HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-03-06, Page 15a a. • Public speaking draw 12 t ' Speeches at CMS - by Darryl Fox _ On February .27 speeches were heard in the gymnasium at CRSS During the first two periods of the morning the junior speakers from Grades 9 and 10 were heard followed by the seniors in periods three -and Each student who spoke • in the gym" riasium badbeenvotedby his or her English class to represent that class in the Om. ° The six junior speakers were Laureen Craig., John Lawson, Cameron Moon, Jane Snell, Barry Turner and Angela Dykstra. These students were judged by George head of CHSS' special education "Telialraelit; QW,e Horton, CHSS - student council president and Garnet Har1and from the Royal Canodia.n Legion. Ir the senior division the speakers were Ed Bullen, Olen Haney, SOMEThINO FOR THE LADIES-, Come, visit our unusual ciun.try• resort for Teta today' We've prepared. .buttered toast, freshly made scones, home made jam, Devoi,i cream, cake, biscuits and Earl Grey tea for the occasion. Relaicand enjoy as we serve • you in front of an open hearth log fire in one of our two lounges. (reservations not required) 00 just, '.J. per person Complement your outing with a visit to THE HOLLOW. A unique gift shop 'ust ateps.from our Nestled in Benmiller, .Ont., just 7 kilometres east of Qoderich on Huron County Road 1, just off Highway 8, phone 524-2191. • Bruce 004kin, Gayle HortOn, Eric Street and Jeff Wittich. The judgeS of the isalors were Tom FQX, CRSS vice- principal; Gord Smith, head of CHSS guidance services and DaVe. Jet- ferson, a . teacher at CHSS. In the junior division the first place winner was Laureen Craig with Sane Snell placing Second and • 41, • rn the sealers Gayle ]I�Vt review - •competition at Mount Forest. Also upcoming this year are two other speaking competitions, In April the Optimist Club has a competition , for anyone under, 1 and In ably there is the Odd, fellows " Competition for . those over la. The Oddfellows competition CLINTON NEWS-RECOR ,A,Y, MARCH , 980 -PAG i5 features e.S.,-first-TriZe triP to the U.N. „ The Chronicle would like to reiterate ow congratulations to everyone who spoke in the gym and especially to Gayle and Laureen for doi* as Well as they • have. GOod Luck in Mount Forest "Gayle! • • Horton placed, first followed by Jeff Wittich who was second, Both Laureen „ and Gayle went on to the zone competition at Clinton Legion where representatives froth five area schools met and competed. RI • by • Julie Armstrong and ' Kathy Phillips. Kramer vS. Kramer is a film which. explores one of the current issues in our society. The plight of Dustrn Hoffm.an puts forth a stunning por- trayal of ,-the single father, Excellent per- formances are also made by Justin Henry, as his young son Billy, and Meryl Streep, as the At'this competition •an abandoned father deserting wife. g131--f-ighti41g-f•or-the..custody_of-._ ..1f,you...ha3ze.nat_yet„seen-....L. CHSS didexceedin well; Gayle Horton with his young son ' is this movie, wei_strong-lY - -- her speech on dieting, realistically presented. recommend that you do. placed first in the seniors Each and every viewer Having been nominated and Laureen Craig, with - is touched by the joys and for nine academy her speech on the im- sorrows of a father and Awards, Kramer vs. portance of music in her son finding each other, Kramer promises to be as family, placed second in and then being faced with successful with the the juniors. Gayle will ..the threat of losing each Academy as it has been now go on to, the district other. with the public. PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING TUESDAY MARCH 11. PIECES & STEMS RIO BRAND MUSHROOMS WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCAASES. LARGE SIZE JAR KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP 10 OZ. TINS 1 LITRE WEIGHT WATCHERS TOMATO KETCHUP 11 oz. WESTONS ENRICHED WHITE SAND CH • BREAD JERSEY MILK - CRISPY CRUNCH - ASSTED. NEILSONS BAR . BUNDLES 6513 DARE 7 DELIC.IOUS..VARIETIES BREAKTIME COOKIES ZEHRS PRIVATE LABEL' LIQUID BLEACH128 oz. 24 oz. LOAVES FOR 500 PKG. 385 ML. TINS FOR • • 4 Judges had some tough decision-znaking to do on March 1.in Clinton when the top public speakers,from area high schools were picked at the Zone C-1 com- petition at the Canadian Legion. The junior winners for Grades 9 and 10 were, first row, left—to -right, -first, Patd-IVIurphy, Goderich