The Exeter Times, 1888-4-12, Page 1I.onclon, Huron &BrUce. oomo Norau- Passenger. London, depart ... .„ „. 8,10 a. as 4. 25e .14 Luean Crossing0.00 5,20 Clandeboye .„ 9.10 0,28 Centralia „. 9,23 8.17 Exeter 5.48 Hensall .„ 0,45 6.00 Nippon „. .„. ..: 9,51. 6,07 13ruceeeld „. .,. 0,59 6.15 Clinton 1.0.18 0.35 . Londesboro; 10.37 0.55 • 0 omo Sons. Passenger 7,31 333 Londeaboro'7:40 048 Clinton . 8.00 4.151 • Brueeneld"... w 8.19 4.84 Eippen .„ 8.27 4.42 Hens/all.„ 8.33 4.48 Exeter ... 8.47 5.02 entralia 8,57 5.120 ciandeboye 9.10 5,25 Liman Cropeing" ... 9,20 5.39 INININININNININNIONIMIONNINORNIONINIS .LEGAL. 1. DICKSON, Barrister, Soli .L4 s' leiter el Supreme Court, Notary Pantie Oonveytoacee Commissioner. duo. Money to Loan. Oftlee in Panson's Block, Exeter, . XtID 00.11/5 S, . Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer , Etc ., • BXETER, - 011 T. ofooesam-wen.smock nano oio office.) ARMOUR W. FORD, Solicitor ill the sunreme Court of Ontario, Conveyancer, Comm.; astoneri sm., ctc. SpeOial attention given to the collection of claims In the United statee: Patents procured, money to loan at lowest rates. Odle° : °Peru House Block, at. Marys, out. 1171 LLIOT (44 ELLIOT, 11.1 Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public, , Conveyancers &c, &o. t'11,1oney to Loan. at Lowest Rates of • Interest. OFFICE, - MAIN - STREET, TlX.ETER- a. V. unaroa. a. flamer. DENTAL. T1 L. BILLINGS, IA.. 3::.miv-xis=, OFIVICE: °VC). 07.1rEIL'S BLUM, Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction. W L CARTWRIGHI, L D: S. stristee-oism Tommq'Tx/sTs , Graduate of the Royal college of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Hay ifse eesa tug furnished fans Dental Rooms on MAIN -ST„ next doer to Treble's Harness ebop, Exeter, where I am prepared to perform all Ifrranclies oi the Dentalprofession with ease k skill. -erma-mTamax.m -v-azeomr. usedin extracting teeth. Charges, Moderate; l'azzle..Citsli. It' K1NSMAN,DENTIST.L.D.s Sam' ell's Block, illain-st, Exeter, Extra eta Teeth without pain, by giving Vegetable Vapor. 'Gold se„,esea,>e. Filings said all other dental ases work the best possible. Goes • to Matron on last Thursday in month: MEDICAL M., 0 LITTZ,D. ‘....). Officeathisresidenee Exeter. . saaaseseameepasa' sessaf-e. ea; -r W. BROWiNMff' D. ., M. 13 t., a P. 8 ,Gra,duateVictoriarniversity.Offies isidlregidenee,DoininionLaborator,n EXCI ter . DR. RYNDMAN, coroner for the 1 County of Mum °Moe, opposite arr. . Carling's store, Exeter. TIR. J. A. ROLLINS, 11. O. P. S -iv o. °Moe, Moan St.Exeter,Ont.Residen oe houserecently oequpied by P. McPhillips, Esq. i - -- -4 i AUCTIONEERS. TTENRY BILBER, Lioensed Auo- .L-a- tioneer for Hay, Stephen,• and MeGini- , eray:Townshipet sales eonductod et moderate J :atm Office -At Post-office,Crediton, Ont . — TOEIN GILL, Auctioneer for the V Townships of Stephen, Hay and lieborne and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly attended, and satisfaction ,gnaranteed. Sales arranged at this Maims. ._,.. VETERINARY. TENT & TE1NENT9 VETERINARY - SURGEONS, 1 d ,efek o 11 eeji ........._,.......,..„, Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary (Soilage. ODDICE One door South of Town Hall. •: •MONEY TO LOAN. c "ATONE -I TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6+ -Ile Per cent, ,!325.000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. • a L.H. DICKSON', • •33arrister, Exeter, a g INSUltANOE. o ii THE WA'I'ERLOO eAIIITUAL a FLRE INSURANC 8 C 0 , r' — Established in 1863 . ri HEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. Thie eomr.any has been over Eighteen rears in successful operation in Weetesen On- iario,ande ontinues to ineure agaiestmee or ittine,ge by Eire,Builclinge,Morenandise,Man- ifacteries,and all othordescriptionsoffinsur- tble property. Intending insurers nave the It 3ption of insurien on the Premium Note ov ,a • e ash Systona . During Km past ten years this Company las issued 51,096 Policiescovering propertY o thearaount of a40,872,ose ; and paid ill IOSS' :5 ro$700,752,00 A sot el, 'l'6,100 00 cionsietiog of Cash al 3 a auk, GovernmentDeneelt, an d the un mice- , s'sed l'remium Notes on hand a nd in force. X, _ 0/ WAtienx 111 . D. PresideLt, 0. 