HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-01-24, Page 7•
Lois. Gibbings
Locally owned trotters
and pacers are taking
advantage Sof the
unusually rnlid winter
weather to. • visit ' the
winner's circle early this
Mei rywood\ Hoot, an
eight-year';oid trgtter by
Hoot FrostM,Jesobel Hill
owned by Nancy Holmes
of • Clinton, was.first in
2:07.2 at Greenwood
„,Raceway in -Toronto ....on-_
Januar 19.
Fay, owned and trained
by Wayne Horner of
Clinton, took a new
record , of 2,.06,3 at Win-
dsor. Raceway on
Saturday afternoon. The
four -year -Old son of
Duane Hanover -Adios
Axlmad „-'"Stafne' -'-Tiffs
yrs.... ---."A •
racing career with a 2:09
win at Goderich last year
which he lowered to 2:07
later at Clinton,
Alonzo Adios had his'
first win of the -year the
same day, timed in p,
2:05.1 for partners Jack
Mcllwain and Gord i
Pullman of Seaforth.
4 Ross Battin finished
third with the pacers Mr.
State Hill and Dinos Lady
for trainer Ron Kerr of
Goderich at Orangeville o
Raceway on January 17. ' S
3 ..
• Ron Willtarnson was
second- driving Willas
Ferrica in a 2:07.4 mile at
`FlanIbor0. Downs on.
• Friday night .for Bruce
and Ted Lamont ce
At London Qn January
18, ' Joe Mc Laid Of
GQderich . finished second'
With Rossland Abbe in the
third, •while'Prima Daisy,.;
ended up fourth for John •
Bettke of Hensall and
Roy Baynharn of Kippen
--in-the sixth'.
The following afternoon
at the same track,.
Highland Birthday,' who
won his last start for the
Cavallo Stables of
Clinton, was fourth for
driver Wayne Dupee, The
same owners have a
th.�r.e.eyear-old Ontrllz
'Sir e- Stakes eligible
named K.F. Montego, by
Lang Hanover -Emmy
Glow, that is reported to
be training nicely.
Randy ° McLean was
second with True Mix for -
owner Marion J. Powell
of Thamesford.
Granny Mathers
finished foua,th with Ray
Mathers on' the bike -.;for
the Broken M Stables of
Goderich at London on
Monday night, one ahead
f Joe McDaid with Irish
Flame Messenger,
owned .by the Rapson's
Gorlyn Acres of Clinton,
finished third for driver
John Newell at,
Qraa?eyllle Raceway. Qn "
Harness; racing.,. is
featured again this year
'Un Friday hight at 11 t 40
p.m. 'over ' Channel 0
Windsor TV with Marty
Adler as -track .an -
nQuncer. • •
Two drivers who
co rnpeted at GClinton last
summer have ended up
first and second with the
most winning drives in
Canada in 1979.
Ron Waples of Rock-
wood is in a league by,
himself. Final year-end•
figures show Waples,
C<an•a•~Fia4'�s-�.• t.a.r:�
Horseman of the ear
finished 1s most spec---".
tacular season yet with
429 wins in Canada alone.
He also had 14 U.S.
victories for a 443 total,
easily good .enough for
the North American dash
title, as well:
Runner-up in Canada
was Terry Kerr with 274
winning drives. Terry
was the high averE(ge
award winner at Clinton
Raceway last year. Ray
McLean was fifth with 242
r1s/est to attract
GOb�RICH portsfest
'will be ,.held in
Goderich on August 15, 16
and -17.
Thee e,veni ' will. 4e
sponsored by the Lake
. Huron Zone Recreation
-Association in co-
operation with the
Ministry of Culture and
Recreation. •
Thd'-proj eet, of theevent
tournaments ..are to
promp e, inter-
Seaforth curlers hast -spiel
There will be some usual, thanks to the right went to Lloyd, Peter and
keen competition on the combination of good food Mary -Ann Rowat and
ice this weekend when and a great sponsor! The Drusilla Twynham.
Seaforth hosts_ the -trophy for overall winner Oops... I guess I missed
Seagram Mixed Playoffs went to the Campbell- some Bonsnielers in last
The 1980 executive of the Huron 4.IH Leadei , Ass;iclat on was elected Thursday
at a meeting in Clinton. The new officers include, back row, left to right, Glenn
McNeII, past president; Len McGregor, Huron's assistant ag rep; Maurice
Hallahan, secretary. Front row, Ken Mawhinney, vice president; Barry
Miller, president and John Van Vliet, vice president. (News -Record photo)
.LUCKNOW -.An Ashfield
'Township family lost
everything When their
' trailer burner on
January 9.
Richard Brown, "his
wife Betty and timi'r
,Betty Jo, 1, escaped the
blaze. This is the second
time that the Brown ,1
family has lost their t
home to fire. Another
trailer house burned on �1
the same foundation
several years ago.
