HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-3-29, Page 1LOttdolt, Huron 4 PrWe.
(Ionia zoom-, Paiute:ger.
Gontlen, dept ,.. 4,10 4. It. 4. 26P .e1
Liman Crossing .,. 9.00 0,20
.., 0,10 0,24
.,. .943 547'
-9.36 5.48
.. 9,46 8,00
... 9.61 6.97
Daucetie/a ... 6,54 6.15
ou •10,18 6.30
Loudesbour ,.. 10.37 6,55
Gox3et Seven, • Passenger
lily tit . 7.31 303
Lender:bore' 7:49 3.86
Clinton „, 8,90 4.151
Brueefield 'an 839 4.04
Eippeu .,. 8,27 4,42
8,03 4,48
Exeter ... 8,47 6.02
entrelia . 8,67 6321
Clandeboye 935 5,26
LucanCrossing ... 9,20 5.2e
e OY0
Centralia ...
liippeu •.
H. DICKSON, Barrister, Soli-
-a -J. otoCf Supreme Court,Notary Public
ConveyeCommlsbioner. &c. Money to
ULU° 'a4son's Block, Exeter,
, H. '40014LINS,
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc„
OfliceSanawellailllock Han sold office.)
Senator it! the Supreme Court of Ontario,
Conveyancer, Conzatietiioneri itca &e. Special
Attention given to the collection of claims in
the 'United States. Patente procured; money
to„loan a loWeet rates. Office : Opera House
Block, S. M , arys Ont.
'Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public,
Conveyancers &c, &c.
illafoney to Loan at Lowest Bates of
OFFICE: over 0,<NE1LIS Bank
Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction.
Graduate of the Royal College of
Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Hay
ing furniehed Mae Dental Rooms
on MAI •ST„ next door to Treble's Harness
ahoy, Exeter , where I am prepared to perform
allbranches et theBentalprofeesion with ease
le skill. -crmace-nsma.33x.asi -vt.es-P03a.
u sed in extracting teeth. Charges, Moderate;
Torzus, Cash.
Sainvell's Meek, Matn-st, Exeter,
Extracts Teeth witheet pain,
by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold
Filings and all other dental
work the best possible. Goes
to Zonteet on last Thursday in
each month:
LIITZ; D. M., .
•.Oftleeat hisresideoc4 EXeter.
Tr W. BROWNING M. D., M. 0
• 1..8 ,GradusteVictoristruiversity.Orace
indironsidenoe,DominionLaborstoiya Exeter
B.YNDMAN, coroner for the
County of Huron. Office, opposite Mr.
. Carling's store, Exeter.
TIR. J. A. ROLLINS, 11. O. P. S
o: Office, Main St.Exeter,Ont.Residen
e e houserecently occupied by P. MoPhillips,
TTENRY EILBER, Licensed A.uo-
-1--a- tioneer for Hay,Stophen, and MeGilli-
7ray:Townships: Sales eon ducted at moderate
es . 0 illee-At Post-office,Orediton, Ont. .
TOHN GILL, Auctioneer for the
Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborne
and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly
attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales
arranged at -Ulla office.
Gracludtes of the Ontario Veterinary College.
(Mann : One door South of Town Hall,
percent, 825,000 Private Funde, Beet
Loaning Companies repreeented.
Barrister, Exeter,
Established in 1863o
Thie comeany has been over Eighteen
yearn in successful operation in Western On-
tario,andeontinues to insure agaiustloes or
damage by Fire ,Buildings,Merchaudise,Man-
ufactori taand all othe e description s o f n sur -
able property . Intending insurers have the
option of insuring on the Premium Note or
Gash Syetern
During the past ten years fillet Company
has issued 57,096 Policiee, covering property
thearamint of S40,872,038 ; and paid inlose-
es alone$705,732,00
Assets, 81760.00.00, consisting of Cash
n Jnk, Government Denosit, an d the"unttes-
es d PrerniumNotesonhandandin force. 4,
Warenntral D. Pr,esicleat. 0. 81, Texaon,
rotary.. J.fi • Ilvenes,Inspector. CHAS.