11. !Meaner., v/ ;caret/try. J,B . antrenes,Inspector, CHAS, el NELL Agontfor Exotei• and vicinity, raro..,..mnamerommemanvoms..sagerearrommorsolamencasramosela Al CENTRAL 0. - }arber ,. is Sh .op 9et - FANSON'S BLOCK., A. Hastings, Prop. •Shaving and Hair cutting in the lateet styles of the art. Every attonMon paid to cutting Ladies and Children's Hair. SWITCHES MADE TO ORDER in Obteinnig the title of M. D. at the recent • A CALL SOLICITED exnnaieation, AND _HURON & MIpDLESEX GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE jriips FALL WHERE THEY MAY." VOL. XV. NO. 29. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 12 woomeneacsuirars. NIIKEN21.1:1 1888. PubIlueffeNrs a fdillrxrip84nigrS re. Market Square General Store Tbe undersigned would inform the pub lie thet he has just received his SPRING • STOCK -INCLUDING-- •A. full line of Dry -Goods, Hato ta Caps, and Crockery, Boots and Shaft Those wishing anything in nay line will' find it to their advantage to call and in epeet my goods and prices. Highest.prices paid for But- ter and Eggs and all • kinds of produce. J. P. Ross. .,;;;IHEEP ESTRAY.--Camo into kJ Premises of the Undersigned, Lot 22, N. B. Cone Stephen, on or about Deo. 1, a Ewe Lamb. Any person proving Property and pay- ing expenses can hey() the same. Stephon.March 10.188. ANDREW BIRK. Notice -- The Undersigned having dissolved partner- ship, and 'wishing to have their .business wound up at ono e, have placed all accounts and notes in the hands of Mr. Jas. Oke, for collection, with instruotions to proceed with suoh collections as ho may deem peeper to en- sure an effective response. 8, Sc S. STANLAKE, Hay P. 0. Ijouse and Lot for Sale. -The The pronerty of R1.0.1(1 Robinson, on Villiam-st.. opposite Mr. C. Gidiey's. There s a splendid well of water, a good brick cel - In r, containing four rooms, summer kitchen, wood shed and other offices, and will be sold heap. Payment dark be made to suit the aux- haser. Thelouse can be viewed from 9 to 12, . end from 1 to 411. ID. t ALEX, ROBINSON. FREE eseriptive Of the Soil, Climate Productions anufacturing Industries and Mineral WenIthoX Virginia and other of the southern State. Write te • BBEVILLE, Gen -Pass .Agint. nelose 2 -cent stamp, BADNOKE, V. A Natice. A meeting of the shareholders of the Exeter emetery will be held in the Town sal on rides, April 133h, at 2 p. m. Other important •asiness besides the election of others. • GEO,. BAWDEN, Sem EEO POTATOES The undersigned has a large quantity of Tanitoba Potatoes for seed. 'guarantee that heie has been no salt or Hine used in shipping nd will not be so long as they are kept for eed. Parties 'wanting any can be supplied at ISSETT'S BROS.' STORET.Hos. PRIER. :toter, April 5,1889, THE • INTERCOLONIAL A!LWAY OF CA• NADA, The Royal Mail, Passenger and ereight onto between Ceuada ee Great Blitain and ireet route between the west and all points n thelLoWer St Lawrence and Bale des Cha- im a !so ow Brunswick, Nova, Scotia, P. E. Island. Cape Breton, .And Xeirfoundland. New and elegant Buffet Sleeping andDay =emu on through Express trams, Passengers forlGreat Britain or 1 he Conti - mit by leaving Toronto at 8.80a. m. train Imrsday will :join outward mail steamer t HalilOx 0,111. SatUrettty. - Superior elevator warehouse and Dock AC- 110:130dAtIOD atHalilaxfor the ehipment of MD and general naerchandi se. Tears of experience havoprovedthe LONIAL in connection -with steamship nes to mid from London. Liverpool and lasgow toHnlifax, to be th &quickest freight nte between Ca,dadn and Great Britain. Information as to Passenger and Freight tes can be had on application to ROBERT 33. MOODIE , We ter:3 Freight & Paseenger Agent • 98 P,essin House Block, rork St. Toruto or to 10. XING, 37 Sparks -at., Ottawa 3). POTTINGER, Chief Superintendent. . ailway