The Exeter Times, 1888-4-5, Page 3IdE.A.L'rEE
Health and Morals,
It is asserted that many a poor fellow
bits swung from the gallowa simply because
the judge happened to have a fit of indiges-
tion. Whether thie be true or not, any one
who has visited a penitentiary must have
been convinced that many a man has been
eent to State -prion who ought to have been
sent to the hospital. Ohl Dr. Abernethy
used to say, "Every sick man is a rascal."
We think the old doctor was rather hard on
the sick mail ; nevertheleee, an extended
experience with sick people has convinced
us that, on the whole'.it is easier for a well
Man to be good, or decent, or pious, than
for a sick man. Good health does not al-
ways go with good morals, but good morals
are certainly more apt to be associated with
good health than the contrary.
A vast emOunt of ha= grows oub of the
notion, whnh has been extensively culti-
• vated by a certain epecies of Sunday -school
•books, that fteepereon must be sickly to be
good, Some years ago the writer envy in a
European picture gallery a painting of the
Madonna by an old artistAin which the saint
was represented with pale and sunken
cheeks and hollow eyes, lookiug as though
the artist had made a picture froni life, of a
woe -begone dyspeptic. Doubtless this was
his ideal of the highest type of womanly
piety. There is a great amount of this
sickly saintliness to be found in the religi-
ous story books of the day. Almost all of
tlie good little boys are cripples, or hunch-
backs, or consumptive; and the good girls
are homely, or cross-eyed, or have red hair,
or are deformed in some way. The good
men become pious on their death -beds,
after having spent their lives in dissipation;
and the pious mothers are represented deer
the style of the Madonna of the picture gal-
All this is mockery, unreal, and depraving
in its tendency. It inculcates in the ,boy's
mind the idea that to be angelic is to be sort
of pale and eickly, and to be good and
pious is the next thing to being angelic.
Boys ought to be taught that it is a good
and pious thing to be healthy, to have stal-
wart forms and brawny muscles. There
is no necessary relation between hard
muscles and hard heartedness, and there is
• a very common association between flabby
muscles, weak nerves weak wills and wick-
edness. A man who has unmake strong
enough to cope with any man of his size, is
equipped with steady nerves and a stronger
will, and hence is better prepared to resist
• the devil in the guhie of morbid appetites
and sordid passions.
The total depravity which we often hear
talked about ia, half the time at least, no.
thing more nor less than total indigestion.
So mood a man as Calvin signed the paper
which sent Servetus to the stake for heresy.
We never could comprehend SO inconsis-
tent an action until we learned that just
after this atrocious action the great theolo-
gian Wrpte,. in his diary that he had for
several,eeks been tormented by a dyspep-
tic stomach.
For parents who -find their children still
ungovernable, notwithstanding the fre-
quent use of the rod, we recommend the
advice of a wise writer, that "cow's milk is
a muoh better mane of curing a boy's way-
wardnees than oow's hide:" Many parents
who;giVe their children an abundance of
wise,' counsel and religious Graining, send
their boys to the saloon and the brothel by
the •influence of morbid and inflamed appe-
tites, engendered by the irritating and pas-
sionstimulating food with which they feed
them at the dinner table. Somebody had
. well said, "There is religion in a loaf of
bread" (providing, of course, that the loaf
Nee a good one). It is equally true that there
isainfamy and peridition in mince pies,
spiced pickles, ginger snaps, and pepper-
It is high time that those who are seeking
to reform the world, should begin to preach
the gospel of health. Instead of sending
• missionaries to the Kaffirs, Hottentots, Kai -
mucks, and Fiji Islanders, let us send a few
messengers bearing the glad tidings of good
health to the great "unwashed," badly -fed,
the poorly -slept, the generally -neglected,
and physically -depraved multitudes of our
great cities. A clean skin and clean morals
are not invariably concomitants, but we
oould never subscribe to the doctrine taught
by one of the "fathers," that the "purest
souls are to be found in the dirtiest bodies;"
neither should we be found among the ad-
mirers of that other saint who was con-
sidered to be pre-eminent in piety because
he allowed his hair to clot with dirt, and
had three hundred patches on his panta-
The best foundation for good morals
is good health. The man who respects
himself sufficiently to keep his exterior in a
wholesome condition is likely to be, by that
same self-respect, restrained from polluting
his inner man. We never knew any young
man to be thoroughly wicked, who took
good care of his body. One of the beet
omens for the future generation is the fact
that quite a majority of the States in the
Union have, within the last three years,
passed a law making the study of hygiene,
including temperance, compulsory. Ignor-
ance is the greateat foe to good health as
well as to good morale. Let every friend of
humanity Join in the good work of spread-
ing abroad the gospel of health; and the
result will be a thinning oat of the jails,
prisons, poor -houses, asylums, and hospi-
• tals, such as would astonish the world.
