HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-01-31, Page 18PAGE 15 Nom CORD1 ThUR$py, 3NWRy 32 10 1,110w .1 Ay. Ail; %dial* Occ 961-1M 'ton& Otos,. At X .7*•440/ A s S ACIANSW: Big Results! • srf .7 won. so w« 1, 24 , r, 4 NAM .49 t,, Ams . Articles, for sale.. PIANOS: Many . models to -1Plearlit cost1:--Lesage--from-- $1379.00; IrlarlitZ`et from $1679,80; Savings Of $648 to 11300. 'Phone The Piano Place, Seaforth 527 -0053. -2 - Sar. .6. Pets DRY HARDWOOD. Will •deliver. Bob Thompson. Phone 482-7171.-5 • 1972 FORD MUSTANG 351 • (Cleveland), VS automatic, 'power steering and brakes, 4 chrome slotted mags, 2 new Firestone Super Sport 50's, ihrUsh__•muffler, Excellent running condition. Best offer. Phone Goderich 524- 9293.-4tfnc CRAIG automatic return cassette deck. Like new condition. $125.00. Phone 524- 9265 after -5! m .-4tf nc GENERAL ELECTRIC Record Player, Harvest Gold; new needle. Ideal for den or teenager's room. $75.00. Phone 524-9265 after 5 p.m.-4tfnc TRUCK CAP for 8 ft. box, set of %" drive sockets. Phone PARTS, Accessories new and used. All jeeps. Low ,. - prices. Gigantic Stock. Send $1.00 for catalogue, GEMINI SALES, 4736 East Hastings, Burnaby, B.C. U5C 2K7. Phone 604-294-2621-5bc T.W04.WHEELED TRAILER, ideal for wood or snowmobile, $130.or good MONDAY TO FRIDAY •,9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. - offer. Hensall 262-5282.-5,6 , • CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING, RATES & DATA DEADLINES; Classified Word Ads ..... Tuesday Noon Visplay-Advertising . . 4100 RATES; - '3.00 for first 22 words.('2.50 if paid within one week of publication).-Additional_words 14' each. Different rates apply to classifications 19, 20 and 30. Box number 42.00 extra per week. Engagement and wedding announ- cements "4.50. CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sale 2. Mobile Homes 2 %. -Summer Resorts 3. Articles for rent .1: Articles %anted i. Cars, trucks for sale 6. Pets 7..Real estate for sale %. Recreational 8. Real estate %%anted 9. A(«mimodation to rent 2i. To give assay k..Propert) for Rent tGenerall 26. 27. Deaths 28. Engagements I 3. lenders 16. Mortgages 17. Auction Sales ' 14, Services available 19. Notice to creditors 20. Public notices 21. Personal 22. Lost and found 21. Misc ellaneous 24. Business opportunitie. 10. Wanted to rent 11. Room and,board 12. Help wanted 11. 1N44nted 'general) 14. 1 mplovment le% anted PHONE 29. marriages • 10. ln memoriam 31. Cards Of HORSES 130ARDED,,indoOr -arena.-Phene-482w9980 after 6- p.m.,--2tfrte ' . FOR , SALE; Beautiful' Siamege kittens, 8 weeks old, litter trained and dewormed. Phone 523-9487,-5 .41 7. Real estate for sale BUILDING LOT FOR SALE Located at end of Raglan St. 80' x 120'. Fully serviced and landscaped, with or without storage shed, 8' x 16'. phone 482-7911 after 6:00 p.m. - LAUCKNIER.RE- .14,4C-;-- Mombor of ThmasMLS 7. Real estate for saig MODERN BAKERY 411d-- , coffee shop in ,IVfanitohae " SaleS<, in $160,000.00 range', „Apply to PLAINS.`BAKERY0 aor--204; Gflbert Phunj- - Manitoba. Phone(2Q4 548- 2782.-5b0 f44 GAS STATION Volume increasing, excellent location In Huron County. 