HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-3-15, Page 61.BNEST 1s1.4141.0 JAET VOR 4-4 THE WE ST St it.N AS TYRA NOE 00 NI - PANS', of Torente• also for the PirlsE.NIX Putrl tNSITEANOte' COMPANY, as London, Englend, sho at0Yels OANADIA.N, ot Mont ar cl the BEITISR 18S1PIIS1e LUSE AS- SWIAN011) c OM PAN Y, of tendon, England, ostablIshed UM, assete over, e' s 000,000 eleims end. bonuses paid, Oyer $10.000,000, fsocaL N /Pe elittU heltappy to re. ssive a t all times, from arty part' of Oe Coussty, items of tomnews, such tts ac- cidents,or a.ny interesting tirtcident What- ever, from any of aur subscribers arrow?, ers gotera//nlor the purpose of publie ation. dutgt TatTRSDAY, MARCH 15'ese, 1888 The undersigned Would, amiounee to the publie that he hes new on hand one of the best assorted stocks of Harness, Boots & Shoes ever brought Mto Exeter, and would sail especial attention to his Scotch Collars Felt Boots & Over shoes as they are bestin the 'Market, and at lowest prices :Alm a number of Children's Sleighs at a sacrifice, Call and be convinced. CHAS. BAORETT, LOCAL HAPPENINGS, Card of Thanks. We, the Exeeutors of the estate of the • late Richard Luxton, beg leave to tender our imaity thanks to the Canadian Order oX Foreeters for the lintiring and brotherly manner in which they have nursed him during his illness and for the prompt manner in which they paid his funeral ex-. penses, and the sum of One Thousand dol- lars of insurauce due to his family on ac- tount of his having been a member of that noble order.—Fred. Luxton, H. Samwell and D. A. Ross, Executors. Nearly a Fire. A incipient fire occurred at the resi- denee of Mr. W. D. Weekes on londay One of the Young Ladies had bnilt a fire in the parlor stove, and it is thought that while doing so, let a coal fall on, the par- lor floor. She left the room, closing the doors After dinner a meinber of the family, upon going into theroom, was durnforinded to find the place filled with smoke. Windows and doors were thrown open, and the fire, which had already burnt a very large holein the floor, was at once extinguished. The escape from a salons conflagration was miraculous. To tell Fresh Eggs. A fresh egg is very clear when held up to a strong light, and the air cell at the large end is very small. In fact, the smaller tb.e air cell, the fresher the egg, as the celL expands as the egg becomes stale. A fresh egg has a somewhat rough shell, while the shell of a stale egg is very smooth. When cooked the contents of a fresh egg stick to the shell and must be removed with the spoon, but a stale egg, vshen boiled hard, permits • the shell to be peeled off like the skinof an orange. It take a longer time to boil a fresh egg hard than it does a stale egg, and fresh eggs are more easily beaten into a froth than stale ones. Preparing for the 24t3i of .A meeting of last years' celebration committee was held on Monday evg last. Besides the old ones several new mem- bers were taken in. It was decided to give the people of Exeter and vicinity another grand treat in, the shape of a demonstration on the 24th of May next. Preparations have already been cons- meneed, and the committee is determined to eclipse last year's entertainment by no small degree. Entirely neve features will be added to the programme which, with the reputation Exeter won. fast year, will ensure for the committee and citizens generally, unbounded success. Posters programmes &c will be issued in due course. •Musical Festival. .Ln entertainment of the e.bose charac- ter was given here on Monday :evening, -ander the auspices of the Savation .