The habit of order is much more far•reitch-
ing than is generally supposed. It governs
all atrangements, these of time as well as
of -place ; it influencee thought as well as
action, character as lad; as conduct. I J is
the constant preventer of waste in every
direction. No disorderly person can ever
be truly economical. He may work hard
and spend little, but economy demands the
best results that can be obtained frorn tidy
given e pource, and these can come only
•throngh orderly and systematic arrange.
men tAa The man who has acquired orderly
habs will so manage his time that it shall
be fruitful. He will neither idly procrasti-
nate nor hurriedly scramble through hie
work. He will neither put off to -day's duty
until to -morrow not force to.morrow'e into
to -day. He will provide for leisure DA well
as for action, for recreation as well as for
labor. He will reepect the time of othera
as well as his own, neither breaking engage.,
menta nor forcing people to spend time with
him against their will.
A citiaen of Doylestown, 0., whoee hens
were disappearing eaoh night from their
house with discouraging regularity, while
making a careful examination of the coops,
found on the floor a pocketbook containing
S85 and the name of a respected neighbor.
Messrs. Fremy and Vernettil of Paris,
churlish, have informed the Academy of
Sciences that they have succeeded in pro-
ducing teal rubies ley artificial means. l'he
teats ehow that We hi a fact. The biggeet
ea•eyee tnado le the size of a big pinhead, but
hize is a matter that can be regulated.
flOreditiery Taints,
A Oorreanondent ie troubled abeut here
ity and about the consequent ernount of r
epensibility that may be attached to hims
for the perverse tendeneiesi which have co
down to him from his fathers and which
possibly a somewhat aggravated form he h
transmitted tee hie children. We
not profess to be an authority on au
questions and cannot not the father confess
with any amount of benefit to the trouble
one or of either honour or credit to the su
posed oracle. On such matters ono gets eas
ly and speedily out of his depth. It is qui
true that every man is the net result of a
the progenitors and influences which hey
gone before him. A drunken, licentio
man three or four hundred years ago ma
have given a taint to his blood and a fore
to his passions which tell upon his ever
day thoughts and doings in a way that
both sad and terrible to think about. B.
may be scrofulous or half -mad or wholl
perverse through influences altogether a
tecedent to his existence and over which h
has even now little power of contraetion
control. No wonder he asks in sorrow and
with anxiety, "How far am responsible?
What is the amount of my individual guilt
in this heated brain, and in this strange
proclivity to certain kin& of vice ?" Every
one knows of families in which the inachmes
streak has been clearly manifest for many
generations. It may not in many oases have
got the length ot absolute inanity, but it
was there in an and in some it went over
the line and became the predominating
force. Individuals are sometinaes spoken
of as "queer " and of some others it is free-
ly whispered that they have a cams ray from
bedlam about them. What shall be said of
soch and of hundreds of similar ase?
Ms awfully dB:Emit to say anything to
purpose. It requiree the All -wise Himself
to apportion the amount of responsibility in
each individual insta,nce. This, however, ie
evident, that many are more deserving of
pity than of blame, and perhaps this corres-
pondent a.rnonst the rest. It is a pity, how-
ever, when any One takes the supposed
hereditary taint as an excuse for what is
wrong and says, "1 cannot help it," when
very possibly he has never tried. And just
as • We Are no authority in apportioning
the amount of responsibility in cases of
wrong doing which may have flowed front
hereditary influences and what is to be at-
tributed to deliberate individual choice, so
it would not dictate about what course in-
dividuals should follow in the matter of
having children and of thereby transmitting
peculiarities and proclivities which are all
but certain to cause exquisite :Jarrow and
suffering, as well as possibly great sin to
Pouring generations. • However lightly it
may be thought of, there are few graver
responsibilitien incurred than in the simple
fact of becoming fathers and mothers.
