HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-01-24, Page 2'it be -s if, just for durii one political broadcast or telecast of ,,the election campaign*. the speaker would~ refrain • from ripping, his ad- versaries apart. ' If op. - position names'and per'sonalities'.were. omitted from One speech and' only intentions for the good of ;the.country <`= c!ere ° aired,' :it . Would throw' a .Whole new flavo#tr Into the novo dull diet -of the 1ection,men . - The sour Petrocan cocktail, ate' overdone roast `o f the, economyand lately the chokingoil spill P e all- be pot nt�al are xng attributed by the leaders . to "any other chiefchef" and are' being served up over 'and over again on Canadian pont cal` Platter,* Let's have just one speech with a promise of a new diet which would promote ;better political health for the nation, not -.. a forever dwelling on what ° has caused our digestive ills to date. Miss Sandra MacDonald of Santa Ann, California is visiting for the week with her grandmother, Mrs. Margaret Thorndike of East Street., Miss MacDonald is a narse at -}} a �dr:'.en' pital: in Santa Ann. „ ` On Frida evening, iogt n r Ja liar8 - 1 k1.9$QSpence Cummings ,-, of . William Street, Clinton .Was; .in- stalled' as Potentate of the Mocha ° Temple in Lon-. don. Mocha -Temple embraces various Shrine e h Clubs; ' tfrom Sault "Ste. m.Marte ta-Wiiefisoa�d-as- far. east `as Kitchener. Since, . Cummings now. hol hi of i t .,s f ce, Clinton an , oderch become the .focal } points for the:. oerem 'finial inducting of new ' Shriners. This is scheduled to take place at the end of May, 1 980. -7----4— mow.r."9---F-947. .. Winner of the January, 1980 Knights of Columbus draw was Marie Hicknell with $229. Consolation prize was won by Mary Moylan with -$50. Both winners were from the St. Columban . area and the winning tickets were sold by Don ,Moylan'. -I- ++ • The ' Ministry of Industrt and Tourism have sent a booklet to the office detailing, upcoming events, of the winter season. Since the obvious. lack of snow in'this region <untiiw today) has thrown some uncertainty . ( 'Winter .carnivals and snowir►obiling: ;in general,. definite dates for illuse events in this, locality will be found in the ad- vertisements elsewhere ' .hi the paper. The calendar does list The Recreational Vehicle Show is taking place, in o ---P s --S in -The- ragres wild g; Western • Fair Grounds, London: Ontario ,from, January r 24 to January 27. ., a. The ,C,anada Farm Show will be taking place. at the Coliseum omplex,"y Exhibition Place, Toronto from January 29 to February i. - A good -quote to'keep: in mind- when you are hOlding.. forth loud and long over the election is "Preserve an .open mind. on all debatable questions. Discuss, but don't argue. It is the mark of the superior mind to disagree and yet be friendly." - Obviously -Tan 'Talk needs role news items phoned or brought, into the news desk - then there wouldn't be an overdose of "gibberish". To On Christopher Riehl Seaforth January 25 Jason Riley Clinton January; 25 Dwain Shanahan Clinton . January 25 Hugh Allen Cox Clinton January 26 Janet Tench Clinton January 26 Lynn Bezaire Seaforth January 26 Mark Falconer Clinton January 27 Greg Rutledge Clinton .January 27 Donny Dolmage R.R. 2 Clinton January 27 Melisa Whalen Clinton January 28 Jillia ' McMahon Clinton January 28 Joanne Duddy Clinton January 29 Jeffery Oesch R.R. 5 Clinton January 29 Patricia Bos Clinton , January 30 To Join just come into the- News -Record office, 53 Albert St. Clinton or phone 482.3443 and have your ---name entered -in the--Birthda-y Book a/tdger your F R E E button. BEAVERS SCOUTS CUBS NEWS...'by Mary Freeman Janet Cameron opened her home to leaders from Guides, Brownies, Pathfinders, Scouts, Cubs -and Beavers Thursday, January 