HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-02-14, Page 16PAGE 1� rO COR.1, ThU SDAY,, P'EBRUA y 14, 19 444, 24 It• to A ggel Ar. 5rr 'odiptc :f 961.1 '.etgr 4 Articles for sale 1972 F01,0MUST MUSTANG 35/ (Cleveland)., •'V8 atltontate, -Power steering and brakes, 4' Chrome slotted magi-, 2.,new Firestone Super Sport 50's, thrt 4 mu#t`ler, - ExceAent. • running Condition,, Best Offer, Phone Goderich 524- • 9293,,-4t is • FP mitlr W._ N 49- it/ tiK,rs CRAIG autumatio. return cagsette tape deck Toil' oar, Like new condition. $125,00. Phone 524-9265 after 5 p,nx .---4tfnc Real ,estate for sale 7, 'Real estate for sale 7 ,Realestate for sale state for,sale' 9 Accommodation tc► renit. Clinton News-Recoi'(1 CLASSIFIED: ADVER '•ISING RATES ,.DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads .... ... Tuesday Noon Disp�a Advo si 9- Tuesdttiv i - , RATES: '3,:0.0 for first 22 words ('2.50 if paid -within ono wee"( of publication). Additional words 14' each. Different rates apply to classifications 19, 20 and 30. Box number '2.00 extra per week. 'Engagement and wedding announ- cements'4.50. CLASSIFICATIONS GENERAL ELECTRIC Record Player, ,Harvest- • Gold; new n 'edle. Ideal far den. or teenager's . room. $75.00. Phone 524-9265 after 5 p.1n.-,-4tfnac HUBBAR'D GOLDEN. COMETS, top quality brown egg layers, 20 weeks old, available • March 7th. Leghorns available im- mediately. -Or-ders also accepted for heavy "Meat King" cockerels, day old for ..._Spring delivery. Phone McKinley Hatcheries. 1-800- 265-8536.-5,6,7,8,9 -800- 265-8536.-5,6,7,8,9 i0' x 33' OFFICE unit for sale or rent; new and used mobile homes for Sale. Phone 482-7066.-+6,7 SET, OF coffee table and, two end tables; large 20" Hoar fan; Remington typewriter platform rocker; ladies manual, bike; pool and ping pong table, balls and cues; fireside tools; eight three hour lire logs; baby walker, swing -o -uratic, large_ 'crib and mattress, large stroller. Phone 524-9916.-7 SYLVANIA "SUPERSET" 20" colour TV (portable) 8 months old cost 5612.90 new. Will sell for4 best offer. Trilight •lamp (like new) and various ceramic pieces .,and. paint. Phone 262-2628, after 5 p.m. -7 CRISP JUICY APPLES, $3;50 a bushel and up. Fresh cider, red and white potatoes and honey at Art Bells Fruit Farm. Closed Mondays and Thursdays. Phone 524- 8037.-2tfar UNDERWOOD Menu,al Typewriter in good working order. $75. Phone 482- 9329.-7 - BOOKS - Tapes' and Records at BTR. Isaac St. Clinton. We go to Toronto once a week for special orders. Phone 482- 3631.-7,8 DRAPES - four panels 7 ft. 8 inches long by 12 ft. wide, green and gold antique satin, lined, readyto hang, ex- cellent condition. Phone 482- 9486..-=7 OUR JANUARY SALE has brought in lots of used spin washers, wringer washers, fridges and stoves. Contact Drysdale. Major Appliance Centre 262-2728 Hen - sail. -lar NEW MATTRESSES Everyda``y Prices Lower Than Most Sales 40 DINETTE SUITES - of Wood and Chrome C & E Furniture NEW AND USED '/t mile south on hwy. 21 Godarlch 524-7231 We Take Trades 'ANASTi IRA HOME . J?. FURNISHINGS 2 miles south of Clinton on Highway 14o. 4 (• t ' x� 1 ref' i- ,..". *NEW OR USED I, HOME FURNISHINGS i •APPLIANCES 1 l *LAWN ORNAMENTS i Open: 6 days a week 482-7922 S 1. Articles for sale 2. Mobile Homes 2 1. Slimmer Ete,orr. • 1. Articles fo.r runt 4. Articles %%anted 5. Cat%, truc k% for sale (,. Pets F • Real estate for sale 71. Recreational 8. Real estate ss anted '1. t c ommodatiun to rent '1 1. I'rooert) for liens 1(;e neral) 10, 11 anted to rent ' 11. Room and hoard 12: Help %%,Tnted .. 11. 11 anted 1gen.t-ra1) 14, -1 tnplo' mint %%anted PHONE 13. Tenders 16. Mortgages 1'. Auction Sales 18. Services available 19. Notice to creditors 20. Public notice 11. Personal 22. Lost and found 11. .Miscellaneous 24. Business opportunitie' 15. To give assay 26. Births 2'. Deaths. 