HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-01-31, Page 10PAGE 10' INT N
Speakers.at' the annual"
meeting of the $ayfield;
HiStoriea`l SectetY
created t,e light mood
suited to a dull January
Monday afternoon..
society hears of'old days
Miivena Erickson en-
tertained the 40 members
with .amusing Yarns
about Old friends and
neighbours in the village
where she lived as a
---ch-ildT ,Her stogies proved, ' which enabled them to j `thank.you inn behalf
of thther members of
the .executive who had
plarmed the interesting
prograrns which were
provided throughout the
The nominating
committee presented ;the
,proposed slate of.officers.
On , a ,motion from the
floor, nominations were
immediately' closed.. The
new officers electedare
that she and those who laugh with, rather than at
collaborated with her to . each other in the small
spin the tale had a fon- and friendly Lcomrrnu t tY ,.
dness for those around Here rezniniscenoes were
them in their childhood' taped and' will ga into the
- . archives with. other
village recants..
Members. were „ also
amused at Grage
Anglicans have baptisms
Mcv. ,y :• Bennett theme was "The Churd'h�,
was celebrant at the 8 a community:. a
a.m. Holy Communion fellowship, a family,. at.
Service in Trinity Church which time .ht: instructed
on Sunday morning and, the 'Godparents and
officiataed at the 10 a.m. parents and Congregation
_.Sung MMIattinS-andS-ervi-ce' ion . ?_..trhe ...duutters__� a s
of Holy. Baptism. Andrew Inenibers of. Trinity in
Erickson was server and ass-isting Jeffrey Maurice
Brown Higgins read the Sauve to' grow and nur-
Gosp'el for the ture in a Christian,at-
Ministration- of Holy mospliere Harry 'Taker
.: Baptism in' Modern and' Philip Du Boulay
,1 n,glish. collected the offering
After the baptism" and Jackie ' Johnston, was
presentation, the young organist and -Eric Earl
--people; -_ who - h -ad- - beeno---diree-tcd the choir:
sitting on 'the floor Sunday, the
surrounding the Bap, congregation prayers
tismal Font, returned to were asked on behalf of
the' Par°sh Hall --with members of both char-
teachers Debbie Wain cher who are sick, shut-in
and Leanne Veysey. or lonely. In the World
The Rector's sermon Wide Anglican cycle. for
Conservative candidate for the Huron -Bruce -riding,
Murray Cardiff, took a few minutes out on Friday
from his campaigning on Clinton streets to chat
with his wife Betty, left, and Conservative sup-
porter,'"Dianne Murphy, right at the. Conservative
rooms on King Street In Clinton. (News -Record
u e
by Gwen Pemberton and Milvena Erickson
Las Vegas night
]First time
-----ar baa-ize:r-s-- of- t -he Las
Vegas Night held
Saturday • night in the
Community Centre
termed it a huge -success
with a sell-out crowd.:It is
the -first time such an
event has been held in
Bayfield, and the,
Bayfield Baseball-
Diamond committee hope
to make it an annual
event. All proceeds go to
Community betterment
and Saturday night's
profits will go to building
ball diamonds.
Prize winners with
their donors were ` as
follows: -p, The Albion
Hotel, bean -pot slow
cooker, won by Ken"
Nesbitt, Stratford; ,,Little
Inn, brunch for two, John
Huitema, Sebringville;
-The Woollen Shoppe,
handmade pine stool,
John Huitema, -
Sebringville; Elane
Brandon, . shampoo and
se.t, Bill • _C.a.mp.b.cll,
Bayfield; Just Hair,. hair
cut, Gary Darnbrough,
Bayfield; Ilse
Gemeinhardt, hair cut.
and blow-dry, Kett
Brandon, Bayfield; The
Tenderspot, $20. gift
certificate, Bill Camp-
bell, Bayfield: Nip 'N
Tuck, case , pop and
.tumbler, John Huitema,
"Doc" Lindsay, bushel
of apples, Ken Nesbitt,
Stratford; The Old Same
Place, handmayle dump
truck, John Lluitem`a,
Sebringville; Dry Dock
Restaurant, lunch special
for two, Gayle. Jessop,
Goderich: Bayfield.
Building Centre, 12 inch
electric • drill, Brian
Vanbiesbrouck, London:
Bayfield Garage. Oil
change and grO is job,
Ken Nesbitt, Stratford;
Tank and Tummy
Restaurant and Garage,
carton of oil and Tank
and Tummy Hat, Ke,n
Nesbitt, • Stratford;
Village Matket, Bayfield
T Shirt, Phil Steckle,
Bayfield; Brandon's Pro
Hardware, gallon of grey
pa'itt, Winnie Darn-
brough, Bayfield.
