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Clinton News-Record, 1980-01-24, Page 10
NTONNEWS-11 ' by Gwen Pemberton and Mi:lvena Eric s � ool y#�e has .won its l.d 'battle to have. $9,323 Shaved off .its $102,636• Huron °County board of, ed icatioan.le y for 1979. .rt Ontario Municipal Board rulinghas upheld the village's claim- that a equalization factor We'd to calculate the levy should be 17.6, not 16 as had been applied. The factor is used in setting the ratio between real Property values and their value mon munici assessment rolls said its ars lysis rejected several e t : sales, some r r e nil. 0 r P �' because of assessnnent .errors, others because they ...were . "outside the appropriate time fi�am.e, -..v1t • a1'So- d - he >rejec- tion of a ,earlier appeal by Bayfield against the., levy by an arbitration gzoup of •county municipal treasurers was based on improper evidence. • The roots . of the pal treasurer's releci:ian'goes back to' the • 1978 levy, which Bayfield also 114 tl�N appealed. The treasurers .s allowed the- • app"ea. l, heliiili the" province would: p k:up the bulk of the revs. reduction, leaving .only a small a .a mount moo, fie- sh-a:red ( oiler county n°tunic pa1ities. • When- hayfield ap- pealed aglir in 1979, the treasurers 'turned ° it down, saying they had learned the province had not subsidized the financial impact on other u nr.cpa fines caused by Bayfield's amended 1978 ia,nonds to be fixed All the Bayfield ball teams, presently .num- bering'five with two more 'expected and ranging in ages from 8 or 9 years, are undertaking a project., this coming sea on to redo all the ball diamonds, and also make some im- provements to the diamond in Clan Gregor Square As funds are short, they have .planned a Las Vegas Fun Night this coming Saturday evening in the Community Centre starting at 8:30 p.m. They are offering a good deal. For three dollars you can obtain $10,000 (in Fun money that is) . At the end St. Andrew's ladies enjoy .meal. St. Andrew's started the year off . with a pot luck dinner'on Tuesday at noon, with 3.0 members and guests present. Following' ,the bountiful meal, Jean Dunn called the -'meeting to order. The. devotions were in charge of Charlene Porter, Marilyn Haw, Jean Dunn, Diane Argyle and Jean Greer with the theme of a Happy New Year. The treasurer an- nounced that the Winners of the penny collection for the year was the 'pink team' so the `blue team' will be serving them a dinner on Tuesday February 5 at 12 p.m. Plans were made to have ,the church basement floor repaired. Hobo teas will be held one day each month begin - of the evening there will be an auction of donated articles which can be bid on with the money you have left. It you gambled it all away though you can still buy more. Tickets will be available at the door and most businesses in the Village, so come out and enjoy an evening and help these energetic people in their efforts. ning in April, and the annual barb-b-que was set for June 30.. Officers= elected for - 1980-:81 were as follows:. president, Betty- Burch; 1st vice-pres., Anna Scotchmer ; 2nd vice - pies., Florence Keillor; secretary, Sharon Sin- namon; treasurer, Marilyn Haw; cards and flowers, Elva Metcalf; Unit 1 president, Jean Greer ; secretary, Nellie McRae; Unit 11 - president, Lorraine - Fi'sher; secretary, Charlene Porter.- , Jean Dunn ,introduced the new president. Cards were signedto be sent to Rev. Reddoch and Mrs. Cliff Utter. Best wishes for a• speedy recovery to both of them! Historical Soc • The annual meeting of the Bayfield Historical. Society will be held on Monday, January 28 at 2 p.m. in the Municipal Building. Interested mem`b$ers and friends are asked to take note of the time, as it is the custom a� l -.y, to hold the January.. meeting in the afternoon. An interesting program has been ' arranged by ` Milvena (Sturgeon) Erickson who was born and went to school in Turn to page 11 • levy. . The OMB said no other Huron County municipality has ap- pealed. its 1079 school _aboard lav . Bayfield village council held its monthly meeting -on .Tanuary 21. Among the matters under discussion ;was a, 66 ° footr,napie'tree which,, Mr. ;HarryBaker stated,. . was a very dangerous • hazard to Anglican Church property, The council agreed that Hydro should ..be ap- proached_,'_in the' first .the;�A • carried their lines, and explained the regulations permission Was ;granted. , governing these matters, for the 'tree to be and after a lengthy, removed. discussion,it was agreed Public interest in that Mr. Talbot would. sporting activities in the , present a list o village had resulted In nominated members . to, Bill. Talbot' presenting a. serve„ on the' exX§ting request to the ,ccunncil for Ba,ytie1d .Agricultural, the formation Of a• .,Baard to work, in on Recreation Committee to junction with them,... in organize , and ° foster. 