It is very evident that a great many ought
never to incur such responsibility. They
are physically, mentally and morally utterly
unfit to be parents. A good deal might be
said in favor of them being, necessary,
forcibly prevented from ever occupying such
a position. Why should scrofulous, con
sumptive, deformed and utterly depraved
men and women be permitted to perpetuate a
race of diseaeed and ever growingly depraved
weaklings? Some of the noblest men and
women the worldiluts ever seen have solemnly
aud deliberately repudiated marriage on
this very account. They have seen and felt
and mourned over the terrible hereditary
taint that was in them and have vowed and
keptthatvow. "This terror and degradation,
as far as we are concerned, shall endavith us.
No miserable physical and moral wreck
shall ever ask in misery and with reproach,
Oh, why did my father marry?"' • Come,
come, TRUTH, have done, you are treading
on very shaky and forbidden ground.
Perhaps so. Bat when a father sees that
taint which in himself has only taken the
form of insensibleness and more or less of
oddity in thought and bonduct,takingin his
child that of Idiocy or madness, he must
have very sad and solemn thoughts whieh
very possibly might land in the conclusion
"1 ought never to have married."
d" Remintecent Shak's Vitt to the Ger
man Canital.
e -
me I While in Berlin the Shah Attenrlad a gala
in performance of the ballet, "Serclanapalus '
as and sat in the court box between the Em
me press aud Prince Karl, and here he did owe
oh or two barbaric deeds that smote with hor-
or ror and consternation all those distinguished
d Persone who witnessed them. Wishing to
p: call the Empreee', eetention to something
1. that was takine place on the stage he
to reached over and laid his heed on her arm.
11 "Where can he have been brought up ?"
e asked ongreatlady. "An Empress' arrn is
us is not a sabre hilt to be clutched at"
A few moments later he called for a glass
e of water. It was brought him by one of ,his
y attendants. He drank the contents at a
is gulp and calmly handed the empty goblet
e to the Princess /Carl, whose patrician court -
y tenance ehe mechanicallr took it from
n. him was a study fora physiognomist, and
not less intereeting was the facial expres-
e don of the ladies in waiting and chamber-
s NI C—--.1.1
Changes of Fortune.
Curious how the wheel goes round.
Everywhere the -high are becoming low and
the low high. lhose who washed dishes
and bore burdens thirty years ago are or-
acles in fashionable affair. Thirty years
hence where will their children or grand-
children be. Let any one watclaChig street
of an afternoon and let him have the benefit
of some person that has known Toronto for
thirty. years. What revelations! What
laughter! Who as that? Yes, that man
began in a very small way with a few sau-
sages combined with a little butter and a
few pounds of tobacco- Prospered? should
just; think he had, and look at his
wife, and daughter, don't they queen
it? Of eourse they do, and why not? Oh,
heaven help us why not? Only they try
to make people fancy that their fathers
ca,rne in with the conqueror, and possibly
they did. 18 18 said that in old London,
those who have not yeb made good their
footing in the charmed circle, hire needy
" scions of aristocracy," and old, poverty-
stricken dowagers with blood" to conae
• to their "at homes," at so muck the hour.
The wretches get through two or three iu a
night, pocket the much-needed douceurs,
and get all they care about to eat and
drink, while, next morning, the Hon. so
and so, the Marquis Fitz Noodle and Lord
Lily -liver are al l proclaimed in the society pa-
pers as at the "lovely" and "fashionable,'
etc. Let us alone. Toronto will "get
thar," in due time. She is rearing a brood
of brainless whipper snappers who will doex-
cellently well elevators of the standard,"
in low but ambitious quarters. Why, bless
your souls, the half of the House of Limas
are not three removes from the flunkiee,
hair.dreesers, grocers and bawds from whom
their families took their rise. Teri chances
to one, the first real, live Canadian Lord
will live in the records of Debrett as Count
Kasko-whisky—or the Most Noble the Mar-
quis of Sheeps-hanks bane.—It ie all right,
but hlow to explain the philosophy of the
whole thing.
vans who had never before witnestied such
a bloodeehillina breaoh of etiquette. But
worse remained behind. Presently the
shah cleared his throat, once, twice, thrice,
with ever-increasing vigor, and then de.
liberately—spat in the stalls. A shudder
ran through the house and several fair
ladies of fashion hurriedly took their de-
She Promised Not to Kiss Him if He
Woiild Buy a Book.
