HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-3-22, Page 8INSURANCE. E"IUEST itLI$O Ji, AGENT FOR -1-4 wax NvE,$'1.' elltN ASSURANCE CM. PANY, of Toroute ; aciS lSti for the PriNIX VIRE ENSIIRANOSI COldna ot Lonaou, lenalena, the ltOYAL CANAD1AN, of Mon- treal, ard the BRITISH EMPIRE LIVE. AS. SURANCE COMPANY, of hendons Englaod, esteoblishe a 1847. Aesets ever $5,090,000; Claims and bonuees paid, over $10,00Q,000. LOCAL NE WS.-IVe $halt baltappy to re- ,reive at all times, front any part of the County, items of 40(.41 news, such as ea, .cidents,or any interesting incident liatat- ever, from any of our subscribers or reecf-- ars llenerally for the purpose of public ation, entn glow. THURSDAY, MARCH 22nd 1888 LOCAL HAPPENINGS. THY, Undersigned would announce to the public that he has now *View' one of the beat assorted stocks of harness, boots and shoes, &e. in town, and would call special attention to hie Scotch Collars, Children's Cerriages, & Exprese Waggons, as they are the best in the market, and at prices to suit the tunes, Call and be con- vineed. C, Elcateem, Main -at., Exeter. * Acetdeut. One day last week while a couple of young ladies were collecting missionary money la the country they had a bit of Tough experience. They were eriving carefully Along the road when, suddenly, their pony nassits off. Theyonyere thrown oet of the eig, and one of them, Kiss Jea- nie Pickard, seriously injured, her culler bone broken,. Pony and cutter PSCaPed uninjured. Temperance Lector°. A. temperance lecture was given in the James -street Methodist church on Monday evening by the Rev. Mr. Simp- son, of Bracefield. The attendance was darge, and all seemed to take a deep in- terest in the meeting. The lecturer made some very good hits, thoroughly mastering the subject of his address. He seemed to have no trouble in indel- ibly impressing upori the minds of his hearers, the genuineness of the point advanced. Mr. R. H. Collins occupied the chair and made a brief but telling address at the opening of the meeting. Hymeneal. One by one the bachelors are passing over to the great Army of Benedict. Whether it is owing to this being leap year, and their having a desire to take advantage of the opportunities thereby offered, we are left only to surmise. The latest, however, to make a move Lor the better or worse is our worthy fellow -citizen, Mr. Robert Lang. Un- der the hand of the Rev. Colin Fletch- er, at the residence of the bride's father ' Tharnes Road, Usborne, on the 14th inst., Mr. Lang was wedded to Miss Agnes Russell. The twainhave pitch.- ee their tent inExeter,and we join their many friends in wishing them every success through this life of trouble and turmoil. Dame rumour has it , that there are more to take the same course as.1VIr. Lang has thought best to take. Retribution, Editor Orme of the Lucan Enter- prise, from what we learn fared rather badly at the hands of a female, whom he, a couple of weeks previously, had the temerity to refer to in his paper, in rrianner not at all pleasing to her lady- ship. Bridget has a venomous spirit, and watched her chance to avenge the cheeky Editor- And she did it in an unmistakable way. She was engaged scrubbing the balcony of the Central Hotel in that village, arid had a pail well felled with dirty scrubleine water, when she, noticing her offender coming, stood 'up and emptied the water upon the Editor's head as he was passine be- neath her. Amid uproarious laughter, Orme ran clown street at breekneck speed, and, it is said, entering a livery table askeclwhat hadhappened,and told the livery -keeper to go and see if there had been a water :spout in the vicinity of the Central Hotel. We are sorry for you brother Orme, but we shoulcl judge that by this time your acquain- tance with the Irish would be such as to dispel the thought of ever saying un- kindly things of the noble and staid race. Those of Bridget's calibre