HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-3-29, Page 5IaISTRICT DOINW$..
itt Cell rIORCIPa Of tiro PirMt-lreetc !,Cbrougi►•
out the idetglekerkeed la it Certeine
The number in attendance at the
M4 thodetii S. S,, St,' Marys, the other
day, was 429, ,
Wm. Spence, of the 9th con., Man..
shard, has rented
L his of 200 Acres
to The". Bugg,
i actually believe that Everest$
Cough syrup revd my life,-•-Janies,
llirkpatrtok, Merchant. Forest, Ont,
John Rosa, e. Ulinton trump maker,
lead an aria broken the other day by a
piece of wood flying out of a lathe and
striking him.
The 804cre farm on the 9th con. of
Uodertch Township; known as the
hurchiil farm, was sold by auction t
i)emps•Y, of Clinton; for $ ,
I hada bad cold on my lungs for
two years; everything I tried failed me
until I got Everest's Cough Syrup, and
it cured me.—Mrs,D. A. Fraser, Park-
hill, Ont.
By a vote of nearly two to one, the.
Presbyterian Congregation of Louder -
bore' has deoided-tO introduce an or•
ganin the regular church service and
also in the Sabbath School..
Spring ! Spring! Spring!
- Boils! Boils! Boils(
The best Blood Purifier and'fonio is
Dr. Carson's Stomach
Bitters. The
People' r Remedy. Large bot 50e
Some Wretch cut the tongue .out ot
a valuable gray horse belonging to
Robt. Howie on the 5th conoeeslcon ot
London Township.
The St. Marys Spring Show will be
held on Wednesday, April 18th, and
ri •
that ot the BlanshardB
ch 19.
total Society, at Ktriiton, on April
Everest,$ Liver Regulator worked
.wonders on me and made me feel like a
new Hien.—Levi IL Slipper, Forest Ont.
At the annual meetingef Provincial
Grand Lodge of Ontario West in Tor•
onto recentlylsiajor H.A.L. White, of
St.Marys was chosen one of the dele-
gates to attend the Triennivl Grand
Council at Carrick Fergus inJuly next.
Mr. John Forrest, of she 10th con.
„of Blansnar' rliscoverd on entering
his stable. last Monday morning that
one of his hordeshad broken US -!•>r_
during the night. The animal was Im-
mediately shot,
Are you not going to use a blood
purifier this Spring? If so, remember
that Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters is
one, of the best known. Large bottles
50 cents.
•There is a curious circumstance in
the,fanlily of Mr. Benjamin W igle, sayr
the Kidgsm1lI Reporter. He is the
father of three children, one is 17
years, one 8 years, and the other' an
infant, and all three were born on the
sable day of the same month, viz.,
March 3.
The County ot Perth is very proud
of its new gal at Stratford, which it
considers' one of the finest in the
Province:'n It 1g heatea::by hot water
pipes. contains 27 cells
cued nd two
ot da k
ccells, all oft the most appr p etc,
a_well-equipped laundry, kitchen,
There is little doubt now that the
Government has chosen a site tor the
proposed public building for Goderich
an abstract of the title of the Dancsy
,property on West street having been
forwarded at their request.
The boring of a well at the harbor
has proceeded far enough to strike a
supply of water -which noes about six
feet above the level ot the lake, but
-whether the quality and quantity will
be what is desired roust yet be decided.
--Goderich Star.
As an instance of how it pays to sell
milk we notice that Mr. D. R. Reed
for five months last season, commenc-
ing ou the first day of June, from the
milk of seven cows, sent to BIythea-
wood cheese factory, received $'
or $33 11 per cow.—Blyth Standard.
At least some of the' young ladies of
this town are taking aelvantage of the
leap year. One evening, or more
properly speaking, one morningo very
reladies cently some young
wending their way tlirouch the silent
streets escorting home their young
gentlemen friends. Not so bad for
the ladies. • -St. Marys Argus.
y� he ( erkof tl a Peace ttor sCounty
of Huron for the quarter ending March
13, contains 73 cases. Of these 31.
were tried by the County Police Magis-
trate, 25 of that number being Scott
Act cases, but all the calender aside
from the 11q+ier cases is composed of
minor offences such as assault, abus-
ive language, vagrancy,
"PEC1'ORIA" for colds.
