HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-3-22, Page 5'DISTRICT DQINOS,
Qeetteenuces et the vast week Througb,
out the 'Neighborhood in IA Concise
Thos. Lewis, J2Uh con., eleGtllivray,
lost a very valuable mere the other
day. Mr. Lewie refitted $210 for her
not long ago.
Mr. W. Delaney sold two °pits rising
three yeare old last week, each of
them weighing exactly 1,500 pounds.
Captain Finlay McPherson and Mr.
' D. 0. Strachan, of Goderich, have pur-
chased the schooner Ariel from Mr. J.
Williams. '
The annual spring show of the Hib.
bert Agricultural Society will be held
at Staffa on Friday April 12. The
prizes will be similar to those awarded
last year, and every effort will he made
toake the show a success.
Mi?. Chas. Boa of the 4th con. Mc-
Gillivray, has purchased the celebrated
imported olydesdale stallionMcCombie
from the Charleton 13res., Lobo. He
ie a beautiful dark bay ()owing years
old and weighs 2050 lbs.
An old man, about 91 years of age,
named Gillis, who has been hying for
some time Past with his son-in-law Mr.
Donald McKim -ton, of Lucian, on Wed.
nes‘lay night last escaped through his
• bedroom window in a nude state, and
was found dead Thursday morning at
some distance from the house.
The Leipsio correspondent of the
Musical Journal, speaking of a cham-
ber concert held in that city recently,
says:—"ss Nora Clench, of Hamil-
ton, formerly of _St. Marys, played a
violin sonata f(Rheinberger) in a very
artistic manner. I am glad to say
Canada is very well represented in
I firmly beliave Everest's Cough
Syrup saved the life of my wife.—Jas.
A. Fisher, Camlachle. Out.
Brakeman Alex McDonald of Strat-
ford, on the Goderioh branch of the
G. T. R., was badly hurt at Clinton
Saturday by slipping under the wheels
of a moving freight car. The shin
bone is laid bare for about nine inches
and the doctor thinks the small, bone
of the leg may be -broken. There are
also two holes in his back made by
the bolts of the brake beam as he was
After the Division Court cases at
Drumbo the ,other day, a tvell-knowe
Woodstock lawyer and a Witness tO
one of the suits had a dispute, the
witness calling the lawyer a liar. Mr.
Lawyer let drive at Mr. Witness' chops
alud• then the owner of the chops
waded in and trounced the legal
luminary. Law may be strong; but
muscle is metre ere
A sure sign of rain or that you re
quire a dose or two of Dr, Carson's
• Stoma:oh Bitters. Pains In the back
and limbs, headache, feverish cold,
'e.oft recuring attacks of the ',blues."
; Large bottles 50 cents.
On the 12th inst..' on the farm of
ge Mr. Robt Judd, 1stcon lot 6, West
N sesouri, a dalf of a most singular con-
formation was removed from a young
cow by R. E. Ardiel, V: 8., of Thorn-
• eale, who experienced considerable
difficulty in doing so. The call bad
two well developed heads, three heads
three ears, four eyes, the rest ot body
• being natural. The doctor intends
having the specimen mounted and
placed in his office.
Mr. Everest, Forest. Dear sir, --
Please send me three bottles of your
Cough Syrup; nothing seems to cure
• me but that.—Mrs. Westhoover, Good -
land, alich.
• Says the Mitchell Recorder. ----A
disreputable female and a hard -look-
ing molatto fellow came to,town from
St. Marys last week and took a house
near theschool ground. The constable
soon got on their track and cleaned
them out, and Stratford is now their
temporary abode. A good many citi.
sena seem to think that the young
men's club room in the Oddfelloiv's
• bleak, -call for the attention of the
constable in the smile sense that the
house already referred to, did. The
place needs purging and fumigating.
Try Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters.
If you are Dyspeptic.
Try Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters.
If your liver is sluggish.
Try Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters.,
James F. McFadden, of Clandeboye
was charged by Christopher Cusick, of
Ailsa Craig, with using him in a cruel
manner by arresting hint when he was
ill and driving him all the way from
Ailsa Craig to London on a •bitterly
cold. night. Cusick is a man without
legs, and he testified that he was just
putting on bis legs(vvooden ones) when
arrested, and wasn't given time to
properly wrap them up. The Judge
held the charge sustained 'and dis-
missed Constable McFadden from the
force, although he has hitherto proved
himsell a most efficient oflicer.
