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Clinton News-Record, 1980-02-21, Page 10
PACE X0' Cf N'l'C) `NE'S'S"R'ECRD, ThJRSDA' ',, FEBRUARY 21, 980 by Gwen Pemberton and MIIvena Erickson Bayfield continued with tradition in Monday's election as PC candidate Murray Cardiff picked up 209 votes, compared to 82 for Liberal Craig. Here Mrs. Pearl (Walter) Westlake, right, accepts a ballot from deputy returning officer Joan Merner. (photo by Miivena Erickson) Garden Club says Buy seeds now Members of the Bayfield. Garden Club who wish to take ad- vantage of the special club rates from Cruickshanks spring catalogue should contact Miss Kay Reid, not later than ' Saturday, Feb. 23. Cash required with your order. Catalogues may be borrowed from Kay or Doris Hunter. The Garden Club is much indebted to Jack Willock who has once again of- fered to arrange for and collect our orders,which means a considerable saving to those who purchase --through their club.memberships. 1980 memberships are. now available at Graham's General Store. We really appreciate the kindness of Pat and Wyn in accepting . this added responsibility. It . is a great convenience for us all tohave a central spot to place them. V!iTkhtitz€rttutth held Executive members of the Clinton Hospital Auxiliary, • Dawna Westlake and Marnie Walden, entertained ABC • members at a sumptuous Valentine luncheon in the Municipal Building_ at noon on Wednesday last week. Red carnations cen- tred the table which was tastefully decorated with Valentine motifs to celebrate. the occasion: Several club members accentuated the color scheme by wearing bright red costumes. The party spirit seemed to infect the cards as the bridge scores were unusually high. Dawna won the highest score (over 8;000) but deferred like a goad hostess to Jess Blairwho was not far behind. Gwen Pemberton was thus elevated to second place and Grace Fraser was low. Prizes were carnations from the centrepiece. A collection was taken up in aid of the Clinton Hospital Auxiliary which the hostesses were pleased to report amounted to $63.50. • Anglican Ladies .buy drapes Trinity Church Ladies Guild met Tuesday, February 12 at the home of Maude Weston with 12 members present. The meeting opened - wit1_the _president Lorna Merner in charge. All repeated the Lord's Prayer . and Creed in unison. Margaret Larson read the Bible reading taken from St. Matthews. Debbie Wain read a St. Valentine's poem. Secretary Berthena Hammond read her report and filled the correspondence. Vera Turner gave the treasurer's report and all- wete adopted. The card and flower report was given .._-by--.Ruby.. Fitz- simons and birthday tnoney was paid by Bessie Hulls. It was approved that new drapes be purchased for the Parish Hall. Doris Hunter spoke about the Garden Club. Against Goderich and announced the plans for a garden Party to be held on May 24, and said she would be grateful fol' any gifts from the Guild. She also offered her home for -the ,March meeting of the Ladies -Guild. Ruby Fitzsimons will read the Bible reading' and Maude Weston will " favour with a poem. Following closing exercises, Maude Weston served delicious refresh- ments. Gerry Ginndeclares war Gerry Ginn, a former reeve of Goderich Township and member of the Goderich Housing Action Committee, has told Goderich town council "now that war has been declared I must sever all my diplomatic relations with such -a council. My time will be spent defending the boundaries of my township." Mr. Ginn's resignation from the housing com- mittee' came last week after he told the town council that he was hot happy with Goderich's proposal to annex 1,145 acres of township land south of the town Iimits, The council's decision to study the arl37exation of the land comes after a two years of discussion between the two municipalities in which 'they have been trying to come up with some means of sharing the cost of installing $11.2 million worth of water mains and sanitary and storm sewers. Mr. Ginn told the Goderich council that it was a "sad situation" that after the township's share of a proposed senior citizen housing project was paid and "before one brick has 'been laid" that action hag— been started to take the assessment base from the - township "with which they (the township) are to raise their share." Although Mr. Ginn told Goderich council that the seniors housing project, which - is 'to be built on West Street in Goderich, was his "pet project" and was both needed and wanted, he said that all his efforts were "in vain" as a result of the town council's recent decision to annex the land rather than sell the services. Mr. Ginn told council that in serving on the housing action committee and in other areas he had "tried to promote what considered to be a co- operative effort between the townships and the �---- "It has been a learning experience however," said Mr. Ginn, in the letter. "I have learned that when, dealing ,with some members of your council you should have three hands, -one to shake hands with, one to hold onto your wallet and