HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-03-06, Page 10PAGE 1I I14 NE S»RECQR .," HU DAY, ARCH 6 , 198 by Gwen Pemberton and iVtitveno Erickson contac More. than 300 spec- tators poured through the turnstiles to watch the filrst. annual "No- -Can.taot" Hockey TournaM.e t at the Bayfield Arena on Saturday. The eight „teams gave their all, but when 'it was over, the Champion• (Champco) Scrapers took home the $390 prize money for first place and the Goderich Optimist Club corralled the $150 runner-up prize money. Winner of the most valuable .player award was goaltender Gord 1Vlcbellan of the Cham- pion Scrapers from Goderich. 'Here's the way they won and lost: First Round: Dashwood Cheapskates 6 - Clinton Cougars 3; Goderich Optimists 5 - Goderich Church Dodgers 4; Champion Scrapers, 4 - Parkhill Pistons 2; Whetstone Jewellers 4 - Bayfield Bullets 3. Second. Round: Optimists 4 Cheapskates Bayfield council By HelenQwen Councillor Reg Wilson, discharged from hospital recently, was welcomed by the Reeve and his fellow councillors when he took his place at the Village Council meeting on March 3. - Among the matters discussed was a letter from the Regional Municipality of .Ontario expressing concern at the apparent failure of the general public, to com- prehend and observe "symbolic" road signs. As a result of a question rased by the Bayfield Historical Society at last month's meeting con- cerning the Heritage Plan for the village, a letter had been sent to George Kapelos, Plan- e nim Officer for the Ontario Government Heritage •Branch, but no reply had been recieved to date. A meeting of the Huron County Planning Board is due to be held on March 6th to consider their recommendations foll9yving the public meeting that had been held in the village in January. It appears that Mr. Peever has made another application in connection with his proposals for the .Mill Pond Marina. However, no details were available to the Village Council, but the matter is being pursued. Over the last month or so, there has been much discussion with regard to the extension of sporting activities. Mr. Sinclair, of the Ministry of Culture and Recreation, will be meeting with the Village Council 'to consider the details of the particular by-law relating to this subject. Since some amendment is required to meet the -circumstances which relate to the leasing of the field, it is essential for these details to be resolved before any further progress can be .made. It was confirmed that - -provision—of' su•rta-b l e drainage for Mara Street (Glass .Hill) had been included in the work schedule. This would be carried out when weather conditions permitted. Further concern -was expressed by the Council at the failure of the public to observe "No Parking" notices in the village. A plea of not having ob- served such notices was, of course, no excuse for having ignored them, and owners of vehicles who This .week in sports Wednesday night found the girls back at the broom ball wars. The Western supremacy was never in doubt as they defeated the East bya 5 - 1 score. Nora West, Pat Cook and Rhea Potter handled the West scoring. while Wendy Crittendon notched the singleton for the East. The weather was the deciding factor in the` men's game, as only a handful of players battled through the blizzard thus forcing the games can- cel lation. The big tory of the week was the Bayfield Bullets. After all the pre- tournament hype, they misfired and were eliminated in the first game. Two goals by Bill Courtney and one by Mike Gozzard had given them a 3 - 1 lead, but they ran out of legs in the 3rd period and dropped the 4 - 3 decision. Has anyone seen Dan Gare? The S. H.H. L. Zurich Buckeyes wound up regular season play with a 6 - 4 loss to the Centralia Saints last Thursday. Sunday, afternoon, they began their best of five quarter finals against Parkhill. The Buckeyes used home ice to ad- vantage to squash their adversaries 6 - 3. John Graham banged in one goal and picked ,,three assists in the opener. Next home game is Friday night 8 p.m. at the Zurich Arena. Sunday morning, the NOTICE The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the Adult Health Guidance Centre, to be hold at the MUNICIPAL BUILDING, BAYFIi:LD on Monday, March 17 1:30-3:30 p.m. for Hoath Surveillance: Anaemia Screening; Foot Care; Urine Yost frig: Wood Pressuf'o. husbands and wives took to ice at the Bayfield Arena for a hockey game. Naughty Nora claimed to have scored the winning goal for an 8 - 7 victory, but goaltender Larouche claimed she was offside the entire game. Oh well, maybe they'll get it straightened out Saturday night when they take to the ice again at 10 p.m. Please note that there will no longer be any public skating at the Arena on Tuesday nights. Lions' tickets still available Bayfield Lions and their wives will ac- company Zurich Lions on a bus trip next Sunday to --tto-chester, Michigan, to visit'- a . 