HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-02-14, Page 15• rd c uee's new .:rrep.; Eatber.Handy,. The invitation e�t onde d to me recently `to take .over • from our retiring Vanastra ,Correspondent Maureen D smore, wh o las with distinction, and forquite some time, filledthat post• ad- mirably, and faithfully, , came at the outset, not"as a : shock,. but' as bshell, for . , my jour.. nalistic experience stands virtually ' at a' batting average of close tozero.. However, tot withstanding m '' shor*' tcomings: in . this drec- tion, but being desirous to - continue having our community news made widespread through the' good offices of our. local medium,; that I, accepted the responsibility,: . Understandably, . such an undertaking is entirely ion an L The Vanastra Lioness held their dinner meeting this month, Feb, 7 at the. Elm • Haven now known •as the Raven Disco, with 19 ladies present A roast beef dinner was served, _ and enjoyed by all,, and later, a meeting was held at the Rec Centre in Vanastra, with guest speaker Ken Mack Lveen, who s hawed sli des on what the . benefits of a new additionto the Rec Centre willbring, to the handicap and disabled citizens. Following .the slide -presentation there was a short question and answer period. A• reminder to ell Lions and Lioness, this Saturday, Feb. 16, 8 p.m. at the Curling Rink, members will be_ _par- ticipating in .a fun,,curling night. A"' Chinese 'dinner will be servedafterwards: at $5 per person, but if Chinese food is -not your thing, couples may bring a boxed lunch. So . come on out guys and gals for an evening of fun, with most of us not familiar with curling this could prove to bre a very interesting, but enjoyable evening. The nomination ' fqr Lions officers will be held(, on February 20, and all nominations must be handed in before this date either to Clem Goulding, Jeff Dixon ' or Bernie t dependent upon the --willingness of 411 .our. re • :de si. nts in Vanastrato. participate ',and,. sizn "1' pY; lift the telephone to tell , me' of,: , even the smallest item of happenings, to zn.ake ,up our weekly. ou c l iii n . M h n. e M y p o �. number .io82-7619'' or if you're driving; by, drop in and 'tell me, at' 19 Win- nipeg., ,(Twenty -Four Hour Service); Esther Handy. Valentine's ° Day 1 Ah .a day for hearts and love,. as Cupid soars around the area. shooting "Little Arrows'. ,Everywhere". Welt' on Feb, 8, Valen- tine's Day came early, as the . children from Vanastra and surroun- ding u comniunit es; • dressed in their',finest, to enjoy a night dancing. , What's, so different about that? 'YOU MAY ASIS YOURSELF.''Well,¢. when you're. onl 8 years • old, your "first" dance is •>a big event,: This month theLioness . introduced their first pre -teen dance at the red, .centre, ages 8- 12 yearsand "Cupid" Was out in all its glory, as little girls ,and boys Ventured . out to their "first';. real social. -:otlorgerour:- t teenagers: � After all they're —an "old hand" at dances, so the Lioness are putting • o ,.,another' Teen Pence, Friday; February 15, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. at $3 per person or .$5 per couple for our 13 to _18 On ,Feb, 29, ,the Lions and Lioness will be holding a fun night at the Rec Centre More details next week. On June 20, the Lions --will : be having a slow pitch tournament at the , Rec Centre followed by a dance, The Country Companions will be playing. More on this event as the date draws nearer. The plans this year for our Vanastra- Tucketsrnith Fair are 'well underway. Th?e theme this year is an Qld Time Country Fair to be held on Aug. 15 and 16. More ews on that as it comes In Also in the Lions and Lioness news, there:'s a convention coming up, March 28 and ' 29 in Str -ford at'the, Victoria at Inn, so there's another fun weekend to mark on your calendar, Community calendar Garbage Thurs. night pr Fri. morn. Teen Dance - Fri. Feb: 15,-8 ..30 p,m. - 12:30 a.m. Rec Centre, Lions and Lioness Curling:- Sat. Feb, 16, 8 p,m. Voting - Polls open 9 a.m. - 8 p,m. Church. No Scouts or Brownies Monday Feb. 1$,,_ Guide" and Scout Week- Feb. 17 -Feb. 24 ' Father and Son Banquet Feb. 22 Rec-.Centre Lions Nominations - Feb,''20, --Church Service Feb: 24 Scouts, Cubs, Brownies, Guides. • • Church says'gQodbye - toll"o e . Bakker family Last Sunday -t'he several years, par- congregationof the ticularly with 'boys