HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-02-07, Page 207,111,"7",.....
PAGE LINTON : W'S. ECOR >'f'LIRSIDAY, EB .U'4 Y ,, x,980
Eloonor Brgldnock, editor dvo a to
No this is not Stevie Wonder, this is the "Swinging Piper," a character played
by George Conventry, shown here, and Scott Kay in the Clinton Public School's
musical 'which was performed Tuesday'and Wednesday. nights. Along with the
play, the junior and primary choirs took part in the entertainment. (News-.
Vanastra wants. _..
• from page 1 0'
Reeve Ervin Sillery
was named to attend the
Huron County Federation
of Agriculture °meeting, at
Ontario Street United
Church in' Clinton on
Satufday, February 23 at
12 noon, when the
Federation wiIl host a
meeting of elected
provincial and federal
members 'of parliament
when briefs can be
presented and questions
At the March 4 meeting
two engineer's drainage
reports will be read —
Van Loon and Geiger.
Engineer Henry Uder-
stadt will be present for
the discussion.
Passed for payment the
following: Vanastra Day
Carte Centre,' $3,8--9.34;
Vanastra Recreation,
$7,567.95; roads,
$10,654.66; and general
account, $26,646.33 for a
total of $48,758.27.
W. D. W i lsan of
Brucefield reported he
has sold 380 dog tags and
has four more households
to call back on. Three
packs of dogs have been
seen running at large by
different members of
council, but no com-
plaints from ratepayers.
Council will write to the
ministry of agriculture
and food and object to the
limit of $10,000'to any one
farmer in any one year as
proposed criteria for tile
drain loans to farmers.
Other criteria: limit of
$200 per acre drained;
and a limit of $40,000, not
to exceed an ac-
cumulative total of
outstanding loan of
$40,000 for any farmer in
all municipalities in
Council was informed
that there will be a
substantial increase in
rates at the 14olmesville
landfill site where
Tuckersmith has an
agreemwt for disposal of
Vanastra residents'
garbage. The rates will
double for businessmen
at Vanastra — $300
yearly, up from $150. -The
rate has not been set for
hcme owners.
Council endorsed a
resolution from the
Township of Brock to
defer any further im-
plementation of the
metric system by -the
federal government in
view of the factthat the
"United . States is ob-
viously not implementing
it except to. a . limited
'degree for the present
and in light of the ap-
proach of the British
Congratulations' to. Mr,
and Mrs• James Towe
who celebrated their 55th
wedding anniversary,last4,
Thursday Mr. and Mrs.
Towe enter-fabned. Mr.
.and Mrc. r!
Mr.. and Mrs. William,
Seers brought 'in the
,con2,plete'•dinner for four
and 'frinds called in the -1,
evening. ...
Prize winners at last
week's , euchre games,
Mrs. Cartwright hosts'
ACW meetn.g.
The St. Mark's
Anglican Church 'Wort'ien
held their January
meeting �tt, the home of
Mrs. Donald Cartwright.
Mrs_Car_.tvw.righ.Lpr..!Ade :.
for the .meeting which
was opened by reading
the hymn, For Thy Mercy
and Thy Grace, followed
by prayers by Mrs.
Lillian Letherland in -
c lu d in g
n-cluding -genes al
thanksgiving 'and the
Lord's prayer.
The scripture lesson,
St. Luke 22: verses 54 to
62, was read by Mrs.
Andrew Kirkconnell.
The meditation from
the Living Message,
Faith of Our Fathers, was
read by all members Fathers,.
Th, rnci.ln. r Mr
Cartwright took charge of
the business and financial
statement was given by
the treasurer,, Mrs. Tom
The rollll.. w Wit...
`swered by a Bible . verse
with "Beginning" in it
and the paying of fees.
A thankyou note was
read from Mrs. James'
.Towe ' for Christmas
Other business was
discussed and the of-
fering received and
travelling apron passed.
The Reverend William
Craven closed with
Lunch was served- by
Mrs'. Cartwright, assisted
by Mrs. Tom Haggitt.