will not stand it and will quite propproperly.re- sent in a positive manner, as evinced by the not in question. allattempts to make theni appear ridiculous in the eyes of the pul?lie. No doubt our confrere will profit by the lesson so gratituously giv- en. At a meeting of the council last evening . R. Pincombe was appointed Road Com- • missioner. • Building prospects in town promise to be lively this season. Lesees:-Call at the Old Established •and seeoar new dress goods -just received this week from England. Jes. PIOICARE. The 'patent wirefenee stretcher" man has been humbugging the fanners in some Leeees:--Call at the Old Established and inspect their new lot of Jerseys. The young men of the town are requested to meet at the Central Hotel to -night (Thursday) for the purpose of organizing & football club, LaDJES:--Buy your 'wedding suites at the Old Established, They have just opened a case of beautiful shades( in Mar- velleetix and silks at awayelown prices. Lay delegates attending the Presbyter- ian council will be furnished with first cabin ticketat the special rate, $100,00, 'Montreal or Quebec, to Liverpool and batik. See J. Spaek'xnee, Agent, Exeter, At a late meeting of the °Amend Mill- ers Aesoeiatioa the relative values of white and black oats for milling narposes • were discussed and it was decided that • next season all millers should make • a difference in price between white and black oats, when required for oatmeal, • Farmers will ,now be considerieg, whet kind of owl they 1(111 sow, find they should bear this n mind, and also, pertice Altar attention should be paid to hexing the seeil all of One veriety, and not have eerly end late oars mixed together, If this is not attended to reeonsidereble per, centege of the crop will he lost. As if tli6 CTOp is Clit when the early oats are ready the late oats Will not be filled, and will be light and not of -much (mite, and if the • crop is not Mt Until the light °ate aro reedy Which is generally a week or ten days later, a large share of the early oatS 'Will be shelledmit in the haryestieg,atid - Will be lost altogethee, , The Villege Cohhoil Council met pursuant to adjournment, All the -members present. Minutes of the previone itieetiug• reed and sign0d, Mrs. Clack addressed the eeinicil, ask- higf they would continuepaying her eS1 per week, during heilabeence, waiting %spoil her sick mother. Her reason for asking auch was that she wished to keep up her home here, as ill the event of her mother being taken away, she wished to return to the village. Councillors McCallum • and Carling strenuously • opposed granting Mrs. Clack charity while out of town. ' • Councillors Pickard and Bissett thought otherwise, taking a different view of the enattel.•. They contended that Mrs. Clack being a resident of the town, the council as in duty bound are supposed to keep ep her lionie; if not grant her charity for other purposes. It was accreelingly moved by W. G. Bissett, seconded by Jas. Pickard that Mrs. Clack, while absent be paid $2 per month amount of Tent, and when home $1 per week as tuna Moved in amendment by T.B. Carling seconded by T. McCallum, that Mrs, Clack -be paid $1 per week while home ' and nothing whatever while absent. 1VIotion carried. The following accounts were present- ed for payment: -S. Gidley, additional chain ordered, $18 95; Jas. Beer, select- ing jurors, $4 00; Jas Creech, clothing S. Ford, $2 15; do. charity Mrs. Clack, $1, Moyed by T. B. Carling, seconded by T. McCallum, that the above ROCOUHtS be paid. Carried. The money loaning question was again broached by councillor Carling, who wanted to know if anything further had been done in the matter, or what the council intended doing. Councill- ors McCallum and Carling were in favor of depositing only $500, advancing reas- ons which we have given before under this heading. After considerable cross - firing it was moved by Jas. Pickard, seconded