&rmy. Besides the officers here, • heads of other corps were in attendance. • The procession, which took place .tt 7.30 o'clock in the evening, was a very fine one and gave an imposing appearance. At • the • barracks, it is said, a good time was spent. The programme was good, and consisted of choice musical selections, releavecl with addresses by home officers and. those from a distance. •Altogether (save the atten- dance) the affair was a success, and much praise is clue the Army here for their ef- forts to please its members and keep them in good spirits. The Late Dean Boomer. The Rev. S. Ft Robinson, rector of Ex- eter, delivered an eloquent and impressive • discourse in Christ Church on Sunday ev- ening last. The words were chosen with 'special reference to the late lamented Dean Boomer, and the Rev. gentleman, after giving it biology of the deceased, con - tinned, showing the dIfference in lives and the vast importance to all of making the best possible use of it, with spiritual as well as other intentions. There are per- sons who never die, in the sense that what they have aceomplished lives, Their • -memory keeps over fresh as something perpetual. They leave their impress upon • time, eurviving while others pass out of recollection'. .A life that has been spent for others wtites M iudelible impress 'upon the generations, and the mightier the life the greater the impress. The Rev. gen, tleman eloquently eulogized the subject of his address, citing incidents of his unaffect ed piety ancl sublimity of character. Con- cluding, he impressed rpon the very large n IT miler of hearers, like 'blessed anft immor- tal results that follow a life of sanra,fice for others The sleighing in town has been com- pletely ruined by the hot sun of late. indications point to an early opening up of spring. Our 'merchants who have late- ly received large stocks, appear to be • prepared for the spring trade. A runaway team drawing a waggon), made a terrific racket going., north about eleven o'clock Monday night. They we' -re going at too rapid a gait for us to ascertain the owner's name, who, it is Leppesed, was lying in the bottom of the waggon in an inebriate cmidition, Mr. Geo, P Rowell of New York, who • is authority on such matters, in an address before the American INrowspaper Publishers' Association, at Indianapolis, proved that five newspapers 10110 more than one-seventh of the total edition of all the dai•y papers prilited. The II um. her of daily neispapers in the United States now num hers about fourteen hun- dred, eonsequently the five widch were referred to must each tell an average edition two hundred thrice greater than • the average ot the others. The Bachelor's 41.esoelatlent '.1110 adjeurned meetiug of the Baehelor's Protective Association was held on Friday evening inst. All the members eeent President Farmer in the °baits Seeictary protein Billinee read 4 communication from a yoang lady requesting that the Association be discoutinued and the row - haloes of the previoes meeting with ref- erence to resenting the proposals of young ladies be reeinded, "In the event of the Association not being disbanded," says the lady eorrespondent, we ladies will orgen, ize against the bachelors during the sue, ceediug, three years," The secy. was in- structed to Worm the representative of the young ladies of the town that it waS impossible for the Association to recede ftom its good intentione,. The following members were accepted : Thos. Oke and A. Hastings, on condition that (being slightly' below the aseribed age) they buy the oysters for a month, Several applica- tions were rejected, some. on account of their cranky and ill-gotten natthre, others owing to the age qualification as was the case with D. Tait and George Dunscomb. The meeting adjourned to meet next Fri- day evg, N. Dyer Hurdon being eoliths - ed to Ins room from the effects of a tobog- gauping accident, the Secy. protein was IT L. Bnirmees. steel:deists. : Our much,sespebted friend, N. Dyer Hurdon, met with a slight aCcident on Wednesday .week, which has of !eta .ehap- ed. seriously. He was engaged at his fav- orite sports tobogganing, and : when de- scending the slide, which is a natural one, he lost control of the toboggan. It ran out of its course, and while passing rapid- ly over stumps and . logs,' N. Dyer was tossed high into therairs-r-Reeoyering him- self and. instituting :. an ..exafeination the imfertOnete ' tobogganist ' besides being 7 badly shaken up, discio - red .: a wound in his leg, which, at the line, caused slight lameness Nothing Serious was expected of the injUry and. little notice was taken of it, 'Finally the wound grew worse, the limb began to swell, and lc. .Dyer.