The Exeter Times, 1888-3-22, Page 1London, Huron & aruQe.
GOWN Norma—
benslen, depart
.1440611 (Frosting
Centralia .„
Exeter ..
arneeflold. „
Clinton .,.
• liondetboro;
Dly tit ..
Londeshdro' .„
in on .„ .” •
Centralia .„
Lucan Crossing
,.. 5.10 A. 15. 4, 25' .11
„. 9.00 0,20
,., 9,10 0,21
„. 9,26 0,57
• bki 0,00
• 9.51. 0.07
6.59 0.10
• 10.18 6.35
.., 10.37 6455
• 7.81 538
,.. 7;40 8.56
8,00 4.151
In 8,19 4,34
... 8.27 4.42
8.83 4,48
... 8.47 5.02
... 8,17 5.121
. 9.16 5,25
... 9,20 5.29
H. DIOKS()1N. , Barrister, Soli-
te, after ef Supreme Court -,Notary Public
veneer Commissioner. 8to. Money to
,.01:11oe in Fan8021'S Block, Exeter,
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc.,
OffieoSamwoll'sBloelt flail sold office.) .
Solicitor in the Supreme Court of Ontario,
•COIIVOYanCart Conlinlesioneri SPeeial
Attention given to the collection of claime 111
the United 13tate6: Patent E; procured, Money
to:lonm at lowed rates, 0 dice ; OPere..11ollee
look, St, Marys, Ont.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Conveyancers .369, &c.
11'Moliey to Loan at laWeet Bates Of
OFFICE: over 09.IrEIL,S Ranh
•Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction.
• s tri:5Q-mOisT 3:3M/VTIST.
Ciaduate of the Rayal College of.
Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Ray
ingfnrnished fine Dental Rooms
on MAIN -ST., next door to Treble's Harness
shop, Exeter, where I am prepared to perform
all branches of the Dental profession with ease
Sc skill. -.5,331C1-MT-A.3532,M
usedin extracting teeth. Charges, Moderate;
Terms, Cash.
Samweit's Block, 1111ain-st, Exeter,
Extracts Teeth without pain,
by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold
Filings and- all other dental
work the best possible. Goes
ro ZIIRI031 on last Thursdayin
each month; .
LU'i'Z., D. M.
kJ. Offiesthithsidenca Exeter.
T W.'BROWNING M. D„, M. (3
. P.S,GraduateVictoriatrnivericity.Oface
1,ndlresidence,Doir inionLa,boratorv. Exe ter
ElYND1VIAN, .eoroner for the
Connty of Huron. Office, opposite Mr.
. Carling's store, Exeter.
LJ o. Office, Main St.Exeter,Ont.Residen
ee houserecently occupied by P. McPhillips,
tioneer for Hay, Stephen, an &Mc Gilli-
•"tray:Township s: Sales conducted at moderate
• rates.Oce--At Pos b-bffi&O,Orediton, Ont .
GILL, Auctioneer for the
Townships of Stephen, Hay and 'Osborne
and the Village of Exeter. All sales pronrotly
attended, aucl satisfaction guaranteed. Sales
•arranged at this °face.
Graduat es of the Ontario Veterinary College.
OFTION Cee Coor South of Town Hall.
1/10NE/ TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6i
...xi- per cent, 525,000 Private Funds, Best
Loaning Companies represented.
Barrister, Exeter,
Fifth] 1NSU11ANC 0 0 .
Establisliedin 1863.
Thio oannsturv has been • over Eighteen
years in successful operation in Western On-
tariOnucliontinues to insure against:oat or
ana age try Vigo onuildingssteerenandi se,Man-
• uf act tries,e,ncl all othercietcriptionsoffinsur-
able Property. Intending insurers havo the
option of insuring on the Premium Note or
o an System ,
• During the past ten years this Company
hes teem) d 574006 POlieies, covering property
to 9.1 e o, mount of $40,872,088 ; ancl paid inloss-
s 61 on e $709,752,00
IsetS, $176,100.00, consisting of Oath
no, tnit, GovernmentDeposit , and tho unass.
based P.romium Notesonhandanclin force. J,
W WALD:314M D. Preside/A. 0, U. Ta-enon,
secretory. LB. Htioncus,Inspector. CHAS.
