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Clinton News-Record, 1980-02-21, Page 2
PAGE 2, INTOI NE'V'a-RE 1RZ', THURSDAY, RUA.RY 21',1980 by peggy gibb ani ekes delicieUS, f;aattening and a tradition. for Pancake Tuesday. y Long associated with, Shrove Tuesday, the t e e'It e of Lent, the custon: was believed to? . have iii . England because the "p people desired to use up what. grease, lard; and silrnlar` forbidden goods their had. on hand before the.start of thO•relig ious six weeks 'of Lent.. Such pancake 'celebrating . is a mild form. of the hectic Mardi ° Gras in New Orleans and the famous Carnival in Rio de Janeiro. And while on the subjecir of : pancakes the Tolumrnn wishesto remind its -readers -of -the- -P_an--- cake and Sausage Break- fast being staged by the Clinton Beavers, Cubs and Scouts this coming Sunday, February 24 from 11:30 a.m. to 2;00 p.m. at the Clinton Legion Hall. Please see the advertisement in this week's paper. Some reader's who rerritIMt z*. ..this Visit to Clinton, In 1973 of Mr. Charles .Hayter of -Toronto with his inn,. personations of the Canadian , poet ''and author,, Robert, Service, will be interested to know that he is making a return trip with an engagexr.ent set for the , evening of April 30; Also,. on May 1 'there will' be a special showing for senior Citizens. Remember these dates for a "Taste of Robert Service" - an energetic one man slow by Charles Hayter. This week our riews -desk--received---copies -of the annual report 1979 of the Huron County Public Library in Goderich of which our own library is a branch. A few copies are on our display table, In the covering letter sent by William Par- tridge, Chief Librarian,, the following paragraph WISHES A HAPPY BIRTHDAY To Crystal Garrett Dean Brooks Jason Wilson Tina Bell_ Jennifer Kuntz Chris Bircham Julie Ann Merner Mark Wilkins Gregory Taylor Rachelle Burt John Bezaire Lynn Armstrong Dawn Merrier Peter Brand Travis Brown Cherie Carter Cheryl Taylor Clinton Clinton Clinton R.R. 2 Goderich R.R. 2 Bayfieid Clinton Clinton Clinton Clinton Clinton Seaforth Clinton Clinton Bayfield R.R. 6 Goderich Clinton Londesboro On February 21 February 21 February 21 February 22 February 23 February 24 February- 24 February 24 February 24 February _25 February 25 ' February 25 February 25 February 26 February 26 February 26 February- 2-7 ord office, 53 nd 'have your et your FREE lust come into the News-Rec Clinton or phone 487.3443 a name entered in the Birthday Book and g button. • /Written by Kathryn MacKay 'is of particular interest quote: "Somehatrons:.are'not aware of our service for the handlGaiped. Talking (book on, books .s tape for • visna, handiCa ..ed are PP a avaablewthrotigh any of our . Mown ' and village libraries. These books are P, borrowed from the collection at Midwestern Regional • Library System, Kitchener, A list of thesetitles are in our "Talking Book Ca"talogue." All of ' the branches have large print books for easier reading. We"have Westerns, mysteries, romances and some non-fiction. We are willing to send, books -by- >zia11 roil• w o s not able to get to any of our 28 branches." , This is a wonderful service. So many of us take our libraries for granted with hardly a thought for those who would dearly love the privilege. Now, through the planning of our Huron County Library it has become a reality. +++ The Summerhill Hall Board held their most successful card party of the winter season in the hall on February 8 with 12 tables in play. Winners were ladies' high, Betty Batty; " low, Hazel Watkins ;•, _..lone hands, Margaret Taylor; men's high, Keith Tyndall; low, George Wright; lone hands, Keith Tyndall. Lucky serviette, Mrs. Frank Riley; raffle, Keith Tyndall. The next card party will be held February 22 at 8: 30 p.m. Interesting historical notes for this week are: On February 18, 1941 Sir Frederick