The Exeter Times, 1888-3-15, Page 5DISTRICT DOINOS, Pecurrauces of the Post week Them* Os out the Neighborhood ih is Concise Form. Saturday will be St. Patrick'e day. I firnaly believe Everest's cough Syrup saved the life of my wire.—Js. A. Fisher, Canalachie. Ont, Rev, Mr. Anderson, of Whiteohurch, has been chosen es ail assistant to Rev. Dr.Ure, of Knox Church, Goderioh. Dlr. Andrew Duncan, near Varna, haa a two.year-old heeee draught colt that turns the scales at 1350. Good weight for a horse even much older, alr Alex. Morton has been elected Councillor of Goderich in place of Jno. I3ut1er, by a majority ot 8 votes over Mr. F. Jordan. A,4' sure sign ot rain or that you re quit a dose or two of Dr. Carson's StOantah Bitters. Paine in the back and limbs, headache, feverish cold, oft recuring attacks of the bblues." Large bottles 50 cents. Mr. Everest, ,Forest. Dear sir, --- Please send me three bottles of your Cough Syrup; nothing seems to cure me but that. ---Mrs. Westhoover, Geod. land, Mich. • Try Dr, Carson's Stomach Bitters. If you are Dyspeptic. Try 1)r. Carson's Stomach Bitters. If Your liver is sluggish. "'fry Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters. Mr. and Mrs. White of the 10th con Blanshard, prior to their:departure for Manitoba, were last week presented respectively, with a silver watch and a beautiful set of china, by their framers in the neighborhood. They are both very highly respected. It is reported that an extensive man- ufacturer of agricultural implements has offered to locate in St. Marys, pro- vided the town gives Wm it boning, a" site whereon to erect his works, and tion from taxation for 10 exemp year. Contractors are sinking a well for the water works to be erected in God- erich this .summer. They have got down 90 feet and expect to 'conclude their labors by the middle of next summer. ' One day last week °apt McDonald of the stranded Kolfage, rode , from • Blake to Goderich, a distance Of 22 miles on a hand -sleigh drawn by a dog in less than five hours. Score one for the ever conceded worthless canine. The congregation of the Blyth Pres- byterian Church have decided by 163 to 23 that that nasty 'kat o' whistles,' yclet an organ, must he removed from • the Sunday School room, "as they can- not conscientiously send their children there while it remains." Miss Jackson, assistant in Papst's ookstore, Seaforth, was attacked by a footpad the other night and an attempt was made to wrest a satchel from her hand. Her screams brought assistance and the tobber fled. Mr. Peter Kelly, of Blyth, Ont., has reported to Detective McKee the loss • 'at a valuable stallion. air. McKee has ' information as to the whereabouts' of the anineal, and has informed Mr. Kelly that he can put his hand on him at any time. 134RING POWDEIIS. Tee beease Osseeixer, Tors es en ;nem Reeeeive Pusher. The reeent offipial theta in the States of various erticles of food have Attracted much Attention front the public and eaused a wide disellSBiOn in the newspapers, The freucle in the mann facture of ba king powders, and ilea determined .efforts to force -gardens brands of:alum pewdeeslupon the market, have caused the authorities of lieveral of the States to look particidsrly After this class of goods. The Ohio State Food Com- mission has ev emitted thirty different brae de and of these found twenty made from elem. Such a largo mumber waa uot Respected, nor was it supposed that some of the °retina of tartar and phosphate powders'whose man- ufaetni ere ere representing them to the public as pure and wholesome, had become eo deteriotated as they were found to be from the 11E0 of impure mmedieuts in their emnpounding. As many of these adulter- ated brand e are sold in the Dominion, the report possesses a local interest. The Ohio Commission made tests for strength and purity, and declared that baiting powder the best—as it was the pur. ese--whieh, being ot effective strength, con- tained residuum in smallest quantities. In the baking powders named the following percentages of residuinn or inert naatter were found; NANO. Ora CENT. OP REBIDOX, ETC.. Bey&'(Cream of Tartar Powder) 7.25 Olevelancrs Zip's Crystal (alum), , ......,11.99 Sterling... • . .... 