HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-3-29, Page 3LATEST EUROPEAN NEWS I The Suropean Situation, The Emperor Frederick's illne Ferdinand Still Ho1dMg On. , loottemer, March 22ad.--A private letter ' from Berlin gives aasolutely eeliable infer- matiom aet to the condition Of Emperor Fred- erielti concerning which hrit &tete:walleye been etrictly forbidden to .aan anYething' The Emperor looks well, and those who have seen him have been surprieel at the , - very,elight ,alteration in his appearanceebnt hi; cannot leak atalleawhich ie the eerieus , thing, aod there seenes to be no ` further doubt that he has cancer. D. Waldeyer, veho, i 'the absence of Dr. Virchow in tion, deel res that the' Emperor has cancan ii the as made a, 'inicrosoopie examine - of tb,e throat, and Dr. Mackenzie is report- ed to'have admitted that it was so. A ori- els which is alwaye to be feared may carry the Emperor off at any time, Otherwise he will live until August, It is rot hoped thatahe will witheitand the progrees of the 'disease after that lime. . Dr: Bergmann, who foretold long in advance the crisis in the malady, . which occurred in February, has preakited a eecond and almost inevit- ably fthal' one. for April. There is, there- ,. tore, little hope that the new Emperor will live long enough to carry out the wise prin. ciples that were laid &Overt in his proclama- tion to the German' people. ' '''' • The great events of Berlin have put little Prince Ferdinand, still of Bulgaria, so far into the backgrcund that it has almost re. quired a long-range s telescope to find him, but he remitins at Sofia despite the polite hint a of the Sultan that heas .an interloper, and desnite the growing prooftv'ethat Russia is preparing a nice little insurrection- in his kingdom, which ,competent observers be- lieve will not be so .futile as the ,, previous attempt 'to hasten his departure. His un - 4 Great Smeltine• WQIII04 A Tremendons Sensation. ' One of the meet etriking artioles Prominent eapiteliste of St Penl, New Wound have beet) created one hundred years that bave been published in Nate slime 1870 York city and Helena recently foamed a ago by the sight of one of (our modern ex. Theneo appeared'in thelaat number.) of the ineevae company,' for, the piirprige of Orectipg the p.reas trains Whaezling along at the rate of 4 " de4f)euve Mon.under the taloa "I rkoace OlOOP Ontensive renuolieg Worka tile sixty miles an hour. Jtiat think h linaislae and Europe," Contrary to the cos. tom of this periodical, the article ie unsign- ed, but every page bean witness to the authorn ripe experience and remarkable eagacity. As regards home polities, the writer iet eyadently an Orleanist, but his viewe of the foreign relations and interests of larance'ought to imprese all lotenehmen whatever form of government they may happen to prentr. 18 t11080 VieW8, at once criginal and weighty, to which we Would direct attention. „Event e have so Weaned themseive,s since 1870 that for the Moment the only possible ally' of Freinne ButFaance might pay too large prig° or that alliance, al- tholiga hatred of Clerniany no* renders her indifferent to prudential coasiderations, The acquisition of Constantinople by the zer would behighly detrithentel to Freiich inter eats in Syria. on& throughout western Ardin where Eranee has beam for centuries the patron of Latin Ohriations. Her political influence in the Levant, which has carried with it great commercial advantages, could, not survive the establislunent of Russian oaf cendancy in the Aagean and in Anatolia, France, tlaereform, aceorcling to the Revue; cannot afford to hill) lauseia take; C onstan- tiOople, and if the 'two countries are to be compensation should be looked for in another quarter. , But if the Czar must not plant himself on the Bosphorus, neither mnst the Hapaburg Heiser.' France is as deeply interested as is Russia in averting the, traosfer of the petit - cal centre of gravity of Auetro-flungary to the Balkan peninsula. Rushians see that the Holmberg Government, once in poesession of Salonioa, would absorb the southern Slays and tend to become a