HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-02-28, Page 19} CLINTON N .W$4. R))0, THURSDAY,. F BRHARY 8' 11 80 PAG 18 41.ee5•YE wl O. 421. f"T `ow LRM4fR g `tdiOfs QCT• 9614200 A,Ccoimnodation to, rent ,• 2 BEDROOM MOBILE. home for rent, Morgans Mobile Bdmes, Mee 4$2.7066.-0tf Ir N:JFP 111 m.0 tag. 'c4roopi $1, si 1.5. Tenders 15, Tenders 18. Services a'vaiiable • R 18. Seruices available 18...Services available 18. Services available 19. M+otice to CoisometthiP . ty,Forient PRIME RETAIL SPACE TO LEASE Bayfield area —located our -Hwy -21, Goderich: New Building finished to • suit. Apply to Drawer 168, c -o Signal -Star Publishing, Box 220 Goderich, Ont. N7A 4B6.-5-10 Clinton Town Hall RENOVATIONS PHASE 1 Tenders will be received for the above rental Thursday,. March 20..1980, at 3 p.m. by Hill and Borges!, Architects and Planners, 58 Elgin Ave. East, Goderich Ontario. Details and specifications may be obtained by contac. ting:._ .. 11. Room and board ROOMS AVAILABLE at the Holiday Home for retired men. $11 a day, meals in- cluded. Phone 482- 3685.-6tfar HILL AND BORGAL, ARCHITECTS AND PLANNERS 58 Elgin Avenue East Goderich, Ontario. TELEPHONE: (519) 524-6546 (100. refundable deposit) Let us process your Pig SPECIAL for the month of February 200 POUND DRESSED PIG fully processed $25. DENS . cAR PENTRY Remodelling renovations, a cia,pb4oards', ret rooms., Carports,•. flooring, Hunt - Pella windows and patio doors, aluminum siding, windows, doors. 'Phone 482- 7676.—Ken McNairn,—l2tfar creditors Richard Lobb '1111ERI3ER'S 12. Help wanted The lowest.or any tender not necessarily accepted. DASHWOOD 237-3677 FULLERBRUSH CO. has . openings 'in this area, full and part-time. Earnings of $5-$6an hour. Phone 1-296- 4646.-9-11 FULL or PART TIME WORK - Couples and in -_.1: dividuals - for business of your own. Local ArnWay Distributor trains you. For information call 527-1167 or 527-0145.--9 WANTED FuII-Time Driver for delivery company. Applicant must have— A) Class D License B) Must be 25 or over C) Must be bondable Good wages and benefits. Apply in writing to: W. J. MOWAT R.R. 6 :, London, Ontario. N6A 4C1 HOUSE FOR 'SALE to be removed from 56 Ontario Street, Clinton. Tenders to be submitted to Clinton Community Credit Union P.O. BOX.310 CLINTON NOM 1LO. by .March 19, 1980. Highest bid not necessarily accepted. MINISTRY OF"-` -k HOUSING ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION it pays to make people happy. Sell the • products people went to buy. Sell AVON. Excellent . earnings, flexible hours. For information fail;. Carolyn Thompson 527-0238 15. Tenders MINISTRY OF X HOUSING ONTARIO Housing Corporation T?nder Reference Number 1305 PT 80-28 For the removal of existing window sashes & glass sliders and the installation of new aluminum sliding ,win- dow units into existing iambs at OHC bldgs. at Goderich FP 4/58 (South St:) & Clinton FP 1/58 (John St.) Ontario. Tenders will be received for the above untlll 11:00 a;m. local' time, March 14, 1980, by the Ontario Housing Corporation c/o' Court House and Registry Office, 80 Dun - dos Street, P,O. Box 5600, Terminal "A", Lon- don, Ontario N6A 2P3 (519/679-7110) from whom details and specifications may be obtained. Details and specifications may also be obtained from the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 . The Square, Goderich, On- tario NIA 1M$ (19/524- 2637), quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. Tender Reference Number B05 PT 80-29 For the replacement of gas furnacesinOntario Housing family units in Clinton and Goderich, Ontario. Senders_ will be -received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, March 14, 1980, by the Ontario Housing Corporation, c/o Court House and Registry Office, 80 Dun- das Street, P.O. Box 5600, Terminal "A", Lon- don Ontario N6A 2P3 (519/679-7110) from whom details and specifications may be obtained. Details and specifications may also be obtained from the Huron CountypHousing Authority 48 , The Square, Goderich, On- tario N7A 1M5 (519/524- 2637), quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. AUCTION SALE of Antiques, modern quality appliances, household ef- -feces, etc., to