I have used Everest's Cough Syrup
in my family for two years, and always
found It an excellent remedy for coughs
coatis etc—J. H. Pettypiece, Forest.
• From the Fos t :nee te r Gene ral's re.
port for the past year, we take the fol.
a fug figures concerning the gross
evenue of the Post Offices in the
unty • of Heron ler that year
A burn, $408.24; 13;in d o n 1054; Bay-
field, 438 85; 13elgrave, '516 59; Ben,
miller, 137 00; Belfast, 137 00; Blake,
143‘53; Blues ale, 493 00; Blyth, 1386 84;
Brucelield, 345 33; Brussels, 2741 24;
Buhhlield, 34 12; Carlow, 119 35; Cen-
tralia 262 00; ,Clititon, 4391 64; Com-
atance, 17357; Oranbrools, 3136; Dash.
wood, 31404; Drysdale, 9696; Dungan.
non, 427 04; Dunlop, 67 47; ,Egmond-
ville, 174 50; Flimville, SO 48; Exeter,
2501 85; Fordwich, 519 88; Farquhar,
117 00; Gderich (part 1886), 5371 73;
Gerrie 650 48; Harlock, 74 00; Heti-
fryli 9726; Hensel!, 32 22, Hills Green,
67 26; lloIrnesville, 197 75, Jamestown,
114 71, Kintail, 176 57; Kippene253 26;
Lanes, 60 60, Leadhury, 126 05; Londs.,
boro, 305 04; elarnoch, 5084; Port
Albert, 126 77; PorterHilt, 02 42;
Riedgervtile, 70 66; Sa1tfor1,95 50; Sea.
for h, 4518 64; Verne, 330 00, Wal ten,
,3e7 60; Westfield, 82 12; W ingleate,
8234 ill; WitiOn op, 140 37; Wroxeter,
710 76, Zurich, 661 22,
which are ustifled by en Itiotraordinary
optic Expenditure.
Hewing branch houses and laboratories in
seven different quarters etel therefore hav-
ing a world-wide experienee, we, B. IL
Warner ez Ceetestifrenureelyre. in making
the followiug statements ;
Firot.—For the peat esedet we have held
that 03 per cent, of disetees originate iu
the eyotem, 5 poison that is injurious to
every organ, attacking and destroying first
the organs which are weakest. We have
aleo hold tbateiLeilia-kkbeees are kept in
perfect health most of the ordinary ailments
will be prevented, or, if contracted, cured.
Other prctitioners have held that extreme
kidney disease was ineureable. We eave
proof to the contrary, owever, u etdr ed
of tbousands of cases in every seetion of
the globe. Warner's Safe Cure is the great-
est spesifio known. Its re utatiou
es all other mecliciues.
Secoltd.e-The eideeys being the sewers
of the human system, it is impossible to
netted everywh e, am its in uenoe surpass -
Have you a songee Sleepless eights need
1.10 iOnger 1,fottble you, Ayer's tiliergy Pee -
total will stop the cough, llay the tufleece
racttion, indueo repose. It will, moreever,
bete the yulcnooary organs and give you
Tho bine() of Wales and the Duke of
Canbridge stetted from Berlin for London
If you are troubled with heedache, con.
atipation, billiousness or weakness, procure
at once a bottle of Burdoelf Blood Bitters
and use it aceording to instructions.
Prompt Action is necessary in order that
your trouble only be cured before it becomes
Baron Bauee has lieett appointed, to sue.
eeed Count Bylaneeltheyclt as A.ustriari
Minister of War.-.
L, A. Hanson, of Bowmanville, Ont., says
he bas found Berdook Blood Bitters to be a
good niedicine for Liver Complaint, Dizzi.
nese, beadache and direness ef vision. 13.
B.B. improves the appetite, aids digestion
and gives renewed strength to the worn out
If you require a spring medicine, if you
are suffering with languor, dsloility, pimples
boils, satarrh, obronio sores, sorofele, or
Te Oreat EuglItsb. Prgeoriptio14
suCGPs411 Medieine Used ever
80 years itt thousantla ot01310014
.Oures Spertnatorrheei, Argrvogi
Weakness, 4'ntis.sions,. Impotency
• and al1 diseases caused by ebese,
etzecatel iediscretien, or over-exertlell. 1.4.rrtat1
SIX.packages Guaranteed to Cure when another"
Fat/. Ask your Dringist for The f;rest,
ereseription, take no Seb8iitote. One Paekege
$1. $ix $5, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. e.ddreas
Eureka Chemical Co, Detroit. Mich.