semiSlavie power. Frenchmen see that under such circum- stances the German and semi -German pro- vinces of Austria would become detached and gravitate to the `Gerinan empire. The writer in the ReOue is'a patriot, but he does not hesititteto say that flermeny, augment- ed by most of eis•Leithan Austria, would be made so mighty that France, by compari- sonowould cease to pane as a great power. ly alienated the,orthodex prieets who had wise coquetting with the Pope has apparent - thepart ot 'Germany would be dargerous, To Russia, also, such naorease of strength on previously been fairly loyal to him ee mace the Baltic provinces of Courland Li- vonia, and lesthonia would certainly be claim- ed in the name of the Teutonic knights who conquered -and colonized the coast from the mouth of the Vistula to the Gulf of Finland. the real object of the Revue article is to convince Rani& and 'Austria that, instead of playing Bismarck's game by fighting One another, they should both combine with least not openly hostile, and they have com- menced denouncing him from the altars with the tacit approval of the people.' Simui-` taneously Major POpOff, the hero of Shy. nitza and other pi:medal. and influentiaLoffi- *ere, 'have been arrestedifor- alleged inalvera sa ion o un s. Interestin the German Emperorn death and the accession of the new ruler is en- 1 ranee against the common enemy of all tirely eclipsed in France by the latest Bou. three : Gerniany. All three powers would langer incident. Peris ie in a etate of great have much to hope for from a succesful co. excitement. The mob is howling for Bon edition against the Hohenzollerns. Bis- Mneen, Indiscreet patriots of from 15 to 20 maroll'e emPiro might be broken up, or Years; of age are being leaked ' up by the rather out down to the proportions of the dozennand even cabin citizens ' are uning North German Confederation. In such a serioualy what the result will be of the Gov- I case, the South German States would fall to I 4' t• • d ' ' th °rumen, mac ion In ePrinnon e Popular , Austria, which, it . will be remembered) General of his command. I would, but for France; have anneocea Bava,- _ nria in the la.st century. B,ussia might, for I her sharemf the epoill take notion together The Late Emperor's Marriage, with those provinces o'f Eiat arel4est Prue- sia whichformerly held a relation of vas - en a little rnore than- ao years of age a William fell in loan with one of the tillage to,Poland. France On her part would lattices of the Russian court --Princess Eliza,- recover Alsace and Lorraine, and perhame be permitted to annex Belgium. beflaaRadziwell. As she was not of royal birth a maritalunion with her was impossible, Par- I .The Revue manifestly thinks that only by such a coalition can the perils of a German imilarly as the Prince was the heir-presump. hegemony be averted and the balance of tine to the throne. The lovers took a seiasible power asured for many years to corns. In view of the matter and parted with the warmest protestations of lasting love -she its judgment theteEastern question should be settled, first, by making Russia a great going to re nunnery and he marrying the ``,. haughty daughter of the Grond Duke of 'sees, autit secondly, by welding all the Bai- n -with -no power on the Beide andeNorth Saxe -Weimar. ,For the Empress who now kan principalities into a strong south Slavic survives hirn William never felt genuine af- State. Obviously, what the writer of the fection. There was never any pretende of love between the royal pair, but by de- 1 arbiele proposes is a partition of Prussia !between its three neighbors. But, as he gimes came toleration, and with later years pertinently asks, what right have the the regard of 'constant companionship. There was little in common between the Hohenzollerns to object to spoliation -they dead monarch and his wife. princess who robbed Austria of Silesia, Poland of Posen, and France of Alsace Lorraine 7 Be- " .TENTS procured. Patent Attorneys, and experts. Augtista was brought up whet all the ac- t'cl 1867. Donald C Kidont de Co.. Toronto, sides, it is probable that unless Prussia