4 rder to further the - partici ation' sports. Wrests of the'communitltyi; - Because such a project in, organizing and made pravisionapl arrangements for the appointment of a dog catcher, . Kim Hodgins,. .Information regarding stray 'dogs 'which had beep collected would now be available ' on ap- plication to Mr, Hodgins - P.00.1.30* 11.93, . Clinton ' telophone 182.9223,, It WAS ,also felt :that additional problems arose when the owners of, involved the Bayfield promoting recreational • -Agricultural Board and: sporting events.. It was tl�.e �.. the „Reeve „Reeve: ,. further . .' preed,�hat s nee , ,. 4 �'t all matters relating to such projects were the ultimate responsibility of the council, this method should preserve the in- terests ` of all concerned whilst ensuring correct -.procedure was main- tained. State Secretary John. iodina (centered), presents ..the Star Council Award to Grand, Knight Seamus. Doherty (right,) of Council 5289 Seaforth. Also pictured is District Deputy of District 31 James Devereaux. oundanda1roizt thet' 10. conversation with Jack .Merner, we learned that. Murray Cardiff, a Brussels area farmer and P.C. candidate for Huron- Bruce- 'riding, will be speaking in the Old Town Hall Thursday ' evening, January 31. - Mr. Cardiff will contest the riding left vacant by the retirement of Bob McKinley who represented the people of this riding for many years and who did a very Com mendab ijob. Bob was always ac- cessible and' interested in problems of his con- stituents. We shall all miss Bob and wish him well in his next en- deavour and say a big thank you for a job well done. Mr. Cardiff's name _is also --know-n_=in----this--- riding as a relative, the __late Elston Cardiff represented this riding for many years. Mrs. Margaret Garrett and John visited for the weekend with her family, Mr. and Mrs. Delford Altman and Adam in Orangeville. Mr. . and Mrs. Bob Davidso-n, Windsor visited during the weekend with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs'. Bud Sturgeon and with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pounder. Mr. and Mrs. .Bill Aberharf, Sarnia, spent the weekend at their cottage. Best wishes to Mrs. Lucy (McLeod) Desjardin who is confined in the hospital in Detroit, Mich. Mr. and -Mrs. W.C. Parker and Jennifer, London were the weekend guests of his -father, Bill. Mrs. Berthena Ham- mond accompanied her brother-in-law Ed Florian of Clinton to London on Sunday to visit -with---hen -nephew -Dennis- in Children's Hospital. We were pleased to hear he is much improved and expected home the middle of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Desjardine, Wendy, Stacey and Todd, Grand Bend spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter People of all ages: use new arena Ladies who are in- terested in 'afternoon curling are . invited to come to the ,arena • on ' Monday at 1 p.m. Seven ladies enjoyed them- selves last week and Itis hoped that enough will be able to.come out to make it worthwhile each week. THE STOVEWORKS.. ENERGY CENTRE UUCAN GODERICH 227-4343. 524-4444 ,FINLAY "OVAL" COOKSTOVE 6y Special Prices on the above OVAL, on all orders taken in January '480 #etrefuttrite Also, a few teenagers are showing some in- terest in curling. If you would like tb help out in getting this going, or in Curling, please call Harry at the arena.-The.nu.mber there is 565-2121: Another ice activity, about which there has been some inquiry, . is skating f9r moms and tots. If you would like to see .this in the Bayfield Arena, possibly on a Tuesday, call and in- dicate your interest to Harry. When Cross country Skiing, Snowmobiling or Driving COME IN OUT OF THE COLD... TREAT YOURSELF AT e 1Cift!e inn BAYFIE-LD YOU WILL FIND US "AFFORDAB-CE.r..". LUNCHES (from $3.75 to $4.50)" DINNERS (from $.7.75 to ''15.25) SUNDAY BRUNCH ($7.50)- SPECIA.L.. CHILDRENS PRICES HOT NEWFIE COFFEE OR \ MULLED WINE WITH MORNING COFFEE OR AFTERNOON TEA BY THE FIRE • 565-2611 'CHEEiS GOWER=*#NKEEPER RESERVATIONS PREFERRED . LICENSED UNDER C L.b.