The Exeter Times, 1888-3-29, Page 2Want of Sleep aentling thouseudit Rote -telly to the insane eaylem ; and, the ilftetOrs Say Oda itsenble IS alarmingly on the inereese. Tee usual rOihetliQs, while tben Man glire temporary relief, ere likely to do *tore been). thee good. Wbet is neeinte es an Alterative anti lalooinpurifier. Ayee's Sarsaparilla is tecomparebly the best. It correete tietee dieturbanees in the oiretilation winch eaties eleepless. nese, Ogee inereasel. vitality, end re. itores the nervous eyetene to a healthful itonaitioe. Bev. T. G.A. Cote, tweet a the Mass, Home Missiouary Societn, writ's time, his stomach was ot ef order, Itis steep very often dist bel, ana oome inn parity ot the blood. inenifest ; bat that st perfect enre Ines obtained by the use of Ayer's Sareaparille. , Fredeeick W. Pratt, 42* `Wesitiegteo sereet, Boston, " lefet amigliter was prostrated with nervouts Ayer's Sarsaparilla -restored lier to health." William F. Bowker, Erie, Pa,, was snared of nervotteness and sleeplessness by talzing Ayer's Satseparille for annat ewo mouths, during vends time liie weight increaoed over twentyspouneo. Ayer's Sarsaparilla! ' r Renew:it Ire Or. J. C. Ayer & Go., 'Lowell, Mass. Veld by all Druggists. Price $1; Ineles, $5. YOUNQ FOLKS. J9zonix, peneyes wutn Srid, Please, Mb Brown," AR riget, Johnny, How's the baby eettint along ? You're mighty proua elapse?" The boy smiled-, arid aneadianee seemed to -IAVe fallen upou his fee°. It was a poor, ohin little fees, but you forgot that when he atoned he as did then. a cunnin' little olutp," he old, with ereve diguity, " Mother thinks it looks sonee'at Lite men • - “Au.' you're proud o' that too, / inpoee ; kah, Johney lien anomant the boy did eot reply. Thee louked up earnestly in the kindly face leaning over the counter towerds 40d Said Mother seems glad o' it ; but I wish it could look more like elm Gregeey. Eta nice to look at a feller euoh as him, Someway you non't feel like pityie' net° to be pitied;' • Jim Gregory Was the etch grocer's son; he was weltd reseed, well-fed, welnedueated. There was eeery reason. to 'wish the new baby to look like him, seve that one glance et &ninny's face die you more good, thee at -week's atudy of Jim. Nevertheless, the baker's wife, poor as ever was Job's fabled turkey, but with a inert that her husband of teetotaller was quite too big for, her little bodyad the big world, felt at keen sense of pain as she looked into the pitiful face 'raised to hers in the early morning lieht thee. atruggled through the windows frouthig the narrow dirty street. This good womenn heart ached for the boy who wished lais bother looked more Ike a weinfed baby, aud whose smile was like the smile of angels, the firmly believed. She didn't answer him, for A customer was entering, but she just wrapped up a loaf of her beet tread, and some cakes • "for the baby," and poured a little milk into a pitch- er, and sent them up to the halestarviiig mother we() hired a room on the top floor of the same building, turning from the half- eeger, ball ashamed lad to her other custo- mer, that the boy ehould not offer her thanka.„, Life hen teocene a hard thing to the Greens.' Mrs Omen had been able to sup- port herself and johnny by sewing up to the time her baby was born. Her husband had been killed, by a fall from the sceffolding of building on whieh he was at work as a bzieklayer anatimeswereconsequently pretty hard just When the new baby came. Johnny bad been kept at school until quitexecently, thoughblemotherninknowntohitaewhatwill pet a mother doter her child ?—had. many a time gone -without food during his absence that there might be enough for the night, mad Johnny not know how things were. Bat lately he had had: to stay at hozn.e to help hia mother and do little errands to keep the ga.unt gray wolf from the or. So they struggled along, ecarcely know- ing where then- next meal 'would come from, even finding it hard to have any Tne light was briebt as coeld be in the tne Wbadow ot. the laeleery jolnuty reeelted. •the deer Mrs. Breten 'Wee tie the deer ad beemaecl halt in as Int Wee Passing!. "It's ceid nights" heM4; ae he outer - tend. Someway. her eyes looked aa though ithe had noels. crying. There was a quiver it'arefre.1ohuuie ba full of l; lefidlee, end his eager faoo feirly 1M011e above them. Be needed brightly. • " Yelem. . See ,I'vo brought einnethin' far the baby. Weett he be peemed ?" Be held up the atice of peppermint as thOugh it were the richeat