one for the knife in your back." Goderich town coun- cillor Elsa Haydon, who objected to the• an- nexation study, suggested that council open - an annexation file and place Mr. Ginn's letter in it "as the first casualty." -••However, her suggestion was turned down. Goderich council's unexpected decision to look at annexation of the land was based on their lack of interest in developing a small portion of the 1,145 acres of raw land. Rather than service land bit by bit, council indicated they would prefer to sell all of it or none of it. The 'decision was made after council went behind closed doors to discuss the possible sale of water, sewage and storm sewer services to the Goderich township. The sale of those services' - was designed to allow the development of A 96 lot subdivision planned by Conklin Lumber Co. Council decided that rather than install ser- vices gradually to allow the Conklin subdivision to hook into sewers and water lines, it would look Turn to page 11 and and about the vi Mrs. Thelma Bye and Mrs.. Louise Presber, both of Maicam, Sask, returned to their homes after visiting --for 10 days with their sisters Alice Brandon,, Beulah Keys, Clinton, Clara. Scott, Nora Heard, Varna and their families. In the Bayfield Lioness news in last week's column, it stated that Joan Merner was the recipient of the Lions Clult,.-pe Mr. Bill Aberhart of Sarnia had a's his weekend guest at his cottage, Mr: Terry Lyons. also of Sarnia. Mr, and Mrs. Bud Burt, • Kitchener, their daughter Diane and friend Janice We wish to clarify this statement as it is. somewhat premature. Joan will receive the award, but it is to, be presented by the Vanastra Lioness Club for. 'her assistance in establishing their Club and is not expected to be presented by.. the Lions • International . president. Sorry if this in- terpretation caused any embarrassment to any of rsons-nentioned. e • Winnington of Dawn 'for ten days. r wask Bill Pare MissiSsal�ga, spent the. Mr. . weekend At the Burt ; With his. eldest,son and family home, family, Mr. ,and Mrs. Tammy Schilbe was °William C. Parker and - the lucky winner of •a children in London` chocolate filled Valentine Mr, and Mrs. Rob Irwin heart at the Nip 'n `lick and Robbie, London spent Variety. . Mr, Jack Sunday with his family, Tillman drew her ticket. Mr. and Mrs. Walter " Best wishes to Ann Erickson, Andrew, Wild, who had the Luanne and Lydia and misfortune to fall and celebrated his birthday. break her knee in several Congratulations to places. • . Brian and Dianne Mrs, Wayne4ColleSchilbek, ori the birth of 1 Hopkins and Melanie, their first child, a son, Tara of .Surrey, British Christopher Harold in Columbia, and Mrs. Owen. Sound. her hard work in helping to establish the Vanastra and District Lioness Club and that Lloyd Morgan president of Lions International would make the presentation at e later ante Uuited. gr ou� has skating party Saturday - evening, the 3M's Club of St. Andrew's United Church gathered at the arena for a skating party. Then everyone went to the Church for an evening of fun and fellowship. A *lively dutch auction was "held followed by, a pot luck lunch. Those incharge of the meeting were Lorraine Fisher 'and Ruby-Comrie, The UCW met on Feb, 12, at the Church for the winners dinner with 35 members attending with guests President Betty Burch wasin charge of the meeting. The winners . put on a program with Molly Cox o aYl ,�i fe 4r sin. aug along the piano, which was Very en ioyable Carol Penhale Robert (Janice) Eamon, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia were the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Merton Merner and sister Broomball action fast tile action was fast and furious Wednesday night at the ladies weekly broomball match. Nora West was the heroine as she lifted the East into a 3-3 tie with the Western squad by scoring on a penalty shot awarded in the last minute of play., In the men's game the Bender boys were reunited on the Western front and • blew past the French connection . and the rest of the Easterners doldrums of 'wintei. Come out and play broomball on Wednesday nights. Ladies at 7 p.m.. and men at 8. All teams can use at least six more players. . There will be a men's Parkhill, and Bayfield. The Village team will be the Bayfield Bullets with their star-studded lineup you've read so much about. Teams will compete for $550 in trophies and. prize money: Admission will be hockey tournament at the one dollar adults and 50 Bayfield Arena on Sat., cents for children. •So _..,...March LFarst garneas_.at.._..s .m out_and_ha_ve a.h1Q . 10 a.m. 'with the chain- - see it'll be better' than pionship game going at 8 watching the faltering p.m. The entrants include leafs on TV that night. 