Immediate Relief
Cold in Heado
Not a Snuff, Powder or Irritating Liquid. PriC0
tO 04, and $1.00. If not obtainable atyour drug.,
gists, sent prepaid ort receipt ot price. Addrest
FULFORD CO., Brookville, Opt.
meta are out of order because they uever give egrifiere. f I
them any pain. h is a eliculiaiity of kid- • President Carnet has cordially accepted
nay disease that it may long exist without the levitation of King Leopold of Belgenn
he knowledge of the patient or of the praeti. • to visit Brussels.
timer, It may be euspected if there is any • CANNOT BE EXCELLED
gradual departure from oidinaey health, I have pleesure in saying that Hagyardts
which dePertute increases as age 301708 On, 'Pectoral Balsam cannot be excellea for
duty. Most people do not believe their kid- the safest and. most mot:comical of all blood
keep tee 'entire systetn in good working loss of appetite, or any disease arising from
rorder unless these organs ure doing their full impure blood, take Ayer's Sersaparilla—
the kidney poison in the blood gradually
undermining and destroying every organ.
l'hird.—We do not euro every known
disease !TOM one bottle. This is an impossi-
bility, Warner's Safe Remedies include
seven scientific specifies, each one of which
has a specific parpuse which the others can-
not fully perform.
Fourth.--Waxaetare-Sefe Remedies have
been recognized by the doctors and the
people all over the globe, even in countries
most conservative and most opposed to the
monufacture of proprietary medioines, as
standards of the highest excellence and wor-
thy of the patronage of all people.
FY tit. —We make the following unquali-
fied guarrantees.4--.
GOAIIANTEll 1,—That Warner's Sate Rem-
edies are pure and harmless.
GuinANTEE 2.—That the testimonials
used by us are genuine, and so far as we
know, absolutely true. We will forfeit p000
for peoof to the contrary.
GITARAIMEg 3,—Warner's Safe Remedies
• have permanently cured many millions of
people whom thretetiefirs have pronounced
incurable, People who were cured 10 years
ago report the cure permrnent and complete-
ly satiefactory. Warner's Safe Remedies
will sustain every claim, if used sufficiently
and as directed.
Sixth. --Ask your friends and neighbors
what they think of Warner's Safe Cure.
We do not ask you to believe us alone.
.Mrs. Jas. Burns, of 18 Division Si., Toronto,
writes that daughter was given up to die, by
thebest medical men in the city, hem Brights
disease of the Kidneys, but that Warner's
Safe Cure not only saved her life butrestored
her to health.
L.A. 13alter, of Loronto, Supt. Fire Patrol
Co. of Canada. suffered from lame back for
three years. :Resuliceans treated him for
Bright's disease, but be obtained no relief.
Four bottles of Warner's Safe Cure made a
well men of bine
W.J. Hamilton, of Amherst, Nova Scotia,
was cured of hemorrhage of thekidneys after
doctors failed to cure him and tbe last dying
rites of the church had been given him.
Mrs. Hayward, of 321 Church Se. Totonto
e as cured of Chronic Dyspepsia with six
bottles ofaiW WriSafe Cure.
Jelin Gives, of Galt, is a living monurnen
to tbe power of Warner's Safe Cure over
Enlargement of the Liver.
We could -give thousanas of simnel- testi-
monials. Warner's Safe Core does a:actly
as represented,
Seventh. —We were forced into the manu-
facture of Warner's Safe Remedies itt obede
ence to a yew made by Mr. H.H. Warner
that he would, if the remedy now known as
Warner's Safe Cure restored him to healtu,
sprawl its merits before the entire world.
In ten years the demand has grown so that
laboratories have been established in seven
quarters of tbe globe. Not only is Warner's
Safe Cure a scientific specific -it cures when
all the doctors fail, thousands of the best
of physicians prescribe it regtdarly, its
power over disease is permanent and its
remitation is one of the most exalted char -
Frank Leslie's Sunday Magazine
Marks the fact of its being an Easter num-
ber by aline hymn tune, "Christ is Risen,"
by C. Wenhain Smith, and two Easter
poems viz., Faster—Beside a Tomb," by
Ifarper Lockett, and Taster Flow-
ers," by Maria A. Agur. The story "His
Banner Over Me," conies to a happy con-
clusion, and anew story by George Mae-
donaldentitled, "The Elect Lady,' isbugun
There is a short article by the Rev. Geo.