1 Bay withspot for coffee shalt -Priced very reaSonl*Y! INVESTMENT POTENTIAL Located in Gordo, one - 3 bedroom apartment, one bedroom apartment and small store. Could be divided into more apartments. Only '24,000 with '4,000 down. LIGHT INDUSTRIAL 2% acres with building with about 9500 sq, ft. Town in- centive available. Small down payment. REW-MIX . Business doing good volume, excellent equipment, House.with indoor pool located on good acreage. LONDON OPPORTUNITY . Men's Flair Styling shop, plaza located, good equip- ment, good lease - 92,000. complete. for more InformatElon Real Esfate Ltd. BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE - 'HIGHWAY 83.- DASHVVOOD Store- 3,000 square feet. Block construction, locke• r room, 27 x 17. House • white brick,4tving room, family. room, dining room, kfra, 2 - 3 'piece baths, 3 bedrooms up, one down. Store can be bought separately. 482-3443 ICE -NNW -RE WRINGER WASHER $15.00. Phone 482-. 1. Articles for sale 5. Cars, truck for Sale 3159.-5 HUBBARD GOLDEN COMETS, top-quality brown egg layers, 20 weeks old, available March 7th. reghorns available im- mediately Orders also accepted for heavy "Meat King" cockerels, day old for Spring delivery. Phone McKinle); Hatcheries. 1-800- .2654536.-5,6,7,8,9 BLANK TAPES and guitar strings at BTR, Isaac St., Clinton. -5,6 •SPY APPLES still available at Whitehall Farms, RR 3, Clinton. Phone the Don Middletons 482-9838.-5,6nc " CRISP JUICY APPLES, $3.50 a bushel and dp. Fresh cider, red and white potatoes and honey at Art Bells Fruit Farm. Closed Mondays and Thursdays. Phone ' 524- 8037.-2tfar 'LLOYDS STEREO,. AM -'FM 8 track player recorder, BSR turntable, 2 speakers, 3 menths old. No reasonable offer refused. Must sell. 343 Victoria St. No. 15, Clin- ton. -5 NEW MATTRESSES Everyday PricOs Lower Than Most•Sales _40 DINETTE SUITES of Wood and Chrome C & E FOrniture /IEW AND USED, mil* south on hwy. 21 Goderich 524-7231 bilis, take Trade's VANASTKA •• • HOME FURNISHINGS ; 2 miles south of Clinton ; r on Highway No. 4 tv< „ *NE,'W ,OR LitED rt, HOME FURNISHINGS *APPLIANCES --1,d*LAWN oRNAMENTS °pia: 6 days a weak 482..1922 - - _ BALDWIN SINGLE keyboard organ, 13 note rhythm section keyboard, 37 note soloist keyboard. Excellent condition, priced, $1195.00. Phone 482-3200.-5 COPPER COLOURED FRIDGE and gas stove, also washer and dryer. Phone evenings 482-7721.-5 NEW USED SNOWMOBILE PARTS COMPLETE STOCK • Used Tracks • Used Cylinders *Rebuilt...Engines • Pistons our specialty SNOWMOBILE BATTERY SPECIAL only '49. ARGYLE MARINE & SMALL ENGINES 88 Britannia Rd. Goderich 524-9201 3. Articles for rent FORMAL RENTALS - Dress up! Go formal! We have the complete•Wedding Service at Campbell's Men's Wear Main St., Clinton (Formerly Pickett and Campbell's Ltd.)-14tf PLYWOOD forms, wedges, mixer power trowel- etc. Form ties stocked. For in- formation call M.J. Corriveau, Zurich 236-4954 after 4 p.m. weekdays. Anytime weekends.-19tfar .4. Articles wanted WANTED: Good used fur- niture. Phone 482- 7922.-8tfar WANTED: Old Brick Buildings for Demolition Wrecking and Salvage purposes. Contact ROss Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia. 1-542-9088; Ontario's largest supplier of reclaimed bricks.-11tfar WILL PAY CASH for old furniture, clocks, lamps, pocket watches, pictures, crocks, silverware, coins, jewellry, gramophones, gkass and chinaware. Phone 1-284-3875.