gift the world afforded. Be 'ensiled feom sheer glad-beartednefle, " Mother% be taprinea too, Won't elle, 'Mrs. Drown? The good soul nodcled, She was peat speaking, ,ehe teld her tiusbane efterwarde. To see that boy, with hie eeger face ad laappy heart, and know that ehe had to darker, the pleasure, was almost toQ nuch for her. , " They're splendid, &nanny," the said, scarcely knowing what to oey. icArie I Just know whet your etteinMe eay, It weuldn't be her if she dide't," Johnny nodded. , He knew, tete The smile Itt up his face as be anewered for, her. "God give 'em to use she'll say. I know it, anal like ter hear hex' say in She says things so nice, you know." t , • Yes, she keew. She drew the bey to- wards her, and laid her browned area rouna his neek. _ „ " Johnny," she said, and there wes sortie - thine in her voice and face that retruelt chill to his gladness, "Johnny, if God at 50 geed to us all, and gives us what, knowe we neetn'do yon think be would clo anythieg to hurt us needlessly ;" Be shook his head, Be didn't enow why, but he tould not speak. A weight seemed to fall upon him and shut out the light of 3"/ our mamma -told you that Mee tline TEM .EX W1T, • riEALITEI, Hygiene+ Dry Indian meal wilt melte the hands white. It is said that powdered borax in weter will render the face Alld hO,OS.10 EUX30001,, A mixture of eharcoal and honey in the coneistenoy of paste inebee en admirable deutifrice,- •, Eittiug and drinking very cola or very hot eubstances is very injarious, both to teeth and etonzateln ' • Sage tee is the beat solution known to peso nit heir teem falliog out liathrate the • scalp with it, every day, The right side Should be the position chosen for sleep, es it aids both digestion mud circulation of the blood. his life. •• . God would come and 'take lier up' to ehe beautifel country where helivee, and etheie Ispublisned every Thursday morning,at tbe there. is no'need of food and olotheze, and, . . where no one has 'care, or sieknewe or— e 11 NIES STEAK PRINTING HOUSE .He needed no further wordas He strug. eta out ef ter arms and faced her. The The teeth eleauld bruthed after every Meal, and ,the back teeth require more brushing than those in &Mt. ' Coictfood and drinks increase a teedenoy to cough seal so ahould not be indulged in, by people with. bronchial affections. IrCeJa-s bre et,uearly, a; 'posits Fitton's Sew elery eitare,maxeternantebee 'Oho White it Son, Pro- ;rugoppione after another • electors, ,'• from his arms, His face was white as •• a 4.2'us or KovuriTterqo : , First insertion, per line ,............. ...... .3.0 cents. aea,th, his li a were set as it is not teell for Each suh,sequeatinser Vim ,per line......8 cents . a, child's lips to be set. One would not To Insure insertion, !advertisement, should think of his smiling. •be sen tin notlater than. Wednesday morning . . "Mother is dead, Miss Brown!" , netet„ , His voice too had changed, --changed like, f the largest and best equipped. iu the County . • To prevent an ingrowing toenail, out or scrape a groove down the center and pare the enele eff square. Never out ,the fiides. Onr,TOB PRINTING DEP VitTNIENT la ono his lips. It was low and very quiet. "She is, Johnny." Harm,. All work eetraetea to us will reeeie Thero was no :softening of the news. The elight interval for exerctse a1101 the mea ur -prompt attention, lad's fae.: kept back all that You •must He also .advisee that each child have beOt e tell hten the pimple treth as he had elways by itself. • . Kerosene oil is a aplentlid reniedy: for croup, and claildren do riot oblect to talking it. It rand beeused with cairtion,e how, The little dotteaaveils, setononlywniti ))3; Wemen, are a frightbul soutte of tye diseasesand often of heaeaclae and dieellaesti thR well. .fieh to the brain worker ie due eireply to the fact that it contains, in smaller prorer-tion then meet, thee meterittle which, taloa abundantly, demand. omen enyetoele labor for their complete coneumption, and which without this producing au unhealthy een- elition of body more or Woe immoveable with the eaey and active exereine of the functions of the brein. Fish is lees eatiefy- lug to the appetite than the flesh of either animals or birds, as it continue a larger pora ttott of water. One experimenter found himeelf weae ened. by fish diet, ana he etates that -pereone are generally debilitated by Lent diet. When tockeye are preparing for the races and wieh to reduce theie weight, they are placed upon doh diet. • Se much