken from God's
Word Luke Chapter 5,
Verse 4 "... Launch out
into the deep ...".
We are urged to launch
out into the deep for God!
Launch out in His Word!
Launch out in His Will!
Launch out in His Work!
The Young People are
presenting a musical
program for the senior
citizens at Bluewater
Rest Horne Friday night.
developed the theme,
Responsible Freedom
and the Power of Prayer.
The program was
followed by the leader,
Betty Burch, president of
St. Andrew's UCW. Those
taking part were Jean
Bennett, Lillian 'Higgins,
Jean Dunn, Elva Metcalf,
Greer and Debbie
Wain and Sharlene
Porter. Jean Milne was
soloist and Molly Cox
organist for the service.
Ushers were Blanche
Deeves and Kathleen
A collection amounting
to $46 was taken up which
will be forwarded to the
Inter -Church Council.
Sugar Bush
and Motel
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Bamford, a school
classmate of Mr. Girling.
Club president, Doris
Hunter presided and a
brief business period was
They were very im- rainy season and the time
pressed with the tains, for good growing,
the friendliness of Although there are .crops
C a n,a'Cl to n's , • t h e raised continuously all
cleanliness of Canada year round. Auckland
and the nicely painted receives, from ,80 to. 90
baildingsy (which they inches
Of•up i precipitation
p A ion a
said the hadn't seem inches
since leaving home). of rainfall in areas to the
West Auckland is a south.
grape growing.and mixed �. Like many other
farming area. Wines are countries, Richard says
exported to'the west coast -their natural resources,
.of Canada; mutton and" such as uranium, gas, oil,
lamb are shipped in etc. lay untapped. In
refrigerated, ships' to order to conserve energy,
foreign countries, as well bans have been Imposed.
they are one of the They are not allowed tct
world's great dairy purchase petrol ,from 12
countries and large.ex- noon on Friday until 7
porters of condensed a.m., Monday and `each
milk, cheese and butter. motor car owner must
Wool from their nominate one day a week
renowned sheep industry to give up driving. Theo
is exported in many speed limit, like Canada
forms of clothing, has been lowered to 80
h cone uc eci—bung"° w'h eh.^.. °rve ; wraps7-sweatexs---K-mrh--(30-•ngph). Rieh-ar
Helen Owen reported 52
members signed up for
1980. Five members
attended the Flower
Show,in Toronto recently.
They were Rob and Doris
Hunter, Mary Shepherd,
Florence Scott and Kay
Reid. The hostess for
refreshments after the
meeting was Maryanne
Tions tour school
On Sunday morning, prepared, the veterinary
March 9 'about 15 Lions room, the buildings
anal their wives . from.. where .The dogs are
Bayfield joined with the housed, the outside
Zurich Lions for a bus kennels and the two miles
trip to Rochester, of walks for training.
Michigan to tour the The Lions Clubs donate
Leader Dog School. about 90 .percent of the
First the visitors were funds fpr the school.
shown a film along with There is no charge to the
three other groups. Then, blind person for his or her
divided into two groups leader dog.
they toured the facility
where approximately 160.
dogs .are -trained to -lead
the blind. The breeds are '
Labrador., Golden
Retriever, German
Shepherd and some
crossbreeds. ' About 85
percent are donated by
the public and. the
balance are raised by 4-H
Blind people come from
all over the world for a
four wee :;:gay. Room
and baud . are- on the
The visitors were
shown the kitchen where
the dogs' meals are
The Huron County
Health Unit
invites you to attend
the Adult Health
Guidance Centre, to be
held at the
on •
Monday, March 17
for Health Surveillance;
Anaemia Screening;
Foot Care; Urine
Testing; Blood Pressure.
etc. as well as thick
sheepskin ,rugs. They
produce their own beers
as high as 12 percent
alcoholic content which is
only available through
With the Pacific Ocean
on one side and the
Tasman Sea on the other,
the country is sub-
tropical and only a 10
degree difference in
temperature exists
between the North and
the South. Summer is •in
February and March
when they experience
very little rain. In spring
the rains are warm but
minimal, winter tends to
be windy, cool, wet. and
drizzly, but autumn is the
and Kay both said it has
cut down the road deaths
which are their biggest
killer. With a total'
population of three
million (one million of
those "in Auckland) , 500
people were being killed
Turn to page 13 •
of the
Thurs., March 20
1:30 p.m.'
at the
Bayfield Municipal
Nestled in Be -miller, Ont., .just 7 knn- east of
Gnderichon Huron County Road 1, just off High-
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Come; visit our unusual country resort for Tea today!
We've prepared buttered toast, freshly made scones,
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lounges. (reservations not required)
just . per person
Rep�rts ofchild abuse
have more than doubled
over the pastiiveyears.
The new Ontario Child Welfare Act requires Write to: Child Abuse Information
that professional persons who work with or who Ministry of Community and
treat children must report suspected cases Social Services
of child abuse to a Children's Aid Society. 7th Floor, Hepburn Building
- That's the law. Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario
Reporting suspicions of child abuse M7A 1E9
is one of the best ways to help prevent
child abuse happening again. -
Child abuse is everyone's concern.
Teachers, doctors, nurses, social
workers—all persons who work with or who
treat children—need your active support if
they are to keep children from being abused.
The professionals need your assistance.
You're part of the solution.
To find out more about child abuse
write for our free booklet,
make it go away...
Keith Norton,
Minister of Community and
Social Services
William Davis, Premier.