The Exeter Times, 1888-4-5, Page 5WHISIKEY IN IRELAND. ' Sir Charles TUrperts Ilenitli i6 aineh ilel- P1.;:'vg'Ititernational Sugar Conference will reetesemble in Loudon Apt& 5. At Hudeen, New York, the ice ou the river broke up end quietly floated away, Elleworth Saltier, a Kansas City team- EitOr, who had,had trouble with his wife, shot her and then killed himeelf. PREVAILING SICKNESS. Rheumatism, Negralgia, Sore Throat, Inflammations and Congestione are most prevalent at this Button ot tho year. Hag - yard's Yellow Oil is the best external and internal remedy for all those and other troubles. Fire in the New York Tribune building Sunday morning destroyed mrny valuable manuscripts, dec. Loss $6 000. MAKIN(); SORE. , There are many people who adopt health end diet rules when attaeked by disease of the stomach, liver or bowels, this is quite right, but those svho add to this treatment the use of B.B.B. according to directions, naalte sure of being quicklyand easily cured. Over 150 women suffragists invaded the U 5 Senate and presented tbeir views be- fore the Senate Committee. A FAMILY FRIEND., Dear Sirs,—Wo have used Hagyerd's Yellow Oil fqr eore throat and colds, and always can depend on it to 'sure. We also use it for sore shoulders on our horses. Mrs. Wm. Itugheye Wilberforce, Out. The Salvetian Army contingent at Point St Charles were arrested on Monday for marching on the sidewalk. A SAD PROSPECT. Haw many weary broken down invalids there are to whom life is burdensome and whose prospect is sad indeed. The nervous debility and general weakness of those afflicted with lingeriug disease is best rem- edied by the invigorating and restoring properties of B.B.B. Customs Detective Curless has seized the steamer Dominion at Yarmouth N 5, for smuggling in 1885. A slight cold often proves the forerunner of a complaint which may be fatal, Avoid this result by taking Ayer's Cherry Peotoral, the best remedy for colds, coughs, and all throat and lubg diseases. Mrs. John Gray, wife of one of the vic- tims of the Bich Hill Mo. explosion is dead from gild. Energy will do almost anything, bat it cannot exist if the blood is impure and moves sluggishly in the veins. There is nothing so good for cleansing the blood and imparting.energy te the system as • Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Prices $1. Six bottles 65. Sold by druggists. Barrie has voted a seven -thousand -dollar bonus to ex -Mayor Sewrey to start a stove foundry. Chrome CougliS and Colds And all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs can be cared by the use of Scott's Emulsion as it contains the healing virtues of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophospbites in their fullest form. See what W. S. Muer, M. D. L. R. C. P. etc., Truro, N. S., attys. "After three years' experience I consider Scott's Emulsion one of the very best in the market. 'Very exoellent in •Throat affections." Put up in 50c. and 61 size. It is reported that Count von Moltke, Counts Dohena, Schafgotech and Count Herbert Bismarck will receive the title of pi ince. Dulmage, the Bluevale merchant, has re- turned, bringing back the girl who accom- panied him. The pair were treated to a charivari. HOW TO SAVE MONEY. Always bey the best because it is the eleapest in the end, and not only is Bur- dock Blood Bitters the beetxnedictne known for all Chronic diseases of the Stomach, Kidneys, Liver and Blood, but 11 18 really the cheapest as it needs less to cure and cut es more quickly than any other remedy. A Comparison of Consumption •with England and Scotland. The Dublin Freetnanni Journal, referring , to the accusation that Irelitud wee the only pottion of the.IJnited Kingdom in which the consumption of whiskey had increased during the year referred to, takes the ground that there is a, difference between the manufacture and consumption of spirits and shows how the Ieleh people really °on- etime a less quentity of liquor per head then • their neighbors of the other kingdoms. The journtel sitys:-- ' •“Fliinte can deny the prominence of the whiekeet ,manilfecture in Ireland or the fa. miliaritY of suoh,names as Guiness •and Tameson all over the world. When, how- ever, we compare the liquor manufacture of Ireland with the liquor