HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-02-28, Page 16The ahnna.l Family Hawley with Mrs. Barry .Night sponsored by the . Millian at the piano. United .Church-; Women Oliver.Ander s u n. •Was, held on, Friday. favoured with .a medley evening, February 22 in of old-time tunes on his the Sunday school rooms. • violin accompanied ort of 'the church with the the piano by Mrs. Greg, members . of Unft one Park, serving: the meal and Unit ' Sharon Rarnsey then two providing the en, performed •two step"- tertalnment. dance • numbers ; for .the 4 audience. This was. Mrs. Peter Verbeek, followed"with a recitation President of the United by Anita -Gross entitled, Chµroh Worn en, Mischievous Anita. welcaMed everyone Ross Robinson played present, After the Orace two favorite numbers on WAS sung, approximately mouth-oraan , .,yv..,�i,th. oyed---a--- this delicious potluck dinner. 11�1xs.-Kenneth McDougall as his accompanist. Following this, Rick Hawley. sang two solos, "Getting to Know You" and "How Great Thou Art"; with his wife Linda at the piano. Lori and Steven Millian, accompanied by their mother, Mrs. Barry Millian, provided several numbers on their guitar and banjo. Mrs. Elliott Lapp conducted an elimination Following the meal, Mrs. Greg Park con- ducted several contests with the winners being Greg Park, Mrs. Beth Lansing, Janice Webster, Mrs. Norman McDowell, Mrs. Gerald McDowell and Mrs. Norman Wightman. Mrs. Gordon Gross was in charge of the program which began with a lively sing -song led by 'Rick contest for the children , with Cheryl Ramsey being the winner. Mrs, Gregg Park enlisted six volunteers for an adiusing scavenger hunt and' Mrs. Lawrence .plaetzer was the winner. The children then retired to the Sunday • school rooms where they played more games under the direction of Misses Linda and Debbie Cunningham. The adults spent the remainder .of the"evening court whist. Following were the winners: crokinole- ladies' high, Mrs. Rick Hawley, ladies' low, Lori Millian, - men's high, Allen Webster, low man, Steven Millian, most twenties, Gordon Gross; Court Whist ladies' high, Mrs. Ross Robinson, ladies' low, Mrs. Beth Lansing, men's high, Robert Armstrong and men's low, Mrs. Maurice Bean. WI remembers the past The February meeting of the Auburn Women's Institute was held last Tuesday in the Auburn Community Memorial Hall with the president, -Mrs Eleanor-Weadnock,- in charge: The meeting was opened with the Ode, the Mary Stewart. Collect and -0 .Canada with the pianist being .. Mrs. Catherine Jackson. After welcoming, the members and guests, the minutes were. approved as • read by the secretary, Mrs. Robert Peck. Due to the increase cost of gas, it was decided to raise the price per mile in doing W.I. business. Reports of committees were received regarding the Huronview birthday party on March 19. Mrs. Frank Raithby reported on labels received and Mrs. Donald Cartwright, 4-H club leader, reported that 12 girls are in the spring project. Mrs. Lillian Letherland gave the card report and read the thank -you notes received. Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock was appointed delegate to the Officers' Conference at Waterloo University on April 29, 30 and May 1. Plans were completed to cater to the 25th wedding anniversary dinner of Mr. and Mrs. Tony De Boer. Mrs. Thomas Haggitt is convener. "Auburn As it was" will be presented iri the Community Memorial Hall. on March 9 at 2 p.m. Coffee and cookies will be served. If 'anybody wishes to see the slide presentation given four times during the 125th birthday party, they are invited to come. More old school pictures have been added. It was decided to purchase a large scrapbook for the pic- tures taken during the 125th birthday party. Mrs. Leonard Archambault had the cookbooks on sale for the Auburn Junior Farmers. Mrs. Thomas Haggitt will -convene the next Liens club dinner on March 5. It was announced that anyone wishing to go to the Flower Show in Toronto, is to please enquire for tickets for February 29. Mrs. Robert Peck told about the Women Alive program she had at- tended in London. Mrs. Bradnock read an article telling about Mrs. Martha ,Belish of War- sprite, Alberta, past president of the Federated Women's Institutes of Canada being appointed to the Canadian . Senate. Fur- ther honour was given to her when she was asked to reply to the speech from the throne. 4r Mrs. Oliver Anderson ' 1 gave a reading telling) %about the visit to Ottawa, of Joe Clark's parents. Mrs. Emerson Rodger played a piano solo. The guest speaker of the afternoon was Mrs. • Mervyn Batkin_ of Clin- ton. She was introduced by Mrs. Thomas-Haggitt. Mrs. Batkin gave a very informative address telling about the plans for the Huron + _ County Archives which will be moved to the new Huron County Library in Goderich. She. stressed that we must save from the past, iniportant papers and local histories. ,She paid high tribute to Lady Tweed- smuir for her part in starting local history books which now can be found in nearly every community started by the different branches of the Women's Institutes. Mrs. Batkin also spoke on the making of a Family Tree* and urged everyone to start one before it was too late Mrs. Frank Raithby thanked„Mrs. Batkin and, on behalf of the mem- bers, presented her with a gift. Mrs. Gordon Chamney sang a solo, Edelweiss, accompanied by Mrs. Kenneth McDougall. The Auburn Curator, Mrs. ' Thomas Haggitt, gave the report of the Tweedsmuir History Book committee bringing the past year's activities up to date. The roll call was an- swered by naming a game you played at school. Mrs. Haggitt conducted a Tweedsmuir History contest. Mrs. Oliver Anderson was the winner. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Robert Turner and Mrs. Beth Lansing. The prize for the lucky saucer went to Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson and the lady who hadn't voted, Mrs. Elva Straughan, got a prize. Girls work ._ on projects The third meeting of Auburn, 4-H club, "The Daring Decorators,” was held at the home of Carol Seers. The president, Carol Seers, opened the meeting The. minutes were read by Lisa Rodger. The roll call was an- swered by each member describing her bedroom and how that room reflected her per- sonalities. Each ' girl proceeded to fill in her chart and tell how their rooms were decorated. The leaders, Mrs. Donald Cartwright and Mrs. John Hildebrand, discussed with the .girls their free choice articles. Some are working, on hanging shelves, bracelets, necklaces and other articles. The girls worked on horizontal, diagonal and vertical rows of double half hitch knots The fourth meeting of Auburn I, "The Daring Decorators," of the spring project, Your Corner of the World, was held at the home of Lorie Cartwright: The president, Carol . Seers, was in charge The minutes were accepted as read by the secretary, Lisa Rodger. The roll call was an- swered by describing. bedroom furnishings and their use. The leaders,. Mrs. Donald Cartwright and Mrs. John Hildebrand, discussed bedroom furnishings and floor plans. Each girl is to draw a floor plan for her record books. NOTICE TO ALL RESIDENTS OF: GODERICH, CLINTON, TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE, TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH; BAYFIELD AND LUCKNOW ******************* Effective January 1, 1980 the new hours for the Land Fill Site will be as follows: MONDAY = FRIDAY 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. STAN- DARD TIME MONDAY - FRIDAY 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME a SATURDAY 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. Larry .1. McCabe Secretary Land Pill Site Committee One familiar face will no longer be seen behind the desk at the Clinton branch of .the Huron County library. After 12 years of working with the books, Margaret Farquahar, standing, will be turning over her position as supervisor to another familiar :face at the library, Shirley Falconer, left, Nancy lVt.eKenz.ie, right, will 'be the new assistant supervisor at the Clinton branch. (News -Record photo) Mr. and Mrs. Grant Raithby and Mary, of , Collingwood visited last Saturday with his parents, Mr. and:, Mrs. Frank: Ratthby I and brother, Soba Raithby. ; .Winner of the Auburn and .District Lions" Club Lottery last week was Mrs, Keith Machan with' ticket Number 67, Larry Chaniney and; a friend from Kingston visited last week with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Charaney, Eldon Chamney .and other ' members of ,his family.. Larry recently received' his Master , of Arts Science Degree from Queens University and has acre oted a position in S.as.katoon, Saskat- chewan at the Environment Control Centre, .Canada-Wor-ld..-, Mines, Esso Division. He will be moving next week. Congratulations Larry. Mrs. Mary Johnston and daughter Jennifer of London spentthe weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Powell and Gordon of St. Catharines and Roland Martin of Thorold visited. last weekend with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. ' Gordon Powell. and family. • Mr. and Mrs, Tames Schneider and family attended the Londesbbro United .Church when. Dennis took part in; the Boy 'Scout" church ser* vice. Gordon • Powell returned. -last weekend from Kamloops, B.C. where he attended 'his: father, Robert Powell's funeral, Winners at the weekly euchre party last week were: novelty, Mrs, Enna . Mgarlane, high • lady,' Mist. Cathy Rody, lbw lady,: Mrs. Robert, Turner, high man, Doug Glousher and low man, Warner Andrews. There - were 12 tables in play. ' Sunday visitors. with • Mr, and ' Mrs, Donald C'ak'twright, David, • :Derrick and Lorie were 'Mr. and`Mrs, , Bob Williams of Willowdale • and last Saturday, Allan Gerofski of London. Ofl & the NDP a.re. gratl ful far_our• positive reception in. the recent -campaign IA" SCHNEIDERS -9 VANIETiES.S1,ICED COOKED MEATS CU,F FROM THE CHUCK CROSS CUT RIB OR BONELESS SHOULDER ROAST 23% FAT OR LESS MEDIUM GROUND BEEF SIDE BARON TRY OUR OWN BRAND ZEHRS SLICED ' • BOLOGNA SWIFTS SUGAR PLUM BONELESS COOKED EttRA S*V SCHNEIDERS SAUSAGES ___fTMM__:___lel.=? . FARMERS MARKET 2 i SCHNEIDERS VAC. PACKED h PEPPERETTES - Valid only durin • ` the 7 -day period :;; SWIFTS OVEN ROAST Beef pies Wed. Feb. 27 to BEEF Tues. Mar. 4 at i CORNED Chicken Pies All zebra Mkts. .~.�. Regular Price ; MAPLE LEAF .. Twin Pack 250 " SUPER FRANK f1itistiii::iiiiii:iii:::iiiii:isiiiiii:ttttiiiit�iiiiitit:iiiiiitt3�'�` ; �, MAPLE LEAF SMOKED -FULLY COOKED PR)CES.EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING T1JES. MAR. 4 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. 500 g. PKG. ' 125 g. PKG. $1 s 128 COTTAGE ROLL ,o ° L. 189 SMOKED SAUSA6E 'LS *f79 ^PKG. AT THE DELI SCHNEIDERS N0 WASTE BONELESS SMOKED- PICNIC • SLICED PRODUCE OF U.S.A. CAN. NO. 1 CRISP GREEN FRESH SPINACH __PK�z: PRODUCE OF UvS.A. CAN. NO. 1 LETrucE BUD OF CALIFORNIA FRESH HEAD each 518# 99 # 5 Ib. CELLO BAG ONTARIO Ida 1 FRESH NUTRITIOUS BEAN SPROUTS. _ PRODU E OF UCALI.S.A. LARGE FRESH FORNIA CELERY STALKS ___69± PRODUCE OF U.S.A. ONTARIO NO. 1 MILO SWEET SPANISH ONIONS.