HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-03-06, Page 20• 711ff "Tr,Ir 7,` 11,7" 444, 11111111. • , - 4 ,4 ` *4. ';# r • • • • a PAGE ; $-RECO ,THURSDAY • -ARC 6 1080 •coming events ST. PATRICK'S Day Tea JOINT Siring at St. Andrew's Than keit ering for Presbyterian Church_. On Ontario Street andSaturday, March 15, '4:00 Wesley -Willis United 41.00 pm. by the New Church women to be, - 011nenSiCirlSt Bake April 2001980 at 7:30 pm, table. -4.11 --7----Ontario," Street Church. will host., the Thankof. CAlt0- SUPPER. faring. • Guest 7 speaker, *. The`Clinton, arill District Mrs. Linda 'Christian School will hold missionary on furlough ',Its annual pancake from Haiti, --8 • supper Friday, March 14, ,5:30 - 9:00 p.m. Tickets available at the door. Adults $2.75; Children of elementary school age • $1.50; preschoolers free. Come and enjoy delicious pancakes and sausages. Try.: your ,luck in .the games room. Eyeryone is BLYTII POICER RALLY March 16. Registration 11 am. to .2 p.m. Cash • • prizes: first, 450; second $30; and third, $20. Many clOor prizes, 25 miles of scenic groomed trails, $3,00 per hand. Lunch available. Starts 11/4 miles north and 5 miles West of Blyth. -10,11 rt, BINGO everyTuesday Evening at Wanastra Centre, RR5., Clinton, 8 p.m. First regular card,. •$1.00; 15 regular $15 ganxes, three share -the - wealth. Jackpot $280.00 AArr,. ir- Pool ".7 Ste It 4 u d richer ********************,_ * TV 12 LISTING The Clinton Kinsmen -Club's -annual Las Vegas ingo night Prc'ved popular CLINTON Legion B as a every Thursday 8 p.m, 0thiyear, large crowd helped the First regular card $1.; " service club raise $1,700 res tricted--to- 16- years- or for 1$ regular games of forAthe swimming pool $15. $5 least •on split, 'I'm"' The .night, which Many other specials, Jackpot $200 . started as a Winter e'''" Carnival event 'a dOzqn. each week.-20t.far • • " years ago, has continued BUS To,N.ii.L..iatnes . on since the carnival Detrdit',from, January 2 folded and • feat"es games -of chance played to April 5: For more in- - w oy money. . formation call United Trails 527-1222.-47tfAR At the end of the night; people Could bid on a • large number of donated CARD PAlit.,TY .100F and items using their * play Rebekahs Lodge Hall, money, as the sound of Princess St., .Clinton; auctioneer Richard Thursday, March 6 at 8 Lobb's voice filled the p.m. Ladies please bring hall. lunch. Everyone , Those business people who.. -,Jonated—goods---or— services to the auction OPTIMIST COMING included F.J. Hudie, EVENTS: Challenge Haugh Tire, Harold's hockey against the CKNX Shell Service, H. Lobb "Tryhards" at the and • Son, Aiken s. welcome.—LAL restrieted1to---/8-ye-ars-a-rrd over.-52tfar FESTIVAL OF SACRED MUSIC at North St. 'United Church, Goderich, 7:30 p.m., March 9th. Choirs from Seaforth, Clinton and Goderich participating. Guest condy,ctor, H. Alex Clark 1,,,,o2f London. Everyone _ welcome. -9 •Clinton Arena on Saturday, March 15th at 8 p.m. Refreshments available. DoQrprizes. Adults $1.00, Children under 12 free. /Advance Campbell's Men's Wear, '7Anitett Jewellers, Groves Electric, Clinton News -Record, Pete's TV, Huron Business Machines, - GeldsworthY Moters, :Bartliff'S Bakery, Herman's Men's Wear, Gerrards. .May's Sewing Centre, C '&2 E Vy„,riety _sod Burgess '..i./epartment Store, . The )...Arhort Oalbraith's TV, The Dutch . Store, Hearn Wholesale, Radio Shack of Home Hardware, Holland Shoes, Maple Leaf Small Engines, Elm Haven, Ray Potter, Clinton Credit Union, Bank of Montreal, Pizza Express, Gary Merner Construction, Paul' Kerrigan Fuels, Dale Plumbing, Ball and Macaulay, Clinton. Chrysler. ' Clinton Auto Parts, Jervis Aluminum, McLean Sports, Cook's Kinsmen pledge help tickets available from to Fair bd., pool fund any Optimist member. -9 BETA SIGMA PHI Daffodil Dance, Satur- day, March 29, Clinton arena. Dancing 9,1 a.m. to Jim Medd and The Pleasure Pack. Lunch provided. Tickets $12.00 per couple. -10 CARD PARTY March 7, 1980 - 8:30 p.m. at Summerhill Sponsored by Summerhill Hall Board. Ladies please bring lunch. Everyone weldome.