manufactare of our prosperoes and thrifty neighbor, Scotland, we find that our prominence vanishes, and we sink Into the shade completely. Such a controet will be all the atom to the point • as lreland—the Cinderille, of the United Kingdom -- is always disadvantageously compared with her "sober and indastrions Sisters by the'propoundere of this argument against home rttle. , The population of Scot- land, according to the last COrlans, is 3,735,- 573, thet of Ireland, 5,174,836, Neverthe. lest, we find that the amount of spirits con- sumed at beverage in Scotland last year was 5,121,584 gallons, whereae in Ireland the amount so consumed was only 4,965,- 286. -viz,, 1.55 gallons per head of popu- ' teflon in Scotland against 1.01 gallons per . head in Ireland—that is to say, an average Scotchnian drinks one-half more spirits then an average Irishman. The quantity of spirits in bonded warehouses in Scotland in 1887 was 40,488,917 gallons proof, while the working distilleries in Scotland number- ed lest year 128, as against a total' of 28 . Irish distilleries. These figures, •we think, •effectually dispose of the argument that inasmuch as the prosperity of„ the liquor manufacture is incompatible with national prosperity; therefore, autonomy shouldnot be given to Ireland until the liquor manu- facture has been crushed. Another point which ie never to, be lost sight of in discus, ing this question is tlie proportion the gnantity of spirits manufacterecl bears to the quantity of spirits consumed RS bever- age. The manufacture affords en imthense amount of employment, fosters tillage by • encouraging the growth of grain, and thus incontestably does good to the country. Therefore, the more the manufacture ex- ceeds tbe home consumption the better it is for the countty. Last year the number of gallons distilled in Ireland is returned at •10,3g 6,582, whoreae the amount conituneed t, itt. cmo was only 4,965.286 gallons, consid- er i'y less than half the production. In England, on the contrary, the manufacture • last year was only 9,635,794 gallons, while the consumption was 14,661,259 gallons, • showing the manufacture to be less than two•tlurds of the consumption. If the .s eent estion'of atetonomy were .10 be deeided 4 ' this baeis, Ireland should govern Eng - find ; but -no Home Bale pelitician, Irish ' or English, contends any such itousense. When we coin° to deal. with the second part of this objection to Home Rule, name- ly, that laet year the.cousumption of spirits in Ireland increased while the returns for England and Scotland showed a decrease, we see that the argument is edit more flim- . ay and unreal. The quantity of spirits con- • sumed in Englaud iu 1887 showed a de- crease of 4.09..per cent, as against the quan- tity consumed in 1886 '• in Scotland the de- crease was 2,71 por cant. ; in Ireland there was an increase of 4.1 per cent. How that increase of 4 per cent. in Ireland is account- ed for Tie do not profess to know. Neither • do we profess to know why in 1882.the con- sumption in England fell 1.56. per °elite but in -Scotland rose 2.32 per cent. Nor can we assign a talisinaniecause for the in- crease of 6.28 per cent, in the English cou- sumptien in 1881, and of 5.05 per.cont, in the Scotch consumption for the same year, while the Irish consumption only rose 2.16 per cent. that year. Nor 101 can we ac- count for the still more significant fact that in 1884 the Scotch consumption rose 3.26 per cent., while the Irish consumption fell L35 per cont., and the English consump- tion fell 0.72 per cent. To trace the first • causes of these fractional and constantly re. curling variations belong to the moralist and speculator rather than to the praotical politician ; but to pitch upon any one of them, and gravely assige it rie a valid reas- on Why a great national concession should be refused in the veriest claptrap. One broad fact which our enemies dinit to state is that in the past ten years the annual consumptiou of spirits iu Ireland has decreased from 6,115,892 gallons to 4,965,286 gallons, or over 18 per cont. In justice to England ancl Scotland we feel bound to state that the figures for these countries during the same petiod evidence a similarly large decrease, showing. that in the matter