Office, Moncton, N)3, March .25, '88, HArkton. Our aged friend Mr. Stinson is very sick the time of writing. The sacrament of the Holy Encharist es• administered at St, Paul's Episcopal uroli on Sunday laid. The Poetgr a11d Tomplers of Kirlitrm e trying to Make errangements for the eetion of a new hall. The Orange ball is undergoing is thorough pairing 11.11C1 rep ovation. Building operations have commened 511 rn est. Wm. Browu met with a severe accident kw clays age, receiving a bad cut ou bis foot, I. Charlton, pastor of Kis k ton .Mothodist church, will deliver a temperance sermon on Sunday next. Col nolins Switzer has left for the North. 'West to eettle tho effairs of his eon who mot with his death near Winnipeg a short titne ago. Your correepondent is pleased to learn that J. P. Roger, who bas been studying at Ti mitt, College, Toronto, was succesefnl ROUND THE COUNTRY. By Our Own Correspondents, Stephen Connell. -- The following path waders, poundkeeps ere and fence viewers were appointed at the recent meeting of Stephen council. - 13 flicks, S Handtord, T Essery, Tom Down W Rollius, G Floyd, It Mitohcll, W Colfas' J Hogarth,•J Ford, W Bagshaw, T Shap ton. G Penhale, W White, S Taylor, $ Hedden, R Box, El Stanlake, 3 Wicket, H Lampert, Wm Benet, C Kibler, S Either, G Wein, j Papier, G Morlock J G Wene, W Chambers, G Lanson, M Wine, J Schwartz, Joseph Martine, W. Rowe, T Killgallon, W Yearly, J Schroeder, L ICoft, T 0 ClarkoP Hall, H Doyle, W Holt, sr. A McCormick, P. Kroft, L Deitreloh, C F Finkbiner, H Willert, H McLellan, T Keys P McKenzie, 0 Willert, W Brown, 3 Sharp J Geiser, N 13ochannon, Jaraei3 Baxter, F Holbine, R Hodgins, P IVIcGrogor, A. Mo- il/forth, Jacob Zyler, J Wade, H Shrank, Hodgins, j Allister, I Tetrean, Casper Walper, Mr Gratton, 3 Holt, G Tapson, J Granger, 0 Bunker, Mr Kadeny,E Hamil- ton, R Rout, W Riely, P Glavin, J McKee- v.er, 3 McCarthy. J. Behind, J flays, A MoKinnan, G• Towle, T Whiteside, 0 Wil- son, pound -keepers. Fence viewers. -T Willis, W Walker' C Christie. E Deitreioh, H Doyle, W Holtsr, J B Hodgins, and P Farrell. Pound -keepers. The boundaries of ochool sections .are the bounclariest of the poend divisions. -No. 1, "W Hill, No 2 jno Wilson; Nos 3 and 9, T Shapton; 4 T Amey 5, Walter Clarke; 6 Wm Holt, sr.; 7, 0 Mitchell; 8, Jos. Brenner; 10, W Hickey, 11, H Willert; 12, P. Farrell, Limerick; 13, P Hall. • Zurich. The following is a correct report of the pupils of the senior division of Zurich public • school tor the month of March; the report ix based on good conduct aud general proficiency during the raonth.--Fifth class, R. Steinbach and Louisa Rauch. Fourth class :-George Buchanan, 874 ; Edith • Steinbach, .731; Wm. Hess, 685; Rosa Rauch, 614; Peter Schwalm, 599 ; Emma, Johnstone, 588; Wm. johnstone, 586; Barbara Witwer, 560; Hattie Sohnstone, 554; John Kibler, 544; Katie Zimmerman, • 501; Mary A. Koehler, 478; Maggie Holtz- man, 436; Wm. Wurin, 335; John Lohent- lar, 325; Annie Koebler,322; -Katie Woolley, 268; Edward Koehler, 264. Third class: - John Gies, 729; Maggie Deichert, 714; Flora Hess, 669 '• Lydia Strempfer, 661; Laura Williatns, 638 ; Wm. Baker, 613 ; airie Cire)3,. 602 ; Artnie Lipphardt, 580; m. Derstein, 539 ; Lizzie Becker, 517-; Maggie Wells, 498; .Albert Hideman, 410; Lizzie Koehler, 391, Yalta Sarams, 382, Wesley Sehoellig, •328. The averane attendance for the month Was 126; for the quarter ending larch 31swas 132. Mr. I.E. Tom I P.S. paid his °Metal visit on Mareh 22nd. Sam. J. Latta, principal. Barnrs.