HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-3-29, Page 4Zgt4 ettttle ti1nt#4, ,VIII711PAY, • MARCH 2Qtli, 1S88, E1MTORIA14 NOTES, AN at ticle referring to the Huroo Expositor's bilious attack upon our temperance principles has been unavoidably crowded out of this issue. It will appear naxt week. Mr. McLean and Mr. D.D. Wilson quite understand the situation, and our article anent Mr. Mills' temperance motion seems to have gone,home. The Dominion Government has very properly refused to continue to grant aid to immigrants. It was a thoughtless move in the first place. If the (janadian North, west in itself does not offer abun- dant at d satisfactory inducements to settlers we say let them remain where they are. It was not just the thing to pay a man to come to Canada to receive the presentation of 16o acres of land. A RECENT decision of the court of appeal is of interest to insurers • and is as follows :- 1. -That if a person insures goods • wrongly described to the prejudice of " -^env taking the risk the insur- tne POINTS IN THE MANITOBA DISCUSSION. It is most amusing, and -even. laughable, in this year of 1.8$8 to sit down and look back to the Man- itoba diecussion of 1875 and there, abouts. At that time the Hon. Alex, MacKenzie was trying to get communication between Port Ar- thur and Winnipeg. And what did his scheme amount to? He proposed to build a part rail, part water route between these two points, "utilizing the water stretch- es," as it was called at that time. A road east of Port Arthur or west of Winnipeg was ridiculed. We 'wonder if Mr"; MacKensie's scheme had been carried out, what posit, ion the Manitobans would been in to -clay. Suppose fifteen millions of bushels of wheat had to be rnov- ed over such a route as above de- scribed. when would it be got out? If some cute fellow will only calcu- late kow many waggon loads could be carried over such a route per day, and then find how many day's work would be necessary to move this year's crop, he would confer a boon on the 'politicians. At the nresent time the 0,1),R, are pro- . *Pc, of /.10 effect as to the roue rep- e 1,esented, posing to build a double-tre1. e' 2. -That a companliably bof lding a risk from Winnipeg to Pert Arthur 1. for any property is not e if a urtit- er insurance is effected upon the same But eyen that does not satisfy the • Property, unless consenting to it Alanitoba.ns of to day Nothing in pEopLE who left Ontario rant fall recent history so forcibly illm.trates the difference between the parties /or California, that they might of Canada, than comparing the pro- ., joy the bahnly breezes or. that eoune posals of twelve years ago with the , try, have been hea.rtily disappoint - results of the present day. This ed, as during the recent month or two the weather has been so cola point is worth thinking over that the thermometer fell from 20 Then, people seem to forget that to 30 degrees below zeroCahade. liff. _ . . ....„ Mr mackenzie. stated in the House . then is not such a frozen up coun- that he fully intended to protect trp a.s people imagine. We ha.ve his road from allcoinpetitiou. That not bed It 20 degrees beltew zero, e wee .1Yrr, Mackeezie's policy then, Yet hear how his Liberal follow - Arial -H -1k S'aefe 'Show and wind storm raged for several days in ers of to day howl about disallow - N orthern Wisconsin, Minnesota ance. People also forget that Man - and Dakota last week. In St. itoba was a consenting party to the Paul and other cities, street , car C.P.R. bargain. The 'Winnipeg and other travel were abandoned. Free Press, that now advocates re Trains on all the roads were in the hellion because it cannot get com- majority of instances days latepetition, at that time fully endors- If these itorms do not cease, the ed the contract, calling for the farmers will fall behind with their road to be built no matter at what seeding. In respect to storms, cost or under what reservations. however, Manitoba is a tar more preferable country than DakotaThe peopleiof Manitoba seem to . forget that t, was the Dominion THE. Ontario Legislature por- that built the and that it ogued on Friday last. The amount is the Dominion that is taxed for of business done proves beyond it, of which tax Ontario pays near doubt that the Legislature meets ly