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Clinton News-Record, 1980-02-07, Page 13
w " A -full irouse-of^-over-300-peopte enjoyed hearing the sounds of the Goderich ':male choir,. The Har- bouraires, when they sang a medley of songs from the First World War at the Wesley Willis Variety Nighto raturda oeeeds-£ nril evening wtli go towards paying for the new entrance way that was recently constructed at the United Church, (News -Record photo) Teachers to get special course BY WILMA OKE Teachers in northern Huron County and Bruce County will be offered a special education course for the next school year. At a ,meeting in Dublin Monday night the Huron - Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School board gave ; approval for the course to be given at St. Joseph's _Community School, Kingsbridge, by. the Faculty of Education, University of Western Ontario. About 60 teachers in the school systems under the Huron -Perth County Roman Catholic school board, the Huron County board, and . the Bruce County boards have in- dicated both would be interested in the course. A survey was con- ducted by Mary Flan- nery, Seaforth, Special education resource teacher and David Zyluk, princi-pal at St. Joseph's school, to determine the interest in the course. The course would be offered from mid- September, 1980 and continue until early May, 1981.. The coordinator of continuing education programs from the university, said that while.,. no 'definite times .for the classes have been set, they would likely be held one evening per week and possibly a few Saturdays. The board accepted the resignation of Mrs. Evelyn McKeever,of R.R. 3 Dashwood, who will be retiring from her teaching duties in special education at Precious Blood School, Exeter, and Stratford. William Our Lady of Mount Eckert, 'Director . of Carmel School. Education, said . the Trustee William schools, St. Joseph, St. Kinahan of Lucknow Aloysius and St. Ambrose remarked that with the are used extensively. resignation offered early The board endorsed a it would give the board resolution on marijuana time for an early look ata from the Norfolk Board of replacement. Education to oppose any An ad hoc board policy legislative changes and by-law committee leading to legalization or was named.- The 'mem- decriminalization of bers are 'Michael Conr possession of cannabis nolly, Kippen, chairman; substances and the Vincent Young, decision will be 'reported G o,d e r i ch ; Wi11iam to the federal member of Kinahan, Lucknow and Parliament and to other John O'Drowsky; 'St., school boards, soliciting Marys. their support. The banquet committee A 140 -page book con- for- the board-staff.,party taining detailed in- to be held September 26 -.formation of , .the 19 was renamed for another schools in the system, year. The members are: was presented to each of Ted Geoffrey, Zurich; the trustees. The book, Arthur Haid, R.R. 4, along with a principals' Listowel, and John handbook, took months to O'Drowsky. - compile. The books give The recreation com- complete information on mittee of Stratford was 'staff, schools, programs, given permission again to administration and in - use the outside school ventory of the resources athletic facilities at440ated program board -owned schools- in activities yvit:l^rin the r rz __■ llN■®■ MN MINNI HwY 831 DASHWOOD EXETER MT CARRyyyMEI CORSET r GRAND IE?END ' i_1 +_ 1 HOURS- - SAT. 10-10 SUN. 12-6 COUNfRv r ORNE Kawasaki. AC SNOWMOBILES AND MOTORCYCLES :g• 1 1 school system. This data can serve as a base for future planning and direction in keeping with the aims and objectives of the school board and the ministry of education guidelines, Director of 'Education Eckert said. A plaqueVas presented to Trustee William Kinahan, who served as board chairman in 1979, by the present chairman, Ronald Marcy of Stratford. - Smile Most of us want the butcher's scale---- to---- be strictly correct, but we don't obiect if the one in the bathroom fools around a bit. At [he Legion Robby Buzs remembere CLINTON NEWS l*WS-RECORD, THURSD .Rene Brochu As 1 was about to sit down to Write the normal happenings at the Legion, 1 was informed that we had lost , our connrade, "Hap>" McAlpine, We were .both . surprised and sadden�ed'•fby his passing.'. The : sincerest of con..