HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-3-15, Page 3gta egtitla gi1310. 1.11UR8DAY, MARCI 1tIi, 1888, TOO VISII3LE A DODGE. Ti• e true friends of temperaece acknowledge that their best op- portunity of securing legislation favorable to their views, is to keep the matter free from party politics • and treat it as a moral and social question in which those of both political parties, having temper. ance principles, can unite. True .temperance, however, passed from Aew when a Reform politician sees a chance of gaining a -little party capital, and of -embarrassing op- ponents., Such was the case with lion. D. Mills in the House of Commons last week, when he moved an aniendment to the Scott Act, without having had instruc- tions from the Dominion Alliance to do so: No other rriotive promp- ted Mr. Mills to mave the emend - m ent, than to embarrass the gov- ernment. It has, we believe, always been the aim of the Do- minion Alliance to keep the tem- per.a.e ce movement from becoming a pelitical machine, bm Mr. Mills grasps it and adapts it to that purpose. In his attempt to em: barrass the governnient and its temperance supporters in the House, he has signally failed, the temperance members ot the gov- ernment being alive to,his deeply laid scheme and without any hesitancy voted against the motion burying it out ot sight, as it should be. True tempera.nce people will conclude"that Mr. Mills was justly rebuked by the House for meddling with questioes entirely out of order and with which he bad no right nor instructions to interfere EDITORIAL NOTES. AT the recent election in West Middlesex, the town at Stiathroy gave Dr. Roome a majority of 64, while at the general election in '87 Mr.: Camera scored 23 i-ihead. The same may be said of a major- ity of the towhships. Middlesex, does riot hatker after Commercial Urtion. Uwo carloads of silk from China ia the Canadian Pacific Railway, •passed through Ottawa on Friday en route for New York. The con- tents of the two cars were valued • at $230,000, Several other ship. ments of silk for the American mar ket are en route from China. The 00.,pcl: R. is fast becoming a popular a Tem ,Franchise Bill introduced • in the Oxitario Legislature by.' the Attorney -General, the other day, is claimed by the Liberals to be a great and =portant advance on their part. It is certainly, a com- mendable move; but why was it tot adopted long ago, when Mr. Meredith introduced a similar measure ? Simply, because the goveritment knowing that it was • presented by the Opposition, but at the sarne time realizing it to be a worthy Bill, and wishing to cap- ture all honor, accordingly voted it down. Such is not consistent. As the 13i11 provides, everyenale of 21 • and over, whu is fit for citizenship, is entitled to vote. THERE has • recently beep erected in .• the North-west, a colony of Mormans of about stxty souls. They arrived overland from Ptah last June, and their number is sup- posed to have increased consider- ably by the at rival of other farnib ies. Mormans make excellent peoneers-they are frugal, sober and industrious, and providing they keep the law of the land no person in Caeada would attempt to debar their eittrance. Many of them, it is said, are fugitives from Utah, • which territory they had to lea.ye owing to their persistency in prac tising polygamy, some of them having bit Valuable farms rathet that) give up their illegal practice. The government authorities rill do well to look after these immigrants and see that they do not continue their practise of polygamy here. They must be made to understand that this is not a c,tuntry for pol- ygamists, and the Sooner they ute derstand it the better for the couu try. Polygamy grew to gikantic -proportions in the United States from a much smaller begiettitig. The Emperor ot Germany died on Thut:eday at a ripe age. The Emperor's successor is the Crown Prince, who is in hie 57th year. The eldest son of the Crown Prince Prince William, who will succeed his father, DOW stricken with a fatal disease, was 29 years old on the 27th of ,January, A few days ago the new Emperor lay in a foreign country at the point of death, it was thought, and to -day he is the ruler of one of the fore- most nations of