of drink as in most other things the Irishman is made of pretty much the same stuff as his English and Scotch broth- ' ers. In the manufacture of beer ---includ- ing porter and ale—England is largely ahead of us, even allowing for her vastly larger population. Enelaud, with a popu- lation of 25.975,430, matmfaetured last year, 24,391,920 barrels of beer; Ireland, with a population 5,174,836, manufactured 2,234,310 barrels. How much of the man- ufactured article is removed from England to Ireland or from Irelancl to England and exported from England and Ireland sepal a- tely, the returns before ut do not state, but we think we shall do no injustice to England if -we set off one Proportionately agairtet the other. This leaves England with a population five times as great as ,‘Ireltincl producing eleven . times as mnoli ,s ifteer RS Ireland does, or more than twioe I the quantity por head of populeti m. Yet ., elkno statesmau tallcs of refusing a Represeu- tation of the people act til the manufacture of boor in England should become a thing of the past. . • We'showed in a former article that the agricultural income of Ireland, the market • valise of crops and of cattle, had decreased bettvOcin 1881 and 1886 by no loss than £24,000,000 per annum, more than twice • the entire rental of the countey. These figures were taken irom the report of Mr, • Kuipe, one of the 'Royal Clommiesione, who investigated the working, of the Land Act last year, end were based upon the offbeat fieuree of the Registrar.Generel The val- ue of crops has diminished by £150,000e 030. These figures cannot be controverted and the figures for„last year show a further • recluotion, [The article above is published at the re- • quest of a friend. It proves by teatistical infortnation that the income front stooks • and crops ib Ireland has deereased wonder., • filly during the last six yeare. Were the psople of the British Isles to cast aside that idol Free Trade, and insist neon the Goy. • eminent ettablishing a proteetive tariff they • would reelize a mattnial change for the better, --en Trues.) THE le OBL'EST AMBITION. It hart been well remerked by an Amer - kali poet, that "no gift, however beautiful .-no success, however brilliant— ehould ho placed above tl1 liil1 end talents which can relieve a Simple pang, and the self - devotion which lays them at the feet of the humblest fellow-arenture,” Judged by this rnle. Thomas Holloway, of whom the world has heard 50 much during • the lest foity years. occupies a high position. Hie life seetne to haveebeen devoted to the alleviation of snffering, and his doh e to benefit his fellow -creatures appears to have been seconded by an amount of nitturel talent and acquired Oda seldom combined in one individual. The practical result Of this combination has been the production of two remedies known throughout the world as Holloway's Pills and Holloway's Ointment which if any value eau be attach- ed to hureen testimony, haye left all other devicep ef science far behind in the great svork of relieving pain, strengthening the constitution, and prolonging life. In bilious disorder, especially, the Pills have been wonderfully efficacious, and, for that reason, they are a most importaut medicine in the'country, where bilious fever end all tLe varieties of liver complaiat are unfortunately so common. We learn from persons subject to Milieus attacks in the • Spring and Fall, who have restored to these Palle as a proyentatiye, that they have never failed to save them from ench periodical affections; while we have also the strongest possible testimony in their favor • from inclividnale who have taken them in the 4 worst stages of liver disease. Long before • we had had en opportunity to judge of their value from home testimony, the med- ical journals and the daily press of Europe had referred to them in terms of praise. Is gives us pleasure to say that our own experience confirms and verifies the state- ments derived. from foreign sources. Not being conversant with the philosophy of medical science, we cannot enter into a learned exposition of the modus operandi of fromosviers Pirses in bilious Oft$OS, but shall rest content with saying, that ,under the influence of the remedy the skin and the