ELL Agentfor Exeter and vicinity.
B .11 ,,,
ar r
, u sesMm.ti:L v';IsTfttiU n',',10V:A
U. ,. •.
. to again engage in farming pursuits, On
,,,,,m., 0 .n.r. ,,,-,T7 MOnday he purcauteed lion) a Mr. Atkin -
FAN S k.,174 0 .nse.i_it, kj.n.,, son o'f Biddulph aver% fine pi.ir of draught
A. Hastt
sngs, Prop . maims, paying a good figure, for' thent We
Publisher gaud Pooprfeteva
premiees of the Undersigned, Lot 22, N.
B. Cone Stephen, on or alaout Dec. 1, a Ewe
Lamb. Any person preying property and Pay-
ing expenses gen have the mune.
StePhen, March 10.'88. ANDREW BERK.
Notice !
The Undersigned having dionolved Partner-
ship, and wishing to bave their businese
wound up at once, have placed all ea:counts
and notes in the hands of Mr. Jas. Oke, for
collection, with instruetions M proceed with
suoh eollections as he may deem peeper to en-
sure an effective response.
S.& S, STANLAKE, Ilay P. O.
The Annual Show of the Honsall Agricultu-
ral Spring Show Associatioa will, be held in
the New Driving Park, Hensel!. on Wednes-
day, llth day of April, 1888. Liberal prizes
will be given. See bills.
• President. See Treasurer.
lijouse and Lot for Sale.—The
The property of Alex, 'Robinson, on
opposite Arr. C. Gidley's. There
is a splendid well of water, a good brick cel-
la r,aontaining four rooms, summer kitchen,
wood shed and other OffiCeS, and will be sold
cheap. Payment can be made to suit the pur-
chaser. The house can be viewed from 9 to 12,
a. me and from 1 to 4 p.
Mortgage Sale
At Hodgiu's Hotel, Heiman
At One P, M.
There will be sold Lots One and Two in the
third eoncession from the London lRoad,in the
Township of Tuokersmith.
For further particulars apply to
or to • CRONYN & BETTS,
ARCHIBALD BISHOP, Vendor's Solicitors
Auctioneer. London.
NoticetoCtii ors
In the niatter of Georg Slea on
Pursuant to R 8 0 chapter 107 and 46 Vic-
toria, chapter 9 (Ontario) notice is hereby given
that all creditors and other persons having
any claims or demands against the estate of
George Sleamon late of the township of Us -
borne in the County of Huron, Yeoman. de-
ceased, who died on about the tenth day of
February A D 1889, are hereby requested, to
sendby letter prepaid or deliver to Messrs.
Elliot (it Elliot of the village of Exeter, On-
tario. solicitors for the Executors of the said
deceased on or before the 16th day of April
A D 1888 a statement, in writing of the names
and addresses and the full particulars of their
claims or demards and of tile securities Of
any) held by them and that after the said 16th
day of April 1888 the said executors will pro-
eeedto distribute the assets of the soul de-
ceased among the parties entitled thereto
having regard onlyto the claims of which
• they may then have, notiee and that the said
executors will not be liable for the said assets
on any part thereof to apy person of whose
claim notice shall not lhave been received at
the time of such distribution
Solicitors for executors,
Dated 13th March 1888.
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of THOMAS PATCH-
ING of the township of McGillivray
in the County mf •Middlesex, Farmer
and Insolvent, In '-' • Keyggesa.
Notice is here by given tha , the above
named Thomas Patching has this jay made au
assignment to John Flannagan of Clandeboye
Ont of all his estate and effects in trust for the
general benefit of his creditors.
A pleating of the creditors of the above
named insolvent - will be hold at Clandeboye
Ont on Saturday the 24th day of March A, D.
1888 at the hour of one o,clock in theafternoon
for the appointment of inspectors and the giv-
ing of directions for the disposal of the estato
Creditors are requested to tile their claims
duly proven with the assignee or his solicitor
on or before the day of meeting.
