HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-02-07, Page 19.e. i;oMiNAYThsl.' (OU + �. • a a.fi. CL outirr -•a111rQ K A� 0 • * 'MA CI ri:s' 4 S SiFIED ADS WARRINTON•IPA"sc��; �•`�q • sus�ra �iveri 12, .Help; wanted2 I•lelp wanted Must have 2 years •.A.T.A: experience for our. Clinton office, —.-.—preasa calf 1-400.=4-0541101 WORLD WIDE TRAVEL AGENCY. • MACIIINISi REQUIRED". We require a Machinist for our Plant No. 3 in Stratford, Ontario. RATE OF PAY: STARTING: '7.23 PER HOUR HIGH: *7.83 PER HOUR PLUS: 20 cents Cost of.Living Allowance PLUS: Company Paid Fringe Benefits following probationary period ' ' APPLY TO: Personnel Department STANDARD PROJcTS: (CANADA) LIMITED 1030 Erie Street Stratford, Ontario ' N7A 6V7 ' Telephone: 519-271-3360 • Extension 63 1.5. Tenders 15: Tenders - The Clinton Public Utilities Commission isofferinga HOUSEFORSALE The house is situated at 23 Princess St. E:, Cinton. This house is to be removed from the site and the lot levelled by May 15,1980. Anyone wishing to view these premises and obtain further information may call The Public Utilities office, 482-9601. Sealed tender will be received by the commission until 5:00 p.m. February 22, 1980. (Highest or any tender not necessarilli accepted) MINISTRY OF HOUSING ONTARIO HOUSING 'CORPORATION Tender Reference Number B05 PT 80-4 - - Move -Out Painting of O.H.C. buildings in Huron County. Tenders will be received .for the above until 11:00 a.m. Iota( time, February 8, 1980, by the Ontario Housing Cor- poration, c/o Court . House and Registry Of- fice, 80 Dundas Street, P.O. Box 5600, Terminal "A", London Ontario NSA. 2P3 - (519/679-7I1O)' from whom details. and specifications may be obtained. Details and specifications ma iy also be obtained from the , Huron-- County - Housing Authority 48 The Square, Goderich, On- tario NIA 1M5. (519/524- 2637), quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST .OR ANY. TENDER ' NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. 17. Auction sales - RicIard Lobb AUCTIONEER Clinton 482=7898 AUCTION CALENDAR Every Thursday HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALE • 18. Serviees available TAX TIME Ny/8 SERVICES Suncoast Mall G oderich ACCURATE RETURNS GUARANTEEa BUSINESS, FARM PERSONAL H. MITCHELL . 482-7584 HOUSE PLANS and ' ' MECHANICAL DRAFTING 482.3586. • ARMiN'S SHARPENING "SERVICE CIRCULAR SAWS CARBIDE TIPPED SAWS HAND .& CHAIN SAWS SCISSORS, ETC. 565-5298 r< -M R-k,V . otN4( A.PM&H•tacy. Ea P- .,. R'w BOQK.KIEEP ��e o -E alert 62.•� u ��a,.,..... {;Dtlot. Ms., 11,04 8: u 4r th k'MA FIs dint• N .1 n D0 'C5lredble, i OR; 4. •IP ;?e�, 477,7i.,17,4:n, 49 Lax AY/75 > F wul Tv. Awn t n- ", Aa�lv,. .18. Services, avail'abl.e - 18. Services available 18• Services available ,2.7. Deaths 200 POUND DRESSED PIG $2500 fully processed for the month of February "IrM£&HER'S DASHWOOD 237-3677 JACK ROORDA ,DECORATING for expert PAINTING AND 'WALLPAPERING I„ _Phone 482=7862 HANK'S SMALL ENGINESERVICE HENRY REININK 1 MILE NORTH OF Y NDEsaORo 523-9202 FOR SALE Used Snowmobiles We also Service and Repair snowmobiles and snowblowers and other small engine equipment WATER WELL DRILLING. W.D. HOPPER" "&SONS FOUR MODERN - ROTARY RIGGS PHONE: SEAFORTH NEIL: 5274737 DURL: 527-0828 JiM:- 527-0775 DISC JOCKEY STEVENS COUNTRY GOLD & ROCK 'N' ROLL Good recorded music for weddings, -dances, an- niversaries, parties, elft. Phone - Brussels evenings. 887-6159 KENS' CAR PNTRY' Remodelling renovations,. cupboards, rec rooms,. carports, flooring, Hunt, Pella windows and' patio doors, - aluminum siding, .windows, doors. Phone 482- 7676, --Ken M.cNairn.--l2tfar BYERS UPHOLSTERY — We 'will rebuild recover "or Testyte-yourMo ld—fmn i lure. Top quality - fabrics and workmanship. Gall 482-7939, 71" "1 Princess St. W., ' Clin- A ton,—tf n CAKE DECORATING for all occasions inel'uding wed- dings, children's birthday cakes our specialty. Phone. 524-2084,3.6 SNOWBLOWING - Driveways and sidewalks. Phone Cliff Hallam 4$2- ,7370.