"PEC•1'ORIA" tor coughs.
1ipECTORIA" for the Lungs.
PECTORIA" tor Bronchial tubes.
uPECTORIA" the best, the safest,
the cheapest. , teat 25 cent
«PEC•CORIA the g'
Cough Remedy. •
At a citiron's meeting held in St.
Marys last week, all were in favor of
granting e. bonus to Mr. Maxwell of
Farce 'providing he located his agricul-
tural works in that a town. It was I of $7,000ro
reconinsended that
be granted for the estab
ilei,meat of a
tope'' and twine factory there. St.
Mary is a substantial town and bids
fair to soon become one of the fore-
most towns in Western Ontario.
Thi Rev..1. Stonehouse, ofStrathroy
who some weeks ago made attempts to
extort money from hotel -keepers of
that town, and who wad arrested and
released on bail to appear at a given
date, hut failing to do so and the case
twice enlarged, has as yet failedfailedto put
in an appearance. One of his bonds -
:nen stated that there wee likeli-
hood of his retuintnk, and
having been esu'eated, his sureties,
Rest. Messrs, McDonall and Middleton
will now be liahle for payment of $400'
or $'e00 each.
Suinhionses have been ,gilled at
the itistanoo of High Constable 5ohram
for the appenranoe of John Cane,T.
Inensfe,e, anis W m. Whalen, or Limn,
charged with asaaulttng ex -constable
,Three$ McFadden on the 23rd inst,
The'assauft was the outcOme
nosily ''harhored by the defendants
ag net McFadden owing to the latter
la;ing prominent part inseVerei Scott
Act prosecutions: The case will be
disposed of lactate Squire Paters on
the 29th ;last,
Preserve your health by mooting upon
baying Tt»ps'rial Greens Tartar Itskiog Pow.
ger. It eXcells all , others in purity.
llrocei•s sell it.
Adriues from Mrssowah say titat an early
attack be, the A,byssiviaus is expected.
Jean Mane Napoleon Before llcsird, the
writer and a member of the French
envy, is deed, He was eighty- years
"I had Scrofula on my neck very bad for
fwoyears, had tried all remedies and doctors
but did not get any help until Igot a.bottle
of your 1;urtlook Blood Bitters whio cured
me of it entirely." Jamas Cochrane, Fox
River Cumberland Co., N S.
The funeral of the late Senator Rolland,
st Montreal Monday, was Very lergely at-
.7. D. Cameron, of Weetl.ke, Auaslie,
Cats Breton, had inflamatory rheumatism
which ,Hagyard's Yellew Oil cured after all
other treatments had failed, Bagyard'a
Yellow Oil cured after all other treatments
had failed Ilagy ard's Yellow Oil is sold by
-A,ddrIgtuk to the Inspector.
'I's. th. 2 4ttor or AP 24etsr'1'inu
Oli ?f+lister Sprague ; .Lin Maietex Sprague,
Wha' rumbles roun' hi two-wbe,led gig,
Ws.' downcast eery and Whiskers big
Abentint wltiekeY�olio's es;to e
re were ns. when yo. d 10 pee
Aye just see frisky.
all dealers in medicine.
Could you to me this tale Unfold t
Hope tie' not so ; but so I'm told.
That any Tory bad and bold
`,Vila' whiskey sells
Ye Cane for him vi' sleeves ul.mlled
Voti1 he yells.
While Grits wile has wi' Bishop bled;
°rite whom Cameron often led,
Are welcome just to gang ahead
To sell and brawl.
Why dina yo jest earn ye're bread
I37 dipgin' all?
At least twos so, till very late,
Shaine made ye gang anther gate,
But why had ye sae' fang to wait
To give fair play ?
in&why did ye gee' party hate •
Sicoan full away?
And who' are ye oh 1 Meister Sprague ?
Xe once were no' ashamed to dig ;
Whitt male's ye feel so into big,
A xl tai a sic racket,
A enow.etorm is- raging at Par,e, When a, gals folk, When oma' and big,
streets are iu s dangerous nonditiori, 1 lien your're'pate's crackle
A POSTMASTER'S OPINION. 'hen ye are cold, strong eider gnzzlin'
eI have,pleasure in certifying to the nW
ae• . Or you old piziuotr cuddy nuzzlin,
fulness of Iiagyard's Yellow Oil," writes D.