is complishments of the most refined court of Europe, while William, at best, was the itaelf made the victim of partition, it will PATENTS For Sale -Illustrative descriptive Oat soon subject other powers to the operation. . type of his soldier countrymen nothing mogue free. It. Chamberlin, Toronto more. The palace ' Thaler the 'Lindens where the imperial peer 'resided, contained " nnan-speaking provinces, and Russia, of the lax minion. o D. FERRIS, It will deprive the Hapsburgs of their Ger- a el 0011 AGELIdEregMTE.D over the entire Do. eaten ; that is the substance of the warning ing to every housekeeper. Sample by mail 25 cents. the luxuries or a sybarite, and thoaf t Donf the Emperor with the simplicity addressed by the French diplomatist to the FOR ALL. fil30 a week and extipenses CLEMENT et CO., Toronto. WORK . na e totem at Greategallea Mout, The AoinpanY has 0; capital 042,900,000, of whic.11 4409,90 has bee p4 in'. Among the :incoi•p'oratera are:. IN,dwaret Ceoper ; Mayer Abrahata 8, Hewitt, Anton Ettore and. the purnee% of•Neve York ; H. W. Childs and Col, Broadwater, of Helena; LOVI J. and °there, of St. Paul, The plant will be the largest na the United State% and the, machinery, the latest and most aPPreired Or the purpories inteoted. Theee works will be a great thing for Great Falls of 0014%0, ,I0tit the benedts flowing from such au extensiVe, concern will also be felt in St. -Paul, The greater part of the supplies needed anill be purchased here, and nearly all will 'Oertainly pass through the Sairitiy • Great PAIS ;hi ra lie oming to,Wn 'the grandfethere would have stared at eucit a speetacle I It takes a good deal to witonieli poeple-now-oeditye, but some of the marvel. oue euree of Coneumntkun Wrought by De. Pierce's, Golden Medioal Dlepevery, have created wide -spread amazeinent. Conerimp. time ie at last aoknoveledged, Curable. The " Caolnen Diecovety" in the only known remedy for it. If taken at the right aloe -which, bear in mind, is not when the lungs are nearly gone -it will go right to Work as nothing else in the world can. the seat of the disease and accomplish its i It is estimated that folly two-third,s of the whole amount of public money held by the London banks does not bear interest. ,"Give Him $2, and Let Him Guess," We once heard A man colliplain of feeling pnetioo of the Manitoba and Montana badly, and wondered. , what ailed him. A CeOtral railroads on Ole Upper Missouri. enniorow, friend said, "Give a do itor $2, The place bas a magnificent water power i and let him guess," 1'1 was a cutting satire which hs to be greatly improved and utiliz- 00 some dootere, who don't aitruys guess ed durineathe ern/ling year. A branch rail- road hs been built from the town to the wrieent.yoYuronlonoededonne'tt gduigeEieBstw, hwaltieanil 8 youryou !nines', and all -the amelting will be done boewls and stomacth are inactive and when there. Great Falls items, to be one of the .0er bead eche, every day, and you are natural trading oadtroe of Northern Mon- languid and easily fatigued. You are bili - tan, and its marvellous growth, duaing the ou8, and 'Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Past near bids fair to be fer au/132886d. bY Pellets will bring you -out all the next few yeare.' The.Maiiitoba railroad is doing all in its power10 beild up the town, both by Ite oven, operatiens and in the way of inducing other capitalists to in- vest their money there. With such backing the town evidently has a future before M- kt. Paul Globe, eager coated, easy to take. Of druggist. Ifolapok, dear inquirer, is the language in which the train men call out the stations. ItlishaoduBldeelialayWorried ingahrtie•ieend!" t"h proof-reader observed that it amounted to • There are 2,177 newspapers published in about the same thing, and so did not draw the United kingdom, 454 of which are in • London. Ocean Steaaiship Passengers is lee pencil through the error. Unfor- tunately there was considerable truth in bis oloservation. Thousands of husbands are constantly worried almost to despair by the Via New York should take the Erie railway, ill health that afflicts