by W. G. Bissett, that the $1,000 now in the -bank awaiting a favorable opportunity for investtnent, be left there until such time as the committee appointed see a good chance of puttin,g it out on real estate. Moved in amendment by T.B. Carling seconded by Thos. McCallum, that $500 be permanently deposited in the bank this year and each subsequent year until the total sum of indebtedness. to Stephen township, which falLs due in 1891, has been raised. Motion carried. ° Mr. Wm. Southcott offered the clay which is to be taken from the excavat- ion for his new building, to the council for filling in town hall grounds, provid- ing the council supplied teams, he proffering to provide men. Offer accept The building comnaittee was instruct- ed to attend to water pipes of town hall and have them connected with tank in basement. Conununications. From Dr. Hynd- man, resignation as medical health officer Moved by T. McCallum, seconded. by T. Carling, that the resignation of the medical health officer be referred to the Board of Health. Carried. • Several applica.tions were made for the office of road commissioner, as follows : Frank Gill, $1. 35 per day; George Cudnaore, $1 25 per day; Richard Pin- combe, $125 per day; Wm. Pugsley, $1 25 per day. It was decided that, as no intimation on the part of the council had been given with regard receiving applications for the commissionership, the appointmene is deferred until next meeting. Carried.. Easter Sunday comes on the first of April this year, and the churoh services for that day will likely take a special form. It is said that when an Indian dies his surviving relatives pay all his debts. We are acquainted with a few men who we wish would turn Indian and die. • Bishop Baldwin has issued a pastoral appointing Sunday, March 25, as Temper- ance Sunday, and requesting all the clergy of the diocese to bring the subject before their congregations. A full assortment of J- D. Kings Cele- brated "Boots, Shoes and Slippers at Seanwell & Pickard's A new rule for removing a cinder hi the eye is even by an engineer. It is: --"Let the injured eye alone and rub the other one, and the cieder will be out in two minutes." It is a simple remedy, though it eounds unreasonable, and worth trying. If the present state of things continue, we fear that the bachelor's association will have to do away with the age limita- tion and admit all applicants, else disband the affair. March winds are already giving young ladies a terra cotta complexion. Far better than this should be then that they should promendate' the streets with veils so heavy as to preclude young men from recognizing their best girls, - Samwell & Pickard will show at their Millinery opening on. March the Oth & 7th all the • new and nobby New York and English novelties Also full lines of Silks Satins, Laces and Embroideries. • One day last week a little son ot H. Cole Brown who was viSiting at the residence of Mr. John. Balkwill, while playing about a waggon in the yard. df Mr John Gillespie, fell to the ground and seriously injeted. himself. He was severely cut about the face and bruised in other parts of his person. Their Was a report in circulation here That week to the effect that one of the Exeter sports had shot the deer in the Zurieli swamp, refereed to in last week's That supposition is dispelled when it is known that the animal was shot by some person who lives not many miles from where the deer was found. We might intimate, too, that steps are being taken with a view to prosecute the poacher, to the fullest extent of the kw, We have received a eommunieation from Elomeute Who sigus himself, "A Married Man." As the real name of the Writer - does not accompany the production, We cannot find room for it in eur columns. As we have repeatedly stated, communi- cations without the bona fide name of the writer, will not be inserted. We do not el ant the writer'e name for