HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-02-07, Page 10NEWS -11 "C
+b4 Owen Pemibedon and Milvena is ries
and Publications relative the office of die ministry
WenOwen to the... lobai architectural of lrecreation and culture.
At , meeting of the Conservancy Advisor� These matters which
Ba field Village Countoil, al0.1ittee,
Council. were
t..h.t-at ` invo. lveb
d„ the council, the
Med Febtuary 4, there were no4 over, 1b0 atena• cow ittee and the
members wereCommittees functzoniing athletic G #i 1 hoard. e
renin4ed of the in- alQverQntario,Ba4ieldfurther �disctssed .in
�dre as ti'y _
that "the council would
arrange a • further
meeting - to discuss the
proposed by-law and its
relationship to- existing
Among correspondence
which had been received
by the Village Clerk,_was
a complaint with regard
to reckless driving in the
village. This apparently
is no new. problem since
an extract from the
village records at the
turn of the century,
states: ",..provision to be
made for the prevention
of fast and furious driving
in the village of
It is not inappropriate
to remind residents and
visitors, whilst on the
subject of motor vehicles,
that a by-law does exist
which prohibits the
parking of cars on the
streets between 8 p.m.
and 8 a.m.
The subject of staff
salaries for Council
employees was reviewed,
and it was°agreed that, in
required: in order to pioneer communitiesto
conserve the village and take up this challenge,
its environs. Examples and therefore, an ap-
were gT,ted where plication to the ministry
determination In other of 'or cultureland recreation
areas had resulted in the, requesting the remaining
restoration' of a row of $1,000 of - the promised
brick, pre -confederation $2;000, to 'assist in the
houses in London as well i m •p 1 e ni e n t a t i o n o f
,ww_ ,...,, �... �., ..�.-.�..,..,�„�,_ :c G"� "s`e r v anon i o n - might
as the "save�the county
''' campaign in receive favourable
Goderich. Redent events consideration.
in Guelph indicated that Miss Kay Reid, who
even when concerned . was present at the
people• and organizations meeting, stated that she•
were active and ar- had been on the LACAC
titillate, there were still committee since its in -
risks, as . in this latter ception. The original
instance," of irreplaceable survey which had been
buildings • being carried out, had been
threatened with estimated to cost ap-
demolition. proximately '$3,000, for
' On behalf of the which the Historical
Bayfield Historical Society had undertaken
Society, Dr. Grove to be responsible for one
Shepherd requested third of the cost to the
council's consideration of village, 'over and above
matters arising from a the $2,000 grant which
resolution passed in was expected.. She
November 1979, which suggested that this policy
stated: "that the , should be pursued, and
Heritage Plan for the with the possibility of a
village. should be .ac , further $1,000 from the
igepted - in principle". government, the ;debt
Posing his --questions be -met, ivemad e- --with parallel
• . ' • ed--li--ern .. --
the -Council, Br." Shepherd act�vatres : proee organizations-, ._ an in='`
asked if a definitive that point. Indications crease of eight percent,
answer might not be
reached with regard to
the declaration of Main
Street as part of the
Heritage Plan, and
arising from this, since
application had been
made for funds, what
arrangements had been
made,. and what funds
received`, from the
Heritag=e Branch of the
ministry of culture and
The Reeve replied that
the village council were
"-f Illy aware of their
responsibilities in such
matters and agreed that
a letter should be sent to
George Kapelos, plan-
ning officer for the
Ontario Government -
Heritage, Branch.
ouncillor Gwen
Pemberton advised
council that 'she received
copies of correspondence
-GODERICH 524-7878
.were that sympathetic
consideration .would be
given to Bayfield because
of its pioneering par-
ticipation in this en-
Bill Talbot was present
at the council meeting,
and following on- the
discussions which had
taken place at the
previous meeting,
provided council with a
list of his members ' to
serve on a recreation
committee, and a copy of
a by-law obtained from dog tags were now due,
back -dated to January 1,
1980, should be im-
The Councillors
themselves agreed
unanimously, that they
would not accept any
increase in their own
It was reported that the
stray dog situation had
improved considerably
over the last few weeks,
and the Village' Clerk
reminded residents that
Rev. James Reddoch
JJLaeis earn
At a " meet the can-
d'ate" meetingiia the
Town ,call in Bayfield
Thursday nights Murray
Cardiff the Progressive
Conservative candidate
for. the riding of -Huron_
plari Bruce,. tele the meeting if
... elected he would vote in
favour Of bringing back
thedeath penalty dat
' .'and
that- the d-efence Of
and.., available froixi: lis'
Canada is inadequate and
must be strengthened, He
said that the national
debt is greater now than
the total size of the
budget in 1967.