their wives, and often. as it is not only the shortest and best lino, robs life of comtort and happiness. There but lands people elope to the piers of the is but one rule end sure way to change all leading steamship companies. In buying this foil the better. The ladies should use tickets, ask for the Erie. , A great man's faults am allua looked at wid magnifyin' glasses. Curomasse HAIR Iterthwea reetoree grey and faded hair teeth natural color and prevents falling out. It is a folly to squander on the dead what s needed by the living. Whenever your Stomach or Bowele get out of or der, cawing Biliousness. Dyepepeire or Indigestion and their attendant evils, take at onoe a dose of Dr. Carson's Sternal:ill Bitters. Beet family, medioine. An Drug/ewe, 50 centa. - Five words to the witty : Never joke with stupid people. Watson's cough drops are the best in -the C 010 ftists Trains. • 9 Coff No More. world for the throat and cheen.for the voice _ r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Mary -George, if I die, promise me one thing. George -What is it, Mary? Mary - That yon will marry Emma Wilkins. George -Why, I thought you hated her. Mery- 1 do, George. I want to get even with her. People who are eubject to bad bteath, foul mate tongue, or any disorder of the Stomach, can at ono be relieved by using Dr. Carson's Stomach Bittiere the old and tried remedy. Aak Your Druggist. A course dinner in a first-cla.ss hotel ought to be a fine affair, of course, as. VIZEINZ0211 unequalled. See that the letters R. St T. W TIT M are etamped on each drop. "Tho books that helped me most 1" is a 'subject that many prominent men have been interviewed on lately, and none have had the justice to give the pocketbook aonngle weaci of acknowledgement, ' • HUB 1 Cioneu CURB oUres'in one Minute, An engineer says :-"When you • get a . cinder in aneye don'tirub it, bat rub the other eye as hard as you choose. It- will ,MANITOI1A A Cure, Lot' DratiRennesS. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAI LWAY Will run Settlers' Trains to all pointe In generally remove the cinder." ' THE NORTH-WEST, The opium habit, depsoniania,the mcirphine habit British Columbia and the Pacific Coast, nervone prostration caused by the use of tobaceo, wakefulness, mental depression softening of the Leaving Toronto, N. & N, .W. Station, Brccle* Street at 9 pen., ram, etc., premature old age, loss of vitality caused by over exertion Of the brain, and loth of natural etrength, from any cainie whatever.... Men -young, old or middle aged -who are broken down from any of the above melees, or any cause notmentioned above send your address and 10 cents in stamps for Lubon's Treatise, in book form, of Diseases of Man, Books sent sealed and secure from obeervation. Addrese M. V. LUSON 47 Wellington Area East Toronto, Ont. The postmen in England are beginning to coMplain of Sunday deliveries. A. P. a90. Baltic coast region. Eat. therefore, or be two households, [that of the Empress with Church Street, Toronto. Is the only Pelfeot Emory Knife sharpsner. A blots - paid. Valuable outfit and par culars ordinery czen. His bedroom and statesmen of Vienna and Se Petersburgh. TUESDAY, FEB'! 2STII, and every Tueeday thereat ter during /larch and . A colonist sleeper will be attached to these trains Make early application ti agent for w hat cars and berths you will require. 13 feet cars supplied for colonists' mevables. bTo Customs delay or expense. No quarantine. No transfers. For further informa. tion see agent, or write COLONIZATION AGENT, 110 Ring St. West, Toronto.' fpARVER'S 3PRIEND free. P.0.1/1CRERY, Augusta, Maine. the two adjoining rooms forming his 1 What is here mooted is nothing else than , ER TUMORS, ULCERS, suite were furnisbed with the skins a revival of the triple alliance formed during CANCantiED, without the knife. No of various animals killed in the chase the Seven Years' War by France, Austria, I cure, no pay Send stamp for and Russia against Frederiek the Great. pamphlet. W. L SMITH, M.D., 124 Queen E.,Torontn. and with a plain, single bedstead, a I There is nothing incredible about such a desk or