eublication, but as a guarantee of good faith, This is the season of the year when the geed wheat swindler, the hay fork shirk, and the lightning fraud open the cam- paign, And make their aermal raid on the pooe Damon. Although warued One and again through the prosg filo still succeed, in finding rannerous Victims. Sign no paper e preeeuted by plansible strangers; no matter now temptieg the bit and you will be on the sefe side, The Germen MMeter of Crediton kop a very impolite horse. Ono day last week while tied at Fittou'e jewelery store it was wont to shake hands with the party in the rig and in doieg ep got its hind, leg feet about the gearing of the beggy much to the merriment of the onlookers and dis- oomforture of the owner. The animal was rel eased without having dope any damage. A fine choiee of Scotch, lenglish and Canadian Tweeds for gent's suiting, A perfect fit guaraeteed. Samwell & Pickard. The Executive Committee of West Hu- ron 'Teachers' Association mot at Goderich on Saturday, the 17sh Met Inspector Tom and G. W. Holman, Sec Treas., at. tended from Exeter. The next meeting of the Associetion will be held. in Exeter, cni Friday and Saturday, May the 26tit and 26th. LADIE'S:—Call and see the lovely shades of dress goods at the Old Lestabliskiss Rantou & CO. have juetioNenited:Mr ex cellent asecntment of New Prints, Dress - Goods, Shirtings Tweeds, &c., for the spring trade. All goods sold at less than old time credit prices, and for CASH ONLY. • Please call and see 'us, Dress - Making done on the premises in latest styles, Dresses and Mantles cut by the new tailor system at RANTON & CO'S. BORN. HOCIARTIT.—In Stephen, on the 18th inst., the wife of J.S. Hogarth, of a son. MARRIED. 17110ES—Go9uLux. -At the Methodist parsonage Kirkton, on the 15th inst., by Bev J Charlton, Mr. Wm. Francis to Mies Isabella Gourley, all of Usborne. Cowenn--Forneatt-At the residence of the bride's paionts Tuokersmith on the 21st inst., by Rev. Colin Fletcher, Mr, Geo. Coward of Usborne, to Miss Jennie Fulton formerly of Exeter. Leee-Russeet.-At the residence of the brides's father, Thames Road, Usborne, on the 14th inst., by the Rev. Colin Fletcher Mr, Robt. Lang of Exeter • to Miss Agnes Russell. CRAWFORD—GILPIX—On the 14th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. W. Smyth, of Stratford, William C. Crawford, Esq., of Tilbury Centre, Ont.. to Annie, youngest daughter of Riehard T. Gilpin, Esq., St. Marys. Bnooxs--Tavaoa.-At the residence of the bride's father. Exeter, on the 21st inst„ by Rev. Jas. Grahams Mr. 0. T. Brooks, of Winnipeg, formerly ef Exeter, to Miss vfary Taylor. MATRESOX—MAcicitaosn.--At 162 Mercer et. jersey City, on March 9th, by Rev DavidMitchell, George K. Matheson, of Mitoliell, Ont., to Nina, third daughter of John Mackintosh, Dornooh, Slather- landshire, Scotland. Roonns-Ancints.--At the residence of the • bride's father, Logan, on the 14th inst., by Rev, Mr. Baugh, Mr. John Rogers, third son of Jahn Rogers, Esq., PlIbbert, to Miss Mary, eldest daughter ofilfeJohn !Likens, Esq., J.P., of Logan. DIED. Beng.-At, Hensall, on the 17th inst., Luey Ella Maud Beek, aged 1 year and 7 mos. Dereinxnen.-In Uaboree, on the 20th inst, Elizabeth, relict of the late Richard Del - bridge, aged 79 years and 11 mos. NOTICE. The Annual Show of the Hensel], Agricultu- ral Spring Show Association will be hold in the Now Driving Park, Hensall. on Wedneta day, lith day of April, 1888. Liberal prizes will be given. See bills. • ROBT MoltiORDIE; W A afORRISON, President. Sec Treasurex. irlrouse and Lot for Sale. -The The property of Alex, Robinson, on oppositeMr. 