HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-02-14, Page 8t LINTONNE vine,, ar senw i' By. be Deev .The Entering ing' Citizens of Ooderieh Township met in the, . 14cltnesille Church February 7: with 18 members. present, The club now has'31 members and 15 star members. John Deevea president • opened the meeting; and .welcomed everyone. to the meeting,with a "special, Welcome t.O'°the new members present, Irene, Cudmore read the minutes, oi' the previous - meeting, 'and Hazel McCreath ,gave a report from council on the hall. A voteof thanks was given . to Hazel McCreath for having the mem- ers�ip�d�.Rri�ted;.__ Mrs. McCreath ad- journed the meeting and the Queen was sung in unison, with Mrs. Wean Lobb at the piano.: The entertaining committee of Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Lobb began the program with a humourous reading by Roba Lobb and Mr. and Mrs. Lobb sang and played the piano: Mr. Fran Powell showed his slides on the Barbados which everyone enjoyed. Lunch was served by the ladies. Hazel McCreath ex- plained the blueprints of the new hall and next meeting will be February 21 and everyone is welcome. Township Womens Institute The February meeting, of the Goderich Township Women's Institute held. their February meeting in the township hall at 1:30 pm. Mrs. Hazel McCreath, president, was in charge and welcomed everyone, including one guest. Mrs. Berneice McIlwain read the minutes of the last meeting, and roll call was received by telling the potter and' location of pottery on a crock or other pit'e of china in your home. M-rs. MCIlwain read the correspondence. Booties and mittens were handed out for the ladies to sew, and will g� to the Children's Hospital, London. It was d.ecided_ to purchase a gift for a 441 girl who has completed 24 projects. ects. Mrs. Alice Porter and Mrs. Jean Lobb, current curators for the W.I., displayed books and pictures of the past they are collecting. A very interesting project and a _very good job being done by these ladies. Y 14,191 LIMIT QUA.HTITI Glf .REQUIREMENT Church news "Worship Service was held in the Holmesville church Sunday afternoon, when " Rev. Oestreicher spoke to the children on persons in the Bible whose names start with the letter "P", before going to classes. The minister spoke on The Communion Table before the service of Holy Communion. 'John Wyatt and Bill Norman received the offering. There will be a card party Febrtrary 14•at the Holmesville School at 8:15 p.m. Admission is 81. Ladies bring lunch. Sponsored by the Goderich Township Worsens Institute. . Barb and Alvin Betties are very_much enjoying thei bird feeding stations these days. They have. cardinals, chick-a-dees, bluejays, nuthatches, grosbeaks•; downy woodpeckers, other woodpeckers. They have an unusual visitor, 'a Rufus lawhie and his black back tail has white tip, white belly and Chestnut side patches, are good field marks, his eyes are bright red and is about 8" long. This is the first 'time. this bird has visited them. • flolrnesvllle I, 4-11 The Holmesville I 4-11. held their first meeting on February 4. We received our books and held .the election for of- ficers. We played the lottery game and were foldn'what to bring to the nett meeting. - . PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16th, 1980 WE :REDEEM ALL FOOD STORE COUPONS! 1. . per Lotti, Prov ncial. 8r l intario: tickets 0'4;4114E4.0 A&P Food Stoles, choice blend, rich in Brazilians coffees Custom ground in the store when you buy it... not bef or'ei •�•�" 4 J.'1.,b: J.I ...'.: ,'lir .J ltrl .4.'0 (Our Regular Price 99c) (Our Regular Price 1.49) • PKG OF 12 PARCHMENT .WRAPED AUTOMATIC TOILET BOWL CLEANER COME VISIT E FA oilmat AstPomml% FOR FRESHNESS & SAVINGS No, 1 Grade, Florida ACTION PRICE!' 12 -oz btl- 99ci You'll do better with .3rocery Features from A&P! 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I "THE CLASSICS" created by Hearthside JIancI Painted Stoneware CHOOSE FROM 3 PATTERNS THIS WEEK'S FEATURE SAUCER with each $5.00 purchase ONLY THIS SCHEDULE WILL BE REPEATED 441111r— iso I AQP J WITH THIS COUPON , Proton Pepperoni ALOA 22 -oz six-pack06 Limit one per family purchase VOW Lentil Sat., -Fel,. 16th, 1910 V.C:' (Nett/ft Price ,2.19 without coupon) tip ft IttIttftUritt • )SAVE 1.00 Instant Coffee MAXWELL tOUSE 10 oz jar .11.1111111110.1111111111111111 .LIMIT 2 PER FAMILY, WITH A MINIMUM S10.00 ORDER (Our Regular Price 6.99) .05110 AQP) J WITH THIS COUPON Ohi South, Frozen, Concentrated 12.9.8 -oz tin 100% FLORIDA my ORANGE JUICE LImle on+r pit family purchase Valid Phil Swt., reeb. 16th, 19$0 V.C. (Feature Price ir9c without coupon) ti I /IN NW— giro- (Our Regular Price 3.89) SAVE 40i • (Our Regular Price 2.29) SAVE 4051 IN HEAVY JUICE ACTION PRICE! 28 -FL -OZ TIN A&P ORANGE FLAVOUR POLY PKG OF 2, 6.5 -OZ ENVS. PaIanda Tomatoes 69?GrystaisSunrix. 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AYLMER, CHOICE, ASSORTED CUTS ACTION PRIM Carrots 14 -fl -oz 3z tin for 1.00 rtASPt1EErt*Y OR STRAWBERRY, WITH PECTIN ACTION PRICE! Aylaver Jams244oz'ar STOKELY, .NEW ORLEANS STYLE ACTION PRICEI . KIDNEY NEONS cot IN, TOMATO SAUCE 1941002 TIN nip Beans- _ i - Aunt Jemira 1k9pkg 1.19 Tomatoes REGULA* OR BUTTER FIAVOUR 750 ml EOTTLE WESTON, ASSORTED VARIETIES ACTms PRICE! 350 g PKG Wagon Wheels 109 LAt)R/1 WOW!, ASSORTED VARIETIES ACTION PRICE! Puddings,_ of 4, 5 -oz fires, .119 0