Graha'm's Gen-eral
Store, canned ,ham. Ken
Nesbitt, Stratford; Reder
PA"duce, a cord of wood,
Veronica Huffmann,
Bayfield; Doug and
Brenda- Armstrong -harp
turned set of wooden
bowls, John Huitema,
Sebringville; Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Huffmann,
Bayfield, hand -made
child's upholstered
rocker, Ken Nesbitt,
Stratford; Pizza Palace,
two deluxe pizzas, Paul
Gosse, Bayfield and
Gayle Verspeeten, Delhi;
Steve Argyle tnr;ue and
event a success
-muftier , Ken- Nesbitt-------Thi--ball.cl.ub_rn_exnbera
sincerely thank all those
who attended and those
who donated prizes, and
other consideration and
also tothe girl's' ball
teams for donating and
preparing lunch; - to the
fellows on the teams who
gave of their time in
setting up as well as
members of the Goderich
Kinsmen Club for the
loan of their equipment
and assisting in setting it
up and helping at the
games tables; to the
group from Zurich and to
Pat Graham for `his
considerations and for
the anonymous donation
of $60 from a group of
New Year's Eve party-
goers in Bayfield. The
ball team members ask
that you keep an eye out
for further details on
their "Spring Training
Dance" set for April 26
with dancing to, the Live
music of . Desjardines
Orchestra. -
Stratford; Erb's i4 Meat
Market, $20 gift cer-
tificate, Rick Penhale,
Mar-i-lyn Warner,'
Fashion two -twenty.,
cosmetics,'. John
Huitema, Sebringville;
The Sugar Bush Inn,
dinner for two any
Saturday, Ken Nesbitt,
About the village
Milvena's personals
Scott and Teresa
Overboe, Londesboro,
visited with their aunt,
Mrs.' Dawn De .jong and
cousin Royal Lee last
weekend. This weekend
she entertained Mrs.
Gayle Verspeeten,' Craig
and twins Colin and
Christine of Delhi.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice
Sauve, Johrie, Jamie -and.
Jeffrey had as. their
guests over the weekend,
Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Krupa and Kelly ' of
Best wishes to Mrs.
Dave Johnston Sr., who is
confined in Goderich
Hospital and also to a
former Bayfield resident,
Arthur Brisson of Zurich,
who is, a a patient in St.
Joseph's Hospital,
London. We wish the best
for all of you and hope
your health returns very
Brian Diemert, 'St.
Marys was the guest of
his grandparents, Mr.
and. Mrs. Floyd Diemert
and uncles Wayne .and
Rick last weekend. " He
rt'lurned home on Sunday
with his parents, Mi. and
Mrs. Ron Diemert and
sister Karen, who had
spent the day with his
family here: -
Miss Merry Potter,
Holmesville was the
weekend guest of her
grandparents,. Mr. and
Mrs. Jack B. Sturgeon
while her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Gary Potter and.
brother Michael visited
relatives in Toronto and
Sunday guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Eric W. Earl
were their families, Mr.
and Mrs. R.J. Stevenson,
Doug, David and Karen
HAW `,Fr' ►
% 1 A lbor'
(I„rtnn 0ntn,,e,
and Mr. and Mrs. W.
Winstone, Kim and Joe
all of London.
Mr. and Mrs. E, Walter
Erickson, Aniplrew,.
Luanne and Lydia Visited
Sunday • in London with
their family, Mr. and
Mrs. Rob Irwin and
Robbie and attended the
annual recreation
vehicles show in the
pro'gress Building,
Western Fair Grounds.
Miss Bonnie Lu
Stewart, RR 2 Ripley
visited Monday afternoon
with her uncle, aunt and
cousins, Mr. and Mrs.
E.W. Erickson and
Sincere sympathy is
extended to the family of
the late Myrtle (Brown)
Parker who passed away
in St. Joseph's hospital
early Monday morning.
She was the wife of the
late Jack Parker and the
mother of `'Chrles
(Chuck) of Toronto,
Maude, (Mrs. Fred
Weston) of Bayfield and
Jacqueline Pruss,
London. -
To Mrs. Nora (Parker)
Heard -and family, Eddie,
Anne Marie and Terry of
Varna, we extend sincere
sympathy in the loss of a
husband and father,
Lloyd Heard, who passed
away Sunday in hospital
in London.
Gwen's quotes
The Euchre Club held a
party last Wednesday
night in the Municipal
Building. The weather
was inclement so six
tables participated..