Banting, co - discoverer of insulin, was killed in an airplane crash. And on February 23, 1893 the first Stanley Cup was awarded for amateur hockey to the Montreal AAA's. Later it became the top award for professional hockey. Smile One winter morning, the man heard his neigh- bor trying unsuccessfully to start her car. He went outside and asked: "Did you try choking it?" "No," she replied, gritting her teeth, "but.I sure felt like it." • BEAVERS SCOUTS NEW$..by. Mary Freeman The Beavers" Cubs and Sco tW be an Gu ide Scout Week with a highly successful bake sale last Saturday. Special thanks to the smothers who contributed - of their time and baking so P genefaoggly, also to Edith Falconer, Anna Stirling and Wonnetta Holland for 11 the additiotal. baking The artistic talents of the boys from Scouting and the.. iris front Guiding. have been placed in various window displaysthroughout town .to Cerebrate ' the 70th anniversary of the movement's founding •lin Canada. A reminder to parents that all boys are to meet at the St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Rattenbury Street East,' Clinton, on Sunday, February 24 at 9:40 a.m", in full uniform for the church parade. Afterwards, to accommodate those parents who will be unable to pick up their, children until 12 noon, a film will be shown in the basement of the church from I1 a.m. to 12 noon, . After that join usfor the Pancake and Sausag Brunch at the Canadian Legion Hall from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Advance tickets are now on sale. from any member of Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. Adults $2.50, children $1.50, children under five 50 cents. BEAVERS- There was an excellent turnout of parents Wednesday night at the Beaver tail ceremony and Valentine party. Tu Tai presented the Beavers in kindergarten and grade one with new coloured tails representing their growth and development in the colony. The Beavers in grade two have lightning bolts drawn on their white tails to indicate they will soon become members of the Wolf -Cub 'pack. Male leaders are very beneficial to any boys group and the Beaver Colony has three newly invested this year. -Garry Elliott is "Hawkeye", John Hay.is "Rusty" 'and Rick Humphrey is "Malak". n CUBS; The Tawny Star group were completely in charge of the planning of the Wolf -Cubs Valentine party and from all reports did an outstanding job. Following games and valentine -.crafts, the Cubs were presented with badges: Devon Colquhoun - skaters, music and team players.; John Levis - woodsman; David Jones - team players. Red Star group received their badges: Scott Brown, James Crawford, Daryl Hemmingway, David Jones, David Deichert, Paul Caldwell,` William Guse, Brian. Kiss, Ricky Lobb, Devon Colquhoun., Billy Hoskin, Steven Lippincott, Gavin McClenaghan, Jason Beddow and. Kevin Clogg. In addition, David Andrews, Jeff Brown and Kevin Martin also displayed their rain gauges. Refreshments were served and a special thanks to the Tawny Star Group for an enjoyable party and to Barry Clogg for donating his time to the colony. SCOUTS: The Clinton Scout Troop toured the O.P.P. station in Goderich on Monday, February 11 as part of their Citizenship Badge requirement for,the Bronze Level. It was a vel ' nteresting and informative evening as the boys ?lear �,ed'the day to°day routine of the operation. -The t couta also experienced first hand what it feellike to be locked up in a cell and how fingerprinting is done. This week the Father and Son (Parent and,, Son) Banquet is being held for the Scouts at Wesley -Willis United Church, Friday night,February 22 at 7 p.m. - Saturday is the Cross Country Ski Day or snowshoeing day, as the case may be, depending upon what equipment the boys have available. Sunday will round out the week as the Scouts join with other groups of the Scouting -Guide movement for