NELL Ago n troy J8xetern,ud
al er Shop
A. Hastings, Prop,
Shoving and Mir getting in the latest styles
of the art.
Every attention paid to cutting'
Ladies and Children's Hair.
swiToilEs‘ :11../IAIDt TO ORDER
FIEEP ESTRAY. ---Came into
Premises of the Undersigned, Lot 22. N.
13. Con., Stephen on or about Deo 1 a E
Lamb. Any pereon preying property and pay-
ing expenses eon hays the same.
Stephen, March 10.'88. ANDREW BMX,
Notice !
Tho Undersigned having dissolved partner-
ship, and wishing to have their bueiness
wound up at ono ei have placed all memento
and the hen& of Mr. ,Tas. Oke, for
collection, with instructions to proceed with
such .iollectioss as ho may doom peeper to en-
sure an effective reeponse.
S. & S. STANLAICE, Hay P. 0.
Farms and Farxri Stock.
The Undersigned will offer for sale on Lot
25, North Boendary, Hay. on Tuesday, 27th of
March, et O'clock, p. me tbe above lot of 100
aores, and lot 17. con. 10, Stanley, 100 acres,
with lot 14, con. 13, Stanley, 110 °ores. Time
at 9 per cent.'if required. '
• If not sold.200 acres of land near 131alte will
be rented. Also the following Farm Stook
and Implements a-18 steers, 3 and 4 year old.
13 eows'supposed to be in calf 7 steers and
heifers2 year old. 5 steers and heifers, 1 year
old. 1 thoroughbred Durham bull. 1 heifer,
3 year old.' 2 mares in foal, 8 years old. One
mare, 6 years old. 1 horse,4 years old. 1 two
Year old heavy draught oat. 1 aged mare.
1 Toroato binder 2 waggons. 1 carriage. 1
buggy. 2 pair bob -sleighs, and one light sett.
2 setts iron harrows. 3 plows. 1 land roller.
7 straw cutter. 1 fanning raill. 2 setts double
harness. 1 sett single harness. For, shovels
spades and other impleme nts.
JOHN REITH, Prop. & Au°.
Noticeto Creditors
In the matter of George Sleamon
Pursuant to It S 0 chapter 107 and 46 Vic-
toria chapter 9 (Ontario) notice is hereby given
that all creditors and other persons having
any claims or demands against the estate of
George Sleamon late of the township of Us -
borne in the County of Huron, Yeoman. de-
ceased, who died on about the tenth day of
February A D 1888, are hereby requested to
sendby letter prepaid or deliver to Messes.
Elliot &Elliot of the village of Exeter, On-
tario. solicitors for the Executors of.the said
deceased on or before the 16th day of April
A D 1888 a statement, in writing of the names
and addresses and the full partioulare ot their
claims or demards and 'of the -securities (if
any) held by them and that after the said, 161h
day of April 1888 the said executors will pro-
ceedto dishibuto the assets of the seal. de-
ceased among the parties entitled thereto
having regard only to the elahns of which
they may then have notice and that the said
executors will not be liable for the said assets
on any part thereof to apy person of wbose
claim notice shall not 'have been received at
the time of such distribution
• Solicitors for exeoutors.
Deted 13th March 1888. ,
Call •on G. A. H. for Groceries
• IC Teas
Dashwoo flour
" Ptety Flams and
g Smoking tobacco a
five Cent piete with every 3 plugs.
Bermes—The Usboree & Riobert Fire
Insurance Co., met on the 6th inst. All
present but John. Essery. •The meeting
was an iuteresting one, and the company
seems to be in a prosperous condition. --
'Revival meetings are held hero every two
weeks, conducted by Rev. Colin Fletcher.
