HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-01-24, Page 16'ME 10 ° LINTON NE' `8-R • 7 to t ka 'ed gt4.Qcr 961.1200 •rte„ L IVI/o•m ' 1, Articles. for. sale ° PIANOS.: Many models to 'clear at cost: Lesage from . $1379..00; Wurlitzer from $1679.001 Savings of $640 - to. - $1300, Phone The Piano .Place, Seaforth 5::7-0053.-2- ' Sax • DRY HARDWOOD. Will dY�C� Bo.h.-,.,.Thomps.on.__ Phone 482-717L-4 BABY ITEMS for sale; wooden crib with mattress, change table, high chair, stroller, potty, bathtub, some clothing. Phone _482- 3729 evenings. -4 PO -RTAS .E_ LUMBER -PLANERS, Alco and Beaver 49 planers (new and reconditioned). Complete inventory of replacement parts for above ' and other mill equipment. Contact Edmonton Planer -Mill Equipment Ltd., Box 511, Onoway,, Alberta. TOE LVO (403) 967-2412.--4bc OUR MAIL ORDER CATALOGUE contains many old-fashioned hard -:to - get items: farm bells, cider _• presses, canning aid`s, stainless. steelbowls, apple parer, cherry stoners, hand grain mills, buggies, har- ness.e, ,.,__Sendr details, The Pioneer Place, Box 639,. Aylmer, Ontario N5H 2R3;-4bc 1972 FORD MUStANG 351 (Cleveland), V8 automatic, power steering and brakes, 4 chrome slotted mats, 2 new Firestone Super -'Sport 50's, thrush muff r. Excellent running ndition. Best offer. P ne Goderich 524- 9293. tfnc - AIG cassette deck. • Like new condition. $125.00. Phone 524- 9265 after 5 p.m.-4tfnc GENERAL ELEC.„TRIC, Record Player, Harvest Gold; new needle -Ideal for CORD, THURSDAY, JANUARY 24r 1980 r = $24$ Ads.if i Results �, • ,pw..s. 1.71d.kat`Y (AK1 r FflPFCTMit it' AP. #e s p.m Y at - Clinton News Record CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & • DATA • DEADLINES: C a rllY ifle o -a -Ads-.. Tuesday-NQorr Display Adve.rtising . , ..... Tuesday 4:00 p.m. • RATES: '3.00 for first 22 words (12.50 if paid within one week of publication). Additional words 14c each. Different rates apply to classifications 19, 20 and 30. Box number '2.00 extra per week. Engagement and wedding announ- cements '4.50. CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sale 2. Mobile Homes 2 4. 'ur.lrnu•r iie'ort. 3. Articles for rent 4. Articles s+anted 5. Cars, .trucks for sale 6. Pets 7. Real estate tor sale 7 1. Iieerr•ation:cl 8. Real estate ssarited 9. Accommodation tt) rent ') \. I'rop.•rts for Rvnt ((,eneral) 10. 4% anted to rent '• 1 L Room an.cf hoard 12. Help,sC',1nted 11. 44,AMted (general) 14. t nlplos ment wanted PHONE 1;. Tenders . 16. Mortgages 17. Auction Sales 18. Sersic9tavailable 19, Notice to creditors 20.;Publik notices 11. Personal 21. lost and found 2 i. 'vlisc eilaneous 24. Business opportunitie° 25. To gine away 26, Births 27. "Deaths 28. Engagements 2'1. Marriages . 10, In -memoriam 11. C ard:: ut thanks ' 482-3a43 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to 5 p. 1. Articles for sale• automatic return CRISP` JUICY ' APPLES, $3.50 a bushel and up. Fresh cider, red and white potatoes and honey at Art Bells Fruit Farm. Closed Mondays and Thursdays. Phone 524- 8037.-2tfar teenager's room.' $75.00: Phone 524-9265 after 5 p.m.-4tfnc MATERNITY CLOTHES for sale. Size 9 - some like new. Phone 482-3718.-4 PORK & BEEF SPECIALS Whole or Half Pigs 69$ LB. Whole or Half Beef $1.49 LB. GROSS WEIGHT Prices Include: CUTTING, WRAPPING, 8 FREEZING RIPLEY ABRATOIR 395-2905 395 -2979 -Evenings FIREWOOD "dry mixed hardwood and softwood suitable for small stoves, fireplaces and kindling. Woodworking Department ARC Industries, Dashwood 237-3667.-3,4 USED BOOKS. We buy and sell at B.T.R. 20 Isaac St. Clinton 482-3631.-3,4 VANASTRA HOME FURNISHINGS 2 miles south of Clinton on Highway No. 4 , j 1 1. Articles for sale DRY HARDWOOD.