Ladies'high went to Fern
Baker and low to Greta
Scotchmer. Men's high
went to Bruce McClin-
chev, low, Brown Lin -
1 urn to page 1 1 •
} 011 di ,k d for it—
Now you hare it
LA'S (;i eaux Deux (unisex hair shop,
right here in (;lintont-----
Orur reputation in London
.says it all. See you soon
-"'Linula, Chuck & Rene
irl'Lltvtw..vrs 1UF'. (11;1W, 1 (hi.' \flVt
-1 11,1,
'tlo,nda>ry - Friday IOa.m: - 8 p.rn.
.Saturday 10ai.m. - ,i t,.m.
hockey action
Bayfield Sports
Report... In an action
packed hockey game
Friday night,' the
Bayfield Bullets crushed
Varna 9-4. Pat Graham's
3 stars were Bud "Boorr1=
Boom" Robinson; "Brad
Park" Courtney, and Don
"Sittler" McIlwain. Next
game will be against the
Clinton Scrutons. -date-"
to be announced).
In South Huron Hockey
League ` Intermediate
hockey, the Zurich
Buckeyes played to an 8-8
Baptists enjoy
winter party
By Sandra Talbot
Young people had a
tobogganing party
Friday night„ with food
and fellowsa ': in the
word of God afterwards
at Louann Nicholson's,
The r. Friday- night
'meeting for Young
People this week has
been changed ,to Saturday
night, when they are
planning on attending the
Youth for Christ Rally at
Pastor Sheil's son
Brian led the Bible
Turn 110 page 11 •
Take one today
for a better
An apple a day may keep the
doctor away but a Victoria and
Grey f RSP can help safeguard
your financial health, nowand
in the future.
Talk to us about it soon.
Members of the Buckeyes
include John Graham,
Tim West, Gil Latimer
and Marvin Merner of
Bayfield. Next game is
Sunday afternoon in
Zurich at 2 p.m. against
Broomball... Broom -
ball is played every
Wednesday night at the
Bayfield" Arena..12adies at
7 p.rn. sharp, and men at
8 p.m. sharp. Last week's
scores were Eastern girls
6, western girls 0;
Western -men' 9, eastern
men 0. Every team needs
more players so come out
'and join in the fun.
brethren in Australia and Frasers account of the
in the Diocese of ,-Huron meeting recently held to
nor the Arehdeacon of consider the pros and
oral and South Saugeen; a ' cons .of the proposed .0
° follows.:. past
Venerable •.Robert marnae�ast of the High- president, Dr, G.H.
Townshend and brethern way 2i bridge: .It was Shepherd; president,
lntheDeanderys . shu_er _. zxten �nii h_. t gue.:. in ,Kay, .._Reid,... fee
cheek as a report to the
Ulurr;.ng the Sung:. president„ Mr. Norman
McHolm; secretax,,;y,Mrs.
Helen Owen; treasurer,
Dr. J.K. Garrett; ar-
chives, Miss Dorothy
Cox; program, Mrs. Peg
Willock; membership,
Mrs. Mary Shepherd;
publicity . and
• - , •
Dorothy Hovey; ar-
chitectural, Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Keillor;'
nominating committee,
Dr. G.H. Shepherd;
social committee, Mrs.
Doris Reddoch; auditor,
Mr. J: Ernest Hovey.
Mattins Service, Rev.
Sennett baptized Jeffrey
Maurice Sauve, youngest,
son of Maurice and Cathy
(Weston) Sauve.
Following the Baptism,
Rev. Bennett carried
Jeffrey through the persuade Grace to read
president of .the-
Ratepayers' Association,
George Fellows who was
absent swirling himself in
the south at the time of
the meeting. It took
considerable_ urging to
e -h rreh---a-nd--i-n.trpd-rt- it. It should certainl -o
him to his parish family. ✓into the archives to prove
Jeffrey is the 5th that we can laugh at
generation of the Parker ourselves in Bayfield!
family to be baptized in
Trinity Church. The first
member was "Aunt"
Jane Johnston who 'was
baptized in Trinity in
Larry and Janice
Krupa, London- were the
baby's godparents.
Janice is a cousin of. Mrs.
Sauve. After the service,
family members and
Rev. and. Mrs. Bennett
were entertained at the
home of Jeffrey's parents
and twin brothers, Johnie
and Jamie.
Those attending in-
cluded his grandmother,
Mrs. Maude Weston, aunt
Jackie Johnston, cousins
Rick, Christine and.
Mark, greal— ir el.e:..BiTt
Parker, as- well as his
godparents and second
cousin Kelly Krupa. The
lovely luncheon included
,a- .•b•aptisinal - cake.
decorated especially for
Frank Burch spoke in
appreciation of. the
retiring president's
successful year. Dr.
Grove Shepherd accepted
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