She was a pretty woman, and when she
came into my office she walked right up and
"Now, sir, t want you to stop writing
and look at the book I am ;Jelling."
"My dear madam., I am very busy and
I hope you will lea,e me."
"Now, don't refuse ie. I must get
your subscription." '
She arose, coining up closer, putting
one hand on the back of the chair u �n
which I was sitting, and bending down with
a tender look in her eyes, said :
" Now,oyou know you'll subscribe for
this book.
I protested and did wish she would
leave and said that she had gotten hold of
the wrong man.
She replied that she had not, that she
meant business and was going to get my
I began to get nervous, as I was alone
in the office with a pretty woman. I beg-
ged her tc leave—that it was becoming em-
"I'll tell yen 'what I'll do," she remark-
ed, bringing her face down to the level of
my own, "11 you'll subscribe I'll promise
not to kiss you before I leave the office."
I subscribed.
Another Miraole.
According to a story told by a Louisville
paper, and vouched for by a minister of
the Gospel, a miracle has lately occurred in
that oity. •During the Moody meetings a
young lady of Hebrew parentage was con-
verted to Chrirstianity. Soon after her con-
version she bought a New Testament and
took it home, and, going to her room, sat
down before the fire that filled the grate and
was burning brightly, and began to read.
Her mother, finding her thus engaged, was
greatly enraged, and seizing the book threw
rt in the fire. The young lady buried her
face in her hands and wept. Ten minutes
later, atter her mother had gone from the
room, she looked tip, and happening to
glance at the grate, saw her Testament ly-
ing there unburnt. She snatched it, in sur-
prised joy, from the fire, and lo 1 the flames'
had not even scorched it.—[Rochester
How He is Affected on the First of tha
Pranking Husband (to wife)—" I wish
you wouldn't hang my coat up there on that
nail. I am not tall enough to reach it."
Wife (in astonishment)—"Wy, I don't
understand yeu. You have been reaohing
that nail without any difficulty. What is
the cause of your inability now ?"
Husband—" Because to -morrow will be
the first of the month."
Wife—" Have you gone crazy.? What
has the tirst el the month to do with it ?"
• Husband—" W'y, ram always short on
the first, you know."
• Wife (with lofty rejection of the intended
joke)—" I know that you haven't good
sense either on the first or the last."
Ocean. Steamship Passengers
Via New York should take the Erie railway,
as it is not only the shortest and best line,
but lands people close to the piers of the
leading steamship companies. In buying
tickets, ask for the Erie.
In the International skating contest in
Amsterdam James Smart and George Lee,
(Mash, beat all the Dutchmen. Two miles
in 6 minutes and 56 SCOORCID.
CINGALESE HAIR Resawart restores grey and faded
hair to its natural color and prevents falling elle.
o annual army estimate in England is
£16, /0,000. '
People who are subject to bad breath, foul code
tongue, or any disorder of the Stomach, can at ono
be relieved bv using Dr. Careon's Stomach Bitters
the old and Vied renaedv. Ask your Draggle*.
The story that Emperor Frederic III. re-
gretted the deprivation of his pipe is not
eine. He never smoked a pipe except when
Minting or campaigning.
Consumption Surely Cured.
To TID3 EDITOR :—Please inform your readers that
I have a positive remedy tor the above named die-,
eaee. By its timely use thousands of hopeless esaee
have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to
send two bottles of my remedy rune to any of your
readers who have consumption If they will send me
their Express and P. 0. address. Respectfully,
Da. T. A. aware', 37 Youge St., Torcnto, Ont.