the earth, which seemed hardly possible.. If the disease from which he suffers could be eradicated there would be gen- eral joy in Germany because of the new kieg. THE first vote this session in which the strength of the govern- ment was in any way , called in question, took place on Tuesday rught,when a resolution on the part of Mr. D Mills was defeated by a majority or 52. As it was not an- ticipated that the issue (one relat- ing to the enforcement of the $cott Act) would have been made to do duty on party grounds, not a few of the supporters of the government were absent. The true majority may be said to range from 62 to 65 with a prospect that it will become yet stronger. The Globe's major- ity ot one i,s fast fading away. The Toronto Globe of yesterday publishes an article on the Mani- toba situation. The worthy dea- con hints at •the possibility of another red river rebellion. Wonder if the editor is cognizant of the fact that a conspiracy to rebel, exists in that Province, and that the public would not be sur- prised were an outbreak to occur at any time. The people of Mani- toba made money out of the late rebellion and they no doubt enter- tain the idea that they Could do so again. We might add too, that if the deacon intends lending,- the rebels a helping hand he had better not get too near the front as brush heaps for hiding places are fewer in that counay that they were in the county of York in '37, where, it is said, a near relative of the deacon found them convenient as places of concealment from danger. AT the general election in 1887 Dr. Room (Conservative) was elected tor West -Middlesex by a majority of los over Mr. Cameron (Liberal) who had previously re- presented the constituency in the Federal House. Charges ofbribery and corruption were preferred against Dr. Roome ; none of them were sustained, but upon a slight technicality he was unseated. On Saturday last the election took place, the doctor contesting the ridieg against Mr. Elliott, whom the Reformers selected instead of Mr. Calneron, the former being deemed the stronger man. Ihe result of the voting was that the doctor waare elected by au increas- ed majority of 117. Since the gen- eral election there have been up- wards of nineteen bye -elections. Of this Dumber the Remmers have succeeded in only retaining four, while the remainder, includ- ing the four Conservative constitu- encies, the members ot which were • unseated, have been captured by the Conservatives, increasing the government's majority by about fifteen. Still the majority of the people of Canada are in favor of Commercial intercouse with the U and radically opposed to the present Administration I THE Scott Act repeal petition fot Huron county, has been amended to the satisfaction of the govern- ment, and the vote on the petition will take place on the e9th proximo. The Scott Act advocates have re- organized to fight against the re peal, while the anti' S appear to be making no special effort to have their petition carried into effect, and seem quite satisfied with the lucrative,business they are at pre- sent doing. . The fight, therefore, does not. give promise of being a keen or interesting, one. The law has been in force in Huron county for nearly three years, sufficiently long, we presume, to give Ally in- tlligent elector an idea as to whether it has been to the best in- tprests of the county. As to the law we cannot say that it is perfect but we Cab afiiren that the SCott Act has not been enforced in th1S Constituency, neither hats it •prO cluced the good results that it was at one time promised it would achieve. The electors of Huron are broad-minded enough, and have had ample knowledge ot the better or worse results of the law table them to form their own con .litsions, wtthout dictation from us, Therefore we leave it with them, NoweiNotes. Li the pocket of a men found frozen to death in the last Dakota, blizzerd was an article cut from a newepeper,: eigned by the dead man's own name, giving live in- dicatione aka the winter would be warm and open, with not enough enow itt Da- kota to cover the vheat, Life would 1111vd. ebeen a burden to him anyho:v. after his prophecy had blown out its cylinder Judgment was given Friday in