• hetook a miens look. Medical ' treatment was sought, and in a- few days the unfortunate man had to hays an operation performed: He has been confined to the ,house ' for a few clays, bus we expect to see . his jovial countenance .again beamiug upon our streets; shortly. Mr. Samuel Gidley had a narrow escape from sudden extermination on. Monday last. As very often occurs . -wish hiin he had two funerals in one day, and engaged Mr. J. Brawn's hearse to attend . vile. Everything transpired, satisfactorily, un- til they were entering 'Mr, Brawn's . 'yard - on their return hanie, . The driver, Mr. Taylor, in iiaothig a pile .of -wood tinmed the horses toe ' shorts and capsized: the hearse. Mr. Gidley, who was fleeted be- side 'the driver, was , thrown first, the hearse falling heavily upon him, pinning him to the ',ground. Assistannce was at hand, and soon Mr. G. was extricated, very much pleased to learn that he had received but a few onts :and a disjointed. Major toe. He is Confined to , hie. 'bed in consequence, but we expect: to see lim arcipid again shortly. The hearse was but slightly damaged; one of the .,plinnes rebeiving injury. Personal. Ed. Manes, of Parkhill spent Sunday in town. It is mane of Ed. to come hei e so often.—Mr. John Sheere, of London, was in town for a few days during the • early part of the week. John plays very nicely on the guitar.—Mrs. Garriott, of Muskegon, Mich., is the guest of Mrs. Jas. Oke. --Allan O'Neil, of Lucan, spent Sun.. day with his brother 13. S., of this place. Win. Barry, of ralcotes who has been visiting his parents in Stephen town- ship for some weeks, returned to the country of his choice on Tuesday, taking with him several horses, amongst which a couple of fine stallions ; one purchased from J. Hodgins, of Stephen, ata good figure.—Mr. Lang and family left Tuesday for Manitoba.—Mr. P. Curtin, of Adare, leaves shortly for Scotland on a horse - purchasing tout We may expect Mr. C. to import something good this time, as each of his frequent visits has showed bet- ter results than the one previous. --Mr. T. Dearing will, from this time forward, oc- cupy the south of TIMES :ofEce.--Miss White left for Sarnia Monday.—It is said that Mr. R. T. White, late publisher of the Rya Standard, • and for many years foreman of the TIMES office, has gone to Manitoba to follow farming. We wish hiin success hi his new undertaking.—Mr. Bowerman, of Willow City, Dakota, who has been spending the winter here with relatives and friends, accompanied by Thos, Bowerman and wife leave for their home in Dakota, this week.—I. H. Spicer and wife leave for Philadelphia, on Mon- clay.—Mr. H. Carr, of Montreal, is at present visiting Mr. Samuel Gidley.--Mr. Wm. Patch„ ot Chicago, who has been visiting Mr. John Balkwill here for some clays, will leave for home this week. Mr. A.. tollins, brother of the doctor here, returned to Killarney on Monday.—Mr. John Essery of this place, who some days ago took a load of horses to Indiana, has. returned home Be is well pleased with the result of the sales, and will possibly take another load across after seeding.— R. Arscott and famity leave for Killnrney, Manitoba, this week — D-041114-4 The ministers of the Main and James et Methodist churches exchanged pulpits on Sunday morning last. Many deaths have occurred in this local- ity of late—largely among the elderclly folks. Tuesday was the coldest day of the season, the northern wind being strong and very sharp. ' An emigrant train of several cars and passengers and stook passed Satall on Tuesday evening en neute for Dakota the land of blizzards. Dr, N. Washington Whose adv appears in another column, will be at the Central Rotel on Tuesday, March 20th. Read the contents of his announoonient. Our Zurich correspondent notes a vih, auclinhumane infection of the Ontariogaine laws, as having occurred m that vicinity lately. The repeal of the Scott Act will be vot- ed On ill this County on April 10th. The vote on the repeal in several other enmi- ties in Ontario takes place en the SalTle, day. The