tw4 and a few ordinary chairs. I MONEY transformation. It would be tar easier for RedLe!alay.N on Farms. Lowest Rates. Only since- his 85th birthday did the Correepondence solicited. Austria to aunder her present connection hardy old man permit an arm chair to be 1 with Germany ,, brought in the vicinity of his writing desk, and essay, in combination with France and Russia, to avenge Sadowa but he seldom used it, except in the last few months of his life. His meals were always than it was for France to give up a policy last a life -time, and costa only:5as. Sold The Patent "Dandy" Thighoider will pursued for centuries and support the Haps- ea... by agents. Some territory etill open Sun - simple. Sausage, ham, sauercrounretaliteit burgs against the upstart power of Brenden- bread and wine peculiar to Germany we i plo (free by express) on receipt Of price. Ad - burg. But one thing the author of the dreee el. W. ALLEN & CO., 67 Yore.° St , Teronto. that he demanded, and at state banquets - TUE BOILER 1.111SPlECTION and Disur. _ anco Company of Canada, , consulting Engineers and Solicitors of Patent, TORONTO. .--S---'. G. C. KORB Chief Engineer. A. FRASER, .880'y-Troaa, I 1 Frui 't 'supply. Dealers billed out on Specialty -PLUMS in large MERCHANTS . le W. H. BUTLER, Financial Agee note/dished 1860. 72 King-st, E., Toronto. when the resources of the Empress' French Qooks were called into request, he frequently dined only on bread, soup and fruit. In de- scribing his life in 1884, a correspondent at Berlin wrote :-" The Emperor and Empress dine early, and every day, just before 4 o'clock, when the soup for their table is ready, a certain number of poor women are allowed to enter the kitchen with basins ,and to each of them is given about half a gallon out of the very Mune soup boiler from which their ieoperial majesties will soon be served, Boiled meats and potatoes are added to this soup by a second cook, and in this way six poor families are made happy. The Emperor and Empress havedined together only during the past five or six years. The dinner is laid in a room next to that of the Empress' priv- ate boudoir, and is served on a small oval table. Her Majesty sits in a red velvet .ohair -with a red silk cuehion at her back; on the Emperor's chair is a red leather cush. ion. The venerable couple used, when they dined Damn, each to have his and her 0 RE cook. A Mortifying Oircumstanoe. Fir Ethel -I was so sorry to hear of your papa's failure, Clara. .And is it math, Intel Miss Clara, -Yea, and for only sixty thou- eand dollars. Mamma and I feel too morti- fied for anything The Learned Societies Through their membem have testified to the great effleitoy of Putnam's Painless Corn Ex- tractor. It provokes no line of aeinareation, Mrs, Greenapple was exhibiting her . . , . securing alike the good will of the highest daughter's collection of curios, and was 0111N1QUY'S FIFTY YEARS lor durability, et* and convenience. Tie leading liave all thet latest improvements, and ;we unequelled and the most humble, and with strict im- dilating thereupon with maternal pride. 1 carriage builders sell them. ASE FOR THEM and partiality, removing with equal celerity the 1 "They are certainly very interesting, ob- in the churchof Rome, 10th edition, oheaper in price, 1111.1Y NO °Tim (owns of each. Try Putnam's Corn Ex, served Colonel Mooney. "Some of them ap., 835" Pages. Agents, ladies or gentlemen. to sell this • neaCtOla peer to be exceedingly rare," f AVI:Dinnr,eFaAS, Cetkruss and TriAara book, Liberal terms, r . . atarrli A. G. WATSON, Tortonan, Wareten Teem "1 shotilrl think eo," arnirked the old DEPOSITORY, Tinware. evue article seems to forget, and this le that the little Prussia of Frederick the Great held its own against the three great monarchies, and that sinoe then the Ha- henzollerna have relatively gained more strength than any of their enemies or rivals. Getting Eight Up BY. A MEEK. WOMA "Now, wake me up at six o'clock." He said on going to bed; "To -morrow is my busy day, 111 get right up," he said. His patient wife, who previously Experiments had tried, Said nothing --only looked