The Exeter Times, 1888-3-22, Page 3LATEST EUROPEAN NEWS. The Dead Emperor the Theme of Europe ---Poeition of the New Emprese–The Po)itioalSitnatiola, Lorimer, March 1 6,–New that the first shook of surprise and excitenteet at the sudden removal of the pereonality around which the Old World politics have been so loug revolving as on a pivot is wearing away, Europe tries vaguely to take ;teak of the new'conditions and gather some indioa,- tions of what the future portends. Alike in the friendly and hostile capitals–in Vienna; London, and Rome, as well as Paris and St. Petersburg–one eonclusion at leeet is agree-de:on, viz., that the death of the Keiseeetiemoves the man wb.ose life ass the stronoese*xisting guarantee ef peace. 13e- erond this the commentators, in both camps hesitate for the moineno to venture, save in the most gingerly way. Whether the re- moval of the greatest of securities for peace leaves the balance still, against bad blood and war is whet one does not like to any too eoon after the death. It meet be apparent to everybody that the outlook ie seriouely complicated by the general feeling that the new Emperor will not live very -long. If he were a well man there would be no hesitation in predicting that his aceemion is the harbinger of con- tinued •peace. In one settee no doubt he will be less pacific than his father, for he is free from that semi -fanatical affection for the Romanoff dynasty whieh has so long THE 1;111E -KILN 0111B. Upon the opening ef the meeting Brother Gerdner announced that the following mot- toes, sayings, wetchwords and, axioms had been heeded in during the last week to re- place those deetroyed in the raid three weeks eince : "Leek up." "Put yer ettr to the ground." "Protect our lambs. ' "De man who is in db e has got handcuffs' on." "De eagle flies high, hut he's mighty poo' eatine" _ "Industry am de doorway to succees." "Life should hey its roses, but cabbages aline command. a ready sale an' a fa'r price. "Doan't worry about what sort o' drap- ery you ar' gwine to Var. in ereahen„ yen may not git dor'," "Some folks am' eo powerful honest dat when you git few Wadin' wid 'era you hain't get nuffin' left." "A maneewho no.better use fur him- self dan to become a meervoir fur pee' whisky,, orter hey bin bo'n to take up leas room in de wox•ld." "It at' easy 'nu ff to. forgive everybody when you die, fur you gwiue to a place white you can't pay off any grudges." " Natur' saves some men from gittin' drunk by molten' a fide of 'em on the stub, but &leiter slips past her now an' den." "Wives airtime six bits a day at de Wash- tub never strike. Dat am left to husbands airnin' twelve shillin's a day at suntlein' easy." "If yon want to keep a man poo' all his life let him understand dab his crselit is good wid de grooer and butcher. " Iluman natur' ar' liable to mistakes, but de police hey got so dey want a Init. class explanashun of how dem ehicken-fedders widin three miles of any there, an' to eotoh h in any water on oily day eoept Sunday. De oull'd populaahun or' incleded in de agreement, an' a copy ot de treaty will douletleite be sent to as as 8000 itenvelli, ent," A S TTLE DENT. The janitor said he was not an alarnaiet nor a fatalist, nor yet a Demowat, but he felt it his duty to report the fact that the entire south eud of Paradise Hall had settled five inches during the past week, This( had. been occasioned by a freeze and thaw a'nd the Betio:115f the frost. The Committee on Pablic Buildings was instructed to investigate and report. If the end ;meld he raised to the former level with- out much expense it would be recommended. If it could not be, then five bachee would be added to the hind lege of all the chairs in that division. The meeting then adjourned A Aodest, $e)asitive Woman, Often ehriuka frout ceilsulting Pheidelate about fuuotional derangement, and prefers to Suffer in; silence. This may be a Mistaken feeling, but it is one which is largely preva- lent. To all such women We would say that one of the moat skilful physiolaus of the day, Who hae bad a vast experience in ouriog dis- eases peculiar to women, has prepared a re- medy which is of inestimable aid to them. We refer to