The attendance generally is good. The
town ball in which they aro held is a very
comfortable building. The next meeting
will be held on Mal oh '21st.—Business is
lively with dry goods, grocery and boot and
shoe inerohants.--Post office open from 7
till eleven at night, and the new post mas-
ter is very accommodating. --The temper-
ance hoose is doing a good business. Joe
is a very obligingfellow.—A long -felt want
has been supplied—a shoemaker in our
midst. • You can get new shoes or old ones
mender.' on the shortest notice.—Mr. Dun -
oat, Hay who fell on the ice a few days ago
and fractured his shoulder badly, we are
"pleased to say, is improving.—The Scott
Act repeal election will occur on April 19111
polling to take place in Mr. Ohas. 9:0121'S
shop. In this looelity the Act is thought
very little of, and the petitioners may ex-
pect a large majority for the petition.—Sno,
Gill, the • worthy bailiff of 11xetor, passed
through town on Friday. Never stop John
always pass through. —The egg gatherer,
when Imre the other day, met ivith a mis•
fortune. A strong vsind blew ft out his
Wag011 a large box of eggs. The boardera
at the temperance house have been 111 good
spiritsevor since, hi consequenee.--Miss
Rae of 'school -section No 3 was the guest of
ilfre., T. Camden . Thursday.A good
opening hero for a harness-nialter, tailor,
and dress.maker.
A well-informed correspondent writes
as follows of Lord Lansdowne's success-
or in the Dominion "As to the new
Governer - General of Canada, Lord
Stanley, of Preston, better known ere
he was raised to the peerage aS Freddsr
Stanley, there is not much th be said,
He is the younger brother of the 1)1708.,
Ont Earl of Derby. He was formerly of
the Guards and ho has been for many
years in publie life, always in office
when the Conservatives were in. Ho
has been President of the Board of
Trade, Secretary of State for war'etc.
He is a cautions, moderate, clear -head.
ed follow, wise is not likely to set the
Thames alight and would, I think, be
timid in a crisis. His wife, a Claren-
on, is a sister to Oslo Itusselre widow
and to the wife of Lahore the Lord
Chamberlain. He is poor and she is
mbicious and resolute.
Hy Our Own Correspondents.
James Sandmen has left the firm of
Roodhouse & Brown and intends starting
for Dakota in a few days. The building -
committee of the Methodist church to be
built during the coming summer have
accepted the tenders of the following con-
tractors during the past week : Evans &
&amen of Exeter, for the mason, brick-
work and plastering; .7 Dia1101:1 of Lumley
for the carpentering and tinsmithing; G.L.
Money of Eirkton, for the painting, glazing
and decorating, Asi all the foregoing are
competent men and skilled mechanics we
eiptoted a model church by the time 11 18
completed. The computed cost at present
Is about 34,800 and the building ie to be
completed by October 1.0th 1888. The
building committee, consisting of A. Doupe
T. Callender, S. Doupe and W.A. Marshall
are to be congratulated on the efficient and
businese-like manner in -which they have
conducted their part of the work. A.
Doupe has been appeinted inspector of the
building till it is completed. --Mrs. Stratton
and family left for Toronto on Tuesday
leek—George Mills has purchased a few
colonies of bees aud intends to start an
apiary on a sinall scale.—Geo. Viokers sold
his house and lot to Geo. Hazlewood on
Tuesday last, and intends erecting a new
dwelling house during the summer.—Some
evil disposed person or persous gave vent
to to their subtle feelings a short time ago
by girdling 33 apple trees on the farna of
J. McCurdy, destroying them entirely. It
is to be hoped the miscreants will be found
out and banded over to the law to be
dealt with. -Messrs Roadhouse & Brown.
have just perfected a new road cart and we
understand intend applying for- a patent
on ft.—At the return checker match be-
tween Motherwell and Kirkton clubs held in
Fullerton Ort Friday last the Motherwell
team again came ,off victorious, the score
being: Motherwell 19, Kirkton 6, draw
games 11.—Mrs. Connonly was visiting
• friends during the past week, She will
leave for her new home in Dakota shortly.
AN INTEitESTING MENT.,--A11 who had
the pleasure of attending ony late races
whioli were held here some 3 or 4 weeks
ago feel very much amused and gratified
over the results. As it will be remembered
a yeti exciting stallion race was trotted for
a purse from $700 to $800, in which a large
number of animals entered, the most prom
inent!of which being Mammoth King, a very
fine specimen of bias:. class, being a tall,
rangy animal of the fox-hunter breed. 2nd
Jim lat am, cream coloured stallion with a
long black curly mane, record, 2.27L 3rd ,
Sleepy Tom, whose course he always keeps
aud never loses in the race. 4th, Joe Gale,
who is owned and stabled in Clancleboye •
thi h •
Our townsman, Mr. Jim, Flavin, tailor,
on Main-st.; is about to move te Forest, in
the anticipation of enlarging his business.
