HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-01-24, Page 19.>krrr..{lhrrN 1aJ.-..�
pond y $ hgcalnews
is w c
T...e -" conclusive i. o o t e i3R : claims . o 'b
In hot�>Itews.thl,s week of t h ( . a ton t, a in a
is the. retirement. of KM; ° whereabouts of the, ..in family -way.
PC BK famous Ted N, ent t' A enda e: If ou
" ,1a5, etc, #arorzt the � . ug I . pl?, g �' eve>"
Prefec seems t.:.a- t:he,. ai have. the o ..ortunit to
ii ��g,uad, , It soems. � t s d pp Y
that 0.O. found fault ' ' Nugent is nukin a ride .one ; ,of the northern:.
their eatin habits, limited (perhaps ' per- buses, you can Play loot
All ' concerned' have. manent) appearance this in the -•back, Be :careful
been uoted as sa ,in we- k. 'in 'the . detention ° not to`get ""burned",.like.
that the would try of to ro 123, :Tickets ma, be* RE and P did; . and be
y y not o Y
eat in the future, O tailed'..". from any sure not to Wake the baby
a tYaemo• rQ i "a rniL sl p�'�d s bt tor. Dnp:.f'rgn Of babysitter
�'31fi"ss I i
T.,. we finally draw A Hot,News Flash! LN might take stringent
° measures. If you take . the
other northern buses you
might be pleased to know
......_ ., :. s pla, hy that 1t i<s the oni<;y bus that-
stalls when it goes 60
This year, a ` hocke three to one, . while the kph'
Y 8e sure to read the sign
series has been organized Seneca came from behind
het n -the -f u�r tribe !s, -- --•ha e est pe. iad...ta beat hanging high ,above the
the Che enne team 5.4, west °° side pL the fh
In the first set of Y
games, the Oneida team . The tribal hockey
,defeated 'the Seneca . team action is schedulled to
by a score of 3-1, while the resume von Feb. 5. The
Cree walked over the
winning team . of this
Cheyenne with a score of series of ,games will play
u12-3. the teachers' team on
The second set of F4eb. 15th in the annual
games saw the Oneida student -teacher hockey
team beat the Cree team, game.
This WeeI�'S C(i11Z
The only time -piece in
Grandma Jones' house
was a wall •clock. One
day, she forgot to ,wind
th,e clock and it sub-
sequently ;stopped, She -
went over to a friend's
house where the ' clock
always displayed the
correct time. Grandma
-JUrnibrS, rnidgel"s
Jones returned home,
made a few calculations,
then set the clock correct.
If Grandma ' Jones did
not have .a watch, then
how could she set the
clock without knowing
the time it takes for her to
travel between her house
and her friend's? Answer
next issue of the
lose in tourney . • Last - week, ' w,e
- presented the cat burgler
On Saturday, January
19, the junior basketball
team attended the Kin-
cardine Secondary
School's Invitational
Tournament. -
The double -elimination
knock-ourfilfifiat put the
Redmen out after their
first two games: a.49-31
loss to Mount Forest, and
a loss to the home team
The Midgets were.
invited as a late entry to
the Goderich Viking.
Invitational 'T, ournament
on Saturday. Their
results were: Redmen 31
Goderich 61 and London
South 56 - Midgets 42.
The Place To
Buy Appliances
lensed! 262-2728
Closed Mondays
and his escapades with a
drawer full of socks. If
there were three distinct
kinds of socks, then' our
burglar would have to
pull out ' four • socks in
order to have at least one
matching pair.
_ After pulling out three
socks, the next sock
pulled must match one of,
the three at hand since
there are only three pairs
in the drawer.
Betcha can't figure "out
how it got there. -
That's it for this week -
and remember even
during exams, Big
Brother 'is watchi'n
If you are not already
registered to vote, you
have 36 hours to get
yourself on the- lis' . --
J spread -over nine days.
January 25 is the first
day of sittings in urban.
areas to revise the
electoral` list for the
general election on
r. .18. Eligible
voters whoy dpi not already
,have their • nares,
!correctly on the list, have
until` February4 to rrale
additions, corrections or
ti Revising . officers will
sit each day except
Sundays from 10 to .11:
a.m. -- or longer if
necessary -- and from 7 to
The revision period for
this election is actually
ree imes onger t an 1
was for the general
election last May 22.
There has been
enumeration for
Patti Newland, seen here with a "grtfl acing" ex
pression, is only o1.,;• uA hundreds of students who
are undergoing the pressure of exams:
election February -iii,. The= Were more thanj5 Million
preliminary voters list names on, the list.
has been poznpiled from Anyone who has
`the last, election's official received :a notice of
I t ' which ' is rnor-e than,,enumeratiofl card with
six months old. his or her correct name
""" address - r e y
or t •. and ad ss ,is 4 r
M. a than 85 percent. p R ly
of• those eligible to vote. inscribed on the electoral.