Dr. Pierce's Favorite Premerip. tion. This is the only remedy for woman's peculiar wealenese and eilmente, sold by druggisM, under o. poeitive gearontee from the manufacturers, that it will give satisiee- tion in every case or money refuuded. See guarantee printed on bottle wrapper. A little London bootblack confessed to making eight shillings a day, or about $2. With groans and eigin, and dixded eyes, He seeks the moll and dewn he nee ; Semen wad 'aintness m hiettiee, Brow -racking petite aaeail NO Pas For Hi131, Blekt eadaehe I But ere long aemed Spa. His stomach settles into peace, A tall, old man, with a rather vacant look Within his head the throbbings came– and a hesitating air, ventured slowly into pierce's Pellets never tail I the dining hall of a large hotel the other Nor will they fail anyone in ;such a dire evening in, Toronto. It was the usual din- predicament. To the dyspeptic, the bilious, ner hour, and the long room was filled with and the constipated, they are alilee "a friend gnests, 'The old man paused, scrutinized in need and a friend iedeed." his . ewilhffadtansedemineadWtaol bestcc)aath' ealupd1 e's au' effortterinatko" to bSa7otoh,efroar Rwuhsisoill"thae° otlaikrneant et oandeultsievila t nrging e gaze at the book of his neck, he beckoned to admirably adapMd. the head waiter. That functionary limiters: Don't hawk, hawk, blow spit, and die - ed u , and the old man said anxiously t know ? tidy, you gust every)? ody with your offensive breath, but um Dr, Sage's Cetarrh Remedy and end . " atter, do I look all right; The waiter inspected the venerable guest 1. ' critically for a, moment, and then him that all was in order. • "Necktie all right ?" "Yes,sir." " Colar button show ?'' "Not at all, sir." "No spots on my cot?" forced Gerinany to stand patient and silent got,into de back yard.' "Not a spot." under the scoffs and kicks of Russia, accord- Whateber we do is jist right. What „ The general effect is pretty Olio ing to report, and which was so like a ruling odder folks do kiu be criticised from a dozen "Very, * sir " passion that it found a prominent place standpoints. "Well, you see, waiter," said among the last gaspLug exhortetione from " Doan' seem to us we would bark quite, mat; confidentially, "1 came down B"Du, must so much if we was a. dog, yit we dean' car f w o am ta r assured Of late years Teneriffe and Oratava have becoate fashionable resorts. A. syndicate has now bean formed to establish large ho- tel upon the Grand Canary. BUB 1 COUGEI OtrEll oures in one mbante, The Literary and Debating Society of Pekin are discussing whether "the infittence of the Literati in China is for good or for evil." The question is still unsettled. People who are subJetot to bad breath, ioul coact tongue, or any disorder of the Statinch, can at ono be relieved by using Dr. CarE1011'S Stomach MOM the old and tried remedy. Aek your Draegise k, is it ?" the old to breek- the imperial deathbed at e rli n. eat d one ay last week without any collar, n we take a fit and my son James was very angry ; eo yesterday when I came into lunch with my necktie under my left ear he said if anything like that happened again he would have my meals served up -stairs. Do you know my son James, waiter ?" "Ye, sir," "Is he in here at dinner now ?" "No, sir; finished about ten minutes ago." , Are you sure ?" "Perfectly, sir." "Well, then, waiter," said the old man, in relieved tones, "if you're certain of it, you tell the man at our table to hustle in some corned beef and cabbage, and not to play any of his French business on me, or I'll break his neck." den Kaiser von Ruseland mit Achtung behaadeln. Das wird fur uns bower seine' ("You mat treat the Emperor of Russia with consideration. That will be better for ue," was among the final injunotions which the dying Kaiser laid upon the young William, and ib furnished an elo- quent history of the politics of Lat- een Europe for the pest 70 years. The new Kaiser has less of this feeling, not only because the bonds of his kin- • ship with the Czir are looser, but because, as a modern man he is unable to view with his father's toleration the political methods of the Czar, which are Oriental barbarism