10, 1980 to Make plans for' Guide -Scout week February 17, • 1980 to February 24, 1980. Posters . will be collected from each group and placed in various windows and along with displays in several store windows. -. Other events to be held that week will be the Scout Banquet to be held February 22 and a bake sale to be organized by the joint efforts of` Beavers, Cubs and `Se.orvtl on February 23, ai the Town Hall from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. On February 24, all the groups will join to attend the service at the Presbyterian church. BEAVERS: It's fun. to get presents, but more fun to share them with friends as the Beavers discovered Wednesday night. Although "Jaws" and "Mr... Mouth",.'seemed to be the most popular, every Beaver -got the chance" to play the game" of their choice; "drop the potato" a _new game in- troduced by new .'leader• Hawkeye brought our game right to a close. - Next week will be a special event as the Beavers .will be introduced to "Keeo" and "Kano" the newest members of the colony. CUBS: • The "Tawny Star" group under the leadership of "Kaa" are learning to use their imagination and creative skills. Jeff Lyon crafted a pin holder from rocks 'and wire and Mathew Kerrigan built a model boat. Mathew also demonstrated the use of a typewriter, while Jeff Roy produced a poster on bicycle safety. Scott Stevens chose to write a short interesting -Story on .st dog". . $eghera and his red star group are completing their study in hygiene and nutrition and are beginning work in game leadership,Billy Hoskin fulfilled a red star requirement by drawing an obstacle course. The sixes closed the evening by entertaining the group with skits and songs. SCOUTS: Scouts made final preparations for their winter` camp to be held ' in Owen Sound this coming weekend. Gun, handling badges were awarded to SoftBeaneWesley Delve, Brian Phiilips._Sh-a-wn Semple. The silver level of the physical fitness achievement badge was awarded to Dave Moffatt. Place for Ki Written by Kathryn MacKay The Moon 250°F • M irvuS 28a F The moon is bright because it reflects the sun's light. On the bright surface of the moon the temperature is hot enough fo Moil water — about 2510°F. The dark places on rhe moon are extremely cold — about 280°F. --- which is cold enough to freeze the mercury in a • thermometer The moon is always the same size -- •about '/ the size of the earth - but it looks like it gets smaller and larger. This is'because theearth gets in the way of the sun's light and Casts a shadow on the moon. Before this scientific fact was known people made up starire's to.cxplainr why the Moon changed size, One ligend saidthat a giant frog Was eating the moors. • Illustrated by Lesley Fairfield Some.people heltecc Lf4at the 'Moon ef'OIngcs peoples' moods rotates around the earth he Romans called the moon •I vn: From that Word we row has e the adlecttves 'lunar' and 'bones' The moon has no atmosphere and therefore no weather There t. no life on the moon, although'every A.ow...and thcp tt uses otl slight tremor A person that weighs IX() pounds on earth onl' weighs 60 on the moon "`"' The moon has on Its surface man\ moililtams and 6 r.tr t T Newton crato'r is, about 29.(100 feet dctp.andis ser' sol,l.rn,l ,ir)r . at its bottom. The tallest mountain on oath. 11 placed nt•nfe rite. Crater. s+ould just peep over the top .