for current notioeie that cause flee to he esed as an ar- ticle of genera.), diet soda to be wholesome, z A new methoe of arresting a hemorehage from extraotion of teeth basneen discovered. It islay a compress of pleeter of Perla to the bleeding oavity. Provide a good eponge and crash towels for rubbing in the bath -roma, aloe a little corn meal in a dish, as many prefer meal to snap when wishing the hands. • The leaves of the horseshoe geranium are said to be an excellent remedy for cute or abrasions of the skin. • Bruise one" on two' leav'es td apply under a linen cOMICireela. A Pies for the Invalid. The impulse to immediately visit a person who is ill has its origin in kindness, and while often helpful in provincial localities is on. ceisionally so in the city. But there is need niter all of a good deal of reform ie. this line, and there 10 a need for even physiciene and nerses and the invalid himself to better un- deretend titan nothing is so injutions to a pa- tient as seeing a number of yeople. The mo- tivepromptbag the vieit 10 0000 the lesngener- °vented kindly that it it+ a mistaken ninciness. Especially if one who is ill is of a uervous and impreseible 'temperament the presence of any one beside the newest and most faxen.. tar friends is enough to aeriously injure him. The vitality and personal magnetism hi eae, ily exhauoted when one is below the unlit level of his energies, -.and the . visits 'of acquaintanoen are a severe tax on the strength. An ingenry made of the servants to know if tints eau be of use or if bis cone patty i s ,desired, ise a remore defieetely thought- ful then a precipitate call into the Invalid's room, if the approaches are ungarded, when he is defenoelese againet any ,the.nce ietrud-• er. The exha.ustion of nervous vitality bes the presence of any save the few nearer friends of one tylio IS ot indisposed, is la thiug that should be sedulously guarded :against— A. clergyman living in a country parish, reterning from an absence, found his The First Symptoms Of all Lung diseases teeth the earne ; toveriehnese, less Of Appetite, sore throat, pains ie the chest and back, beadache, etc, In a few der you luny be well, or, on the other imod, x1:27 be down with Pneumonia or " ig Consumption," Ilun no risks, but begin immedtately to take Ayer's Cherry Pectorel. Several yawn ago, James Birchard, of Dance, Come, was severely ill. The doctors said he was in Consimption, and that they toold do notheng-forlam, • - but advised him, es a last resort, to try Ayern Cherry Pecteral. After taking this medicine, two or three montee, ho was pronounced a well man. His health, remains good to the present day,. e J. S. Bradley,' Malawi, Mass., ;lents " Three winters ago I took a severe cold, which rapidly developed auto Bronchitis' ' aed Consmaptiou. I was so weak thee teoillelanot 3b.131).,, Was. lunch, emaciated, aml coughed incessantly. consulted several doctors, but they were poweie • ente, and all apnea that I was in Con- sumption At last, a friend brought me , a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. • Prom the flrat dose, . famed relief. TWo bottles cured toe, and my health eince been peeled." Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, RREPARED Dr.i, nyer & Cote Lowell, Mas. Sold bY all DreggiSts: • Price $1,;. six bottles, $0. • . . ' . How Lost Hovwt. Restored Suet published, a new edition of Dr. Oliver.' andagsa atx ,v.coicatehileawr,aht esi no het htlehs Erseae.t ea,i0Tsi hat ;el sh:aael.regb :tan c6s pa tali, cro, tebto offei fesernee see her liege:nes. f:no oditinhi a:111:v iaidrut lahtshhhat, her. At ;As hkaeefutsehlsi del .3breeir eko:psgii , en". ri!:ratilio: es :ye° Ilibeitr:a i:eendot re author. acyi inty7ihe idtsic:c de d.::: ilbriy:eileeecuee :se: aogyr: risk of early indisaretiona nearly demonstrates from..11. •thirty years' successa chief agent in effecting these geedareselfe. ibathsolutely- quitan s e nature cl thus 1 t' have ,..