where they are not mediaeval brutality, and in the place of this undiscriminatiog resolve to accept whatever the Romano& do, Fred- erick has a broad and enlightened conception ot the duties of kingship and the responsi- • bility reit' ng on themaster of armed millions, win/4448e the heed ofecuany moreereiling mil - Bone. It is felt that under him taere would be lees juggling of diplomatic makeweights, and a solid, all -along -the -line advance to- ward an intelligent recognition of the right of the people to peace, and an honest at- tempt to bring about a partial disarmament. Much value would attach also to the recog- , nieed abilities and public spirit of his wife, aeho deservedly has great influence with -hint, and whose earnest clumpionship of liberal and peaceful causes has won esteem all over the world, oven as it has provoked the bitterand spiteful antagonism of certain classes in the German Army and in official- dom, whistle or sing," t THEY MUST »BOY IT. The Secretary then read the following: FRANKFORT, ILL., February 19, 1888. Bro. Gardner; - Deem Sin–We desire to organize a branch of the Lime -Kiln Club at this place, and, see- ing that you have ruled against the um of the letter "0" in front of tete names of in- dividuals and the time of day, etc., we de- sire to know whether that euphonious at- tachment must be eliminated from the front end of the oppossum, also. Our members regard the oppossum, of all God's oreation, as the neplus ultra of perfection, and we are afraid to meddle with it, and shall use that letter, as usual, in connection with our favorite, unless ordered by you to drop it. Yours truly, GRAVITY JACKSON. URBANITY JoNES, OLD SHADY, Chairman. Honerrerz Jonsson, Seet'y. "No branch will be established until deb 0 are dropped," replied the President. "Why a possum should be an o'possum any mo' dan a rabbit should be an o'rebbit is a mystety without any settee in it. If de 0 belongs on O'Brien denit belongs on O'Smith. If it belongs on o'clock, den it belongs on o'watch. If de Frankfort society desires to establish as a branch of dis club it must begin right. De English language has been mauled, maimed; pounded and knocked around long 'nut an' it ar' time dat de o'people gin ib an o'rest." THE RIGHT HAND. ero Ille WON'T. • The Secretary announced a letter from No Reason Why Nen and Women should New York City) saying: - riot be amitoidextrons. Bite. GABDNER– Prof. Cato Antony John An anatomist told me the other day that' son will arrive in Detroit via Canada on The applications for membership toeitary. (andel not tell which was ray right hand. I ,March 25. He will deliver his great leo- lebone Cricket Club are so numerous that a immediately held out my right hand. But "Ire, "Wonders of the ,Atniosphere," for candidate proposed now wouldnot come up ethepenefit of the Lime -Kiln Club building under the existing regulations before 1930. • he objected. He said be did not ray that °mums& Hera Itsinorsa restores giby and faded I could not show hien my right hand, or ex- 4na".• ,, ek. hair to its natural color and prevents falling out. " De Purfessor may arriv in Detroit. tend my right hand.–that is, that I could Some girls shade their eyes with their not describe it in words so that one who served Brother Gardner, as he nodded to never heard of the distiation we make be- Samuel Shin to stir up the fire, "but he hands and others use pencils. . tween the right hand and the left would be won't lecture befo' din club. If dor am any - easy enough also, until I thought it over, and thing about de atmosphere to wonder ober • then I had to give it up ; for on the outside no cuird man would be ape to h'ar of it or know about it, an' it was likewise voted by of. a perfectly formed human beiog there was nothing to distinguish the right hand from dis club long ago to let de atmosphere strict- . • the left, and no one can describe it in words Ir aloneIf Mr. Johnson kin tell why our i weather should' change 400 in twenty-four so that an ignorant person caa find it. ! !lours wideut anybody havin petiehuned fur If people were ambidextrous and were not It, he kin walk up forty-two peers of stairs taught from their childhood to use