Messrs. Smith Bros. last week brought from Woodstock a thorauglibred bull and several calves, to be added to their already well -selected herd of short - h aims. On Monday last Mr, Geo. Bowden and his son Walker wont on a rabbit h 1.1 tjansi in less than five. hours, with the aid of a clog, eaPtured six fine specimens of the little rodents. Otte day during the resent thaw ayoung gentleman Of Exeter, while turoieg certain corner to harridly capeized hie eater into the diteh half -fall of water, Ile fell direct- ly rattler the cutter and received a severe drenching. Cases of Mt:melee are not so prevalent hero at present us has been the ease during a couple of weeks lately. The malady - some to have gone pretty well eround the "POWIA. WieSers, CohlitliOnn , Dow & Willis; of this place, last week, purehased from Mr. Win. WellwOod, of Whiteehurch, itn ha - him. The colt weighs 1,600 lbs• ported colt, paying the sum of t;;;SOO for Wo eeee just eseeseed is new piece of elude, salld !,SSilyer Bell Weitz,? by the popular comptitik Charley Baker, whieh we can reeommend to. our readere as very good, it not being tOO ditneult and at the same time very showy. It (AM be played on the piano or Organs, and will be sent at the special price of only 11-2c. stamps. Address j, 0, GROEN1i1 & 00., 30 end 4$ Arcade; Cincinnati, 0. . Rariton & CO. have just opened an ex cellent asemtmemt of New Prints, Dress - Goods, Skirtings.. Tweeds, &c., for the spring trade: All goods sold at lose than old time credit prioes'and for GASH ONLY. Please ana see tes Dress - Making dope on the premises in latest styles, Dresses 'and Mantles out by the new tailor system at RANTON & CO'S. At a meeting of those interested in the celebratiOa of the 24th Of May; the fol- lowing officers were elected t.s-Horia.rary Pres., Dr. Rollins ; Chairmen of Conn, Jae, 'Weekes ; Secy-TrOas., N. Dyer Hur- dou ; Com, IL L. Billiegsi. J. White; Dan, Davis„ Jno. Roudic, Saml Sweet, Jas., Fairbeirn and H. Beckingham, A demonstration, unequalled ie .this section, is premised: Among the attractions will be a grand band tournament. ' s A foot ball match. between - deb of Stephen township and one of Exeter,. was kicked at the race course here on Satur- day.. The game was a • keenly contested: one, aed several hours elapsed before the Exeter team got a goal. They were de- clared winners, . -A couple of days previous a match took:nlace on the geoUnde. of the , Stephen team at Providence. The :game *as so even that note, singlegoal could be taken by either . team. This sport has beeu quite popular here during the win - tor. • , The races at the roller rink on Teesday evening were largely attended and well appreciated. The these mite`race between Nail of Exeter, and Black of Goderich, was not as keouly vontested as was antici- pated it woald be. Vail proved to be too much for hie opponent, beating him half a len easily. The one mile Go -as -you -please race was won by Vail, Hancock 2nd, and Treble 3rd. In the orange race fat small girls Amelia Davis 1st, Odie Myers 2nd, Amelia Oke 3rd. D. Tait gave an exhibit- ion of fancy. skating which was very good, The midair altogether was most satisfactory to the band as well as visits's. John Davis, of Wingha,m, committed suicide on Saturday night March 12, about 7 o'clock by hanging. He had been ill and despondent for more than a year, and Saturday night he went out to the stables during his wife's absence and had evidently tried to hang him- self with a sheet. Failing in this he procured a small piece cif clothesline and attached it to the sheet. He then kicked a small box from underneath hirrt and strangled to death. Ile could not have been hanging many minutes when discovered by his wile who im- mediately cut him down. When cut down he was still breathing heavily, but the doctors were linable torestore him. He leaves a widow and several small children. QsFIEEP ESTRAY. --Came into ssi premises of the Undersigned, Lot 22,N, 1.3. Con„ Stephen, on or about Dee. 1, a Ewe Lamb. Any person proving property and pay- ing expenses can have the same. Stephen, March 10.'88. ANDREW DIRK. Notice ! The Undersigned hevirig dissolved partner- ship, and wishing to have their business wound up at ono e, have Placed all accounts and notes in the hands of Mr. Jas. Oke, for colledtion, with instructions to proceed with such eollections as he may deom peeper to en- sure an effective response. S, & S. STANLa KE, Hay P0. AUCTION SALE' Farms and. Farm Stook. The Undersigned will offer for sale on Lot 25, North Ihruidary, Ilay, on Tuesday, 27th of March, at O'clock, p. In., the above let of 100 acres, and lot 19, con. 10 Stanley, 100 pores, with lot 14, eon. 13, Stanley, 110 ocres. Time at 9 per out., if required. If not sold, 200 acres of land near Blake will be mated. Also the following Farm Stock and Implements --le steers, 3 and 4 year old. 18 cows, supposed. to be in calf 7 steers and heifers 2 Year old. 5 steers and heifers, 1 rear eld. 1 thoroughbred Durham bull. 1 heifer, 8 year old. 2 mares in foal, 8 years old. One mare, 5 years old. 1 horse.4 years old. 1 two year old heavy draught colt. 1 aged mase. 1 Toronto binder 2 waggons. 1 earriage, 1 buggy. 2 pair bob -sleighs. and one light sett. 2 setts ir on barrows. 8 plows. • 1 land roller. 7 straw cutter. 1 fanning mill. 2 setts double harness. 1 sett single harness. Forks, shovels spades and otherimpiements. JOHN REITII, Prop, & Auc. Noticeto Creditors In the matter of George Sieamon deceased. e Pursuant to It 5 banter 107 and 46 .Vie- torin, chapter 9 (On taxi ) notice is hereby given that an creditors and °they persons having any claims or demands against Ur estate of George Sleamon late of the towris iP of Us - borne in the County of IIuron,sY oman. de- ceased, who died ou about the teetlj day of 'February A D 1888, ere hereby requested to sonclby letter prepaid or deliver to Messns. Elliot & Elliot of r be village of .Exeter, On- tariosolicitors for the Executors of the said deeensed on or before the 16th day of April A 101888 a statement, i a writing of the names and addresses aad the full pareion rare ot their , claims or dernards and of the seourities (if any) held by them and that after the sn id 161h day of April 1888 the said executors will pro - melte distribute the assets of the said de- ceased, among the parties enkitled thereto having regard only to the chums of which flier may thenhave notioe and Oust the said executors will not be liable for the Said' easels on tiny part thereof to n,py person of synotto claim notice •shal•I not Owe been received irt Ilia time of Such distribution ELLIOT & ELLIOT • Solicitors for executors Dated latli Mareli1888, A 'DMA ou G. A 11. for Grocerics 'Peas ' Spices Dashwoo flour " Ptoty Hams and I - " - Thirty,,third Huron. Battalion, The headquarters of No. 5 Company are changed from Airleyville to Brussels, Qaartermaster Joseph Deck having the relative rank of Captain. For Quicken StarvIng to Death., acootni of their inability to digest ordinary food, Scott's Emulsion Qua be digestesi and give strength and flesh %lieu all other food fails, See what De. A.R. Peck, Penn, Med. College, Petitcodiac, Says: “I have used and prescribed Scott's Emilleion of coa Liver Oil, and find it an excellent preparation, agreeing well witb the etoinach, aud its continued use adding greatly to the strength and comfort of the patient." Put up in 50o and 81 size. ,ORNE 1-10USE.—The Under– ' 4 signedttotes the liberty to inform the tra- velling Public that he'opened his nous° for tee aoconntioaation, of all travellers, on October lat. Those who favor him with their patro- nage will receive the hest attention, There is goad stebling in connection, T� CALLANDEB. Kirkton SALT SALT! SALT! rilhe Exeter Salt Works Company JL oiler salt at the Exeter Salt Well at 82.2.5 eor ton. T.13. CARLING, Sorg. SAW Under - L. signed would inform the public that he 10 prepared to gum saws on the shortest notice, a.nd in a first -slams manner, guaranteeing not to damage the plate. SairS gummed eta, low wise, at the factory I. mile south of Exeter. a'en T. BEAMAN. NT I he)rebyigCivEle notite, and eaution all -persons not to give any eredit on my account unless a written order from me is presented, as I will not be responsible for, nor pay any debts so con traot- ed, Exeter, Feb, 27,1888. JOHN GILLISPIE. 