be'-heic 't t -Richard Lobb's Barn, 289 Bayfield Road, Clinton for Art Bakker of Seaforth and the Estate of Henry Carter of Lucknow, former. resident of Clinton, SAT. MARCH 1st AT 12 NOON - Portable colour TV, 2 years old; antique hall seat with mirror; beautiful 9 piece walnut d ingroom suite refinished; fancy washstand with t wel bars and teardrop pulls; hall table; Go with wind lamp; bulls eye oil lamp; pine blan box; bonnet chest of drawers; washstand; round fern stand; trunk; finger oil lamp; fancy parlour stove; desk with drawers; 2 plant tables; large floor model hi fi with tape player;. piano stool; 2 bottle coppers; hall tree; Matching Moffat square model fridge and deluxe model stove; Matching Inglis deluxe model automatic washer and dryer; laundry tubs; .Large Beatty chest freezer; Viking apartment size freezer; Westinghouse fridge; electric stove; .Sin9er feather weight sewing machine with • stool and cabinet; bookcase bed with, mattress and dresser; 3 piece, bedroom suite with new box spring and mattress; maple bunk beds; 2 dressers with mirrors; 2 single continental beds; several night- tables; chest of drawers; 2 pressback chairs; vacuum cleaner; mirrors; 4 matching wooden chairs; several small tables; hand tools; 2 chesterfields and chairs; chrome table and 4 chairs; lawn chairs; cukoo clock; crock pot; insulators; vibrators; old bottles;marble top. for vanity; fishing equipment; dishes,- glassware, pots and pans plus many items not men- tioned. NOTE: THIS IS. A GOOD SALE SO PLAN TO ATTEND TERMS: CASH Rkhard-Lobb: Arc#mor DISC JOCKEY ' STEVENS CQUNTRY GOLD & ROCK 'N' ROLL Good recorded musk for weddings, dances, an- _-niversari.es, part iPz,.etc..... Phone Brussels evenings. 881-6159' ; DRYWALL known for high quality PETER BAKOS DRYWALL --ha ale-..comrsp,let a--drywall- service Phone 527-1398 527-0606 AUCTIONEER Clinton 482-7898- AUCTION CALENDAR Every Thursday HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALE SAT., MAR. 1,12 NOON Antiques, appliances, etc. for Art Bakker of Seaforth and estate of Henry Carter at Lobbs Barn, Clinton. TUESDAY, MAR. 25 Large' tractors, machinery, combine, etc. for Bill Bogie, 11/4 miles -north -of Goderich and 1'/z east. SAT., MAR. 29 Tractor, machinery, etc. for Logue Brothers at Blyth, • -TUES., APRIL 1.1 FM. Tractor, machinery, etc. for Ivan Weber 11/2 miles west of Exeter. SAT., APRIL' 5 Tractor, machinery, etc. for Ed, & - Ray Wise 3'/0 miles west of Clinton on Bayfield Road. BYERS UPHOLSTERY — We will rebuild recover or restyle your old. furniture. Top quality fabrics and workmanship. Call 482-7939, 71 Princess St. W., Clin- on,—tfn INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED -ROY' S TAX SERVICE 17 GIBBINGS ST. CLINTON 482-9357 JOHN KASSiES GENERAL CONTRACTING * Farm Buildings * Additions * Renovations Phone 482-3063 HOUSE PL--ANS- and MECHANICAL DRAFTING 482-3586 TAX TIME • SERVIES Suncoast Mali Goderich Clinton o.derich FRI., APRIL 11,1 P.M. Tractor and machinery for -Art Bakker 11/2 miles west of Seaforth. SAI'., APRIL 12 Some furniture, beef cows, machinery, etc. for Arlie Lockhart, Goderich Township. SAT., APRIL 19,12 NOON Furniture, machinery, etc. for John Burch, 8 miles north of St. Columban. HANK'S SMALL ENGINE SERVICE--- HENRY REININK 1 MILE NORTH OF LONDESBORO 523-9202 FOR SALE Used Snowmobiles We also Service and Repair snowmobiles and snowblowers and, other small engine % equipment ACCURATE RETURNS • GUARANTEED BUSINESS, FARM PERSONAL H. MITCHELL 482-7584 524-44.3.3 17. Auction sales - CLINTON 482-7898 Estate or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale. CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME --PHONE 482-7898 ANYTIME - VOW ,,,$ /, BAYFIELD AUCTION of furniture, antiques & restaurant equipment held at Bavarian Restaurant & Tavern on Hwy. 21 near Bayfield 18. Services available ARMIN'S SHARPENING SERVICE CIRCULAR SAWS CARBIDE TIPPED SAWS HAND $ CHAIN SAWS SCISSORS, ETC. 565-5298 IJ.B. COLQUHOUN GENERAL CONTRACTOR * Custom Built Homes *Renovations * Additions i 482-9506 EVENINGS CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Tractors and modern farm machinery etc., to be held for Dinot De