whites of the eyes soon loose their yellow tinge, the pain in the right side dis- appears, the appetite retnrns, theldigestion improves, and the physical strength of the invalid is restored, • Holloway, who has made physiology and pathology his study for a quarter of a century, has given scien- tific whys and wherefores for their curative effects; we simply state that they fulfil the promiees of the inventor—a fact that has never been questioned, we believe, by those who haye given them a fair trial. ._.._._ _ • THANKFUL Some time ago being very greatly troubled with °Ode and coughing, I went to the drug store and got Hagyarclls Pectoral 13alsam. In a short flint) I' was well. I have found. it a sure cure and am thankful that I need it, and now would not be with- out it. E.A. Sehriefer,.Berlin, Ont. Scores of people are leaving St. Marys weekly for Manitoba. Mr. 3. D. Moore has purchased the planing factory of Messrs. Humphries & Richardson, of St. Marys. Everest's Liver Regulator worked • wonders on me and made me feel like a new man.—Levi H. Slipper, Forest Ont. The Fenton farm, on the Huron Road, Goderich Township, was recent- ly sold by auction, Mr. James Lindsay being the purchaser, at $3,030. It oncupied 75 acres, Are you riot going to use a blood purifier this Spring? If so, remember that Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters is one of the beat known. Large bottles 50 cents. Voting on the St. Marys Industry By-law to expend $30,000 for agricul- tural works and $7,000 for the estab- lishment of a cordage and binding fac- tory in that town, takes place on Moni day, April 23rd. , actually believe that Everest's Cough -Syrup saved my life.—Tames Kirkpatrick, Merchant, Forest, Ont. Wm. Dulmage, the Bluevale mei- chant, who recently disappeared suddenly with Miss Smith, a telegraph operator and post office clerk in his establishment, is reported to have returned, and the young woman also. Dulinage's aftairs financially were in Al condition: • County Constable Butler, of Lutan, is charged' by C. C. John Bawdan of conduct unbecoming to abonatable, in being a frequenter of an alleged dis- orderly louse or house of ill -fame kept by Mrs. McCarty in the village. I had a bad cold on my lungs for Iwo years,. everything 1 tried failed me until I got Everest's Cough Syrup, and it cured me.—Mrs .D. A. Fraser, Park- hill, Ont. A couple of weeks since aevveowned by Mr. James Connell, of Goderich township, gave birth to twit: lambs, which lived just twenty-four hours. Two weeks later the same ewe gave birth to two more, which, rather singularly, only lived twenty -tour hours also. Spring l Spring! Spring! Boils! Boils! Boils! The best Blood PUritier and Tonic is Dr. Cerson's Lomttch Bitteiti. • The People's Remedy. Large bottles 50018. Three Goderich sports, 'Watson, Nis bet and Wilkinson, participated in the Jive pigeon shoot (Toronto rules) at Clinton sOme days sinoe„ VVIElcinson winning tirAt money by killing seven straight, and Young and Carling of the Clinton team shot off a tie (hve birds) for second, resulting in favor of the foi•nser, the latter taking the third place. "PECTOBIA" for colds, " PBC Witt A." for coughs. “PECTORIA" for the Lung. "rEarotztn,, for Bronchial tubes. i4PEOlORIA2' the best the safest, clic cheapest. i" PBC l'ORIA” the great 25 cent Cough Remedy. Wimi.••••••••••••9101.41111••••••••• ..•••••10.11•••11M11.....lscrin. 'Ellie Great 11EIng1isla Piresvripticsot. succoesful Medicine need o'er tie years in thousand e ,o_sf ogees. cures spermatorreecce etereoue Weakness, Maisoions,,l,nt,POtanall and all diseases caused ay obese, Incvonti icallscretien, or over-exertion. term] six naekitgee (Seereetteed to Carewhertsin others Pan. Ask your Druggist for urn* OftOtEnielint. Presertoloo, take no substitute. One package St. Six 50 by rnail. Write for Pamphlet. Address Ettrets.a: eltenalcal Co,. Eoffollt. 