12 63 Dr. Price's .. .. 12,66 Jersey (alum) . . . 16.05 Forest City (alum) Silver Star (alum) De Laud's 32.52 Here(ord'(Phosphate). . . ... 36.49 Kenton (alum) ..... .. 38.17 • 24.04 31,88 OM!HJ�NE Tire Proprietor of the Dominion Laboratory I Begs to announce. to his merneroue Mead aud patrous that ixo has just put in a fat —line of— Staple & Ferny Stationery, Accuunts Books and all kinds of &heel Requisites, Leto r and Ncte Paper, Fools Cap Paper, Account Paper, Colored TiEStieS Gilt Papers+, Drawing Pap- er, 1e1.15 and Peewits, And ate° a full lino of all the newest mid most popular WORKS -- OF — FICTION, All of which will be sold ee; the Lowes numerative rates. J. W. BROWNING,, 11,-)roP• The nature of the residnuni bears direotly upon the question of health. That in Royal is declared to be perfectly harmless. In the case of the alum powders it is considered hurtful, yet the emend found in three of of the cream of tartar powders—Cleveland's, Dr. Price' s+ and Sterliug--aversiged more than tbat in the Crystal, an alum powder. The imr °rhino of the information con- veyed by these figures can be best under - atom' by a simple conaparison. Take for instance the two first named powders—the , Royal and Cleveland's. The inert matter or residuum found inCleveland's is seen to be about 3 an 7 more than in the other, which is a difference of 40 per cent.. the Royal being purer than Clleveland's by a corresponding figure. The relative purity of all the brands can be computed in like ME1111.113T. The friends of Rev. A.Y. Hartley will - be pleased to learn that he has reach- ed Huntsville, Alabama, safely, and • reports his health slightly improved.. Huntsville is noted, ath H. says, for its excellent health giving qualities and bracir.g atmosphere. While driving his team across the • Grand Trunk Railway track at ‚the Winghana station Wednesday night, • Mr. Andrew Jobb, a farmer from Turn - bury, had a hue horse killed by the tender of a shunting engine backing over the crossing. Mr. Jobb had a enerovv escape. The sleigh was broken • and the other horse slightly inured. • Mr. E.T. flolmes, who has been con- nected with the Clinton Neve Era office tor several years, has started for Deser- 013 to, vvhere he takes charge of a hews - paper -office. Mr. flios.Passraore, late publisher of the Exeter Advocete, takes his:place. On Thursday afternoon Mr. Stewart • Campbell's fine black team drew from •the Avondale cheese factory, North East.hope, to the Baptist church prop- erty hetes the enormous load of 16,000 pounds (7i.tons) ot seine. Any aspi` rant to eminence In the teaming line is invited to beat this.--Aratford Lier- The Hanlan-Trickett race will be rowed June 13th. The race between Haitian and Kemp for the championship takes pl ‘ce May 5th. Representatives of the Ontario Salt Manufacturers' Association are urging the Government to grant a bounty of $1 a ton on all salt exporte4frem Canada. DO NOT BE DECEIVED. All baking powders are not equally good Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Powder is the purest and best, sold by all grocers. Shooks of earthquake were felt through- out Southern Ilerxegovine on Thursday. No damage done. . A.yer's