Toronto, by the Queen's Bench Divisional Court on application in the ScottAct cese of Queen vs. Bush to (plash convietion of the de- fendant on the ground that local legielue tures have no right under the &Well North Ameripa Act to appoint police magistrates, The application was die - missed with costs, thue confirming the authority of the Provincial Legislatures in this matter. The case will likely to carried to a higher court. The annual report of the Minister of Railways and Canale shows that during the fiscal year 1880-.87 there was expeilded on canals, for constructioe, the sum of $1,873,193.22; for repairs, $199,537.80; for Staff and maintenance, $285,172,62, On railways, $3,313,983,91 for constreetion, and $3,l 52„649.40for staff and mutton- ance-a total expenditure on tailways and (lanais; for construction, ef 0,187,177.13; repairs, $199„537.80; and for staff and maintenance, $3,437,822.02. The loss of working Goverment railways last year resebed km11,901.62. Last week a respectable Toronte-Vidow with a child, advertised in a Toronto paper for a situation as house-keepee. The advertisement was answered by a pretended Kincardine fernier, about 27 years of 'age, who said if she suitedshe would have egood home with him,and requesting her to come on to Hamilton, where he would meet her. 'Phe woman did as direeted, and was met by the bogus farmer, who used considereble suavity, and held out matrhnonial inducements to the widow, saying she wae just what be required. Be boards at the Allison house and registered as man and wife. Next morning he 'disappeared, leaving her without means:She is being looked tatet by the Dominion Immigrant Agent. Bolero's', Ont, March 10. -Some time yesterdaY- forenoon Mr. and Mrs. John Foriater, living about two miles item this village, were brutally assaulted by their hired MEM,. whose name is Preston. He ,first assaulted Forister while in the bush, hacking aud fracturing his skull with an axe in a frightful manner. He then re- turned to the house and attacked Mrs. Forister with a fire poker. . Both were found about three hours afterwards in an unconscious state. It is likely that For- ister will die. Mrs. Forister may, live, Preston was arrested lastnight and is now committed for trial - PORT )1'01101,1'. Mich,., Mch. 10 -The polies made a raid on it house on Seventb street, and arrested. Slocum and Miss Slocum, of th s city, and. Pete. Greenwood and wife, of Wallaceburg Ont., who were here visiting the Slocules. • The' officers found moulds,labels, metals, acid and a complete 'counterfeit Canadian 25 cent peioes. They else secured a memor- andum book, showing transactions be tween the Slocums and Beacroft, Ernest and Mack, who were arrested here some months ago for counterfeiting. There were memoranda showing that several Port Huron saloon keepers were handling the bogus money' . San Francisco, March 10. --The, Hong Kong Mall, copies of which were received • here by last night's China steamer, gives a description of the earthquake in the Province of Yunnan Deuember 15, and is indicative of • frightful mortality. The disturbances were extremely violent, being continued at irregular intervals for four days. The departniental city is said. to have been reduced to a mass of ruins, scarcely a house escaping damage and over 5,000 inosons are reported to have been killed by felling,buildings. Many of them were buried under the ruins, while the member of injured is too large for computation. At the prefectural City of Lemon the -effects of the earthquake were scarcely lesi disastrous. At this place when the shock was beingfelt en enormous chasm opened in the eat th and water was thrown out from its depths. At Lo Chan in Chuen, a striking change has been canied in the appearance of the country, large tracks of land being swallowed. up and tbe surface changed into a, lake. • In Lo Chan more then 10,000 persons are said to have -perished. Mr. Joseph Chamberlain presided at it concert given 'oa the steamer Umbria and made a speeph on the occasion. He said the •fiaheries dispute had been settled on a basis far more satiefactory than he had expected. 'Exceptions would doubtless be taken to many provisions of the treaty, but only by parties who oppose the res pectave Governments concerned. 