A high efficial in the Shah s service, a
Realm Catholic from Austria, has been eon-
vertel to Mohammedanism, and there is
groat rejoicing in Islam.
Whenever your Stomach or Bowels get out of es
der, eautang Biliousness. Dyspepsia, or Indigestion
nd their attendant evils, take at once a dose of Or.
arson's Stomach Bitters. Best family median.
II Draggiste, 50 ciente.
N agara appears iv a panetama. in Lon -
on ay Philippotereux, 495feet in clammier -
Coff No More.
Wateon's cough drops are the best in the
orld for the throat and chest, for the voice
nequalled. See that the lettere R. & T. W
re stamped on each drop.
I i lateen thousand more Irishmen left
toir native land last year than in the year
Him 1 Coven Om mires in one minute,
A (Jure for DrumikeruieSS.
The opium habit, depsomania, the maphine habit
ervots prostration ,eaused by the 885 01 tobacco,
akefultresa, mental depression, softening of the
Iain, etc., premature old age, loss of vitality clewed
y over-exertion of the bran, and lose of natural
trength, from any came whatever, Men—pang,
Id or middle aged—who aro broken dawn from any
t the above cameo, or any cause notracnticractl ilbova
rinitdolgs 1.gtenailestaoniPltfa;
eet haled and seeure'rrom obrervation. Andress IL
Uses, 47 Wellington Street East Toronto,
With Satisfaction. A
FOISOB'S IsTERVILINE, the new and certain d
pain cure, is used with satisfaction in every
instance. There is abundant reason for this,
for it performs all that is olaimed for it.
Nerviline is a never -failing cure for cramps,
pains in the side or back, lumbago, sore u
throat, ohilbleins, toothache. Nerviline is,
in fact, a sure remedy for all pales, both in-
ternal and external. Try a 10 cent sample
bottle. Large bottles only 25 oente, by all
druggists and country clealere.
Nits, Biggine--" Ah, Mr. Stiggios, it's
not every woman who has A hueband like
yours. They say he is 'Very in Mrs. ",,
Stiggins--" There 1 told Joshua that if he b
kept on indulging on the sly somebody b
would find it out."
Queen Christina of Spain Imes an eye- o
glass, with,a tortoise -shell. handle, which is
taised to her eyes wheneVer she looke at a
anybody or anything. •Y
‘` Purgatory Bulleta."
An exoited Irishman lately rushed into
a Dosten hrug store, having breken-np "
appeeranoe generally, "U3 jabbers 1" be
yelled, "I'm all wrmag entoirely, I want
some stheff to etraighten me met Seine o'
them Purgatory Sullets' will fix me, I'm
thinkite. What d'ye tax for thim ?" What
do you mean ?" asked the clerk. " 'Purge -
toy Bullets,' Bor, or sornethin' loike that,
they call thim," replied the man. "Shure
I m in purgatory already, with headache,
and liver complaint, and bad stomach, and
the devil knows' what all." The clerk plea,
ed out a vial of De. Pieroe'e Pleasant Pur-
gative Pellets, and Pat went off contented.
"Xlaese little Pellets cure all derangements of
liver, attuned' and bowels. Sugar-coated,
little larger than mustard seeds, and
pleasant to take. Druggists.
The question that agitates the Chinaman
is whether the tale which adorns his head in
Lhis world will be continued in our next. re
• Does the Earth Really Move?
Science says that it does, but we cannot
help wondering sometimes if there iiin't
seine raistake about it, when we see how
stubbornly. certain old fogies cling to their
musty and antiquated ideas. It was be-
lieved onoe that 00nSU18ptien. WAS incurable,
and although it has been clearly demon-
strated that is is not, thousands of old-time
physioians close their eyee and put their
hands to their ears and refuse to abandon
the theory. But for all that the world
moves on, and Dr. Pierce's Golden Mectioal
iscovery continues to rescue sufferers from
censuenptives' graves. It is a sure euro for
this dreadful disease, if taken in time. All
Ectefulous dmeases—and consumption is in-
cluded 18 tilt list—yield to it.
Seventeen miners were recently fined in a
county Police Court five shillings- for each
day they had absented themselves from work
without leave pending the settlement of a
Shall Women Be Allowed To Vote?