Hair Vigor ,stintulates the hair to a vigorous growth. It contains all that Call be supplied to make the hair beautiful and abundant, removes dandruff, and renders thr hair flexible and glossy. An excess of animal food and a partial .f closing of the pores of the skin, dining the winter months, Cause the system to become impuritiete These can be removed and the blood purified and invigorated by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Price $1. THE TIME TO ACT. If you are troubled with headache, con- stipation, billiousness ore weakness, procure at once a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters and use it according to instructions. Prompt action is necessary in order that your trouble ratty be cured beforeit becomes ehronie. 34 PITA ST. OTTIwk, ONT' . May 3, '87. I ani pleased to state that Nasal Balm has already relieved my catarrh to a very great extent. I have not yet used one bottle, but ibe nallE0OUS droppings from head into throat have almost ceased. I breathe easy now; get better sleerii and alto- gether feel and appreciate the wonderful virtue of the "Babas." Rs merits cannot possibly be exaggerated for catarrhal tremb- les, and as a cure I believe it to be genuine. Yours esce, • JAMES G. TERNENT, • I have used Everest's Cough Syrup in my family for two years, and always found it an excellent remedy for coughs colds etc —J. H. Pottypiece, Ferest. Master 0. Swanson, of Goderich,who was so seriously hurt while sharpening a pencil, was operated on in Toronto last week. The boy was placed under • the influence of ether for the opera- tion, whioh occupied nearly an hour. There was some difficulty in removing th0 effects of the narcotic, otherwise, it is said, the medical action was suo. • cessful, and will probably preserve the boy's sight. The following telegram has been re- ceived by the Sheriff, aTheGovernoe- General directe the release of prisoner, George Porte from Middlesex County Jail. Release accorlingly. Letter by mail. 0. POwnf,P, under secretary of State." As a eons( quence Porte was at Once relerteesl. The order was given as a result ot inquiries into the prison er s physical condition. On Saturday last a larn3er was pro., ceiling froin Zurich to Hensel! With a load of wood, when the load upset and pinned him to the grotied, and had it not been for a young man who was pro. ceeding to the foemer village, he WoUld • have ched from the injury received, as he arrived on the scene only a few min. laths after the mishap. th Stretford on Friday Mr. Lorenzo l‘loes, of the 51h eon. of Downie. whe • had been unloading hay at Mr. Lloyd's hay.baliflg establishment, was found an his face on the load dead. His head was hanging over the front end of the load As if he lied been reaching for the linestie had been forking his load into the hayloft and no one saw him fall. The deceased Wag about 50 years of age. He wss ari old resident of DOwnie and a Mari of whom eVeryolle speaks in the highest term!. Viir C1111111 P 0 "Sr D . . Are pleasant to t ke. Contain their own Enrgative. Is a 1, $41,`. acoLual 4110rvierof worra.4 jLOuildren ot Adults Dress.Ma,king! Mrs. Biesett 'and Miss Welsh beg to in- form the public that they are openiug Out business, and clan be found on the corner of William arid Gidley streets. Dressmaking done in all the Styles. Iicssons oneFanny Work given.