W. Nichols, "Recollections of College
Life at Yale, Fifty Years Ago," full of
curious reminiscences iuterestiug to all
Yale graduates. "A Rvilway Train and
What It Costs," by Arthur Vaughin Abbot
and 'What Our Modern Books Grew From,'
by Ingersoll Lockwood, are both profusely
illustrated andveryintereating. ThePope's
Golen Jubilee," is also well illustrated, .4.
portrait appears of the Rev. Dr Patton,
the new President of Princeton, and the
new edifice of the First Reformed Dutch
Church of Brooklyn presents an attractive
appearance. A. full page illestration is
also givee of the new Reredos and Altar
of St.Paid's Cathedrel, London. As esual
le this magazine, are many short articles
and an abundance of illustrations, both
large and small.
The African comet was seen at the
Warner Observatory, Rochester, Satur-
day morning, aad observed to within 5
minutes to 6 o'olock. It is just visible
to the neked eye, and has it tail two do-
. l
grees ongIt . is too near both the gun
and the horizon to be well seen,
3. D. Cameron, of Westlake, Athens,
Cape Breton, had inflarnatory rheumatism
which fingiard's Yellow Oil mired after all
other treatmenta had faded. Nagyard's
Yellow 011 cured after all other treatments
rul 6111o5. liegyatd's Yellow Oil is sold by
011 dellers in medicine.
A snovestean is raging at Paris. The
streets are in it dangerous eonaltion. '
"1 have pleastre in certifying to the us0.
fulness of Ilegyard's Yellow Oie" writes D.
Kavanagh, postmaster of Umfraville, One
flaviug tised it for soreuess of the throat,
colds, burns, ete., 1 flea boating equel to it.
curing coughs, colds and loss of voice. It
cured my brother completely, eci says Ira
SioNead of Popular Rill, Out., regarding
this popular remedy.
The snow bleared° has beeq raised in
the north of England, but still exists en
Scotland. Trains ere resuming their reg-
ular trips.
0818.ABBVOK, DixONS P.0. Ont„1128.3, 11.
My wife siifferea tor five years with that
distressing disease, catarrh. Her case was
ore of the worst lcuown in these parts She
tried all of the catarrh remedies I ever saw
advertised, but they were of no use. I
finally prochred a bottle of Nasal Balm.
She has used only one half of it und is
thoroughly cured and now feels like a new
person. I feel it my duty to say that Nasal
Balm cannot be too highly recemmended
for catarrh troubles ane am pleased to bare
all such sufferers know through its use they
will receive instant relief and cure.
It is stated at Berlin that the marriage
of Prince Henry of Prussia and Prim:tees
Irene of Hesse bas been postponed six mos.
"I had Scrofula on my neck very bad for
twoyears, had tried all remedies and doctors
but did not get an help until I got a bottle
of your Burdock Blood Bitters whin cured
me ofit eutirely." denies Coobrane, Fox
River, Cemberlana Co., N. S.
*amour...axe wo•Piavesreno.rucc,-.s...,
The undersigned would respectfully infor
he community that they have Jew:oath° above
mills for a terra of years; and will be pleased
to have a call frern all, The mill has recently
beett improved, by the addition of new =mob.
inery. It is the intention of t'..‘e subscribers to
add a sefof rolls as soon as possible; and all
combined, the
Woodham Grist Mill
Will be seeoncl to none in the West.
Gristing and Chopping Done
Fresh oatmenl constantly on hand for sale or
exchanged for oats.
• J.&A. McNEVIN,
v.ir ()Rid (..)ViTT) F, R. PI
_ .
Are pleasant to tike. Contlin their o•wa
Pelfgative. Is 0. caccical
geagroyer or wornm io onilarcyn or Adults
Dress -Making!
Mrs. Bissett and, Miss Welsh beg to in-
form the public that they are opening out
business, and ean be foetid on the corner
of William and Gidley streets.
Dressenaking clone in all the Latest
LE siions on Fancy Work given.—Stamping
it specialty. Orders promptly attend-
ed to. A. call solicited.