--5-8 VEARS----ACBATTOIR--AND — MEAT MARKET. Now booking custom butchering for beef and hogs. For ap- pointment phone 235-1123. Hwy 83 east of Exeter. -6,7 J.B. COLQUHOUN- GENERAL CONTRACTOR :* Custom Built Homes *Renovations * Additions 482-9506 EVENINGS JOHN"KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING * Farm Buildings * Additions *. Renovations Phone 482-3063airmanommummumammi 19. ' Notice to creditors IN THE ESTATE OF RUSSELL GEORGE NEAL, late of the Townof Clinton, in the County of Huron, Clerk, --deceased. - ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of ----fine above --named who- died ----- on the 29th day of December, 1979, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of February, 1980, after which .date the assets will be distributed having - regard- only to the claims of which the undersigned shall. ' =-then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 3rd day of January, 1980. ' MENZIES, ROSS, Clinton, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executors. 21. Personal PREGNANT AND DISTRESSED? Married - or single, free positive con- fidential support. Help is as close as your telephone. BIRTHRIGHT - London (collect) 432-7197 or 524-2913, 357-1769 or 392-6541.-3-52 NO RED ' TAPE: We will legally "ordain you as a fully pledged minister, regardless of sex, . religion or 'nationality. Write to U.L.C. Peoples Missions, Dungannon, Ontario. NOM 1R0.-5-8 - ARE YOU UNATTACHED, separated, "single or divorced? Meet that special person. -Apply Box 104, Owen Sound N4K 5P1. -6x' -'22: Lost' and fourrd BO-JEN - CAR ENTRif FOR • CUSTOM BUILT HOMES • RENOVATIONS • ADDITIONS SEL BOB ,LANGENDOEN BOX 309 CLINTON PHONE 482-9720 PHONE 524-8029 , To the Unfit If you just sit You won't quit Being unfit. Pafilil/Pa1170/1 , 49 «N Camila', apv mpm Ip. 110;10f101 hM,,, HENDRIK GELOK ELECTRIC REtIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL !VOUST-RAL TRAILER AND H.V SERVICE QUALITY WORKMANSHIP AT A REASONABLE PR}CI 95l14AIN'TENANCE - NEW AND OLD INSTALLATIONS PHONE 51 9-482.3700 ' or 482.7007 —5 -lar IN THE ESTATE OF SAMUEL WARREN THOMSON, late of the Township of Stanley in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Este. -of the above-named _-.who died on the 1lth day of May, 1979, are required - to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 15th day of February, 1980, after which date the assets will be distributed, --having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall. then have notice. - DATED - at Clinton, Ontario, this 1.7th day of January, 1980. MENZIES, ROSS Clinton, Ontario Solicitors for the Administrator.-4.6ar , IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES LAWRENCE AR- MSTRONG, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Retired Merchant, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named who diem on the 29th of December, 1980, are required .to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 19th day of February, 1980, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which The undersigned shall then have notice, DATED at " Clinton, Ontario, this 17th day of January, 1980. MENZIES, ROSS Clinton, Ontario ' Solicitor for the- •Execu trix a«-•3,6ar,. FOUND: Pure black cat. Phone 482-7514.-6 . 24. Business opportunities MAKE MONEY in your spare time. Learn income tax preparation. For free brochure, no obligation. Write U & R, Tax -Schools, 118 Roxborough Drive Toronto, Ontario, M4W 1X4.-6bc • • 13E -YOUR OWN BOSS Opportunity to start your own business in Seaforth or vicinity. Complete set-up in- cluding a commercial -building, approximately 30' x 60', situated on -an acre of land and all per- taining equipment. Suitable for small engine repair and retail sales. NORM CLARKE--- REAL ESTATE LTD. 26 Wellington St. S. St. Marys, Ontario 284-238.1-_7" " OR EVENINGS: -284-1685 25. To give away SIX MONTH OLD male collie pup. Not thorough- bred. Phone '482-9301 anytime. -6 FIVE PUPS, one female mongrel. Phone 482-3859.-6 TO GIVE AWAY to a good home - male Beagle puppy - h'ouse broken and has had shots. Phone 482-7444 after 5 p.m. -6 27. Deaths LYNN, At the Clinton, Public Hospital on Monday, February 4, 1980, Mrs. Margaret Lynn (Howard), of Bayfield, and formerly of Toronto, in her 74th Year,, ,Beloved wife of Kenneth Lynn. Dear mother • of Noreen .(Mrs. Arthur Ludlow) Of Mississauga, Kenneth and Howard of Detroit, Bill of Fort Erie, Bruce and. .• Norman of Toronto, Gordon and- Tom of i-1'illsburgh, ' Doug of Mississauga, and - Glenn of Calgary. Also loved by 23 grandchildren and.. five great-grandchildren. Also survived by two brothers, Doug and Harry Howard, both of Detroit. Predeceased by sisters, Mabel (Mrs. Charles Wallace), Anna (Mrs. Walter Willey), and three brothers, George, Cecil and Bob Howard. Rested at the Ball Funeral Horne, 153 High Street, Clinton, where the funeral service was held on' Wednesday, February 6 at 2 -pm -Interment Bayfield Cemetery. 