HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-02-21, Page 19SVS*RECQRD, Th'URE Ay, i~'EBRUA Y 21,18 ' 'PAG 19, • M. d10R.y' a�ikr SoN hw' INT OAI Fit E 04 Av. Al �4d,'pte Occ 96181200 '. 444 A InrR•m. 7. Real estate for sale 9, Accommodation MAKE OUR, HOUSE YOUR REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR RELAX BY THE FIREPLACE - in this lovely 3 bedroom bungalow. Immaculate. 142 Gordon St. HANDYMAN SPECIAL - Small 2 bedroom home. 18,000.sq. ft. land area. Renovate or build. New Listing. Estate Sale. $2321_00. COSY FAM.I LY. ROOM - with Franklin fireplace, 3 bedrooms, dining area to cedar deck, -lovely kitchen. Priced to sell. 547,900. QUALITY CON- STRUCTION - in this new 3 bedroom b u -n g a-Iow -- --featuring.;. Oak Hanover---kite-hen cupboards. 554,900. OUTS-TANDING 3 BEDROOM HOME.. Low assumable) mor= tgage at 1014 percent, exceptional kitchen - stone ' fireplace. 375 Matilda St. WINTERCOURT. CR ES: Bi -level brick home, 1160 sq.' ft. Good area. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, pool and patio. $69,500. GODERICH TWP. LOT Approximately 13,800 sq. ft. land area, on Bissett Court, V.L.A. Subdivision. Serviced. by well. Priced to sell. $15,500. 100 ACRE HI - PRODUCTION FARM featuring caged layer barn, farrow to finish hog operation. Call us for more information on this farm. CALL: • John Duddy Home 482-3652 John Thompson Home 527-0238 Leah or Budd Kuehl Home 482-7304 OFFM 482-3766 9. Accommodation to rent 2 BEDROOM upstairs apartment, heated, all utilities paid. Phone 482-9625 after 6 p.m. -7,8x to rent 12. Help wanted fAVAILABLE APIgL 1st, Moir bedroom semi with dining room - Vanastra. 482- 350().-8tf HOUSES FOR RENT In Vanastra; 2 bedroom upper apartment in Brucefield available immediately. Phone 482-3278.--8tfar THREE BEDROOM HOUSE, gas furnace, cen- trally located, $135: Phone 482-7601 —8tfar LARGE TWO BEDROOM cottage in excellent con- dition, available end of March, -'residential location in Clinton, garage, refrigerator and stove in- cluded. Reply to Drawer -No. 1, c -o Clinton News Record Box 39, Clinton, -8 9A. Commercial Property ' For Rett PRIME RETAIL SPACE TO LEASE Bayfield area - located on Hwy 21, Goderich, New Building finished to suit. Apply to Drawer 168, c -o Signal -Star Publishing, Box 220 Goderich., Ont. N7A 4B6.-5-10 12. Help wanted TOWNSHIP OF HULL.ETT iiELPWA-+-T,ED To distribute Dog Tags, collect fees, and record the owners and number of dogs in the Township. Remuneration to be1'1.50 per dog. Applications to be in the Clerk's office b Friday, February-29,..1880-at-5;-OQ,p-.►n:-- Harry Lear, Clerk Box 226 Londesboro, Ontario COMME RC)AL IN- SURANCE Opportunity -owe require experienced Cora - 1 mercial Insurance salespeople for an expanding Insurance brokerage. Applicants must be aggressive, willing to relocate to Alberta. Expected first year income, $20,000 plus. Contact our Red Deer office (403) 343-6990 or R,S.V. Commercial Insurance Ltd. Box 963 Red Deer, Alberta T4N 5H3.-8bc 14. Employment 10. Wanted to rent - wanted WANTED TO --RENT house or ground floor apartment. Phone 482-9546.-8 11. Room and board FEMALE AGE 20 will do housecleaning on weekdays and Saturdays. Phone 523- 9202.-8 23- 9202 .--8 ' 15. Tenders ROOMS AVAILABLE at the • Holiday Home for retired men. $11 a day, meals in- cluded. Phone 482- 3685.-6tfa r 12. Help wanted REGISTERED NURSES required , immediately for part-time and casual pgsitions. Apply to Mr. W. Woodley R.N. Director of Nursing, Wingharn• and District Hospital, 270 Carling Terrace, Wingham, Ont. NOG 2W0.-7,8 HEAVY - DUTY Mechanic required by M.F Farm Equipment Dealership, 3rd or - 4th year apprentice - considered. Big Sky. Equipment Ltd. Box 1195, • Taber, Alberta. Phone (403) 223-4355.