Fe'bruar 1$ are alreadylist and ay vote
' February 18 This card
properly inscribed on' the y .
last, says jean -Marc contains! !information
Harrel, - Chief , Electoral. . about the time and: place
Officer of Canada,. for voting.;. Any eligible
"But manly people have •- voter 7hsoach has ' not;
moved since the last. receive, a card
. .. q rrr �,..w;
Sb:iW haves rrlust'apply°far rev sioni1r
Chan ed their narrles. order,to :correct .or add to
g the dist,
Some have died. Some ,. ,...
have, reached voting age. The. 38, hqurs of formal
Some have only recently revision from today until
become citizens with the February 4 apply •for
right to vote. All Qf these each of approximately
changes , require some 1,.400 revising officers in
revision of the list. urban electoral districts.
Mr. 1amel's office A minimum of 50,400
tiTIates tlrat�'ther .nisy "rson-lrraur`s-Y~wi13y
as man as 1.9 millioin spent revising the lists in
cities across Canada. In
rural areas the revision
procedure is somewhat -
different because of
greater distances and
because rural voters can
be "vouched for" at the
poll by another voter on
the list. -Rural revision
started January 14 and
will end January 30.
The names and ad-
dresses of revising of-
ficers can be obtained
from local 'Flections
Canada offices or from
be y
voters whose electoral
status has changed since'
last- spring -,-when there
Proxy voting: someone else makes .the
Proxy voting' is an
option available to cer-
tain categories of voters
in the 3.2nd federal
general election to be
held February 18.
Under proxy voting
rules, another qualified
elector in the saltie
polling division may cast
your ballot for you, if you
will be absent or unable
to vote on normal polling
day; 8r' ' al an 'ady.,;.,.ance
poll, oil' on designatetl
days in the offiee of the
Returning Officer.
But to ' use the proxy
voting provisions, you
must qualify within one of
the following categories:
1. You area fisherman,
mariner, prospector,
trapper, member of an
air crew, a forestry crew
or a topographical survey
2. You are ill or
"physically disabled and
have a medical doctor's
•, certificate which iso
3. You are a full-time
student away; frorrthe
To vote by proxy, you
must take steps to ap-
point another elector,
.called a "proxy voter", to
vote in your place.
Both your' name and
that of your- proxy voter
must be on the same
voters' list in the same
polling division. Both you
and your proxy voter
must fill out the ap-
plication -'fair a proxy
me certificate and either one
during an academic
term,, and- you- have a
statement to this effect
from •the Registrar of
your educational in-
stitution in Canada.
of you must present it to
the Returning Officer of
your electoral district no
later than 10 p.m.. on
February 15, the Friday
Tritium found inll -
KINCARDINE - Tritiumfrom the vicinity of the fish and noted that no
has been found in gull's Bruce Nuclear Power detrimental effects are
eggs according to Development (BNPD). 'anticipated from the low
researchers from Ontario Tritium is a radioactive level of radiation. He
Hydro's environmental isotope of heavy noted" that everyone is
research section. The hydrogen. It is formed exposed to 100 millirem
eggs testefi„ x.re,rf taken when neutons ' bombard from b,a,;c.k g r o u n dr
heavy water atoms. radiation per year.
BNPD information --
officer Don White - said,
"We dp have, levels of
radioactivity that can be Do you know?
detected in the vicinity of •
nuclear plants as a result Did you know' that._
of em missions to the A provincial tax was
atmosphere and water. levied on canaries and
mmissions are foxes at the beginning 'of
within limitations set by. this century.
the . Atomic Energy
Control Board (AECB)
and the ministry of the
Mr. White explained
that it's not unusual to
detect an amount of
radioactivity' in gulls or
Chief gets hearing
February .19 has been set
for a hearing into Rance
Act charges against
Seaforth's police 'chief
John Cairns, who has
been suispended from
duty since December.
Mayor John Sinnamon
said that theiiearing will
be held in Judge Francis
Carter's chambers and
will probably :be attended
.only by Mr. Cairns, his'
-lawyer Norman Peel' of
London, the town's
lawyer Jim Donnelly of
Goderich and whatever
witnesses are involved.
The mayor • said that
neither him or members
of council would attend
unless suboenaed as
witnesses. It will be up to
the judge what is • made
public following the
hearing, but Mayor
Sinnamon said that a
statement will probably
be made.
If the chief is convicted
under the Police Act, he
has the option of ap-
pealing to the Ontario
Police Commission.
Mr. Cairns told the
Seaforth newspaper, The
Huron Expositor that he
doesn't think he'd have
any problems working
with the local police force
if he's successful
getting his job -back.
± + +
The Women's Institute
Society was first
organized in Clinton in
1901- The ladies met in
members homes under
the branch grew large
enough for meetings to be
held in the town hall.
. Pioneers of Escorted
Motor Coach. Tours
Florida at its `Best 14 -days
j departures: January 21; February 4, 18; March 3, 17, 31; April 14.
Includes: Admissions to Disneyworld, Cypress Gardens, Tours of St..
Augustine and Savannah, Dinner at Kapok Tree Restaurant. FROM
.. 2..Clearwater Beach and Central Florida
14 -days. 4 . departures: February 4, 18; March 3, 17. Includes:
Admissions to Disheyworid, Cypress and Calloway Gardens. Tour of
Plains,'Georgia. Dinner, at Kapok Tree Restaurant. FROM
Pensacola Beach — . ``.•Sru.per Seve'r'n �„
with option,to linger longer. 12 -days (efficiency units).