-ctice, that the _slam tug consequences of Sell. abuse may be ralleally cured.; • pointing out a loodo A prominent physician discouregee thei, in see opportunity to build up .the wasted en- of cure at once simple, ,certalv and effoetual, by practice of putting children ea, bee entails.. orgies. The , physician and nurse carried meOWO Of WhiCh cl'orY toirer:1 Po matter `Ara lis.. Seltzer water is a new remedy foe lautiza after tupper. He advises that they heve' . . • •out this plan, and her recovery was•Tatia eonditiond vately an 9.w/unity. • • may. be., may cure umse sp porarily indisposed, aefferis More the yolffuthlainidiaeleveetruyrra"or AllnidtImb,lantict.th! e•Y•e'rY 8,nd genume. laritglid, Or persen tem - visits of witilmeaulng, but thoughtless •per' Sent under seal, ina a' plain envelope, lobes' od' sons, thanis often underatood• dress, postnaikoit receipt of four. Pent's, .or two Decisions Regarding • Nevve- papers. He turned aside and laia the, bandies on Ventilation is a provision of :feature too. often abused. Every sleepine room shoult# told others. . Any person who takes a pap erreg the connter, then went out of the reom and have its windows open an hour every morn-. ne post -office, whether directed in bis name or ularivirorn up the steepttairs. ing arid all the bed dealing lave open to thit • • The woman did not follow eim. There air, where, if poesible, the sun can ehine on's another's, or whether he has subscribed or not ts reap onsible for payment. , Was that in his face that forbade it, Her teem 2 If a pers on orders his paper eiscontinued "en postage stamps. Address • , • THE ZULVERWELL MEDICAL CO A Contretemps. 41 Ann Street, New York. 4580-ly se Young French girls are ,usually quite - Po t Offiee•Box 450 • • motherly beart Yeas aching foe him, but she a equal • to any condition either of good , t nrode, Chapped hands, milling from -exposure fortune in which they find. themselves he inuatpay all airears r40 publisher may and then collect the whole anioeuor, 0, "But the Lordel care for him betteen too sudden change of' temperiture whelne moist with perspiration may. be cured witte 'tg, extract some substantial advantage from isoutinue to sena it untie the Timm could give him no earthly ennifort yet. a enut -ivb ether, ., placed, , "'and no doubt this lady will manage . tit uitmay be. me she sail to herself, and the prayer that 3 in Suits for subscriptions,." but keeping up brave hearts cold cream, lard, catnnhor ice or spermacete the paper is taken from the oilio n I, . . isaititutedintho place where the paper i p -13 a s .s ti- , "next meal , t` up - horn her heart Was Vender and the notoriety 0, very peoulier accident has °side and wonderful faith in, the love and power wer. . ---- ointment. ycerm i _ GI ' e le frequently wee . bine fished, although the subscriber may r er sudderily ' rue upon . her. „ tb t h But Mane hundreds of miles avraY- . i - .•., to 41 . • , • . , Johnny's mo erle . time, en e gem etee true. • does not egree with all people, and benne:. e - r I- 't 2 " y ung lady, its it:0 th had.d* d of overwork 1 the Ilainmetion * et°41" , . el ; . e nn a Annan o of the good Father whe never needlessly aif. t The courts have decided that ie nnrrost. meta. .,., and•starvation, the pa , . ---- - ' ' 'a"- ''V" e in ' .'' '''' bout the' stiengest phght. of Any gie *nee 4,ake newspapers or peliodieals from thei papers sald and they Art Johnny now entered the room•wien Among antidotes for. poisens ordinate,. office, or ramie -Ong and learvin g them nue ., ailed told the truth, though not •quite all the . . . . for is prima facie evieues -- faced woman lying on the bed in the cerner truth" There is a ratan in the city to day raustereis the best snd cheanest emetic, agO, clof inteutionalfrand the things Airs. Brown had sent, the gentle - Q tureed her face with a ensile towards hersilewarm water is ofteneffeative. . Met Who could tell you if he wished than Zxet ev But QUesr u0P, bOy, 0,4 though tg cleeer him with her love through all his.struggles to make a way for calmpaid should be sought immediately in e _patipsoe. rofhydrate of chloral er,other.anmeene., • b himself and the boy whom he so tenderly cages of oisoning, When laudamm, thIngEi 'Wee ought about bY a ' blunder ate the world began. Although a young woman niorally and physically and in point of fact, the is legally a young man, liable to military service and to the ordinary responsibilitiesof a male citizen. This awkwardstete of and o n loves and cares for the memory lives and will live so fog as fife in him pima last; of, tee theeorm, beeete ta,keen: cane eshooln tie Wilmidi . . „ - - • • ' sloe - sae, repstration °kola's at her birth, wlede have it roa,...y 10 just a minute. Ct Women Th" gane far hof to Keep he pa lent rom going P. et her tame was en ere as t L uie" instead They boy nodded, a or mother. 