'Leader Dog School'. This is where dogs are trained to lead the blind - a project which receives Lions' Club support. Those takeing the trip should be in Zurich by 9 a.m. on Sunday morning. The Bayfield Lions' tickets for the River Break-up Draw are still available from any Lion or Bayfield business. failed to observe the directive ran the risk of having their cars hauled away. 3; Scraper. s 4 - Jewellers 3; Prize Game: Champion Scrapers 5• . - Goderich Optirnists .4. Arena ,manager and tournament co-ordinator Harry 1VIacPonald would like to thank all the teams for participating in the tournament. Congratulations to the Champion Scrapers from Goderich on winningthe tournament and a special thanks to Walter Orr, Gerry . Uniac and ail the others that helped to make it a successful day. Next year, look for a big two-day tournament. Round and about Mr. and Mrs. Bill Latimer and Amanda of Weston visited for the weekend with his grandmother, Mrs. Ethel Knight. Mrs. Gilbert Latimer, who had spent the past week in Weston and Toronto, with relatives and friends, returned home with them. Luanne Erickson was an overnight guest Friday with Linda Hawke, Babylon Line. The occasion was Linda's 74th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Scotchmer, Robert, Lori and Caroly, . Chatham spent the weekend at their home -in the Village. Mr. and Mrs. 'Paul Gosse, Glen and Brian of Bayfield and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cullen, Tresna and Chauncey of New Zealand, visited in Toronto for the weekend. While there, they toured the city and visited the C.N. Tower and Toronto City Hall. They were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Barry Smith, cousins of Mrs. Gosse. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Logan and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Logan, Tillson- burg visited in the Village •duri•ng, the weekendand renewed acquaintances here. With them were Off key bugle The Bugle was badly-- off-key in two places last week! Harry Baker got all the credit for arranging the birthday, . party for his wife Fern, but, he says, most of it should go to Fern's sons and their families. The other `blooper' was the statement that Mary and Matt Nediger celebrated their 69th wedding anniversary. Mary insists that she was not a child bride! It should have read their 59th. What a difference a digit makes! eight couples, friends and business associates. While in Bayfield, they were guests at The Albion Hotel. Eldon Johnston, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia is spending a few days with his father, Mr. David Johnston Sr. and Mrs. Johnston and with his brother, sister-in-law and family, Mr. and Mrs. David Johnston Jr., 'Gerry, Brian, David and Brent. Mr: and Mrs. Howard Elliott of 'Medford visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ross' Merrill on Sunday. Mrs. Polly Wiltse of Huron view, Mildred Merrill's mother, was also a guest of the Merrill's on. Sun- day. Mrs. Don Beck of Corunna is a visitor this week with Mrs. Elva Metcalf. Smile "So I'm , wearing a wig," said the girl to her boyfriend. "Do you have to tell everyone I''m going around under an assumed mane?" + Bayfield I, 4-H The second meeting of the Bayfield 1 4-H club was held at Jo Anne's home on February 20th at 7pm. We opened our meeting and' the roll call was answered by six members. Jo Ann then gave us our material to do macrame in. We all read from our pamphlets :about how to do macrame and the different knots. We discussed the colors we liked and which color matched our personality. We are to have started our macrame for the next meeting which was held on February 27. The meeting closed with refreshments. -by Jane Sturgeon Happy Birthday Marvin Meaner RESCHEDULED PART TIME STUDIES AT WESTERN Are you interested in beginning or continuing your work toward a B.A. Degree? We can help. Dr. Ron Martin, Director of Part -Time Studies, the University of Western Ontario, will be conducting Interviews in: CLINTON: Wednesday, March 12th from 4:00-6:00 p.m; Room 135, Central Huron Secondary School, 165 