And notice is hereby further given that after
the 155h day of A pril next 1888 the assignee
will proceed to distribute the said Estate
among the creditors having regard only to such
claims as he shall then have °dee of.ancl that
he will not be responsible for tho assets of the
said Estate or any part thereof to any person
or persons of whose claim or claims he shell
not then have had notice. •
JOHN FLANNAG AN Clandeboye Ont.
Exeter Ont
Solicitor for • Assignee.
Dated at Exeter, ii1X3 15th March, 1888.
• Locals.
Servant girl wanted at once. Penne
nent place for one who slats. Apply to
• Mrs. J. R. Jaynes.
Mr. Thos. Bissett jr., accompanied by
Alfred Taylor, left for Manitoba Tuesday.
They will engage in farming.
LAD7ES:—Buy our wedding suites at
the Old Established. They have just
opened a ca,se of beautiful shades in Mar-
velleaux and silks at away-dewn prices.
The gentlemen of Exeter will held an
assembly in the town hall on Wedneeday
evg, next, April 4th, Many from a dis-
taliee are expected.
Lames:—Call at the Old Established
and. inspect their new lot of Jerseys.
Thursday and Friday nights of last
week, the thermometer registered lower
than at any time during the winter. in
Sheltered places it marked 9° below zero,
While in open places it is said to have
dropped to 20! below.
For field'garden and flower seeds go to
Sam w ell erleickard's
Shaving and Hair en tting in the latest styles
of the art.
Every attention paid to euttieg
Ladies al/1M hil dren s
wish Mr. Russel every SU000S8.
New Wall Papers, Ceiling Decorations,
Window Shades and Curtin Poles at
Samwell & Pickards
There has been another break up in the
stmethet and neticatione now point to an
wed" °pelting of see Mg. Crowe and
robins arc quite nemetnes and have no
doubt experienced some very co d weather
(linden the pest week.
Lansts;---Cell at the Old Established
and meeour new drefiS goods—jeet received
this Week from England JAS. PIOHARD.
Ihre. Undersigned would Announce te
the public that he has now on haud one of
the best asnorted stocks of harneten boot.
and shoes, &c. in town, and would eall
speoial attention to his Scotch Collars,
Children's Carriages, & Express Waggons,
as they are the best in the market, and at
prices to suit the times. Call and be con -
mood: C. EACRETT, Main -et,, Exeter,
Taking Toll.
We have often wonderek how it was
that millers throughout the country still
adhere to the old custom of "taking toll"
or giving so much flour, etc., for mo much
wheat. Why not put this businees on the
name footing as every other business?
Why should it be a question of barter!
Why should it not be a question of buy
and sell' Buy the fernier's: wheat at
kigest market price, • and sell him flour,
bran or 'hods, just as he requires it, at
wholesale prices. By this process nobody
could be taken advantage of and a great
deal of the dissatisfaction that we now
hear of would be done away with.
'Baby Bunting Again,
One of the greatest literary late of the
season is the story of "Baby Bunting; or
tho Alphabet of Love," by Laura Jean
Libbey, which is at present being pub-
lished in the columns • of The New, York
Family Story Paper. The paper contain-
ing the opening chapters of this wonder-
fully popular romance appeared on the
news stands this morning. The tremen-
dous rush for that number by the young
ladies of the town shows clearly that the
publishers hare struck a bonanza. The
Family Story Paper is for gale by all
news lealers or wile be sent to any address
four months, postage free, for $1,00.
Norman L. Monro, Publisher, 24 and 26
Vandewater Street, New York.
Hs Irabibed too Freely.
A man named Thompson, of Biddulph,
came to Exeter Monday to buy e'ome seed
barley. While here he imbibed ioo freely
and became helplessly drunk. He got
into his sleigh andfell asleep, allowing the
horses to go home as they pleased. •
leen became paralysed and while going
through town he lay on his back, mouth
open, emitting heavy groan's. When
opposite Dr. Browinghe constables Gill
and Creech got into the 'sleigh, but ' apy
amount of iffiaking,would not bring him to
his senses. He was taken to one • :of the
hotels the landlord of which 'sfigaged a
couple of men to takithini 'home.The
posture taken while passing through the
street occasioned considerable exeitenient,
and many were the conjecturests to his
• 'Miss 'Kilburn of London, •Who has been
in Exeter for some time teaching crayon
portrait drawing, returned home Monday.