-Lon Guide news By Jane Whalen - Pathfinders Six girls have now completed the requirements in the Challenge Series "° to receive their lst Bronze ,Exnblerns. Congratulations girls. The ' -atm meetings ex n - t w eet ngs have been cancelled for scool exams. See you all on February 5, . Guides° After having campfire and games Mrs. Draper Visited, and"".spoke dangers of smoking, alcohol and ' drugs. The girls found 'this "..'ver informative. and , would like to thank MA:Draper forteaching them. Each patrol got some ideas for Thinking Pay on ,�%fro lads workers because of mild weather • Ski resorts aren't. the tis Snow soon the teen only businesses suffering might .be off' the job until Y the spite shipping because of the .lack of g snow and tee this winter.' `:season opens, Coughlan with said: One, consolation is - 28 'Wi h the market, t� for that the mild weather salt tQ dust icy Highways , down'this season 1 - may move the opening of: i t onatas the season u a few weeks Inc. in: Goderich Was ha k, e r'w to t thi d xn e, foroeGi 'Sararday io 1`ay off 2$ rod do March, he. said. production n erzipipyees � e l f s� "affe. t� at tt$ Sifto ,salt mine here, h _ , , ayo f c "°'Another 31 about half th.e mine s mels were x;day::: laid off about, a ' wreels p •on workers, -Mo d� '• dlazi said that, Monday' ay vc,►laxle a ;Mazar- � �.does under round" roof' in` althe minebaaiag sttradewithhetunnel.is �blastedand .F, , , chem,?�,Qal._.„ _co Pontes., cLear+edma�ay', Mine ma a road salt is a big seasonal n ger Bill business—!."We're almost_ C,�ughlau-said ' M'onday: .. „ __Arnold Bladen,. Waterloo, South Western Ontari :, _; there is a., possibilitythe like the ski operators, he Blagden, '� � Workers added. General Insurance Agent for " the Knights . of laid off Saturday � be• Columbus . resents the 1979 Insurance Donor -Roil` to' may brought ht back to r GrandKnight l Seamus tib f 5 89 fill storage Sial e eams I7 erty +� Council. 2 s drag. pads now - (Father Stephen Ekert) of Seaforth: This-Honor-----bei-ng.built to stockpile ' ,Influence" ' Roll can only be attained by meeting the insuranee salt. Ithi ence is what , g However, unless there, you: think you hake, unti1 ciuota for the yea�� 1y }y, .� r.�--,-.--.-,n . .. ..-..."awytJ{�l'41y"„t4'1.ts'e-i."1."..'"'"..`"".'"""'-" Brownies 1st Brownie Pack: Muaiday, lawny owl, Mrs. Martin presented Golden Ladders to Julia Martie..,,... Julie Carter, Lynn Feeney, Shelly Hayter, Jennifer Hodgins, Alana Colquhoun and Andrea Carlin.. ' Congratulations to all the girls. 2nd Brownie Pack: Brown'Owl Mrs. White helped the girls who are flying up to finish off their knitting while Guider Mrs. Murray passed the Golden Hands on wrapping and addressing a parcel for mailing and Guider Mrs Whalen passed the Golden Bars on throwing, bouncing and-hopping-accurately,— The Brownies learned a new song and all are working on their Neigh- ' bour Badge.. ' , Guiders Meeting - The Guiders held their March meeting at the home of;4anet Cameron. Guiders Bev.° Cotton and Jane Whalen were enrolled by Com inissioner Joyce Irwin. We received information on many training days during the next few months Three „books "The Brownie 'H'and- book" `Like Meanies It's - Catching'.' and the "Guide Handbook" have been placed in the libraries in Clinton and Blyth during Inter- national Year of The Child. June 21 is Rally day to be held at the Crystal Palace. in Atwood -for all units. Crests for -the 79th'---Anni-versary of Guiding in 1980 are to be available. The Scouting leaders then joined the meeting and plans were made for Guide -Scout week Feb. 17 - 24. Thank you to Mrs. Cameron for the use of her home and the delicious lunch. - Brownies meet On Monday January 7, 1980, at the Legion at 7 p.m., ' til}e First Clinton Brownie Pack gathered together and once they all carne we started opening ceremonies. Then we worked in our separate groups and when that was over we had a game. At Pow Wow, each, of the Brownies told about one thing they got for Christmas. We were invited to, a party and were, reminded to bring pennies for, Lord and Lady Baden -Powe -11's birthday, We then had closing ceremonies.