During the question
period, Cardiff stated'
that regardless of what
the opposition parties.. are
trying �' ng ,to. imply, the he 1Q
rebate on diesel fu e
and gas would. stili be, ,,pictures izn a newspapers, same as, any farmer 01'
rebated -to the farmers but don't care about the person who owns land
' hermen and that. Canada. It'sand receives ro .allies on
• and fid � people of �. e y
there is no tax, propel d most discouraging and the resources taken from
oil -home heating fuels. . s frustrating to see no- their land, Both Cardiff
Cardiff, told of en- effort or goodwill , being and McKinley. ' agreed
countering a woman returned to the Canadian emphatically that we
while campaigning last people. Bob said he is still, must further our ,own.,
week. • who , said that doing constituency work natural resources.; we
Trudeau had,, promiseda in, his; office :in Zurich
there -cannot.be controlledby
"Just"society when he .where_ is still a 0PEC..,ynations whims
' N e andthat's d concerned n r was a net
Wier -
was in office 'capable an o ,:.. _.. d the • cou t Y
just what we got, A dollar staff, ready to serve. the exporter of oils in 1974
that's just worth 85 cents; riding, --'fie said he had and today are forced to
, 1
- we're just about : out : of ' always tried to look after rely on ail imports. ,,4,r
gas just about defers. the constituents in thin Bob said that the op-
celess, and rust about, riding regardless position—parties in a
:!mm._ .:-f. rt, .._..__9_...-.. .w Wh-et er r-'-t.hey----w ent re--enti. -ed-...._-�-
l�roktw: ll t . y �-govern�n a
r�he ovler
1 . Eli�ler Hayter chaired sugporte�rs or"'not and to bring. down a g ,�
the rneotiulg and called on admitted that sometimes nment they is what •
several speakers, among ,' he never really knew, derziocracy is< alt about,
them was R.E."Bob'puband his wife but he felt that this time
McKinley, who declined Audrey, who 'has always was based on wrong
` to run in - this election worked diligently •with issues. The Liberals and
• after spending almost 15 him and for the people of N.D.P.'s wanted° to defeat
years as ' the riding's the riding, have just • 'the I .C.'s because they
representative irt,9ttawa. 'recently returned from a could see that they were
,eke—of h-is=f ixsz--Gen-f a r" en cep i n hl P w _en-t-heir--sway-to- putiring •-----
, • election in 1965 when he
said he wore out two pairs
of shoes canvassing
every home in'the riding;
now he said a candidate
has to change,his way of v h
meeting the people as
more and more there are
two people working in the
family and itis difficult to
find people in their'
It personally cost him
$12,000 in the first elec-
tion in which he ran and
Retired federal member of parliament Bob McKinley, who served the riding
for 1-5 years, made a rare public appearance last week for Huron -Bruce
Progressive Conservative candidate Murray Cardiff at a .meeting in Bayfield
attended by local supporters. (photo by Milvena Erickson)
Zealand where~ 56 -the country back 'into
countries w e r e shape. The opposition has
represented. There he held up such good
said, "the' government legislation as proposed
has its finger on such as a spouse could be
everything' There are charged as a business
more leaving the country expense' in an unin-
than settling there. All corporated business (a
seeding and fertilizing is farm or small business
done by plane and the. operation) ; 'every
sides of the mountains volunteer fireman would
are stripped and seeded be allowed an extra $500
for grass for the sheep before declaring; and a
industry: McKinley said farmer would be
that New Zealand is a exempted the first
great friend and admirer $200,000 when selling,
of Canada. Bob said that before capital gains. He"
he felt that Alberta was . said that Eugene Whalen
entitled to the monies is doing nothing for the
proposed bythe gas in- farmer and that he has
crease. not been listened to by
The province of Alberta his own party for-a__good
owns the Iands on which long time; he's "Whalen
the oil is produced, the in the Wilderness".
$14,000 in the . secon
election, but, now there
are enough donations to
cover candidates ex-`
penses. He said this
riding ' was never fooled
East meet west and tze
"Little" Barb Overholt
tallied as the east tied the
west 2-2 in Ladies.
Broomball last Wed-
nesday. Scoring one each
for the west were Nora.
West and Wendy Crit-
tenden. __
Larouche spent most of
the game lying on the ice
but regained his footing
long enough to .score::: -a
goal as the east routed
the west 7-6 in Men's
Yes, those Bayfield
Bullets are still warming
up on Monday nights in
the arena for their next -
Retired minister dies
The funeral service for
the Rev. James Reddoch
was held in St. Andrew's
United Church on
Saturday at 2p.m.
The Rev. Alun Thomas,
Minister of St. Andrew's,
"conducted the service
and introduced, the other
ministers who took part.