© rte A 12 2 p.m. 5:30.8 p.m 11 a m. - 2 p.m._ o flail114/ �M1, "OLD FASHIONED RAYFtELD HOSPITALITY" 1r rr THF 111141 "Y..; ,. .e Erickson, 'Andrew, Luanne and Lydia. We were sorry to hear that the Rev. James Reddoch is a patient in Victoria Hospital in London. . Friends of Doris and Jim Reddoch were shocked at the news they have received that Jim's sisters Isa- and Jessie, who lived in Liverpool; died last week in a tragic manner. They Were found early in the morning in a e room where the gas fire had gone out. Isa and ano-the'r""" sister - Jean visited the Reddoch's when they first came to live in Bayfield, in 1971. The Reddochs' son, Dr. Allon Reddoch,has come from Whitehorse to be withis parents. The Ever Young Club will hold a cot -Luck Dinner at 12 o'clock noon on Thursday, January 31. Members and friends are welcome. correspondence received, Gordon Graham, the village clerk, 'referred to an objection which . the council had raised with the Huron County Board of Education. Mr. Graham informed the Council that following a public hearing at a meeting held in the Bayfield Municipal Building on Decernber 10, 1979, the Board had re- considered the ap- portionment of funds for school purposes for the village for 1979. Con- sequently a submission was, being made to the Ontario Municipal Board for an amended schedule using an equalization factor of 17.6 (instead of the 1978 factor of 16.) Donations were ap- proved .for the St. John's Ambulance Brigade and 'the, ?Agricultural Fair B&ar-d .The Reeve, presented.,,„ an interim report on the building work and materials Fe-cp.-fired to complete the Town Hall washrooms. Exact estimates .. were not available at the time of the meeting, ,but it was agreed that a sum of $5000 ,be included for consideration in the budget for 1980. Following complaints received, council had female dogs kept them fastened, in the open when the dogs, were in season. Keeping 'thein inside, as well as .the use of a preparation . to discourage male dogs Would considerably., alleviate the situation.. . Reclamation.- of dogs would automatically carry, costs osts fncludi n g' poandage► boarding fees and a fine, r:. Farm - Commercial - Residential . • Building Construction Also -Additions or Renowcit ons FABRICATING to serve you better. We do: Fascia & Soffits Metal .lambs & Sills Metal -Glad Doors See us about all your metal covering needs - galvanized or coloured steel. Phone 482-7290 Overhead * Electrical Contracting *pole Line Construction * I4eat Pumps • * on - Gas.- Electric Heating ' * Refrigera`Fion & Air conditioning * Sheet Metal Fabricating visit the WISE APPLIANCE CENTRE at 262 Bayfield Rd., Clinton 482-7062 FEATURING APPLIANCES BY • E • 'YOUR• FOOD DOLLAR HERE.. FILL YOUR FREEZER AND SAVE BEES SIDE HIND FRONT HIP. PORI( SIDES LOINS LEG . OF PORK Price Per lb. Approx. Weight Sl. s 9 250 lbs. '1.89 130 lbs.` $1,35 130 lbs, Q ( tip removed) S •V 1 70 lbs. - 78' 1.28 99° 80 lbs. 14 lbs. 18 lbs. Approx. Cost '395 '240 '175- 1 30 175,.5.130 '63 '18 '1g./ D-ASHINOOD SAUSAGE 10Ibs. 1390 HAMBURG PATTIES 15 lbs $Z$" 9 CHICKEN LEGS to lbs s 90 BoneIe54 Rpr,riy to Eat HAM approx. 10 lbs:. Ib S1 73 CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING SPECIAL BEEF KILL Month of Jpnuary -We will slaughter animals for you at no charge. PORK KILL Month of January - We will • charge for slaughtering of animals but any curing will be dbne at no thurge. Many prpducts available but please order ahead. PACKAGE C 50 5 lbs. Bacon 5 lbs. Ribs • 5•1bs: Liver 10 lbs. Dashwood Sausage lbs. Pork Special 10 Ib PACKAGE - S• Loi Chops', 10 /bc: Dashwood Sausage okrkRoo. st10 lbs. sRib Steak / s. Sirloin oz Tip. Roast 10 lbs. er, costo• nB/ue Fnsh.Fille is10 lbs.Minut Stk10/bsCrkenLe9slbs Grouuetk1plbs. Pork Ct s10 lbs $ l59oo order IQ 5 lbs. Butt Chops 10 lbs. loin CAops 5 lbs. Leg of Pork Roast 5 lbs. Picnic Shoulder' '52.50 Pay Less Now For Fancy Frozen Vegetables MCCAIN, YORK OR PA -STEAD PEAS GREEN BEANS BRUSSELS SPROUTS SLICED CARROTS BABY WHOLE CARROTS CORN MIXED VEGETABLES PEAS AND CARROTS BROCCOLI SPEARS (12 x 2 Ib' b CAULIFLOWER (6 x d Ibs each case.contains 6 X 5 lbs. WHOLE CASE 10.90 13;75 18.75 10.75 14.50 13..40,. 11.80 11.15 17.95 18.95 ti 120 lb bulk nos) HALF CASE 5.70 7.20 9.80 5.60 7.60 7.00 6.20 5.70 9.95 Mir 1/2 mile south 01 Dathwood's main intersection Phone 237-3314 It