Kavanagh, poatmeetee of Umiraville, Ont. Or bye the oust untidy buetlin,'
Haring used it for soreness of he throat, DPhar ye lino ha i1:e quite as pnzzllu
President Carnot has cordially accepted As those that drink ?
the invitation of King Leopold of. Belgium .
to visit Brussels,
A.yer's Sarsaparilla was the first snocags=
ful blood mediome ever offered to the public.
This preparation is still held in the highest
public estimation both at home and abroad.
Its miraculous cures and immense sales
show this. Ask your druggist for it.
The Czar has conferred npon Count Her-
bert Bismarck the order of St, Alexander
In the New Brunswick Legislature l]tise
Quebec resoliltions were defeatedb Y
Hada you a cough? Sleepless nights need
no longer trouble you. Ayer'a Cherry Pec-
toral will atop the oough, allay the inftam-
h eaiohi induce
nd giveoyou
heal they y
A Sydney, N. S. W. despatch gays:—The
French have completed the evacuation of
the Aebri et Ialauds. • •
If you are troubled with headache, con-
stipation, billiousness
on-stipation,billiousneas or weakness, procure
at Duos a bottle of Burdock. Blood, Bitters
and use it according to instructions.
Prompt action is necessary in order that
your trouble may be cured before it becomes
chronic' ofnted to aue-
Baron Bauer has been epp
,eeed Coen( Bylandt•Rheydt as Austrian
Minister of War.
It is understood that Mr. Mercier has
had the sanctum of the Pope to settle the
Jesuit claims, as negotiations, are now fav-
orably, proceeding.
A Mayou, cider-drinkin' smoker
•- 'Whti's aye as smutty as a poker
Ohl Meister Sprague ye're quite a joker.
While roun' ye're joggin'
Wonder how aft ye take a hooker
0' apple noggin.
Olt ! Maieter Sprague you're just the boy
To shout aloud
the Scott
cry .
Wi' cider, weed and smut, forbys
Some other orankies
You're just a model set on high llonlN
Fra' mungst the Yankees.
Tit Grew* E111#fill.]h Pre.crf091
SO years" in thousands. o cases.
Cure* Sperinatorrhea mreeue
Weakneaa, Tonct$sione,.jrnpotete}e
and all diseases caused by abille.
[esroasl indiscrerien, et orer-•exertton, terrine!
Six packages Guaranteed to tr'arfWh &aUothera
Fail. Mk your Druggist for Tee (Croat egli.M
PreaerIMttsr, take 00 anbatttuto, One package,
$i. six lli,•bY mail. Write for Painithlet, ;Address
Eureka Ches►lfeel co.. Detroit. Mick,
ti, 1 allMO sfig .edfcine tiled OW
I have pleasure in saying that Hagyard'e
Pectoral Balsam cannot be excelled for
curing coughs, colds and loose! voice. It
cured my brother completely. So says Ira
elcNead of Popular Hill, Ont., regarding
this popular remedy.
Over 400 •immigrants passed through
Quebec yesterday; en route west..
Rev. Eli Woodcock says: I have been
severely troubled with catarrh for 15 years.
On the recommendation of a friend I tried
Nasal Beim. I have used part ot a email
bottle, which has given me great relief.
The snow Ideated$ has been raised in
the north of England, but still exists in
Scotland, Trains aro resuming their reg-
ular trips.
It is stated at Berlin that the marriage
of Prince Henry of Prussia and Princess
Irene of Hesse bas been postponed s�m
Immediate Rabat
pp TDA
Cold in lI@a&
Not a Snuff, Powder or Irritating Liquid. Prise
50 cta. and $1.00. 1f not obtainable at your drug•
gists,. sent prepaid on receipt of price. Aores'S
FULEORD dt 00,,, Brockville,
Farmers, &1ientcn!
Z PZEIhilL a,�aix+L
WOOD 'tiAl t.