District Collegiate -- Institute; second, Laureen Craig, Central Huron Secondary School, (CHSS), Clinton; third, Heather Percival, Kincardine High School. The senior winners for Grades 11 to 13 included, back row, Gail Horton, CHSS; Rick Kloss, Seaforth District High School; Jack Whytock, F. E. Madill, Wingham. The first prize winners go to district competition in Mount Forest on April 13. (News - Record photo) Cur erswin tit / le • The CHSS boys curling -team • -of- Bill -Gib s o "Brian Falconer, Dave Townsend and Ron Taylor put forth an im- pressive 'performance at Huron-P'erth last Friday inSt. Marys. The team finished in first place and now ad- vances to the Western Ontario Finals (WOSSA). Although the girls' team worked hard they did not fare as well and were eliminated -,..from further competition. Both teams represented the school well by advancing to Huron -Pert -11'c' We should' be proud of these-Redm en who have so far managed to do better than any other school team this year. Good luck to the curling team at WOSSA. • 4,440' ‘48, isommalso" HIGHLINER FROZEN TURBOT IN BATTER 14 .. 79 MISS MEW CAT FOldi?'9# FABRIC SOFTENER BOUNCE 40 SHEET 2049 AVARIETIES m STEWS 24 oz *1.3POST CEREAL ,9 rrs .50.4 119PLNA DEEP BROWN OR IN TOMATO SAUCE •LIBBY'S BEANS WITH PORK PLAYTEX DEODORANT - 2 VAR. $01 TAMPONS PKG. OF 30 17 PLAYTEX NON -DEODORANT - 2 VAR, $2 39 PKG. OF 30 TAMPONS AVAILABLE ONLY IN STORES - HAVING A COUNTRY OVEN BAKERY. •FRESH BAKED FRUIT BREAD OR RAISINIVA° 16 02 LCIAF NOT CROSS BUNS _TB VACHON CARAMEL LUNCH SNACKS -P G_ 2 F_1_2* SCHNEIDERS REGULAR CHEESE SLICES Puzzle Time Here is a "fish" pronunciation this week. Pronounce "q1•10TI" correctly, but don't let the answer, slip away. Catch the answer next week. Last week, we held a -con:Vention----whcre 1,200 people shake each other. At a convention of 1,200 people, each person - 'shakes thehand of 1,199 others. At each hand- shake, a person has shaken the hand of another. person and the , other --person-haS--tione- likewise. That means two goals are achieved at each handshake, and there 'were (1,200) x :(1,199) x (1/2) hand- shakes, or 719,400 in- dividual handshakes. •This week at CHSS . On Wednesday; March 12 the "ring man" will be back at CHSS to take orders for school rings. The downpayment on a gold ring is $30 and is $20 4)n a silver As part of their phys- ed. program the Grade 12 boys phys. ed. classes are participating in a mini "field -trip" to the Vanastra arena in order to use the curling facilities there. On Tuesday Mr. Clynick's Grade 12 classes visited Vanastra during the afternoon and on Friday morning Mr. Reidy's classes . will be doing the same:- - SCHNEIDERS CHEESE OLD SMOOTHY 8 "COTAGE St 19 SCHNEIDERS. CRISPYFLAKE SHORTENING 690 CHEESE1.09 Anstett Jewellers 4 POPULAR VARIETIES SCHNEIDERS • MEAT PIES, LIMITED 11 ALBERT ST„ CLINTON 482-3901 OPEN WEDNESDAYS For Your Convenience HOURS; Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Friday nights till 9 p.m. Amendment forms for university applications can be 'picked up from the guidance office anytime this week.- These forms give students who have applied to various universities a chance to change the names or order of the schools that they have applied to. Students can also change the course that they have applied for. These forms should be returned to the guidance office as soon as possible. + Students seeking summer employment shoulq, visit the guidance office and pick up some pamphiets issued by the Ontario . Youth Secretariat. These pamphlets provide useful information on How to Look for a Job, How to Make the Most of Your Job and for the more adventurous, How to Start Your Own Business. The federal and provincial governments have also co-dperated on a booklet which outlines a number of employment programs and services for young people. IT'S OUR FIRST 19 OZ. TINS 2 LITRE CTN. 14 oz. PKG. WEIGHT WATCHERS FROZEN DESSERTS w-LRE$1. 69 REGULAR OR MINT CREST TOOTHPASTE FOR CAKES AND PASTRIES MONARCH FLOUR 36 Kg $ • 99 i PREMIUM MEDIUM RED COHSE SALMON s , 'SALIEd. ************************ 0/0 171. IN.STOCK FOOTWEAR :;‘,- NOT ALREADY ON SALE * PLUS ALL OUR SUMMER- MSS ********** *************** SAVE $70?0 ON EXECUTIVE MEWS UP 'TO SHOES BY HARTY '100 Mt - TUBE 7.75 oz. TIN EA. COMPARE AT $1-.99 THIS GREAT SALE ON 1980 FOOTWEAR - GOOD ONLY MARCH 6, T, 8,10 DON'S SHOE PLACE "Because You're Worth it" SUNCOAST MALL, GODERICH • •