and Vanastra: Christian girls. in the. Come Alive Church said good-bye to Club and Sunday School, Mrs. Rose Bakker and The theme of the family. In a few` weeks service was "Farewell, time ,the, Bakker ,family it s joy and pain,•it s loss wih move 'from their. and • gain". A special farm home atSeaforth to memento was presented their new farm operation to Rose by. Mr. John in Vancouver Island B.C. Boven for all her labour Mrs. Bakker has been of love' to the church and B working for the V C C `for the people. ryan. . • P bli h year olds. Proof of age is required, so come on out and have a good time. r And -not fo etirt . gt g mom and dad, they too had their dance on, Saturday February 9; at. the Rec. Centre (ages 19- .- proof of age always a iucThe e s "_.,put n t an was J ,,on by the Curling .Club, •This was their first dance and there was a real good ' turnout, 'Congratulations Our next dance Will l be April 12, 'when .Pons. • Clubbwil beputting this one on, music by Kadenza, so. mark this. date•on your calendar-,° Well folks, it's -been almost three weeks since our pick-up of garbage days was changed to Friday -mornings,' -instead of aur.usual Saturday, but alas; `tie a mas o us out here, I too can't get used to.the change, It's still put out Friday night, 15 hours after theyVe been to pick it up, where it sits, like everyone else's for yet another week. Now here's the plan. We're going to shock the U c sc U SC . O The pupils at the • Vanastra Public School have been, over the past two weeks, decorating their Valentine ' Tree. Money, that normally. would be spent ,on luxury items , by our children, is being donated to this very worthwhile cause. For each ' nickel' • donated, the child receive.s. :- one .. paper Valentine which. , he -she gets to place on the tree., The •- honey that __ is collected in • this way is donated to, the Canadian Save the Children's Fund. Earlier in this year our boys and girls • collected $34.12 for UNICEF. Just a reminder that our school public speaking contest will take place on • Thursday, February 21 at 1:30 p.m. You are welcome to at- tend. On .Friday,.„ F'ejraary" 22, the Grade 6 class' will`. conduct an "Eskimo Day". All of our children will take part in this activity and_ parents are welcome to come up to Parents entertained Oy clubs Cubs The Cubs are having a "Father and Son" banquet on--t^iday, February 22, when a turkey supper is to be provided at a cost of ,$3.50 per person. The banquet will commence at 7 p.m. and end at about 9 p.m. All monies are to be in by Feb. • 18. If your father can't come, mothers can ' come in their place. Most of the. Cubs have handed in their. posters for Scout and Guide Week Feb. 17 to Feb. 24, so if you haven't handed yours in yet, bring them next Monday, where they will be judged and displayed' in the church and stores in the communities. Scouts There will be no Scout meeting next Monday Feb. 18, due to the election and meetings will, resume again Feb. 25. ' If there are any Scouts who would like to attend the "Father and Son" banquet on •Friday February 22, please have your money. handed into Dave Dunsmore at 1 Quebec -St by February 18. The cost is $3.50 per person. You haven't handed your poster in yet? Bring it to Dave's house also by Feb. 18 if you want to see it displayed in the church and stores, there to be judged first, so do a good job. • .-.' Another thing r would like t�' add is the set of by- laws our , Scouts brought home. Please remember them boys, and remember, your leaders are donating 'their ,tinte to teach you to be Scouts. Not only will they, be proud of you• but your parents and your come+ • amunity will alsobeproud, do 'don't let us down. Show you, leaders, as well as y"o1rkl'yes,, that you can beconteasoml Scouts. Brownies had a party for Thinking Day and V'alentine's this past MGnday--after-noon.. Following the opening, the girls . exchanged Valentines. They all made posters for Guide Scout week. Shelley . Stone and Heather Brownridge were _given prizes for the best posters made for Thinking Day. The girls were _given treats and played games: We then had closing, and went home. There will be no Brownies' on February 18 because of the election. On February 22, all APPLIANCE REPAIR Large or small, we'll fix them all... Our repair experts will have your appliance in tip top shape fast, Call us to- day. PECK