at him, And sadly, softly sighed. The night paseed on: the morning came. At six she said " My own Whaley,Royoe 86 Co • 283 Yongc Street, Toronto. Tho Cheapest place in Canada for BUD INSTRUMENTS New and second-hand, Agents for " B ES SON " and "H I G HANI" BAND & ORCHESTRA MUSIC. EVERYTHING'is THE MUSIC LINE. Send for Catalogue liberal terms at the HALTON , • . NURSERIES, Burlington, Ott. II. le HURD & SON, Proprietors. TREES.! AND TRADERS GENERATIV. Mao can offer a few darsRed and Yellow Globe Onions. i We want a GOOD MAN in your locality to pick up I ROSESOur $1.00 and all other bedding and dri jak.i.or is 31EK 'iv gs Window Plant s. 7' , for us. Cash furniehed on satisfactory guarante . colleotions will suitevery Addres C. S. PAGE, Hyde Park Vermont, U.S. one, Illustrated Catalogue Free WEBSTER BROS., FLORISTS, HAMILTON. BUTCHERS UELPII Business College; Guelph, Ont. kx The Faculty has been strengthened, the prem. ieee ordarged and new appliances added. The BEM - nese Department affords one of the beet couree ob. tainable, while the Sherthand Department has ROOOMp ISh.d resulte unequalled in the history of ehorthand Ladies admitted co all advantages offered It's six o'clock. You know you said-" by the Institution. Students enter at any time Cir. • He grunted, " Lemme 'lone 1" oulars mailed free. M. MAo0ORMICK, Principal. At seven she gently tried agair, el OLD, MEDAL NURSERY STOCK -PLANT - But once again without myr INC SOLING, 1888 -The proprietore of the , Toronto Nurseriee-estabeelad 1817 -will have for The slightest semblance of suooess-, owl/1g planting, a large stock of Fruit and On:urncn- 41,n. He only snapped " Get out 11' tul Trees, Evergreens, Shrubs, ole., of all kinds and "'"" sizes, which will be sold camp sti a portion of &II* „, g nds must be cleared and trold. Send for priced, Otte thought he swore at e ight o'clock, dre:curiptive catelogue GEO. LESLIE & SON, 1164 And gave up trying then, 1 , . And he whoee busy day it was Got up at half -past ten. AGIENTS ! AGENTS ! Then came the tide of bitternese OUR ACENTS withrow's Popular' "History et megnieoent Parallell Bible That overflowed her cap ; Canada," ciough'e "Planform Echoes," Dorchester's "Liquor Problem," Sam P. Jona? "Living Words," For he remarked, "Wheal half.past ten? 'Tho Cottage nheeleian," MAKE MONEY Why didn't you wake me up? ' tioughli 'Sunlight and Shadow," "Mother, Home and Heaven," etc, Popo- lar Books I Liberal Terms I Write for circulars, tering etc., to `Murex, BRIGGS, Publialier Toronto. She Delights in Iniquities. ("111AMPION lin- k) proved Safes, at prices within the reaoh of all. loan trend you a safe, made in the best man ner,with Com- binationLook, and well finished in every re - :meet, for 940, on de- livery at your station. Send for circular. S. S. -KIMBALL, 577 Craig St., P. 0, Box 945, Montreal, P. Q. . NBON'S CARRIAGE TOPS A Good Example. "That Eire dollars I loaned yon some throe And then there wars a sudden silendei and e * Cold in the Head, Day Fever, etc., can poldtively - ago, Pledgely," observed Robinson, "acts a tho oolonel was just v.bout to vamp up a sAus,n, cAsiNcs be 'entice" A lielNvenit'lliffilL Med1051" 441vitr. good example to Christians," few new remarks about the weather when 1.1 Li E .14 , , , VieTolhor'rTille.edies that0PaYeliednt°oPo7re, 1y5g0wiulibAnv4 rtE,...,es,,, replied rieagelee with an ern. harmony was 'restored by the explanation of . 1 loo E2T IMPORTED ENGLISH SHEEPS, ' ' be clieaPPOinted in 'thee For full Muticulare address' also Sinal M. V. LUIICII, 47 Wellington -et. 14,, Totonto, dam . ..