HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-02-14, Page 10zehrs -RE QRD, THW id, 198 V Gwen Pemberton and Milvend Erickson The Bayfiled Guides were hard a were hard at work Alison Dunn,, Julie Porter, and Tanya Grillmeyer. recently, preparing for new badges. Left to right (photo by Milvena Erickson) are Amy Bonthron, Julie Boyce, Gayle Dunn, • Guide and Scoutingnews At • a recent ceremony at the Anglican Parish Halar-1 - Tweenies were enrolled with "Brown Owl" Charlene Porter and "Tawny Owl" Bonnie Roy officiating. They are Heidi Bon- thron, Peta Bayley, Emma Gowers, Donna Whittaker, Jody Merner, Julie Kalbfleisch, Wendy Overholt, Tracey Gemeinhardt, Jennifer Scott, Leslie Linfield and Jackie LaPorte. On the same occasion, five Brownies were awarded Golden Bars.-• Lisa Porter, Wendy Madsen,. Angela Dunn, Chand'a 'Chilton and Cindy. Scott were the reci pients Six Brownies .were promoted to become Guides to bring the total to 15. Guider -in -charge • Gerry Bornath, assisted by guider Joyce Chilton and guider -helper Jean Dunn are in charge of Guides. The six newcomers are Julie Boyce, Alison Dunn, Julie Porter, Tanya Grillmeyer, Gayle Dunn, and Amy Bonthron. The Ladies Auxiliary, under the direction of Hilda Gerger, provided a delicious lunch served by the new Guides and some Brownies. It was a pleasant experience to ha.v.,..such• a good turnout (almdst perfect at- tendance) of mothers., '"dads and even a few grandparents. Joan Merner Ladies' Auxiliary - to Scouts The Ladies' Auxiliary met in the United Church basemen t in the evening with ten members present._ Charlene Porter gave notice of her intention to resign in June as 'Brown Owl' for the Brownies. A volunteer's offer to succeed Charlene will be greatly appreciated The . Guides and Brownies have asked for the Auxiliary to provide a convener to arrange for the Cookie Day. Anyone who wishes to trade in uniforms or would like to donate uniforms for an ex- change, please contact Anna Scotchmer 565-2464. It is planned to hold a St. Patrick's dessert on Tuesday, March 11, followed by cards and Other games. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, March 6 when plans for the party will be finalized. Members are asked to bring plants for an exchange. As many mothers as possible are urged to turn out for this important meeting. Lioness mem er gets award The Bayfield Lioness meeting for the month of February was brought to order on :Feb. 4 by president Judy Huntley. A highly, valued Trinity ACW meed Trinity ACW met at the home of the Rev. and Mrs. Bennett on February 7. The meeting began with the ACW prayer, and Debbie Wain gave a reading from the scriptures. Sixteen members were present to answer the roll call. The president, Mrs. Pat Van Patter, conducted the general business of the meeting, and after the acceptance of the routine reports submitted by the responsible officers, read a letter on behalf of the foster child for whom Trinif1 ACW has ac- cepted responsibility. Although too young to write herself as yet, the little girl had made some crayon drawings which were enclosed by the helper. Florence Scott, who visits Kitchener from • time to ti'rme, will be looking in at St. Mon-ica's House, in which the ACW continues to take a lively interest. At the conclusion of the business meeting, , the. Rev. Bennett conducted the service for the in- stallation of officers for the current year, as follows: president,_ Mrs. Pat Van Patter; vice - 'president, Mrs. Ev. Earl; secretary, Mrs. Helen Owen; treasurer, Mrs. Greta Du Boulay; cards and flowers, Mrs. Beulah Smith; hasti-notes, Mrs. Bessie Hull's; prayer partners, Mrs. Edith Smith and Mrs. Margaret Clift; christian edudation, Mrs. Edith Smith and Mrs. Lilian Higgins. Turn to page 11 • member -of the Bayfield Lioness Club, Joan Merner, was the recipient of the Lions Club ex- tension award for her hard work in helping to establish the Vanastra and Dtstrict I Lioness Club. Lloyd Morgan, President of Lions International will make the presentation to Joan at a later time. We would like to extend a warm welcome to Joan Sinnamon and Bev Holly, who are new members to the Bayfield Branch of the Club. With the purchase of two new -stoves for the - kitchen in the new arena, the Lioness haver turned over $15,000 to the arena fund. This includes $1,600 to supply the kitchen with all the required -necessities. The executive meeting will be held on Monday at the President's hoim•e; --- and Monday, Mar. 3 is the date ofthe next dinner and business meeting at 7 p.m. at the Community Centre. Milvena's musings Donald Warner • received word Thursday February 7.of_ the passing of his stepmother, Mrs, Ilene War .er4-Iroquois FaUs,. , formerly Of 3ayfield and Goderich Township. Funeral services were ,conducted in Iroquois' Falls on Saturday, with spring interment in Bayfield Cemetery.. The late Ilene Warner - is survived by 11 children and • several grand- children, also