-3-9x GOOD, USED bench grinder Wanted, also belt grinder. Pholie 395-5989 after 6 p.m.75-8nc WANTED: Used kitchen cupboards. Appr6c711 ft. long. Phone 482-9200 after 6. p.m. -5x 1977 TOYOTA Celica coupe, 5 speed transmission, 44,000 miles, priced $4500.00 or best offer. Phone 524-7081 after 6 p.m. -5 1971 GMC 1/2 TON PICKUP, 6 cyl. standard, as is. Best offer. Phone 523-9487.-5 FORD VAN 240 6 cylinder, insulated bed in hack, vent on roof, flares, hi -back buckets, radio, will.safety or • as is. Mags extra. Must sell - moving. Apply to P,O. Box 453, Clinton. -5 INIZFARLANE REALE-STATE REALTOR . 53 Main St., Exeter' Phone135--0541. (MYTH • BRICK BEAUTY - 3 bed,room home in ex- cellent condition. Large living room and diningroom. Sharp kit- chen plus sunimer kit- chen. Two baths, car- peting throughout. Large, well -landscaped Iot CLINTON OLDER 2 STOREY - brick home, 3 bedrooms, diningroom, livingroom, large kitchen, sunporch, on large lot. Call Exeter: _ 235-054'1 or Clinton 482-3096 432-4343 482-7295 Attention Farmers A. For sale PUR en -ED YORK BOAR, six months; rotary hog feeder; 4, heavy duty farrowing crates, 2 , door bumper gate, feeder and plywood divisions. Phone 482-31.38.-4,5 - . 7' GEORGE WHITE snowblower $700.00;- ..6' George White snowblower $650.00; used tractors for sale. Phone 482-7552.-5 YANMAR DIESEL POWER 13' 7 h.p. - 33 h.p. Huron County's Yanmar Dealer 'I] AND SONS LTD. CLINTON 482-3409 8111111181111111111111111111111111111111111111111111118.1 C. Wanted WANTED TO BUY - Cob Corn. Phone 482-9095.-5x • D. Livestock 20 QU'ALITY CROSS bred Charolais steers for sale, weight appr. 525,113s. Phone 482-9688.-5 E. Farm services Will DO FARM chores and barn cleaning. Phon6 482- ' 7083.-5 Hens alt Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. ' Ail classes of Livestock WE INViTE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves 482 1311 'Clinton !Sorry Millor 2361717 I xetor 224•626S'1.: Irk ton FARMERS For all your new farm buildings BIG 011 SMALL!! • Give Rciy 'Lumbers Construction a Call Phone 482.3305 WORKMAN - REAL ESTATE LTD.. CLINTON: HAROLD WORKMAN 482-3455 PETER DAMSMA 482-9849 DIRK VAN DER VVERF 482-3631 HENSALL: RON DOIRON 262-2244 SEAFORTH: HENRY MERO 527-0430 CLINTON PROPERTIES Clinton - 3 bedroom. brick, ge sided horae, finished' basement, carport, $56,50-07.00. _ ' Victoria St:- Well maintained al bedroom home, double garage. 101/2 percent mortgage. $39,900.00. Ontario St., - Brick .4 bedroom home,. attached. garage, - $49,900'.00 North St. - 4 bedroom 11.2 storey aluminum sided home, $32,000.00 High St. Brick 112. storey, 4 bedrooms, rec room. $45 900 00 John St.. - 3 bedrooms,.,full basement, dining room, in this attractive bungalow, Only $38,500.00 Rattenbury St. W.• - 2 bedroom bungalow featuring t ireplace..rec room, double garage, $40,900.00. Huron St. - I floor. 5 bedroom aluminum sided home, /oiled commercial, $30,000.00 - Rattenbur,y St. E. - 2 storey .brick home, modern ka- hen, recently ress wed. ,3 bedrooms, 2 baths. dining 1-»»11;, fdruilyrimm, attached garage - $5.5,000:00 Princess St. E.- floor brick home. nicely decorated. 2 bedrooms. $25,500.00 James St. A comfortable 4 bedroom home vs ith car - 829,900.00 • Walker St. attractive bunga ...t bedrooms, good • ( until! 