one of - • their hands more than the other it would hey a talk wid de signal officer." almost impossible for them to know which ' A CLOSI CAVE. was 'which. I often think of this when I I Under the head of " unfinished business" hear any one say of SOIlle one whom he wishes Pickles Smith called up the case of Stepoff to stagmatize as a fool that "he can't tell Jackson, who had been reported by the lin right hand frum his left." Committee on li:Orality as having been sweated by the p lice for drunkenness. The 'Nilo She Never Will Aekneeeledge. investigation of the committee proved that he had been tried in the Police Court, found There are a round dozen things that you guilty of the offense and sentence suspend - can never get a lady to plead guilty of, be ed. " Brudder Jackson, what ar' your version of de affair ?" inquired the President. "L war' taken wid a giddy feelin', sah." " Whar' was dat giddy feelin' prineipelly located ?" "in my head.' 'Iliat she has kept you waiting. "Kbn you. assign any cause for it ?' That she blushed when you mentioned a "My liver was outer order, Bab." "Was dat what you told de judge ? " Yes, sal.", " An' yen was convicted of ha,vin' your liver cater order, an' sentence suspended.' 4' 'Y eS, sah." "Well, you kin go back to yer seat, but doa,a' let it happen agin. Doorin' de rest of Man And His Shoes, 1888 your liber wants to come up to de How much a man is like his shoes! rank in fust -class style or you'll War a dull For instoame : both a sole may lose; thud in de nayborhood of your 'cabin." ' Both have been teamed ; both are made tight sAmg As EVER, . By cobblers; both get left and right ; Both need a mole to be complete, -...1.13104,0116,••• Relieved, Bjones : Well, I tell you, I'm relieved. Jaraythe : Relieved? What's happened to relieve you? Bjones : Oh, it says here that Imy brother George and Sally Higgins were quietly married at St. George's yesterday. I was afraid the papers would exaggerate, as usual, and say they were noisily married. New leases made cf Crown lands on Pio- cadilly and Piccadilly circus show that in the last twenty. 008 years property has in. - creased in value trom 80 to 100 per cent. Ocean Steamship Passengers Via New York should take the Erie railway,' as it is not only the shortest and hest line, but lands people close to the piers of the leading steamship companies. In buying tickets, ask for the Erie. , she old or young: That she laces tight. That her shoes are too small. That she is tired at a ball. That sinuses anything but powder. That it takes her long to dress. particular gentleman name, That she says what she doesn't mean. That she is fond of scandal. That she ever flirted. That she cannot keep a secret. That she is—in love. Consumption Surely Cured. To TIEI EDITOR :–Please inform your readers that I have a poeitive remedy for the above named dis- ease. By its timely use thousands of, hopeless cases have been permanently aired. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy emits to any of your readers who have consumption tf they will send me their Express and P. 0. address. Respectfully, Dn. T. A. fnioalf, 37 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. A Paris paper sari "the people of St. Louis, IL T. are dying of a disease called the blizzards." Whenever your Stomach or Bowels gab mit of es der, causing Billousnose. Dyspepsia, or Indigestion and their attendant evils, take ab ono° a dose of Dr. Oarsoo's Stomach Bitters. Ban faintly medicine. All Druggists. 50 oente. Lord Asbestos Green arose to make an tn- uiry. He had several times of late been Ara both were made to go with feet, asked how the club stood on the tariff ques- • With shoes the last in fir" : with man tion with veference to wool, 'and had been • The first shall be the last ; and When unable to return a decided reply. He now The ahem wear out they're mended naw; desired to poet himself, and would put the When men wear out they're °736/1' dead, i9°' inquirer in open meeting. ' They both need healing, oft are sold, I "We stand on dat queshun de ;same as And both in time tarn all to mould, eberf" replied the President, "We believe 1 date should be wool in dui kentry. Wool ) am