We are sorry to riee Mr. Thos. Newton,
walking around town nursing a very sore
hand. He has been laid up forth° the last
week. May it soon get better, Tom.
Some five or six brick buildings are to be
erected here as soon as operations can be
commenced. The most prominent of all is
O beautiful 2i storey brick on quality, hill
to be inodel Of modern improvements.
Is it true Charley
Our skating rink, whieh was the oentre
of attractions during the winter, and which,
under the able management of Mr. Wilkins
has given so much sport to everybody, is
about to remove, owing to the heat.
s animalas no secord of high speed, bui
can always be relied upon as a good honest
ringer, fith, Diver Boy, from Blyth, im-
ported draught, of pony origin, which
• shewed considerable action in trotting
around town with the McCarty mare, and
was taken as quite a favorite. 6th, Blaek
Ed, imported from the coast of Africa, with
O standing record; but as he has ,on pre-
vious occasions been known to lie—down
when harnessed, yery little stook was taken
of him until he and Diyer Boy took a trot
together down the London Road. The
test was intended to be a perfect secret.
Diver Boy was in disguise while on the
course, but was observed by one of Mam-
moth's backers, who reports Ed as a very
poor sample of horse for this country, being
fit only to be classed as a swift mule, Ap-
plication was made to place Nigger,. Tom in
the race ageinst Jiris. Mac., but the same
had not reached the hands of the Secretary
in time, and prevented a lively eoistest.
The greatest amount of interest was taken
in No. 7, this being the one supposed to win
first money. And when it was mooted
around that Northern Champion was to en-
ter the race with Otialtmolleights, great in-
terest was taken. It was dedded by the
managers that only one purse should be
given, the distance unlimited, giving a trial
to both wind and speed. A large number
flocked around the pool sellers, who were
two bankers in good etancling. Carlton
Heights stood 50 to 5, Diver Boy 20 against
the field. After a few unsuccessful starts,
caused by Plaster jaok bolting into the
oro Si, and a disagreement over 131ack Ed,
who was not considered eligible to compete
with imported. horsce the being counted a
mule) the word oo I was given. All dashed
off for the front, whieli was taken by Jim
Ma0, and ably hold for some distance, fol-
lowed by mammoth kine and northern chana
pion, holding a firm 2nd, Black Ed and
Diver Boy a, good third, Plaster and TOO
Gale refusing to enter the race with Black
Ed and Diver. Exeitement ran high kir.
Mg the eontest, many notable sports being
'nelson t. Alter the 6/4 pole hacl been. readi-
ed Jim. Mac showed signs of weakness.
Champion throw hie Blum, striking Black
'Ed on the trout ,foob, giving Mammoth an
eaey chance foe first piece, which lie took.
Champion, then, belting onto the G. T. E,
track, collided with a freight train and was
0011373y051 tO 1110 lalid of the free, whore he
is how tratiOg t1104.0's, 1 eaVin q Main meth
Ring tin easy winner, with Carlton Reighte
and Diver Boy distanced. Gloat praise ite
duo AL, Janos B., the trainer and drivet or
Chempion, for his honesty in the ram, lie
refusing ,eeveral largo Bribes, but Jini ease;
lioneety is the best policy, although It hoop
a than very poor in Lucan, A 6011901E01Z,
75800 t� FIPOIC011
Publishersand Proprietors
• crediton.
A great number of etrengers are visiting
friends ttnd acquaintances in and around
Crediton at present.
Mr. Mellish merchant tailor, of this
place, is giving up business here anti in-
tends going to Dakota. He is eellingoff
his stook.
A nutnber of young men from this
• vicinity have gone to the North West and.
mor0 speak 01 going. Nothing like enter-
prise as it behooves a young man to pro-
vide for the future, vehich they can more
amply do them than here.
During the last few days the weather
hes been very nice and indicates an early
spring. , The roads are becoming very
muddy but we can expect nothing else at
this season of the year. Numerous 9002.
mer birds have put in an appearance and
everyone feels glad to see spring open out.