28. Engagements 'I. Marriages 1.0. In memoriam 131. lards til -thanks 482-3443 'AFAP"LA E REAL ESTATE. C'D. REALTOR 53Main $t., Exeter phone 235.0541 BRICK BEAUTY 3 bedroom home In ex- canent condition. Large living room and diningroorn. Sharp kit- chen plus summer kit- chen. Two . baths, car- peting throughout. Large, well -landscaped. lot. CLINTON OLDER 2 STOREY - brick home, 3 bedrooms. din.ingroom, Iivingroom, large kitchen, sunporch, on large lot. BRUCEFIELD 11/2 storey, 3 bedroom, large kitchen -and living room, Targe lot. BOB THOMAS Clinton 482.3096 Exeter 235-0541 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. 3. Articles for rent FORMAL RENTALS - Dress up! Go formal! We have the complete Wedding Service at Campbell's Men's Wear Main St., Clinton (Formerly Pickett and Campbell's Ltd.)-14tf PLYWOOD forms, wedges, mixer power trowel • etc. Form ties stocked. For in- formation call M.J. Corriveau, Zurich 236-4954. after 4 p.m. weekdays. Anytime weekends.-l9tfar 4. Articles wanted WANTED: Good used fur- niture. Phone 482- 7922.-8tfa r WANTED: Old Brick Buildings for Demolition - Wrecking and Salvage purppseso Contact Ross Lumley, 1185'Murphy Road, Sarnia. 1-542-4088; Ontario's largest supplier of reclaimed bricks. -11 tfar WILL PAY CASH for old furniture, - clocks, lamps, pocket watches, pictures, crocks, silverware, coins, jewellry, gramophones, glass and chinaware. Phone 1-284-3875.-3-9x GOOD. USED bench grinder wanted, also belt grinder. Phone 395-5989 after 6 p.m.-5-finc 5. Cars, trucks for sale 1969 PONTIAC Laurentian, p.s., 350 two barrel, radio, new brakes for front, 8 tires - 4 snows. $500.00 as is.,Phone 524-7528.-6,7 '72 DODGE VAN; 6cyl, standard, good condition, new rear end, battery and muffler. $700.00 or best"offer. Phone 482-9347.-7 1972 CAPRI 2000 cc, running conditlon, as is, may be seen lft 64 Essex St. Goderich or phone 524-2901.-7tf 1976 CHEVY VAN, new paint, insulated, carpeted, safetychecked, 41,000 miles. Best offer. Phone 482- 7041. Can be seen at 161 James St. ---7x 1978 COUGAR, XR-7, 2 door hardtop, 351 V8, tinted glass, electric rear defrost, Michelin tires, deluxe chamois package, bucket seats, 18,000 miles, saftied $5,475.00. Phone 4$2-3855.-7 1970 FORD t/ ton pickup, 8 pyl. standard with topper, in good condition. Phone 523. 4460.-7,8 ' '71 GMC 1/x tan pickup, 6 cyl. standard. Phone 523-9487.---7 6. Pets. HORSES BOARDED,•indoor arena. Phone 482-9960 after 6 p.m.--2tfnc FOR SALE: Siamese kittens and young adults, also domestic cats.. Phone 523- 9487.-7 7: Real estate for sale 5 ACRE HOBBY FARM with 4 bedroom split level home and modern barn set up for sows and hogs 'liquid manure system, also driving shed - on paved road near Seaforthh-,, Phone 527' I269.-6,7 mazrihr.-- 1 LAUCKNER REALTY INC. Member of the London St. Thomas MLS Executive ranch style home 1600 sq. feet. 5 bedrooms, two 4 pc. baths, one 2 pc. living, dining room and kit- chen. Basement 20 x 20 rec room with 12 ft. stone fireplace. 70 ft. j f T.V. tower, spring creek, sittiated on 12 plus acres of good `land. Many other extras. Phone for appointment to see through this exclusive tr property. Lots for Sale • LISTINGS WANTED ADAM FLOWERS Box 41, Bayfieidd 565-2813 - Attention Farmers A. For sale APPROX. 750 BALES STRAW. Asking 75c bale. If one buyer takes all will sell cheaper. Phone 482-3340.-7- 9x 3500 PULLETS 20 weeks -old,.• Available in mid April - order now. Heyink's Poultry. Phone 262-5708.-7,8 Hefl 3 alt D. Livestock FOR SALE: Service Age 1-1a p, York, Harrap x York and York x Landrace boars. Also York x Landrace gilts. Bob Robinson, RR 4 Walton, 345-2317.