Village lady dies
Funeral services . were
held Wednesday,
January -30
for-MVIrs. Fred
Wagner whopassed away
k.suddenly at aer residence
on Sunday, January 27'in
her 80th year.
She waa the . former
Laura Rutledge, the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Rutledge and was
born in West Wawanosh
Township. For many
years she rc,,icled in
Walkerburn helps seniors
The Walkerburn. d Club
met last week at the
home of Mrs.', ' Ronald
Gross. The co -president,
Mrs. Tom Cunningham,
opened with a reading.
Mrs. Ronald Gross'
gave the financial
statement due to the
absence of the treasurer,
Mrs. Garth McClinchey.
She stated that the foster
child support was paid up
to the end of March.
The secretary, Mrs.
Lloyd Penfound, read the
—rn-rn Utes- -- v -h4 -eh- ---wc
approved as read, on the
motion of Mrs. Tom
Hosptial gets
GODERICH - According
to Goderich's Alexandra
Marine and General
Hospital 'administrator
Elmer Taylor, the budgetr'
increase given by the
ministry of _ health, "Is
certainty a big im-
provement ''over last
In 1979, the hospital
faced a limited budget
increase of 2.86 per cent,
but for 1980 the hospital's-
budget will be up 8.5 per
cent. That means the
government's subsidy
will rise to $4,165,924 from
last year's figure of
The members were
reminded, that they were
to assist atIHuronview on
February 6.
-. Plans were made to
hold the next meeting on
February 26 at 2 p.m. at
the home of Mrs. Lloyd
Penfound. The roll call is
to be answered by
, bringing a copy of a
favorite recipe for a
spring bride -elect. Lunch
will be in the
charge of Mrs. -Art Right
and Mrs. 'Penfound. The
program -w I -1 -b€ -supplied -
by Mrs. Joe Verwey and
Mrs. Garth McClinchey.
6e/fel(' a
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HI!) IT' ' 111 } Y",'' '' l,t}1. ill \pot tltliI'
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That's '' ,t ',:01, 'n til,' (hit<111„
Med il'f(,r Good ( 4'. 'I.,'.I
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C 'illrrnan 'ti Olt' 1. ,'',t1l .1'ii ( )4 )'.,'t n' )r r ,t tilt, l'rn1 InCE'
Anyone r (1, 1' (Inri,ltt' ;, l)l'r,o'1' for tht' Ontor11)
M(Ni lI. and nornm1t,,,n forms 1 ;,1h10 h1 ;kr Jinci
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Adh.'i„>r1.' ('(111nr11
(:)ntxlr o Mc;(1,11 for( ,t,ti (',t'en,l11l
Tor(onto1. Ontario \1 ir1 1 Al
Making a nomination is it«t'1f .1rr act of Appreciation
for good citizenship Ail r env dti„11,,''hOu12 bE' received
by April 15; 1980.
Ontario Medal for -Good Citizenship
An invitation was read
from the family of Joe
and Janet Flunking, in-
viting the club .members
and their families to their
parents' . 50th wedding
anniversary at Blyth
Community Centre on
February 16 at 9 p.m.
Mrs. Keith Lapp had a
guessing.. contest and
Mrs.. Tom Cunningham
was auctioneer for the
sale of baked goods and
their recipes.
Lunch was served by
Mrs. Garth McClincfiey,
Mrs. Joe- Vere -y- and
Mrs. Ronald Gross.
Hullett Township before”
retiring to Auburn.
She was a member' of
Knox United Church and
the U.C.W. as well as the
Auburn H.prticultural,
She is survived by her
husband, Fred ' and
several' nieces _and.
Mr. Richard 'Hawley
was in charge of the
funeral held at the Tasker
Funeral Home, Blyth.
Pallbearers were
William L. Craig, Allan J.
Craig, Robert Turner and
William Seers.
Spring burial will be in
Ball's cemetery, Hullett
held every .Tuesday
evening • in. the Com-
munity Mernor al Mall
were: novelty, Mrs.
Elma ° McFarlane, high
lady, Wendy' 'Powell, low
lady,. Mrs.. Frances.
`Clark, high,., man, Kenneth
McDougall and low •man,
Ray Hanna. There were
10 tables in play.