-What might have provena very disastrous fire was prevented last Sunday evg., about 8 30 by Mr. D. Steinbach in his own house. While sitting in the dining room with his wife and Mr. Dan Dyer en -- gaged in conversation, 'Mrs. S. detected the smell of something burning, and stiggested that the chimney was ou fire- Dyer made a rush to go upstairs and was horrified to Sind that the hall lamp had burst, and the floor was all ablaze with burning •coal oil. Mr. S. seized a pail of water svhich was on the kitchen table and throw it over the flames and 1Y:it ODA 8110 fire Whiell fOrt,VIDS.te- ly had not a good start. If the flames had had five minutes oaore headway the whole house might have been in ashes.. --Mise Zettie Zeller was visitiug friends in Hen- sel' last week -Rev. Father 'Keeley of the French Settlement is in Montreal this week purchasing a statue for the church at the Settlement. -At the residence of the bride's father, Miss Lizzie Block and Mr. Peter Deichert were united in bonds of matrimony �u Tuesday 10th inst. They are both tesidents of this 41einity and we wish them the best of prosperity and success through life. -Miss Diehl of Bruoefield is at present visiting friends in tl3is vicinity. -Mise Lizzie Sebhell is home visiting friends and relatives. • Theaelavie0Od. _ Bniurs.--Lovely weather around here just now. Most of the snow has gone and the farineas are busily engaged. getting their harrows, •ploaglaa dm., in order. -- Services were held in both churehes here Sunday, Rev. Mr. Efauch in the Metho- dist church mad the Rev. Mr. Wengste from Port Huron. -A temperanee meeting was held here last week in the Methodist °hutch The speakets were Rev. Mr. Fear of Han- sen, Rev. Mr. Brown of Orecliton and the presiding pastor Rev. Mr. Ort wein. The speakers dealt mainly with the workings of the Scott Act and seemed to feverishly in - press the large orowd present. Though some may not look with favor on the Slott Act it is a well knewn fact that certain individuels have defied the law labial the majority of the electors of Huron by their votes have made. It will be seen, however what the feeling of the people is on the nineteenth of this 1Bouth -Mr. Edward Wel tin, our enterprisingblacksmith in- teod s putting up A DOW brielt sleep. Others in te nci building houses this spring -Mr. D. McCallum was eff on a tour last week. While inlay be visited Stratfoi.d, Guelph, Brampton, Torooto and Pickering, Mr. W. Worsworthy ono of eur old townsmen was here Sunday. We ere pleased to see Wea, but we are afraid we will not have many mere opportunities of extending the invitetion to inm.-Mle. Welker who broke Ilea Orin 801.130 time ago hy falling down stairs it getting della as well as an old lady of her ago can be expected. -Mr Fred Wuriz has scoured the services, during the busy season, of two prectieel workmen, Me Bender aiad Mr. Adam 80111051,, -Quota nttinber of the famoi s in the • 8u:rou118i11g cOnntry aro making maple molesses.-The Ilea. Mr, Ortwein left Tuesdey for the conference which 1111085 111 Sebriogvillo Wig steam It ie ininposed that he will halm to move to fieotlae ei cui t, Mr, 0 rtwein who has boon here fol two cm e will be reiseed by $301.--A lumber of one citizens iatend geing to Dakota ha a short time. Mr. joseph Ball who has been here for two or three yeers left last week •for Berlin. Of late he has been in the employ of Mr. Geo. Ruby, livery man. -Quite a number around here have the measles. Siokness is very prevalent in this patt of the coUntrY at present. Grand Bend. --- Bnxers.-John Mallard is able to be out again, Glad to see you John. -Mr. I, Green, while out 'minting capsized his boat and had to swim to shore. We are glad to see he is nune the worse of his bath. -AL. Gustave Tapfe'after an abaence of four years in Miehigan, is visiting his parents bore.-Pke are to be eeen in the creek. -- Mr. Fred Page, after a sextons attack of malaria• fever is able to be around again. - ISL.. James 1VIollard is getting the material ready for a new brick house. -The football club ie sending the ball in the air. -Farms ers are at present busymaking maple syrup, Herman. Me. Dasds, grocer, is having the interior of his grooery refitted. Mr. King,our baker has his "shingle" bung on Main-st opposite to Coad tt Ren- nie, A monster Scott Act meeting will be held in the M. E. church of this place, on Thursday 12t1u. Mr. R. Patterson has received several oar -loads of lumber from the north. Mr. '. has, oe believe, a large number of house contracts