Princess Street East, Clinton GODERICH i' Wednesday, March 12th from 6:454:30 p.m. Room 30, Goderich District Collegiate Institute, 260 South Street, Goderich Little Brenda Consitt was the youngest Stanley township skating carnival weekend, and took home a prize. Chessell ) Garden club to see slides skater at the held last (photo by Mary "Come walk with me into spring" is the title of Mr. „Vyilliarn birling's talk when he addresses the Bayfield Garden Chib at its regular monthly meeting ,rn Monday evening, ' arch. 10th, in the Municipal building. Mr. Girling; president of the London Horticultural Society, was secured as speaker through the good offices of Lorne Bamford. He will bring us an evening of prize-winning slides depicting Canadian Wild Flowers, The Garden Club.'s, ambition to develop I'Ilarak Street'as a wild flower 'sanctuary makes the topic par- ticularly appealing. 1980 memberships are available at Graham's General store, .thanks to the kindness of Wyn and Pat. • CGE Ever Young Club The Ever Young Club met for their regular meeting last Thursday night with a fair at- tendance. President Len Carter chaired the meeting and opened with the National Anthem and the °Lord's Prayer and also asked members to observe a minute .of' silence for those who have been bereaved , in our midst. Secretary Thelma Utter• read the minutes and also the roll call Treasurer, ' porothy. Cox gave heir' report. Correspondence Secretary Kathleen Hill gave a good report on the cards she has sent to the sick and bereaved. Several birthdays were recognized by singing birthday greetings. Plans were made for the euchre and bridge to be sponsored by the Euchre Club jointly with the Ever Young Club on March 19th at 8 p.m, in aid of the Clinton Hospital Auxiliary. Everyone is invited: Harry Baker reported that the rest rooms at the Town Hall are coming along well. Heaters, lights and ceiling are completed and painting will be done shortly. The Ever Young Club have donated $325 by quilting quilts. One member donated $100 in ap- reciation for the work p Canadian General Electric _�..._�.._.. /fMOS,/LE Rote...._.. Quality that speaks for itself being done. The young people who rented the hall,' fora New Year's party. .,donated $60 and will .appreciate the rest rooms for ` their next party. Mr. Baker advises that t the big job Qf 1n- sua,ting the attic is .,next on the program and that since his New Horizon grant is spent, he would appreciate any donations from any clubs, societies' or, individuals. `Just mail the cheque to Town :Hall Fund are .of Harry Baker.. The Huron County Health Nurse, Mrs. Madeline Rosky, gave a brief talk on the benefits the •community receives from the clinics held in the Municipal Building. The next one will be on March 17th, and thereafter they will be held on the second Tuesday of each month, Brown Higgins, second vice-president,, thanked Mrs. Roske for coming to the meeting. A few games. • of euchre were ' played. and afterward everyone enjoyed the • lunchtime social"hour e , BAYFIELD LUMBER HIGHWAY 21 BAYPtEW PHONE- 565-2990 * Complete Brie of Building Supplies * Free Delivery 1 Signals the return of your favourite outdoor activities. We've got sport clothes for you in the best brand names...at the best prices. The use of Two-way Radio Equipment pays grouter dividends these days. For all the facts on the G.E. line and our new long range repeater, call: oxford communications ltd. Toll Free 1-800-265-9255 Do-it-yourself ... with a little help from Wiseway! 2000 SAVING ON WHITE TOILET Lined Tank (Colour 20.00 extra) TOILET SEATS white 9.99 COLOUR EXTRA LORENZO VANITY SALE See our decorator selection today. Top not included. BATHTUB BARGAINS WHITE 30" x 60 REG. SALE bathtub 104.49 91.29 (color 13.00 extra) special order Tub -& Shower 39.45 33.33 • FAUCET #2139 Silicone Caulking 6.40 Reg. Now 5.19 REG. SALE 24" OAK FINISH •108.95 $95'.95 30" OAK FINISH '129.95 $ 1 1 0.95 AMEROCK YOUR BATHROOM Beautiful bathroom accessories now on sale! MARBLE VANITY TOPS 20% DISCOUNT Elli1C0 FAUCETS Easy to install this weekend SAVE • on CARRIAGE HOUSE SERIES ONLY SAVE REG. SALE 1r2241 26.72 22.95 #2370 33.69 29-.95 ON WHITE METAL SHOWER complete with curtain, faucets. DOOR CLOSER 30 x 30 Spartan REG. SALE 74.95 64.95 410.0 WI SWAY I OPEN: Monday.Frldoy 1 a.m.. 6 p.m. Saturday 1 a.m.. S p.m. ISE HOME & BUILDING CENTRE Fred .1. Hudlo Limited BAYFIELD ROAD, CLINTON GIVE YOURSELF CREDIT vIs 482-3441 '-"-'"^Y tft'' QUALITY PRODUCTS -PAIR PRICES RELIABLE SERVICE MVO 0 1�)