the church parade CUBS'. ernem er Guide -Scout week lirownics Here you finders are the newest, more about today*s girt. seen a Brownie today? . member. of girl Guides. Take so.ii�ne time to talk to Brownies are . the They are girls 12 to 15 a T Brownie. Guide ,or youngest members of theears. h. . , Years. T _ eir Program pathfinder. .Guiding "fatally",. The started izli Se temb r^ ° 'When Guidiri began in ,, �" 1' e B 8 are today's busy, active 1079. The Pathfinder Canada in 1910, the aim of girls ,� who. will be program offers girls the the- 'organization inspired tomorrows busy,active o ortunit� toyoung m F� Y make y g women across. the citizens, decisiohs, to share country to "join the This is Guide -Scout leadership, to adventure movement. Since that Week in Cana a.•,loo for into si. d _ ok o a wide range of time, the world has seen ,o Brownie's smile and discovery: manychanges, and so smile back, You could find 'a 'Path* have the Girl Guides. A • Guides Guiding finder doing almost . recent t r -.... d this. g g.� n a war ing of provides fun_ and 'o .- anything from in- at hascaptured , .� ym apttir the portunities to learn about terviewing the mayor to. essence of Guiding, today: the world. The program . participating in a • "The p �' �. � g. , Tl� • Alin:. of the Girl includes everything from wilderness adventure to Guides of, Canada outdoor activities to knowing how to handle Guides du Canada is to n • C oal In uni ty service') emergency situations.at provide • Opportunities projects. home: or out-of-doors, designed to help girls Girl Guides- invite you Take time to get to know become responsible, to become better more about Pathfinders resourceful , and happy acquainted with, there. during Guide -Scout members of society." Celebrate Guide -Scout Week, The World Association Week with them.. Girl Guides of Canada. of Girl Guides and Girl > "- Pathitinder's,-Fath.. inviteau to find "out --Scouts— er seven b Yt" and one half million. members in 98 countries.. Guiding has four World - Centres.. Our Chalet in Switzerland, Olive House in England, Our Cabana ,i Mexico . andS n a . n 1Ke X o a � trli in India, Besides welcoming visitors, these centres offeractivities ranging from skiing a to h. n dicrafts. DO youknow? Try to say this, "The sixth sick she&k s.. sixth sheep's sick." If you can manage to say that, then, according to the Guiness World Book of Records, you've conquered the most difficult tongue- twister'.•Now, try to say it Illustrated by Pamela H. Tate A Place for Kids Make a Document Sometimes sou mar he plavtng a game where You need an old and official looking document A document Is a piece of paper that proses something I xplorers need documents to prove that they are captains of ships House owners need documents to prove they own their house It's easy to make paper look yellow and brittle as if it were a hundred sears old To make paper "look old you need I, paper a ballpoint pen I a cup of coffee or tea i)irections: I Write your document wrth a ballpoint pen You can sav anything You like in your document 2 PUT the plug in a sink Pour the coffee or tea Into the sink and vrlak your document until it t,ccomcs brown V Hang up the document to dry When it does It will look very old and vert official n Skaters plan for carnival Saturday, February. 