4 teams from Goderich Sunday afternoon, the • by 6-3 score. and one, each... from Don't suffee from the Clinton, Dashwood, Anglicans hold special ,service Quin quageai rn a1Sunday was celebrated in Trinity Sunday morning with Rev. Bennett officiating. Mrs --Margaret Larson read the lesson from Genesis for the Sunday before Lent Debbie Wain and Cindy Cluff taught the children and Morgan Smith and Grosvenor Shepherd collected the offering. Ash Wednesday Communion Services begin in Trinity at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, February 2D and continue through Lent. . Lent is a time for self- examination. The Prayer Book helps us to live and, act more thoughtfully toward our neighbours and to' spend more time with God. Baptist news In the absence of Pastor and Mrs. Shiel who are on .a week vacation, Brother Mark Nicholson led the adult Sunday School class. Mark is presently at- tending London Baptist Seminary. Pastor Bodenham gave the morning and evening messages. A duet was sung by Cathi Cullen and Anne Chapman both services. The young people had a Valentine Party' Friday night with around 25 attending. They had a great time with the Word of God, games, fellowship and refreshments. Do you know? The longest covered bridge in the world is found in Hartland, New Brunswick. Built in 1899, the bridge crosses a span of 1,282 feet. BAYFIELD LUMBER HIGHWAY 21 BAYFIOLD PHONE - 565-2990 * Complete line of Building Supplies Free Delivery Chancel workers for February are Joyce Grainger and Debbie Wain. The congregation was asked,,ito, remember the members in Mexico and in the Diocese, Derwyn Jones, Blair Dixon, Ray Farrell, Lloyd Cracknell and Arthur Peach. And for a lifetime of service by Trevellyan James, Osborne Lancaster and Guy Markham. Organist was Jackie _Johnston and the choir was under the directionof Eric Earl. Zurich "Intermediate C" Buckeyes built up an 8-4 lead over the Exeter • Mohawks and coasted to an 8-6 win. John Graham 'picked up another goal and an assist in the game. Next game is ':Friday night. The Hensall Sherwoods at Zurich. 8 p.m. The Bayfield Curling Club regular season play ended on Sunday night. The final rink standings were Donald Lindsay 1503/4 ; B. Talbot 1493/ ; M. Francis 137; G. Telford, 1361/2; B. Orr 136; G. Alniac 1213, ; M. Sauve 1123/4 ; J. Koene 1101/2; S. McVean 1051/4; G. Turner 87%; A. Brandon 831/4 ; J. Brandon 731/4. The Club. playoffs begin this coming Sunday night with their Bonspiel set for March 16. 12 i/2°% L. An apple a day may keep the doctor away but a Victoria and Grey RRSP at 121/2% can help safeguard your financial health, now and in the future. t. Take one today for a better tomorrow. 'Guarantee for one year for 5irears Both Rates for Annual Compound,ng VICTORIA AND GREY TRUSr Contact us in Goderich at: 100 Kingston St. 524-1381 The office will be open till 9 p.m, Thursday & Friday evening, 'Feb. 28 & 29 for RRSP deposits. Insurance Corporation Member. Canada C�epdsit Mrs. Joann Burditt, Jeffrey and Matthew, Woodstock visited Saturday and Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Bessie Hulls. Members of the Bayfield Figure Skating Club have invited their families to join them on the ice on Saturday morning at 11 a.m., so that they can exhibit their hidden talents. This will be the last session of the season. Coffee and donuts will be served afterwards. Parents and families are asked—to take note and please attend. tunes at read a poem and Ruby Comrie put on a Valen* tines contest to make the most Words ---out of the, word "Valentine". Anna $cotcku er was the winner. carol Penhaie,, Elaine Dunn, Lorraine Fisher put on a skit. 'at" Hemingway read ' a closing pOena. Devotions were read by Elva Metcalf and- Maude Armstrong, Elva Metcalf is to have the group one meeting at her place March 13 and Eleanor Watson is to have group two meeting at her place March 12. The first hobo tea starts Ap2j17 sQ bpwarekrls, A very scrumptious pot luck dinner was had by all. 4-Hgro up meets Bayfield I 4-H Club held their first meeting at our leader's place Jo Anne Sturgeon's on Wed- nesday, Feb. 13. Our assistant leader is. Anne Talbot. We opened our meeting with our 4-H Pledge and elected officers as follows: president, Freda Hill; vice president, Lisa Telford; secretary is rotating; and press secretary, Jayne Sturgeon. Our leader gave us our 4-H pamphlets and each one of us read about how to do macrame and different types of jute which is suitable for macrame. Jo Anne then showed us how to do our "ME" page which is all about yourself Our next meeting will be on Wednesday February 20 at Jo Anne's place. Anyone wishing to join 4-H please call Jo Anne at 565-2826 or Anne at 565 -5318. -by Jayne Sturgeon. Unisex Hairstyling MAIN STREET BAYFIELD 565-2188 WE WILL BE CLOSED SATURDAY, MARCH 1 st -To attend hair cutting' classes in Toronto .J� 5 z3456 p 8 Zb�ary 19� csigp. 0.0 1110 $6,22‘,00 ti V4Ottil Ot Pritiee $1o olberngstpizesin Cha h�s1c0! i . u' `D►a wry. ©7 $�p000O a t. ' © uld 1 one : 51.0 00 n andpr�e5 °�35� other prizes / • 'Prizes. Plrs iaY �, six n 4 A r�1;a with number. us Draw-d1g►t Son • The nUraber ewes you nneY- chance to be a $10 Ys PCS fl -t e 1(}0 'Bonus %� million drawn' be4oYe Get Sour ticket n d Watch the 'te gone. An n °tc they livecb Sa a B©nuS j 5. 2�. TV at 9 p.m., me t. SasedThe �1,rillioncto Utit name's t� but it's a great fie