191011. ,t‘ Ott.' POSITIV1 CUBE FOIL CATARHJ Immediate Relief Pon Cold in Heady HAY FEVER. EASY TO USE. Not a Snuff, PeWder or Irritating Liquid. Price 10 c ts. and $1.00, It not obtainable at your drugs gists, tient prepaid on receipt of price. Adclrese FULFORD ao CO.1 Brockville, Ont. armor:, wooDaAm. Vie uuclersigned woulcl respectfully infor he coininueity that they have leasedthe above mills for atorin of years ; and will be pleased to have a can from ali. Ttio mill has recently been improved, by the a dnition of now mach- inery, it is the intention of t.o subscribers to add a sot of rolls as soon as possible; and all combined, the Woodham Grist Mill Will be second 10 00110 in the West. Gristirig and Ob,opping bone Promptly. Fresh oat incal constantly on hand for sale or exchanged for oats. DATISTACTION GUARANTEED. BEirA TRIAL. SOLICITED. J. & A. McNEVIN, PREEIVIER'S VAT 0 E, M POWDE1.7( _ Are Pleintiiiit to t...ke: Contain their ova.- rtirgative. Is it F" fr`, virtu:tout Isetivrer of worzas in oildren or Adults ress-Making! Aires Bissett and Miss Welsh beg to in- ' • form the public that they are opening out business, and nan be fonnd on the corner of William and Gidley streets. Dress -making done in all the Latest Styles. Lessons On FaneY Work given—Stamping a specialty. Orders promptly attend- ed to. A call solicited. —CURES— Liver Complaint, • Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Kidney Troubles, Rheumatism Skin Diseases —and all - ,Impurities of the Blood from what- ever cause arising Female weekness &General debility Puvely Vegetable'Highly Concentrated, Pleasant and effectual to use. --ASK FOR— Doctor Liodfler's Compound.. Take no other., Sold everywhme.. Price 75 cents per bottle. DR. HO DDER'S atiohP, Lung are Sold Everywhere,. . Price, '25 Cents and 50 cents per bottle. , Proprietors and Manfrs, the Union Medicine ,Company, Toronto Canada. WILL CURE OR REL.IEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE, • • OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, • ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every species of .,disease arising from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACI1, BOWEL:" '17 BLOOD. T, MILBURN & CO. -"MtiTro. SMITH ! The Proprietor of the Dominion Laboratory 1 Begs to annonnee to hie num e rous frie and vett:Oita that he has just p ut 11) —line of Steele sls Fancy Stationery; A:denote Stooks (04..a all kinds of School Requisites, Leter and Note Paper, Foots Cap Paper, &count Piper, Catered. Tie -cedes Gilt Paper, Drawing Pap- er; Pegs end Peneile, , And also a full line of all the Li west and inO9t popular WORKS --- OF — FICTIO All of which will be sold at the Lewes re- . . numerative rates. .T. W. 1131.tOVVN1N6r",'Prop gtu 441 The whete sIstem is detanged and out of sorbs Tnit bfeo d is impure, pimples, boils and liver spe ts eppearing on the face and body. The liver is cloggeit mud inactive, causing fa- tigue, lo :5 of appetite, a dull. sleepy, tirodfeel- ing neithinability to do work. the complexion is fallow and muddy, and it is sbolUtOlY ne- cessney,to enjoy good health, to take the cele- brated Dr. CHASE'S Mandrake, Dandelion Liver Our°, which. puri- ties the blood by stimulating the Liver, aiding digestion and promoting a neutral °vac:ileum of the bowels. Mandrake and Dandelion are t wo of t h e best Liver eogansters known,. and all medical men agree that the Liver is of more vital importance to health than the Heart and Limos, If the Liver is torpid or in- active, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Headache, 008- tiVelleSS, etc. will re sul t„ Compisett, (In sty and. Erin ary Trim ble.J diOe Iiyr Spota,Impure Blood, rot 1 Breath. aro quieldy cured by Dr. Chase's Mandrake .Dandelion Liver C wCT a E. When tbe Kidneys ale diseased, overtaxed and 'weakened, one or two bottles aro guar- anteed to sure. Mr. Mex, Taylor, West Gesil- limbury, was trouble:I for 13 yen rs with kid- ney disonso, was eorepened to rise 5 and 6 times through the night to urinate, suffered intense path, and -wag finally cured after all other remedies and physicians had failed, by using throe bottleS, 5000.000 SOT.JD Over one-half million of Dr, Chase s Receipt Books have been sold ili Canada alone, anil we, went every person tree bled with Liver Com- plaints and kid n ey diseases, etc., to try Chase Liver Cinre. Wranpcd around ovory bottle Is evaluable RECEIPT -BOOK FREE No 14 hp's toilet, house or housemen should be without this book, the finest eseleetion of reci- pes or.tan t, 'Jho la d its' d spat treent 41, 03 1,1- 0(311,1tS fov bearteifying the (min plox Ion. Mag- nolia Itelin,Cream 01 Beall ty, May Dew, Pau, Sreelcks, Sunburn, Hair 1)yes aud Promoters, Tooth POWtiok s,Washe 6,10 Iden Erni r Dye, for ettelsieg davit hair toe golden hue, Eye or Lustre, etc., etc, Sole by oil all dealers at en Bily a bottlo. 