—Mr. Jas. Acheson, of St. Marys is at
present in town, having come to atteud
the wedding of his brother, Thos., which
took place Tees evening.—Mr. John Dear-
ing of Marlett, Mich., is home visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Dearing.—
Mr. Arch. MeDonell, who has been in the.
old country for some tirae returned home
last week. He looks as though the voy-
age had agreed with him. Depression' he
mays, exists to a more serious extent there
than it does here, —Mrs. Gilson of Lon-
don is at present visiting Mrs. Jno.
Essery of Usborne.--Mrs. R. H. Verity
of Exeter, who has been spending a fe.v
weeks with friends in Mitchell returned
home last week. She ',NILS accompanied
by Mr. Elurlburt.- Mrs. Stewert of Brock-
ville, is at present visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas Olre of the Central.—
er- •
A Curiosity.
Our taxidermist, Mr. Thos. Hamlin,
has received from Mr. Wm. Dearing of
Stephen township, a spring lamb some-
what deformed and a decided curiosity.
The lamb was dropped about three weeks,
ago and is of uncommon size. Its body,
save the head and neck, is well formed.
The head is very small and does not
contain any jaws, but rather was filled
with a grizzly formation over which the
skin had grown lightly, not even leaving
an opening where the mouth is supposed
to be; but underneath the head in the
vicinity of the neck is a small hole through
which it breathed during the few hours of
life. The neck is very large and has
many joints, and is attached to the head
by a very small bone which joins yeculiar-
ly. The brains were perfect, but the
ears branch out from the lower part of
the neck and almost join. The head is a
curious one and it is well worth anyone's
while to drop into Mr. Hamlin' s and view
the lamb. Mr. Hamlin is courteous, and
besides granting the privilege to nee the
lamb, he will doubtless ,how and explain
to any one his very large 4e1ection of other
Samwell & Pickard will show at their
Millinery opening on April the Gth & 7th
all the new and nobby New York and
Euglhh novelties Also full lines of Silks
Satins, Laces and Embroideries.
. The sad news of the death of Is, la
Manning of Suow Flake, Manitoba, a
former resident of Exeter, reached here
on Satut day last. It spread throughout
the town in a very short time and at
every turn one could hear exnressious of
sympathy for the bereaved wife and
family of small children, and for the
parents here, Mr. Manning was but,28
years old, Was robust and has always en-
joyed exceptionally geed health. Some
weekago, however, he was taken ill with
fever f emit which he had almost recovered.
Although the pa a ticulars are not yet at,
hand it is presumed that he had taken a
reApse, aud, as is invariably the case,
became WO.I'8O and expired. It is many
years since id.. Nlanning left Exeter for
Manitoba, yet ali, or nearly of hie
a equal!) tan ces wilt rem em ber him, Hi8
jolly diserdeltion and eeeolved frame of
mind wee for himself many friends here,
all of whom feel: deeply affected by his
andden &mine Much sympathy goes
out especially f0 Mrs. Manning, who is a
daughter of our mucri respeeted townsmen
Mr. Wrn. Horn ,in this tot sad, afflictien,
It will soon be time to re -organize the
quoit chile.
Spring millinery openings will be ia
Order with the several 'stores next week.
N. Dyer Hurdon is again able to attend
to his duties in the bank. •
Business at the market i!,4 somewhat
quiet, no grain of any account coming in,
Tondere will soon be call for, for the
erection of ita iron bridge at this point.
Maeons and carpenters are getting
ready to commence building operations;
The Celebration committee will meet cin
Monday eVening next. Important business.
Leeneen-Call and see the lovely shades
of dress goods at the Old Established.
Read the changes of advs. of Messrs.
Samwell & Pickard. S.C. Heresy and J.P.