At To'o►'t. 1 • erx •
Exltjbitiun I1; i its :.s
psi,. •n,li •+
The undersigned would respectfully infer€
.. he community that they have le ased th a above
mills for a term of years • and will be pleased
to have a cull -from all. The mill has recently
been improved, by the addition of new mach-
inery. It is the intention of e subscribers tc
add a Act of rolls as soon as possible ; and al"
combined, the
Woodham am
L. A. Hanson, of Bowmanville, Ont., says
ho has found Burdock Blood Bitters to be a
good medicine for Liver Complaint, Dizzi-
ness, headache and dimness
eidvi ion. B.
B.B. improves the appetite,
and gives renewed strength to the worn out
Anthony Lacaurse, of Berlin, One, is
gezettetted as Judge of the Waterloo county
Coart. medicine, if you If you require a spring lE e
are suffering with languor, debility, pimp
boils, catarrh, chronic sores, scrofula, or
loss of appetite, or any disease arising from
impure blood, take Ayer's Sarsaparilla
the safest and most economical of all blood
The Prince of Wales and the Duke of
Caubridge started from Berlin for n.
'When, by reason of a cold or from any
other cause, secretory organs butane disor-
dered, they may be stimulated .to healthy
action by the use of Ayer'e Cathartic Pills.
Sold by all dealers in medicine.
Twenty-three oases of smallpox were re-
ported in /cost "York last week.
O see
A» ty a
34: 14 S Ca
duaranteed, 'this Oil was need on all machinery during the
dei a. dNii NINE. lit fLll ,MEDALS during the last three year..
ere rteas. It is only mede.by
Oarlit5 Crc CO., TOEao111%0
-.AF..i'i t3X JAS : PICKARD.
Are - You -Looking
TL= cheapest
Will be second to none iu the Wont.
Gristing and Chopping Done
Fresh oatmeal constantly on hand for sale m
exchanged for oats.
est spot in. town for
d Tinware, Paints, Oils and Glass, en., if you, are, just call at
IYardnai'e, Stoves , ., t
We are now offering the baiauce of our stook of Axes,
Cross -out saws, Lamps and Tubular Lanterns, at omit'for
We would call your attention to a few of our specialties :—
A Handsome Bran Library amp, .;
A Large Glass Stand Lamp, design -
A Good Tabular Lantern
A Good Ase and Handle
An A 1 Manure b1'urk
And everything at Rook Bottom Prices for Cash.
lines always on hand --Seib wire, Plain Galvanised, An-
of the
following k
A full -stop
oalent and Viled wire, and Buckthorn Fencing,,
Having purchased our supply of Binder Twine early We are now in a position to enypl?`
at the lowest possible price. •
A full stoc,r of tinware of all Linda alwaye� Roofing, ok.Eters for preen and
Agents for spec-
ialty. Agents• for the B re It betake Shing
celebrated Raymond Sewing Mactline. I3ISSTT SRO', Exeter.
3. & A• MoNEVIN,
Liver Complaint,
Sick Headache,
fiiduey Troubles,
Skin Diseases
—and all -
Impurities of the
Blood from what-
ever Cause arising
Female weakness
& General debility
— BORN.Went.—In Usborne, on the 25th inst., the wife of Mx, Geo. Weir, of a sous
1r'ti,E.ETd A11'>✓ : .
Aro pleasant to t x1• C out:, i i their otrri
Purgative. Is a t^, + c tfoctnal
iistOrcoyer or worms is. t r.i1ct, ar A duct/
Dress -Mak ug 1
etre. Bissett and Mies Welsh beg to in- I,
form the public that they are opening out
business, and can be found on the corner
of William and Gidley streets.
Dress•nlaking done - in all the Latest
L<ssons on Fancy - Work given. -Stamping
e, specialty. Orders promptly attend-
ed to. A call solicited.
Ssxnreoct.-Ssxie—At the manse, Usborne
ou the 14th inst., by Rev- Colin Fletcher
lvir. John Sandicoek'of Usborne, to Miss
Barbera Saxe of Hay,
A011080N—ONE.—At the Central
the 27th inst., by the Rev.
yon, Mr. Thos. Acheson to ,Mise Florence
second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James
Oke, all of Exeter.