Vries. Lot 13, Concession 17, Grey Town. ship, 3 miles east of Walton, Ontario, turn at school corner. TUESDAY, MARCH 11 at 1 P.M. TRACTORS: int$rnational 856 diesel tractor with new tires, exter- nal hydraulics. Neufield 4/65 diesel tractor with good rubber, selling separate a JF Qukk .attach manure,' loader with wide hydraulic bucket, (fits most tractors). John Deere B tractor. HAYING AND HARVEST EQUIPMENT New Holland 880 forage harvester with 2 row narrow corn hecid, No 880 N2 hay pick up No 880W, Gehl 99 high throw forage blower with whirl feed, New Holland 479 - 9 ft. hay bine, New Holland 273 PTO hay baler with sweep pick up, 2 -Farm hand self unloading forage boxes on 10 ton wagons, New Idea No 325 two row corn picker, small gravity box, King Wise, 40 ft. hay and grain elevator PTO drive, Bear Cat 72A Zero graze flail harvester, 2 wheel. swath turner, 4 wagons with flat racks. - GRINDER MIXER: New Holland 355 mixmill with auger feed and 17 ft. unloading auger, large tires etc., (nearly new). "ZERO GRAZE FEEDER WAGON: Hec Mar forage King stocker feeder wagon suitable for d0iry cows or stocker cattle (1 year old). TILLAGE AND PLANTING EQUiP,: International 456 four row plate corn planter with in- secticide applicators, Triple OK three furrow plow with spring trip adiustable 14-18" bottoms and,fourth furrow attachment, John Deere 12ft. wheel disc, S section diamond harrow, with Oslo, 10 ft. chain harrow, New Idea 201 PTO manure spreader plus quantity of used fence posts, quantity of scrap iron. FOR INFORMATION PHONE 519-887-6634 AND ASK FOR DINOT. "NOTE" THIS IS A GOOD OFFERING SO PLAN TO ATTEND No small items N FARM SOLD - TERMS CASH DAY OF SALE RICHARD LOBB on BO-JEN CARPENTRY FOR • CUSTOM BUiLT HOMES • RENOVATIONS - • ADDITIONS SEE, BOB LANGENDOEN BOX 309 ' CLINTON "- _PHONE 482-9720 PHONE 524-8029 Saturday, March 8 at 10:30 a.m. Consisting of two area household lots of furniture and. antiques. Full listing next week. No Reserve. Reason for selling: Owners hove moved to Alberta. JACK ROORDA DECORATING - for expert PAINTING AND WALLPAPERING Li/r- rrdu; t Kr/ / rrIF .1 AUc.TIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS. APPRA5ERS 77 MAIN ST SEAFORTH• ONTARIO NOK 1 WO t 519 i 527-1458 r Phone 482-7862 AUCTION SALE OF OVER 50 TRACTORS & EQUIPMENT at Brindley Sales Yard Dungannon, Ontario SATURDAY, MARC 1 'AUCTIONEER CI.INTON, ONTARIO 519.482.7898 OWNER OR AUCTIONEER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR AC- CIDENTS DAY.OF SALE. 10:30 A.M. SHARP More ccinsignments welcorrib Auctioneer Gordon N. Brindley WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS. FOUR MODERN ROTARY RIGGS PHONE'' SEAFORTH NEIL: 527-1737 DURL: 527-0828 JIM: 527-0775 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Mary Irene Jamieson. ' All persons having claims against the Estate, of Mary Irene Jamieson, late of the 21. Personal. PREGNANT AND DISTRESSED?. Married or singlet :free positive con -v fidential. support. Help is as close as your telephone. • B.IRTI;RIGHT - London (Collect) 432-7197 or 524.2913, . 357-1769 or 392-6541.--3.52 Township of Hullett in fife `Count' TITirron;'-deceased, • who died on the 1st day of January, 1980, are hereby notified to send in full par- ticulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 6th day of March, 1980, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario this 4th day of February, 1980. McConnell, Stewart & Devereaux, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Execu tors .-7-9ar NOTr'CE-TO CREDITORS In the Estate of John Henry Riley. All persons having claims against the Estate of John Henry Riley, late of the Township of Hullett in the County of, Huron_ , deceased, who died on the 23rd day of _January, .. _ 1980, are , hereby- notified er-eb y --notified to send in full par- • ticulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 6th day of March, 1980, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario this 1st day of February, 1980. McConnell, Stewart & Devereaux, Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the is Executors. —7-9ar IN THE ESTATE OF LAURA MAY FORBES late of the Township of Hullett in the County of Huron, decea�ed.-. ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 24th day of January, 1980, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 10th day of March, 1980, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. - DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 5th - day of February, 1980. D. GERALDHILTZ, Barristers & Sol.j itor, 52 Huron Street, CLINTON, Ontario Solicitor for the Executors.-7-9ar IN THE ESTATE OF WILFRED BRUCE McALPINE, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 5th day of February, 1980, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 17th day of March, 1980, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have`notice. DATED at Clinton,' Ontario, this 14th day of February, 1980. D. GERALD HILTZ, 52 Huron Street, CLINTON, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executrix.-8-10ar B'ri't-c'io. R. RAT1l`1-FI,i. ego' er,?, s "c.'`�X,1:3OCIl7/(J I AUCTIONEERS. LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST , SEAEORTH• ONTARIO NOK IWO Bus. (519) 527.-1458 RES, (51 9 1 482.3 120 Births DALE Mr. and Mrs. Claire Dale, London, are happy to an- nounce the birthof a daughter, born February 23, 1980 at St. Joseph's Hospital. Proud grandparents are 'Mr. and Mrs. George Price, London, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Dale, Clinton.--9nc COOK Barbara and Ray are happy to announce the safe arrival of their daughter Michelle Lynn weighing 7 lbs. 14 ozs. on February 20, 1980 at Clinton Public Hospital. A wee sister for Randy..Proud grandpareniis are Mr. ,and Mrs. Bill Riehl, Blyth Wand Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Cook, Au burn .-9nc BELL ' Jason Bell is happy to an - noun ce-t-he-arr^i va-1-o€--his-new baby sister Julie Lynn weighing 7 lbs ,41/2 ozs. on February 19, 1980 at Clinton Public Hospital. Jason's 'parents Pat and Bud are doing just fine. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harold. East, Clinton' and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell', Goderich.-9nc DYKSTRA Bert and Nellie announce with joy - and thanksgiving the birth of their son weighing 8 'lbs. 9 ozs. on February 25, 1980 at Clinton Public Hospital. A welcomed brother for Charler)e, Benny, Simona and Coralie.-9nc 27. Deaths McDONALD At the Clinton Public Hospital on Wednesday, February 20, L9 0, Nellie (Betty) McDonald of 137 Mary Street, Clinton, in her 80th year. Beloved wife of the late Samuel McDonald. Dear mother of Douglas of Mississauga, Glen of Woodstock and Dr. Bruce McDonald.. of Leamington. Also loved by seven gran+ dchildren and by one sister, Dorothy (Mrs. Irvine . Readhead) of Cambridge. Predeceased by two sisters and one brother. Rested at the Ball Funeral Home, 153 High Street, Clinton, where the funeral service was held on Saturday, February . 23, 1980, at 2 p.m. Interment Clinton Cemetery.-9nc FULFORD At the Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, February 24, 1980, Mrs. Edna Fulford of 129 Queen Street, Clinton, in her 76th year. BeloYed wife of the late William Fulford. Dear mother of Lloyd of Oakville. Also loved by three grand- children, Linda, Robert and Douglas. bested at the Ball Funeral Home, 153 High Street, Clinton, after 2 p.m., Monday, until Tuesday, February 26, 1980; where the funeral service was held at 2 p.m. Intrment Exeter Cemetery.-9nc ADAMS Miss Mary Donalda Adams, 53 Main Street North, Seaforth, passed away at Seaforth Community Hospital on Sunday, February 24, 1980, in her 67th year. Miss Donalda Adams, bel 4ed daughter of the late Ernest A. and Margaret. Adams of Hullett Township. Dear sister of Kelso of Winnipeg. Friends called tit the Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home, 87 Goderich Street West, Seaforth after 2;00 p.m. Tuesday, where funeral service was held on Wed- nesday at 2:00 p.m. Inter- ment Clinton Cemetery. Rev. James Vanslyke of- ficiating.--9nc HENDRIK GELOK ELECTRIC IELECTgIC RESIDENTIAL - commet(%IAL ...� IVOUSTRIAL TRAILER AND R V SERVICE OUALITY WORKMANSHIP AT A REASONABLE PRICE . MAINTENANCE - NEW AND OLD INSTALLATIONS PHONE 519-482-37OO or 482-1007 7 AGE YOU CAUGHT IN THE "JAWS" OF • INFLATION? SAVIE YOURBRLFI •• Sri::.,, �►:.,