'The Art of Advertising For $10 wewill insert 4 lines .(82 words) in one Million copies of Daily, Senday or Weekly Newspapers. The work will all be done in Ten Days. Send, ordor and cheek to • GEO. P. ROWELL &CO 110 Spruce- 'St. New- York. 176 page catalogue sent by Mail for 30 cents. For Sale, A large one storey frame store building with cellar underneath together with of an acre of land, situated in the business part of Exeter. There is also a dwelling at rear of property facing William -et. Tereus tO suit pumhaser, Vol: further particulars apply to 2 mos. THOS. HA.A.ILIN, Exeter, • For Sale. I hereby offer for sale 100 aeres of land, locat- ed in the best part of Stephen township, lately occupied byThoinas Shim. The land is well im i - proved and s a desirable farm in every respect. It is oomposed of Lot Number Eighteen in the Tenth concession of the Township of Stephen. Parties desiring to purchase svill be furnished with all particulars on application to WM. LEWIS, ort' Creditor. • LE WIS 11. DICKSON, ' Barrister, Exeter. Farm & Village Property FOR SALE. The 'Undersigned offers for sale South halfof Lot 9, Coe, 3, McGillivray, containing 50 acres 4'5 cleared, the balances hardwood bush: There ie a good frame house, good barn and stabling, good -bearing orchard, a plentiful supply of good water on the farm, convenient to schohl and churches. Also yillage property cornprisin g3 Lots, on Elizabeth Street ,in the Yu lage of Exeter, with good frame house and - cellar. good stable, good well with pump, also a quantity of choice fruit trees on the premi- ses. For further particulars apply to EDWARD ItrAGUIRE, •'Exeter North. • MARKET REPORTS. EXETER (Corrected at5 o'clock p ,m. Wedueeday. FallWhe a 1 ... ... .- 07� to 80 Spring Wheat ... ... . .. 01'79 to 0 79 Barley ... ...•65 to 70 Oats 0 40 to 41 Clover Seed ... 4 00 to 4 50 Timothy " 2 50o 800 Peas 0 58 to 0 60 Corn 58 to 0,60 Eggs .. i . • • 0 18 to LI IS Buttei ., ... ... ... 15 to 0 17 Flourperbbl . ... ... ... 00 t o 5 55 Potatoes,per bushel ... 75 to 80 Apples,per bag ... ... 40 to 050 DriedApple epr b ... ... 0 04 t o 0 00 U-eeee per lb.............0 05 to 005 Turkey per lb ... 0 07 to 08 Ducks pe r pr • ... 0 45 to 080 Chickens per pr ... ... 0 20 to 0 30' Elogs,dressedperl 0 ,,.. 6 80 to 7 0 Beef... 4 00 to 5 oo' aidesrouhg, ... ... 5 60 to 5 50 " dressed ... .........6 00 to 6 00 Sheepskins each .., ... 0 75 to 1 GC Calfekins ... 0 50 to 0 70 Wool per lb ... ... 0 20 to 0 21 Elayper ton --------------800 to 8 00 ()mon sverbush ... ... 0 60 to 075 Woodper cord ... ... ... 2 5 to 3 oo ---0--- • ST: MAZES. Furnished by Alessi's: ()tarter, Son & Co. • Fall Wheat ' ......... ........ . 80 to 80 Spring Wheat...... ............... p.. ...... ..... 80 80 Bar,ey 6. .0ats 41 Clover Seed 400 Timothy . . .. 1 50 Peas 60 Eggs 15 Butter •1.../ 16 Potatoee per bush 60 •70 Applos peribmili ., ....... ... 30 40 Wool perlb 21 23 Ha,v porton 860 9 00 70 42 501 2 00 62 AN J. SNELL Merchant Tailor, Has removed to prernisee one door north of Browning's drug store, where there willte found a "Well Asserted, St*elt OP SPRING TWEEDS FOR SUITING'S &a. Scotch, • English, Irish, French. and Canadian Goods. Mado up on the SHORT.N ST NOtICE --AND AT— — GONSISTENTLY LOW PRIES I „ A GAIL WILL C0N1II-.67011. VilErLat Bacon „Snsoking tobteoccra, ' Clei.tettliate01 Clevolatick five cent pioto wi.-11 every 3 plugs. ' Cuttink SOliotit EITO OUR CLEARING SALE This Mouth! WILL ECLIPSE ANYTHING YOU EVER SAW BEFORE. ALL Winter Goods Will 'be Cleared Out at Cost. REMNANTS at less than cost. Yon can save Five Dollars •($5) on every Twenty Donets worth of Goods that you buy from ns. BARGAINS! FOB EVERYBODY. J. LOUPE 84 CO. Three Houses and Lots for Sale. SIGHT V. BLINDNESS sse " etsiteasette N. STANLEY'S Celebrated. men ilintacles 79 BAY Setters, Tonosees CIA.NADA,. —ANn- 18 JENVIN Si., Emmert, E. C., ENGLAND. R. EicKs,Watolimaker,• LeaveplwAan. Hai the Ager cy for the !tale of the above in Exeter. Ne Svectacles in the Market °goal them in