Ross of the market store.
A meeting of the foot ball club will be
held at the Central Hotel Thursday
Rev. Mr. Martin -will proack a sermon
on the Scott Act repeal vote next Sun-
The Gale Company are getting in their
horses preparing for the opening 91
Flocks of vrild ducks end geese have
been seen flying north. Such events are,
surely, indications of spring.
Fax hunting is deeidedly more popular.
with the sports at present, than fox ,
finding. Foxes are reported very scarce.
To -morrow evening the ladies of James -
et Methodist church will hold a bazaar in
the church.
The annual spring show of the Usborne
& Stephen Agl Soey, will be held here on
Friday April 6.
A full assortment of J- D. Kings Cele-
brated Hooter Shoes and Slippers at
Saansvell & Pickard's
Horseman If you want a nicely print-
ed.bill adorned with a well executed
horse 'cut,' call at Timms office.
A fine choice of Scotch, English and
Canadian Tweeds for gent's suiting. A
perfect fit guaranteed.Samwell 86 Pickard.
A. very exciting five mile race between
Feathers of Harrislon and Vail of Exeter,
will occur at the carnival in the rink on
Friday evening.
The body of the late Rev. Mr. Eynon
was taken to the Bowmanville circuit
Friday last au interred in the cemeteiy
at Darlington.
The Exeter post office will he cloud on
Good Friday at certain 'hours during the
forenoon and afternoon. See announce-
ment. elsewhere.
Messrs. Forma Bros. have the material
on the ground for theerection of a very
fine brick building this summer, to be
used as a pork packing establishment.
The post office here has been supplied.
with a set of new weigh scale* of modern
style and improvement, by the Govern-
' Lay delegates attending the Presbyter-
ianecounoil will be furnished With first
• caffinticketneat ' the special rates -4100.:00,e
'Montreal or Quebec, te Liverpool and
back. See J. Spackman, Agent, Exeter.
At TEE Trems office cen be found the
largest and best eeleetion of horse cuts in
Western Ontario. Our prices are low
and work first class. An inspection will
verify our assertions.
Mr. 0. T. Brooks and bride left for
Winnipeg • on Tuesday eve. Mr. Brooks
several years ago a resident of Exeter
but has of late been a resident of Winni-
The nights for toboggan sliding have
passed. This outdoor pastime will now
be superseded by hanging on the garclen
gate, but N. Dyer ill not enjoy this, as
he always takes the easy chair insid.e.
We ask you. to look at the lebel oii your
pa,per and see to what date your subscrip-
tion is paid.. To those who are behind,
we would be numh obliged if they could.
see their way clear to. settle at once.
Assistant Deputy T. B Wright of the
Sons of England, organiY.ed a lodge in
Exeter last week, to be opened this
evening. He secured about twenty
charter members here.
We always give preference to local
happenings, and owing to there being a
pressure of interesting correspondence and
other nevveupon our calms this week, we
hold over considerable editorial and other
matter. '
The leap year carnival to be given in
the rink to -morrow (Good Friday) evg,.,
promises to be a success. A good pro-
gramme will be carried out. The band
are Making a strong endeavor to raise
(sufficient money to purchase new regimen,
tads for the 24th of May.
The attendance at public schooli is not
as large as it should be. We notice is
number of bops lonerieg about the streets,
The teachers should enquire into the
cause of their absence, and leave the
parents send their children to school as
regularly as is practicable. a
Here is a leap year puzzle propounded
by a good young man: 'A young lady has
made a proposal to me, and I have prom-
ised to be her hrieband. Should. I allow
her to kiss me before we are married?"
No, serelV not; it would be seandelowi.
Do all the kissing yoereelf.
This is about the thne of the yearthat a
man deciders on becoming an amateur gar-
dener. He should apply to the man who
becanae an amateur gardener this time
last year, if he viould like to get ten or
fifteen dollars' worth of implements for
about a dollar and a half.
Mr.. Richard &Mon and family, of this
plea° leeve next mouth for Ingersoll.