a veerry useful article. Oar best socks; I are made of wool. We believe dat all FOR THE Brick Machine There is so much electricity in a kiss that engaged lovers have been known to depend upon it altogether to light a apsoions room. /They both are trod upon and both Will tread on others, nothing loth. Both have their ties, and both incline, When polished, in the world to shine. sheep should be etiouramd to grow aa reueh They both peg out, Now, would you choose wool as do, kin eekeeee ,neenaenienee, an, I dot it should be werked up into socks wal To be a man or be his shoe? . • blue lege an' white toes an' heels. Next What 10 Ceuta Will Do, ' time you are approaehed on de subjtok, gin ' A 10 emit bottle of Polecnies NERVILINE it to 'exn 8tr°)3g: Broddu-areeo." will cure neuralgia or headache. A 10 cent Lord Asbestos sat down like a man who had :suddenly lost his hold, and his brown., bottle of Nerviline will cure toothache or maimed corrugated during the rest of the faceache. A 10 dent Sample bottle of Nov. lithi e s ;sufficient to core colds, diarrhoea, evening' . • Spaams, dysentery, &c. NerViline is just the "ir °IuunThi'liv'' thing t� cure all pains, whether internal or Sir Stephaok tiddleford rose to a question external. Buy at your ditggist a 10 cent of privilege. Had the time -Kiln Club re- notnrjo of Norvinne, “ tho great pain cure," ceiVed any notice that the fieheries dispute Sefe, prompt, and always effeettme Large with Canada had been settled 1 If tic), what bottles at any drug store, onty 25 colitis. Were the teriha 7 " go offishul notice," answered the Pres- ident, " While it are a quer:him indireetly The reigning prince of Vionacot Who is affectin' 7,000,000:M11'dpeople, di:: club bee now 70, is blind. Ho lives principally at so fur bin ignored in de settletnen.t. We his Chateau du Marchois and is rigidly has been indirectly informed, Itovtrebet, dab careful in hie etpenditute although his for- Cattada has condeded to do people of die tune is $900,000 a year, ketitry de right to dig finliworms anywhar' That's taking the lead, new or eecond hand, apply to ALEX. DOIG, 431 Nelson St., Toronto., Roses Dahlias,f And all other Flowering Plants, in great variety. Illustrated Catalogue upon application. Webster Eros., • Florists, - Hamilton. ITCHING PILES. SYMPTOMS–Moiattire :intenee itching and stinging most at night; worse by scratching If allowed to continue tumors form, which Often bleed and nicer - ate, becoming very sore. SWAYER'S OINTIMNT stops the itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and in many oases removes the tumours. It is equally ail. CaCi01113 in curing all skin dieeeses. DR. SWAYNE & SON, Proprietors, Philadelphia. Sweyirses OINTMENT can be obtained of druggists. Sent by mail for 50 oents. You can not judge a man by his coat; it is hie promissory notes that give him away. Water PURealmmazace....15GELIT G STREAM bore 20 fee per hour. Also Rock Drills–Hand, florae or Steam Power. Send for Catalogue. Laidiaw manufacturing Co. Ileameros, ONT. THE TORONTO SILVER PLATE CO Manufacturers of the Iligheat Grades SILVER PLATED WARES. TRADE MARK. FACTORIES AND SALESROOM: 420 to 426 King gt,, West TORONTO E. G. GOODERHAM, J. 0. COPP, klauager. Sec.- ereas. Desiring t obtain a Businees Education, or become proficient n hhorthand and Typewriting, should ate tend the BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Arcade, Yonge street,' Toeonto. • • For Circulars, etc., Address C. O'DEA. Secretary. BRIGGS' FPATENT -- TRANSFER PAI'ERS ... 4110 ...ettry • ....oropood For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. UR RS Nervous Prostration,Nervo US Head. ac he, Ne ural gi a, Nerve e Weak nes s Stomach o.nd Liver Diaeases, and all affections of the Kidneys. • A NERVE TONee. GEORGE W, 130LITOR, STAIdEORD, COM., says; "For two years I was a sufferer from fiervone de. bility, and I thank Gal end the diecovererof the valuablereinedy that Penize Onamix, Canotneri oured me. it is a valuable remedy. Long May it livo. Let any ono write to me for advice. AN ALTERATIVE. Aeotrzo Ammer, vie -emcee VT, saye: "I believe PAINS'S CELERY Cameo:nen saved my life. MY trouble eeerned to be an intereal humor. BeforeI