HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-02-21, Page 71,..amblings from the races BY Lois Gibbings Belie P,ariel, owned by Jane. t Jewitt et Clinton, won her first race this Year at Western Fair: Raceway „in London ..on Monday night. Trainer.. driver was Dennis Jewitt in the 2:11.3 mile, Belle: Dari01, a OW -Year-old mare by the Meadow Skipper sire Alley Fighter -Whisper by Dancer Hanover, took a pacing record. of 2:08.1 in 1979.. Clinton' horseman Wayne Horner . had three winners at Windsor Raceways this past week. Driver Bill Gale gave J.A. Delight, a four-year- old pacing gelding by Kenny Hanover, a new T ord-aw F`ebruarY 12, and lowered Amherst Jack's record from 2:01.4 to 2:01.2 on Friday night for his second win this year. The third winner was the nine-year-old New Zealand bred -pacer Auburn Forbes I Who was driven by Eric "--NrdEwan Al his 2:07.4 mile. From 26 starts last year, Auburn Forbes lit, had nine wins, four seconds and two thirds for earnings of $4,106 and $23,997 lifetime, Dilly Dares was second at , the 'same track on - Thursday night', as was Karl T. Seelster on Saturday afternoon. Both pacers are owned 'and trained by Wayne Hor- ner. At London on Satur,day afternoon, Hyatt's Treasure, a five-year-old chestnut gelding, by Gentry Yates, that raced for August De Groof of Clinton last year, . was fourth for his new owner Leslie Dolson of Muncey, in his first start this, year.. Arrochar Ruth was, third with Randy Henry on the bike for owner Arnold Doak of Goderich in the fourth, while Golden lick, a fiVelektr- Old that trainer- driver rainer- ivr Randy McLean claimed at Greenwood ort January 23 for $10,000 was fourth in the ninth. Flame Messenger finished third at Orancevil'le Raceway for Gorlyn Acres of Clinton. on Sunday afternoon. At London on Monday. night, Ray Mathers was' third with Granny Mathers for the Broken M. Stables of Goderich in the third, as was Gerry Roebuck with Nancy Meadow in the fourth. Frank MacDonald , of Clinton finished fifth with -Wee. Devil in the eighth for Albert Deblock of Lucan. A new pacer, to watch for is Frank's three-year- old filly Gaitime Honor, which he qualified last week at London. She is by Scamp Direct-Malinda Ann by Jimmy Creed. In Goderich Twp. Recreation is bi (ioderich Township is alive and growing with recreational activities. So it was recognized at the recent recreation meeting on Tuesday, February 12. at Holmesville. Those at- tending were . Doug Yeo, Hazel McCreath, Alice Porter, Walter Mclllwain, Bev Orr, Marilyn Forbes, Grant Stirling, and Audrey Middleton. If you look closely at the activities one cansee. the- wee birth .of the township soccer club. Our local soccer en- thusiast Tony Vandongen, began an indoor soccer training program with only two members: It has now enlarged to eight members plus an assistant coach, John Preston of Clinton. All are bursting with en- thusiasm and encourage others to join on Tuesday evenings at Holmesville school. a . In turn, this provides a grand incentive for the rec committee to make preparations on the new soccer field as early as possible. Volleyball for juniors and. seniors have very successful winter programs underway. The senior group would welcome more male playersm so fellows, now's your chance! They play Wednesday nights at 8 p.m. at Holmesville School. Anyone for curling? The township group -play Sunday nights at Vanastra so if you care to join, contact Dave Hemingway or any rec member. Alice Porter gave a report on the February township dance held at the White Carnation when they realized a profit of $57 which will go to the athletic field project. Secretary Hazel McCreath volunteered temporary management on any arrangements for the ----next township dance on March 8 until Gerry Ginn manager, arrives home from holiday. It was decided to 'advertise the dance in the coming events column of the local newspapers. A motion was received and passed to donate $50 Livestock dies EXETER - An early morning fire on February 8 destroyed a barn killed over 800 pigs on the Frank Verberne farm at ,RR 1, Woodham, five miles east of Exeter. . Damage in the fire, which razed the 14,000 - square -foot . barn and killed the pigs, is estimated at between $150,000 