0. Gidiey's. Thore is a, splendid well of water, a good brick cel- lar, containing four rooms, summer kitchen, wood shed and other offices, and will be sold cheap. Payment cam be made to suit the pur- chaser. The house oan be viewed from 9.to 12, a. me and from 1 to 4 re m. 2-4 • ALEX, ROBINSON. • Mortgage Sale At Hodgin's Hotel, liensall • -ON- • THURSDAY, APRIL M. At Ono P M, There will be sold Lots Ono and Two in the third concession from the London Road,in the Township of' Tuokersmith. For further particulars apply to or to CRONYN & BETTS, ARCHIBALD BISHOP, Vendor's solicitors Auctioneer. London. SHALED TENDERS marked "For Mounted Police Clothing Bunplies," mil addressed to the Ilonotuable, the President of the Privy Council, Ottawa, will be received up to noon on Monday,16th Apri3,1888, " Printed forms of tender, contaieing full in- formation as to the artioles and quantities re- quired, may be had on application to the un- dersigned. No tender will be received unless made on such printed forms, Patterns of natieles may be seen at the office of the undersigned, Each fender must be accompanied by an ao- ceptable Canadian batik ca eque for an amount equal to 10 per oent, ot the total value of the articles tendered for, which will be forfeited if the party decline to enter into e contract when called upon to do so or is he fail to do rho work confronted for. If the tender be not accept° d, the cheque will be retarnod. No paynieet will be made to newspapers hi- serting thie advertisment without having boon first given authority, FRED.WHITE, • Comptroller, N. W. M. Police Ottawa, Maroli lith .1888, Notice to Creditors. Itt the matter of TITOMAS PATCH- ING of the township of McGillivray in the County of )licklieseatiFiharmer Leci and Insolvent, 11,, A, - . 't,(... -•-- e' . • Notice is bore be given t at ill° ilbOve named Thomas Patching has this clay mede an assignment to John Fleamagan af Olandeboye Oat of all his estate end effeets ion trust for the general benefit or his mean to re. A rnceting • of the creditors of the oboe muted insolvent will bo held at Oltindcboye Ont on Saturday the 24th day of Meech A., D. 1888 at tb a hour of et 6 o,elook it the ef ternoon for the nepoin been t of insoceters and the giv- ing of directions for the disposal of Hi e estate o Creditor's are requested to filo their claims duly proven with tho assignee or hiS Solicitor 0v or before the day of meeting, . Ana notioo is hereby feather elven Ibat alter the 15th day of April treat 188fi the Assignee will proceed to aistributo the said Estate among the Creditors !invite regera only to such claire a as be shall then hese) ohm) of mut that hevii II not be reepousible for the eaves of the Bead Estate or any /Art thereof to any person or persong of whose claim or eliding ho Shall not th en have Mal totice. JOHN FLANNAGAN Claed eboye Ont. Assignee o R. IT, COLT,INS 1 Exeter, Mit, ; • Solicitor for Aesignbo. Dat ed at Exeter, this 15th March,1888. 1 Is yoaewant first (Jess job printing call et Tuic Triers office. Our facilities for doing good, work cannot be excelled. New type and fine presses; pricee as low an the lowest. For Children, Starving to Death, ou account of their luability to digest ordinary food, Soott's Emulsion oan be digested and give strength and flesh wheu all ether food Jane, See what Dr. AH, Peek, Penn, Med. College, Petitcodiac, says: "1 haVO need end prescribed Scott's Emulsion of,Ced Liver Oil, and find it au excellent preparation, agreeing well with the etomach, 411(1 itt 0011l1114(41 pite adding greatly to tile strength and comfort of the patient." Put ap in 50o and al eke. wimemirminoweet ORNE HOUSE. --The Under - LJ the liberty to inform tho tra- velling Public that lin opened his HOUSO for the accommodation of all travellers, on ootober 1st Those who favor hiniwith their patro- nage will reeeive the best attention. There is good stabling in coeneetion, a JOHN OALLANDER, Kirkton SALT! SALT! SALT! The Exeter Salt Works Con -Tarty offer salt at the Exeter Salt Well at $2.2.5 per ton. • T. B. CARLING, Seel'. QAW GUMMI&G.