'Min Brown give me a little milk starved herself, that he might have feod. • o Louise." Courievently; in the eyes of Butoh_er General De • to go with the bread, so yon. anal have a There is that in his face that eteettla of a Little blocks of ice given to /ever patietits nice tun o' breadan milk for your 'break. are numb more grateful t .. the Republicei she is M. Louis Felicite, a of water. The sufferer desires the °olden Inenetilthe °131 d ° • then frequen drin f the State The bhtnder hidden eatery, and the beauty of his smile is the wonder of many, but not even. the hei of his love quite understands the depth' of his sorrow. • , ' Bet those who are sick °rain trouble know of this men as even his dearest friends do .not and never can know hum;, and who should I tell? SANDS Or -- fast. That sounds good, don't it? ,Aln she quench the burning fever, and the, chilleof was not discovered until yesterday, when Custom:3re sunPlied. TUESDAYS, THURS- DAYS AND SATUBDAYS at their residence ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP IVILL BE OEIVE PROMPT 'ATTENTION. PENNYROVAL WAFERS. has ha a life tong experience in Prescrixtion of e nhysician who treating female diseases. Is used monthly' with perfect success by over meneladies. Pleasant, safe, effectual. Ladies ask your drug- gist for Pennyroyal Wafers and taken() substitute,,or lnelese Poem age for sealed particulars. Rohl by all drun.ists, ti per box. Address THE EUREKA. CHEDUCeL CO.. Demote, MeV zee Sold in Exeter by J, Bitiviling, ed. Lutz, and en druggists. • -. staked after the baby tete" cold water lasts only while it remains in tine Mdlle. Louise, accompanied by her mother, ragged 'bedding and the bare . room, sheis that it melts into len thaa itS frOzen bilk and neteliblieh the banns of her approaching seemed an angel staying there just to guardand is much less likely to overload a week marriage. - The unexpected discovery,of her her boy. stomach than repeated. draughts of waters, regal Sex win, of Mine, defer the happiness of the expectant bridegroom for a little "Mrs. Brown is like the widow in the while, as he cannot lawfully marry another of oil with the stranger." • man. A epeeist injunction of the Civil Tribunal will be necessary to restore the Good Book, Johnny, Who shared her cruse enced Mre. Brown. or girl to her sex, arid make ber eligible "Yes,' said Johnny. He rather reier- Again thewmaii emitted. Like Johnny's mouth, while the effect of the ice remains presented herself 8,t a motyor's office in Paris her smile was a revelation. 113 spite of the much longer. Another advantage ot the tee to et a copy of her beptismal certificate,. A`Oure For Poverty. The other day I asked the millionaire senator from California, "Row would you abolish beggary ?" "There zs only one way," he said. "Dry up the tiource—abolish the conditions that makebeggars. To try to cure poverty by sweet charity its like trying to stop a hole in your roof by mopping up the puddles that gather on your floor." • I asked him if he would specify the CO32- &dons. "Yes," he aaid, "I can vaguely indicate them.. Let me say, in the first placenhat it isnot millionaires that cause poverty. • No- body is worse off because the Vanderbilts are worth $200,000,000. If they had not the wealth it would not exist 'at all,• .14 is only in those communities where millionaires ore possible that the average citizen has enough latest, Now, what ceuses poverty? 1. Ignorance of how to save money. I found begears in California. in1850, when any man could go out with a tin pan and earn $5 before breakfast. Wetan by work- . He knew it would pain her to tell her mg three hours a day a man could maze his board and clothes, there were always shift - he wished this, but horsiest tell her the tenth or nothing. His mother had taught lent creatures around whom the rest had tit him that euppert. It is the same way now. • The / soil is wonderfully fruitful there. Merely " I didn't mean to say it, mother. , 20,000 men produce all the wheat of the didn't realty," he burst out suddenly. Value of Rest. There is no better preventive of nervous exhaustion than regular, unhurried muscu- lar exercise. If we could moderete our burry, lesson our worry, and increase our open air exercise, a large proportion of nerv- ous diseases would be abolished. For those who can not get a eufficient holiday thebest substitute is an occasional day in bed. Many whose nerves are constantly strained in their daily vocation have discoveted this for them - 801V084 A Spanish merebant in Barcelona told hieniedical Inan that he always went to bed for two or three days whenever he could be spared. from his business, and he laughed