and $200,000. Cause of the fire has not been determined, but E*eter Fire Chief Gary Middleton said that heat lamps were used in the barn. Firemen, who were hampered by a lack of water, did save an ad- joining structure which contained an un- determined number of pigs to the Holmesville school as a token gift of ap- preciation for the use of the school. An interesting and encouraging report was made by Hazel McCreath on the forming of a township senior citizens' group who have chosen the ambitious' :sounding name, Enterprising Seniors. Congratulations, seniors ! Your imagination and en- thusiasm is already evident, and may you have a happy and fruitful reign! .,Budget estimates were discussed in. the three areas; community centre parks, and program- ming. Each member was allocated to make a further study into specific costs and revenue to bring- in an educated budget estimate at the March meeting.. A letter from Alpha Huron regarding `their appreciation of the grand co-operation between Goderich Township recreation and Alpha was received and. filed. Davidson, Well Drillers will fix the athletic field pump indue time. Presumably no ice skating at the field can be planned until water is available. Sorry -about that folks. Patience is a virtue! "It was decided to have the baseball and swim- ming forms prepared now for the summer programs. Doug Yeo volunteered to make arrangements for another swim program at Vanastra, preferably the first two weeks in July. It was also decided to do some comparison shopping on bus services. Reeve Grant Stirling reported that if the community centre is built the school principal proposed that its facilities could be used five hours a day for 120 days by the school, The meeting adjourned until March 12. - by Audrey Middleton. The annual fun match between the Knights of Columbus and the Shriners was held last Sunday at the Vanastra Curling Club. Pictured are two of the mixed club teams, left to right back row, Charlie Proctor,Clinton Shrine;!Bill Cook, Goderich Masons; -Frank Crawley, John Van Bakel, and Brian Crawley, Seaforth K of C; Claire McCue, Stratford Shrine. Kneeling are Rene Brochu, Seaforth K of C and Bill Baxter. (News -Record photo) News and notes from Middleton By Blanche Deeves Morning prayer was held in St. James Mid- dletQn at 11:15 a.m. The theme of the rector's sermon was `.`Voting with your feet". Edward Deeves received tee offering. ACW meets The February meeting of the Anglican Church Women of St. James Middleton was held February 14 at the home of Mrs. Delores Dutot. Mrs. Lynda Steenstra, leader, was in charge of the meeting. Lynda opened her meeting based on the World Day of Prayer taken from the Living Message. Lois Smith and Shirley Storey assisted in reading. Lynda led the members in repeating their prayers, and thanked Delores for the use of her hone and to the ladies who assisted and wished the ladies all ,a very .happy Valentine's Day. Shirley .Storey read the minutes of the previous meeting, and Vera Miller presented the treasurer's report. Lois Smith read a letter from the foster child, and Blanche Deeves gave her social service report. Lynda Steenstra gave a report on the ways and means. Discussions were made on the bus trips with Audrey Middleton to look into a weekend or two day trip. A motion was made to. make a 'comforter ready for spring fair in Clinton - and to dp a quilt for Lynda Steenstra. Clinton Community Centre SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Arena Schedule Friday Evening, February 22 Junior Cr'playoff game 8:30 p.m. - Mustangs vs. Wingham ' Saturday, February 23 6:45 p.m. Goderich vs. Clinton Bantam 8:30 p.m. - Seaforth'vs. Clinton Midget Sunday, February 24 1:00-2:00 p.m. Learn to Skate 2:00=3:30 p.m. Public Skating 7:00-8:30 p.m. Family Skating '1.00 nor family Tuesday, February 26 8:00 p.m. - Mustangs vs.. Wingham Wednesday, March 5 MINOR HOCKEY MEETING - 8:00 P.M. AT WESLEY WILLIS CHURCH 2:00-3:30 p.m. Public Skating This Ad Courtesy of AND SONS LTD... N.yfl.ld Md. CLINVON 482 3400 PORTABLE OIL -FIRED HEATERS AVAILABLE AT H. LOBO AND SONS LTD. AND Hr LOBB AND SONS LTD. 11 Marion Smith is to look into the cost of a birthday calendar, and Shirley Storey read' the correspondence. The