- For more information call Dale, Stirling 482.9950.-3,4 ". WOOD FOR SALE Early delivery by truckload, ' ton or larger. Dry Hardwood. JOHNBEA.NE CLINTON 482-9250 NEW MATTRESSES •NEW OR USED HOME FURNISHINGS : - •APPLIANCES •LAWN ORNAMENTS Open: 6 days a week 482-7922 4 USED 60.ton„.1" 0.0, pipe, long length. Large selection of new and used I and H beams, channel, angle iron pipes, tubes,, plate, lumber and timbers. • "MARTINS STEEL VANASTRA Phone: 482-9372 4. `JAY BEE HEREFORD FARMS The executfrs of the Stanley M. Jackson Estate are of- faring for sale 300 acres of land in the Hensali-Seaforth' area. 200 acres on Lot 7 and .8, Concession 9, Tucker- smith. Approximately 175 acres workable,. Good 13/4 storey brick house, large L-shaped bank barn for cattle. , two concrete yards, corrals and silo, 'drilled well, im- plement shed and steal granary; 100 acres on Lot 9, Concession 7 Tuckarsmith. Ap- proximately 90 acres workable. All this property Is good bean and corn land. ' Contde.:Ken .Carnochan • Clinton 482.3354 or Bob Kin- amen- Hbn*x112662 3480 by Fobruary 4. 1080. Everyday Prices Lower Than Most Sales 40 DINETTE SUITES of Wood and Chrome C&E Furniture NEW AND USED '/, milt south on hwy. 21 Godtr'ich 521-723.1 We Take Trades n• ee r Alit GR' ASS1 • • DADS! a • a 'CS KAM tit' lIt* 4,,7s tt 114. Ati,PSIVk wl'" CO. 421 SR�: 3 .+1 rs to►> 5 ..Cars, trucks tor sale 5. Cars, CuS k or sale .7; Real estate for sale 7, Realestate__ for sale' 7..Real', state for sale 7;' Real estate for 'sale' f974 4 -WHEEL DRIVE CHE V '/2 ton with mud tires; one Explorer topper with icebox, stove and bed insert. Will sell separately; 1966. Beaumont convertible with 4 • speed floor shift and mag wheels. Phone 482-3409 daytime, 482-3321 ca�efling DEFEN$1VE' DRIVING 'MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE! 1978 4. DR. Mercury Zephyr car, in good condition, low mileage; like new. ,,,hozle 482-9381 between 9 A. ni • nnrl 5 p•m.-4ar„ 1970 PI.Y"MOUTH FURY II, good running order, 5450.00. Phone 482-3759;z-4 6. Pets HORSES BOARDED, indoor arena. Phone .482-9960 after 6 p.m.--2tfnc Real estate for sale RETIREMENT in af- fordable mobile home park on Lake Huron. Enjoy life in beautiful surroundings. Write, Huron Haven Village, Box 128, Goderich Ontario N7A 3Y5.-4bc ' RE SONABLY PRICED FOR.S.ALE 3 bedroom,bongalowwith cattachatt carport, 4 pc. bath, modern large Iivingroom, with kitchen dining area and patio door with at Cached deck. Dry, full basement including den,.. and rec. room with wood burning stove, Tow taxes and heating. Situated on a Large, well -treed loTin an eXce ent. location. in. Holmesville, close to school.. In- terested parties please «ill. 482-9374 SEAFORTH OFFICE 8 MAIN ST. - Seaforth 527-1511 • BIG VALUE Close to schools situated on -a laraelo3r wi yard completely fenced for privaty- is this 3 bedroom home. The interior 'has been completely redecorated and is carpeted throughout with the exception of the kitchen. A woodburning stove adds to the warmth and economy. Also featured is a two car garage that is used as• a workshop. List price '45,000, HORSEOWNERS situated close to Clinton is this one acre farm. Good 3 bedroom brick home with plenty of room to live plus a barn set up mainly for horses. Fenced turn ,out area and large hay loft. Owner will look at all reasonable offers.""' LAUCKNER REALTY INC. Member of fhe London St. Thomas MLS WHEN BUYING OR SELLING CONTACT CLEO COLQUHOUN 482-9988 -GEORGE-CUTLER-- GOOD GEORGE UTLE - GOOD CHOICE OF USED TRUCKS Six standards, low priced, '76 and '77's. Reasonable financing, 30 day `unconditional warranty. For more information Call GEORGE. CUTLER at Res. 482-9782 REPRESENTING 263 