'Un- prejudiced judgment will infer that a jr-re compromise was the ruling principle in the treatment of the negotiations. It was not to be expected that a treaty giving an unqualified advantage to one side would be acceptable to the other. But it was it good augury when both sides grumb- led, as it showed that each side bed made a sacrifice to achieve a satisfactory „con- clusion. He spoke in the highest terms of the kindness and hospitality he receive - ed at the hands of the Americans with whom he came in contact. Mr. Oherrib er- lin, replying to addresses presented to him at Liverpool to -day, said that nothing could have.heen mire barbarous than for England to have had recourse to violent' methods to settle the Canadian as bevies dispute. He believed that the Co mmis- sion had arrived a,t a fair and hon orable. arrangement whin Canaan, would ap p rove , and could not but third: that the Ameri- can Senate was prepared to meet tie e treaty on its merits. BORN. Freetineen.--In Stephen, on the 12th ins 1, the wife of Matthew Pinkbiner, j r, of it daughter. MARRIED . Som nnvales-.Tnoetreox --Ott Wedeoa day Mareb 711i, by the Rev. A. Grant, at the yesidence of the bride's father, M. W. It. Soinetville, of Dekota, to Miss J F Th onie son, of St. Marys. 'CUOZINIt—GAIJUSAIIII--At the residence o the Inide'e fittliee, on Fehruney 281h, by the Rev J, A, Turnbull., 13,A., LAB, Mr, Adam Crozier, of Downie, to Maggie danghter of Mr. John Galbraith, of St. Marys. 00 tile Orli int, George White, nod 81 yee and 11 Mos, Absolutely Pure. Thil3 powder never varies A marvel of pur- ity, strength aud wholesomeimss. More e004- omical than the ordinary kinds 3.nd cannot be sold in competitionwith the multitudes of low tOSt, Short weight, alum or phosphate powers. Sold only in eas.--ItOYA,D BAI;- INOVOWDEB CC.. 100 Wall street N. 'Y mossissesosicos,=====, VOU1214 SALE REGISTER. WEDNESDAY, Meilen 28111,-,---Fa.rin Stook and Implements, the prop- erty of Wm. Spence, Lot rr, Con, 9, t'p of Bla.nsharcl. Sale at One o'clock. ti. BROWN, AU.0 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2 IST.—F arm • Stock, Implements, &c., the property at Richard P. Eastcott Lot r, con. A., Stephen, near Greed Bend. Sale One o'clock. H. EILBER, AUC. FRIDAY, MARCH r6.—Farm Stock, Implements, 8zo., the property of John andThos Ryan, Insolven ts, Lot 22, S B con., t'p of Stephen. Sale 1 O'Cl0:.k. H. SILBER. AUC. The attempt to regulate the price of seed grain by legislative enactment is en- croaching on dangerous ground. if the price of one article can be regulated by law, why not of all? Scott Act eleetions on Thursday, April 19 in Dundas, Glengarry, Huron, Simeoe and Stormont. Anvion ro MOTICEILS.—Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by it sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a 'bottle of "Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer im mediately Denend upon it, mothers ; there is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflamxnetion, and gives tone and • energy to the whole system. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to tho taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the' world. Price twenty-five cents a bottle, Be sure and ask. for "fans. Wrssnoves P"OTIIIITO "nnd take no other kind. • CONSUMPTION CUltED: An old physician,retired from practice, having had placed. in his bands by an East Indian missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for -the speedy and perma- nent 'cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca- tarrh, Asthiria and all throat and lung affeetions, 0.180 a positive and radical cure for Neryous Debility an.tiall Nervous Com- plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands ofeases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his sufferingfellows. Actuatedby tIliS lay:Mite ands. desire to relieve num an suffering, I w.:,1 send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe,in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by address:ng w ith stamp, nailillg this paper. W.A .1,Tozni 149 Power's Moot' ncohoster,,N 7 The Principle --OF— Tn. CARPE FOR THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT, CHOICEST PATTERNS, AND BEST