• We are pleased to notice the reinforoe-
went in the choir 01 1110 Methodist church
but think they will have to be ac corded
more room to do them justice, We feel
confident that after a few months they
will be second to none as with the force
they now haye and with practice the talent
they have will -render good music.
Since the exposing of the Stonehouse
affair in Adelaide a great deal of specula.
tion has been indulged in as to who the
informer has been in our neighborhood.
• Wei/sopa whoever it has been when their
doings become public (as they will sooner
or later) we will have no such conduct as
.was the case in the Stonehouse affair to
• Mr. Tait, principal of the echool, has
sent to Toronto for the books for the
library to be started in the school. We
see no other way in whioh the proceeds of
the 'concert could be more judiciously
applied and think Mr. Telt deserves credit
for the efficient manner in which he
carried it out.
'Mr, Will Parsons called on us on Mon-
day and signified his intention of going 1,0the North-West again in a few weeks.
Will is in the commission business in
Winnipeg and his many friends here will
be glad to hear that he is doing well and
building up a bright future for himself.
• We wieli him health, wealth and prosper-
Skating has been the popular pastime
here during the past week or so and a
large number of our young folks took ad-
vantage of the favorable opportunities to
indulge in this healthful exercise. Some
of the.boyreport seeing eters oecasionally
and others are snaking enquiries for a
phrenologist to feel theiribumps, as some-
how their heads have greatly developed in
size. Never mind boys a little practice will
remedy that trouble.'
' St. Marys. •
Bainas.--The ladies of the Methodist
church will give a sooial and literary en-
tertaininment on the evening of Good
Friday. Rev. A. Carman D. D., general
supt. of the Christian missions preached in
the Methodist church on Sunday last, and
delivered two deeply impressive sefmons
On Tuesday the annual missionary meet-
ing WaS held at which addresses were de-
livered by Rev D. MeDonald, M.D., the
Canadian Mission to Japan and by Mr.
Efirairva a converted Japanese. , The
meeting throughoutevas very interestingand
the large number in attendance testified
that the missionary cause is not suffering.
—The 17411 of Old Ireland was not cele-
brated here to any great extent. A few of
the most devoted Irishmen wore sprigs of
Shamrock while the lesser lights and mine
obscure, decorated their button holes with
green ribbon. --The illumination front a
small chimigey in the west ward on Tues-
day evg. caused no little excitement. A.
fire is such a rarity here that people go
faitly wild at hearing the alarm.—On.
Monday evg of last 117001C, prior to his
leaving pt. Marys141r. Madill. was made the
recipient of a gold wateh accompanied by
a nicely worded address, by the bible , class
of the first Presbyterian church. Mr.
Madill was taken by surprise, but notwith-
standing niacle a very lempthy and effect-
ive reply. Mr. Madill has been identified.
with the above church for many years, and
has, we believe, by his ardent labors in its
behalf merited the esteem of the congrega-
tion as was exhibited at the meeting Mon-
day evg.--The bovines, unlike the MM.
chide, (altho they are nearly so bad in
certain respects) are to be allowed their
liberty during the EaltanTOr.,. A by-law wus
passed in 1887 prohibiting the cows from
running at largeratflaich was considered at
the titno, quite eatisfactory to all. New
blood, .h swever, 'WAS itafillshel into the board
of 1888, whom at once set about to repeal
the by -1w of 1887 and re-onaot that, of
1884. At the recelNieouncilt ipeeting,
vote was 41cen, when coun. Mite's motion
to effect As above was carried by 6-3. itis
well enough 40 give the poor man a chance;
but if he IS sufficiently well to do to own a
pow he is ibrely able to pay few dollars a
year for pasturage. The popular vote
would have wrought otherwise, and Com
White knew it, for he strenuously protest-
ed. against haying the matter go to the
people, It is a huge shame that a town of
St. Marys' pram:along cannot haNe-a better
system in this eonneotion. The poor man
is worthy of consideration, but lei,vielation
in his behalf is not commendable when
upon the very face of it is indelibly marked
retrogression. The council aeon praise
thougbfor having oast away their Infatuate
desires in behalf 01 6110 poor man inaemuch
as to prohibit the running at large of
horeed cattle other Oman:1110h 00885.—Itwas detected at tho resent meeting of the
go.ahead. (?) 0004)011 11101 the present sys.