• dolehces of our $raneh is eXtended to . `his` wife' Laura, and relatives, .Let us all for a ' moments reflect on his goodness, with memorable thoughts and prayers for our departed Comrade "Hap" Last Tuesday evening, while our customary men's euchre was taking place in our lower lounges, the memory of Robby Burns- was being r� a ed itt our auditorium as our .Clinton Lions Club hosted many a Scot from our surrounding area, as well as some 20 Lions and wives from the Mitchell Lions Club. It was a memorable evening for the guests as the traditional cerefnonies of old were carried out. Our Ladies' Auxiliary was prepared for the task and served the - customary fare of "haggis" and "meat pie"_ with all'the trimmings to the Lions and their guests. Sorry I missed men- tioning the January 22 men's euchre results, so here they are now: it was Joe Atkinson with an 87 for the 'high score and Clark Poll 'with a 48 for the low score, while George Louth captured the most lone hands department with six of them. Our Thursday .evening bingo was again a suc- cess with 82 bingo en- thusiasts on hands with captain ,Wilf Castle and'. his team hosting the guests. Splitting the $200 jackpot were Gordon $eetle of Auburn and Cheryl Strong of Clinton, Mixed darts also had a successful evening in our lower lounges. " High coupJe,-Vwas „-•.,..Madelaine Yeats . and Terry, Hoitinshead. High lady was Annie Saliows with a 92'and high man was John Semple with a• 111 score, Low couple for 4 the eveningwas Brenda Atkinsoand Bill Cox. For those of you who are interested or curious, our TGIF on Friday evenings are still flourishing as many Comrades and friends enjoy a7`vening of comradeship. Saturday afternoon, three teams from our Branch jour- neyed to Blyth for the zone cribbage tour- nament. We were pleased R ` RY 7 .1 that ,a11 three' teanis qualified to advance to the district tournament which will be held at Paisley on March ?4. The team of Bili Harris, Ed Deeves, 13111 Marsh and Walter Snary 'placed third, while our other two teams made up of; Slim Lacroix, Doug Mcisaac, John Semple and Russ Byers, and .John JDf neves, Eric Switzer, Barry and 'George. .Rumball placed fifth and sixth. We wish' for them every success in the districttournament. , Saturday evening, our Associate +pub night took place in our auditorium, while the numbers at- tending were few, it was , an,enjoyable evening for all who,„.partici,ppatcd. music was great as John Stevely played his selection of records. Too bad you' missed it fellows and gals. JACK H. GERRITS CONSTRUCTION LTD. Farm - Commercial Residential Building Construction ' Also Additions or Renovations We do SHEET METAL FABRICATING to serve you better. We. do: -Fascia $ Soffits~ Meta! Jamb_ s & Sil_Is Metal -Clad Doors See us about all your metal covering' needs'- galveniz.ed or coloured steel. Phone 482-7290 • CO-OP SALE PRICES ARE IN EFFECT UNTIL MARCH 1st 1980' \IS •IF'uU Ran9c of cameras & profrctors *24 HR. Photo finishing, 'Rentals •Dark Roorn l''atilitlex •CustoRn fr'amirnR w The SEgluaro GOD RICH , 524-:71924 HURON CAMERA CENTRE NIKON CANADA Presents Nikon Canada Sales Representative Mr. Gaudy will demonstrate the com- plete line ojl-)ikon Cameras, lenses & accessories, answers and questions with regardsto -problems you have with your Nikon Camera. Remember: 112 The Square Goderich 24-1924 of Cartridges of 10 C 799 Contains an ani,wear ad ditive to reduce bearing ..sear - . 685 299 CarryPak of 10-400g cart ridges MPO 1ryr Grease "THE SUPER STICKER - multi -purpose grease. Blended for year round— use Specially recoth- mended' for farm machin- ery• wheel bearings and waterpsimps 237-3456 IIIIIIII an -All _ INN mils NIS IltM YAMAHA SERVICE AND PARTS February 18..... VOTE GRAEME CRAIG ..... A Man You Can Count`On! *6. r0 Meet Graeme at FEB. 12 - GODERICH ARENA AUDITORIUM Beef -On -A -Bun With John Munro — 5:00 - 7:00 P.M. FEB. 1-3 - EXETER LEGION HALL Beef.On-A-Bun, WithlAlastair Gillespie - 5:00.8:00 P.M. FEB. 15 - LUCKNOW,COMMUNITY CENTRE Beef -On -A -Bun With Donald MacDonald — 5:00 - 8:00 P.M. February 18 Vote Grf elle Craig liberal 1' You can count on Graeme Craig and the liberals to - 1. ACHIEVE ENERGY SECURITY at fair prices to all Canadians-- by strengthening Petro ' Canada, not destroying it. 2. NOT INCREASE the excise tax on gas and diesel fuel. 3. NOT APPLY the excise tax on food prod- uction energy, as this is In effect a tax• on fooda. 