Mr, Seldon has vented 200 acres and will
ene,a,ge in farming permits. May succees
attend his labors. He has rented his
residence here to Mr. Levett who will
occupy it upon M. S's leaving,
A meeting of the ''kickers'"! vas held ea
the Genteel Hotel on Thu) sday eve,. last
as per announcement when those present
formed themselves into a club, with the
minal number ot ohicerS elected. Ice
understand that a meta will take place
on Good Friday betwoen Exeter 611411 e.ocl
one of Seaforth.
• Mr L Hardy, as reported, dool not
intend going to ISIttnitoba, at present, hitt
will remain hers and attend to the erection
of bridges throughout the vicinity, for
svhich he has contrectiect; and will er ect
es many more if he can secure the job.
Be will, however, visit Manitoba about
jut& and have some Fall ploughing done
on,his property, th ere.
Weddinghells have been ringing mer-
rily hereabouts for the past few weeks.'
The latestto tinter the ranks of the
great Army ,of Benedicts is Mr. Theo.
Acheson, a life-long resident of Exeter.
At the Central Hotel,'''on Tuesday evg,'
in the presence of a few Wends of the
the contracting parties by the Rev. S.
F. Robinson, Mr. Atilieson was ,united
in wedhick to Mips Florence, second
daughter of Mr, and Mrs, James. Oke.
The ceremony was without ostentation,
but, nevertheless, is pleasant time was
spent. ' After the ceremonY had been
performed and a few hours whiled away
in social chat and custornarKgames, the
newly -wedded twain repaired to their
home on Huron at. We join their many
friends in wiching them unalloyed hap-
piness and prosperity during the residue
of their days.
Death of Bev. John Hicks Eynon.
Among the older of the residents of
this neighborhood, who have recently
passed away, is the Rev. John Hicks
Eynon, a superannuated minister, and
who has resided in Exeter for wine
years. The deceased was born in Glou-
cestershire, Eng., in the year 1801, and
was therefore 87 yrs oldatfieath. When
comparatively young he was converted
to God, under the ministry' of Elizabeth
Dart, a female preacher. of the F. C.
church, to whom Ise wafienarriedinIV2.
For several years he labored as a hacal
preacher, and in the year of 1820 enter-
ed the ministry of the B. C. church,
with which denomination he labored in
England until 1832, when he was ap-
pointed to go to Canada as a pioneer
missionary. In company with his -Wife
he left England in that year, full of
hope and determination, expecting to
• reach Canadian soil in due course ; but
crUring the voyage a severe stortia aiet
them, the ship being driven back' from
the neighborhood of Newfoundlindeto
the coast of Ireland, whines elle\ was
wrecked. Mr. Eynon losing his, baggage
Returning to England. foranother
outfit; -jt =Was 1833 before he 'reached
Canada; began hia' Canadian 'Work
at 4:414,,,. and was assisted in no kraall
degie0,hy his wife. • The good cause).foe
whiffiethey wrought grew rapidly;
diMto their unabated energies* 'and
soon other missionaries were sentlont to
assist. Very soon Mr. Eynon' was ap-
pointed to the post of Superintandent
of missions in Canada, whiCh ',Position
he held -for many years. In! -1859, ow-
ing to illness, he was compelled to leave
the active work, and was, during this
year, .superannuated. The ofBee of
• General Treasurer of the -B.•
ary society was at this time • 4ii6h4ned•to
him, which position he filled for many'
years with much acceptance. On:super-
annuation he settled in Darlington in
-which place he lived until 1883, ;hen
Ise came to Exeter, and here he lived
until time of death. Deceased was
twice married, once as above stated,
and again in 1865, to Mrs. Ann Down,
mother of Mr. John Down, farmer of
Usborne township, seven years after the
death of his first wife, which occurred
at Darlington, in the year 1858, at the
age of 65-ntesees.lt He was very much op-
posed to the 1VIethoclist Union of 1884,
and fought strenuously against it, but
quietly acquiesced wheu the matter was
decided. Rev. Mr. Eynon was a good
man, a logical exhorter of the gospel
and a fearless worker—welliittedincleed
for pioneer work. He has frequenely,
during his location in Exeter, occupied
She Methodist pulpits, and although in-
firm, could preach an eloquent and
very impressive sermon ; and the con
gregations were always pleased to• see
him stand behind the sacred desk. He
was of a quiet end retiring disposition,
ancl was highly respected by allwho had
the pleasure of his acquaintance. • He
heel been ill but three weeks prior to
his death, at first with bronchitis, then
with an affection of the heart, which
caused the vital spark to flee, his spirit
passing to the land beyond. He had al-
ways enjoyed comparatively good health
and was ever willing to lend is helping
hancl to promote the good work of Chris-
tianity. Theremains were taken to Dar-
lington on Friday for burial by the side
of his first wife's body.