-ATIttekeereed laugh, "Hew -how's that 7" 1 the yOunger Ginena.pple, - "it keergi lent so well." I "Maneina means antimiities 1" Anil American Ilegii °twinge. Quality guaranteed Send 1 9o, in iffamps for 'Book "Treatiee on tan In lots to suit purohatere. Write Mr priceie eases of Mallet lady. I can assure you thataertie delights et ern Dee co in iniquities 1" '' mi as ran& 0,g, Don ants lery mound Por The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. URES Nervous orostration,Nervous ache,Neuralgia, Nervous:Weakness, Stomach and Liver Diseases., and all affections of the Kidneys. A NERVE TONIC. Geoiren Botreoer, areturortn, CONN., SEM "For two 3,eata I WELL sufferer from nervous do. bility, and / thank God and the discoverer of the valuable remedy that PAnte,s CELERY COMPOUND cured me, at ie a valuable remedy. Long may it live Let any ops write to mo for advice... AN ALTERATIVE, Atotizo Amore% Warnson, VT., SUS: "I believe oexaren am= coo -rot -en saved ma life. My trouble seemed to he en internal humor. Demme esed it I was covered with an eruption from "head to heel." The eruption is rapidly healing. and I am five liendred per cent. better every Way." A LAXATIVE. A. C. BEAN, WIIITE BIVER JUNOTiON, VT., says: ' For two years past have been a great 'sufferer from kidney and liver troubles, attended with dys. pepsia and constipatiom Before I began to take CELERY COMPOUND it seemed as though everything ailed me. Now I carfeay seaireg ails me, . GAropRoIEUABRI,EcnTrIsCio.ux erry, Iowa, says: "I have been using Penews CELERY comeorne and it has done me more good for kidneys and lame back than any other medicine have ever taken. Hundreds of testimonials have been received from persons who have used this remedy witleremarkable. benefit. Send for circular. Price $1.00. Sold by Druggists. WELLS, RICHARDSON &CO., Proprietors Montreal, Que. THE MARTIN Improvements is away MACHINE, with new rie ahead of any and every Machine in America. Manufactured only by H. MARTIN 00., 90 Mary St, Hamilton, Ont. BRIGGS' PATENT • .. TRANSFER PAPERS Are the beat in the world for doing your own Stamp - mg. All that is fequired is to place the pap.er on the material to be stunned, and pass a warm iron ove She back cf the paper and it leai es a clearirepression Twelve sample designs sent on receipt rf S cents New Celan gue of e30 yagee Ehowing 13 etyles o initials and over f90 other detigne on receipt cf 1 cente if you mention this paper. After March small parcels of merchandise may be mailed from th Sfatee to any point in the Dominion at one cent pe ounce. Complete price list of embroider:Yam) fano work material free. Address!, W. H. QUINI3Y, 1 Euclid avenue, Cleveland, 0., U. S. DYEING AND CLEAN -INC. 1 R. Parker & Co. Works and Head Offices : 759 TO 763 YONGE ST, 209 Yonge Street, City Offices 893 Queen St. West, ,TORONTO. 225 Queen St. East, 100 Colborne Street .. Braniford, Ont. 4 johr Street North - Hamilton Ont ..A. maycomp' neane Em F gen.. •S'T E E'LF-; B 0,0S8( COS, L EI,FA;(3831-, N5GA'*ie E.:E' iLL'UST,RanEd-CAT,neaMit' MAILED, a, 'STEELE' BR-osCO , . Cook's Gem BAKING POWDER Why do you use those Expensive American and Canadian Baking Powders when you can get as good and wholeeoine at one ball the price? Prove it by try: ing the Cook's Gem. Manufactured by . ELLIS 86 ICEIGHLEY, - Toronto, PURE ANINAL FERTILIZER, AND BONE MEAL. W. A. FREEMAN, Sole Agebt for the Dominicn of Canada for ROWLIN & COS FERTILIZERS. , Send for circulars and price to WL FREEMAN, Dealer in Builder' Supplies, - ONT. NEW & SECOND-HAND Icigcs,742 MACHINERY *FtE,E • H•W• PETRIE., T FOR.D.CANA DA .: Nervous Debility. blt. GRAY'S Specific has been used for the pas fifteen years with great smooth, In the treatment of Nervous Debility, and all diseases arising from ex- cesses, over-worked brain, loth of vitality, ringing in the ears, palpitation, eth. For tale by all druggists. Price $1 per box, or 6 boxes for 65, or will be sent by mail on receipt of price. Pamphlet on appliciation. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto, lAVORING . EXTRACTS ,i11;11 BAKING POWDER 15 MADE FReei' Atiso Wale PURL EA M .ARTAR FLAVORING EXTRACTS An THE STRONGL5T,PURCSt ANC' tksT. ; FOR TRU h ne Brie - ac 1 .... _ That's taking the lead, new or seecnd hand, apply to naran.• /IWO, 6.1 Nelson $r,,, Toronio. vain f Will Give You a " • Farm. 480 ACRES FREE! Along a thoueand miles of new rail, way. Maps, /Rieke, ,showing nye reeeerces and advantages. Lettere from settlers who are thriving beyond their °epee. ations. Send postal card with your addi ees to J. /11,1111' kinseeeanner 4onse Blook,Torento • or°. et. 