APPLIANCES "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA'' VARNA 482-7103 .girls are to wear their uniforms to school. On February 24 ' there will be church services held. Ail girls are to be in uniform. More -in- formation on this later. of news the school and watch. Hot chocolate will be on sale by the pupils. Proceeds, will got—into the student bank account. garbageznen this. week `As you read this it's Thursday night, so put yourand paper down take p pe out the garbage, and when that's done,you n ba y relax your e xenjoy a and local paper, with a feeling. of satisfaction, W'n kn i 0 8 that on. Friday; morning between 8 a.m. and 8:30 a.m.,. your' 'garbage w l meet its final . resting ground, , • -« Of course, there will always befewus lwa ys of,(me included) who will be hauling: theirs Out, ,you. guessed it, Friday night, Oh well, nobody's per- fect,. Thanks to the fast response of.our,O.P.P. the stereo was returned. to our'Rec Centre last Ex_ da3g,-•a . break-in b k -n i 'Thursday night. •, Welcome , home to Glenda Bel Air, hope you're feeling better after your stay lathe hospital. I feel we all need reminding at some time. or another so I have come up with a Memo Corner. Cut it out for future reference. Please note that Esther Handy writing i t•' for inthe Vanastra Voice. Esther has many new ideas for our "Voice" and we wish her all the best in her endeavours. If you have i , not reminders or gossip, Esther at 482.`7818. The Vanastra n a stx = Com- munity Assoc att'hn's general � meeting al eet i m n will . g g be held on�Monday, y February 25 at 8.30 p.m. at the Rec Centre. This is f - the r meeting 1 s . e nfor80: � tn� t . 9 so cope out and brin ,, your Ideas and opinions. THt `RSDAY, PF R1M+• AYFIELD LIMB HIGHWAY 2'1 SJ4YlIELR PHONE 365.2990 Comp lin Fre eli ery Byppl es VANASTRA FACTORY OUTLET "The Store That Saves You More" :::; •r:.:'r::•`.- y r 4 * ✓' r.'.:i S:t:'vy*%: f•`.•R.x<`••• r. J r `'r?? rf } r :.. .. �vr:\;••: :r+. �: yi}•�+,.x - 5.:.... .} t ykf+•;:� •;rn.. ;{.::r,.ii :?... �. r: ?ir{. r..,?+.:,r ?%?%rf--.:y. � �:�:;1$`'%' �, ,fi t;S;:`:`;•'1.:;'�r'�:��;;:/:�'::}•:�.:yr~:.�,;:},r::r;.ti;fi,r,.r��:�:i,rr.•r,:: %,: Lingerie Material We have received a new ship- ment of .lingerie material by the pound. Excellent value for your money. • Come in and see our excellent selec- tion of borg off theroll. We have, both plain and rubber , backed to choose from. •GSR 'r --...e We have a good colour selection in velveteen. Choose from red, brown, . black,'lieige and burgundy. JEWELLERY (NO'PLATED WARE) `GODERICH The Square 524-7841 Pinwale Corduroy We have an excellent stock of this corduroy in colours of green, brown, beige, grey blue and more. $290 • METRE T -Shirt Knits We have a -large variety of stripes and plain colours to Choose from. Compare quality and price anywhere. = GODERICH KINCARDDINE- Suncoast' Mall Sutton ParkMall 524-2924 396-4189 Bath Sheets We are featuring luxurious bath sheets by Wabcisso. Choose from colours of burgundy. rust, gold, yellow brown or green. Approx. size 36" x/0". REG. 511.99 EA. SALE 7 0 • EACH WEEKLY SAVINGS TRIANGLE DISCOUNT MAKES .. Choose from colours of white, blue, green, blue, grey and red in size small to x- large. ' Our Reg, $6.95 EA. .. ANNIVERSARY :.'''. .z.-. _., .,r r, • ...._,--„..„......,......„...,-L ,...,.- -op. • 4 Or• AFT 0,. THURS. FEB. 14TH P O i ,, TO,SAT. MAR.1ST. . 10% OFF ALL IDEM PAINTS 2®. OFF AY, Y ALL ORDERS OFIrleir;r0 Yr.1' "lj MILL .�C0WWIT S '1O % OFF ON ALL ORDERS FROM OTHER WALLPAPER BOOKS SAVE UP TO 50% ON GOOD ' ' SELECTION OF VINYL WALLCOVERINGS .2.99 - •3.99 PER SINGLE ROLL FREE WATER TRAY WITH WALLPAPER PURCHASE • .-:SAVE._NOVILI !ITH.T'H ll C H P €RS„ ',.,. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR DECORATORS IULDEBRAND PAINT & PAPER. ,. Window Shades 4 .Armstrong.Carpets 15 MAIN St. - SEAOCtItti4 527.1 . BOYS' PANTS We have an excellent assortment of boys' pants to choose from. Size range of 7-18. SIZE 7-8 $497 PR. OR' 2 FOR $897 • FABRIC U TABLE' SEtE6TEDIABINtS 50C 016LA!....04/0 pr/ �d CHILDREN'S CLOTHING STILL L20*50% (5 OFF 58 THE SQUARE, GODERICH MAIN CORNER, CLINTON MAIN CORNER, SEAFORTH MINI 10,f - titbit! - MOILS a *ASV wtAR _ ,ARO 60001i - StiiiNG ArAkNiWi! - Obtri40dotkii syaat Houks: Mo'ittla'll. Friday i't:M O'p.rri Saturday 10 a.m.. 6 0,OLP P Suntfay12noon Y.MM73CYHk446tvii'.N'7'4A' p4., '4