two-thirds. They forget that Ontario has seventy five millions 'too often. Several important Acts invested in the North-west from were passed, but for which there ! which she has a xeasonable right to was no pressing need. The Prov- expect at least some returns. ince would not have suffered. had TheManitobans maintain that eeoe they been delayed another year or opo „ people in Manitoba have more rights in this Do.minion than.. the two. There is not -work enough to four millions outside that Province. justity the expense of annual They are perfectly willing that On- sessiens of the Legislature, and tario shall lose all that seventy-five the people should speak out, anti millions of capital, if Manitoba has make themselves heard on the some petty grievance removed. • matter. With a session every two And now we venture to proph- years the Province could get along esy. We all know how the Mai, with fewer ministers and fewer Globe and every Reform paper in departmental officials. the :Dominion has been howling about the rights of Manitoba, about THE. London Advertiser, realie the terrible evils of disallowance, zing chat the charges of personal end about the dangers of rebelhon, bribery preferred against members etc., etc. of the Federal Government, by There is a reasonable prospect cm the whole quarrel being settled. the Liberals count for very little, The Government will probably now asserts that wholesale bribery prove itself not only just, but .also of constituencies is the method very generous to Manitoba. We whereby Conservatives get the venture the assertion, that within upper hand of their opponents . tour months of settlement, these same papers, or a majority of them, While those places to which will be found blaming the Govern - a ppropriatio s for improvements ment for settling with Manitoba.. are made, are, no do doubt en- They will claim that Manitoba is title:: to sameeit is infinitely more being bought at the expense of the rest of the Dominion. Watch the creditable to the member to secure events and see if this prophecy does such appropriation, if promised, nob come true. than it is to gain a seat by personal bribery, as has been the case, The voters' lists under the Domitt- according to recent revelations in ion Franchise Act to be printed conxt, with many a this year in the Government During the past several days printing office will cost only $g4_,. there has been a lively debate in 734, the first, and subsequent Parliament on Sir Riehard Cart- annual revisions, $7,826. The wright's resolution for gqinlimitecl" Reform press can have no reason reciprocity, or, in other words heteafter to grumble at the ex. absielute free trade with the Urn- orbitant prices paid for printing ted State.s. The greatest argument the lists. against the scheme is the loss of re, enue, which weuid be from A erefteinlet of American menu - twelve to fotirteen millions dollars tacturer8 Aaid to be le°kIng itpr Port Colborne that they annually, Those in favor of the site's /1-1 may reap the advanteges oftered measure say this sum could be made up from dir ( taxation, the hY the suPPTY at. natural gas. burden ef which would fall mostly Afler a while, when (1118 upon land owners, and, of course, the largest portion would b col lected from the farrnero. It will occur to any reasoning mind that such a policy would be anythieg but E'icceptable to those lieing in the : ural coustituenctes; and whose , I'd now r,kS high as they can 1 1 1,01r. Temperan.ee and, SOOtt 80t. -- eei the Editor of the Exeter Time. DBAR would like to point out a few points of differeeee between tem- perance ancl the Scott Act. In our vil- lage churches on Sunday lase a notiee was read, stating that a- temperance convention would be hold in Exeter on Monday. NOW that was an error. it was simply a, Scott Act -convention' and the mistake is frequently made ofcon- founding the two. And the mistake is inore frequently made by ministers, I think,than anyone else. The reason for this is that the Act cornes to them latelled "Teenemeerox," and ministers, as a rule'are not in a position co know whetherthe Act is conducive of temper- ance or not. After a 'three -years' trial' in Huron all impartial observers will declare that the Act is not conducive of temperance, yet we find two devisee of