1;6 was a busy schedule on the ice -as all groups are working seriously for the carnival on March 7. We are pleased we were able to get Lorri Baler and Lloyd Eisler'. from the Mitchell and Seaforth,Clubs to skate at r our show. They are Silver Medalists of the Canadian Senior Pair. On Thursday, Feb. 28 the Club is hosting the second part of a Seminar for skaters who have passed their Preliminary Figures. The following is a list of the competitors who will be attending the Inter- club Competition in Stratford on Sunday, March 2. Good luck everyone! Novice dance, Dutch and Canasta, Jim Crawford and Shannon Preszcator; Kim Gook and. Jennifer Wood; Lisa Robinson arid Lorelei Robinson; Intermediate Dance, Fourteenstep and Foxtrot or European, Susan Howells and Linda Sav-il;e (Stratford); Junior ladies free skate, Mary Gibson, Judy Johnston, K -fm Cook; Senior ladies free skate, Brenda Dupee, Marg Dupee, Peggy Jones. •Junior dance, fiesta and willow, Karen Cook and Mary Gibson, Lori Consitt and , Lorelei Robinson; Senior dance, Tango, .Rocker, American, Brenda and Marg Dupee, Peggy Jones and Shelley Mid- dleton; Intermediate ladies free. skate, Susan How -IIs. Clinton Electric © White Westinghausc 4 +Futte cEirtt Appliances Soles and Service APPLIANCE REPAIRS ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE 90 ALBERT ST. 482-3646 INSURANCE GAISER-KNEALE INSURANCE AGENCY INC. Insurance - Real Estate _.., . -investments Isaac St., Clinton Phone Office 482-9747 Len Theedoin 482-7994 Hal Hartley 482-3693 C. Burema 482 -3287 - APPLIANCE and REFRIGERATION REPAIR SERVICE Jim Broadfoot 482-70321 Lloyd Garland FURNITURE REFINISHING AND UPHOLSTERY • • Corner 5th Avenue and • Halifax St., Vanastra • Phone 482-9576 BILL'S APPLIANCE SERVICE Repairs to all makes of major appliances. CALL: BILL DARRELL, CLINTON 482-9022 JOHN WISE GENERAL INSURANCE— GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS Clinton Office.:482-9644 Res.;482-7265 OPTOMETRY JOHN LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth 527-1240 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday; Friday 9:00-5:30 Saturday __ __-9:0042:00 Closed Wednesday BY APPOINTMENT • Free parking on premises R.W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square. GODERICH 524-7661 ELECTRIC s Ott r,cotiNotCONC. elect ,, wetr`I ttitag.• ECONOMY QUALITY • SERVICE "Big jobs or small, We guarantee them all." 482-7374 CLINTON DECORATING ecorat►n9 td 33 Huron St., Clinton Box 337, Clinton NOM 1L0 482-9542 529-7939 Paints. Stains, Min Wax products, Wall coverings, Draperies, Floor Sanding, Texturing Interior & Exterior Contracting ' FREE ESTIMATES EL INJECTION EQUIPME THE COACH HOUSE TRAVEL SERVICE 59 HAMILTON ST. GODERICH 524-8366 OPEN: Monday -Friday 9:00-5:30 Closed Saturdays during June,July, Aug. FULLY APPOINTED FOR BUSINESS OR PLEASURE TRAVEL AREA CODE 519 482-7971 DAYFIELD ROAD, A'950CI,o TION CJ F' DIESEL SPECIAUS1`S P.O. BOX 788 CLINroN, ONTARIO NOM ILO TELEVISION AND STEREO 215 VICTORIA ST, CLINTON • 482-7021 MAGNAVOX -PHILIPS - SHARP-OPTONICA Colour T.V. and Audio Components Sales and Service CHANNEL MASTER= --DELHI T.V. & F.M. Antenna Systems GROVES T.V. AND APPLIANCE CENTRE 10 HURON ST., CLINTON 482-9414 *ADMIRAL *McCLARY Appliances *'SHARP T.V. and Microwave Ovens *JENN-AIR Built-in Cooking Systems Laundry and Built-in Appliances *CHANNEL -MASTER .AND DELHI Antenna Systems "We s*rvica what we sell" ACCOUNTING TR! TOWN BOOKKEEPING AND COMPUTER SERVICE Complete Business Ser- vice quarterly._ half- yeeriy, yearly. Also Farm. and :Individual/ Service. LAWRENCE BEANE ROBERT PALING 52 Huron St;, Clinton PHONE 482-3524 Durst, Vodden & Bender CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS BOX 758 52 HURON STi. CLINTON 482-7979 37 West Street Goderich, Ontario 524-2011 NLcli>Gillivray • Associates TGoderich) Limited ELECTRONIC DATA _PRO:CESSLNG -Abri,-- COMPUTER SERVICES In-house computer providing cash disbursements ledger, cash receipts lodger. accounts receivable, financial statemen- ts, time and charges and specialized reports. 40 THE SQUARE GODERICH 524-2677 AUCTIONEER tr D. L. VAN PATTER Auctioneer Huron County No. 165 Specializing .in antique and estate consignments NO RESERVES! NO BUY BACKS CALL COLLECT' ZURICH 236-4547 PHOTOGRAPHY James Fitzgerald Photography Clinton • 10 years experience • Weddings, passports • Family portraits in your home 4i9,9502 or 482-389U MORE NEWS..:MORE FEATURES