by stepsons Donald Warner of ayfield and Harold Warner of Kitchener and seven stepgrandchildren. She was predeceased by .her first husband William Krawchuk and ' a son David, and her second— husband Alfred Warner (Dec. 1070), Sympathy is, Karen, St. Marys were extended to the surviving weekend guests of his Member sof her family. parents, Mr, aid Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, Ai A. Floyd Diemert, and Lawton of Moscow,. brothers Waylie and Rick Russia are presently at The Albion Hotel. spending several days . .Mrs: Walter Erickson with her brother and and Andrew were guests sister-in-law, Mr. " and Saturday .evening of Mr. Mrs. Eric W Earl.. and Mrs: Russell Mrs., Myrtle Pease and Desjardine and family' Irvin, London spent the Grand plend and attended weekend at their Village a Lion -Kinsmen benefit home. dance in Parkhill. Mrs. Maude Weston Sympathy is extended was in London for a few to Vic Lecompte in the days last week* with her loss of his maternal family, Mr. and Mrs. Don grandmother, Mary Dinel, Tracey and Erin. Watkins of Montreal, Her---little-granddaughter--Qu-ebeer Erin had contracted .away pneumonia following a February 2. Vic was in bout with whooping attendance at the funeral cough, but is now in an services of Tuesday in improved condition. Montreal. - Mr. and Mrs. • Ron Mr. and Mrs, Norman Diem ert, Brian and Lamont, London were the weekend guests of Mr, and Mrs. Donald Warner. Gwen's :givings Mr. Stuart Sturgeon and son Ken and Mr. Gerald Sturgeon and daughter Susan all of Cambridge ' visited, with their mother and gran- dmother, er, Mrs. Maude Sturgeon on Tuesday at her home in Clan Gregor Apts, May Ervine, Oaderich. was the guest for several days with her nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lowry and also called on her sister-in-law, Mrs, Smile Gardeners choose' seeds Members perused seed catalogues and placed orders; with Miss Kay Reid when • the Bayfield'. Garden Club .met for its .. regular monthly Monday afternoon at the Municipal Building. The president, Mrs. R. Hunter, announced the addition of three new. members to the club. Two .` `Niagara .Falls Parkland" and "A Tree is a ,Living -Thing„, were shown by Harry ,Baker,.: after. which the meeting , adjourned for tea which Mrs. Marian Hellman hosted. Arena -news Advertising signs are now going tobe displayed ' in t BaVYieTd .Arena ` ----- act fast in order to get a good location. Cost of advertising- will be $100 per year from the time the sign is displayed. Cali the arena at 565-2121 for more information, A budget is an attempt to live below your yearnings. A QUALITY PRIVATE LABEL SAVING SPECIALS ON 111ESE 1W0 PAGES IN EFFECT TIlL CLOSING 11 5. FEB. 19 6 DABS' OF FOOD BARGAINS .441 ZEHRS,OWN bIENERS FRESH ROASTING ENS -UTRITY G1iA'DE NOT FROZEN- (1) C LEAN ONTARIO PORK SHOULDER FRESH PICNIC PORK ROAST 1 ib. PKG. 5 Ib. AVG. WITH ZEHRS SPECIAL TRIM ,FOR EXTRA VALUE An Important Reminder! RECIPIENTS OF: GUARANTEED INCOME SUPPLEMENT SPOUSE'S ALLOWANCE To continue receiving your Guaranteed Income Supplement or Spouse's Allowance after March 31, 1980. you have to complete and return the application form you received: Fill .11r and - return it in the addressed envelope,now. - NEED HELP? For further information or assistance please consult your telephone directory, or information operator, for the telephone number of the nearest Income Security Program offices. Canaaa Health and Welfare Canada Sante et Bien -etre Social Canada Income Security Programs Programmes de la securite du Revenu SCHNEIDERS FROZEN COUNTRY STYLE $f 9 SAUSAGE GARL CR 1 Ib. SCHNEIDERS 5 VARIETIES QUARTER' POUND SiBEEF BilRGERS,b,��i SCHNEIDERS FLAVOURFUL END SLICES SIDE-BACOL0 sSt SCHNEIDERS SLICED REGULAR OR MAPLE ARE REDEEMABLE AT McDONALDS UNTIL . FEBRUARY 29, 1980 CUDDY COOKED TURKEY MEAT WHITE MEAT ROLL WHITE & DARK MEAT ROLL SMOKED BREAST ROLL 125 gr. PKG. 175 gr. PKG. COOKED HAMI.3 BURNS SWEET PICKLED. CORN MEALED - BY THE PIECE BACK BACONSb. • WE RESERVE THE: RIGHT'TO LIMIT PURCHASES PEN LB. SCHNEIDERS JUMBO SLICED SUMMER SAUSAGE PRODUCE OF U.S.A. N0. 1 FIRM LARGE HEAD LETTUCE ONTARIO N0. 1 WAXED (RUTABAGAS) TURNIPS YOUNG ONTARIO PORK FRESH SHOULDER BUTT PORK ROAST 9S .b. YOUNG ONTARIO PORK FRESH SHOULDER BUTT PORKCHOPS St es . .fR02EN NEW ZEALAND YOUNG SHOULDER It RaasT LAMB.2 ib. FROZEN NEW ZEALAND YOUNG SHOULDER LAMB. CHOPS. .3 ,e. SCHNEIDERS � SLICED 5 VARIETIES I 59 BOLOGNA � 1fib. I�KG BOLOGNA Ib. PKG. TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REQUIREMENTS. PRODUCE OF U.S.A. DOLE LARGE SWEET PINEAPPLES ,_. 1 6 Ib. FS EA. PRODUCE OF MEXICO CANADA NO. 1 LARGE CUCUMBERS FLORIDA'S FINES! JilOE ORANGESI.S7 CLEAN WASHED ONTARIO NO. 1 TABLE POTATOES Ib. BAG a, PRODUCE OF U.S. DIAMOND JUMBO • $ Y,ALNUTS, Ib. . FRESH GREEN PRODUCE Of U,S,A, FRESH GREEN PINACiI,. AN'ADVANCE PHONE CALL CAN. HAVE A • FANCY FRUIT BASKET WAITING FOR YOU AT ANY ZE US MARKET