DELVE—•Travtr t00',—At theresidence of
the bride's father Sir, John Trevethick,
on the 20th iust, by Rev. D.M. Kennedy,
Mr. Robert Delve to Miss 'Marietta Trev-
ethick, both of Crediton.
Teel Dicxsoen—At the residence of the
bride's father, Goderich, on the 28th inst,
by Revs Dr, Ure, Mr. John E. Tom..P•S•
I. to Miss 'Maggie Reonl' daughter
of of
Jas. Dickson, Esq. 1
lionlvsme—Seems—In Fullerton, on the
22nd inst., by the Rev. C. le. Stafford,
at the residence of ilio bridegroom's
brother, Mr. Barley Robinson, Edward,
sixth son of Mr. Wm. Robinson, to ivliss
Caroline, sixth (laughter of Mr. August
Saakel, all of Fullerton,
Tuceie s—SecesLesert—Iii Mitchell, at the
residence ef'the bride's father, on the
7 Stafford,
, to
E. 5
21st iut5t., by the Rev. 1. '
Mr. Richard Thorne, of the firm of Cole
Thorne, to Miss Mary Ann,
daughter of Mr. J. Stoneman, all of
$2 50
$1 00
$0 50
$1 00
30 80
Purely Pleasant and effectualVeetable Highly rrated,
tual to use.
Doctor Hodder's Compound.
Take no other. Sold everywhere. Price
75 cents per bottle. u Dy R'
DR.: O
Cough Lug Ow
Sold Everywhere. Price, 25 cents and 5,
cents per bottle. Proprietors and Manf'rs,
the Union Medicine Company
Toronto Canada•
I,'eemei.--In Exeter, on the 22nd inst., Boy.
J. H. Eynon, aged 87
D1rreitinoL,-In Usboriie, on tho,e0tllinst.,
Elizabeth, relict of tee late Iilcharil
Delbridese, ; aged 79 ,years and 11 months.
MAi;iaivo,--At Stnow Flake, Manitoba, oil
lith ins(., son of We Bite A, F., Manning,
aged 2 years and 7 months. ;Lanita}aa 00
Zeis:avi•1o,•—At Snow I.1.tke, r ,
the 23rd lust, Mr. A. F. Manning, son
01 Richard Maurine Esq., of
28 years, 9 rime O l ani i 4 days,
BLtTTIID.—At the rc'id•aneo of her sots, Mr.
Andrew Beat tic TslydalrGrovu, AfeKiliop
Op t110 16th inst , ,Tarte 13orthick, dangl:
tee of the late Bole. 1ortllielt, k:[olin
thaw, Moffatt (Scotland, and wits of the
late Andrew Beattie, Ste buretcot, Dem
.friceshire, Scotbtnd, teed ,other of 141, s,
Gain Ross, of Eorlgolwillo, a cel 9'J yes.,
1 month and 1,1 days.
And every species of disease arisinJ
from disordered L1 cER., JCWDNEYS,
T1, MILBURN 8T. CO '''V°47cilvr.c.
0 7113 NE'
T be Proprietor of, the
"Weep not tor me, li,y oixilereu clear,
Iain not dead but sleeping near,
1 erne tot yours, but Owl's alone,
Ile loved xtn, host send took n5, �,
The whole s1stern is deranged leaand
sorts The oloodisimpure, pfmP
liver sprts appearing en the 150e and body,
The liver is clogged au n it, actleepy, using el-
tigue loss of appetite, complexion
in„ ,with inability to do work, t itlabsolutoly ion
is fallow and muddy,
cessary,to enloy good bsalth,to take the cele-
Themas Holloway, 7s, New 0 r ib etre t, ,,
afanufaetprad only by }
late 533, Oxford
al,Purcllasers should loot to tine Label on the Boxes aoi: Pots.
Tf the add:8ss is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious:.
Now that House -Cleaning time is near, we invite your in-
spection to our BIG stock of Carpets, Curtains, and those
Fancy Window Blinds, &c.