HURON RD., GODERICH 11/118FARLANE REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR 53 Mein St., Exeter .01icri a 23'5=0341._.. - M,.. BLYTH BRICK BEAUTY - 3' bedroom ' home .in ex- cellent condition. Large living room" and diningroom. Sharp kit= chen plus summer kit- chen. Two baths, car- peting throughout. Large, well -landscaped lot. - Cail Exeter: -235-0541 or Clinton 482-3096 NEED SOME OW ROOM o BAILEY FOR OUT OF THIS WORLD RESULTS WANT ADS 3. Articles for rent FORMAL RENTALS - Dress up! Go• formal! We have the complete Wedding Service at Campbell's Men's Wear Main St., Clinton (Formerly Picltett and Campbell's Ltd.)-14tf , PLYWOOD forms, wedges, mixer power trfi"tt�"'"-'ems, .:..Fvrm ties stocked. For in- formatiorl call M.J. Corrivbau, Zurich .. 236-4954 ' after 4 • p._m. weekdays. Anytime weekends.-19tfar 4 4. Articles wanted WANTED: Good used fur- niture. . Phone 482- 7922.-.-8tfa r v WANTED,: Old prick Buildings for Demolition - Wrecking and Salvage purposes. Contact Ross • Lumley, 118,5 Murphy Road, Sarnia. 1-54214088; Ontario's largest supplier of reclaimed bricks. -=11 tfar WILL PAY'• CASH for old furniture, clocks, lamps, pocket watches, pictures, crocks, silverware, coins, jewellry, gramophones, glass and chinaware. Phone 1-284-3875.-3.9x A. For sale 546 COCKSHUTT PLOW, 16" bottoms, new colters, 20", new landsides, new shims, excellent condition. Phone 482-9800,-2-4 14 f2' KONGSKIL'pE' Cultivator leveling plank, single rotor harrow, 11/2 year's old. Phone 482 9800.-2-4 GOLDEN ARROW- 200-- sprayer; 00- sprayer; Massey Fergusbn 50 gas tractor, both in ex- cellent condition. Phone 482- 7230.-41 PUREBRED YORK 'BOAR, six months; rotary hog feeder; 4 heavy duty farrowing. crates, 2 door bumper gate, feeder and plywood divisions. Phone 482-3138.-4,5 Nc��all Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY, AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Horgroovo, 452.1511 Clinton Sorry Mllior 234.2117 Exeter kind 220.6203 !; irk tbh C. Wanted WANTED - quantity of mixed grain. Phone 262- 5708.-3,4 D. Livestock FOR SAI -E: Good• selection _ of. 1 -lamps -hi re, Yorkshire, Ham x York.=an.d York x Lan.drace' , boars. Also available gilts ..of -these. .- breeds and crosses. Boh Rohin'son, Walton 345- 2317.-2,3,4 BULL, crossbred 34 C:hiiininr" 1-.1 Hereford, 2 years old on April 24, 1980. Phone 482-7775.-4 • YAMilwrrmiV DIES ROWER -B J TNESS" hiND RESIDENCE:-:,.._.. HIGHWAY '83-`DAS.HWOOD Store- 3,000 square feet. Block construction, --locker room; 27 x 17. House -.white brick, living room, family room, dining rooii't; kitchen, 2 - 3 piece baths, 3 bedrooms .up, one down. Store can be bought separately. e 1 . _REAL ESTATE ., LT D "11 PERCENT MORTGAGE AVAILABLE" - Clinton Community Estates - delightful back split, 3 bedrooms, semi -carpeted, situated in attractive area at $35,000.00 "CONVENIENCE 8 CHARM" - 3 bedroom' Single storey, frame and brick, 15 -years -old, excellently maintained. Fireplace in living room, large kitchen and dining 'overl'ooking fenced yard - $54,900.00 "GO COUNTRY" - superb vinyl -sided 2 storey house with 4 bedrooms, large family room with Franklin, country -size kitchen and dining room'overlooking well - landscaped lot on main highway. Also single car -- garage $57,500A0 ° "NEWLY LISTED"' - c`ornpletely'wihterized 3 bedroom cottage suitable for year round living, Franklin fireplace, separate insulated workshop, $42,500.00 "IDEAL INVESTMENT" - 112 storey, 3 bedroom frame house situated on a large lot in Vanastra - $15,000.00 "COUNTRY RETREAT" - 2 bedroom, single storey frame home, single car garage on attractive lot, close to school - $39,000.00 "TIRED OF THE HUSTLE AND BUSTLE?" • retreat to this attractive 5 acre'parcel in Goderich Township. 