The question of female suffrage has agi-
tated the tongues and pens of reformers for
many years, and good arguments have been
adduced. for ana against it. Many of the
sof ter sex could vote intelligently, and many
would vote as their husbands did, and give
no though to the merits of a political issue.
They would all vote for Pierce's Favorite
Prescription, for they know it is a boon to
their sex. It is unequalled for the cure of
leucorrhea, abnormal discharges, morning
sickness, and the countless ills to which
women are subject. It is the only remedy
for wotnen's peculiar weaknesses and ail-
ments, sold by druggists, under a positive
guarantee from the manufacturers, that it
will give satisfaction in every case, cr mon-
ey will be refunded. See guarantee on
wrapper around bottle.
Sir Andrew Clark recently appealed for
snbscriptions to aid the Mission to Deep Sea
ifeshermen, and a gentleman has just given
21,000 to complete the oruizing hospital
PATENTS Loorgritte-ellalt. r6TafZiingig
GomogiAGEIAlidigergNaplover thlrittire Do -
87 Church Street, Toronto.
tgtrtttaWetim exrr:voRK. aontaArtua
f3ee.P.O.VICKE1114Augusta, Maine.
MONEy.. LOAN on Faros. Lowest Eetes.
No delay. Correspondence solicited.
• E.W. 11. BUTLER, Financial Agt.,
Established 1860: 72 Eing-st. E„ Toronto.
oils, and Burning Brands, &o, Send
•for Catalogue. B.ARBER BROS. CO.,
KingSt. E , (in rear) Toronto.
run'ji al terms at the HALTON
•t 8
Specialty—PLUMS in large
liberapply. Dealers billed out OR
H. HURD & sox, Proprietorf3.
NTJRSERIES, Harlington, Ont.
Aleo can cffer a few malted and Yellow Globe OrlienS.
SEnt; Plants.
and all other bedding and
collections will suit every
one. Illustrated Catologue Free
1131- 7NG SPRING, 1868—T11e proprietors of the
Toronto Nurseries-- establibhsel 1837—Will have for
eprirg planting, a large stock of Fruit and Ornamen-
tal Trees, Evergreens, Shrubs, eto., of all kinds and
sizes, which will be sold cheap, as a portion of our
grounds must be cleared and sold. Send for priced,
descriptive catalogue GEO. LESLIE & SON, 1104
Queen St. E., Toronto.
CHANCE to acquire a tbororgh knowledge or
garment cutting in all its branches. Now's the time
to enter. Good cutters in great demand, big wages.
Terms on application. S. CORRIGAN, Toronto.
41-1 AN ADI N 1:1111YEESITY,
IL/Public Library Buildingsaoronto. Students from
British Columbia, California, Kansas, Illinois, and
^ quite a number of other States and Provinees, now
in attendance. Write for Descriptive Circulars.
President. Sec'y & Manager.
CDA. ANAsummer, CO. --Beaver tine of
Steamships, Killing weekly between Montreal
andLiverpool. Saloon tickets, Montreal to Liverpool,
50, 550 and 560. Return tickets, 580, 500 and 5110
according to steamer and accommodation. Inter-
mediate, 580; Round trip tickets, %O. Steerage, 520;
Round trip tickets, W. For further particelars and
to secure births, apply to IL E, alualtAv, Genera.
Manager, 1 Custom House Square, Mont real, or to the
Local Agents in the different Towns and Cities.
Desling t obtain a Business Education, or become
proficient n Shorthand and Typewriting, should at-
tend the
Arcade, Tonga Arcot, Toronto,
For Circulars, etc., Address C. O'DEA. Secretary.
LADIES' Dress and Mantle cutting by this
new and improved
satisfaction guaranteed to tench ladies the
full art of outtleg all garments worn bytadia
and ,children. PROF. SMITH 849i Queen
St W., 'reroute. Agents wanted.
• For The Nervous
The Debilitated
CURES The Aged.
, Nervous Prostration, Nervous Read.
StOmach and Liver Diseases, and all
affections of the Kidneys.