at those who spent their holieleys 00 toilsone mountain% One of the hardest working women in England, who has for many years conducted a, large wholesale business, retales excellent nerves at anadvanced age, °tering, it isbeliev- ed, to her habit of taking one day a week in bed. If we can not avoid frequent agitzo tion, we ought, it possible, to gine the ner- vous system time to recover itself between the shocks. Even an hour's iiechision after a good lunch will deprive a hutried, anxious day of much of its injury. The nerves can often be overcome by stratagem when they refuse to be eonttolled by etrengeh of wilt, " Baby3s gettin§ on finely, Johnny. Come atid see him. He 11 be •a feat baby, I think," • Sho was saying tlais to comfort Johnny, and he knew it. He tried to laugh gayly, but it was a faint laugh, after all CC Mis Brown siid she s'posed I was proud to have you thiek the baby looks like me,' "1 will be proud if he does look like and is like you, my dear. Did you tell her so?" " No in, I told her"—and then irohnny sto He had not intended to tell his mother this. "What did yen tell her r Mrs. Green smiled at the thought. She was quite sure Send.10 cents postage ., fresa royal, veinal:4i of the answer. Johnny was such a good and we will smnple box of go oda son, money at once . tha n anYtilior emit America • '' Why , 1--tola her,"— irrohnnY 'had never Bothsexes of all ages can live at home and 'Work in s p aretim o or all ths time; Capitil Practised deceit—tc I told her I wished he notrequirad. Wo 'will start you. Immense looked more like Jim Gregory." et Go . nor 0 elle Me int,• • that will put you in the way of maltins wee " Wt aid you tell her dear ?" pa,7 or those who start at Mee. Wriss.off " Why dear ?'3 itc130116.6„Li53 ora. 11( "7- Utiapprciached for Tone =4 Quality CATALOGUE6 FREE, BELL & CO, Guelph Out, 5 C. & S. G-IDLEY, UNDERTAKERS ! Furniture Manufaourers set down the cup in _which he laad been • State and export 1 000,000 tons of it every s shyly. .rish 4211 Artiole of Diet. breaking the bread and aweut to her hail thresh and eek wheal, al an expense year, and yet thore are beggars, We can She clrew him into her arms as only a of one aid,a-half cent per 100 pounds, note- At this season of the year, when nail iS mother will, and leaned her head tenderly toes cost onlyhalf o cent a pound, and flour largely used as an article of food, often in ' t his is only $4 a barrel, and yet there is mint, place of meat at the usual table meals, 'we ' ,An important came is unthrift. People do find it creeping into the list of articles on • d. h • k Becituae -fish fur. —A FULL STOCK OF— Farniturel 00ffileS, caskets, eVerything in the above lino, to meet immediate wants. We have one of the very loes Hearses in the County, A,rid .Funerels f ureisbed rola oeueueted extremely low prieet. gmBLE3de T cc Never mind, dear. Just tell me and you will feel better." He knew that he would. He • was only thinking of her. " 1 wished it 'cause—'ca,use then he wouldn't he so thin nor hungry, you know, dm 01 not underetand economy or practise It as an t e ie most every rieh man has had to do at lime nish nitrogenous 'matter with a little oil and time in his life. I really believe that there a fair amount of saline matter, we are all would be beggars in the world before night well acquainted with and believe them to be if VO gold peaces were to be own broedcast °lasted among the light form of diet, easily /nether, l'm glad—ever so glad—be as a wife. ADVERT'S can learn the exaOt.coSt. of any. proposecUrn.e of advertising Arnerican. papers by addresSing Geo.. P. Rowell Sz Co. vepapor Advertising Bureau, Spruce St., New York. Send tOots. for 1.00 -Page., Pernntilat. The Great English Prescription. A, successful Medicine used over 80 years iv. thoudands of cases. Cures Spermatorrhea, Nervous Weakness, Emissions, impotency and all diseases caused by &Min. [Barons] indiscretion, or over-exertion. [Amami Six packages Guaranteed to Cure when all others Fail. Ask your Druggist for The Groat English Preserigilon, take no eubstitutn one package Enormous Cargoes of Opium.m six se, by mail, Write for Ps.mphlet. Address Opiusmuggling along the St. Lawrence letireiett Chemical Co., Detroit, DUD. tame in after the opening of the Canadian Yfor sale by J. W. Browniug, 0, nate, Pacific Railway. The town of Victoria, on ilmoteir, and all druggists. Vancouver Wand, is supported largely from the profits realized by importing houses that are owned by profesatonal