HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-02-28, Page 9Ll ni 2 per. -family, with a • minimum $5.00 purchase. Partly Skimrned 13titeitzent with Supermarket- Prices! and our MONEY ,.,BACK GUARANTEE '40 SAVE 40511b I RVARY 19110—P buicZge� a P P F Brussels v e'cretary-ti e; sxurer Marlene Well reported that t+ Maitland Valley Conservation authority's - 1980 budget had been $3,800 over the preliminary estimates:. presented in ,December making for total budget figure of,$542;300, when the Authority''held its 30th annual meeting . in ' 'roieter n February 14, A provincial .allocation of f$50,010 ,has been approved by the 'Minister • of :Natural Resoprces for 1980 and $1.95,982 or 36 pier cent • off' the .total budget will be raised locally. hie general levy , for the 32 municipalities in the MVCA's coversge area .i: year totals $128,647, per cent over 1979. While there had been no provision in the preliminary ` budget for work on the Brussels Mill Pond dam, a preliminary engineering study on the Brussels Dam and' the _.erosion ` control' on the Gorrie Dam were in- cluded in the revised budget. The Gorrie. Dam repairs estimate was reduced to.$10,000 for the design and construction of the control- mechanism for the dam and to install the stop logs. Some funding that had originally been identified for completion _of.._. the Gorrie dam was allocated instead, to the general development--of--con- 'servation areas and -part of_ it was transterred' to various projects and the - .Water and Related Land Management Program. In giving the treasurer's - report, secretary -treasurer Marlene Shield . com- mented that, "The financial statement nerally :looks better than it did a year ago when we had a deficit for the Wawanosh Lake: Project." Dave Grummett, lands technician with the Authority told the 'members that master plans for the Harriston- Minto Conservation Area had been approved. Costs, for improving this area are estimated as a total of $5,500 at a 50 per cent and 55 per cent grant rate. Some of the im- provements in this area are to include stream bank improvement (gabion w,ork) , and forest management (pruning, thinning), _reforestation _ and general develop- ment. The $5,500 is,:to be spread over a five year period. The master plan for the Pioneer Conservation Area was also approved at an estimated total cost of $6,500 and 50 per cent grant ra-te. Improvements there are to include.a parking lot. Clinton III, 4-H The second meeting of Clinton III, 4-H "Knotty Ladies" washeld on Wednesday, Feb. 20 at Mrs: P. Sa mderccock's. Roll call was to describe a piece of macrame you have seen. What was 'the article used for? What material was it made from? -Bk.-yen-- members £ eyen- members answered the roll call. Kathy read the minutes of the first meeting. The leaders discussed "who is that in your corner" and each member completed their chart on "explore your rite and dislike and - find opt about your personality by filling in the dates of your birthday to find the color on the colorscope." Mrs. Pat Saundercock and Mrs. Leslie March demonstrated how to work the macrame knots that are to be used for the plant hanger that is to be done by Wed. Feb. 27. QUICK COOKING (Our : Regular Price 1.39 -- -SAVE- 40c) In t YOU'LL DO better WITH A&P'S eaithbeauty aids general merchandise SAVE 30c Ib ■!■ (Our Regular Price 1.49) SAVE 30c Ib (Our Regular Price ib 1.89 ) Regular or Winterfresb. Flavours (Our Reg. Price 1 X45 -- SAVE 46c') COLGA�F TOOTHPASTE • Standard 150 watt PHILIPS • LIGHT .B111,BS,_ 100 ml tube A&P is. a Country Farm Pork Shop! Rib�Portion - 1e1.39 Ground Pork Pork Back Ribs {162.49 Pork Hocks Previously Frozen A&P, SLICED REGULAR OR OILY Gee Shampoo JOHNSON & JOHNSON Baby Powder • 350 miplastic btl 249 397 g plastic ctnr 2a 9 2 ASSORTED TYPES PKG OF 40 Tpmpax Tampons 2.99 • Oil Treatment 15 °z tin 129 Wi°41C7 Piel eSETn Utensils each3.99 (WHILE SUPPLIES LAST) SAVE VS 76? Toddler size pkg of '24,or Regular pkg of 30 babyScottk DIAPERS (Our Regular Price tor; to 3.351 , Ready -to -Serve, Assorted Varieties Soups tin - STEAKS. 1,2 Our Reg. Price lb 3,39 MARY MILES MARY MILES Wieners 1-16 Vac Pac 995/ Bologna Chunks (1) 1.09 Shopsys Bonus Pack! Buy a 24 -oz carton of SUGAR PLUM, READY -to -SERVE, VAC PAC MARY MILES HOT OR SWEET ITALIAN Dinner Hams 162.39 SWIFT PREMIUM, SLICED 175 g PKG Cooked Ham 1.29 SWIFT OLD MILL, BREAKFAST • Sausages lb 1.19 Sausage SWIFT LAZY MAPLE Get a 12 -oz carton FREE MARY MILES, SLICED, ASSRTD. VARIETIES 500 g PKG GRAD -1E "A", EVISCERATED Cpok,e0 Meats 1.59 Ducks 4 to 5 -lb average y 1.89 CANADA PACKERS Pastrami Eye 16 3.99 SCHNEIDERS, BEEF, CHICKEN, STEAK OR PORK Meatlb 99fe Pies 4 -oz pie2for991 - BALDERSON (DANISH) PLAIN OR CREAMY 161.19 Havarti Cheese 162.79 pancy HEINZ TOMATO JUICE 48 -fl -oz tin YOU'LL DO better WITH A&P'S FROZEN FOODS Frozen, Apple or Apple Crumb Action Price! 49 Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia for just $2.89 each and get a free dictionary. vostow (Our Regular Price 1.05 ) Action Price! Plain & Asiorted Flavours , BORDEN 7 YOGURT tub Sorolimoist Dog Food, Assortod Wristlet GAINES 2 kg 'TOP CHOICE' Action Price! Aon fOr 47 Action Mier' "Crourmet" Astortod Varieties TETLEY TEAS 20 bags • Action Price! ACTION PRICE! FROZEN, ASSORTED VARIETIES 10•OZ PKG Aunt Jemima Waffles1951 iliOonsNton Slue Fillets 1 19 VOLUME 1 OF NEW ENCYCLOPEDIA STILL ONLY 94 FROZEN Smelts SCHNEIDERS, FROZEN, 1/4.1.6 Beef Burgers SCHNEIDERS, FROZEN Steakettes Small Portion Meat Packaging= To provide you with convenience and service, our meat -department has small portion pack- aging — great for one or two people. Select from an assortment of steaks, steiving meat, . chops, ground meats, chicken, sausages and small roasts. For recipes, nutrition and, consumer informa- tion, write to: Ruth Reynolds, A&P Consumer Consultant, TORONTO, Ontario PASW 1A6 Do you krt. ow? A drop or two of salad oil can take the knots out of your fine Chain neCklaCe, Put the oil on‘a piece of waxed Paper, lay the knot in the Oil and pick at it with two straight pins. The knot will come apart quickly, then wipe the chain. VAIriat