'Unlocks allthe clogged avenues of the
Bowels, Kidneys end Liver, carry-
ing off gradually without weakening the
system, all tho impurities and, foul
humors of the secretions; at the same
time Correcting Acidity of the
Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dye.
pepsiaa Ueadaches, Dizziness,
Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness
of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of
ViSi011, Jaundice Salt Rheum,
Erysipelas, Scrofula, Eluttering of
the Heart, Nervousness, and Pen.
°rat Debility ; all these and. many
other similar Complaints yield to the
happy influence of BITIRDOOX
T. rt' P A Vr,for,o.l,...L. 'reroute,
'111111 NE
T he Proprietor of the
Dominion Laboratory I
Begs to arkume to his nu merons friend
and patrons that he has just put in it ful
—line of --
Staple Lt6 Fancy Stationery, Aced etas 13ooks
and all kinds of School itequbetes, Later.
filla NrCte Paper, Pools OW Paper,
ceount Paper, Colored ViAsties
Gilt Papers., Drawing Pep.
or, Pees anti Peueils,
And also a full line of all the u west and
Most popular
All Of ‘111.ie1l svill be SOld at the Limos re-
tettneretive rates, ,
31 AA% 113110VITNING P,rop
Liver Cc:Metal*
Sick Headache,
Kidney Troubles,
Skin. Diseases
--and all -
Impurities of the
Blood from what-
ever cause arising
Female weakness.
& General debility -
Purely Vegetable
Highly Concentrated,
Pleasant and effectual to use.
Doctor Hodder's Compound.
Take no other. Sold everywhexe. Price
75 cents per bottle.
Gough Lang Cure
Sold Everywhere.' Price, 25 cents and 50
cents per bottle. Proerietors and elan -Pre,
the Union 1Vledioine Conapany,
Toronto Canada.
* VegitilAis
The phole 93 stein is deranged and out of
sorts, The !pica d is inaptly:, pimples, boils and
ever sprts annealing on the face and body.
The liver is clogged tied inactive, causing fa-
tigue, lee: of appetite, it dull. slemay, tireclf eel.
evith inability to do work, the complexion
is fatlow and muddy, audit is absolutely ne-
cessary, to enjoy good beat:tie to take the cele-
Mandrake, Dandelion Liver Cure, 'which puri-
fies the blood by ethunlating t he Liver, aiding
digestion and promoting it natural evacuation
of thebowols. Mandrake and Dandeliort are
Iwo of tbo best Liver regulators lmown,. aucl
all medical mart agree that, the Liver 18 of
oro vitn1 importance to health than the
Reart 411 d Lungs. If the Liyer is torpid or in-
active, Dyspen sub, Indigestion, Kead ache , Cos-
tiveness, etc, will result,
Complaint, 'kidney and Urfa aryTrounle.aann-
dice, Liver Spots, Imp ure Blood, Pon 1 Breath.
are clnickly cored by Dr. Chase's It.fandrake
Dandelion Liver
0 TY z.
wh..,,he Kidneys are diseased, overtaxed
and weakened, one or two bottles are gear-
anteed to "Jure. Mr. Alex, Taylor, West Gwil-
lire bury, was troithlei for 15 years with kid-
.ney disease, was e owl:ailed to rise a and 11
times thamgh the n1ght to urinate, SufrePed
intense wo.in, and 'wasfinally cured efter all
other remedies and physicians had fr,40a, by
using three bottles.
5000.000 SOLD!
Over ono -half million of Dr. Chase s, iteseint
Books hove been sold in Canada alei)e, told wo
wn.01 every person trembled with Liver Com.
plaints itud kidney diSonseS, ete,, to try dime)
lever nure, Wreetied aronne ever,v bottle is
a valuable
No tV'M tfglot, ulouseor houseman shoeld be
without Lb is bOok, the finest VAICetiOn.of seei.
nos eats t, To 1801r 51 505 tmoilf is es v.-
ectots for bon utifying the aOMplexiou. \ta• g -
sone 13 dm,Crielie of no". uty, May "DOW, Telt,
reelt1e8, Bei:burn, flair Dyes and I'1:0113 0 fi0,
TOO powde', W:.‘81.1e S. 1, !den tiairl) ye. for
bicaehieg dark hair to a geldeu bus, jior
Lustre, etc., ete.
sow. by all ett detains tie $1. Buy 0 bottle;
The book M1,10110 Is t5,01112 te/X tOnet the cost of
the cum -tieing.