-The Under. sigeed would inform the public that he is .prepared to gum saws on the shortest notioe, and in a first-olass manner, guaranteeing not to damage the plate. Saws gummed at alow prioe, at the factory, t mile south of Exeter. , 2-m T. liEAMAN. NOTICE. I hereby give notice, and caution ell persons not to give any credit on my account unless a written order from me is presented, as I will not be responsible for, nor pay any debts so contract- ed. Exeter, Feb. 27,1888. JOHN GILLISPIE. The Art of Advertising For 810 we will insert 4 lines (32 words) in title Million copies of Daily, Sunday or Weekly Newspapers. The work will all be done in Ten Days. Send order and cheek to GEO. P. ROWELL 86 CO., .11.0 Spruce St. New York. 176 page catalogue sent by Mail for 30 cents. For Sale, A large one storey frame store building with cellar underneath together wsth e of an acre of land, affiliated in the business part of Exeter. There is also a dwelling at rear of property facing William -et. Terms to suit pmehaser. Por further particulars apply to 2 mos. •THOS. HAMLIN, Exeter. For Sale. I hereby offer for sale 100 aeres of land, locat- ed in the best part of Stephen township, lately qacupied by Thomas Sims. The land is well jun- proved and is a desirable farm M every respeot. If is composed of Lot Number Eighteen in the Tenth coneession of the Township of Stephen. Parties desiring to purchase will be furnished with allpartioulars on application to • WM, LEWIS, or to Crediton. LEWIS H. DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter. Farm & Village Property' FOR SALE. The Undersigned offers for sale South half of Lot 9, Oon, 3, Mc011livray, containing 50 acres, 45 cleared, the balance hardwood bush. There is a goodfraxoe house, good barn and stabling, good bearing orchard, a plentiful supply of good water on the farm, convenient to school and churches. Also yillage property comprising3Lote,!911 Elizabeth Street ,intheVil lege of Exeter, with 'rood frame house and. cellar. good stable, good well with pump, also a ouantity of ohotce fruit trees on the premi- ses. For further particulars apply to •EDWARD 111CAGITIRE, . • 'Exeter North, .•••••ffe•ommem. RIARICE'T REPORTS. EXETER (Corrected at5 o'clock p .m. Wednesday. Pal1Whe a I ... ... ... 079 to 80 Spring Witeat... , ... ... (MO tO 0 79 Barley ... ... ... 65 to 70 Oats • ... ... ... 0 40 to 41' mover Seed ... „.. ... 4 00 to 4 60 Timothy '' ... ... 2 50 to 3 00 Peas ... ... 0 58 to 0 60 00113... 0 58 to 0 66 Eggs _. ... ... ... 0 18 to 0 18 Butter ... ... ... 15 to 0 17 Flour p erbb 1 . ... ... 00 to 5 65 Potatoes,per bushel ... ... 75 to 80 Apples,per bag ... ... 40 to 080 DriedApplespr b ... ... ... 0 0410 0 00 tieeee per lb. ... ... 0 05 to 0 05 Turkey per lb ... .... 0 07 to 08 Ducks pe r pr ... ... 0 4510 050 Chickens per pr ... ... 0 20 to 0 80 Efoge,dresseclperl 0 ... 680 1070 Beef ... ... ... ... 4 00 10 5 00 Efideerouhg, ... ... 5 50 to 5 50 " dressed .- .., 6 00 to 680 Sheepskins each ,.. ... 0 75 to 1 CC Oalfskins •... 0 50 to 0 70 Wool per lb ... ... 0 20 to 0 21 Hayperton • ... ..„ ... 800 to 8 00 Onion snerbush ... ... 0 50 to 0 75 Woodper cord ... ... ... 2 5 to 8 oo ST: MARYS. Furnished by Messrs: Carter, Son &Co. Fall Wheat , 80 to 80 Spring Wheat • 80 • 80 Daney • 65 70 Oats 41 42 Glover Seed 450 500 Timothy . ..1 50 2 00 Peas • 60 62 Eggs 12 12 Putter • 15 16 „Potatoes per bush 00 70 Apples peribush ' 80 40 Wool perlb • 21 28 880 050 Havnerton essaxseementersipastio=r egatet*sepoes J. SP ELL Merohant Tailor, Has removed to premises one door north of Browning's drug store, whare there will be found a weS34ssesegied Stook • OF SPRING TWEEDS FOR SUITING'S 8.5o. ----ALSO---- Scotch, English, Irish, French and Canadian. Goods. Made up on the SHORTEST NOTICE ---AND AT- • CONSISTENTLY ii3OW PRICEES 1 A CALL WILT.1 CONVINCE. J5 SNELL, Gradnate a Cleveland Cutting sehool ••••••••••••••••••eeeee•••eee• • OUR CLEARING SALE This 1111orith WILL ECLIPSE ANYTHING YOU EVER SAW BEFORE. ALL Winter Goods Will be Cleared Out at Cost. ----- REMNANTS