When bnyin �'� all Paper don't forget that the Old
Established civ ies the Biggest Stock and Latest Alai
erican Patterns.
r tairLs
Maudral;e, Dandelion Liver Cur e,,vhl011 1111):i -
flail m1°131005 by stimulating the Liver, aiding
digestion and promoting a natural evacuation
of the bowels. Mandrake and Dandelion are
two of the best Liver regulators known ,• and
all morteeviti1t' mportanceen aree ttot the healthcer IS of
than the
x If the Liyer is torpid or in-
active, , Dy Lungs,
active, Dysgeusia, Indignation, Fie.adache,Cos-
tiVeness etc will result,
D0171117 1017 `Laboratory f
Begs to immense to hie non erotis fricel
tend pate0Uythf t he has just put ie a
line of
Steele Fancy eeationer•y, Arceunts Books
and all kinds of School Ilaquisltery 1s for
and Note Paper, Fouls Cap Paeer,
Account Paper, Colored 11is2nes
Gilt •, r,.,.. Drawing Pap.
P u and 'Nudist -
L-1. -E-R ee, Liver
Impu erBlood,I! on1113 eagle
un -
dice, Liver $p Dr. Chase's Mandrake
aro quickly cured by
Dandelion Li la, E.
of Fancy Ceiling Papers w l
Lots Corners to match,
Win.aew Blinds Wan
When are
mid weekened, oneeor two diseased,
arexgun d
�1T West t,G
. I1ir. AIQl Taylor, • ire kid-
to aure. fin. 15 years With l,i
ley disc was trouble
Hoy clisoaeo, was comphQllod to rico 5 and G
times through the •svav finally t to lrcuy ed' after 'all
intense mediaphysicians had failed, by
other romeclies and
Over ono -half million of V. Chases lie 1
Hooks havebeen sold
wc,ni: Qv t d 1
pldil>,l;s and kidney diaeasos, etc., 10 try Chase
Liver Cure. Wrapped around every bottle is
ening �� d -,D I
5000 .,000 �7V -.vexxt
And also a fall tem
most f pall file iterr'est and
1 OAKS ---• OF •-- FICTIONf
a of tvlrlch veil be sold at the Lowes re-'
,.,i t`.tr0 rates.
RECEIPT-BOOKhouseman should be
with 1n sits toilet, house o
Svitrmit this boot, the finest collection of tool -
as eetaut, The ladies department 5iv es re-
ceit+tsfoe beautifyingthe coin plaxiom Mag-
nolia Yialni3Oreetn of Beauty, May Pr
T an,
;( rec}rles, Sunburn, Rat Dyes
Tooth powdeik'Witietes, Golden. Reit ha r to sgolden hut, ,ly
f or
bleaQhi+x6 da e or
Lustre. etc., etc,
Sold011tlolll 'tteldealers at $1. isworthten timestthe dostof
the medicine,
Try Dr, Chase's Kidney hiverPills, the only
pill= o actingien the Kidneys,
r and Bowels,
lcee cSoebydal-
Don'talloiv a0010 in head to aloud/ and
surely 118V0lapp into catarrh, whoa you cat he
cured fps 25o,by tri :ing tns rltrai ain'u Catarrh
Care. .3 few app
atilt ; 1 io27tntetafrpp
0= ;
boxes tsRnrbede eoiixonirr•
ry it, frnlrt>•5e.iiad ear®aura,
NLON`7�R 0 A.' w. ! LL
l) lr fll �. , � � „� *s .
M � 1r
• . ia.i 0 V'E D.
The high character ofthis old Hied. '
1 : removed to his new
1 for Con lis Cold:(,
T. DL+AI]I\Gr bas as a sure remedy6 +
stand, one •I, + ,,„,t), lh the Lutz's e e r1 Lung ,Leonides ' srpe11:teele
Drug r ,..,; 0 1,1 `4.11..,4 ,..,e,l by the gear fyin , ' 31 (101 amts
Cke,trol rletel, �(
10501 cited testimony receive '0 those
Where be will be found as seal, offering i vi1{ en belief
In Dry Goods, Gro mots & Shoes,
Glees ,, tee,
in ordt'i i
bulk tl1'
He sells
••t nave ,,sv 1 l Iallan
(1i]t tiler my 1"1111ly f•ro lIp tclr
� r•.r„ • r,+ 1x11 tit>'ortl• .
stc)c'l( ,
vit',1.CS ,
r;ttlt writes ,
0510 (lolls
"'111111tt it.
YTTs'S 1)T
25 at, Ir ..(,1e,