HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-02-14, Page 20PA 2 NTOWS-R, COR fi► TI UR AY, RRIJAR14,,1910 BAYFIELD AGRICULTURAL I SOCIETY - General Meeting, Thursday, Feb. 21, 1980 at 8 p,m. Municipal Building. The fondly of Dort avid Leata' Shanahan,; Lindsay invites 'friends and relatives to celebrate their .'25th ,wedding an- niversary on February 16 at 8 p.m. at Moose Lodge, 40 Lindsay SC .S., Lind- say, -*7'* EUCHRE PARTY, Varna Township Hall, 8:30 pm, Friday, February 15, sponsored by L.O.L. 1035. Ladies bring sandwiches. gveryone welcome. -*7 FESTIVAL SINGLES Dance, Friday, February 15,° Victorian Inn, Stratford. Dancing 9:00 to 1:00. Welcome all singles over 25. No blue jeans. -7 CARD PARTY - I.O.O.F. ' and Rebekahs Lodge Hall, Princess St., Clinton, Thurs., Feb. 21 at 8 p.m. Ladies please bring lunch. Everyone welcome. -7,6 'BEAVERS -CUBS- SCOUTS - BAKE SALE Saturday, Feb. 16 - 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Clinton Town Hall. Also special bake table for kiddies' purchases, Coffee and donuts, white elephant table. -7 WORLD DAY. of Prayer to be held Friday,.Marclw 7, at 2 pm First Baptist. Church, Huron St., -Clinton. Guest speaker Rick Brown. -7 • THE .. FAMILY' OF j e Hun ;,.and Janet I -I nking cordially', invite friends and neighbours to help celebrate the 25th wed- ding anniversary of their parents on Feb. 16;1'980. Best wishes'ony.,7 THE SCHOOL SHOW by Ted Johns is back! Blyth Memorial Hall, Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 25 and 26,•8:00 p.m. Tickets;$5..00 adult, $4.00 senior citizens, $3.00 children. Write Blyth Centre for the Arts, -Box 291,-BITh Phone 523-9300 or (523- 96Z6,6-8 HORTICULTURAL Society bus trip, Wed., Feb. 27, leaving from Murphy's 8 am. More seats available due to the addition of another bus. For reservations call 482- 3879.-7 CLINTON PROGRESSIVE CON- SERVATIVE COM- MITTEE ROOMS are now open , Monday to Thursday and Saturday (10-12 am) (1-5 pm), Fridays (10-12 am) (1-5 pm) (7-9 pm). Phone 482- 7815. Located at 8 King St., Clinton (previously The Wedge clothing store) :---6, lar BINGO every Tuesday Et. B . vanin .. ,at Vanastra Centre RR'Clinton, 8 p,m. First regular card, $1,00, 15 regular $15 games, three share-the- wealth. hare-the- wealth. Jackpot $200.00 must go' Admission. restricted t©;16.y. ears and over. 52#ar • CLINTON' Stars on Ice Presented by Clinton Figure `.Ik g Skating B Club , Friday, March -7, 1980 at Clinton Arena at 8 pin. Advance, tickets,: adults $2.50, children. (14 and under) $1.00; a_ t the door, adults $3,00, children $1.50.. Everyone welcorne.R-7.9 PANCAKE SUPPER, Varna United Church, on Tuesday, Feb. 19 from 4:30 to 7:30 pm. Adults $3.50, children $1.50. Preschoolers free. -7 COFFEE PARTY -- Come and join us for a morning cup of coffee at the Ontario Street Church parlor on Thursday, May • 15, 9:30 - 11:30 am. Also sale of baking, sewing and miscellaneous items. Sponsored by the Afternoon Unit. -7x HURON COUNTY FAMILY PLANNING project invites yen to attend Family Planning Clinic every Thursday from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm at Huron County Health Unit, Shipley St., Clinton. Counselling 'and medical services pxrovided. .. g Counsellin ; on Billings o, S (natural family plan- ning) available first Thursday of each mon- th. owar THE HURON County H.ealth`Unit invites you to attend the Child Health, Clinic,held at the Health. unit office, Shipley Street, Clinton on Friday, February 15, 1980 from 9:30 - 11:30 am for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3.. Immunization 4. Hearing Screening 5.