—Stamping a specialty. Orden promptly attend- ed to. A call solicited. Latest • MOST IISEFT.IL. L. A Hanson, of Bowrnanville, Ont,, says he has found Burdock Blood Bitters to be a good medicine for Liver Complaint, DiZEi- nese, headache and dimness of vision. • B. B.B. improves the appetite, aids digestion and gives renewed strength to the worn out system. Railroad traffic in Eastbrn Galicia is en- tirely suspended on foment of heavy storms. Semberg is completely isolated. CANNOT BE EXCELLED • I have pleasure in saying that Hagyard'e Pectoral Baleare cannot be excelled for miring coughs, colds and loss of voice. It cured my brother completely. So says Ira MoNead of Popular Hill, Ont., regarding this popular remedy. • The Executive Committee of the Quebec Brtinch of the Dorciniou Alliance have de, aided to ask for an amendment to the li- °tinge law makiug alt persons under 21 years of age minors, instead of 16 years, ,he present iiinit' IT SELDOM FAILS, J. D. Cameron, of Westlake, Ainslie, Cape Breton, had inflamatory rheumatism which Haw/aril's Yellow Oil cured after all other treatments had felled. Hagyardis Yellow Oil cured after all other treatments bad failed. Ilagyarcl's Fellow Oil is sold by all dealers in medicine. Ihe first C. P. IL train feorn Eastern Canada for three daye reacre Ai nmpeg Motday. The Prince of Wales has returnedto London. , Toronto, Montreal and other Canielin (Atka mimed the oruttial 41n of March with out serious financial miehap. In North Dufferin, Manitoba, ma Monday, W. H. Glenclinnig, Conservative,and R. A, Roble. Reformer, were netninated. A POSTMATER'S OPINION. "I have pleasure in certifying to the use+. fulness of Hagyard's 'Yellow 011," writes D. Kavanagh, postmaster of tinfraville, Ont. Having used it foie sorenesa of the throat, colds, burns, etc., I find nothing equal to it. Mr Snelling, an Eeglish Hume Ballo advocate, heti been arrested at Limerick for offences euder the Crimes Act. REMOVAL MR. T. DEARING- will occupy hienew premises, one door south of 'FLUBS office (lately vacat- • ed by C. Tom, where HE WILL SELL HIS ENTIRE STOCK ---AT— LBSE THAN ACTUAL COST He is hound to reduce his stock and will give, bargains never before heard of in Exeter. -s Geis well assorted ausl everything fresh. No shelf -worn goods in stock. BARGAINS FOR YOU FOR YOUR NEIGHBORS! BA.RGAII1S FOR ALL! _ , Remember and call early and bring the cash along with you, for which you will receive more than full,,value. T. DEARING-, Exeter, Dec. 8. FA iq SON'S BLOCK. Thtt Great !English 1Preseriptitm. A suocessful Bledieine used over • l'ears in thousands of eases, Corea ,enermaterrliece NertlaSS Weaknees, ffinissfens, inmoteney end all dfseaeres ensed by abuse. arramerl indiscretion, or Ovor-eXtartion, fAsTeal Six packages Ceirarcratesa to Cure Wien ad others FoiP. Ask your Drnegist for Was Gress, kInglitth krescription, take no substitute. one peckage Si. Six $5, by men. Write for Parupeiet. Address eilueelen Chemical Co,,. Oetre0, A POSITIVE, GUak, ron CATARRH. GrgEs Immediate NM von Coldloilead, HAY FEVER., . gASY TO list. rot x ertuff, Powder or Irritatteg Isiquie. Price ttloLs, and $1.00. If not obtainable at your drug, gists, sent prepaid on receipt of price. Addresa FLILFOLID. VO-2 Smote/ill°, Ont. Ati on on a XINEPZIRIAL MILLS WOOD ELAM. The unclerslenee would respeetfaily inter e he oonareunity,that they have leased the above mills for n term of years ; and will be pleased th hey° a call from all. The mill has recently „heen improved, by the addition of new maeh. nacry. It te She intention of t'Ae sobscribers to add a sot of rolls as soon as possible ; and all combined, the Woodham Grist Mill • Will be second to none in the West. —X—X— Gristing and Chopping Done Promptly. Fresh oatmeal constantly on hand for sale or exchanged. for oats. SATIGrACTION GUARANTEED. eer A TRIAL SOLICITED. , J. 86 A. MoNEVIN, --CURES— Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Kidney Troubles, Rheumatism Skin Diseases —and all - Impurities of the Blood from what- ever cause orisiag