-40.- "DRAGON- STEW" Puppet Show', performed by Frog Prince Theatre, Clinton Town Hall, Tuesday, March 20 at 2:30 p.m. Free Admission. Sponsored by Outreach Ontario and the • Clinton Branch Library. -10,11 WORLD DAY OF PRAYER to be held Friday, March 7 at 2p.m.. in First Baptist Church, Huron St., Clinton. Guest sPeaker,Rick Brown. -10 CLINTON PUBLIC HOSPITAL "Spring Dance" - April 19, 1980, 9- 1, Music "By Special Appointment Vanastra Recreation Centre. Lunch provided. $12 per couple. -10,12 SALE of good used clothing, children's and adults'. Ontario Street United Church April 19, 10 a.m. - 12 noon. Spon- sored by Evening Unit UCW.-10x Sixty-ninth Annual Meeting of the Family and Children Services of Huron County will be held in the Board Room, Assessment Building, 46 Gloucester Terrace, Goderich, Ontario on Wednesday, March 12, 1980 at 2 p.m,. The public is cordially invited to attend. -10 CARD PARTY IOOF Hall, Brucefield, March 7, 1980, 8:30 p.m. Ladies .please bring lunch. Admission 75 cents. Everyone welcome. -10 BENEFIT DANCE — for Tom and Joan Burley held at HURON FISH AND GAME CLUB ON FRIDAY, MARCH 7 Enjoy Music by WILL HAWKES Bayfield Lioness ST. PATRICK'S DANCE f ' r to be held at the dAYSIELD COMMUNITY CENTRE on SAT., MARCH 22 Enjoy Dancing -9-4 a.m. to music provided by JIM DEWAN oftREDITON TICKETS '6." per couple Available at GRAHAM'S GENERAL STORE VILLAGE MARKET OR ANY LIONESS MEMBER presented by CLINTON FIGURE SKATING CLUB in the CLINTON ARENA FEATURING • The Old Smoothies • also • Lorri Baier & Lloyd Eisler CANADIAN SENIOR PAIR SILVER MEDALISTS f******************************* Advanced Tickets Available At... NORHOLME DECORATING CLINTON COMMERCIAL PRINTERS AND FROM ALL CLUB MEMBERS ADVANCED ADULTS - $2.50 CHILDREN - 9.00. 14 & UNDER AT THE DOOR ADULTS - $3.00 CHILDREN - $1.50 14 & UNDER BENEFIT DANCE • • for RAYMOND & WILMA RAMMELOO AND FAMILY to be hold at the BLYTH ARENA ors • FRIDAY, MARCH 14 Music prooiciod by "Country Companions" H. r r• At their February meeting, the Clinton Kinsmen Club pledged.to help three organizations in town with financial aid. The club agreed to help the swimming pool fund, .and pledged $5,000 toward the fund this year. They have already raised $1,700 from their suc- cessful Las Vegas night on March .1. - -The club also promised to help the Clinton Fair Board (Huron Central Agricultural Society) clear up a $9.,000 debt the fair board - has ac- cumulatedin the past couple of years. Following an appeal by Fair Board president Dave Dazell, the Kin- smen decided to donate all the profits from their beer tent at the fair to the board, an amount bet- ween $1,000 and $2,000. The Kinsmen 'also fulfilled their com- mittment to the Clinton Minor Hockey Association, and this week turned over a $1.500 Do yo4know? The smallest in- dependent country in the, world in the State of the Vatican City. It was made an enclave within the;.City of Rome, Italy, in 1929, and has an area of 108 acres.. Smile A mother had been lecturing her small son, stressing that we are in this world to help others. He considered this, then asked sombedy, "What are the others here for?" WaVINIM %WM% patrick's Dinner and Dan 2>, ce ati FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE on Saturday, March 15, 1980 at THE DRY DOCK RESTAURANT • Dinner starts at 6 p.m'. . Irish music. singing and dancing from 8 p m. to 1 it.rn ()UR IRISH TREATS ARE: cheque to • the hockey players. In other business, the club learned* from organizer Dick Kloss that the fottrth annual canoe Race down the Maitland River ,has been set for April 27..There, are three main classes - .expert, advanced amateur, and amateur- in the race that raises money for cystic fibrosis research. Club president Garry Merner,Kinette President Carol Finch, with along. past presidents Arnold and Bev Riley, and Don -and Marie Jefferson and their spouses attended the diamond anniversary of the founding of Kin held in Hamilton onTebruar? 