smugglers. The merchants of that town do not disguise their business relations, but boast that they can hoodwink United States Custom House °fa- cers 'without any risk. One week I saw three ships arrive at Victoria loaded with nothing but opium. You may imagine the value of such a cargo when a piece of pre - Ricca opium only the size of a pea is suffi. ment to satisfy the hardest pipe hitter. The stuff is treated by the local. Chinese, and then sent out to different points along the American line. It goes up Puget Sonnet on fishing Smacks., and then amens' Washington Territory down to San Fratensco. New York, Chicago, St. Louis, and other large and in all mattera of public poltoy our emu - eines are supplied indirectly through agents try first. who are stationed at pont a from Duluth 4. Pron. pt and absolute prohibition of 11 - down to Ogdensburg. These frontier re- quer traffic, as the objective Point of tem - °elvers are known to the trades but the perance legislation, in the meantime honest magnitude of the bueinese cannot be eitagr and vigorous enfdroement of the &oft Act. gerated. • and of all other laws for the repression of every morning, and so distributed that every digested and full of a vital Menai that look like me," with a udden burst of elo- man, woman and child were certain to get could not be gotten so pure and whioh is so • Tweets, " only --only I don't want folks to "2. rh,, Bale and me of liquor. AS long frora any other substance; therefore it is re - readily appropriated by the netvous system, ssome. pity him." as there are ten times as many saloons in commii ended as an artcle of food for the sick . She und e rstoodperfectiy. She lifted oP this country as there are of both churches and convalescent It is of doubtful propriety his quivering little face and kissed it. Her . and schools, and they are mainlyf3Uppor e t d making it a sole article of nitrogenotte food * in the ordiniery line of diet, great care eyes were shining. Her face was eau tx . "Never mind, dearie. It was jest like your unselfisbnese to Wish it. And we kilow, deet- '70, that Godwilt look out for baby 'brother as well as he has for us, and not let him went for anything it will be well foe him to have, We miust be breve, Johnny ; that is what pap% said, you know, toad juat do the best we ea». You are hungry now and so am 1 ; let's heve our breakfast." She lambed and made him laugh ; and by-and-by baby woke tip and had to laugh too, to see bevy joking 'repelled end dressed him under merman care ; and 02o:rabbitry went out to look 1oe }something to do es' he was in the habit of doing lately. It was Saturday aftetriooin aed mescals Were boy getting out their Orden ; so John - by bactli't MuCh trouble to get errands to do. It was late When at last he started for honie with provisions for the tiext day and e nine sweet stick ef calla!, for beby. He was in a hurry too, for he knew MS mother Worried about hitn when he was later thee usual; hat he laughea even as he hurried along, foe wouldn't elle be surprined When the eitw holiday gifts may be of the attracteve end DITITIMAT Somelee what he had brought ? elaborate sort. " by the very. poor, the entrees of misery are ,pretty obviouie • shoulabe exercised when ordered for the sick. It is said, even at tlie present day, that fish eating people are ill nourished, and in eastern countries are particularly litible to become leprous, "I am inolitea to think that if this be so it must be met With it Ouch poverty, as prevents the inhabitants from obtaining a proper variety of fieah food and vegetable, showing to my Mind that it is not deeirable tbate fish (should be the only kirid hitrogenous anhbal food oaten by any ono; and ftirther, fina that if Milk toad eggs be addea thereto the vigor of Buell persona will not ne equal to that of the heal eating peraexis," saye Sir If, Thoinson. Fish is looked upon at a therapeutic feed, for we find it particularly recommentied in dieeasee of the nervous system atid con. valescence, from low fevers, brain workese, neurastheitics, andthe wbole line of allied ain ortlera, in conSequence of the widely toitertain, cl belief thee; oettaite cettaiti eleniente " 3, A lack of manual training. This lot need is moot seriotzrs, - If so many people could be taught trades that the entire pro- ducts of thia country were doubled next year, the wagee would be doubled, either in inMease of motley received or in the smaller oost of the necessitiers of iife to be bought. More capable Wiled hare:la—that is one of our greatest need. My great hope is in my university, which I wish to build iso tall and deep and Wad that the rudiments of every usefel tracle ana occupation may be taught. When everybody knows how to do some difficult and useful thing, poverty will rapidly diminisb."