people still trying to keep up the old andfalse illusion. The fix* chats is min- istera and others, genuine temperance men, who have not an opportunity to know how the Act operates, and who are led away by the aseertiens and cries of the second class. The second claSe is composed of cranks, fanatical persons, unreasoning enthusiasts, thorough paeed political demagogues, who hope to reap in the Act a party advantage, and some self-opinionated people ivho never will acknowledge to having made an error of judgment. These two classes influence a larger and more important section of the community, viz : That easy-going, lame, class of people, who allow others to think for them, and accept the dic- tation of their leaders and prototypes. Thetis how the Act was carried in every County before, and if carried again will be by the same means. The opponents of the Act will be found to be the large class,•of moderate thinking, men. temperate self-reliant, and independent le 1 Stephen Side at est e, , • • The matter is always put in such an one °Voce, James Oke, pO KIiiG POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varlets A. revival of Pin- Lty, strength and wholesomeness. More coon- omical than the ordinary kinds and cannot, be soid in competition with the multitudes low test, short weight, alum or phosphide powdere. Sold only in cam—ROYAL BAK- ING POWDER CC. 106 Wall street N. It • SALE REGISTER. TRIBRIDAY, Ap'l 5--Retd Estate of John eben, Insolvent at Hall's hotel Offa. Amt. THURSDAY, Alia 5. -Farm Stook, Imple. mens tee., the property of*Mes, Sarah Wesceott, lot 15, con 2 Biddulph. Sale at one o'eleek. as. Oke, Alice TUNSDAY, Ape 10. --Farm, Faroe Stook, Im. plements,&o., the property of Charles unfair way from the public platform by the advocates of the Act that it influen- ces a vast vote. . It is always stated tobe a- question between temperance and whiskey, be- tween right and wrong. The opponents AnviOE To MosnEas.--Are you disturbed at nightand broken of your rest by a sick ehild guttering amd crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer im of the .,A,ct are elways deneelliced as lov- mediately Denend upon it, mothers : there insundoLairrrvccee,,, broonetutitatieset gereseto Dystut ery era of aritik and alrengodlinnis, as Peo- reduces .11-.4eanratition, and gives tone and pie with bad motives and worse lives, .ieevreis, mires *in& cone, settees trirouant`it energy to the whole systeili. 'Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teethihg is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, aud is for sale byall druggists throughout the world. Primo twenty -Ave cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mae. Viinesnow's 0never/4a ansuP " and take no Other kintl, and so on ad infinitum. To a great ex- tent:91ieee seetements are as false as pcssible. The great -majority of the Anti's are people with intentions as good ; an anx- iety for the benefit of the masses, as groat; motivesas pure as any Scott Act nan coda leeve. They simply be- lieve, and in that terms know, the Act to be productive of evilrather thangood. That while it does not aPpreciablYleesen drinking or drunkenness, it introduces a variety of other evils, in comparison with which moderate drinking is •a vir- tue. They know it to be an expensive, per- jury -provoking, rancor -breeding, gate -ai- ling -producing law, and knowing which, no amount of sophistry or vituperation, will prevent them from doing their plain duty in this matter arid voting for the repeal. - We want the responsibility for these concurrent.evils put where it rightly be- longs, and then let the Act carry if it will. A law is successful only as the observance of it makes it so. If thirty to fortyper cent. of the whole public, after voting for Scott Act, delib- erately break the law, there must be something wrong either with the law or the methods by which they were induc- ed to vote for it. Yours, dm., A TEMPERANCE ANTI. Exeter, March 26th, 1888. News Notes. A Buffalo man who bas just celebrat- ed his 17th birthday, is gray headed. He was born February 29th, just 77 years ago. When last heard from 1VIr. Blake was in Florence, enjoying iniiiroved health. He intended starting from there for *Venice, the Italian lakes, and thence on to England. A story is told of a