teal of lighteing the streets be continued,
but that a few exteusienk be made.—Indi-
tious point, to the establishment of twine
kind of an indush•y here, here, shortly,
Tho e o is considerable basil() about the
Mahler hut ae to whether it ellen end ine
algrust as did the electric light pi:eject, we
can but conjoeture.—One day last week
:are, A.nderson, Qtleon street, fell 014 the
leo near bot own door end dielocated leer
ebonkler blade. She had tho presence of
011(151 to pull it into piece again 114151 51111 sager long,
The wedding belle haVe boon riogiiig 02
ton 2.051 merrily of lato, wilt be son by
glaneing over the marriage notices else-
• -
Our'old friend, Jake Schmidt was 01001151Monday giving us a good-bye shake ,be-
fore leaving for Milverton.
Quite a large party of young folks taik
for Dekota last Tuesday. The party con-
sisted of Messrs. J, Zeller, 14, W01.141.
Cook, Ed. Kochlet, and Misses. Schooll
and Livergoocl, We wish them all a safe
journey, rind may treccese await them in
Cavalier, Pembina co„ Dakota.,
Dear Times-- Alazaugh considerable was
said last syeek regarding the violation of
the Canada Game LAWS, we consider it our
duty to speak out again this week. Sports
can be even alraost every day along the
rabbit runs waiting for the bunny
to show it e white ooat. Why should
thoee fellowe insist ha violating the game
laws? If they know how to use a gun it is
time they were told when to use it. We
have spurting men in Zurich who would
break their gun over a stone rather than
be guilty of most trifling breach of the
game law, and yet sports from a distance
will stand, under their very noses • and kin
prohibited game right and left. Yon May
expect to see 'othe names of some ()Me
violators 11 1118 same thing is continuedr
Mr. Thomas Berry has a fine car -load of
horses which he purposes shipping next
Mr. McLellan, our grain king, who
has been away for some time hes re.
Our barber, Mr. King, intends moving
from his present stand in Coxworth's 131ook
to Main-st, opposite Coed & Rennie.
Messrs McArthur & Ball, Hardware
Merchants, intend removing to Marshall's
Raining Tuesday night and mud at a
preminm ; snowing on Wednesday morn.
ing and mad at a discount.
We. Johnston has opened out a retail
business of dry goods, boots & shoes and
°rookery on Main -et., next door to the
Hensall butchery.
Quite a number of young people left here
yesterday for Dakota, Manitoba and other
points west. Mr. A. MoDonell taking,some
fine horses as also did the Dobson Bros,
Mr. W. Westoott of this place was
removed to Goderich yesterday. He has
been deranged in mind for some time and
on his becoming worse it was thought
advisable to have him removed to Goder-
lt id with regret that we remora the'
death of Mr. Ed. Beek's daughter of 2 yrs.
Deceased had been ill for some time with
taeasles and as themm
setaok was so 84,
she finatly simounstea to the disease.
" Suffer little obildren to come unto Me,
and forbid them not." These words murst
prove a oennfort to the stricken parents who
have the sympathy of all. The funeral
• sermon was preaohed by Rev.Mustard and
the remains were interred Fansville
• In conversing with a young mau from
•Manitoba who .hag been there for the last
seven years. he asps they can buy goods
in that part (the Souris district) as
cheap as we can in Ontario and not only
as oheap but have as good a choice of
goods. He also says that the railway
monopoly though somewhat agalint the
farming interest, nevertheless has been a
very beneficial factor in the settlement of
that part. •
Rev Mr. Howell of Seaforth preached a
mishionary serraon in the, church on
Sunday. He somewhat enlightened the
ininds of his hearers in regard not only to
the numbers of heatheus, :Christians 21o.,
and the amount of work being done in
'heathen lands but also on the poiut of
giving to support these missions which
was naanifested by the congregation giving
$10 in excess of last years contribution,
A Scott conrention was held in the
Methodist church, of this place, Monday
last at 10.30 a.m. in whim). the folio wing
geutlercien took an active part. The Revs,
Kennedy, Fletcher, Penhale, Holmes,
Mustard, Godfrey and Fear, and Messrs.