for this season, • • Messrs. Sutherland, postmaster, Cox- wo tali of the Centennial house, McDonald de Waugh, hardware merchants, have had She interior of their business houses thor- oughly refitted and painted. - Dr. MeDearmid has been confined to his bed for nearly a week. He is missed very much as he is a good, jovial, kind- • hearted main who is highly °awaited and a good conversationalist. It is with regret that we record the death of Mrs. Blatotiford of this village who has been confined to bed for the past seven years from the effects of rheumatism. She WU a woman of rare qualities, highly res- peoted and beloved by all and bore her long affliction with a calm and christian resig- nation. Her remains which were interred in the Exeter Cemetery, were followed by a •large, concourse of friends to their last earthly resting place. Deceased was aged 66 years. - . Messrs. Smillie and Buchanan, mash/. • trates, tried a couple eases last week, in Hedging hall. The plaintiff in both • cases • Was, we understand, John Hyndman bar- tender at Hawkshaw's hotel Exeter, and the defendants, Messrs. Mann and Albert %seat. It seems that Mann Bissett had struck plaintiff. on the head with his baton with such force as to fell hint instantly, and as far as could be gathered from the evidence of defendant, struck Hyndman for hindrance while performing duty. The verdict was that Bissett stand his trial at the Spring Assizes. • Case No. two was then brought on and after evidences were taken verdict was given in favor of defend- ant, (A.. Bissett); plaintiff to pay all costs. Blansha.rd Council. council Hall, April 2nd, 1888. The Municipal Council met to.dajr. All the menabees present. The Reeve in the chair. Minutes previous meeting read and approved. Movecl by Mr. Efudson, secionded by Mr. Johnson, that the following persons be ap- pointed path -masters, fence viewers and pound keepers for the current year : PATE MASTER'S DIVISION. No 1 Walter Gowan, 2, Charles Robinson, 3 Wm Roger, 4 Augustas Brethour, 5 Thos Harping, 6 John Stephens, 8 Cant Paisey, 9 ;Ian 15 Quinee, 10 Jas Hemp jr, 13 A Sanger, 14 Robt St John, 16 D Brethour, 10 David Creighton, 17 James JA1E1S130n, 18 Mr Howard sr., 19 It Hicks, 20 John Nottinghera, 21 Tilos Bugg, 22 Thomas Moseip, 23 James Parker, 24 George Foster 25 Thos Shipley, 26 Thos Dinsmore, 27 W II Slack, 28 Albert Gunning, 29 J Balkwill 30 Themes Dafdeld, 31 Alex Gumy, 32 Ed Evanii,' 33 Amog Dolma, 34 11 Henderson, 35 Ted Hanley, 36 Wm Daio, 37 John Haynes, 38 Matthew Forsyth, 39 James Perrin, 40 Wm Wood, 41 Wm Peerin, 42 John Leslie, 43 Rnbert Dawsoa, 44 G W Dawson, 45 Donald Maekenzae, 46 George Lennon, 47 Robert Armstrong, 48 ,William Somers, 49 Wm McIntosh, 50 Jim Ellah, 51 W Dunnell, 62 Geo Robinson, 53 John Ininnox, 54 John. Dutton, 55 Dav Rolston, 56 Henry Hendeeson, 57 Wm Evans, 58 Wm Atkinson, 59 Wm Bennett, 60 William Hutchings, 61 Archie Ltatnirmucl, 62 Geo Elliott, 63 .A.robie McDonald, 64 William Sutherlaud, 66 Wm Cade, 66 Jno Easter - brook, 67 Berton Allen. amece-mitwaide DIVISION. No. 1 John Stevens end Jno Webster, 2 'David Brethour and Joins Mitchell, 3 S Dinsmore and Will Genuine, 4 John 1110 - Cull ongla and Frank Somers, '6 James Dieh- ard and iniehael f3allantyne. soutio-nannext's niviszon. No I John ICerslake 0115 Clayton Beare, 2 David Paynter, 8 Eggleson McDonald, 4 John Hayes and Geo Rundle, 5 he Pleicard end Win McIntosh. • Blank petilions received from Thomas Elliot to be presented to the Dem inion Par- liament aid to the Smth Ontario Pacific Railway wore laid ou the table and the Reeve and Clerk were ordered to sign and forward to the Secretary, on motion of Mr MoVannell seconded by Mr, Hudson, - Motion carried, The Reeve iSSVISCI orders for the follow - ng sums : Thomas Peal eon $l part salary 01 care,talter ; Geo Willrineen $3 ellerity 1.112± 51 Co, 'l0 18, blank fertris ; lames /I ezlowood, 325.29, gravel ; Richardson & Welester, $11.23, bolts rind ettps ; Huth Bitthi, 4 , 01101113. Crech,ton. Mr. and Mrs. Saml