Catholic priest in Austria whose bishop gave him a horse. To commemorate the event the priest named the horse "The Bishop." Soon after the bishop dined with the priest, and during the course of the dinner the priest's man of all work came in and said in an v.udfble whisper : It's a hot clay, your reverence, an' I was thinkin it would be a good thing to throw a bucket of water on the bishop. The bishop was somewhat stiletto(' until matters were explained to him. Things reverse themselves sometimes People wonder why eggs have suddenly dropped from 18c to 12c per dozen. Our Montreal commission merchant tells the tale. He says car -loads of American eggs are dumped on our man kets at the present • time, which has made the supply far in excess of the demand. We ask the farmer would this have happened had the National Policy covered this case, and a duty imposed as on oteereiroducel Perhaps brother Race and his kind have tears to shed for Our farmers on the loss they are thus sustaining.- R. BABB Mit- chell. The intense anxiety ever the condit- ion of Emperor Frederick already over- powers the impression of last week's sombre magnificence. In the highest afficial eirelee the cluestion asked is not what the Emperor's policy may be, but how long he will live to diselose any policy. Wanton gossip attributes to him intentions to change the personelle of ehe Government in opposition to Prince Elm/lark. So fee the Emperor has clone nothing but Amply confirming the official status everywhere. Nothing indicates any meterial change' in the governmen tot the external or internal poliey of Prince Bismarck. The Em, Devoe, though able to work eontintenee ly for severe' hours, works wider the product, vvhich it is believed can knowledge of his sentence of death and be found in every part of the that his doom is so near that it would be try, is better understood, a wide f°1137t° try modifY the PeheY of his clevelopreent of manufacturing may P leoefsgon ktig only daily consulte- be looked for. but , it depenels ei1013e(s are with trusted Weeds of the Ohmmeter. He 'Argots in 'working It is understood that Mrs. Stone lions*, wife of the rev. blackmailer, of Adelaide, will mak* good to the Rev, Messrs. McDonagh and Middle- ton the amount of bail estreated by the court. One day last week a certain farmer who resides in Goderich Township not over a dozen miles from Clinton, had left a cellar door open for. a moment while he went outside'and during his temporary absence' alarge pig bolted into the house andaccidentally tut bled down the cellar. It was no fun getting it oat again, but the farmer and his help were equal to theoccasion. oreersenwr TIOW CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands ny an Bast Indian missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perma- nent cure 'of Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca- tarrh, Aethuia and all throat and lung affections, also a. pool tive and radical cure for Nervous Debility antiall. NOVVOUS Com- plaints, atter having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands °Leases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his sufferingfellows. Actuated by bilis motive and a desire to relieve hum an sufferinh, I wA send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German,French or English, with full directions ler preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing w ith stamp, naming this imp or. W. A Nosns 149 Power's B1007, Ticchester N ossaszseesisies DR. Washington, Throat & Lung Surgeon, Of Toronto,will he at the Central Ho- tel, Exeter, e APRIL 17th, FO.R THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT, CHOICEST PATTER NS, AND BEST VALUE IN ONTARIO, ---GO TO-- , 13MArTrIIIM (Etz CO'S Where you will find carpets of all makes aud qualities, and at the lowest cash prices. Hemp Carpets, Union Carpets, All -wool Carpets'Xapestry • Carpets Balmoral Carpets, Brussels CarPets,• • Ando-wilton Carpets, (borders to match.) Don't fail to visit the Largest Carpet House of the West, Thos. Beattie & Co's) 176 & 178 DUNDAS-STREET (East of Riehmond-st• LONDON, 01%1M, MOM FARMERS & YTILLIVIEN ----USE ONLY-- UOCOLI-A'S CELEBRATED Lardine Machine Oil The Old Established. .McCOLL BROS. & CO., eeeFOR SALE BY BISSETT BROS-teit SOLE -MAN'F'RS, TORONTO