VALUE IN ONTARIO, ---GO TO -- 7! BEJTTiE az CO 7S "Where you will '1341 carpets of all makes and qualities, and tb.e lowest cash prices. Hemp Carpets, Union Carpets'All-wool Carpets, Tapestry i Carpets Balmoral Carpets, Brussels Carpets, • Anglo-wilton Carpets, (borders to match.) (- Don't fail to visit the Largest Carpet House of the+est, Thos. Beattie & Co's) 176 & 178 DUNDA.S-STREET (East of Richmond-st. LOT DON, CONT. COLD MEDICATED. • nead Office, 215 Yonge-st.. Toronto. N. WASHINGTON • (M. D. L. 0. P. S. 0.) Eminent Throat and Lung Surgeon, Will visit the Central Rotel Exe- ter, March 20, 1888, 0 XE I DdlY ONL1. COMX EARLY. CONSULTATION Peen. NAIVIBS AND ADDRESSPS OP PATIENTS CURED BY DR, WASHINGTON'S NEW METHOD. ILS, Dean, Bridgenorth, Ont., catarrh, head and throat. Mrs, Joseph Byre, Eitaballs, Ont., reineving growth from nose, Mr. Stephenson (boiler feundry)Petrolia,Onte catarrh. Mrs. M. Cornish,Yallaceburg, Ont.., asthma, and consumption, Mrs. MeLaundress, Iona, catarrh of the throat. Mrs, t Lan sieg and son ,ICingston , catarrh & oetarrhel deafness. 1VIre, Ralph Ohember, Aylmer, Ont., catarrh, throat. afr.,f es Ptnberson, Nevem eo , Ont„ bron. chitis ' Johit A, Little, Dundelk, Oat., catarrh. Joan 111. Itereey,13adgeroes, P 0, catarrh,bad form. . A. I) • Deli Ws see , Wallaeoburg,Ont„catattet head and throet. Robert el en zes, Wareham, Ont. ,catarrInh ead teed throat. _ Edith Pierce, S trathrose, onte onlat.,ed ton- sils. SY. Lindsay, Petrolde, Ont., catarrh. Atra..john,rau,vyner, 3n t.,catarrb , head k throat. Mt- it, Noble, cwellor and tatehmaker, trolia,,catarrh , throat. II. MeColl. M., Strathroy, Ont.. broncho consumption, W II Storey. of Storey 4t Son, prominent glove numnfacturorS of Acton Ont. uredby Dr.Washington of catarrh of tbo throat,' bad form, and pronounced incurable bY eminent sPeambstsm Oanado.o.nd England. IiIrrit e him for particulars. veby 6,1&18' lommolorgyeannolimapie•la,mse,Mida. FARMERS & "VIILLMEN --USE ONLY— McCOLL'S CELEBRATED Lardine Machine 0.1 011 The Olci Established. M'COLL BROS. &- CO ezeFOR SALE BY BISSETT BROSetea SOLE MAN'F'RS, TORONTO OelOrAl One Door South of Post Office ---HE HAS -- A NEW AND COMPLETE :—STOCK Boots & Shoes Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. G -EO. MANSON, JOHN BRAWN, TZBERTAKER CABINET-MAKER, Walnut dz. Rosewood Caskets ALSO COFFINS 01' EVERT DESORIPTIM4. A Complete Stook of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FITRNISE.ED CON- DUCTED AN Low RATES. My stock of Furniture is Un- excelled.. t.GIVE ME A CALL JUST RECEIVED :-- Fresh Codfish, Fresh Haddock, 85 Salt Water Herring, ` DIRECT FROM PORTLAND, 111 LTNE WE ARE STILL SELLLNG OUR STOCK OF GROCERIES AT GREATLY RE- DUCED PRICES. CALL AND SEE S. C. HERSEY. KIRKTON The balance of this monthand all through March we will continue • Our .! Cleaving Sale. 21 lbs. 50c tea, $1 00, . 12 gran. sngar, .01 00., Soda 4: ets, per pound Sulphur 4 ets, pound It will pay you to drive 10 or 12miles to gee our batgains. BUTTER 19 CENTS PER POUND. • 25 pr, men's felt booteabandbelow cost. 1 dozovetcoate tt tl it 311) IATLICAOL. CREAM TARTAR PUREST, STRORCESTe BEST, . . ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES,or any injurious materiats. TORONTO, ONT, EWGILLETT OHIO ..t.GO, ILL. lealeer of 'As CBLEBEATBD BOYALVEAote atm OEN TRAL Dru Store A full stock of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition. • Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at Central Drug, Store EIceter. c. LUTZ 500 TV135 Butter Wanted J. Matheson, EXETER NORTH, Our Stock 'is Well Assortk FOR THE snA.80N'S TRADE. LOW PRICES STILL MAINTAINED GROCERIES r 16 lbs.:sugar $1.00; 13 lbs. white sugar), $1 We o an't be undersold in Tens froin to 75e. per )300t3 86 Shoes All Styles at Low Prices A. nicely awl -tee stock of HARDWARE. FORKS, SCYTHES and GLASS all sizee (Cheap.) Best Medlin Oil 60a per Gal. COAL OIL AS LOW AS THE 1.01YEST ra" A nice Tea Sett of 44 Piecee, 0.75. gooel suit of reedy -made Olothing ;or $6 Ordered snite got tip tit Good Style. Our Ohess Good are mat ked down to the Lowest Notch, COTTON, 20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAi A House and Lot, also a kerne for Sale Apply to JOHN itt&TH:E BON. •• Hay P. O.