Link left for their future home in Detroit on Saturday last. We understand we are to .ha.ve a new doctor in town. He has ecured the preetioe of Dr. Nasraith who intende mov- ing to the Pacific) coast. Messrs. J. Eilber & eon are determined not to let Mr. Samuel Link get ahead of them and have secured the services of a first °lees milliner who will tette charge of their millinery department immecliatelY. They iuyite the publie to call and examine their new stook, and guarrentee good and fashionable work at prices to suit everyone. Rev. D.M. Kennedy, of the Methodist church, will preach the annual sermon for tbe Court of Foresters in this place. Sever- al neighboring lodges have been invited to attend and a large tarumut is expected. In the evening Mr, Kennedy is to preach a temperance sermon in view of the Scott Act. He purposes to defend the act from 4 13iblioal standpoint. He invites everyone. • On Sunday last copies of the Huron County Scott Act Herald were circulated in both the churches and a great deal of public opinion has been passed about it. We do • not approve of these methode of eleetion- eering and do not think it in place or occasion as what would we say if the antis' circulated their election eheets on Sunday even on the streets not taking into consid- eration the sanctuaries. • SCHOOL nEPonT.-The following is the • boner roll for S. S. no. 5, Stephen, for the month of march, in order of merit. -Fourth class, Mary Sweet, George Zwicker, Adeline Morlock, Maggie Kennedy, Lizzie 'Young, John Dyer, Sophia Brown, Win. England. •Third clasti,-Edmiand Bertrand, George Either, Thos. Ward, Fred. Guiter, Charles Geybar, George Brown. Eli Sweet, Henry Hoist,• Vinetta Banes, Mary A, Beaver, Lizzie Wuerth. Second class, -Herbert Swartz. Oscar Hodgins, Hermann Ewald. Careen atairaette.-A publio meeting was held on Monday last in the town hall for the purpose of appointing officers to carry on the business of the cheese factory here for the approaching season, E. Jury chair- man; D. McKellar, secreTary; Chas. Brown was appointed salesman and D. McKellar to aot in conjunction with hint Mr. Brown also discharges the duties of treasurer. Mr. T. Murtz, Thos.. Shaptou and Matthew Finkbiner were appointed directors. Messrs, E. jury and id._,Eilber were appointed auditorsIt was motel seconded and carried that the season begin May 15th and and October 31st. The minutes of the meeting were read, :nocl,:_pon motion the meeting adjourned, The Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment, the Reese and all the members pres- ent. Minutes of last meeting read, approv- ed and signed by the Reeve. ABrooks petition was received from F. and 212 ratepayers praying that no actiou be taken in establishing a high school with Lucan. Movecl by A. Beaton, seconded by F. Davis, that the petition be received and fyled and that no action in establishing a high senool district be taken unless one month's public notice bo given previous thereto.--Clatried. The following are the appropriations for 1888: • Div No 1, div grant, 3125 • gravel road, $100 ; now road 375 ; towni.ine 375. No 2 div grant 3125 ; gravel road 375- No 3, div grant 3125, townline 350 ; 0 $ E 375; No 3, div grant $125 ; townline 350 ; 0 S R 6100 ; No 4, div grant 3150; townline $25 ; C 813 350• No 5, div grant 3140 ; townline 375; 03 13 3130; St Marys grav- el road 350 ; village of Clitudebaye 330 ; village of Granton $30. Ou motion the clerk was instructed to have 200 copies of the auditors' report printed. Sas. Lusk's application to have his Prop- erty taken from P. S.S. , No. I, was refused until an exchange can be made. The clerk was ordered to take uo action OE the certificate of the engineer in the mattet of Keeffe vs Sullivan, as the same had been. settled. The reeve and treasurer get authority to borrow inoney as may be required not to exceed 33000. By-law No. 2 and 3, 1888, amending road divisions and appointing road /nesters was read and ordered to be signed and seal. The following aocounts were