Catarrh,Bronchitis, Asthnia, Consumption. eteaermanently and effectually cured. A few Prominent Testimonials . of Permanent Cures: Mrs. John McKay,1Cingston, Ont., Catarrh and Consumption. John MeKelve, Kingsten,Ont., catarrh. Mrs. A. Hopping, Kingston, Ont., Broneho upon who controls the output. Nattaal gas monopolies are apt to get their hand in at any time, and then good-bye to cheapeess. &wrist the advice of his physicians. In reply to their remonstrances he ie re- potted to have said "My time flocs not behmg to me. 1 cannot take time.' 1Vir'ar;idAttilio?'att9i?lig_8t7 Catarrh, head Read W. H. Storey's Original Testimonial., Catarrh Throat Cured. Listen to VT II Storey, Esqp of the firm of W 11 Storey & Son, Acton, trlove Menuttietur- ers, also President 'Manufacturers' Association of Canada. Wl ur Dwcores, 215 Yonge-st.. Toronto, Mug assure you I feel grateful for Ilia radical cure you have effected in my threat trouble, and though I dislike having my name appear in connection with the testimenis,1 bus- iness, yet, having regard for those who are similaria agooted- as Well as haying a desire to recognite 1110 results of your treatment I make a departure in thiS east. Prior to my acquaint- ance with yeu, I had suffered for two years from repeated attacks et eatarrbeesere theoat each suceeecheg attack being more prolonged and violent than the former. A I, these times 1 had violent Bts of coughing, and would dis- charge largo quantities ef mueona, Feeling alarmed, I sought thebest medial Skill avail- able, ineluding a much -noted Specialist, and took almost evcsrything known tei mediete,e without experiencing a Dtati ole of relief, Last spring I Went to Europe. The change did me good, but at my return the old trouble vial re- newed. Seeing You adaertiSed to visit this place, I thought I would eotleult yeti, although I confOo w' th not Ouch hove of receiving arlY benefit. However, I was favorably lin eress ed with your cender. and reselved to elite your treatinent a trial, The result, I am hoppy to inform yon is a complete cure, and, One so Marked in its 6harfteter 6,8 Mite ri se both my seit end my friends, From amn t$Our nee- icine Seemed adapted to mit eaSe and gave re* li of. In two mos. t was entirely welentelhave sootteseonationNeduth. rymomiihti,Itcl,inet millebsetrttyinftaoroiratig virhat Lute yen pies SO of this letter, mut 1 shall be ries sod lo t611PWOV any enquiries relat iVe le my ORROA Yenr8 very trete', ti.ST03110* leiee reareeNSULTATION 1'1{1t 9&s 0.0.0034. g One Door South of Post Office —HE HAS— CREAM ANEW AND COMPLETE :---STOCK OF --- Boots & Shoes. • Sewed work a speciahty. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MNSON, JOHN BRAWN, UNDERTAKER -it CABINET-MAKER, Walnut & Rosewood Caskets Aritio COFFINS 01, EVERY DESORIM01,. A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. * FUNERALS FURNISHED 53" CON- DITCTED AT Low ilATES. My stook of Furniture is un- excelled. ir-orivE ME A CALL S. C. ilersey's IS • The Place TO Buy Cheap GOODS. PUREST, ISTRoNCEST, BEST, CONTAINS NO ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPI-JAtES,- or any injurious materials E. W. GILLETT, "7=47:L. HanTr of the CELEBRATED 3307AL TRACT fi !BEL, CENTRAL Drug Stor A full stock of all kinds Dye- stuffs .and packag Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition. Powd- ers the hest in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared Central Drug Store Exe C. LUT 500 TVES Butter Want - J. Mathes° EXETER NORTH, Our Stook is Well Assor arRIITC_.__z 1888. New Millinery -AT-- 1)UL d'AGE.8, Kirkton : If you require it BONNET OR IIAT in the Latest Style go to Iteultuage's Store, i ekton. Gen s' Suits A Specialty. A No. 3 lit guaranteed, ,00l illat OTIle stook befote purehesing "V-77N,CACIO, PO'S THE SEASON'S TRADE, LOW PRICES STILL ZtIAINr.CAI GROCERIES I 16 lbs.:segue $1.00;13 lbswhite sug We can't be undersold in Teas fr to 75e. pee lb. Boots & Shoes All Styles at liow A. nicely asseetea stook of D W PORES, SCYTHES and GLASS al ((Shupe Best Maelaine Oil 60o pe COAL, OIL AS LOW A8 TUE LO A nice Tea Sett of 44 Piece, legood suit of ready-made clothing Ordered refits got up et Good $ Our Dress Good are Marked do Ike Lowest Notch. COTTON, 20 'YARDS FOR oNn TjO A BMW and 'lei, also a .13 AM Apply to j0 RN MATHESON. If