HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-02-07, Page 16NTONNEW Ti Y ,1980-..-. da:xaaa es when two ears collided on Albert Street in RR.)l, Walton. received $200 in damages .audr, a r A .January 17 fender bender resulted. in $600 in gparked car owned by Olive Brindley of Goderich „ g1I,B.t tn.,... , ear, driven by Aldegonda Holthuysen of Itecel-ved-$40044-damagos�-(-N w•s-Recor-d-photo) Zurich girl safe in Afghanistan. ZURICH - Carol Erb, %daughter of Mr: and Mrs. Gordon Erb of RR 2, Zurich has sent word to her parents that she is safe and well in Afghanistan. The Soviet Union recenity invaded Afghanistan at the time of a coup that deposed president Hafizul Amin KINCARDINE DRIVING ACADEMY NOW OPERATING IN CLINTON. -M.T.C. CER- TIFIED INSTitUCTORS. IN- CAR—AND IN -CLASS IN- STRUCTION. FOR IN- FORMATION -7 PHONE: 482-7041 and put Russian -backed Babrak Karmal into power. This is the fourth revolution that has taken place in Afghanistan in the eight years that Miss Erb has lived in the country. Miss Erb, 38, works in Kabul, Afghanistan as an executive secretary to one of the senior doctors of the N.O.O.R. Eye Institute of Kabul. This is the largest hospital in Asia specializing in eye and vision problems. Carol s 'fat er said that in his daughter's last letter, she wrote that -something . was- bre w -i -ng - since she heardplanes overhead day and night. The parents now await another letter from their daughter to let them know if she can remain in One clear choice... TONY McQUAIL NDP Transportation The Conservatives and L berais tell us Canadians have to pay wor" _t paces n order to conserve energy Tr,at means it the Tories 'Implement their hrrtr ronsumer budget you ll pay an extra 18 cents a gallor, for gas And that s not all The Conservat,ves also wart to in( rease the price of oil by $4 a barrel wh (1 wt mean another 12 cents a gallon Add 4(31, up an you be paying an extra 30 cents a gallon And the Liberals', They were fr'e or PS to start lncreasng the ppr;e of cm tc, W(,rir IPye.'S Canada Ts New Democrats say we don t have4o pay higher 011 paces h.) Lor,se've arrd new energy sources We can conserve thrr,,,gr planned energy policies such as tighter regu it 1r; .develop more enerq`y efficient homes ;eh,cl5•, and,'" riuhtr W, A two price system for oil A^rj we ran r',ure sur energy future with ar expanded Petr-; ,ar ado Housing The r_,t,nsero, foe, ,. ,ses of Orver_iritO - est rates Were , ,• , r Se 'r,ey let interest rates 1„rr.i, +' rases less tha- five months -can( ng Cut ar. v :,e" eft., fr,,m their Mortgage Tax Credit lyrr)pOsa• r4er'er', hill have the extra costs passer) rlowr to the'rtrandlords The Liberals didrr t dO any bettfhr tr, the; last year - Of power they Increased the rates rr,e<; Canada s New nen o( rats rave '-rare ,j f',�rryat,le ideas a Mortgage AStan. e P,ar, W 'r a rir1e per (.eni i: Pil'ng (/n ^"orfgageS fr,ir ��arr, ..IIP`, elrrl rig - under $30 0O() ar.`d f : v reri,t whir would help 1()w dr,rt 1dIP r,, F, ,.a ad'rar,s Heating The '(,ry pr i r ,, %Fa fr r home neat,i; energy -s desigr'ed 1(1 Alar, rear's that wr'aafeveir ,r, , ;se -;;ser 0110r. hydrtr-yhu L, Pn(f ;ter heating bilis,next.year The 1,,ibera'S chub e1 er.ergy were well on the Way' !c, ever, r` ,her Canada s New f)pr'r) rat`; J4ar' SF' t' F' e• planning a two or !:P sy`-,ferr Sir [,Wer the Gauntry higher phcP,''i' exo, ''' a• .1 Pwnarided. use of PetroCanada Food • When the l_ be'a'5 vve'e r ,J+,WF'r trp,. 11 cancelled the .ink, we;3p',,, the,, r,ad developed to r,ghf ,r1 Ger < e, ,r,F, subsidy On 1nilk and bread Groner, t, 13% in 1979 if .nothing 5 gone they r r5P even -r,-,r0 thts year The Conseryahve, prr,m,sed a niafiria, ,)n' ,.y r;r food and then forgot their pr. The Consumer Food Subsii v was a New rat,c idea The New Democrats war 'r P ,,,r)s dy nr,,,.,;ir r back, and the CnSt of -1. iving Tax C_rPdr' implernenter: the country. Mr. Erb said he expects that the main hospital won't leave the country unless absolutely necessary and said that he could be more con - with biR 1 By Bertha MacOi'egor. ,- Mx. and