-6-8 11111111111111111111111111111111111811111111111111 YANMAR LIESEL POWER "'DOSS IT BETTER 442 SALES"EVERY THURSDAY ' AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Clinton, 452-7511 Barry Millor•E>t.f.r - 236.2717 KIrk$on • 229.6264 Douglas. Cerrut6iors • 237.31'34 Gregory Hargraves 024619 1 • X31/2 h.p. -'33 h.p. Huron County's Yarimar Dealer - WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. -CLINTON: HAROLDWORKMAN 482-.34'...5..... PETER DAMSMA 482-9849. DIRK VAN DER. WERF 482-3631 ITTYOTWON 262-2244 SEAFORTH: HENRY MERO - 527.0430 CLINTON PROPERTIES .New Listing . Ontario St,, ''hear the schools, 3 bedroom 11/2 storey home, good condition, '43,900.00. New Listing : Dairy 125 acres, near Auburn, cattle; quota & machinery,,'415,000.00. CaII us for information on homes and com- mercial properties in. Clinton, Seaf.orth, Hensall, Blyth and surrounding areas as well as dairy, poultry, swine; hobby, beef and cash crop farms. • R EA�lan TATEg CLINTON & AREA PROPERTIES cordon Sfreet :3 droom bungalow, fireplace, central air, Targe landscaped lot. 554,900.00. Victoria Street'- 2 storey, 4 bedroom fraine house, large -corner lot.Single car garage. $31,500. Gordon Street - Semi-detached 3 bedroom brick homes, large living and dining ' combination. 11 percent rr,ortgages. $35,000. • Brucefield - 1 acre,parcei`, Targe 11.i storey home, Targe country kitchen, garage. $57,500. Rayfield Cottage, completely winterized,. close to the lake. Real Valuta. 542,500. K . - Bayfield - Retire in this 2 bedroom' home. Sun deck, patio doors, Franklin, garage. $46,000. Goderich Township - .5 acre, 5 miles from town with house and barn --- two. to choose from in the area of $50,000. Goderich Township - 80 acres, 65 workable' R acres hu.h. Trout pond vt ith ;i ~mall cottage. "Why wait for spring" we are selling ' properties .now. Take advantage of the current buyers to expose your property. List your property with us today! BRUCE RATHWELL 482-3120 DAWN RATHWELL 482-3120 MAUREEN WILDFONG 482-3224 WILLY BUNN 5b5-5055 OFFICE 527-1577 °y"' ALL POINTS Realty Services Inc. 111 \I ,t1 tt rr. o4 III 1, 1 • , 54iI.\•I -I. ra 52 1-6656. COLBORNE TWP. 367 acres farrow to finish, 120 sows, inground liquid manure tank, 2 sets of buildings. GODERICH TWP: 700 acres good cash crop and mostly tiled; 3 sets Of buildings including moder'•n-beef setup for 300 cattle. This property, can be purchased in five separate units or as.a 700 acre package. GODERICH TWP. 160 acre beef farm, good buildings, godd land; can b,e bought with machinery and house fur- nitu, e. mai AND SONS LTD. CLINTON 482-3409 Isollossmanommumme FARMERS For all your new`farm buildings BIG OR SMALL!! Give Ray. Lambers Construction a Call Phone 4824305 HULLETT TWP. Modern 120 sow farrow tti finish hog set up, nearly neve buildings, hairvestore silo, also in- cluded a cage layer barn with gtiota of 12,008 bir- ds. his is an excellent operation on 100 acres. Price includes livestock and equipment. Cage barn tan be bought separately. Fnr I'raP55iontll-l{t'11It'\ ;- r‘'iT ALL POINTS at 524-6656 " l'ofal Realty y yY� y •Se'�4{t4 e ANNA MELSKI 524.2768 KEN THOMPSON .. 524.7514 'CHARLIE BRUINSMA . 524.9884 EDNA &,ALEX JEFFREY 487 9440 in Hullett Township,, largo . beef bank barn, automatic feeders, '20' x 80' silo. with roof and 'loader,`3 bedroom, 1'/3 storey'brick house. Contact: STE,WAVIRRAX- Office: 527.0460 Res.: 345-2172 DON 111 REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE LTD, (BROKER) SEAFORTE'+1 IDEAL RETIREMENT HOME immaculate two bedroom bungalow in Blyth. New . double garage, large lots new carpeting.. Call Ripley. 395-2209. WALLS MOVING IN ON out MAYt-r -rime- TTo MODE! JOtIN L• BUDDY REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR A SWEETHEART 4` :bedroom, split -entry design, family room, walk out basement to Pool 8, Patio. Bathroom on each- levet. List Price 569,500.. VERY ATTRACTIVE Immat ulate 3 bedroom bungalow, cosy fireplace, and Toads of cupboards, 142 Gordon St A HONEY FOR THE MONEY Small 2 bedroom home, 18,000 sq ' ft. • land area. Renovate or build. Estate Sale, 523,900. HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS - A beautiful 150Q sq. ft. ranch style home. Stone fireplace, fantastic kitchen., large deck off dining area, double garage. 10,., percent mortgage. 