Gem= w. BOUTON, STAMDORD, CONN., says: '
"For two 30055was a sufferer from nervous de.
inlay, and I thank God and the discoverer of the
valuable remedy that PAINVE CELERY COMDOEND
cured me. .4 8 a valuable remedy. Lone naaa' it
live. Let any one write to me for advice.'
ALANolizA0 ALZ:wAiTnIsVon7.
"T believe PArrin's Ormuz coeirotran saved ma
131 feeior lutere°dublo wassecocedetr0edbwei tau ffltoiiial ohnurafro%
"head to heei.e The eruption Is rapidly healing.
anti I am Ave hundred per cent. better every way:
0. neAn., wnITE Elves ,71INOTION, VT., saes:
ror two years past I have been a great sufferer
from kidney and liver troubles, attended witis dye.
pepsia and constipation. Before I began to take
OELERY COMPOEND it scented as thcriglz overyibing
ailed me. Now I can eay,eioliar# ale me.
GEORGE ABBOTT. SIOUX arra, Iowa, says:
"I have been using PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND
audit has done me more geed for kidneys ancriarae
back than any other mediome I have over taken.
Hundreds of testimonials have been received from
xereons who have used this remedy with remarkable
benefit. send for circular.
Price $1.00. Sold by Druggists,
Montreal, Que.
Are having, during March, a Special Clearing Sale of
New and Second Hand, to make room for new sea-
son's arrivals. Send for greatly reduced SPEC/AL.
Is the only Per feat Emery Knife Sharpener, A bless-
ing to every housekeeper. Sample by mail 25 cents.
CLEMENT at CO., Toronto.
Bicycles 1
Second Hand Bicycles
and Tricycles.
Send for List. New Catalogue
ready in April.
"INTE have unexcelled facilities for the SALE or
EXCHANGE of Newspaper offices. Terms,
one per cent. Sat'efactiou guaranteed. 82 -We have
now four gocd establishments for sale at a bargain,
and one publisher wanting a partner. .
• Auxiliary Publishing Company,
33 and 35 Adelaide St. W.'
Toronto, Ont.
AUGERS, bore 20 fee
per hour. Also Rock Drills --Rand, Horse or
Steam Power. Send for Catalogue.
Laidlaw Manufacturing Co.
Svmrroms—hloisture : intense Robing and stinging;
most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to
continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcer-
ate, becoming very sore. SWAYER% OINTMENT stops
the itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and in
many cases removes the tumours. 18 15 equally effi-
eamous in curing all skin diseases. DR. SWAYER &
SON, Proprietors, Philadelphia. Sw.curn's Onumiurr
can be obtained of druggists Sent by mail for 60
Colonists' Trains.
Will run Settlers' Trona: to :ill points in
British Columbia anal the Pacific Coast,
Leaving Toronto, N. & N..W. Station, 13rcek Street
at 9 p.m.,
and everygueeday thereafter during March and Apri,
A coloeist sleeper will be attached to thee tram'.
Hake early application 81 agent for hat cars and
berths you will require; ea fret ears supplied for
coloefebe movables, No Custornstiolay or expense.
No quarantine., No transfers. For fmther leforma-
tion see agent, or wi ite
110 King St. West, Toroiato,
OrThe Celebrated Ham
cock Inspirator.
tifetireshanes Autornatie
• Re -starting Injector.
talmorrison's Automatic
Sight Feed I,ubrieatoe.
IST'Engineers' & Plumb-
ers' Supplies of every
description. Send for
76 & 77 Adelaide
•S (3S• C
FQ L E -
• • • ca -R S-5:
STEELE .BR-01S-',E5c.7
Farmers going to Manitoba will find it to
their advantage to call upon or write to W.
B. Gillett, 523 Main Street, Winnipeg, who
has improved farms for sale.
Information cheerfully furnished without
charge. Money advanced to bona fide set-
tlers at love rates of interest upon personal
property to assist theniin starting.
Ile .nd ten cents in
Send your 'address
•" stamps forl3ook
" Treatise on Diseases of Man.', Address
• M. T. LUBON, 47 Wellington- .,
Toronto Ont.