used, itI was covered with an eruption from "bend to heel:, The eruption is rapidly healing: and I am Ave hundred per cent. better every way:, A LAXATIVE. A. 0. BEAN, WAITS givEn StINOTXON, VT., earl: ' Palsy° years pastI have been a great Buffeter from kidney and liver troubles, attended with dys. pepsin and constipation. Befoee I began to take CELERY COMPOTIND seemed as though erenstaing alled Me. Bow CaR SaY nothing ails me. A DIURETIC. GEORGE ABBOTT. SIOUX (Ins, Iowa, says: "1 bave been using PAnmes CrEvemr COXPCYUND and it has done ine more good for kidneys and lame hack tlaan any other medicine I have ever taken. Bundreda of testimonials have been teceived from memos Nebo have need this aremedy with reratittrable benefit. Send for circular. Price 91.00. Sold by Draggle* WELLS,RICHARDSON &CO., Proprietert Montreal, Que. Colonists' Trains. TIIE CANADIAN PACIFIC Are the beat in tlae world for doing your own Stamp- ing. All that is required. is to place the paper on the material to be stunned and pass a wain iron over the back cf the paper and it leaves a clearimpreesion. Twelve sample designs sent on receipt of 8 cents. New Catalogue of 230 pages showsug 13 styles of initials and over 600 other desires on receipt of 10 cents 0 you mention this paper. After March let Small parcels of merchandiee may be mailed from the States to any point in the Dominion at one cent per curiae. Complete price list of embroidery and fancy work material. free. Addrees, W. QUINSY, 11 Euclid avenue, Cleveland, 0., 17. S. CHARLES ROBINSON & CO., • /12 CHERCII ST., T01101110, Are having, during March, a Special Clearing Sale of BICYCLES and TRICYCLES. New and Second Hand, to matte room for new sea- son's arrivals. Send for greatly reduced SosotAt. MARGO T'ItIOS LIST. EDS RAILWAY Will run Settlers' Trains to all points in MA= BA colt No more. RENNIE'S Seed Catalogue, containing descrip. tions and prices of all the hest varieties of VEGETABLE AND FLOWER SEEDS now reedy end will be mailed free to all who apply by letter. NT Send for it. WM. RENNIE,- - TORONTOi ONTARIO. Watson's cough drops are the beat in the world for the throat and chest, for the vole° unequalled. See that the letters R. '& T. W are stamped on each drop. A physieian asserts that a pound. of cheese contains nearly double the nutritive value of the same weight of beef. A. P 389. PTENTS prooured, Patent Attorneys, and experts. Est'd 1887. Donald C isident a Co., Toronto, PATENTS Eoc,,suviir—en.tvia,0 dfronriptive Cat rnb rii , Toronto GOOD AGENTS WANTED ovet the entire lete Address, GEO. D. FERMIS, 87 Church Street, Toronto. WORK FOE ALL. $30a week and expenses Old, Valuable outfit and particulars fres P 0 IGICIKEDY Augusta Maine RUBBER SIAM PS,s'.141. cite, and Burning Brenda, ezo, Send for Catalogue. leAltettet BROIL 00,, 321 ItingSt. g , (in -rear) Toronto. THE NORTH-WEST, British Columbia and the Pacific Coast, Leaving Toronto, N. & 14.-1V. Station, En ek Street at 9 p.m.,. TUESDAY FEBT 28T11, and every Tueeday thereafter during•March aud Ann: A colonist sleeper will be attached to these trains Make early application 3m agent for What ears and baths you will require. 83 feet cars supplied for colouiets' me vables. No Customs delay or expense. No quarantine. No transfers. For further informa• tion see agent, or write COLONIZATION AGENT, no King St. west, Toronto. IVIIALET. ROVE .0t CO., arumestom to) Tio GRA11.411 Ait 2,93 • Tonto St., Terento, aeelere ei ell elude nand arid eachestra Inetru- relents. Both New and 13voond.fland, Vocal and Instrumental Alueic„ BOOkAl, 00. In- • struction Books for taVerY InetrUMent Agents tor Carl Pte.:Mere Bon & Ora, RESTRA Mann. Send tor Catalegeee. Specialty–PLUMS in lerga F rira. liberal tenant at tlie.HALTON supply. Peale re billed out pn N•HEISIE.IgEnRiu, iBtiapritingatoonta, vO:otp.detoni. 