4.- NOT APPLY the-dxcise tax on public trans- portation energy, including school buses. This will keep your school taxes down. . 5. INCREASE THE GUARANTEED ANNUAL INCOME SUPPLEMENT by $35 per month. 6. RE-ESTABLISH GUARANTEED LOANS and regain ourinternational position to help ex- porters, not hurt them as the Clark embassy flip flop did. 7. PRESENT A COMPREHENSIVE AGRICUL- TURAL POLICY for the benefit of both farm- ers Old consumers. 30 DROP EE ATOYFOOU CA OR LOCAL LIBERAL COMMITTEE ROOMS BRUSSELS 887.6273 CLINTON 482-7801 GODERICH 524-2181 PI;1B4iS111D IIT 'THE OFFICIAL, AGENT SEAFORTH 527-0607 EXETER 235-2788 ,WINGH'AM 357-1144 FON GL4EME CRAIG, WALTON, ONT 4tfr�.+,Mw..wx80.. WE GUARANTEE THEM LUBRICANT GUARANTEE An Assurance of Consumer Protection • Your CO.OP Provides This Guarantee On All CO.OP Lubricants EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1980 A CO-OP oils and greases are blended to meet or surpass the requirements ,,,t automotive and machinery manufacturers when used as directed 8 CO-OP guarantees that no damage will -result from a change from other P,is to stmilar COOP o is ft CO-OP-oils'are proven to cause damage or if you. are denied warranty by an equipment manufacturer or his authorized representative because he clams the warranty is voided by the using of a COOP oil or grease CO.OP wiii reimburse you for the cost of repairs (parts 8 labour only) provided the fonuwInq Gond tons are met 1 You provide UCO with a letter within 30 days of the denial from the equipment manufacturer slating, . a) the type of 'eparrs claimed arid costs and that they would normally 00 covered uriiler warranty bl His statement that warranty has been disallowed bei,ause of the use of COOP ori 2 You submit a sample of the used oil and retain the damaged parts for inspection 3 You submit copies Of bills substantiating the repair costs denied under wyrr-atrty i • • G Use or addition'of non COOP prod0cts may void this guarantee This guarantee does not cover the misapplication or using the in,orrect oil or grea•,r unless the product was recommended for a specif,o application by a CO OP employee In this case the guarantee win only apply when a wutfer, GO OP iubncabor, recommendation signed by the employee is produced This guarantee is offered by United Co-operatives of Ontario through.,ts branches and participating ,nember CO.OPs United GO -operatives of Ontario • Petroleum Division • 151 City Centre Drive • Mississauga, Ontario L5A 3A4 CO-OP 5Plasti,zec r459 Chain Oil Jug Formulated specially for CO.OP The chain 011 log gers trust tt sticks to the chain and guide bar and is dyed red so you can see it working 684-395 Summer/684.405 Winter TRtgtS IRKS CO.OP Trans- �09 Hydraulic 20 Litre Pali A universal fluid fa' transmissions. c#ttferen tra's. and hydraulic. use Formulated. for ail season operation and provides excellent low temperature operation to (•37°F1 684-602 AND THEY'RE ON SALE NOW Co.OP59 A.T.F. • 1 case of 24 Litres CO.OP carries two types of Automatic Transmis sion Fluids –Type F and Dexron II' 684-630 Dexron II' 684-650 Type F The FM. If you've wall ted this long for a i :igh-performance compact 35 mm. SLR camera, it's all been worth it. Jug A premum quaff ty 'a season hydrauirrc �rinrlc, is an ant wear oil that provides eeCe Pr' anti wear protection` .' 1 . reduces wear over -fr ventionai flu ds 684 f:1., D -MO Case of 24 Litres 299 4x4 pP• mP nnugn• Motor on r,d4P 'A •univ'ersal new generat4en" low ash motor oil 'or all diesel and gasoline engines. A P I service SE:CD. Multi - grades 10W.30. 15W-40 (also available in' straight grades) 684.4701684.480 15W-40 44P Reformulated premium quality long drain motor oil atregular prices Multi- grade 10W•30 684.710 Case of 24 titres ALL CO-OP OILS AND GREASES ARE FORMULATED FROM HYDROGEN TREATED BASE STOCKS EVERYONE CAN HOP THE CO-OP CO.OP Farm Power Cco 995 woth.r n ourchase of COOP ons o• grr3a�Fs NO COST WITH A PURCHA,SE,OF 110 LITRES OR MORE. SIMILAR SAVINGS ON OTHER CO.OP OILS r AND GREASES AND OTHER CONTAINER SIZES 4, Automatic exposure with full manual comp©ntation for creativo c+ontrlol. ZURICH . HENSALL - BRUCEFIELD 236.4393 262.3002 482-9823 nK-• -+M ,,-HYD 1.4 MJ • r