-community competition
and participation in
recreation, activities at
low and medium, skill
levels. In previoustyars,
Sportsfest hasincluded'
such spotis as euchre,
archery, horseshoe'
pitching, soccer, T -hall,
Softball', slowpitel ,
swirnning, table tennis,
gymnastics, karate,
diving and.swinxning,
This year; Goderich
will also host an Ontario
Cycling Association rat;
in co-eperatien with the
London Cycling, Club. The
races' will beheld on
August 17. As well, on
July 12, the town will hi st.
the .second Goderich 10
km Classic; a race which
attraacted. 121. .runners
from the area. A masters,
category will be added
for runners over 40 years
old and, oyer 200' con-
testants are expected this
Goderich Twp. rec. board chooses officers
The new chairman for to make a prepared tally given as follows: curling
Goderich Township of all donated labour at very successful with tw
recreation board, Doug the athletic field to date. learn -to nights a
Yea presided over the With regard to our Bayfield and n
or any board member.
o Bluewater Playboys will
t entertain at $10 a couple.
Hazel McCreath of-
fered to have tickets
• printed for the following
dance on March 8, same'
place with the Country
Companions. •
Letters were read and
dealt with individually
'from the following, Alpha
Huron, Jack Riddell, Bell
Canada; ,.Lake -Huron--
Zone Conference and
Ontario Municipal Rec
• knockout competition Bill, Grace, John and call you how about you of -the meeting. was a Although there seem Youth Volleyball
ow regular
first meeting of the year application for a grant at Vanastra (note
Jan. 16, 1980 and held at from Wintario on the change) on Sunday nights
the township office, 'community centre 8-10 p.m. at $3 a' night,
H o l m e s v i 11 e. The building, Gerry reported brooms supplied. Dave
remaining full mem- that township .treasurer, Hemmingway and Clare
bership also attended - Ben Whitely and he met Cox 'have offered to be in
past chairman Gerry with Wintario official Al charge. •
Ginn; secretary, Hazel. Sinclair at his office in Senior Volleyball -
McCreath; Marilyn London recently. The managed by Helen
Forbes, Alice Porter, Bev purpose was 4t,p_ re- Steenstr•a. on -_We _e. da.
_ __ _ Ons y
Orr, Waiter Mclllwan evaluate our position on • nights at . Holmesville
for Division 13B. The Patterson rink who won week's report sorryand GrantStirling. the grant and clarifythe School is . now in full
.event is a double- the late draw. In addition; about that folk �! If Id One of the main topics town hi ' t i
Gwen were - In 'the new business,
with the first game at 9 presented calling me and letting me study and presentation of to be no malar obstacles managed b ``
g Y Lloyd
a.m. on Saturday and with individual trophies know where you're .off to any - suggested chang'e's to acquiring a
y q g grant, it J.antzi, assisted by Brian
continuing " through for their efforts. or where you've been by each member to the will be left pending until Diehl will begin now on
Sunday by which time a Other winners were: 9 ' (527-1182).Anyway,yproposed new recreation the final tendered costs Mondaynights 8-10
a.m. draw first,p to _ g p.m.
decided. Seaforth is Marys' rink of Don and two teams from Seaforrt straight law had been„prevs by have been sure da e at the sschool ; •
winner Will have been the St.erecorboard b law. Th
Mm'h iously after the closure date Hocke�+::far�:.�:�the town -
represented by the Gord Ann Hurst with Jane and enjoyed 'good curling -••att.--- ,prepared and circulated" Ian. 23., ship, at . Bayfield: was
Pryce rink with wife, Bruce Grah_-am;:,-second, - Mitchell recently and • by ~mail by the township It was also pointed out cancelled due to lack of
Irma, 'and Bruce and Jim a-nd Ann Gun- came home with second council to each board ..by Mr. Sinclair that interest. This had been
Marjorie. Coleman. Let's ninghaxn with Doug and and fourth prizes member.: • Western Ontario projects originally planned for
wish them.lots of luck! Peggy Rowcliffe, third, respectively. The new by-law will are only eligible for one- Saturday afternoons.