11)11 $34.400.00 Mill St. - 2...)1. 3 hccit•uurii' 1 gimd cunditrun ()111. 82.5004)0 North St. kali( 11 'islehTi pidi rt.( Jolt, , 4 O. S'3,000.00 Matilda St. - Attractive 2 bedroom 1 floor home,.good condition, $24,000.00 - St.'- 1 floor, 2 bedroom Kome with family room,' attached garage. 834,900.0,0. Ont. St. - Split level 3 bedroom home, 5 pcbath, family room, fireplace, dining room, patio doors, double garage, pool, $74,900.00. Huron St. - 5 units in this apt. building, and potential space, reduced to $37,900.00 Shipley St. - 11/2 storey 3 bedroom home. $21,900.00. Huron St. - Brick and frame 4 bedroom home, dining room, family room. $48,900.00. FARM AND COUNTRY PROPERTIES 14 Acres - 3,bedroorn house, ban, shed, near Clinton. $98,000.00. 3.9 acres*-'415edroom plastered brick home, south of Blyth. $39,906,00 2.9 acres - 3 or 4 bedroom honie, highway location near Clinton. $34,960.00. !Silky - 147 acre's, A7 tie ups, good home,. near Clinton, $265,000.00 with cattle quota & machinery 8365,000.00. Farrna - good selection of poultry, dairy, sow, hog, beef, hobby and cash crop farms for sale. Goderich T14 p..-137 ' ors clit v,orkable $107.000 00 ,Baviield make us an offer on this beautiful modern hortVe 103, nerrent morlgage. asking $63,500.00 Poultry. Roaster Quota, 2 barns, ranch style home and second home. $410,000.00 Poultry - Roaster Quota, 2 barns, also bank barn, good home, 15 acres, 5275,000.00 Near Londeshoro • % acre, 2 or 3 bedroom. home $29,900.00 1 Near Holmesville 160 acres, 145 workable, large beef barn, stone house, $250,000.00 Achieves Sales of $7,000,000. Mr. Paul Zurbi-igg, president of ,All Points Realty Ser- vice Inc. Goderich, is pleased to_report that Ken Thom- pson, manager of the Farm and Commercial Division has achieved Farm sales exceeding '7,000,000 for 1979. Ken has had wide experience in the farm trade and. sells over a wide area of Ontario. Whether you. wish to buy or sell farm property. Ken would be pleased to assist you with your specific requirements. Office Phone 524-6656 Res. Phone 524-7514 Clinton Phone: 482-9371 •Residence: 523-9338 NEW LISTING - Goderich Twp. 80 acres, no buildings, All workable and drained. ' BAYFIELD RD. - 11/4 acres industrial property, no buildings. HULLETT TWP. - 6 acre hog operation, liquid cleanout. Good brick home. • HULLETT TWP. - 2 acres with hog barn • and good house. HULLETT TWP. -150 acre - 'modern farrowing and beef farm. Good ' home, large drive shed,. 140 acres' workable. CLINTON - 11/2 storey 3 bedrouftr:-home--w-sun-,- porch, 'double • garage. Situated on large lot. Close to uptown. LONDESBORO - '1 floor 'Vick bungalow_with finished basement, 2 ' fireplaces; carport and swimming pool. Double sized lot. .