Try Dr. Oh ase'S Kiduey I:aver:Pills, the only
pill Made acting (Breath; on the itidneys, tee-
er and nowslieePrieo es e, 8010 by all
oN YOLTV, 0.13.AR,I)
oc,,,,tittatow it COM 1,1 11 eil.(1 tO SIOWIY ibud
fillY111y develop into catarrh, ii•hen you ,p azi he
etred for 815, iisiug Dr. 11 baseC
's atarrh
few iplitie,..tions sUCt ilistpieut cat.
; 1 it) 0 boxe1i tore ordinary catarrh; 0 to
fieelitee (I to cure ehronic catsrrb
i• it. 11 e 1 said sere mire,
At Toronto. Every Barrel Guaranteed. Thie 011 was used on all maohinery during the
Exhibition: R haa been tevanied NINE GOLD MEDALS during the last three years.
M -See that yeti get Peerless, It is only made by
sAintrzr. zkoarnsc CO,, Tonowro
—7 oil,
The cheapest spot 113 town for
Hardware, Stoves, and Tinware, Paints, Oils and Glass, dec., , if you are, just eall at
We are ZONY offering the balance of our stock of Axes,
Cross -cut saws, Lamps and Tabular Lanterns, at cost for
30 As°7-S 0 1\el"TZ
We would call your attention to a few of our specialties :—
A Handsome Brass Library Lamp,
A.Large Glass Stand Lamp, new design
A Good Tubular Lasetern
• A Good Axe and Handle
An A. 1 Manure work
And everything at Rook Bottom Prices for Casb.
A full atock of the following lines always on halide—Barb wire, Plain Galvanized., An -
;Went and Viled- wire, and Buckthorn Fencing.
Having purchased our supply of Binder Twins early we are new in a position to supPly
at the lowest possible pike.
A. full stocxr of tinware of all kinds always in stock. Eavetroughing and roofing a spec-
ialty. Agents for the /3 es 13 Metalic Shitgle Roofing. Ask for priees. Agents tor the
celebrated Raymond -Sewing Maclaine.
• $2 50
$1 00
$0 50,
$1 00
00 80
a,. edc • 2>" s'''.(`
sa .eee
$.$ 111C.
co {C`'
•C'Ct' • °
0."7 •ec"
's• \coN
tFP o
`c,6 c'Y' '0?
69' °
`)" • \-c) 'c•
et''• -Ps \5"'
eg.tt,o cc,
• z>.
K.0 N§c)
• /
e;34 c(1
0 e -
Manufactured onlyby Theinas Idelloway,-78, Nen. Ortort $treet,
late .553,1:Word Str.:et, London.
Purchasers should look to the Label on the .Boxes aed Base
If the address is not 633, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious.
3"3 1M S
Now that House -Cleaning time is near, we invite your in-
spection to our BIG- stock of Carpets, Curtains, and those
Fancy- Window Blinds; 6.7,e.
When buying Wall Paper don't forget that the Old
Established carries thc Biggest Stock and Latest Am-
erican Patterns. p--„-rrei
Lots of Fancy Ceiling Papers with
Corners to match,
Window Blinds . Wan Paper
11.10NTR E AL
The high chara.ctor ofthis old medicine
Mr. T. DHA.ItING has removed to his new
agsure remedy for Coughs, Colds
mance one. door mei; of Dr. Lutz's •
Dreg SI,ore, opposite the Throat and •Leng Troubles is repeatedly
Cone al HOWL
' Where he will 110 found as suit!, offering
confirmed by the gratifying, eretefel and
unsolicited testimony received 'ifrom those
• who have been benefitted by its Ilse.
Ili Dry (lo s, firovertes 1kAr Shoes, '
4,11555115''. <Vie,
hil.Lk •
Lie eells for (tete
teem ts kopt,
0.5 00511 41,
Mn. J, Wxteoors, Toronto, writest--
heye used Haltemore's Expectoraitt im
er Mil' topmy family for Cotighs and Colds, for thir-
/AO .
tour years, &Led weele not lie without it."
; Mu. J. i. erre, Car Iuspector, C.P,R,
end eo Welt (loner's worth of Mat-
iett,tolleitigsmilt(;t1tee mord, ed, weer& -I „moot got along
.1A f without 11.,
25 et, Bettle•