A special meeting of the council was
held on Wednesday evg,, to consider
applications and to appoint a road commis-
sioner. After considerable deliberation,
on motion of Jas. Piekard, sec by T. B.
Carling Mr. Rich Pincombe wasappointed
at a salary of $1.25 per day while in
actual service.
On the eve of his marriage, On the part
of a few young men of town, Mr. Thomas
Acheson was presented with a beautind
and costly bible, together with an address
as a token of esteene Ancl svhile the
parties to ihe prezentation were sorry to
have him leave the single fraternity, they
were pleased at his accepting the hand of
so estimable a youug lady ; and felt
assured that he would as of yore be one of
the "boys" in the matter of sport and
in the advancement of any move -
meat tending to be for the best iii -
tercets of the bachelors' association,
Mr. McManus of Detroit, the afrah,e
manager of agents of the Gale Harrow
Company in this district, has returned to
Sown. He has just reeeived a largo
number of the implements and its soon
as the weather becomes favorable he will
set his men to work selling in this district.
During their short stay here last fall they
sold over 200 of the implements, and they
anticipate'relyieg on the merits of the
machine, to sell doeb e the nenibee this
Spring The Harrow, ,seeder atal celtive-
to aombined ie a esefel implement, and a
farmer who has used it for a while would
riot sell it. for twice the wet if he were
unable to procttre aeother. We wish Mr.
McManus and hia energetie and obliging
staff sueeess,
The Molsons Bank
(0 AA B ELIANEli re, s5s)
Fold un Capital ,.. 82,000,000
test Fund, 870,000
Off‘ers the Public 4 l',VA egn.nrnotr
1.44:4 ANNEX tor money en 55
Fos Meney in
Savings Panki)ep m t
(Lately Ap-oponed.
For ruither pertieulars apply at The an
Main Street, Exeter,
.lOs m. vo 37) oz. fieturdaYe, 10 a, to. tC1.1,1.14
Exeter. act, 28, '87. Afatiaran
S. A. Meeting.
A meeting of the Scott Act Associa-
tion of the South Riding of Huron was
held on Monday last in Fanson's Hall,
Exeter. A large attendance of cleleg.atea
from the surrounding municipalities
were present. Mr. Werry, President
of the Association, acted as chairman,
and the Rev. Mr. Holmes, as Secretary.
The or,genization of the diferent munici-
palities for the purpose of opposing the
repeal vote was the first business. This
occupied considerable time and discuss-
ion. The work was finally thoroughly
cut out and assigned to municipal organ-
izations and committees. The question
of public meetings was then discussed.
It was decided that, as tho Central Com-
mittee was arranging for the introduc-
tion of outside epeakers, the local organ-
ization nee the local apeakers, and hold
meetings in every point of thesurround-
ing townships. Che usual invitation will
will be given to the opponents of the
Act to discuss its merits at all these
meetings. The matter of finances was
largely left to the municipal assifciations.