'TREES , Also can cffer a tew oars Red and YelloW Glebe °flied - Piles1 INSTANT RELIEF N. 4s tuatt:safcoerni3t8o oi kn FiNAL MIRE. Send your, addrees "Treatise on Diseases of Man." Address M. V. Lunorr, 47 Wellington -et E., Toronto Out. A514 YOU P EDE.A,LEFe ECD9 .STEELE BROS &COS. F- OR' A LE HY ee,L.Ledeei.C,I NG MERCHANTS. ILLUSTRATE') cATALOGUE MAILED FREE. - AMDRE.5,5.. *STEELE BROS- EN co TO R'ONTO,ONT. Allan. Lino Royal Nail gtoamships, Sailing during *Inter from Port and every hurertsi and Halifax. every Saturday to Liverpool, and in stun. mer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, caning at Tiondonderry to land malls and .passengers .for Scotland and Ireland. Also from Baltiniore fax rind St. Tohn's N. F., to Liverpool fortnightly dirt Ing summer months. The steamers of the Glasgow . Untie sail during 'winter to and front Halifax, Portland Bostonand Philadelphia ; and during eummerbetwees Glasgow and Montreal, weekly„ elaegoys and .Bostorsk weekly; and Glasgow and'Plailadelphis, fortfaightly1 Tor Freight, passage, or other information apply tt Schumaoher ,4 Co., Baltimore; S. Cunard. as 00.. Halifax ; Shea 4,00., St. John's N. F.:, Wm. Thomson: Sr Co, St, John, N. B. ; Co„ Chicago; Love New Tock; Bourlier, Tomato ',Mans Ra4: . Co„ Quebec; Wm. Brocade, Philadelphia 1 H.' AL, Allan Portland Boston Montreal •' Catarrh Cold in the Head, Bay Fever, etc., can positively he cured. A. new method. Medicine t. nay. ante•11 to cure. No cure, ize pay. If you have tned other remedies that failed to cure, you will not be disappointed in 'hie. For full particulars address M. IT. LIJBON, 47 Virellington-st. E , Toronto, Oen. Send 10c. in stamps for Book " Treatise on Dis- eaees of Man." THE ALBANY STEAM TRAP CO'S SPECIAL BUCKET RETURN TRAP ezt•The Celebrated Han. cook Inspiratbr. SZ-'Gresham's Automatic Re.starting Injector. 481111orrisou's Automatic Sight Feed Lubricator. ill'Engineers' & Plun.b. ere' Supplies of everj description. Send fo: circulars. 'JAMES IMMIIIISON 75 477 Adelaide St.W• TORONTO. Farmers gOing to Manitoba will findcit to their advattage to (tall upon or write to W. B. Gillett, 523 Main Street, Winnipeg, who has improved farms for sale. Information cheerfully furnished without charge. Money advanced to bona. fide Set- tlere at low rate e of interest upon pervonal •property to aesiet them in starting. 0111011TO -CI5TTI/4G SCITODIG–A GRAND GIIANOR to r,WfalolLrtl'al'irtvgbit!rk,)witVgti et garmen gn r tie e. ws e me to enter. Good mittera in groat demand, big wages. ' Terms on application. S. CORRIGAN, Toronto. A le ADIA & TillSINESS IINIVE111PI1Y. Public Library Duildings,Voronto. Students from British Columbia, California, 'Ramo, Illinois, and gulfs ittiumber of ether States and Provinces, tioW in attendanoe. 'Write for Desoriptive Citoulars. TI1CS. 2E116011G11, CMAS. 11. EROOES, President See'y Meuitger. , OLIO 1E811AI NURSERY STOOCK–PLANT- ING SPRING, •1SSS–The proprietor:: of the Toro ate Ilurseries–establisiuid Inieti for Blatt ng planting, a largo stook of Fruit and OtetincoW tut Trees, Evergreens, Shrubs, etc., 61 all kinds and birds, which will he sold cheap, as et portion of our grounds must be cleared, end 5814,. Send ler priCad, descriptive tatalogue 0E0, LlteLle lb SON, 1164 - Queen 83, U., Toronto, J,LJONE'$: W:0 0 E.N G.RAyi.ft KING EAST " ORONTO, lee . PURE ANIMAL FERTILIZER AND BONE MEAL. W. A. FREtMAN, Sole Agent for the Dominion of Canada for ROWLIN & CO'S FERTILIZERS. :Send for circulars and pries to W. A. FREEMAN, tlealor in )3ui1ders' Supplie11 flhiIILTOl,a Caleb There SIM Many IIIITATIOSEI Of riles greatest dee A_ emery of the preuent age for fixate SATING TSB BOWLS AND cuxuNs eraneeoe raven AND RIDNDI OOMPLADITS. A per feet Blood Purifier A few in Hamilton who have been bone tited by its nee ;s– hire. hi. Keenan, 193 Robert St., cured of Erysipelas of 2 years standing; Robert Oar nen, 24 South St., " daoghter cured ot Epileptic Fits after 0 years' suffering tante rrell, 65 a nu St,, cured of weaknes and Lung Trouble; John Wood, 95 Cathcart St. cured of Liver Complaint and Biliousness, used mil 8 Afty.cent bottles; Mrs. J. Baal, 6 Augusta St. troRbled for years with Nervous Prostration, tw small bottles gave her great relief. Soldst 500. es 31.00 • F. F. DAI,LEY es 00„ Proprietors, PEERLESS 111ACIIINE OIL, but none equal it in lubricating properties. FARE - MRS, 2411,1,10N, ao., And none equal to the ClitaMNS Peerless made by SAMUEL DOERS & CO., TORONTO. Sold mageommaniMEMBRIN I, RELIABLE SIM410•10,01 CATALOGUE FREE