Sprague (Inspector) Worry, Hogarth aucl
Forrest. The election of officers being
the first business the following gentlemen
were duly elected ns
for the ensuing ter :--
President Mr, Worry; vice-president, Mr.
Hogarth' Soy Mr. J. P. Clarke; treas, Mr.
Forreet. The officers else to act in the
capacity of examining dommittee. The
president, Mr. Werry, then took the chair
and gave a very appropriate' address' its
whicham stated that he hall not supported
but had also strongly advocated the Scott
Act for a number of ye,ars. /Lod that be
thought there was a necessity for all
working assiduously for the coming battle
aud ho hoped that all svoulcl do their best
to SNOW the Autt's that intemperance which
is tbe mu '
se of curses was to be banished
from Rums. The foilowitm gentlemen
were elected as business 000111110004, Revs.
Fletcher, Kennedy and Efogarth and were
requested to report order of business which
they did under the two headings. (1) Finans
oial Aspeot, (2) Perfecting work le view of
(a) ab. meetings, (b) rop, voting suggestion
(e) to 11111158 preparations for all votrug. A
resoliition was read as follow : Resolved The
that a local Scott Act Association be organ- entirely
ivied in Hansen, leaders -- Bova, TPear,
The iltiolsons Bank
co.A.,,,F.,...),YrABLTADIENT, VS5)
paid up tiapitat ;f132,0e0,000
Rest nd „. .., 878,000
Offers the Public 41>15E OEIT, uwErmsT
psu A.N.Nux for motley on
Main Street, Exeter,
Exeter. Oct, 25, '87.
10 it ta Sp Satordaye, 10 a, re. to ispon
For further pertieulars apply at The Bank
(LeFtA°011.y. A. 0.
Savings BartkDeVat't
St. Patrick's day passed off very quietly
here, only a few Shamrocks being eeen.
The river is starting to break up. We
may expect to see the "suckers" coming up
The snow is nearly alt gone aud the rob.
bine and the blue birds are again ineking
their appearenee,
Mrs. Reed, of Windsor, who was visiting
her mother, Mrs. Dennis Sutton, of this
place, has returned home.
Scott Act 'trials were held here last wools,
and Mr. Cann of Luean, was fined $100
and costs.
.The I. 0, F, intends holding a debate on
Saturday night. The subject will be, "Re-
solved that the prese exerta greater influ-
elms than the platform."
Miss Blackwell, teacher of S. S. 4, whe
was obliged to quit teaching for a week, ow-
ing to a slight touch of congoetion of the
lungs, has again resumed her post.
Mr. Geo, Porte, of this place, who was
recently in jail, for contravention of the h en -he,
Scott Act, was released last week. A stir -
pries party was given in honor of the event.
Mr. john Herbert and family, togethsr
with some others, intend to depart for med-
icine at, N. W. T., next Friday. Good
bye, Jack, we wish you success.
It was reported here lately that Mr. Jas.
Mare had assigned, but it was not true, as
everybody knows that Mrs Mare is well-to-
do. Mr. nem. has a great many political
enemies, and it was sapposed to be the
work of some of thane
It was reported that our Comity Consta-
• ble, J. McFadden, was dismissed on charge
of cruelty to one Cusac of Ailsa Craig whom
he was taking to London to place in jail for
violation, of the Scott Act. Jim don't seem
to mind it, as he says P. M. Noble hae the
yower to reinstate him monthly.
Last Tuesday morning as our quiet little
village arose front its slumbers there Was
seen an effigy, a carrioature of our worthy
village constable in a long black coffin, and
the License Inspector bending over him.
On a board beside it was printed, "This is
the body of -----, whiskey informer, who
was killed by --------." This would have
been all light, had not the Anti's taken
poor Old Solomon's clothes to dress the
effigy in. Pink's got the bulge • on them
The inestimable qualities of the shower
• bath have long since been admitted, yet it
is doubtful if the one enjoyed by one of the
citizens of Luoa,n was in the slightest de-
gree conducive of health, except in the rap-
id circulation it must certainly have pro-
moted. The latest craze in that enterpris-
ing town, since the opening of the, rink, is,
of course, skating, and large numbers of
Lucan's Flower and Chivalry congregate
nightly to indulge in the invigorating am-
usement. The attempts of the novices
created a good deal of amusement, and a
local newspaper, experiencing probably a
dearth of locaI happenings, published a
scurrilous paragraph holding up to ridicule
O respectable servant of one of the hotels,
in which she was represented as acting im-
properly. The Hibernian qualities of re-
taliation were strong in the bosom of the of-
fended dame, and a -fitting retribution was
accordingly vowed. A fe v days ago the
gentlemen in question was passing down
the street, just els Bridget was scrubbing
the hotel balcony. Sauntering along in ap-
parently a very self satisfied state, he fail-
ed to see either the expectant glances of on-
lookers or the Goddess of Vengeance above
him, when he was suddenly deluded with
the turbid contents of the scrubbing pail.
