HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-02-14, Page 25Kinsrnen
*from page 3
minor Hockey. DaY.
.1959,.6p President«.Dou Epps
Wee' Bali Team to win a WOAA
Baseball championship. •
1963-64 President: Bill Chowen
Donated $200 . to Retarded 'Don Kay and Gord Grigg appointed
Children's Association. Donated $200 to a committee to investigate the
to complete plans for final phase of posibiUty of constructing a new •
1 the new Community swimming Pool, •"- aninunity Centre. The club
The Clinton Kinsmen undertook the • Promdtect Past Dep. Governor Mait _
task to construct a home on Matilda . Edgar as candidate for Governor for
Street to . give a. family that was District No. 1. Maltwas elected at
burned out a new start in life. At the Sarnia. Bob Mann was also•a winner
zone conference in 1900 our Club won • at Sarnia winning the Gordflarbinson.
- 'the Sinclair Award for this project. Speaking Trophy. "
Our baseball team in the Local
Industrial League lost out. to the 1964-65 President: Tom Feeney
Legion. -• A trust fund of $1;300 profits from
Annual Stag to be set aside for con -
1960,41 president: Ken Scott tribution towards he.
Authorized a gift of $200 to the Lions Centre. Most of the club members
Club to help .pay for a new .motor were kept busy aiding Governor°Mait
needed . for the artificial ice plant. Edgar as District Eecutive member
.Mait Edgar Succegfully elected as and as travelling mates. District
Deputy Governor of Zone B. Danny 4 -------Officers: Co -Ordinator, Don Kay,
Colquhoun voted "Kinsman -of -the- treasurer, Andy Petersen; Bulletin
Year" for Zone B. First Stag Night Editor, Frank Cook; secretary, Bill
free smorgasbord -lunch. Don. Kay formation, Clarence Denomme ;
won Kinsman -of -the -Year Award for World.Council, Gord Grigg.
District No. 1. Clinton won MA for the
Buggy • Race of over 22 miles to 1965-66 President: Andy Peterson
Wingham . Many club members appointed to a
committee to construct a new
r961.62 President: - Clarence Commu,nity Centre. Donated first
Denomme $2,000 to start funds for the new
Many members who were taught by building.
George Jefferson cenducted a skit of
events that happened to the Kinmen
members when they were students.
The club appointed two members to
the newly. formed Clinton Athletic
Association. Tom Feeney won Kin-
sman -of -the -Year Award 'at District •
Convention in Kitchener. Mayor
Miller told a tall tale at "Wingham
Trade Fair" to win the club $50. '
1966-67 President: Dave -Bat
All members and Kinettes helped to
raise over $1,000 to helP park cars and
take tickets at the gates at the.
International Plowing Match held in
Seaforth. Sold and planted ap-
proximately forty centennial trees
throughout the town during
1962-63 President: Frank Cook 1967-68 President: Bob Mann
Purchased a $420.00 recovery bedDonated $2,700 for a P.A. system for
for •the new wing in the Hospital.. the Arena. Dave Beattie ran suc-
Sponsored a Kinsmen Talent Contest. cessfully for Deputy Governor of the
Donated $650._ to help. the Recreation Zone B.
Committee supply equipment for two
new parks -:-Alma Grove and Hugh
Hawkins Memorial Park-. , 2nd *Pee
-111h416,19Trifene don't have any beefs about the plate
full of,meat they received from master cutter Paul Kerrigan, at theillinsmen's
second annual beef barbecue held last Saturday. The event which Included a
dance attracted over 800 and Kinsmen made about $4,000 on the project
(News -Record photo)
Raceway. Assisted in the. helping
.sponsor the first Clinton Winter
Carnival. Supplied school crossing
guards with,stop signs.
1969-70 President: Steve Brown
Celebrated the Kinsmen 50th
Anniversary along with the other
14,000 from the other 430 clubs.
Installed a hardball diamond and
dugouts. Built two horse barns,
judge's stand and para mutuel
building at the Community Centre.
1970-17 President:• Don Hall
Constructed $3,000 worth of fencing,
sodded hardball diamond and con-
tinued work on the raceway facilities
at the Community Cenire.