The Rev. R.J. ,Roberts of
Egmondville United
Church read the 23rd
Psalm in the Welsh
language. The Rev.
Maurice Francis,
chhirman of the Huron -
Perth Presbytery, read
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�.1LiL ¢u Jll:
selected verses from St.
John 14 and Mr. Graham
Reddoch, of Calgary read
Romans 8: 29-39 a
favorite passage of his
The Rev. John Roberts
of Belgrave, who
preached the Sermon,
spoke of his long
acquaintance with 1 Mr.
Reddoch in Britain before
he came to Canada, his
Church plans
The morning scripture
reading was Psalm 148
and Pastor Shiel's
message was "Why do we
come to the -House of
God?" We come to
worship the Lord - Psalm.
95:6 We come for
fellowship and 'friendship
Psalm 133:1. The Lord's
Table *was -remembered
in the evening service.
Friday night from 7-9
parr'. we are .planning a
Sunday ,School ' social
evening... The Red Sox
team is finally being
treated by the Blue Jay
The Place To
Buy Appliances
Henson 262-2728
Closed Mondays
dedication -tcS-- `mTr lstry
from the time he began
'as a lay Methodist
preacher. in Liverpool at
17 years of age, through
his training in theology at
Aberystwyth University
in Wales and his Ministry
in South Wales for six
years before coming -::to
New Brunswick in 1956
and then to Ontario in
1961. He was Minister of
the United Churches at
Clifford and Oil Springs
before coming to Bayfield
in --19-71 topreach at St..
Andrew's- and then to
retire here.
The choir was in at-
tend.nce for the service.
and the :music was
provided by the church
organist, Mrs .'Molly Cox.
Mr. Reddoch was
buried in the Bayfield
bush league hockey_i Many groups of cross-
game, so we hear. -country skiers were -
In C.H.H.L. in- spotted on the Village
terrnediate "C" hockey streets and in Rainbow
this --week, the Zurich Valley as the snow
Buckeyes Sunday af- ' allowed them to come out
ternoon. game was of hibernation this week.
cancelled because the The Village council
Thedford Browns had run again postponed the
afoul of the league rules formation of an 11 man
and have ' been suspen- ,recreation board in
ded. However, the Bayfield; however sports
Buckeyes travelled to are still alive and well for
Goderich on Monday • the time being. Let's get
night for a gam=e with the out and -support -these
-merchants, Goderich local teams,
grabbed an early 1-0 lead,
but when the smoke
cleared, tur.ich had
blown' thein 'bat of their'
own rink by a 9 -1 -score.
John Graham had a
goal and Tim West added
a goal and an assist for
the Buckeyes and Randy
Oke played a superb
game in net as they found
themselves playing short
handed for most of the
latter part of the contest.
Wednesday night it's the
Buckeyes vs. CCAT at
Centralia and Sunday at 2
p.m. Goderich vs.
Buckeyes at Zurich.
The Huron. County
Health Unit
invites you to attend
the Adult Health
Guidance Centre, to be
held at the • i
Tuesday, Feb. 12
1:30 - 3:30 p.m.
foin Heb Ith-Surveillgnio;
Anaemia Screening;
Foot Care; Urine
Testing; Blood Pressure.
EstatIished 187
Mrs. Margaret Sharp, Sec. Treas. Ph. 527-0400
Farm and Urban Properties
Fire, Windstorm, Liabilily:,Theft
Various Floater Coverages
Homeowner's, Tenant's Package, Composite ()walling
Ken Carnochan, R.R.04, Seaforth
Lavern Godkin, R.R.gi, Walton
Ross Leonhard!, R.R.$1, Bornoholm
John M'cEwing, R R.at, Blyfh
Stanley Mcllwain, R R.M2, Goderich
Donald McKercher, R R 111, Dublin
John A. :Taylor. R.R.M1, Brucefield •
Trewartha. Box 681 Clinton
'Stuart Wilson, R.R #1, Brucefield
E 'Bill' Durst, R #4, Seaforth
James Keys, R R.#1. Seaforth
Wm. Leiper, R R 111, Londesboro
• y
by Trudeau, they turned
thumbs down on him time
after time. He said_ that
he can't imagine the
country putting him_ back
in as we would never "get
our country back,again".
He only cares about
himself, McKinley ern-
phatically stated. - -
One 'thing in . recent
years: that- discouraged
Bob about parliament
was the influx of what he
termed as `professional
poi.iticia:ns',1,ywho are only
there or',,eir *own gain
rather than the interest
of the people. They like to
see their names and
Anstett Jewellers
11 ALBERT ST,; CLINTON 482-3901
For Yo'jrtonvenience
HOURS: Monday through Saturday, 9
a.m. 6 p.m.; Friday nights till 9 p.m.
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