-8-bc 18. Services available KENS- CARPENTRY Remodelling renovations, cupboards, rec rooms, carports, flooring, Hunt - Pella windows and patio doors, aluminum siding, windows, doors. Phone 482- 7676.—Ken McNairn.-12tfar BYERS UPHOLSTERY — We will rebuild recover or restyle your old furniture. Top quality fabrics- and workmanship. Call 482-7939, 71 Princess SL W., Clin- ton.--tfn- SNOWBLOWING - Driveways and sidewalks. Phone Cliff Hallam 482- 7370.-5-8 15. Tenders LEAD GUITAR and -bass guitar to play with rock band, preferably with some singing ability. Contact 236- 7703 or 238-2689 anytime. -8 Avon It pays to make people happy. See the products people want to buy. Sell AVON. Excellent earnings, flexible hours. For information call Carolyn Thompson 527-0238 - BENNETT ST. APARTMENTS GODERICH, ONTARIO „ MOVE1'N Now AND GET MARCH RENT FREE 2 BEDROOM APT. All utilities paid, Broadloom throughout, stove and fridge, air conditioned units, and balcony. Bachelor Apartments CALL 524-2920 Conestoga College ofApplied Arts and Technology CLINTON CAMPUS P.O. BOX 160 - CLINTON, ONTARIO 482-3458 - SALE BY SEALED TENDERS Wood Trusses: 19' 8" span,: 2' oc suitable for use in the con- . struction of a garage or storage building -26 Only 5675.00 One Garage Frame Including: 11 Trusses, 12' span, 2' oc 4 sheeted walls in 4 x 8 sections with door ope tliig A " ` $550." Note: - The above prices are offered as a guide to 'prospective bidders. Location: The above are located at the Clinton Campus and may be inspected between 9:00 a.m. and 3:90 p.m. Terms: Sealed bids will be accepted with a '10.00 deposit. until February 29, 1980. The deposit of unsuccessful bidders will be returned. The highest or any tender not necessarily accep- ted. Tender forms are available from the receptionist. Cromarty Estate Auction To be sold for the Estate of Janette Jef- ferson. held at Rathwell Buildings, 77 Main St. Seaforth"- on Wednesday, February 27th at 6:00 P.M.' Furniture & Antiques: 9=p'rece oak dining room suite; oak Mr. and Mrs. chairs; 3 pc. parlour suite; living room suites; 1 flat back kitchen cabinet; oval cherry table; 4 and 6 matching chair sets; oak hall seat; oak drop front desk; oak library table; pine jam cupboard; pine - wash stand; pine box; 2 pine blanket boxes; pine lift top desk; 2 rope beds; cherry hall table; antique day lounge; 3 pc. bedroom suite; brass and iron beds; dressers; washstands; odd chairs; parlour tables; upholstered chairs; cane bottom chairs; oval and guided picture frames; steeple clock; gingerbread kitchen clock; butter bowl and ladle; +leintzr'nan piano; Mendelssohn piano; square and humpback trunks; -.wicker baby buggy; press back .f high chair; brass and cast iron pieces. Appliances: 21" portable Zenith color TV; 24" stove; '24" fridge; 21 cu. ft. freezer; 21" lawn mower; small ap- pliances. ' Glass & China: Large quahtity of milk glass; press glass; Canadian, depression (colored); large assortment of china including souvenirs and collectibles; partial jug and bowl sets and many more items. ,A(/////.'er, V.J.J('Cf AUtTIONEEI S, LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST SEAFORTH • ONTARIO NOK iWC) ( 519) 527-1458 '17. Auction sales 17. Auction sales ESTATE AUCTION SALE Furniture, appliances, household effects etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Barn, 289 Bayfield Rd. Clinton4or the Estate of -Russel Neal plus additions from Exeter home. - SATURDAY, FEB. 23 at 12 NOON Portable TV nearly new, dining table with 4 leaves, small china cabinet, Speed Queen twin tub spin dry washer (new), desk and chest of drawers •com: bination1 re• I ler„_chair„YtrunkT--ro ki.ng--chaLr, McClary fridge, 24” electric stove, drop leaf dining table o with four chairs, antique bonnet chest, wringer washer, sausage grinder, Quebec heater, fine matching pressback chairs, wooden arm chair, 2 beds with mattresses, oil lamp, vacuum cleaner, 6 x 9 