ordered to paid : D'ateliford, worlc St Marys G R, 31.25; Ed. Dinsmore rep washout div 5, 31.25 ; E Dinsmore, rep washout C S P, 36 eta • -Wm Begg, drawing lumber in 1887, 31; J (-V E Langford, luniber 3 B, div 1, $3 ; J B Langford lumber DOW road div 1, 31.80 ; ,Hodgins filling washout, cliv 3, 31 ; W W Revington rep culvert div 2, $1.50 ; W Atkinson plank, hiv 2, 32 ; A Xeeffe cedar posts div 2, 012 ; G fioctgins 1 day with team div 2, 33 ; Wm Middleton, jr., going to clerk's ofEce.for order books, 20 eents ; 0 0 Iloclgins, 8 days in ICeeffe vs Sullivan, 34 ; W 1) Stanley, clerk, copying award $1; Thos Cowley, 2000,feet 3 in. rook elm plank 312.50, 325 ; A Iieeffe rep 0 S. 11 div 4, 31. The council adjourned to meet in the court loom, Olaudeboye, on .Monclay, May 7th, 1888, Jecob Sharp, the aged boodler; died at p. m. at his late residence, 354 West Twenty-third street. The trial of Chas. X. Hand, oherged with having dynamite in liis possession with intent to blow up the residence of Inspector Palmer, of Sarnia, in June, 1880, came off again at tho Lambton assizes lest week. Tho prisoner was again defendedby Mr, B. B. Osler, assisted by Mews. Renard, of Petrol - ea, and McMillan, of Sarnia, and J. K. Kett, Q. C., and. J. P. Backe, condnet- ed the prosecution. The jury after two hours eonsideration could not agree on a verdictand were diseherged. it is said that they stood seven for ecepaittal and Live for conviction, The Maisons Bank (CHARTERED By PARLTAMENT,1855) Paid up 0 apital 1,000,051) Best FURCL ... 875,000 Offers the Publie 4573±18 CENT, IETE11E ST PER ANN(114for money on • DEPOSIT RECEIPTS AND 3i, PER CENT.IIITEREST nER.A.NNt114 For Money in Savings Bank Dep'ra't • a. For further particularsappiy at The 13ank Main Street, Exeter. Etoautietl-Opened. 05711.03± sy R2 le a m. to 3p In. Saturdays, 10 a, m. to ap.na A. A. C. DENOVAN, 25, '87...............„.Martreoet 1.1u.ean. , Quite an excitingDonnybrooke took place at the Western hotel recently on the appearance of the notorious Jim McFad- den, ex.S. A, C. C. While on his usual roundsbill posting, he entered the hotel and greeted the proprietor, Mr. John Cain, with his usual innocent smile, as is his custom when in pursuit of game. This did not meet the views of the landlord who quietly requested him to depart. James, feeling that his Noble pasts for 30 days, was eufficient possession, treated the salutation with indifference, Whereupon John took forcible steps to eject his unwelcome and obnoxious visitor. James taking two steps to the left and one to the rear proceeded to explain his mission as one of benovelence and not prosecution, and insisted Dpon posting his precious doonmeut which caused tbe fire of indignation to blaze in the breast of mine host, who, at the same time, remarked that the last bill he posted M his hone° caused him to dance to the tune of 8100 and costs; and that under the cirotunstances hs would not allow a place for him or his A mace, ensued, during which the recently discharged and much despised. offioial was seizedby the lug and led te the door, receiving while en route several impressive reprimands from two or three natives who were present, each administering the dose in a style charac- teristic of the good old Corkonians. Jim finding the surroundings veal, repulsive and adverse to the best interests of his delicate forrn, and to the preserving of the potency of his ocular optics, introduced the Halton Ad, by displaying his a,hiltiee as an archer. The modern, ninsrod then presented -his gun at the bead of his antagonist when a messenger vras sent for constable Bawden. Before his arrival the gallant jim had re- treated to the depot and took refuge in the bosom of a mend, surrendering has pop . . . and anamunitiot to prevent pro-sic•cution. A few clays after James treated Ws friends to a trip to London, thus privileging them to interview John Peters, J. P. After a few cengreaulations from the Beak, the sum of 3 cases and _costs paid the bill for free- dom. Myself and two other