Female weakness &General debility Palely Vegetable, Highly on centrated, Pleasant and effectual to use. —ASK FOR— DOCtOr Hodder's Compound. Take no other, Sold everywhere. Pelee 75 cents per bottle. DR. 1-10 DDER' S Cragli Lung Cure Sold Everywhere. Price, 25 cents mad 50 cents per bottle. Proprietors and Maitfrs, the Union Medicine Company, Toronto Canada. WILL. cuRg OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, • DIZZINESS, DROPSY FLUTTERING OF THE HEART, ACIDITY OF NDIGESTIO JAUNDICE, ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, • DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every species of disease arising from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH, BOWEL.q )17 BLOOD. V. MILBURN & ca NOVA SCOTIA NEWS. "I had Sordfula on my lleek very bed for two yeare, End tried all remedies and doctors lint did not get any help mail I got a heal Of your Bnidockmoati Bitters wh'ell curede me of it entirely," lemon CoOltrane, Fox River, Cuisaberland Co,. NeS, • RALLAIEGRE1 Expectorant! The high character ofthis old medicine al a sure remedy for Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung Troubles is repeatedly confirmed by the gratifying, erettiful and unsolicited testimony received Efrom those who have been benefitted by its use. READ THE FOLLOWING ; Me. S. J. VI/meows, Toronto, writes:— "1 hey° used. Hallamore's Expectorant hi my family foe Coughs and Colds, for thir- teen years and,would not be without ie." 25 et. Bottle. Mn. 0. 0. SMITII; Car Thepeetor, Galt, writes 1— Send Me One deliar's Worth of Halite inoree Expecterant. I cannot get ahing Without it. GO TO tuTz's DItlOG STORE FOR A 'QUEEN. pi:Ty OIL WOBKS PP LESS 011 At TOrOntoAgvery 'Barrel Guaranteed. This+ Oil was need on all machinery during the. Exhibition. It hasi beau awarded. NINE GOLD MEDALS during the last three years If"See that you get Peerless+. It is only made by sAavrtrzL, itoarns 1;r4CQ., ''Z'OVLONTO FOR t:3ALE 13Y JAS. PrOliARI). NORM. Vg9f' tata The whole system is, deranged and out of Sorts, The blood is impure, pimples, boils and liver sprts appearing on the face and body. The liver is clogged an d inaedve, causing fa- tigue, loss of appetite.a dull. Moony, tired -feel- ing ,with to do work. the complexion is fallow and intiddy. audit is nbsolntely ne- beersestmery,to emoy .good 1; ealth, to take the cote - d ' re You Looking The cheapest spot il) tov n for Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Paints, Oils and Glass, dsc., ‘ne., if you are, just call at BISSETT BROS. We are now offering the halanee.of our stock of Axes, oroso.cat saws, Lamps and Tabular Laeteins, at cost fo 0 ID.A.:Y‘S 01\1-1;Y". We would call your attention to a few of our specialties :--- A Handsonne Brass Library Lamp, - - $2 50 A Large Glass Stand Lamp, new design el I. 00 A Good Tubular Lantern - $0 50 A Good Axe and Beadle $1 00 An A 1 Manure Vork - - 00 80 And everything at Bock Bottom Trion for Cash. — A full stook of the following lines always on land'.—Barb wire, Plain Galvanized, An. ardent and allkd wiee, and Buckthorn Fencing. .Dr. CHASE'S, Mandrake, Dandelion lAver Cure, which puri- fies the blood by stimulating the Liver, aiding digestiou and promoting ft nutuvl evacuation of the bowels. Mendralte snd Dandelion are two of tbe best isiver regritaters known,. alld all medical men agree that the Liver as. of more vitnl importance to health that the Iteatt and Lungs. If the Llyer is torpid or in- active, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Readttehe,Clos- tiveuess. etc. will result L-I-V-E- Complatnt,Eldney and Urtuary Trouble. J aun- dice, Liver Spots, tin puro Blood, Foul. Bat reh. are quickly cured by Di. Ohn,se's