Spectators are most John and Isobel Moore serve notice to the rep third. the construction Indoor soccer training,
Congratulations to the g
cordially invited. So if with Mary Jean Beattie . Bill Lobb rink with Roy board exactly where their costs instead of one-half managed and trained by
you're a. curling buff, why and Meerrt Keyes and;.„the Beuerman, Laurie Fisher ”- Out s;;ite.r.In it the council as we earlier thought. Tony V andongen will
not drop in? consolation prize went to and Don Forbes and -the suggests a minimum However;. after some begin on Tuesday
• The Bob Ste. Marie rink Neil, and Loretta Gord Pryce rink with membership of nine (with- deliberation' the council evenings at. the school:
with Gerry Hetherington, Dolmage with Sheila Bruce '” Coleman, a maximum of 12) in- now feels that the extra- More members are
Gerry Lobb and Rod Doig Murray and Carl Maynard Hoegy and Neil eluding three coun monies required can be encouraged to join any of
emerged victorious in the . Richardson.' = • cilmen. (This would met
Dolmage. The Pryce- by several alter- the above groups. •
Colts Playdowns last In the 11 a.m. draw, Coleman rink (our mean one more coun- native means. Alice Porter is in
week by defeating the second place went to the - cilman than at the The rec board charge of the next
cord Pryce rink. TheySt. • Marys' rink of Ken ' ' Seagram entry) came g
Y y ' home with second prize present time). It also, suggested that a - great township dance on
now Playoffs scheduled for Madelainea andel h from
ie on Januart 12.Mxed into three sub- deal of assistance maybe February 2 'at White
Storey suggests the council to
yKerry p ysplitobtained through help Carnation. Tickets are
February 2 and. 3 in Campbell; third, John committees for duties in from the senior citizens of now available from_Alioe
Arthur and_ _Donna Hitchcock hr
three- areas, par ks-, -the township. This can be
The Mixed Bonspiel with Bob Campbell and f community centre and done by organizing a
held last Saturday was a Susan Hacking from Ayr ° Canada has the. world's sports. - group with a minimum_
resounding suec;ess_, as : and the _consolatIQn prize largest freshwater island T ow_nsh ip-ee u n e i 1 �nerrrberslrip oft After
by Blanche Deeves
Morning prayer was
held in St. James Mid-
dleton Sunday morning at
11:15. Reading the lesson
was Ray Wise, Rev.
Douglas Pitts B.A. S.Th.
in charge of the service.
Ray Wise and Don
Middleton received the
The annual vestry
meeting . of St, James
Middleton" 4111 be 'held
January 24 at 6:•30 p.m. in
the form of a pot luck
supper, 'at the home of
Mr: and -Mr-s, Edward
Deeves. The meeting will
follow the supper.
Rev. and Mrs. Wm.
Bennett attended the
Induction Service of their
son, Rev. R.F. ,(Bob)
Bennett 'as Rector° of St.
Georges of Forest, Hill,
Manitoulin Island in reeve. Grant Stirling, organizing, they can
Lake Huron. promised that his council apply from New Horizons
- + + + would deal immediately government agency for a
According to Statistics with the proposed new by- very _sizeable grant to
anada, the 10 - most law along with the assist them in buying -
olluted cities in Canada recommendations made equipment for their new
are, Montreal, Calgary, by the rec board. commun f ty centre, e.g.
indsor, Hamilton, A 1979 financial tables and chairs, kitchen
uebec City, London, recreation statement was equipment - even sliding
ttawa, Sarnia, Medicine not yet available for this doors:
at and Toronto. meeting. A motion was made to
-I- + + - Gerry Ginn reported keep the fees for each
Untt1' 1922, people in that • Davidson well- township activity at the
Briti Cplumbia drove drillers are scheduled to • public school at $2 for
on the left hand side of the repair the ball park 1980."
row.__ pump. He also promised Program reports were
Anglican Church, Kit- P
chener. Guest speaker for
the service was Rev. Wm. W
Bennett of St. James, Q
Middleton. 0
We of St. James H
Middleton send our very
best wishes to Rev. Bob
Benfiett in his new
position as Rector of St.
Georges of Forest Hill in
Marion and Jack Smith
of Dungannon, Edward
and Blanche Deeves
travelled to Chatham on
Thursday. While in
Chatham, all --visited, with
Blanche's daughter, Mrs.
Cooper and family.
Marion and Jack visited
with their aunt and uncle,
who were their at-
tendants' at their
marriage 39 years ago
last Monday. A very
enjoyable day was had by
all. -
All meat deluxe processed, Govt. in-
spected, Smoking & Curing
Pick-up service available
Beef & Pork by cfua'rter43nd side
Call the experts
at' 235.0420 Ex eters
are now open for your convenience....
Monday - Thursday & Saturday (10-12 a.nn.) (1.5 p.m.)
Fridays - (10-17 A.M.) (1-5 P.M.) (7-9 P.M.)
482-7815 _
(located at 8 King St. Clinton
previously The Wedge clothing stare)
Published under the authority of
the official agent to Murray Car.
diff, Main Street, Brussels.
chairman Doug Yeo
made a recommendation
to coencil that extra
insulation,.be considered
for the new hall ceiling.
Hazel McCreath and
Alice Porter offered to
stimulate interest in
forming a senior citizens
group in ° the township
(see closing notice). •
The meeting was ad- •
journed until Tuesday,
February ' 12 at 8 p.m.
Note change.
Special notice: A senior
citizens (or anyone over
60) meeting is set for
Wednesday, January 30
at Holmesville church at
2 p.m, °Your community
needs you. Think what
you can do for your
Community! - by Audrey
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