11 2 storey frame house with .5 bedrooms, attached 2 car garage. Also large barn and "driving shed. Ideal location - $55,000.00 "NEWLY CONSTRUCTED" - single storey 3 bedroom bri-ck house With large living room, dining area situated on large lot in quiet area of Varna - $55,000.00 "BRUCEFIELD"' - new home, brick and aluminum construction, 3 bedroom raised ranch, formal dining room and' living room - $57,500.00 BRUCE RATHWELL 4824120 DAWN RATHWELL 482-3120 MAUREEN WILDFONG 482-3224 -VVILLY BUNN 565-5055 13'2 4.p•-33h.p. Huron County's Yanmar Dealer s1 � -u i an g REAL E S. TAi E U CHCdrK ttlGSI OUR wry' L'lst' JOHN L. DUDDY REAL ESTATE .LTD. REALTOF 109 WINTERCOURT: NEW LISTING. S,p'l'it:entry Bi- level featuring 4 bedrooms, finished family room, walk -out basement to patio and' pool area. Bathroom on each level. Paved drive. Very •attractive 5 year old home. .List price '69,500. i 10'/4 PERCENT MOR- TGAGE: Show place -1500 sq. •' ft. ranch style. Assumable mortgage. Double garage, feature fireplace, large deck off dining area. Ou'tstan- ding spacious kitchen. No. 375 Matilda St. IDEAL RETIREMENT: Brick one floor, carport, paved street, garden area, lovely interior. '44,500. COMMERCIAL BUILDING: 2800 sq. ft. one floc, 'y, acre. '25,500 or will Pease. STORE FOR LEASE: 600 sq. ft. near Clinton's main corner, long or $,hclrt_.- term lease. '1,000 DOWN: -t-18,900 full price, '205 per month. 3 bedroom in Vanastra. . CALL: - John Duddy Home 482-3652 John Thompson a Home 527-0238 Leah or Budd Kuehl. Home 402-7304 OFFICE 482.3766 PEN HOUSE TWO Locations ,h 'AND SONS LTD. CLINTON 482-3409 FARMERS For all your new farm buildings BIG OR SMALL!! Give Ray Lumbers Construction a Call ° Phone 482-3305 J BRUCEFIELD VARNA S'UNDAYjr'JAN. 27 2-A p.m. Ready for occupancy, brick, 3 bedroom grimes, foamed living room, dining area, on. large lot. :., YOUR HOSTS: . Bruce Rothwell 482.3120 -•V Dawn Rothwell 4824126 Rear'Estate LId Clinton, - Phone: 482-9371 Residence: 523-9338 NEW LISTING. - Bayfield Rd:, 11/4 acres industrial property, no buildings. NEW LISTING - Goderich Twp. 80 acres, no buildings. All workable and drained. HU L LETT TWP, - 6 acre hog operation, liquid cleanout. Good brick home. • HULLETT TWP. '2 acres with hog, barn . and good house. • CLINTON 11/2. Storey 3. bdrm. home with sunporch, double garage-.. Situat7ed on large lot: Close to uptown: HURON ST. - 2 floor 3 bdrm. frame home with 2 rm. apt. for extra income. HULLETT TWP. - 10 acres with 4 bdrm. home and large workshop. Low down payment. - I8 ACRFr' A0arna, new home, `,SO. ►ric.. -° !t• HULLETT TWP. 33 acre farm on Hwy. 4, 2 miles south of Blyth. Good buildings. Set up for farrowing. FOOD FOR THOUGHT Sometimes the best helping hand you can get is a good firm push.. -a - 9. Xccommodation to rent HOUSES FOR" 'RENT in Vanastra Phone 482- 3278 .--41 tfa r ° THREE BEDROOM DUPLEX7-""close to Post Office and downtown area, newly decorated. Available first part of December. Phone 482-7065.-42,tfar VANASTRA - ' FOUR BEDROOM . semi-detached. References. Phone 523-4299 after 6 p.m. or weekend- s. -51 tf `,12 BEDROOM APARTMENT in BrucefieId available immediately: Phone 482- 3278.-2tf TWO BEDROOM APAR- TMENT for rent,. fridge, stove and dinette supplied. Available Feb. 1. Phone 482- 9505.-4,5 APARTMENT FOR RENT - 2 bedroom downtown location, $150. per month, heated. Call John buddy 482- 3766 or 482-3652,--4 ELIZABETH COURT Loca tetf.,i n Hensel! 1 and 2 bedrooms available ttow, Jan. or Feb. 1 •Shag carpeting , throughout •Kelvirraltor. Ap13Uances •Laundry Facilities 'Ali utilities paid FOR ENQUIRIES HENSALL 262.2129, LONDON 4337781