23. Three of the founding members Hal Rogers, Perc Dawson, andTrevor Thompson were present, - as well- as -Kinsmen and Kinettes from Canada. All 'witnessed the of- fical opening and ribbon cutting ceremony of the new Kin Centre in Carrpridge, and heard founder Hal Rogers, a frequent visitor to Bayfield, • give an in- formative talk on the history of Kinsmen. Florist, * Barber Shop, Triangle Discount, Clinton Meat Market, Clinton TOA, Blakes Welding, Craig Tire and Auto,; Seruton's Fuels, Lovett's Welding,. Corriels Red and White, McKerlie Automotive, Sbiral Department Store, Smith Pro Hardware, Viurarneli$ 'Feed Mill, Clinton Eleatrie, , Lerne Brown Motors, North End Restaurant, .Clinton -Commercial ,Printers, - Bali and. Match Fur- niture, Clere Vu Auto Wreckers ,and Norholm Decorating Centre. re's notiillig like it. Thank You Colonel! slat KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN galififir I II. ittairvrirrnim 4 E.., ay. .iedintal0.141k arab. enjoyoutI., TUESDAY DINNER SPECIAL --GoodcJ Regular 3 piece 2.50 Dinner TUESDAY ONLY — 2Xe1 tif 915 C°I Sanders' RiltiPe Ktittucky Fried CiAtjA491AN Colonel Sanders boys and girls make it 'finger lick in- good " 94 Elgin Ave., E., Goderich. 227 MAIN STREET, NORTH, EXETER %11110§1111.._"."40011167,1111%;i1 tk--/ At THE CARNATION HOLMESVILLE Mondays » Lions 1V1110007:30,9pm., Wedrie5d011; lhogInalng at I Porn! 1- "Storytime" with Caroline Cass * "Surprise!'" withRannlo Vargo --VItise-s-Wriv- You ,with-S4Ori Thursdays, Beginning at, ,* 1 "Simply, Sports,' with Dick EIsIer frect- * 3 Rebolor monthly shows consisting 1)4r. 'of: ' )4. „„*• * Week Week 11 - "Easy Listening" with Grant ' * • 1onuse.1: , xt * * Week 111 - "TV 12 SPECIAL" • * Friends * )4, )4' Week IV "The Best. of Friends" rreinirElwincifirobinson • Sundays p.m.will be slated fOr any religious ' * * Monday through Fridays listen between 4:30 - 6 * ; * P.m. for music &'chat with students from central * Huron Secondary School on Channel 12 on your TV )f. 41r. dial. • r& ******************* * programs • • • 01) Dancing six nights a week • 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Now appearing at the Eim Haven EXOTIC DANCERS Continuous Shows • Monday - Saturday Useour RECREATION CORNER ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL HIGHWAY 8 WEST, CLINTON OPEN DAILY FOR YOUR DINING PLEASURE HOURS: MON.-SAT. SHOWING TILL THURS. MARCH 13 • FRI. & SAT. TWO SHOWINGS 7:00 & 9:05 SUN. - THURS. ONE SHOWING 8:00 P.M. NOON 12114N -2PE.MR. '3.75 PER PERSON 0 5-8 P.M. '5.95 PER PERSON HOME -COOKING. HOT BUFFET - SALAD BAR RESERVATIONS REQUESTED SATURDAY NIGHT - CALL 482-9228 OR AFTER HOURS: 524-4133 CATERING TO WEDDINGS, BANQUETS AND PRIVATE - PARTIES - OPEN EASTER SUNDAY • & FOLLOWING SUNDAYS recommended as ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ,,..0agight Resta/it IhP and Tavern 44/ Galw-ay I3av Lobster or Potato Soup Sd.a Bread a -Salad of fresh Greens Shassles Dublin Hotel Avocado Prawn Mousse ( iREEN FORT DONEGAL SKATE.with black butter sauce or 'LANE CHICKEN baked in a tomato. wine and brandy sauce New Potatoes boiled in the jackets Bachelor's Peas and Carrot, Florentines and Irish Coffee '25 00 per pron. excluding tax and gratuity THE GREEN I3EER WILL; FLOW SHAMROCKS WILL ABOUND 565-2553 FITLY LICEN('ED UNDER MEI. 1. B 0 •• • a 4.1" 5: THE LICENSED UNDER L.C.B.O. BAYFIELD RD., GODERICH , 524-7711 Weekend Entertainment FRI. & SAT., MAR. 7 & MAR. 8 "THE DEVARDINES" ‘i; I NTER HOURS Monday through Thursday I() a.rn to 2 p nt Friday. Saturday & Sunday In a.m. to 1) p m \ 11% N.i.38s.s.. 6% NANN Overlooking Pieturesom. Hayfield Harbour .on y. 13AYFIE1.1). ONTARIO :e„Ma.V.SM 6t, Treat yourself and your friends.. to our Hot Buffet Every Thurs. & Fri. 12 noon - 2 p.m, Come -os you ore HOURS: SUN. THRU WED. 11:30 - 10 p.m. THURS., FRI., SAT. 11:30 1 a.m. 1fdes to this love story. NOMINATED FOR 9 ACADEMY AWARDS, Best Actor, Best Picture, Best Supporting Actor 30 TH,E SQUARE PHONE 524.7811, AIR CONDITIONED