---. Vision Screening 6. Fluoride brushing for ages 3 to 5 By I recbu:'� n busy with darts, euchre and The week's activity, began with the customary' men's euchre night on Tuesdaywith 13 g tables in action. For the secondweek in a. row, . Loni Matthews came up' 'with the high score of 88. Most lone, hands went to Greg Burns with 7, while the low score of 49 was • •achieved'by Pat Higgins. Thursday, evening, about 80 participants, were in attendance as the RR5, crew captained by Garnett Harland were busily engaged in running endue cicsort, in Blyth concert the bingo-. Our Comrade Porter, who is the normal team captain for the RR5, crew, was off to'Srar -a for , another eye operation. Hope to see you back in action soon. Comrade .Ede Winning. the $200 jackpot was Betty Ann Bell, It was afull crew out for the mixed darts session last. Thursday evening. The high couple was Phyllis Butler and C hes Hi don. High man for the .. evening's play was Doug MCIsaan who had a •174 score, the highest score so far this season,. High lady was Rosemary Armstrong with' a 100 score. Low couple for the evening was, Brenda Atkinson and Art :1tisetey. While .our usual Friday TGIF was taken place in g our tower lounges, . ,. the Pro resS*Ve Con- serve ive Part ` election cenacrn t it e. hosted' e e danceand social evenin g in our auditorium, It was a full house and a pleasant cheerful. evening .for all those who at- tended. , , On Saturday evening, our newly formed Optimist Club of Clinton. held�a dance in: our, auditorium, again it was a full housd and a suc- cessful start for the and we wish them 111 slicceis in ' future ;deave s, A thank-yo1 the for ba weekend who volunte their services: .Mary Percy $r. oWn on Fri BUS TO N.H.L. games in Detroit from January 26 to April 5. For more in- formation call United Trails 527-1222.---47tfAR CLINTON Legion Bingo every Thursday 8 p.m. First' regular card A restricted. to 1.6 years or over. 15 regular games of $15. 45 least on split. Many other sPecials. Jackpot $200 'must go .eachweek.--20tfar' Sweetheart's Sunday Special SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 17 Grilled ROAST DUCK with orange sauce Both with your choice of mashed or french fried potatoes, turnip and . peas, and including soup_..or.juice, complimentary trip to our salad bar; roll, tea or coffee. Dessert -your choice of pie: CHILDREN WELCOME . $ 61 5 CHILDREN'S PORTIONS AVAILABLE - Custard Cup 2 miles south of Clint'on`on Hwy. No. 4 at Vanastra Rd. 482-9896 where the action is! Dancing six nights a week - 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Now appearing at the Elm Haven EXOTIC DANCERS Continuous Shows - Monday - Saturday use our RECREATION CORNER Billiard Table - Pinball Machine ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL HIGHWAY S WEST, CLINTON year ar WHITE CARNATION HOLMESVILLE Presents "MYSTERY TRAIN" Sat., Feb. 23rd Dancing 9:30.• 1:00 a.m. Adrpission - '2.50 per person. Reservations not required. Everyone welcome. Dinner -Dance Packages 8 late night buffet available. TELEPHONE 482-9228 AFTER HOURS 524-4133 Western Ontario will get a rare treat on March 5 when one of Canada's premier pianists presents a concert ' at Blyth Memorial Hall.. John Hendrickson, a brilliant Montreal -born pianist who now resides in Edmonton will per- form the music of Scarlatti, Beethoven, Chopin, Archer, Rahc- maninoffand Ravel in his local concert. The con- cert is part of a Canadian tour sponsored by the `Alberta Foundation for the Performing Arts and the Western Canada Lottery and preceeds Mr. Hendrickson's leaving for the Arthur Rubenstein PANCAKE --. and • SAUSAGE BREAKFAST Sponsored by Clinton Beavers, Cubs & Scouts SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24 11:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at Clinton Legion Hall on Kirk St. ADVANCED TICKETS AVAILABLE NOW FROM ANY BEAVER CUB OR SCOUT ADULTS: '2.50 CHILDREN: '1.50 FIVE & UNDER: 50c Now Clinton and Seaforth Have it foo! A FILM PROCESSING STORE Just like in the city! -AND YOU GET ALL THIS -le COLOR PRINTS F:4SrER rHAN 2 DA I, SERVICE EXCEPTION A► ..... . QU A1.11Y 3 Slit OPTION CHOICE Of • PRIN1 SURF ACE from*, *FILM *NEGATIVES *SLIDES_l LEAVE `/OIJR FILMS HERE We use Kodak paper. For the good look. ALL PRINTS QUALITY CONTROL INSPECTED. • •o h lv CLEAR DETAIL J RESIN COATED PAPER •Foto Pros develops most films right in our own plant •Passport Photos while you wait •Frames *Photography •Cameras •New Negatives RICH COLOR SAIURp'710N PRINTED - "HUMAN OPERA TED MACH/NE FULL PROFESSIONAL CORNERS IN CLINTON: At the lights, 15 Albert Street IN -SEA ORfl1: In the Rafhwell & Associates • Building, Main Street 114 ccornpetition-in'lr�--strat�ror�-vrith--chant---of Aviv, Israel. Such international competitions are nothing new for Mr. Hendrickson. He first made headlines in 1975 at the IX Inter- national Chopin Com- petition in Warsaw, Poland when he was. awarded the Johnson Prize by the Warsaw Critics although he was not one of the seven finalists an act' that ac- cording to Warren O'Reilly writing in Clavier Magazine "became the `scandale' of the competition. His appearance provoked cheers or a demon Illir Hendrick -son!" -Music Opinion is quoted as saying "Hendrickson's ommission frorn the list (of _winners) posted before the finals caused a near riot." Since this competition he has twice returned to Poland with great suc- cess. Use of a grand piano has been donated for this concert by Heintzman of Hanover. Tickets at $4.50 for - adults and $3 for students are now available from the Blyth Centre for the Arts box office, Box 291, Blyth or by phoning 523- 9300 or 523-9636. • IJA -This is erssi evening of Wine. Din Come and enjoy a su enjoy live entertain night by the renow ehestra. Dinner stag p,m. Dress is optiona '5.00 cover charge. S- ART BRING A1w< Come, relax i On thea•aytoaparty your friends and r anvtime...noon to m fully licenced' under For reservations phone 524-2191 Nestled in E kilometres eas County Row HARRISON STONEHOUSE ANTIQUE; CLINTON PAY HIGH PRICES FOR SII COINS, GOLD COINS AND ANYTHII OF GOLD OR SILVER. WE PAY THESE HIGH PRICES FOR CANADIAN SILVER CI SILVER DOLLARS 1967 OR BEFORE $1 DIMES 1966 OR BEFORE - DIMES 1967 . QUARTERS 1966 OR BEFORE QUARTERS 1967 ........:........... 504 PIECES 1967 OR BEFORE OLYMPICS S WE BUY ALL 1976 ISSUES, SERIES 1-7 WE PAY HIGH PRICES FOR ALL 77 le ,14lik '/L WE BUY FC • Dutch • Ge • French •M and all othe -We .pay cash silver or Euro silver, spoons, forks, knives, plates, trays, tea ca Blest .cks, jewellery etc. regardless of conditii -We pay cash for any g rings, bracelets, Jewell regardless of condition or quantity•' ti rf� REMEMBERt'1i1fE BUY 1. Foreign Paper Money 2: Foreign Coins 3. World Gold Coins 4. Collector's U.S. Paper Money 5. Collector's Canadian Money 6: Newfoundland Silver and Gold Coins 7. Alt U.S.! Coins 8. Olympic Gold and Silver Coins * NO COLLECTION IS T ;jj► i CONDITIC 1. All Items bought and pt 2. Duo to market fluctut bullion items aro subject prices guaranteed for the 3. All toins and stomps mt in our opinion. In order fo 4. Seller musf beat least 1 00 SMALL OR LARGE FOR OUR CONSIDERATION. PLEASE DO NOT CLEAN C * TELEPHONE INQUIRIES INVITED * FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, SPECIAL APPOINTMEr YOUR HOME MAY BE MADE ' HARRISON STONEHOUSE ANTIQUES PHON Open: i DAYS A WEEK 10 a.m.. 6 p.rrt. t Open Sunday 12rnoon .. 6 pent, LOCATED 2.8 MILES EA FROM 1'HE STOP