The committee then entered upon the
discussion of the present enforcement of
She Scott Act. Several of the speakers
referred to the present excellent state of
matters in the adjoinine county of Mid-
dleeex where intoxicating' liquor can
scarcely be obtained, outside of London,
and that its inipartial enfor4einent in
Huron was due, therefore not to blem-
ishes in the Act, but to those who were
enforeing it, It was the unanimous
feeling of the convention, that the Act
would be more easily enforced in Huron
than in Middlesex with London in its
centre, and that those in whose hands
the enforcement lies should eitherprop-
erly euforce it or give way to those who
would. As this Matter was earnestly
discussed at the County Convention laet
week, and steps takentowarcls a remedy,
Me resolution was paned. The conven-
tion adjourned to meet again in Hensel]
on Monday, April ltith. The delegates
departed, determined to leave no stone
unturned to make the majority for the
Act as large on the 195h proxas it was
in November, 1884.
The sidewalk on Station -at.. which lias
been covered with several feet of anolr
during the winter is being cleared; and
net a clay -too' soen.
The Executive Committee, Of West Hu-
ron Teachers' Association Met at Goderich
on .Saturday, the 17ch hat Inspector
Tom and G. W. HOli,:nati, -Secarests., at.
tended from Eketere The.next meeting
of the Association will be held In Exeter,
on Friday and Saturday, May the' 25th
and 261h. -
RantOn dc Co. have just 'opened an ex
cellent assortment of New Prints,Dress-
Goods, Shirtings. Tweeds, &c., for the.
spring trade. All goods gold, at lest than
old time credit prices, ancl for CASH
ONLY. Please call anct see us. Dress
Alaking done on the Premises in latest
styles, Dreseei and Mantles cut by the
new tailor system at RANTON & CO'S.
At a meeting of the trustees of S.S No
5 Usborne on March 21st, Mr.J Heywood
was re -appointed sec-treae. for the current
year. It was also decided that all pupils
who have not passed the entrance exami-
nation and not of the section, be charged
a fee of ten cents per month each, and
those who have passed said examination,
a fee a fee of fifty cents per month each.
r12.1-0. HEYWOOD, Secy.
Divine services will be held in the base-
ment of the Mein -at Meth, church on
Sunday morning next, at the usual hour.
Services will also be held in Christ church
at la o'clock is. in, and 7 p. m. Rev.
Rural Dean Craigwill assist in the seta
vices. Offertory n behalf of the Loudon
Society for the promotion of Christianity
among the J ews.
Toonorrove is GoodFriday, •and ea is
usually the case on holidays the young
men of sporting fanciers repair to the
tvood with gun isa heed, in quest of game.
We wish to remind the youth that this is
the close season for nearly all kinds of
game, and that if they violate the law in
this conneceion by killing birds so protected
they will render themselves liable to
severe punishment or heavy fine.
The many friends of Mr. Ezra, Spicer,
who sense time ago, left his position in the
post office here, and engaged in the stove
and tinware business at Warclsville, but
who recently, disposed Of the latter ender.
taking and migrated to the South Western
Stateravvill be pleased to leaen that he has
seemed a lucrative position as book-
keeper in a wholesale Implement manu-
factury in Colusa, California.
Preparations are going on in connection
with the celebration to take place on the
24th of May In the band tournament it
is eepectecl there will be keen 'competition
while the programme of sports wilt em-
brace many features of great interest, for
which good prizes will be od'ered. It is
anticipated that the coming celebration
will eelipse any held it) this district and
will be worthy of a town of far greater
The following from the London Free
Press may interest someof our readers:—
"Hucksters and wood -dealers from the
country generally will be interested M
knowing that Judge.Woods, of Stratford,
deducted 02 from an account of $i2 from
woodman-:-orie-seventh being taken ofi.
becatise the wood supplied was only 8
feet 5 inches and 50e'a cord. for 'inferior
qiedity. The contract was frir 4 feel
wood of first-elass quality.
A bet -I -heeded eagle was killed at
Sullivan, County Bruce, lest week which
measured 7 ft. 2 in. from wing tip tO
wing tip, it has been about the neigh-
borhood for ten years.
One day last week Mr. Geo. Lint by
of the 1251s con., East Williams, mat
with is severe accident, 1-10 WAS 'ell-
gaged chopping wood when the axe
slipped, cetting off one Of the 'Wee of
Ins right foot,