When I say CITRE 1 do not mean merely to
stop them for atm°, and then haVe them re-
turn again. I MEAN A HADICA-L CURE.
havo Inade the disease of
Manufacturers of the Highest Grades A life long study. 1 wAnntarr my remedy to
Cum; the worst cases. Because others havo
SILVER-PLATED WARES. failedis no reason for not now receiving a cure.
Bend at once f or atreatise an d a, Flan s BOTran
' of my INFALLIBLE REMEDY'. Give txPress
and r ost Office. It costs you nothing for a
trial, and it will cure you. Address
TRADE MARL Dr, H. ROOT. 37 Yong° Ste Toronto, Ont,
420 to 426 King St, West TORONTO
Manager. Sec.- Cress,
Allan Line Royal Mail Steamships
Sailing during w:nter from Portland every Thursday
and Halifax ever) Saturday to Liverpo L and in sum-
mer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool calling
n...; Londonderry to land mails and passenzers for
Scotland and Ireland ; aleo from Baltimore, via Hali-
fax and St. John's, 27, le, to Liverpool forenightly
, during summer months. The steame:s of the Gine-
gow lines sail during winter to and from Ealifax,
Portlasd, Boston and Philtvlehobia,; and dudeg sum-
mer between Gla•gow and Montreal weekly; GM's.
) gow and Boston weekly, and Glaegow and Philadel-
phia fortnIghtly.
For freight, passage cr other information apply to
A. Schumacher & Co.. Baltimore ; S. Cunard Co.,
lialifax ; Shea & Co., Se. John's, Nfid, Win. Thomp-
son 800., St. John, 27. B.; Allen & 'Co., Cl ieago ;
Levi) & Alden New York; 11. Berulier, Toronto;
Arians, Rae & Co., Qusheo ; Win. Drookle,
phia ; IL A. Allen, Portland, Bostm Montreal.
Cold in the Read, Bay Fever, eto., can positively
be cared. A new method. Medicine Guar-
anteed to cure. No cure, no pay. If you have
tried other remedies that failed to cure, you will not
be disappointed in this. For full particulars address
M. V 8.1833038, B., Toronto, Can.
Send lee. in stamps for Book "Treatise on Dis-
eases of Mat."
Nervous Debility,
DR. GRAY'S Specific hag been used for the pas
fifteen years with gteat suceese, in the treatment of
etervous,Debility, and all diseases arising from ex-
cesses, over -Worked brain, loss of vitality, ringing in
the oars, palpitation, etc. For sale by all druggists.
Price 51 per box. or 6 boxes for $5, or Will be sent by
mail On receipt of price. Pamphlet on application.
HE greatest dia.
covery of the
presentage for Ream.
Liven Arm Kin=
Coundarre. A per
feet Blood Purifier
A few in Remittal
who laave been bone
fited by its use :--
Mrs. 11. Reenan, 195
Robert St., cured of
Erysipelas of 2 years
standing; Robert Oor
nth, II South St.
daughter cured oi
Epileptic Fits after
6 years' suffering
Jenn e Bare , 66 vaunt et,, cured of weaknee
and Lung Trouble; John Wood, 05 Cathcart St.
cured of Liver Complaint and Blliousnees, used onl
3 fifty -cent bottles; lune .1. Beal, 6 Augusta St.troubled for years with Nervous Proetration, tat
small bottles gave her great tenet : Sold at 500. &$L00
P. F. HALLEY & CO., Proprietors.
DRILAD made with this
Yeast took fest prizes at 132
Township and County Fairs in
Ontario 10 ISSy, at such places
as Flesherton, Markhrun,White
by, etc. Over 50,000 ladies have
sentus letters and postal cards
to say that itis superior to any,
yeast ever used by them. It
makes the lightest, whitest,'
sweetest and most wholesome
bread, buns rolls and bucic..1
wheat cakes:Directions in marl
peekage with full instructionsi
IplealIE'3 peel elatalegue, emItalning deserip-
Weis and prices of all the best varieties of
now Toady and will bo mailed freo tO all Who apPlY
by letter. tar Send for
Then are many lurrAEotzs of
g g •
peerless °'
but none equal 18 1,1 lubricating properties. FARE-
aus, MuAnatt, etc, find none equal to the oeSuna
Peerless made by
Sold by dealers everywhere.