1968-69 President: Larry Jones
This year started the Kinsmen 1971-72 President: Al Finch '
Clinton club has followed creed
"Meeting our community's greatest need" has
always been the creed set down and followed all-
over Canada, and over the past 28 years, the Kin -
men Club of Clinton has•tried to follow that creed,
making service to the Clinton and area community
their foremost thought..
Over the years, the hundreds of members that
have gone through the Clinton Kinsmen Club have
donated literally thousands of lours towards
community projects, whether it was helping a
needy family at Christmas, raising money from the
minor sports system, moving senior citizens into
new quartets,•or raising money to aid research into
that deadly childhood disease, Cystic Fibrosis.
Right from the. very first year of their Charter in
1952, the Clinton Kinsmen lived up to their creed,
and one of their first deeds wasto donate a fracture
frame to the ClintonPublic Hospital.
Ironically, nearly 25 years later, the club was
helping the Hospital again, this time by donating
their time and monies to help save the hospital from
_ _ closure in 1976.
In between, the Clinton Kinsmen have par-
ticipated in literally hundreds of other community
projects, and along the way enjoyed the fun and
companionship of the Kinsmen Club too.
In 1977, the Kinsmen 'were just as active as
always, deterthined to keep the Clinton Raceway
open in spite of a serious setback when the
government condemned- the grandstand at the
Clinton Community Park and thus closing down one
of the Club's main money making projects, and a
major summer employer,in the town.
The Clinton Kinsmen agreed to bear the complete
re§ponsibility of financing and constructing a new
grandstand at a cost of $250,000 and as they sat
down to their 25th anniversary supper, the gran-
dstand was well on its way to completion before the
Spring Fair which starts on June 3 and the harness
races, which start on June 26.
Well, the Kinsmen finished that grandstand, and
by the fall of 1979, they had paid the whole debt off
while at the same time still supporting a number of
other projects, including the Cystic Fibrosis
Foundation with money raised from.Jheir canoe
race; the minor hockey and ball p/ograms with
money raised from the fall stags; the arena floor
fund in 1978 and 1979 with the beef barbecues and
the Las Vegas nights; the high school tennis courts;
and -now in 1980, the -swim -ming potirTtrnd to -replace
Clinton's old swimming pool.
There have been many service projects in the last
28 years and the Kinsmen hope to serve the district
another 28 years and play just as important a role to
those in the community who need the help the most.
Covered in horse barns at raceway
and spent $16;000 installing floodlights
on the hardball 'diamond. Helped
move families into Senior Citizens
1972-73 President: Doug Norman
$6,250 was donated to add
washrooms at the Community Centre.
The first year of operating a beer tent
in conjunction with the fair board at
the Spring Fair. Donated wilkie-
talkie.td the Fire Department.
1973-74 President: Ron Jewitt
Paved the area around the Pari-
Mutuel. Passed a Motion, to donate
$5,000 to the Ausable-Bayfield Con-
servation Association for im-
provement of their park at the edge of
1974-75 President: Gary Jewitt
picnic pavilion is being built at
.the Bayfield;Ausable Park.
Celebrated Robbie Burns' Birthday -
with 'Lions Club. Clinton Centennial
celebrations this year. Projects have ,
included 1. CNIB canvass; 2. helped
Sell tickets for Vanastra pool lottery;
3. support for minor hockey and
helping senior citizens move.
1975-76 President Arnold Riley
The Las Vegas night for the Clinton
Turn to page 7 •
Charter members
Tommy Bangs
Doug Bartliff
Perc Brown
George Buckley
1 Dan Colquhoun
Frank Cook
Bob Fetcher
Gord Grigg
J. K. Grisd-a-le
John Henry
Gord Herman
Trev lanson
George Irwin
+ Don Kay
° Max McCarter
Pete McCauley
' Frank Mc Ewan
Hank McEwan
George Rumball
Stew Schoenals
Ken Scott _
Frank Speaight
Cam Whittington
+ Deceased)
Congratulations and continued
success. to the Kinsmen
From Douiliormin at...
- floor fpshionf3
54 King Stro9t, Clinton
(Jul opposite the Pert Office)