Manclvalua Dandelion Liver • C 11:7 it E. When tb e Kidneys are diseased, overtaxed tend 'weakened, one or two bottles are gear- entood to :Aire. Mr. Alex, 'reylor, west Gwie- lirabiwy, NUB troub1e:1 for yenrs with kid- ney disease, was compelled to rise 5 end 13 times through the night to urinate, suffered intin1Se pain, and was finally mired after all other remedies. end physieirins had failed, by using three bottles, 5000.000 SOLD! Over on e-hoei minion of DT. °hese s Reeeipt a ooks have beun sold in Canada alone, and we wnnt every pSn'son troubled with levee emu. plaints and Kidney diseases, etc., to try Chase Liver Cure. Wrapped around every bottle is a, valuable • RECEIPT -BOOK FREE Nn 1 y's tlleb, house or holism en *mile be without lpio book, the finest cenection of reci- oetsm t, The Indies' dorm tment gtv esro- oeipts for benutifying the complexion. Ning- It olio O chreoreem of Bounty, May • now, Te 1$ TeCkleS, Sunburn, 11 nir DY0E and Promo ter$, Tooth powdoi s, M7,141117 8, t, xldan tinarllyo for bleaching dark lutir to rt golden hue, Itlyle or Lustre. etc „ etc, sohi by all all denlera at $1.. Buy a bottln. The bOolt alone 15 worth ton Mines the cost of the ineeaciee, Try Dr, 011115e'0 Kidney Liver ?MR , the only pill made 'acting diveettg on the reiano,ve, Liv- er and 136wels, Prioe SOs, Seidby all deal- ers. 'et ON YOVR GTIAltla Don't allow a cold lit bead to siowly and stitely develop into catarrh, Acht1/1 you can be cored for Cie, by using Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure, 3 few atonic titions 000 itsipient cit t- ttrelt ; 1 to 2 boxes core ordinary Catarrh2 fe t; bolos la guaranteed to cave (throb ic cat'ttrib. ty it, tentv 25c. and 511k0 eine, Heving purchased our supply of Binder Twine early we are now in a position to supply at the lowest possible price. A full stone of tinware of all kinds always in stock. Eavetroaghing and roofing a spec- ialty. Agents for the B dell Metalic Shingle Roofing. Ask for priees. Agents for the celebrated Raymond Sewiug adenine. 13ISSETT BROS., Exeter. 0 81 .4,11.111•11, eel; 4..`• eee es 1 ,ee. b <>'6 CZ' e c* -c• . 0 40 oc, <ce ,3,.c.„se. 4... .c. es .. ..e, . ea 0-t90 e.,ee\- „ dc'.! .. .2, 4. ,(-- \\,o ....0.2 ofi e".s> ee, e, v es' ,z5e., e+,e,s scee,c% , • 4„ .,. 40 ,,,, 0 1 N b• • K.C‘. ‘P i' SICN 41.1. e , 0 00 0.1 .,... x> 1 ' .4 6. s...s5" c„.0 „AC) ,cp ...<5•11 es es. Manufactured only by Thomas Rollaway, 78, New Oxford Street, ').• late 533, Oxford -Street, London. Of Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots,. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. Change of Adv, 'next week. • JAMES PlICKARD. 030.......ts..amm. gemm...,....isreerm• no:4**ov urnit re & ndertaking — - We would call the attention of She people of Exeter and turrouneing eountry to the fact that we, having purchased tee stock and business of WILLIA.M DREW are offer- ing special iedueements in ' Parlor Setts, Piain aim Fancy Tables, Springs and, 1.11attre8ses Itedroont Setts, 'Wood. Cane & eeriorated Chairs, Book cases. 'Writing DeSits, S1(tcbOardS, Wlisetnots, Cradles, Ralistanils. And an Endless Variety it Beds, isureatts, cupboards, ..*e. Our Stock ot Lumber is Large and Thoroughly Stoselled, end., having haa exteradve experieriee in the' leading factories of tee Dornieion, wo can guarantee Sty Veli and Stu viceable Premien e. Our Stock of Undertaking Goods is the Largest in tho County, and. oar Hearse hese, equal horth af London, Stanfill attention will be paid to this breuch bf the businees,s everyone will find us prompt and reliable lateness REPAIRING OF ALT., KINDS PROMPTLY ArrtiNoBo To. Remember the Stand, One Door North of Molson5s13attlL izteovta c2A Ancl.Tows