'Xiao book alone is worth ten throes the cost at the medicine, Try 3)i-. Obase's Macey Liver Pills, the only pin made acting tut ectlg on the Kidneys, Lip- er mid Brywoi$, Price 25e. Soldby an deme- an. ISE YOOR atLArt,t) D,.,.,,banow a cold in heed te sterns told el3uurvebdt3rfocir°v26110°,Pnyillte0siatamtkiDribe* who it£4184V'6611400116111;be rit Onr0,, A 10S'' itppli0 ctions eurd insipiont eat, arrh I to 2 bOMOS RUN) ordinary catarrh5 to 5110 X06 16 all MU/LIAO() rife. 01)123chrooic dat'arib. i- 11 nine Sbenteil snre cure. .WOBES. HMIR,I.J1338s At Toronto, Every Barrel 0 Rees o teed. Thi e Oil was 'teed on all machinery during the Ethibition. It has been awardcl NINE GOLD MEDALS during the last three ;scare, r.F...-fiee that you got Peorlees. R. is only mode by • aisAzfrazzy arias ct CQ., TOMOZTTO: FOR SA VIE i3Y JA. PICKARD. ou Loolcin The cheapest cheapest spot in. twit n for Hardware, Stoves and Tin;are, riiints, Oils and Glass, &o., &c., if you are, just call at I3ISSETT BROS. We are now offering the bals tee of our stock of Axes, Cross -cut saws, LamPs and Tabular L5fltOrj13 nt ebst for 30 ID .A.:Y S 01\TD-Y We would call your attention to n few of our specialties :— A Handsome Brass Library Lamp, - A Large Glass Stand Lninp, usw design A Good Tubular Lantern - A, Good. Axe ana An A 1 Manure Work . • And everything at Rock Bottom Prices for Cash, 52 50 $1. 00 .$0 50 $1 00 60 80 A full stock of the follov,iug Iloos always on haied•.—Barb wire, Pilau Cialveuizecl, An- calent and Vile(' wire, And Buel,tliorn Fencing, Having purchased our supply ef llinder Twine early we are now in a position to supply at the lowest possible prioe.. A. full stem of tinware ot all kiwis always in stock. Eavetroughing Rini roofing a spec- ialty. Agents for the B & lt tieenic Shingle Roofing. • A.i.k for prices. Aeents for the celebrated Raymond Sewing BISSETT BROS., Exeter. -.4 \>, `s.>- ge.S.\•.° 41k. C,`" S p,_..,bs") ag;54t* 4) -C. V ".\ • .\c. 0) ova • e,`' e, e, ,0 •;,z, s6.-1 C` .s. es se , t .N.•b- 0 ee.e. et. .., e,•e eee o eee*:e eeo.- stse-' • se° ne el° ° • Ae, 414'• 'c°c) ,,() -77775' 'd) .seT'• ‘,4:ft Cr1)1.-4 ,e° c)6' 6* - \:Otcss.,;) ei 1,0 e"P' . eec" see sfts , '41 .4,se geet"' stenetnenred only by Thomas Holloway, 70, New Oxford Street. late 083, Oxford Stroct, London. p-Prl.cers shmild look to the LaSbef on the Boxes caul Pets. _ 4.4d` if the adAli lr not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are sen.s....=2,._. SPRING • 1888. SPRING Carpets. Curtains,. Imlopamaxmima....1,..0011Martraraf•I•10••••=eai Now that House-( 'lea aina time is near, we invite your in- spection to our BIG stoerc of Carpets, Curtains, and those Fancy Window Blinds, &c. ---------- When buying Wull Panel. don't forget that the Old Established ch.rrir•:3 the Biggest Stock and Latest Am- erican Patterns. Lots of Fancy Ceiling Papers with Corners to match, Window Blinds Wa11-Paper JAM -FS PICKARD, Fixeter. MONTE E arm Expectorant! REMOVED. Gortial I ^ Mr. T. DEA.BING has repo., to his new stand, one door north et Des Lutz's Drug Store, oppoele• the Central Hotel. , Where he will be foetid is 1;0, offering • Bargaili3: In Dry Goode, Geocevies, G•lassware, in order to eIelir fl. -111 the bulk of generol stock, LItt etliS foe CASH only, slid no book ac- conuttekopt. tatter riind Egs taken Ise Cash, Give him a, ,.1.11 and •see for yourt 12 temeniher the Spot "X' ZAIRX1/0 The high character ofthis old medicine as a sure remedy for Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung Troubles is repeatedly confirmed by the gratifying, grateful and ensolicited testimony received 'sfrom those who have been benefitted by its use. P.EAD Tali; FOLLOWING t Mr, S. J, Werssoore, Totonto, "1 haye used. Hallamorc'e Eepeetotant isi my family for Coughs and Colds, for thir- teen yeave andwoald not he without it." Mito tt S 11, Car Inspector, C,P. Gelb, writes t -- soul me one dollar's worth or Hal. more's Expectoraet, I eannot get ale ‘vithout it, *GO TO LUTZ'S DROG FOR A 25 et. Bottle,