Mrs. Roy Cousin of Henson Celebrated their 64th wedding anniversary on Tuesday January 29tif. Mrs ConsifT is the iortnte .Ethel;apfe and the couple were married at Blake, Ontario by the Rev, 'Johnston; of Varna, assisted , . by Rev. Richardson of Hillsgreen, `They took up farming at Hilisgreen and later moved to Tuekersrnith where .thy .;liveduntil moving to Hensall in1956. They have two sons Jack, Hensall and . Ray of. Tuckersn'tth, seven grandchildren and three great.grandch.ildren. Mr. and Mrs. Consitt eniov fair' health and daughter's safety following the takeover if he hadn't visited the country himself. lie said Afghanistan has always had a good system of law and order. Seniors study done ST. MA-RYS - Getting to meals, shopping help and day-care volunteer relief are, areas in which senior citizens suffer in St. Marys and Blanshard, Township. 'The areas were among a number of short- comings the Perth Seniors Planning Council determined through a suryey in 1979. The survey found that - everyone who was- con- tacted in St. Marys and Blanshard said a Wheel to Meals program did not exist, that there was ' ng shopping help or day car volunteer assistance. Most of the seniors who replied to the survey in the two municipalities . "sai'd there' were few people a�'ar lab,le who c.an- bc contacted th do hoavv housework. They also complained about transportation and telephone contacts. Many of those who .swwe,red the survey didn't 'k -now that r there . was psychiatric care available and -did not know that the area had a public health nurse:- - On the positive side,,the survey did show that .seniors were 100 percent in favor. of the senior citizens centre, the seniors club and library. They also said that there were .sufficient nursing homes in the area as well as senior housing. Over half those surveyed also supported the Meals -on Wheels program and praised the area's'he.a.lth care. Readers writ... from page 4 Now, let us look di faa ming Here I agree that interest rates are unreasonable because our profits don't go up automatically as costs increase. More serious still is the accepted fact seems to be that foreign buyers' can come to Canada with' money that costs them less than half the Canadian rate and probably make a profit whereas a Canadian,boy buys a neighbour's farm with mortgage at 13 percent and working capital at up to �upl+ celebrate 64th iversary keep up on the hap- penings of the village and, enjoy company. Former area man dies; 'Russell Young Love passe, away in Kin:. cardine Gen.eral Hospital,- Wednesday January 30th 1980 in, his 76th year. ,He was the:. husband of the former Lulu McDonald formerly of Hensall', and is also. survived by three sons, Douglas Love . of. Burlington, Dr,. Robert Love, of Kamloops, B.C,, • Murray Love of London; four. grandchildren; one brdther, Rev., 'Keith Love, California; sisters Miss Lottie Love of Toronto, and Miss Grace'. Love of London. ukensway news The Queensway Nursing Home welcomes a new resident, Mrs. Hilda Bodenham of Exeter. Rev. Forsythe of Exeter conducted the church service at the home accompanied at the piano by Louise Mitchell. Visiting with Russell Erratt were Bill and Helen Taylor, Frank and Mabel . McClinchey and Mark Taylor; Les Mit- chell visited with his mother Mrs. Louise Mit( h'•ll : Greta Beavers visited with her husband Morris Beavers; and Don Rozendal visited with his iivife Alice, The men's high bowling score was rolled by Neil Regan with 114 and ,the ladies' by Mary Parimer with 92. Highway robbery. near Zurich A. Zurich area wpr tar r was the victim of a daring - -incident of "highwaytl "robbery"' this week. In the. early hours Sunday a woman driver was headed west on High- way 84 toward -Zurich. Beside her in the front seat soundly snoozing was her husband. About three miles west of Hensall, near Huron Cotinty Road 31, she noticed a car with a flashing amber light tailing her. Thinking it was a police cruiser, she pulled off the . road, • But the government isn't "Crazy". Then.the Canadian boy buys a farm, he pays for it; with