8nc CLINT N EVES- ECO ' 'HUR DAY, FEBRUA Y7, 9 '"A 1St:. REDDOCH -- • At Victoria Hospital; . Lon- don, on Wednesday, January 30, 1980, Rev. James Red-. doch, Minister Emeritus of St. Andrew's United Church, Bayfield, in his - 6$th year. Beloved husband of Doris of Bayfield. Dear father of Dr. Alton Reddoch of Whitehorse, Yukon, and, Graham -of-f;algary-#Iberta-. _ Also survived by one sister, Jean (Mrs. Ted Vallantine) of Liverpool, England. Predeceased by three sisters. Rested at the Bali Funeral Home, 153 High Street, Clinton, until 12:30 noon Saturday, February 2, 1980, thence to St. Andrew's United Church, Bayfield, where the funeral service was held at 2 p.rn. Interment Bayfield Cemetery.-6nc RODGES At Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, February 1, 1980, Alta -Lind E. Rodges, of Clinton, in her 78th year. Dear mother of Elizabeth (Mrs. William ` Finley) of Niagara -On -The -Lake; dear grandmother of Jonathan, Elizabeth and Calla. Rested at the Beattie Funeral Home, 55 Rattenbury Street East, Clinton, after 7 p.m. on Sunday,.-.- where 'funeral committal service was held on Tuesday, February 5, 1980. commencing at 2 p.m. with Rev, J. Oestreicher of- ficiating. Interment Maitland ' - Cemetery, Goderich.-6nc 30. In memoriam MILLER' In loving -'memory of a dear mother, . father and grand- parents, Mrs. Florence Miller who passed away F.eb. 12, 1974 and Mr. Arnold Miller who passed away Feb. 9,1977: Nothing but memories as we journey,on Longing for a smile from loved ones gone, - No one knows the ,depth of our deep regrets But we remember when others forget. - Always remembered and sadly missed by Keith, Murray and families, -6x 31. Card of thanks - PARKER We. wish to express our thanks to friends, neighbours and relatives for the • kind- ness and sympathy shown to us in the loss of our mother - for the floral tributes, let- ters, cards, donations to the Canadian Cancer Society, the Clinton Hospital. Mac Cameron Memorial Fund and the University of Western Ontario Library, also for other acts of kind- ness. Special thanks to Rev. William Bennett, Canon Paul, Rev.. George Youmatouff, the pallbearers, organist, choir, Trinity Church Guild and the Ball- Funeral_ Home. • Gratitude also to the nurses and --staff of the 4th floor St. Joseph's Hospital and to the Rev. Ted Humphreys and Rev. Alan Young, London for their visits, prayers and communion. Maude Weston, Charles and Myrna Parker, Jacqueline and Keith Pruss.-6 McCARTNEY Many, thanks to my friends, neighbours and family for their visits, flowers,- gifts, cards and good wishes during my stay in Clinton Hospital. Special, thanks to Dr.'Harrettand Dr. Lambert of Goderi-ch, Rey. McMullen and nursing staff. Hazel McCartney. -6x WHITMORE' I wish to thank our relatives, neighbours and friends for their • kindness and being good to Verna while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Lambert, Dr. Singleton, Dr. Harrett, nurses and staff on first floor,, Rev. John Oestreicher and Holmesville UCW and V.O.N —nurses since 1 have been home. Sincerely Raymond Whit- more. -6x RICHARDSON Many thanks to friends and relatives for their visits, cards and good wishes during' my stay ih Clinton Hospital. Special thanks to Rev. Pick .,and Rev. Oestreicher, Dr. Harrett and nursing staff on first floor. Gordon Richardson:4-'6x Educational and training courses at the Clinton Public Hospital will be im- proved with the use of this audio visual machine, recently purchased by the hospital auxiliary group. The machine, which cost $2,300, can be used to show educational tapes and films fib staff and patients. Auxiliary president, Dawna Westlake, behind, and Helen Davies, right, presented the cheque to hospital administrator Doug Coventry on Monday. (News-Record.photo)' u flie j,'rnutt'and M. I)tm-marl' voice j aeons recipe corner • Pumpkin Cheesecake (A dessert for the diet - conscious ) 2 cups cooked pumpkin 2 cups cottage cheese 4 eggs one-third cup honey 1/4 tsp. nutmeg`.' 