375 Matilda St. YOU'LL LOVE THIS LITTLE BEAUTY - 3 bedroom•. bungalow, beautiful kitchen cupboards, dining area to cedar deck,- family room with Franklin - fireplace. Priced -right. 541:900. COUNTRY LOVERS Old brick home situated on '5 acres, near Walton, Lovely building site. Just listed at 575,000. DREAMS DO' COME TRUE Custom Hanover cupboards & quality • construction combine with many features to .snake this "The Hoilie of Your Dreams!" 554,900,. .100 ACRE HI. - PRODUCTION FARM - featuring Caged Layer Barn, farrow to finish hog operation. CaII us for more, information. CALL: John Duddy Hcl'me 4823652 John Thompson Home 527-0238 Leah or Budd Kuehl Home 482-7304 OFFICE 482-3166 FOR OUT OF THIS WORLD REtU is tvANTADs \'‘ 4i X19 } Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phone: 482-9371 Residence: 523-9338 GODERICH TWP. - 80 acres, no buildings. All workable _,d,.daixt.ed BAYFIELD RD. 11/4 acres industrial property, no buildings. J-IULLETT` TWP. - 2 acres with hog barn and., good house. HULL -E -TT TWP. - 150 acre modern farrowing and beef farm. Good home, large drive shed, 14Q acres workable. CLINTON rli storey 3 bdrm. horn -e with sunporch, double garage. Situated on large lot. Close to uptown. LONDESBORO - 1 floor brick bungalow with finished basement. Two fireplaces, carport and swimming pool. Double sized lot. HURON ST. -.2 floor 3 bdrm. frame home with 2 rm. apt. for extra income. • BL TH "store with apt. above. FOOD FORTHOUGHT Takingthe bull by the horns is often a sound Course of action, as long as you. and the hull agree on when you can _let go. 9. Accommodation to rent - ELIZABETH COURT . } Located in Hensall 1 and 2 bedrooms available now, March or April 1 •Shag carpeting throughout *Kelvinator Appliances •Laundry Facilities •ATI utilities paid FOR ENQUIRIES HENSALL 262-3448 LONDON 453-2280 48 tf HOUSES FOR . RENT in Vanastra. Phone 48- 2 BEDR.00M APARTMENT' in ", Bruce,161d available. inunediately. Phone 482-- 3278,•---2tf A 2 BEDROOM MOBILE home. for rent. Phone 482-7066•-,•4tf NEW FURNISHED .`3 .bedroom house to s are wi siing.l.e male, non smoker preferred, washer & dryer. Rent 5100.00. Home 482-7688 Work 524.2020.--6,7 MOBILE HOME for •`- Ment $190, month. Available May 1. Twelve, miles north-east of Goderich. Phone 529- 7988.-7,8 ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments to rent:heated -and •air conditioned, broadloomed, good location in 'Clinton. No pets please. Last month's rent in ad- vance. Phone 482-3533,-7 2 BEDROOM apartment, stove and fridge. Phone 482- 7912 .-lar, 2 BEDROO1VI---- upstairs apartment, heated, all utilities paid. Phone 482-9625 after -6 p.m. -7,8x '9A:tont 1ird " Prop i ' .For Rent PRIME RETAI•L SPACE TO. LEASE Bayfield area: - - located on Hwy 21, Goderich. New Building finished to • suit. Apply to Drawer 168, c -o Signal -Star ,-Publishing, Box 220 Goderich, Ont. N7A 4B6.-5-10 ° 11. Roomand board ROMVIS AVAILABLE at the Holiday Home : for retired men. $11 a day; meals in- cluded. Phone 482- 3685,-6 tfa r, 12. Help wanted MANAGEMENT POSITION, Lumber - Manager with minimum 3 years retail sales ex- perience. Must - be aggressive, able to assume total departmental responsibilities, including estimating. Starting salary.- $15,600.0 O. Excellent 'benefits. `HARDWARE MANAGER with minimum 3 years Hardware,Experience. Must be aggressive, able to assume total departmental responsibility. Salary $15,600.00. Excellent Benefits, Send Resume, Boyle Co-op Association, Box 8, Boyle, Alberta TOA OMO. (403) 689-3751.-7bc REGISTERED NURSES required immediately for part-time and casual positions. Apply to Mr. W. Woodley R.N. -Director of Nursing, Wingharn and District Hospital, 270 Carling Terrace;- Wingham, Ont. NOG 2W0.-7,8, BENNETT ST. APARTMENTS GODERICH, ONT-ARIO. MOVE IN NOW AND GET FEBRUARY RENT FREE 2 BEDROOM .APT. All utilities paid, Broadloonn throughout, stove and fridge, air conditioned `units, and balcony. Bachelor Apartments • CALL 5244920 )