Canadian money .and doesn't help our economy or strengthen our dollar. The foreign buyer in foreign money, helps . our balance of payments and strengthens our dollar. This makes government look good. The fact that we are selling out our last sizeable natural resource doesn't matter. I wonder. "Who is 'crazy'?" J. Carl Hemingway Brussel,s., Ont. WEEKLY SAVINGS TRIANGLE DISCOUNT MAKES Authorized by Qf.:ticiel Agent of Tony McJulii NOP, Lucknow SHAMPOO ONLY JOY/24 oz. MAKE -YOUR VOTE COUNT! GALL: Bayfield 565-2453 Blyth 523-9335 Brussels 887=6887 Clinton 482-3208 Exeter 235.1628 Cagiierich 524.2882 l,.ubknow 528-6542 Seaforth 527-1860 58 THE SQUARE, GODERICH MAIN CORNER, CLiNioN MAIN CORNER, SENFORTH The driver of the second car got out, -- leaving leaving , three or four com pa n ions in the' cat',. walked over to the woman, as she waited in her car, and armed only , with nerve, demanded • money. She handed over $40, the bandit •took off and the husband- never -raised -an---- eyelid. Provincial police at Exeter are looking for a - tall, "slim male between' the ages of 16 and 20. - "We don't use flashing amber lights," com- mented one policeman. SMite The, top of the ladder is • a n -i -c -e place ... but very' lonesome ! • Funeralservice and committal were held •from . the •Linklater Funeral Home, Kin oardine, Friday with;.:.. interment ° in Exeter Cemetery later. Fred Parsons Ales A former area man, l red R. Parsons' of London, passed away in St. $oseph's hospital London, in its 75th year.. He was the husband, 0_ Mary (Thomson) Par sons, formerly of this area Son; Walter F. Parsons, Hamiltonbrpt er rc tie Parsons, R.R. 2, Hensall; and sister Mrs. Malnie ;t y kttl4,, , of PO -000k, South Dakota also suir- vitve. Funeral service was held from the A: ill;ll'dt 'George Funeral' Home, London with. Rev Douglas Ross of Wesley Knox United,. Church: offiolating . and spring 'interment will be in the Bayfield Cemetery. 4 * DRESSES * BLOUSES • SWEATERS * SLACKS Ladies' • CORDUROY R DUROY JEANS r Levi's-Foxy-M.LS.- ' Chic, Etc. Special Lot Reg. to '24.98 $ 99 • PAIR Special Lot MEN'S SUITS & -SPORT-JACKETS-- Good Selection 1/2 PRICE • A111 the following - 'Winter Clothing is now V2 pr'ice'- * SKI JACKETS * COATS " CAR COATS * SKIRTS Special Lot. LADIES' JEANS Including Levi's Boot Jeans Reg. to '27.98 $' 99. PAIR BATH LADIES' AND GIRL'S __...: ALL.MEN'S..- . ,_...- WINTER - MERCHANDISE 20 % TO 50 % OFF Flus many other outstantli,ng savings! GIRL'S:& LADIES' - MAIN FLOOR BOY'S & MEN'S - SECOND FLOOR Boy's. • LEISURE SUITS Good Sizing 1/2 PRICE GERRARD'S CHARGEX 1.1.11110 VISAMEM' SHOPPING CENTRE Victoria Street CLINTON master charge Mere bur ntarioltoiCredits ready to help you at tax time. Do you quail if you are an Ontario resident, . you may be eligible for Ontario Tax Credits even if you 1 -lave no taxable income. However, yoiT must complete the mauve Ontario Tax Credit form and mail it together with yoUr federal income tax return.The Ontario form is included itythe federal income tax schedules. ProPerty Tax Credit the burden of:municipal and schoOl taxes. If you are a homeowner, roomer or tenant ‘N'ith a low-. or moderate income, you are eligible for this credit. - Sales Tax Credit TO you ifyou, are not clairned as a dependant_on another taxfiler's return. If you are, a senior citizen, the -age exemption" will increase the amount of your Sales Tax Credit: Pensioner Tax Credit 'A credit of $110 is available to every couple or individual 65 years or older. Political Contribution Tax Credit: Did you make a political contri- or constituency association last year. ? If so, then you may he eligible for this tax credit.- . ,For complete details or copies -- of the Ontario Tax Credit lingual Information entre, free of charge: In Metro Toron o- 965-8470 In 'area code 17, ask operator for Zenit g-2000 In all oth areas, 1-800-268-7121 Or write to: Ministry of Revenue Guaranteed Income and Tax Credit Brandi' Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A 2133 Ontario Lorne Maeck, Minister of Revenue William Davis, Premier