1 tsp. cinnamon 1/2 tsp. ginger 1/4 tsp. cloves ,Put all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth. Pour this mix- ture into ixtureinto a 1 quart baking dish. Setthe dish in a pan of hot water and bake at 325 degrees for about 50 minutes or until a knife - inserted in the centre comes -out clean.' Serve chilled. Cocoanut Pie Shell The above pie has no crust. If you would prefer a crust, use: 1 cup shredded cocoanut . 1/2 cup wheat germ 2 tbsp. oil 2 tbsp. honey Combirre. -_,_- ingredients and press into a 9" pie pan. Pour pumpkin cheese mixture into crust. - Bake at 325 degrees for .1 hour and 15 minutes. Serve chilled. If the filling used is not to be baked, bake crust at 325 degrees for 5 to 8 minutes until lightly browned. Cool before filling. ' Helpful Hints When making homemade knitted sweaters 'and socks, 31. Card of thanks BROMLEY Scott and I would like to thank everyone for all the cards, gifts and flowers sent to us during our stay in the Clinton -Public Hospital. Your kindness will always be remembered and ap- preciated. Kathy and Scott ,Bromley. -6x STODDART We would like to thank all our relatives and friends who have `Peen --so kind and thoughtful to us in o'u'r bereavement. The, many and various expressions of sympathy were ' most gratefully received. Margaret. Stoddart and family. -6 - BEACOME • My appreciation and thanks to the honest person who found the envelope con- taining personal papers and returned same to the Post Office. Robert Beacome,-6 BROMLEY I would like to take this opportunity to thaY1 eLMa'ftha Craig and the other nurses who were on duty the night of Jan, 25 for their prompt and skillful action shown in the delivery of my son. A special tlYariks-,also goes out to Dr. Street and the remaining nurses who were working on the second floor for the week of Jan. 24 to Jan. 30 who made my stay a relaxing ono. Thanks again. Kathy Bromley:'6x . crochet shoelaces to match. - Make a chain measuring 24" to 26" long , , when stretched, Wrap. each end tightly with transparent tape for easy threading into shoe eyelets. - Prevent the bottom crust of fruit pies from 13etom ing 'soggy by sprinkling dry bread" crumbs on the crust before adding filling. Try usinu vanilla ,wafer crumbs or finely ground nuts for more flavour.. Delicate square cookies can be evenly , cut by using a ,removable ice cube separator. If garbage day is several days away, put quick -to -spoil refuse such as fish and chicken bones in a bag marked "gar- bage" and freeze .'im- mediately. Put the bag. out on garbage day. Christian Church pian 'special services ' There are several special services planned for , .the month of February at the Vanastra Christian Church, the first of these being a farewell service on February 10 for Rose Bakker and her family. 'Rose has served the Vanastra Church for several months on - the Action Committeend as - supervisor of the Sunday School. We wish Rose and her family well in thei'r new home in B C. On February 17,—the Clinton Church choir will sing - at the regular Sunday service. We all enjoyed them so much when they sang at the church to welcome Rev. Mantel. It will certainly be a pleasure to hear them again. On February 24, the Vanastra Guides, Brownies, Scouts and Cubs will attend the regular morning service in order to celebrate Guide -Scout week and to commemorate the • bir- thdays of Lord Baden_ Powell, the founder of Scouting, and his - wife- Lady Baden-Powe1T. - Resign posts Maureen Dunsmore, a Vanastra correspondent for several years, has resigned her position because of personal reasons. Antiques stolen EXETER - Thieves made off with. over $11,000 worth of antiques, glassware and collector's items after a recent break-in at a Stephen ToWnship residence. The theft was discovered by - Phyllis • O'Neal, the London owner of the residence. The Exeter OPP who investigated the theft, which occurred at lot 14, concession 15 of Stephen, said the theives probably used'smaIT truck to cart the loot away. - r "H&R Block will represent you to the District Taxation Office:' Henry W. Block Should your income tax return be questioned,_ we will not only take responsibility for how it Was prepared, we will represent you to the District Taxation of- .,f.ite...all year round and at no extra cost. At H & R ' Block, we are inform) tax specialists. - • H&R BLOCK . THE. INCOME TAX PEOPLE 44 ONTARIO ST., CLINTON Open daily 9.6 Thurs. OBS Sat. 4.2 4824536 appoinfrnenttaverilabin D