meeting closed with a reading ``Lone" by Lynda Steenstra. Lynda introduced her guest.::. speaker, Mrs.a Nellie Hoogendorn •'who spoke on the boat people. Mrs. Hoogendorn is a member of the Christian Reform Church who have two families living in Vanastra. The ladies were told how they went about renting houses and furnishings and getting them settled into their new •surrognddng and. new jobs. The families when they arrived, were taken to Nips restaurant in Clinton where they were fed a traditional Canadian treat, ham - burgs and french fries, not the traditional chinese dish. 1,VIrs. Hoogendorn was a very interesting speaker. Shirley Storey thanked her for coming and presented her with a gift of appreciation from the members. Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Shirley Storey. +++ The first meeting of the 4-H Holmesville 11 will be held at the home of Mrs. C. Br a nd on February 25. Any girl or boy being 12 by the est of March 1980,_ may._ Please call 482-7552. ' Mrs. Peg Ellis of London, sister of Blanche Deeves, spent the day at the Deevesiome HAROLD WISE LIMITED Overhead Clinton, Ontario • Underground ` Electrical Contracting, *Pole Line Construction Heat Pumps * Oil - Gas - Electric Heating * Refrigeration& Air conditioning " Sheet Metal Fabricating visit the WISE APPLIANCE CENTRE at 262 Hayfield Rd., Clinton 482-7062 FEATURING APPLIANCES BY -iJ CL1NTOpl NEWS.=RECORD,.T URSDA"Y, Annual EBRDA"Y 21, 19 PAGE 7 bonspiel playe Last Sunday, afternoon, the Vanastra Curling 'Club was the scene of the Annual Mason -Knights Darling banspiel, for which ' Knights and ' Masons gathered from an area including Stratford- - S.eaforth-Goderich and all points in between. This is the third year in a row that this event has taken place, much to the pleasure of both organization members, a carry, over of events from when Vanastra was known as'the Base. Every year the curling. gds better as does the sociability and next year, each organization con- cerned will be asked to provide a representative in the planning of the -occasion. All prizes were donated by willing donors. First prize went to Tom Eadie's rink which in- cluded Arnold Taylor, Larry McCabe, and Joe Tobin: Coming a close second- was the Bill Baxter rink which was composed of Claire McCue, Pat Jordan, and Frank Crawley: Coming third' was the rink composed of Ivan Walden,- Kip Crreen,: Ray Webb and Steve Durand. Jim Wrenni.ck," who is secretary of the Stratford. On Avon Shrine Ciub Leroy Harrison, who is Worshipful Master of the Goderich Masonic Lodge, and Andy Kelly, who is Grand Knight of the . Stratford Knights of Columbus, all voiced the same opinion that it was a tremendou§, day for both Masons altd Knights and all agreed that . next year's efforts would be expanded. Following the action on the ice, a "hip of, beef" dinner was enjoyed by all participants and ,guests, compliments of our ,chef Billy and the ladies of the°Curling Club. President of the Curling Club, Mery Falconer, expressed his thanks to the Masons and Knights; for having held .this annual event at the Vanastra' Club, and welcomed them. back for next year's gathering,._:._.._ Starting next Wednesday. February 27 for 10 weeks \ \ \ IMMEDIATE OPPORTUNITY Fast food franchise locution naw available in -CLINTON We have an excellent location in Clinton, and will provide complete training Dixie tee is an ALL CANADIAN company, specializing in Chicken and Seafood, with over 130 locations roast to coast For informati,pn contact: MR. BILL HUNT 959 FARNHAM PLACE LONDON, ONTARIO N6K 1 S8 fi ONLY. 9 DAYS LEFT to CASH IN on the BIG REBATE SALE ON McGEE'S USED CARS AND'TRUCKS See our full page ad in the Feb. 19 Huron Shopping News. All car prices advertised for comparison purposes. Till the end of the month of February, 1980 we will WRITE y oua REBATE CHEQUE equal to the amount of sales tax paid on the purchase of ANY USED VEHICLEmisis the sale where the USED CAR__ BUYER finally gets a BREAK! A Already we have paid back thousands of dollars during this, our biggest used car sale ever! SALES' HOURS: Monday to Thursday o to 9 Friday 9 to 6 . Saturday 9 to $ L o area purchasers 11. PONTIAC BUICK CADILLAC HAMILTON ST., GODERIUH. 524-8391 .!wy.o... ..diC.k 't M1