Mrs.. Bonnie Armour
and Julie of, Waterloo
spent the weekendwith
her parents, Mr, and Mrs;
Tom Jardin and gran-
dmother, "' Mrs. Ela
SeveralT €r-or--,:�thaa,�
community attende the
funeral of ,Pastor Alfred
Fry in Kincardine last
Thursday. The sympathy
of the community goes to
Mrs. Fry and members of
the. family. Pastor Fry
was minister at Knox
United . Church Auburn
for a few years.
Mrs. Mary 'Rollinson
and her son, Murray
Rollinson attended the'
birthday party at
Maitland Manorin
'Goderich last week for
her sister, Mrs.' Julie
The Reverend Fred
Carson, a former rector
of St. Mark's Anglican
Church, who moved to a
charge at Red Deer,
Alberta, has accepted a
call to Souris, Manitoba
and he . and, his wife have
moved there.,
Mr. and Mrs. .Thomas
Haggitt, Mr. and Mrs,
Clifford Brown .and Mr.
Arthur Younghlut of
Goderich —visited last
Sunday with the ladies'
sister, Mrs. Beverley
French and Mr. French
at St. Clair Shores,
The 'winner of the
Auburn and District
Lions Club Lottery held
last week was Eric Scott
with ticket nurnber
In The Heart of Down Town Varna
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Vartl 011
'Phone 482=71-03,
Knox United picks offices
The annntal meeting of
Knox 'United Chur.ch,.
Auburn was held last
Su iday.after the morning
service. The minister,
Mr. Rickard Hawley,.
B.A., chaired the meeting .
with' Mr, . Maurice Bean
' As secretary.
A. prayer, of Memoriam•
was observed for the four
members wh'o had passed
away during the past .
All departments of the
church showed an
cellent year With ,their
good reports. •
New names added to
the slate of officers for
.1980 were: Elders - NXrs..
Tom Jardln. and William
;Seers; Board of Stewards
• Gleri'Naylor, Greg Park
and Robert Armstrong,
R.e p.r e s e In t a. t i v e R to
Presbytery, _Maurice
Bean; Capt zf of the
ushers, . ;s ': nneth
McDougall, ass ;stan. t,
Peter 'Yerbeek; Manse'
.'Corrnnittee,•:Mr. and'
Gerald -McDowell,;
Nominating committee '-
Elliott., Capp, ' Mrs.
Stanley Ball ,and , Mrs,
Kenneth McDougall.
New ,business' was to
make improveWents to
the manse and a eon,
znittee was named tQ plan
activities for the building
of the church building,
120'years ago.
Mr. Hawley thanked
the congregation for their
support. • The Reverend
Robert Scott of Lon..
desbaroassisted with the
' business 'andclosed with.
the benediction.' , '
Praptical jog'gers ear`ry.'
three phone xturt bers 'the
`d octorthe hospital 'and'
the taxi.
et your Colonel Sanders'
(Offer good
from Feb. 6
to March 2)
err ,�'"' II :,1,,•••..•11:0111
lif'�i') .. �,-�"= ��f���iiv;/ /l.���. ..Ion r • .�
Here's a timely mid -winter treat that's sure to please the family!
Colonel Sanders' Value. Pack. It's a Thrift Box of finger lickin'
good chicken, 16 oz. of your favorite salad and a .medium sized
pack of French"fries. All for only $5.95. AThrift Boxlcontains
9 pieces of chicken. Enough for 3 or 4 hungry people.
They'll say "there's nothing like it!" -
Good chicken! -
94 Elgin Ave., E.,
Cal. Sanders' Recipe
Colonel Sanders goys and (4Irfs make 11 'finger bckln' good".k.
Choose from the largest selection of
used vehicles in the county
Monday to Thursday 9 to 9
l: r 1,:tay 9 to 6
Saturday quo 5
See our ad in the Feb. 5
• Huron Shopping News.
All cars' price_advertised
for comparison prdrposes.
For the month of February. 1980 we will
give you.a REBATE- CHEQUE,e'quai
to the amount ofsales/tax paid on the
purchase of any used vehicle.