—Pialtidetplacc Pats& A heW toe is found for large antique shoe buekles and young Is,dies who can fortun- ately command a eouple Of those heirlooinen wear tbein at the throat and beltof the Fed- eral vests. Weer platters and little dishes of all sorts are "Vety stylish old make a charming thove en the dinner or Inn& table, Wedding or , . Platform of the Paohibitioniste. The Prohibitionists are movino in the di- rection of forming a new and separate polit- ical party.. The following provisional plat- form has been drafted, and it is proposed to have a convention in Toronto to aoriskler and amend, if necessary, iti'different pro- visions a.-- • 1. Righteousness and f,ruth in public af fairs as well as in private bueiness, and no compromise with wrong. 2. Equal rights for all creeds, elastics 8,nd nationalities, but exclusive privileges to none. ' 8a National sentiment, nationol literature P. D. Armour's Balance Sheet, Phil Armour surveys his varied affairs by the ail of an account book, six feet wide when closed. Opened, it stretches from one end of his little private office to the other. It is a novelty itt the line of stationery. Mr. Armour doesn't, carry. it around. with him, nor does he even hive it on his desk. But when he Comes to look at a summary of all his different interests, he ean at it glance on a single pege of thie very broad book see the balances taken from a entre of different lodgers. The book was devised by the Weill. ed accountant who a few years ago had charge of the Armour office, Its purpose is to save the millionaire the labour of going from one ledger to another to find out how he donde at hie banks, at his p!ielting houses, in his speculations and els inveati meets,—[Chioago Herald. Eiiglish Footballers for Australia. The Rugby foothell team which Will leave England tor New zeoltbria 9Aid Auetralio. gni Thureday eent will consiat twentnaene player% representative of each portion of the United Kingdom, and although the claims of businees and the length of the tour pre, elude several eery clever exponents einder. taking the trip, the tont will bevery power- ful, The bforthern Division will meet at Notthighean the day before %tiling item Londoe, end it banquet in the niOtropolis to. orrow ovenhig 1 on the earpee A SIlI Whioh adapt it in an espemal manner to le. 'lengthy progroutne has been areituteed zn ',levant tfle brain aeditetvotie tyetenn givs Now Zeeland and Aestrelia, but nothing is ing it the vital essenee ef life, and SO tit, yet definitely known am to Shrewbury's support mental labor. - There is no founact- teetions, Red, white and blue will rottenly tiCaa whatever for this view, 'The value of be the colors of the tro.vellore, vice and 'intemperance. 5. Retrenchment and economy in public expenditure, with the view of teaming our enormous national debt. 6. Manhood suffrage,. with educational qualifleation e that is, a vote to every free man of legal age who can read and write. 7. An extension of the franchise to win men. 8. An elective Senate. 9. Civil service reform. The meeting to conaider this was held Oh the 21st bat. • An Outward Betmd Bridal Oetild\q‘ Mr. llewtie (on the tour) —"Inniserney dear, you look pale and vrorried. What is it, love?" Mrs. Nevrtie—" Oh, nothing, lone," Mr. Nevetie--" Noe homesiek already, Nowtie—" Oh, no, not it bit, (Re- luctantly); I Was itiet Wondering Whether that etupitl looking 'reporter would ispell e tulle ' right deaoribing the weactiog.' , Count Tolstoi, the Intienian Minieter of the Interior, hies introdeoed o bill providing that peasaut proprietors shall be prohinited from selling the land which was allotted to them whet, az zierfe, they were emancipated ie. 1861. /here have been littely several important hcangee in the ciermau aemy, Count Wald - erect), formorlyNou Moltket sebstifette, hen bees -replaced in oorranand of the Henoverian rattily corpet and aosUht HaSeler, one of the best strategista in the manly, has succeeaea him. tentet Illamenthal, thief of the Crow Prince's staff hi the Franeo.Pruaaion war, Will retire on accottot tif op. t 4 of a 0 11 01 ai • br th co di So Be o'c re all • to on th Bo SO Ulf th in • ta .oh on io A tio 3' 80 fie gr tr a