dERNM1115101EMDMEDIERIM Our Illustrated and Descrlptive Catolorue and Cultivators' Guide FitlEIE. lt contains all the latest novelties and standard earaies GAROBS. MID, and FLOWER SEEDS, BULBS, ETC. Every Market Gardener, Florist, FAMICT and Amateur should consultirbefore purchasing. Otzr stock is fresh, pure and reliable. Prices reasonable. EEDS J. A. SIMMERS SEED MERCHANTS MW IMPORTERS 147 King St. East, Toronto EfigagesimarzErnm BREADMAKER'S YEAST ALWAYS AHEAD! BREAD made with this Yeast took st prizes at 132 Township and County Fairs in Ooteeio 1857, at snob places itsFleeherton, Markham,Whit. by, etc. Over io,000 ladies have sent us letters and postal cards to say that it is superior to any yeast ever used by thorn. It makes the lightest, whitest, saveetest and most wholesome bread, buns, rolls and hues- wheatcaltes. Directions in each pack ig,e with full instructions.' TAKE NO OTHER. PRICE 5 CE.NTS.I .999.00 IN GC3LE1 TO BE G I VE N °WONT in order to introduce my Nursery stock thr� ont the ITnited Stater and Onnada, 1 will give a 59,993.00 in gold as follows, to the parties sending 14 Three Cent Canadian, or 21 Two Cent Amarkiiis Postage Stamps for 803 000 of the follitadng colleen), tion o t plants or bulbs, which will be gent -by meal (pip:it-paid), in April next, and guaranteed to arrive tsi good condition t. hte.1.-2 Hardy Roses. 2.-2 13TerblootningEtoSes. 3.-2 Hardy Climbing Rases.- - 4.-2 Dahlias. 5.-5 Gladiolus. 6.,..3 riardy Grape Tines, 7.-8 Daspberricie. 4 each, black and red s.–so Strawberry Plants, 4 'cholce kInd.s.! 41 Ailietters with stamps enclosed osier:wasted above, for plants, will be numbered as they come 10 11805,1 and the senders of the first thirteen hundred eaters will receive gifts as follows: 1 C II D E Sinta.--$120050 Thmee nu:xi: 4220: 114105 eerheb: itb. – so The next 820, 1 earch. 5th. – 20 Srd. – 50 The next 415, 2 each. nAftin 60 thonsend letters have been receivel thOl senders of the next eleven hundred letters will ree calve gifts as follows : 1st. –0125 The next 10, $15 e.zieli. F0 14iii.:-7 1:11 1 '111:1.1:11tot 4174!: 1i im11:1,.': 5th.– 25 The mini MO, eaelb. When sae; CURE X donee wieati inetely to Alter looters:mend lettere wive been received, GA.: stop then) for ti. time, and then have them re- genders of the next one thonealed letferS wul receive tiirn again. ,A, RADICA.T. CURS. I gifts as follows: I have made the disea,ee of FITS, Et3xLizPsy or 6, 7 and 8 each The neat 30 , 3eachl EALLZG SICIENESS, After 150 thousand lettere hue been reeeivedl the 1 tend 2 siesiench Titre nett 5 120 coat 3, 4 satt 50 3.......*ottem The next 13'03 19 eac 9 55,11 and 111, 93 each 1030110,3663, 80m8535 senders of the tient eteilto idred and nine lb tire auto long attuIT. I VirAitItANTIny remedy tO WIll receive gilvi at foliate; Gunn tbe Was eases, Because others nave Send at °twofer a treatise ands,Funr, oiVr.ri 2 53 73 6001 'Me next ' each, irest intAnmox,n Entignir. Give Express 3 and 4 trip Tht. tibxt1585 203011' ef f ailed I s no rcas(m fernot noW'receivinV cure. 1 0180 each e newt gam each, and POSt Office., It costa you nothing or a. The next 5 " The 411414 4" 1"4f1; trial, and it Will 040 yoti. Address Any person may send any taimber ot times for any) . If three cents mars is wM ;mod in April te Dr. 0, BOOT, 37 /cage 83,, Toronto Out, 'ef above aeUeetiona• , • printed lid of the manes of 111 persona Who ore tintl. tied tO the gift*. liervous 1)ebility 44 ik ditto invesbnent this will tuilf bn t a obiGat ID to fate -educe MI OltOttilt, JIM d tap taitatv R. GRAY'S Speer& had been used for the r. Ig,,,DAtaisZ otrit :Aug 44 41 tif rtiti witim llervetts Debilittota all d seaaes psrt the treatitaen of iof the United Stitini or eetieede either b t bait olitielaitif the Pelee ifiliGegt4 fifteen years** great suceleas, tieing ieetn ex, extioxel ore, ettt, a a mind tgeseset:ver-wor ed brain, loss ef ringiej ie l itly oiler le ;apnea tbeangb, eke u e ea , ptettatieit, ete. For side by aft drug sta steeereuegied aittotteoMates. blentiOn 1 io QUAY 1)&10101Sg COr0.4ilts See tcarotto, Nuottonnom, t bY Mit penet, adarose 1 le ere– °e t 't rice. raMph Ot ou application. elper ose dr 6 ;ewes for wl LA/410ER, Tilinotro,