friends took .a half holiday to attend the consolation raceheld in Luoan the other day. • A large orowd being present everything was asgood as could be desired, all hands in full anticipa- tion of seeing some fun. A large crowd collected around the grand stand which 18 erected on William-st. As I promised 1 will give you a short synopsis of the affair. Quite early in the forenoon some four or nvaie/ fin nd 8, alalniimn afilrasetOulahibe0 se eha8pe8.12 Nothing .very lnteresting was seen in the feature of the ease only the McCarty mare which • being the favorite was watched with intense interest. When she inadeiher first appears • aurae on the street, heavily clothed with sweat blankets, as she was not in very good trim owing to the heavy track the night before, many were disappointed and res marked that she had been worked too hard and trained too fine to be matched against horses displaying strength and action. Blacik Ed, Pounclinaker, Pl-a-Pot and Sorrel Cloud, ,from their general appearance on' She street promised to do their work up with great speed. After some two hours or more, a large number of pools had been sold, the McCarty mare proving the favor- ite ancl sold at 340.00, while Black Ed sold second choice for a ten dollar bill, the field going a:begging and sold at 34.00 with Poun.dmaker, n -a -Pot and Sorl Cloud. They drew and McCarty mare won the toss and took the pole and held it to the end of the heat winning the race in 1301, Black Ed a good second, Sorl Cloud Srcl, Pound - maker and Pi -a -pot distanced. All being well pleased with the proceedings during the day it was the unanimous conclusion of all spectators that this WAS • the closest contested race they had ever seen as all around the course the mare led, pushed by Ed se tightly that at times the same blanket would cover both horsea; and many are led to believe that the horse can out - wind her. On the whole the meeting was carried tout with entire satisfaction to all. Robert H., the york king of the west, who was the spirit in conducting the business of pool selling, and from whom all reliable information concerning the affair was re- ceived, was applied to, to arrange matters for another trial. As it is quite evident this track is too heavy for Ed and should a more favorable one be got we have every reason to believe be willelistanceall comers. After a due deliberation over -tile matter, a second match was made to come off on the 14t11 of the present month at London, when Judge Fullerton and a number of other worthies are to take part. A. good time is expected. Arrangements will be made with the Gs T. R. for reduced rates. 13e - fore the meeting closed, Round Head stepped forward to the pool seller and pre- sented him with a beautiful boguet AS a token of respect for the able manner in 'which he discharged the laborous duties of the above ofd.ce. After a suitable reply had been made by the receiver the crowd dispersed giving three cheers for the queen three for the mare, and volley after velley of applause for Black Ed, Four thousand Irish emigrants have sailed from Queenstown for America. • Last Friday night a Air. Matheson oncl his 16 -year-old son, of Oil Springs, Sarnia, Ont., started to cross the river from Port Huron to Sarnia hi a row. boat. When about half way across a sudden squall drove the boat anainst cake of iee and the craft capsized, Their cries for help could lie 1i otcl as they floated down the river, but before any one could go to theirassistanco they wore drowned. In France there is about. ono physic. ia11 to every 3,000 inhabitants. hi 1%16.. land one to every 1,600, and in the trnitocl States ono to every 360. We do not know what the proportion. is in Canada, brit it cannot be much it 111 5' under that of the Unit '(1 States. Can- ada is turninte doetors out pretty rapid,. ly, and sodn there won't be ninehmoney it the medicine business. We are too heal iby to stippert so many dOetorS and and AO a wetter 07 fact wo do not de, eently support wore than half of theta,