13-yeekly departures: January -21 through April 14. FROM
Daytona Extended Stays
-"—bisneyworld extended stays (includes 2 meals per day at Disheyworid)
21-28 days. 5 departures: January 21;, February 4, 18i March 10, 24.
The Squtire Suncndst Moll '
„524-7841 5244924
Florida Circle Tour — "Super Saver"
13 -days
4 departures: February 11, 25; March 10, 24.
Midterm Vacations
at Daytona, Disneyworld Area or Vero Beach. 9 -days. Departure; March
15. FROM
Pensacola Midterm 9 -days
Departure: March 15. .
Texas and New Orleans 14 -days
4 departures: February 9; March 1, 29; April 19—Includes: Tours of
Nashville, New Orleans, San Antonio, Manta Moros Mexico and
Graceland Mansion.
California and The Historic West 23 -Days
7 departures:, eb.,23; March 22; April 19; July 19; Sept. 6, 27„ Oct. 25.
' Includes Hoover t'Dam, Grand Canyon, Tours of Sall Francisco, Muir
$ —
Woods, Los Angeles, Universal Studios, San Diego, Phoenix, Tudson
Escorted deluxe motor coach transportation and superior accommodation
included, on all tours.
For Colour Brochure and Reservations Contact
Your Local Travel Agent or All Star Tours
623-3030 1-800-265-9810
Information on how to
obtain and complete the
application is available
from any Elections
Canada office in your
area. The telephone
number can be obtained
from local newspaper
advertisements or by
contacting telephone
directory assistance.
If you are applying to
vote by proxy because of
illness or physical in.:.
capacity, you must have
a certificate from a
Legally qualified -medical
doctor. This ;must be on
-the doctor's letterhead„
including address - and
phone` number, and 'must
state that the doctor has
seen you.
Those'Who expect to be
absent from home on
polling day, February 18,
should normally_: vote at
an advance poll. Advance
polls are open from 12
noon to 8 p.m. on
February 9, . February 11
and-Pebru.ary i2
If it is impossible for
. you to vote cn polling day
or at an advance poll, you
may vote in the office 'of
the Returning Officer of
your electoral district
from February 4 to 8'
inclusive, and February
13 to..15inclusive, during
the hours of noon to 6 p.m.
and 7 p.m. to 9p.m. This
privilege is restricted to
those who cannot reach
the poll on February 18 or
any of the advance
polling dates.
Anstett Jewellers
11 ALBERT ST., CLINTON 482-3901
OPE L.W.ED.N:.E.SD-A YS-- ...
For Your Convenience.
HOURS Monday through Saturday, 9
a.m. - bp,rn.; Friday nights till 913.m.
OPEN 1-6
OPEN" -6' .
the notices displayed at:
post ;offices and gther
public places in, •each
polling °x , district.
Telephone numbers 'for
Elections .Canada,offices
in each electoral disstrict
can be "obtained ' through
the telephone inforznation
P NKt. YELLO�Iv ' `.
OR BLUE?•.._ r..
There. Is' a • new
shampoo introduced • to
the consuming market
every day. - Thar"""is ` 365
different shampoos each
year: Manufacturers
+omise youth .and
romance on television
and in the print media if
you use their new
The shampoo may be
protein enriched, pH'
balanced, herbal, organic
or fruity. The color, may
vary from green to
orange to red to piin�k. It
may be perfumed or
clinically "medicated".
They have one qufility �n
common - they all
guarantee' shiny, bouncy,
beautiful hair.
Which shampoo is right
for you? Should you buy it
in a leading .department.
store? In a drug store? At
a supermarket? At a
discount store for a better
price? Whom 'should . you
ask? Does anyone know
what to recommend?
• We --_..di - >.. Ucr>t - whurle
career centres around
hair. We- are
professionals. We .take
the time to analyse your--,
hair and prescribe a
shampoo that is right for
your needs. We might not
promise you romance in
your life, but we know
what is best for your hair.
P.S.: Our Retail 'Centre
-carries a full line of
Redken Shampoos for
you and your family.
-Edith Anne
Hair Fashions
We use and recommend
We are now using a more
efficientway for youl to contact
the Public ..Utilities Personnel
:for Emergency. Problems after
Business Hurs
The P.U.C._has n working arrangement with
the Hospital Radio System/to ably allow;you
to contact the duty mcrn-wing one number
contact the P.U.C. at 482-9601 for regular
business and emergency problems ,
the weekend and holidays you now -tall
4823447 and the hospital will answer, and yob
state your problem, then -in turn -the hospital
will contact the duty man. '
KEEP THIS NUMBER. 9$2_3447, handy for
emergency calls after business hours.
'Remember; please catl.482.3447 ONLY
if you are having need of service fol.
hydro., water or sewage and require the
duty man.
"Your hYcYre
Clinton Public Utilities Commission
"%o*+«;' 4._,.•':{i4� n. n&^'e an'3{: �(.741 T a+inr�
t r' c