Carpet,- fancy .parlour table, floor and table lamps, dressers with mirrors, antique camera with stand, upholstered chair, chesterfield and chair, fainting couch, some bedding, dishes and glassware, a few garden tools, lawn boy lawn mower, child's desk with lift up top and snatching chair plus many other items. TERMS: CASH Richard Lobb: Auctioneer CLINTON 482-7898 Estate or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents day, of sale. - CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME—PHONE 482-7898 ANYTIME AUCTION SALE OF OYER 50 TRACTORS & EQUIPMENT at Brindley Sales Yard Dungannon, Ontprio. SATURDAY, MAR. 1 10s30 A.M. SHARP. More consignments welcome Auctioneer GordonH. Brindley Richard Lobb AUCTIONEER,^_- Clinton 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR Every Thursday HENSALL • LIVESTOCK SALE SAT. FEB, 23 12 NOON Antiques, furniture, etc. for estate of Russell Neal, plus additions at Richard Lobb's, Clinton. TUES..MAR. 11 1 P.M. Tractors, farm machinery, etc. 3 miles east of Walton, Ont. for Dinot DeVries. SAT. MAR. 15 1 P.M. Tractors, combines, machinery, etc. 8 miles north of Seaforth and 41/2 miles east for Alex Glanville. '18. Services available Let us process your pig SPECIAL for the month of February 200 POUND DRESSED PiG fully processed ;25. VIIIERNEnt DASHWOOD 237-3677 13 "(' F R. RA'1!'I I \1' I':i.T, ' AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST , SEAFORTH,' ONTARIO NOK 1 WO BUs (519) 527-1458 RES 51 9 482.31 20 18. Services available REGULAR HOUSECLEANING or,,, commercial cleaning. References supplied. Phone 482-3034 or 482.7995.-7,8 BRING BACK the natural colour to your brick, free estimates. Contact White's Sandblasting Services, Wingham. Phone Res. 357- '3 6 37 . 57-'3637. ,Brickcleaning specialists. -8,10,12,14x 0 18. Services available 18: Services available ; 19. N-otice to creditors *CI( ROORDA DECORATING for export PAINTING AND WALLPAPERING �P%ho%nee �//� -482-r 862 -><..+-r-, HOUSE PLANS and MECHANICAL DRAFTING 482-3586 PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS Bruce Pulsifer 527-0053 or 348-9223 after 0 p.rim. - J.B. COLQUHOUN GENERAL_ - CONTRACTOR * Custom Built Homes * Renovations * Additions 482-9586 EVENINGS WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS FOUR MODERN ROTARY RIGGS PHONE: SEAFORTH NEIL: 527-1737 DURL: 527-0828 JIM: 527-0775 ARMIN'S SHARPENING SERVICE CIRCULAR SAWS. CARBIDE TIPPED SAWS HAND & CHAiN SAWS SCISSORS, -ETC. 565-5298 BO-JEN CARPENT'RV FOR • CUSTOM BUILT HOME$ • RENOVATIONS • ADDITIONS SEE 1300 LANGENDOEN BOX 309 ' CLINTON PHONE. 482-9720 PHONE 524-8029 JACK- - GERRITS CONSTRUCTION LTD. *Farm *Commercial *Residential *Building Constructions Also Additions or renovations CALL FOR ESTIMATE 482-7290 HENDRIK GELOK ELECTRIC RESIbENT/AL - COMMERCIAL i-VDUSTRIAL TRAILER AND R V SERVICE ,OUALITY WORKMANSHIP AT A REASONABLE PRICE MAINTENANCE - NEW AND OLD INSTALLPfONS PHONE 519-482-3700 or 482-7007 INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED ROY'S TAX SERVICE 17 GiBBINGS ST. CLINTON 482-9357 TAX TIME SERVICES Suncoast Mall G ogerich ACCURATE RETURNS GUARANTEED BUSINESS, FARM PERSONAL H. MITCHELL 482-7584 5.24-4433 JOHN KASSI.ES GENERAL CONTRACTING * Farm Buildings *Additions • Re110Vgt1onS Phone 482-,3063 DISC JOCKEY STEVENS - COUNTRY GOLD & ROCK "N' ROLL Good recorded music for weddings, dances, an- niversaries, parties, etc. Phone Brussels evenings. 887-6159 HANK'S SMALL ENGINE SERVICE HENRY REININK 1 MILE NORTH OF LONDESBORO - 523-9202 . FOR SALE Used Snowmobiles - We -also Serv=ice- and Repair snowmobiles and . snowblowers and other small engine equipment 19. Notice to creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Mary Irene Jamieson, A11 persons having claims. against the Estate of Mary Irene Jamieson, late of the Township of Hullett in the County of Huron, deceased, who die'i on the 1st day of January, 1980, •are hereby notified to send in full par- ticulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 6th day of March, 1980, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario this 4th day -of February, 1980. McConnell, Stewart & Devereaux, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors.-=7-9ar NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Estate of John Henry Riley. All persons having claims against the Estate of John 1-Ienry Riley, late of the Township of Hullett in the County of Hui on, deceased, who died or the 23rd day of January, 1980, are hereby notified to send in full par- ticulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 6th day of March, 1980, after which eate the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario this 1st day of February, 1980. McConnell, Stewart & Devereaux, Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors. —1.9ar IN THE ESTATE 'OF LAURA MAY FORBES late of the Township. of Hullett in the County of Huron, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of, the above-named who died on the 24th . day of January, 1980, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 10th day of March,G•-19$0, after whicidate the assets will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice,' DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 5th day of February, 1980. D. GERALD HILTZ, Barristers &• Solicitor, 52 Huron Street; CLINTON, Ontario Solicitor for the Executors .-7-9ar • IN THE ESTATE OF WILFRED BRUCE McALPINE, late of the Town of Chilton, in the County of Huron, deceased. ALL PERSONS having • claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 5th day of February, 1980, are required to file full particulars thereos4 with the undersigned on Orr before the 17th day of March, 1980, after which- d ate -the -assets -will -be distributed te--theassets-will-be- distributed having regard only to ,the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. ' DATED at Clinton, On- tario, this 14th day of February:1980.- D. GERALD HILTZ, 52 Huron Street, CLINTON, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executrix.--8-10ar J 21. Personal PREGNANT- AND DISTRESSED? Married or single, . free positive- con- fidential support. Help is as close as your telephone. BIRTI-IRIGHT London (collect) 432-7197 or524-2913, 357-1769 or 392-6541.-3-52 NO RED TAPE. We will legally ordain you as a fully pledged minister, regardless of sex, religion or nationality. Write to U.L.C. Peoples Missions-, Dungannon, Ontario. NOM IRO. -5-8 24. Business - - opportunities CARPET BUSINESS well established in progressive southwestern Manitoba town. Retail carpets resilients, drapery. Modern block building, includes three bedroom living quarters. Phone (204) 759- 2748.-8bc. 26. Births BRANDON 'Bri'a'n" and Dianne are pleased to announce the 'birth of their son Christopher Harold February 14, 1980 weighing 8 lbs. 6 oz. at General and Marine Hospital, Owerl Sound. Proud grandparents are Joe and Alice Brandon and Bert and Doris Schilbe all of Bayfield.-8nc , WELSH Don and Marlene Welsh are pleased to announce the arrival of their daughter, Cynthia Dawn, on February 10, 1980 weighing 8 lbs. 4 oz. at Goderich Hospital, a sister for Jason —8nc 27. Deaths PLUNKETT In the Clinton Public Hospital on Thursday, February 14, 1980, Wilfred Freeman Plunkett of RR 1, Auburn, in his 91st year. Beloved husband of the - former. Elizabeth Drennan. Dear father of Alvin of Auburn and Donald and Gordon of RR 1, Auburn. Dear brother of Milton of Toronto and Mrs. Grace Campbell , of Lucknow. - Rested at the Tasker. Funeral Home, Blyth, Ontario, where the funeral service was held on Saturday at 2 p.m. Spring interment Ball's Cemetery, 'Hullett Township.-8nc asaw'y.....