at less than eost. You Calk pave Five Dollars ($5) on every Twenty Dollars worth of Goods that you buy frorn us. • BAFRORGE,EARYBI0D7S 3. LOUPE & CO Three Houses and Lots for Sale. SIGHT VS, BLINDNESS N. STANLEY'S Celebrated Heil 7rectac1es imBase STREET, TORON,“, CANADA, .A.111)-- 1SjEWIN ST.1 LONDON, E. 0, ENGLANL. r miff Watchmaker, Jeweller, A,14.1.041 and Optician. Has the Agency for the sale of the above in Exeter. No Spectacles In the Market e nal them in the 47ETSE5ERVINGQuer.aanes they possess, or the GREAT EASE ft Comm= they confer °nth° wearer. Their use will in actuality strengthen the Eye so that it does not become necessary to change them for many years.aney are th ere fore the CHEAPEST. They Are the Best in the World, They Never Tire the Eye, And Last Many Years Without Chaoge. The Sight tested by our New Teat Gard, same as used by leading Oeulists throughout the world. amwell Pickard --ARE OPENING— A Full Line of New Spring Goods. Change of Advnext week. 111110.02,66111.5., lilago of BISI110:S. Mr, John P, Ross Has opened out a store in Messrs. Trick and Currelley'e Old Stand, and will gen goods at greatly reduced priees, New goods are being added. A calisolicited, • JOHN P. ROSS. MUT pownERE 99 PER CENT PUREST, STRONGEST, BEST. Ready for use in any quantity, For malting Soap, Oofteraing Water, Diein- fecting,.and a hundred titer uses, A eau equals 20 pounds Sal Soda, Sold by all Grocer-, and Druggists, ER W. GIltiLETTs • TORONTO', HELLO!• MR. D. WHE RE ARE YOU GOING P • Oh, 1 am going back to the Crotliton Chap Sioro WHICH STORE? Why, IVIllonELL's, of course! DOES HE SELL CHEAPLY? Why yes ' • be has his store jam full of the best andcheapest goods in the village. Why Mr. D. you live so near Exeter ? t I know that sir; but back at Mitchell's I ‘ can get good goods at right prices'He has 1 the cheapest and best stock of Boots & Shoes you ever -saw. It astonished the when •I saw the large and Splended itdck that he carries. He has everything usually kept in a first-class general store. Everything new oSt fresh and marked at rock bottom prices. Take my advice and give him a call, as he , pays the highest price for butter and eggs, lab . - J. MITCHELL'S CHEAP Crediton,,Ont. TICALSt And examine Senior's Show Window, where you will see some firstclass pho- tos, equal to any City Work. THERE ! DID I NOT TELL YOU SO And you cah rely upon getting 'value for yonr money everytime. Cabinet Photographs dozen. $1.50 FOR CARDS. He also has a fine line of Photo Frames and Mats, at Right Prices. • PICTURE FRAME MOULDING IN ALL STYLES. 1--r7tCall - and - See'ma JOSEPH SENIOR, Opposite H. Spackman's Tinshop, .t.garasurvalamsamscmsonctoximeacras Acnauti:csiirssrsmn=.:Curava Visitors to Exeter ---Would do well to call and inspect — OUR MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF DRESS -GOODS One of the Newest, Cheapest 66 Best Stocks itt town. I3laok and Colored Cashmeres.. Blitok and Colored Silks and Satins, Colored Pinshes. Melton Clothe, Jersey Cloaks, Black Dress Materials and Mourning Goods, Woollen shawls and Fascinators, in all Colors, and prices, Also a fine range of Staples. Fine Hues of gloves in Kid, Cloth and Jersey. 05XERT 1 GOOD ASSORT.OIENT AND EXTRA 'CHEAP. Gents' Furnishings. -Fine Display in Hats, Tiac, Braces, White and Colored Handkerchiefs, Shirts and Drawers. •N;s1 Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, Overooatiugs, Pantings PANTS MADE TO ORDER IN THE LATEST STIIIES AND at THE LOWEST PRICES, BOOTS AND SHCES.—A very large oonsigment just received, of the very best styles and quality, in Ladies', Gents' and Children's. Jtiir CALL AND INSPECT, IT \MIA NOT COST ANYTHIN(4. A full line of 61assware and Crookery-mrare always on hand. Our arocery Departrraatalt Oompl,te. Butter, Eggs and all kinds of Produce taken itt exchange, and,. the very highest price 'Aid. LZA CALL SOLICITED. • I. CARLING Main -s ., Exeter.