'WARREN, Gene. Pass.. Agt. St. Paul, Mien. -ThE,13 EST -INVESTMENT for the Fatuity, the School, or the Prefes,.. sional or Public Library, Is a copy of the latest issue of Webster's unabridged. Besides many bther mailable fealre, 15 centilitre' of 118,000 Words, 3000 Engra.vingS, A Dictionary A Gazetteer of the World locating and describing 25,000 Places, A Biographical Dictionary of nearly 10,000 Noted Persons, All in One Book. 3000 more Words and nearlyomoo more piastre: tions than any other American Dictionary, , Sold by all Booksellers. Pamphlet free. " G.& C. MERRIAM & CD., Pub'rs, Springfield, Marie: MANITOBA. Farmers going to Manitoba will find it to their advantage to call upon or write to W. B. Gillett, -523 Main Street, Winnipeg, whg haft improyed farms for sale Information cheerfully furniahed without charge. Money advanced to bona ficle set- tlers at low rates of intereet upon personal property to aggitti theta th starting. . El 1 INSTANT ' RELIEF FINAL MIRE. • . 0 , Sendyour addres • s 1 and ten cents in , "Treatise on Diseasee of Man." ImAck=snP5. M. V. Itil3ON, 47 Wellington-st E,, Toronto Ont, , 8 Allan Line Royal Mail Rearaships, sant., during winter from Port and every hrrsday and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in sum mer from Quebec every Saturday to .Liverpool, calthsg at Londonderry to land mails and passengers foe Scotland and Ireland. Also from Ba.timore via Hall. fi.x and St. John's N. F., to Liverpool fortnightly due - summer months. The steamers of the onagon lines sail during winter to and front Halifax, Portland Boston and Philadelphia; and during summer betweee Glasgow and Montreal, weekly, Glasgow and Boston; weekly; and Glasgow and Philadelphia, iorhaightlyi For Freigeht, paseage, or other inforniatIon apply 98 A. Schumacher it co., Baltimore; S. Cunard & Co„ Halifax; Shea & co., et. acmes N. P., Wm. ThoreSnle ds Co., St. Sohn, N. 1,A1ln dr, Co„ Chicago ; Love lb Alden, New York' 11 'Bourlier, Toronto; Allana Rat & Co., Quebec; m. Broekie, Philadelphia; H. fee Allan Portland Boston Montreal T"greatest dis- covery of the present age for REGU• SATING THE BOWELS AND OURING.ALL BLOOD LIVER AND ICIDNE, COMPLAINTS, A per fact Blood Puri er few in Hernia= who have been bene fited by its use :- Mie. M. Keenan, 192 Robert St., cured of' Erysipelas of 2 years standing ; Robert Om. nth, 14 South St. daughter cured of Epileptic Fits after 6 years' euffering Sons lsrrel, 66 nut t., cured of weaknes and Lung Trouble; .Tohn Wood, 95 Cathcart Si. cured of Liver Complaint find Biliousness, used onl -8 fifty -cent bottles; Mrs. J. Beal, 6 Augusta St. troubled for years with Nervous Proetration tw small bottles gave her great relief. Sold at 600. dr'ill.G0 F. la BALLET & co., Proprietors. BREADMAKER'S YEAST ALWAYS AHEAD! BREAD made with this Yeast took fit et prizes at,1S2 Township and County Fairs je Ontario in I887, at such plac00 rmFieslierton,itilarkharn,Whit- by, etc. Over ro,000 ladies have sent us letters mid postal liai•ds to riay that it is superior to arty yeast ever used by them. It makes the lightest, whitest,' sweetest and most wholesome bread, buns, rolls and !niece, wheateakes. Directions in einifi plekage with full instructions,' TAKE NO OTHER. PRICE 5 CENTS., Capital and Funds now over 83,0101,000.' HEAD OFFICE. - 15 TORON`To. -ST., TORONTO, A. Moine Company, Established October 1871. To this Date, October 81, 1887, there has been returned: To the helm of Policy holders (cleath-claline)..... .. , ...... ...... .. . ..... . $649,240 043 To the holders of matured EndowmentPolioles .. 26,492 ES To Policy -holders on surrender of . .. • . . ... .. . . . ...... 98,656 00 To Policy-holdefe for Cash profits (including these allocated and being pafore,..;,. .. . 412,544 02 To holders Or Annuity Bonds- - „ _ ...... . ... . 10 eat 84 Loaned to Foliennoldere oh the Seeurii'y of their Politice ... .. . ..........,82,264 98 91,806,174 4tr Policies in Force over 10,0410. Amount ever $15,1 410 4t 1)0 PRESIDENT- B W. rtoWLAND, VICP ESII, ENTS-W itrIA Bs L10TT,IRso, tnwAnn 1i 002E11, ESQ. J. k. MACE001tAITO, Managing DireCtOre Pollens Nonforteitable atter 8 Wait ram lt,deleati 1,5 1,,1 , „