Alacrity was well illustrated by that gentle-
man, whose apparent idea of the chief end
of man, just thenovas to gain the friendly
shelter of the livery stable close at 11013.51.
It may be advisable for him to take the
centre of the road in the future, for Biddy
• grimly stated, when viewing the desolation
she had wrought, that she was "not clone
wicl him yit."
Servant girl wanted at once. Penne
nent place for one who snits. Applsr to
• Mrs, J. It Jaynes.
The band will give a leap year carnival
in the roder rink on the evening of Good
Friday. Particulars in due time.
Mr, and Mrs. Ira H. Spicer, of Exeter,
and Sidney ,Andrews, of ffsborne, left on
Monday for Philadelphia.
The freight train going south, Saturday
afternoon last, ran off the track in con-
sequence of the switch not being properly
N. Dyer Hurd= has had a relapse, and
is again confined to his bed and it is feared
that a blooct vessel in his leg has been
burst, as when the wound was lanced it
bled profusely.
The young ladies of the Meth-
odist church. will give a supper and literary
entertainment in the church on the eve of
Good Friday. See bills.
The following it taken froni the Ontario
Record, and refers to a couple of former
Exeterites:---E.F. Drew and F.J. Knlght
have leased the Drew building, and will
soon open up a fruit and provision. store.
13oth gentlemen have ha(1 eonsiderable
experience intlus business, a ' the scheme
should be a success,
varm sun of the past few .e had
melted the snow and 1n
it nere-
as quite bare everything assutein
, Godfrey and Britigeman. After other (1 811
chityeian oleos bohi acidthb:sielexgton,noeBotivnegr,aitttiv.asitetTe: ah8osaytetrytert
g like appearance. Wednesday
revealed a different state t affairs
of T. hall, Exeter, on Monday '26th lustdepth0
g the nig,lit snow had fallen to the
(Froni another source.)
Eames.—Mr. S. Troyer is about to botid
40 ioe dream parlor.—Me. Eingis to ()campy
the eternises lately vaeseed by ,lfessrs.
McDonald /4 Waugh, and there coetinue
the barbering businese,—Mr. George Petty
of the Vorkeltive packing house is shipping
large 1u58utj4jes of very ehoice aired pork.
Airs, Destropp 01 gest Nissettri is the
guest of Mr, J. R. 13061t—onr druggist
Mr. Wilson, will occupy the premises to be
vitoted by Mise
Now Wall Poore, Ceiling Decorations,
'Window Shades and Cnrtin-Poles at
Semwell & Pieltards
' Foe field, garden and flower seeds go to
Semwell & Pickard's
The Mitehell spring show will be held. 00
April, 1 I th.
Ron, Thos. Greenway, Premier of :Man-
itoba. and a foie e resident of this place
spent yesterday in town. lie had been
at 0 ttawa, en (le wori n g• to effect an arrange..
4110111 With Sir John with veference to the
Atteitoba railway difficelty aud was on his
18588 home. , fle received a telegtrun feorri
Obtewn, yesterday awl. will leave for the
capital this inornitig.
The charge of orabezzlemeet against T.
CI Edmonds, Clinton agent of the Singer
Sewing 'Machine Co., lies falleis through,
judge Timms deelditsg after heating the
evidence for the peosecittion on Vidaisah
41444 it 5101 1101 sripport the charge. Mr.
W. Prondloot appeared for the defence
and a Toronto solicitor for the company
watched the prosecution under the Crown
Atterney. no defendmit now talcs of a
suit for malicious prosecution, and the
company is said to be conSicloring, the
pressing of further charges.