—by Miss Julia Martin. The second Clinton Brownie Pak held their first meeting at the. Chilton Public School. After getting into the groups, the girls placed the carpet, toad stool, Hooter and the flag, in their places. The gropu played Giant's House which was enjoyed very much. After that they sang a song and closed the meeting. -by Diane Bradshaw. There is a couple who have,, been drifting apart ever since they got their water bed, BLJS1NESSAND. PROFESSIONAL DIRECT RY Clinton Electric COWhite WesitnghOusS :�- -+cs t p t<rin t Appliances Sales and Service APPLIANCE REPAIRS ELECTRICAL MAINtENANd 90 ALBERT ST.' 482 -3646 -- APPLIANCE °" and REFRIGERATION REPAIR SERVICE Jim Broadfoot 482-7032 • Lloyd Garland, FURNITURE REFINISHING : AND UPHOLSTERY Corner 5th Avenue and Halifax St., Vanastra Phone 482-9576 BILL'S APPLIANCE SERVICE Repairs to all makes of major appliances: CALL: BILL DARRELL' CLINTON 482-9022 INSURANCE ELECTRIC GAISER-KNEALE INSURANCE AGENCY,. INC. Insurance - Real Estate Investments Isaac, St., -Clinton • Phone Office 482-9747 Len Theedom 482-7994 'Hai. Hartley 482-3693'' C. Buruma 482-3287 owinsumq JOHN WISE GENERAL INSURANCE— GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS Clinton Office:482-9644 Res.:482.7265 OPTOMETRY, JOHN LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth 527-1240 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday q:00=5:30- Saturday :00= 5:30Saturday 9:00-12:00 Closed Wednesday BY APPOINTMENT Free parking on premises R.W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square, GODERICH 524-7661 AREA CODE 519 482-7971 ffSAYFIELD ROAD A.SSrx IATi(0 c:>r DIESEL SPEC=IAUSTS P.O. BOX 788 CLINrON• OrrrARIO ' NOM ILO* TELEVISION AND STEREO El -EFS ----- 21Sa/IC1ORIA 6T. - CLINTON 482-7021 I WI MAGNAVOX -PHILIPS — SHARP-OPTONICA Colour T.V. and Audio Components Sales and Service CHANNEL •MASTER --DELHI T.V. & F.M. Antenna Systems ° GROVES T.V. AND APPLIANCE CENTRE 10 HURON ST., CLINTON 482.9414 „T N,:-.A,DMIRAL "McCLATY,, Appliances *SHARP T.V. and Microwave Ovens *JENN-AIR Built-in Cooking Systems Laundry and Bullt.in Appliances *CHANNEL -MASTER AND DELHI Antenna Syttsrns , "We service` what we sell" electric �►� h• �t+9 F, OVefyt • ECONOMY • QUALITY • SERVICE "Big jobs or . small, We guarantee them all." 482-7374 CLINTON DECORATING eoor'C1 f1G ±(1 33 Huron St., Clinton Box 337, Clinton NOM 1L0 482-9542.529-7939 Paints, Stains, Min Wax products, Wall coverings, Draperies, Floor Sanding, Texturing Interior 8 Exterior Contracting _FREE ESTIMATES TRAVEL THE COACH HOUSE TRAVEL SERVICE 59 HAMILTON ST. GODERICH 524-8366 OPEN:, Monday -Friday 9:00-5:30 I Closed Saturdays during June,July, Aug. FULLY APPOINTED FOR BUSINESS OR PLEASURE TRAVEL CLINTON t' NEWS -RECORD Classified Ads 482-3443 ACCOUNTING TRI TOWN . _ BOOKKEEPING. AND COMPUTER - SERVICE • Complete Business Ser- vice quarterly, half. yearly, yearly: Also Foam`; and-pIndivlduai: ,Service. • - LAWRENCE BEANE ROBERT PALING 52 Huron St., Clinton PHONE 4824524 Durst, Vodden & Bender CHARTERED `ACCOUNTANTS ' BOXQ758 52 HURON ST. CLINTON 481.7979: - 37 West Street Goderich, Ontario 524-2011 MacGillivray Associates (Goderich) Limited ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING AND OMPUTER SERVICES In-house computer providing cash disbursements ledger, cash receipts lodger, accounts "recoivable,,financial statemen• ts, 'time and charges and specialized reports. 40 TIE SQUARE GODERICH II 524-2677 AUCTIONEER D. L. VAN PATTER Auctioneer ;Huron County No. 165 Specializing in antique and estate consignments NO RESERVES! NO BUY BACKS CALL COLLECT ZURICH 236,-4547 PHOTOGRAPHY James Fitzgerald Photography Clinton *40 yoorrs exiforience • Weddings, passports • Family portraitf,in.your home r 482-9502 or 482.389U MORE NEWS...MORE FEATURES Keep Informed . - With • • Valk r. 3r,