- HURON ST. 2 floor, 3 bedroom frame home with 2 room apartment for extra income. Culligan REAL ESTATE LTD CLINTON & AREA PROPERTIES Osborne Street - 2 storey aluminum, 4 bedroom house, large coiner lot - 10 percent mortgage available - $32,500. Victoria Street - 2 storey frame, 4 bedroom house, large corner lot, single car garage - $31,500 00 Bayfield - Cottage, completelS, winterized, Close to lake, real value"- $42,500.00 Bayfielde-firemenr Village - 2 bedroom home, large sundeck, patio doors, Franklin, attached garage - $46,000.00 Gordon Street - Semi-detached, 3 bedroom brick home, large dining and living combined, 11 percent mortgage - $35,000.00' Victoria Street - Vanastra - *bedroom frame, 11/2 storey home, low tax, ideal investment at $15,000.00 Ontanio Street - Zoned light commercial, 11/2 storey brick, 3 bedroom, large sunroom, ideal for small „ business. $41,500. Ontario Street - 101/2 percent mortgage - 2, bedroomtrsingle storey, fireplace, low taxes,- $31,300.00 Gordon Street -15-year-old single storey, 3 bedroom house, large landscaped cOrner lot, fireplac'e, central air $54,900.00 ° • Brucefield - Executive 3-bedrOoT, 2 storey home, large family room, single car garage, well landscaped lot,. immaculate. King Street - 2 storey frame duplex, 4 bedroom apartment and 2 bedroom apartment, ideal investment $39;000.00 Bayfield -'Bavarian Inn - Hwy. .21 includes large 5 bedroom home with restaurant and bar facilities $1135,000.00 Bayfield 21 2 acre woodlot, 3 miles from Bayfield, try your °Tier. Clinton area - 5 acres.- house and barn 5 miles from village - two to choose-frem in the area of $50,000.00 Brucefield - 1 acre parce,l, large 111/2 storey vinyl, 3 bedroOm, large country kitchen, single car 'garage. $'i7500 on ",Why wait for spring "- we are selling properties now. Take advantage of the ' current buyers to expose your property. List your property with us today! RATHWELL 02-3120 DAWN RATHWELL 482-3120 MAUFtEEN WU.DFONG 432-3224 WILLY BUNN 563-5055 HULLETT TWP. - 10 acres with 4 bedroom home and large workshop. Low ,down payment. HULLETT TWP - 33 acre farm oni:"ILIDiles south of BlYthIsmit-Tuildings. Set up for farrowing. FOOD FOR THOUGHT Look out the windoW from the breakfast table, and you see the bird after the worm, the cat after the bird and the dog after the cat. It gives you little better understanding of the morning news. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 FARMS'FOR SALE HULLETT TWP. - Close to Lonciesboro, 290 acres - 240 workable. Trout pond. Beef & hogs. Har- dwood bush.. New modern home. Good buildings. Don't ALSO ON HWY. 25 140 acres workable. Beef & . hog setup. farrow to finish for 80 sows. 150 head of beef. Automatic feeders. Two Harvester silos. Brick 2 storey home. MORRIS TWP. Close to Myth. 128 acres. Finishing hog set-up. Modern buildings. Automatic systems. Must be seen. Price attractive. ASHFIELD TWP. On Division Line. Bee! set- up. 200 acres. Level -land. Good buildings. NEAR DUNGAIrON Hog operation.100 acres - 70 workable. Farrowing 13.0 sows. Modern barn. Moder- nized home. Farm stock and equipment negotiable. Trout pond. Hardwood bush. -2nd halite available. Excellent for partnership. ASHFIELD TWP.-NORTH 100 acres - all workable. No buildings. Price!' to sell. WANTED -LAND TO RENT .NEAR K INLOSS UP TO 400 ACRES C'OLBORNE TOWNSHIP 200 acres on edOe of 09derich. 147 workable. Hardwood bush. Gravel deposits.. Driving shed. Ex- cellent remodelled house. Good corn./1 cash crop land. For above farms, or if you are buying or soiling, con- tact B.A. (Gus) Chisholm. Home 519-524-8554 Bus.: 524- 2177. ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN REALTY Ltd. 10 THE SQUARE GODERICH iiiigamIlainammumeg 11