the Rena' rensuavm0Q17ALITIES they possess, oi the GREAT EAsn kt COMPORT they ()older with° wearer. Their use will in actuality strengthen the Eye so that it does not become necessary to change them for many years.auey are there fore the CHEAPEST. They Are the Best in the World, They Never Tire the Eye, And Last Many Years Without Change. The Sight tested by our New Teat Card, same as used by leading Dentists throughout the world. Samwoll Picitari Having this season purchased most of mu 'Asa direct from manufacturersin England and Germany; to do so we had to give our orders very early in the season, and as the prospects looked well, we bought largely. —THE • — GOODS HAVE JUST ARRIVED Ansi we find that hard times are causing great depression in trade we have therefore decided to meet the Ones by marking all goods at such Hard Pan Prices as to ensure a speedy clearance. Therefore, we would in- vite all intending purchasers to call and inspect our stock, and noteprices of allnew goods, —INCLUDING— Ladies' Dolmans, 'Jackets and 'ITIsters, & Maids' and Misses' Ulsters, all sizes, Mack and Gold sills and satin dress - goods, in all the newest colors and styles, plain and fancy Plushes, Hosiery, Gloves, &c. • —also A FULL LINE OF— Ready-made Clothing, Hats & Caps. All will be sold at Lowest Possible Prices. ChIngo of Buino::. Mr, John P Ross Has opened out a store in iViessrs. Trick and. Currency's Ohl Stand, and will sell goods at greatly reduced prices. New goods are Ileing added. .A callsolicited. JOHN P. ROSS. PUREST, STR HOESTe BESTs Ready for nse in any quantity, For making Soap, tiloftening Water, Mein- feethig, 4,ratb a hundred ether uses, A eau equale 20 pounds Sal Soda, Sold by all Grocer -tome' Druggists, Z.W.GILLETT. - TORONT an HELLO! MR. D. WH E PE ARE YCU GOING oh, 1 'am goipss back to the Crodifs Chap Sion wInorr STORE? i Why, 1VIn0HELL'A, of course! DOES HE SELL CHEAPLY? Why yes ; he has Ids store jam full of the best and cheapest goods in the village. Why Mr. D. you live so near. Exetet. ? Shoes you ever saw. lt astonished xne when I saw the large and Splendcd stock that he I know that she but back at Mitchell's I can get good goods at right prices. He has the cheapest and best stock of Boots Ss carries. He has everything usuallykept in a first-class general store. .Everything new & fresh and marked at rock bottom prices. Take my advice and give him a call, a's, he pays the highest price for butter andtms, at • J. 'MITCHELL'S CaEAP STORE, .Crediton, Ont. And examine Senior's Show Window, where you will see some firstclass pho- tos, equal to anycity Work.• N, THERE ! DID I NOT TELL YOU SO I , And you can rely upon getting value for your money everytime. ---- dabine t Photographs $3 a dozen. $1.50 FOR CARDS. . He also has a fine line of Photo Frames and Mats, at Right Prices. PICTURE FRAME MOULDING IN •• ALL STYLES. inrealI-- and — se,ent, JOSEPH SENIOR, Opposite H. Spackman's Thishop, CA L NG S Visitors to Exeter —Would do well to call and inspect— OU!? MAGNIFICENT STOOK OF DRESS -GOODS One of the Newest, Cheapest 8.5 Best Stocks in town. Black and Colored Cashmeres. Black and Colored Silks and Satins, Colored Plushes. Melton Cloths, Jarsey Cloaks, Black Dress Materials and Mourning Goods, Woollen shawls and Fascinators, in all Colors, • and prices, Also a fine range of Staples.- Fine lines of gloves in Kid, Cloth and Jersey. nosx:mxt-g- GOOD .A.SSORTIVIAN T AND EXTRA CHEAP, Gents' Furnishings.—Fine Display in Hats, Tins, Biacee, White jlnd Colored Handkerchiefs, Shit ta and Drawets. Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, Oval -coatings, Pantings.44 Suitings. PANTS MADE TO ORDER IN THE LATEST STYLES AND ftt THE LOWEST PBICES, BOOTS AND SLIOES.—A very large consigment just received, of tht -very best styles and quality, in Ladies', Gents' and Children's, ri CALL AND INSPECT, IT WILL NOT COST ANYTHING. Atoll line of Glassware and Crook- ' ery-ware always on hand. Our Crocery Department is Complete. Butter, Eggs end all kinds of Produce taken in exchange, and the very highest tn ice riid. CALL SOIJICITEni, .-.CARLIN:q.,....Moinis Exeter.